WHEREAS, heretofore, a written petition, together with four prints of
an annexation map was filed with the City Clerk of Fort Collins requesting
the annexation of certain territory more particularly described below to
the City, and
WHEREAS, the City Council has found and determined and does hereby
find and determine that said petition is in substantial compliance with the
provisions of Section 31-12-107 of the Colorado Revised Statutes, 1973, as
amended, and
WHEREAS, the owners of 50/ of the property to be annexed have peti-
tioned for said annexation, and
WHEREAS, not less than one-sixth (1/6th) of the perimeter of the area
to be annexed is contiguous with the City of Fort Collins and a community
of interest exists between the territory to be annexed and the City of Fort
Collins, and the territory to be annexed is urban or will be urbanized in
the near future, and such territory is integrated or is capable of being
integrated with the City of Fort Collins, and
WHEREAS, none of the provisions of Section 31-12-105 of the Colorado
Revised Statutes, 1973, as amended, are violated by the annexation of this
territory to the City, and
WHEREAS, no election is required under the provisions of Section
31-12-107(2) of the Colorado Revised Statutes, 1973, as amended, and no
additional terms and conditions are to be imposed in connection with this
annexation, and
WHEREAS, the territory is eligible for annexation , and the City
Council desires to annex the same to the City of Fort Collins
Section 1 Statement of Annexation That all of the territory more
particularly desciibeed as situate in the County of Larimer , State of
Colorado, to-wit
A tract of land located in the NW 1/4 of Section 1,
T6N, R69W, of the 6th P M , of Larimer County, Colo-
rado, being more particularly described as follows
Considering the North l ine of trre NW 1/4 of said
Section 1 , as bearing N 89 52 ' 00" E and with all
bearings contained herein relative thereto
Commencing at the NW corner of said Section 1, thence,
along the said North line
N 890 52' 00" E, 1383 98 feet along the South line of
the South College Properties Annexation, thence S 000
00' 00" W 199 49 feet to the Southeast Corner of Lot 2
in the Replat of part of Tract "B", Fairway Estates
Third Filing, recorded with Larimer County, Clerk &
Recorder, thence, N 900 00' 00" W, 130 71 feet along
the south line of said Lot 2, thence, S 45° 00' 00" W,
102 98 feet to the Southwest Corner of said Lot 2,
thence S 00° 00' 00" W, 270 00 feet along the east line
of Lot 3 of said Replat of part of Tract "B", thence S
280 23 ' 30" E, 63 08 feet to the Southeast Corner of
said Lot 3, thence, N 64° 10' 30" W, 245 35 feet to the
Southwest Corner of said Lot 3, thence, N 56° 20' 00"
W, 328 60 feet more or less, thence, S 360 05 ' 20"
W, 97 48 feet to the Northwesterly Corner of Lot 26,
Fairway Estates, recorded witn Larimer County, Clerk &
Recorder, thence, N 82° 28' 00" W, 312 60 feet more or
less to the east line of the most northerly tract of
land in said Fairway Estates, said point also being the
Northeast Corner of Mountain Bell Telephone Company
Property, thence, S 00° 51 ' 00" W, 2287 74 feet
to the Southeast Corner of the Replat of a part
of Fairway Estates, recorded with Larimer County
Clerk and Recorder, thence, N 890 44' 00" W, 351 61
feet to the SW corner of the NW 1/4 of said Section 1,
thence, N 00" 47' 04" E, 2620 70 feet along the West
Line of said NW 1/4, to the Point of Beginning
The above tract contains 30 2 acres + up to 0 3
acres due to a 9 foot closing error
The attached description and diagram were obtained by
combining the Replat of a part of Tract "B", Fairway
Estates Third Filing, the Fairway Estates, the Replat
of a part of Fairway Estates, all recorded in Larimer
County, Clerk and Recorders, Larimer County, and the
existing description that describe the remainder of
land in the Annexation There is a 9 foot + error in
the attached description caused by the combination of
said descriptions There has not been any field survey
done to locate said 9 foot error
All annexation lines are intended to be contiguous
be, and it hereoy is, annexed to the City of Fort Collins and made a part
of said City, to be known as the Fairway Estates Business Annexation
Section 2 Existing Commercial Structures - Connection to City
A Intent A portion of the property included in the within
annexation, is developed with commercial structures thereon
These properties are currently being provided with electric
service by Public Service Company, water service by a dis-
trict, and sewer service by a district It is the intent
of the Council of the City of Fort Collins that the following
provisions of this Section 2 shall apply to commercial
structures existing on the effective date of the within
annexation and located on property included in the within
B Water Service The owners of existing commercial structures
within the Fairway Estates Business Annexation are currently
being provided water service by the Fort Collins-Loveland
Water District It is not certain at this time whether the
Fort Collins-Loveland Water District or the City of Fort
Collins will ultimately be providing water service to the
annexed area
If the City of Fort Collins ultimately provides water service
to the area, the following provisions shall be applicable
