Section 1 That Section 118-40 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom Section G ana
relettering the remaininq portions thereof accordingly
Section 2 That Section 118-41 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom Section G and
relettering the remaining portions thereof accordingly
Section 3 That Section 116-41 1 of the Cooe of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom Section C and
reletterinq the remaining portions thereof accordingly
Section 4 That Section 118-42 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom Section G ana
relettering the remaining portions thereof accordingly
Section 5 That Section 118-43 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended b� deleting therefrom Section G ana
relettering the remaininq portions thereof accordingly
Section 6 That Section 118-44 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom Section G ana
relettering the remaining portions thereof accordingly
Section 7 That Section 118-45 of the Coce of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom Section C and
relettering the remaining portions thereof accordingly
Section 8 That Section 118-46 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, ano it he-eby is, amended by deleting therefrom Section C ana
relHttering the renaming portions thereof accordingly
Section 9 That Section 118-50 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom Section E
Section 10 That Section 118-51 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, ana it hereby is, amended by aeleting therefrom Section E
Section 11 That Section 118-61 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom Section E and
relettering the remaining portions thereof accoraingly
Section 12 That Section 118-62 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom Sections E and
F and relettering the remaining portions thereof accordingly
Section 13 That Section 118-63 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom Section C
Section 14 That Section 118-70 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom Section B
Section 15 That Section 118-71 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom Section G and
relettering the remaining portions thereof accordingly
Section 16 That Section 118-72 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom Section C
Section 17 That Section 118-73 B of the Cooe of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deletinq therefrom Section 4 and
renumbering the remaining portions thereof accordingly
Section 18 That Section 118-83 J of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom Section 4 and
renumbering the remaining portions tnereof accordingly
Section 19 lhat Section 118-83 U (i) of tree Code oT the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom Section e and
relettering the remaining portions thereof accordingly
Section 20 That Section 118-11 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom the definition
of off-street parking
Section 21 That Section 118-81 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by the deletion of Section D and the
substitution therefor of a new Section D to read as follows
"§118-81 D Off street parking and vehicular use
area regulations For the purposes of this Chaoter,
off street parking area or vehicular use area snall
refer to all off street areas and spaces designed,
used, required or intended to be used for the parking,
storage, maintenance, service, repair, display or
operation of motor vehicles, including driveways or
access+lays in and to such areas, out not including
public streets and rights of clay For the purpose of
this Chapter, landscaping shall refer to any combina-
tion of living plants, such as trees, shrubs, plants,
vegetative groGnd cover and turt grasses , ano may
include natural non-living elements such as rock,
stone and bark, as well as structural features includ-
ing, but not limited to, walls, fences, benches, works
of art, reflective pools and fountains
(1) General requirements Any off street parking or
vehicular use area shall meet the requirements as
set forth in the following subs,ections
(a) Access Unobstructed vehicular access to
and from a public street shall be provided
for all off street parking spaces Vehicu-
lar access shall be provided in such a
manner as to protect the safety of persons
using such access or traveling in the public
street from which such access is obtained,
and in such a manner as, to protect the
traffic carrying capacity of the public
*rept f-om which Such access is, n'itained
(b) Circulation Adequate provision shall be
made for the safe and efficient movement of
vehicles and pedestrians in any vehicular
use area Parking spaces, access drives,
traffic control devices, sidewalks, curb-
cuts , and all otner elements of parking
lot layout shall be properly designed in
confarirance with City specifications
(c) Location
(i ) Required off street pdrhinq spaces
shall be located on the sane lot or
premises as the building or use for
which they are required, unless such
,paces are provided collectively by
two or niore buildings or us,es on
adjacent lots in a s,ingle parking
area located within the boundaries of
those adjacent lots and the total
number of parking spaces sipplied
collectively is equal to the number
of spaces required by this Chapter
for each use con-idered separately,
or unless an alternative location is
approved by the City
( ii ) Only off street parking areas pro-
vided to serve uses permitted in a
residential zoning district will be
allowed in that residential district
(iii ) In the "R-H" , High Density Residen-
tial Zoninq District, permanent open
off street parking areas shall not be
located any closer to a public
street right of way than the distance
by which the principal building is
set back froi^ the street right of