upon disconnection from the District and connection to the
City of Fort Collins water system
(a) A parkland fee shall not be required
(b) Property located within the boundaries of the Fort
Collins-Loveland Water District and receiving water
service frorn such district on the effective date of
the within annexation shall be exempt from the require-
ment to pay the City' s Water Plant Investment Fee and
Water Tap Fee
(c) Raw water rights shall not be required for such connec-
tion and service
(d) The property shall be subject to no► mal service rates
and charges for water service on the same basis as all
other in-City customers Owners of the property may
elect either flat-rate or metered water service unless the
City requires that all City residents convert to a
metered system
(e) Nothing in this Section B shall be construes as reliev-
ing a property owner from the obligation of satisfying
all City charges and requirements relating to water
service if the existing structure is re yodeled or an
addition constructed thereto, in which evert no building
permit shall be issuea until all code requirements have
been satisfiea
C Sewer Service
(1) The owners of developed property within the Fairway
Estates Business Annexation are currently being provided
sewer service by the South Fort Collins Sanitation
District The City of Fort Collins will not require
that the owners of such structures connect to the City
sewer system upon annexation of the property to the
(2) It is not certain, at this time, whether the South Fort
Collins Sanitation District or the City of Fort Collins
will ultimately be providing sewer service to the
annexed area If the City of Fort Collins ultimately
provides sewer service to the area, the following
provisions shall be applicable upon disconnection from
the District and connection to the City of Fort Collins
sewer system
(a) Property located within the boundaries of the South
Fort Collins Sanitation District and receiving
sewer service from such district on the effective
date of the within annexation shall be exempt froia
the requirement to pay the City' s Sewer Plant
Investment Fee and Sewer Tap Fee
(b) The property shall be subject to normal service
rates and charges for sewer service on the same
basis as all other in-City customers
(e) Nothing in this Section C shall be construed as reliev-
ing a property owner from the obligation of satisfying
all City charges and requirements relating to sewer
service if the existing structure is remodeled or an
addition constructed thereto, in which event no building
permit shall be issued until all code requirements have
been satisfied
D Electric Service
(1) Owners of existing structures within the annexed area
are currently being provided with electric service by a
service entity other thai the City of Fort Collins On
the effective date of the within annexation, the City
shall require all such owners to connect to the City
electric system
(2) Upon connection to the City electric system, such owners
shall be exempt from the requirement to pay primary
charge, secondary service charge, ana main feeder charge
normally required at the time of such connection Such
owners shall De subject to all other normal service
rates and charges for electric service on the same basis
as other in-City customers
Section 3 Undeveloped Proderties - Connection to City Utilities
A Intent A portion of the property included in the within
annexation is undeveloped These properties are not provided
with utility service by either special districts or the City
of Fort Collins It is the intent of the Council of the City
of Fort Collins that the following provisions of this
Section 3 shall apply to the undeveloped property located in
the within annexation
B Water and Sewer Service It is not certain at this time
whether the Fort Collins-Loveland Water District or the City
of Fort Collins will ultimately provide water service to the
annexed area and whether the City of Fort Collins or the
South Fort Collins Sanitation District will ultimately
provide sewer service to the annexed area If the City
provides service to the undeveloped properties , any new
development will be subject to all City fees and cooe re-
quirements relating to the provision of water service
C Electric Service On the effective date of the within
annexation, a 1 new development will be required to take
electrical service from the City of Fort Collins
Section 4 That in annexing said territory to the City of Fort
Collins, the City of Fort Collins does not assume any obligation respecting
the construction of water mains, sewer lines, gas mains, electric service
lines, streets or any other services or utilities in connection with the
territory hereby annexed except as may be provided herein of by other
ordinances of the City of Fort Collins
Section 5 Within ninety (90) days from the date this Ordinance
becomes effective, no building permit shall be issued for any of the lands
herein described unless said lands have been zoned under the zoning ordi-
nances of the City
Introduced, considered favoraoly on first reading, and ordered pub-
lisned this 16th day of December_, A D 1980, and to be presented for
final passage on the 6th_ oay of Janua_rY , 1981
City Clerk
Passed and adopted on second read ng this 6th day of January,
A D 1981
City Clerk