ray This provision shall not be
construed to preclude temporary
parkrnq in driveways
(d) Surface All open off street parking and
vehicular use areas shall be surfaced with
asohalt , concrete, or other material in
corforrrance with City specifications
(e) Lighting Lighting provided for any off
street parking area adjacent to a residen-
tial use or residentially zoned lot shall
shield the source of light from sight
and prevent the spillover of direct light
onto the residential use
(f) Maintenance The property owner shall be
responsible for maintaininq any vehicular
use area in qood condition and free of
refuse and dEbris, and all landscaping in a
h-althy and gro +lna condition, replacing it
when necessary as determined by the city
Ai borists
(2) Parkirg lot requirements All open off street
parkinq lot or venrcular use areas containina six
(6) or rrore oarkinq spa(-es or eiq,rteen hundred
(1600) square feet shall meet the requirements as
set forth in the following subsections
( a) Setbacks Any such venicular use area shall
be set back from the back of any curb or
sidewalk improvement and side and rear yard
lot lines, except a lot line between build-
ings or uses with collective parking consis-
tent with the provisions of this Chapter,
according to the following table
Minimum Average Minimum Width
Width in Feet of of Setback in
Entire Setback Area Feet at any Point
Along an
street 15 5
Along a
non-arter i al
street 10 5
Along a
lot line 5 5
(b) Screening and landscaping
(1 ) Any such vehicular use area shall be
screened from any directly contiguous
lot with a residential use or zoned
for residential use by a fence, wall ,
or landscaped visual barrier six (6)
feet in height and of sufficient
opacity to bloc4 at least seventy-
five percent (75/0) of the lioht from
motor vehicle headlights
(ii ) Any such venicular use area located
between a public street right of way
anc a building shall be screened from
the street by a landscape treatment
of sufficient height and opacity to
block at least twenty percent (20°0)
of the cross section view of the
parking area from the street
( ilk ) Plart material used for required
screening shall achieve required
opacity in its winter seasonal
condition within two (2) years of
construction of the vehicular use
area to be screened
(iv) Required screening and landscaping
may be interrupted where necessary
for access to vehicular use areas
consistent with the general require-
ments of this section
(v) Any such screening and landscaping
shall be subject to the provisions of
this ordinance regulating fences,
hedges, and walls
(vi ) Any vehicular use area with more than
fifteen ( 15 ) parking spaces or
forty-five hundred (4500) square feet
shall provide landscaped islands and
trees which conform to City specifi-
cations, and which are dispersed
throuqhout the vehicular use area in
such a way as to provide visual
relief with vertical landscaped
elements and physical relief with
,,easonal shadina Not less Phan six
percent (6%) of the interior of any
such vehicular use area shall be
landscaped with such islands
(c) Bicycle and motorcycle parking Any use
which provides any such parking area shall
also provide facilities for motorcycle and
bicycle parking which conform to City
(d) Parkinq for the handicaoped Any use
providing fifteen ( 15) or more parking
spaces shall provide parking space for use
by physically handicapped persons which
conform to City specifications
(3) Required spaces Off street parking spaces shall
be provided for the uses and in the amounts as
set fortn in the following subsections
(a) For each one and two family dwelling, one
(1) parking space oer dwelling unit on lots
with greater than forty (40) feet of street
frontage, or two (2) parkinq spaces per
dwellinq unit on lots with less than forty
(40) feet of street frontaqe
(b) For each multiple family dwelling, parking
spaces as indicated by the following sche-
Number of Bedrooms Parking Spaces
Per Dwelling Unit Per Dwelling Unit
1 or less 1 5
2 1 75
3 and above 2 0
(c) For each mobile home, two (2) parking spaces
per dwelling unit
(d) For each scnool , church, child care center,
or institutional use located in a residen-
tial zoninq district, one (1) parking space
per five (5) seats in the auditorium or
place of assembly, or two (2) parking spaces
per three (3) employees or one (1) parking
space per one thousand (1,000) souare feet
of building floor area, whicnever is great-
(e) For each boarding and rooming house fratern-
ity or sorority house, or group home, one
(1) parking space per two (2) beds, plus one
( 1 ) parking space per two (2) employees
(f) For each recrejtional use located in a
residential zone, one (1) parkinq space per
tour (4) persons maximum rated capacity
(g) For each institutional , business, commer-
cial , or industrial use, two ( 2 ) parking
spaces for each three employees on the major
(4) Drive through use stackinq space For any
arive-in or drive-through service bay, there
shall be provided stacking space for vehicles
waiting for service which is sufficient to
prevent any such vchicles from extending onto the
public right of way at any time In no case
snal1 less than five ( 5) stacking spaces be
provided for each such service bay on the en-
trance side, and one (1) such space on V e exit
side No bays designed to be entered from more
than one direction shall be permitted
(5) Unit development Developments planned as a unit
and shown on a unit development plan as defined,
processed and approved according to Section
118-83 of this Chapter may vary any of the
requirements of this section "
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered pub-
lished this 19th day of February , A D 1980, and to be presented for
final passage on the 4th day of March 1980
NI ayo r
Pu,=ec and adoptr J on final -eadi^- 4t', day of March
A D 1980
i y erl -- -