WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Fort Collins has been petitioned
to vacate three easements located in the Front Nine at SouthRidge Greens,
PUD, set forth in more particular below; and
WHEREAS, said vacation would allow petitioner additional useable area
within the lots; and
WHEREAS, replacement easements in the green space directly behind the
lots have been received; and
WHEREAS, all affected utilities have been contacted and have indicated
no problems with the requested vacations; and
WHEREAS, the rights of the residents of the City of Fort Collins will
in no way be prejudiced or injured by said vacation.
COLLINS that those certain back lot easements located in the Front Nine at
SouthRidge Greens, PUD, set out more particularly as follows, to wit:
A tract of land located in the Northwest quarter of Section 7,
Township 6 North, Range 68 West, of the 6th PM of Larimer County,
Colorado, being more particularly described as follows:
Considering the North line of the said Northwest quarter of
Section 7 as bearing North 89°34'23" East and with all bearings
contained herein relative thereto:
Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Northwest quarter
Section 7; thence, South 70°11 '41" East 1325.77 feet to the
easternmost corner of lot 65 of the plat of "The Front Nine at
SouthRidge Greens P.U.D." as recorded in Book 2237 Page 2169
records of said County; thence along the northeasterly line of
said lot 65, North 37°33'03" West 8.46 feet to the True Point of
Beginning of this description; thence continuing along said
northeasterly line lot 65 and along the easterly lines of lot 66
through 68 and along the southeasterly lines of lots 69 through
71 said plat, the following seven (7) courses and distances, (1)
North 37°33'03" West 44.57 feet; (2) North 16°20'05" West 50.00
feet; (3) North 06°57'20" West 57.00 feet; (4) North 01°44'35"
East 46.89 feet; (5) North 22"12'47" East 45.85 feet; (6) North
42°43'29" East 48.12 feet; (7) North 53°56'48" East 55.00 feet;
thence along the southeasterly line of lot 72, said plat, and its
northeasterly prolongation, North 53°40'46" East 61.82 feet to
the westerly line of lot 60, said plat, thence along said
westerly line lot 60, North 14°47'31" East 9.56 feet to a line
which is 6.00 feet (measured at right angles) northwesterly and
westerly of and parallel with the previously described lines of
lots 65 through 72; thence along said parallel line the following
eight (8) courses and distances, (1) South 53°40'46" West 69.24
feet; (2) South 53°56'48" West 55.58 feet; (3) South 42°43'29"
West 49.80 feet; (4) South 22"12'47" West 48.02 feet; (5) South
01°44'35" West 48.43 feet; (6) South 06"57'20" East 57.95 feet;
(7) South 16°20'05" East 51.62 feet; (8) South 37033'03" East
47.75 feet; thence North 33°29'22" East 6.34 feet to the True
Point of Beginning.
The above described tract contains 0.0577 acres or 2513 square feet
and is subject to all easements and rights-of-way now existing or of
A tract of land located in the Northwest quarter of Section 7 and
in the Southwest quarter of Section 6, all in Township 6 North,
Range 68 West, of the 6th PM of Larimer County, Colorado, being
more particularly described as follows:
Considering the North line of the said Northwest quarter of
Section 7 as bearing North 89034'23" East and with all bearings
contained herein relative thereto:
Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Northwest quarter
Section 7 ; thence, North 88°59 '03" East 1361.06 feet to the
Northwest corner of lot 58 of the Plat of "The Front Nine at
SouthRidge Greens P.U.D." as recorded in Book 2237 Page 2169
records of said County and the True Point of Beginning of this
description; thence along the westerly line of said lot 58 and
along the westerly lines of lots 59 through 63, said plat, the
following five (5) courses and distances, (1) South 08°16'34"
West 60.00 feet; (2) South 08°13'56" West 59.26 feet; (3) South
14047'31" West 57.00 feet; (4) South 25°53'26" West 56.00 feet;
(5) South 33°29'22" West 120.00 feet; thence along the north-
westerly line of lot 64, said plat, and its southwesterly
prolongation South 33"29'22" West 68.58 feet to the easterly
line of lot 67, said plat; thence along said easterly line lot
67, South 06"57'20" East 2.54 feet to the easterly line of lot
66, said plat; thence along said easterly line lot 66, South
16°20'05" East 5.70 feet to a line which is 6.00 (measured at
right angles) southeasterly and easterly of and parallel with the
previously described westerly and northwesterly lines of lots 58
through 64; thence along said parallel line the following five
(5) courses and distances, (1) North 33°29'22" East 194.59 feet;
(2) North 25053'26" East 56.98; (3) North 14°47'31" East 57.93
feet; (4) North 08°13'56" East 59.61 feet; (5) North 08°16'34"
East 60.00 feet to the north line of said lot 58; thence along
said north line North 81°43'26" West 6.00 feet to the True Point
of Beginning.
The above described tract contains 0.0586 acres or 2551 square
feet and is subject to all easements and rights-of-way now existing or
of record.
A tract of land located in the Southwest quarter of Section 6,
Township 6 North, Range 68 West, of the 6th PM of Larimer County,
Colorado, being more particularly described as follows:
Considering the South line of the said Southwest quarter of
Section 6 as bearing North 89034'23" East and with all bearings
contained herein relative thereto:
Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Southwest quarter
Section 6; thence, North 79°56' 13" East 1448.39 feet to the
northwesterly corner of lot 57 of the plat of '"The Front Nine at
SouthRidge Greens P.U.D." as recorded in Book 2237 Page 2169
records of said County; thence along the northwesterly line of
said lot 57, North 57°38'49" East 8.03 feet to the True Point of
Beginning of this description; thence continuing along said
northwesterly line and along the northerly lines of lots 56
through 51 , said plat, the following seven (7 ) courses and
distances, (1) North 57°38'49" East 57.31 feet; (2) North 650
07'19" East 72.56 feet; (3) North 76°51'24" East 70.55 feet; (4)
North 88°06' 30" East 67.12 feet; (5) South 87°42' 44" East
63.00 feet; (6) South 86°14'30" East 64.91 feet; (7) South 74°
10'00" East 69.00 feet; thence along the northeasterly lines of
lots 52 through 46, said plat, the following five (5) courses and
distances, (1) South 59002' 57" East 77.00 feet; (2) South 430
02'45" East 75.31 feet; (3) South 35°02'44" East 63.00 feet; (4)
South 35°00'00" East 73.00 feet; (5) South 49°08'28" East 30.96
feet; thence 6.68 feet along the arc of a nontangent curve
concave to the west having a central angle of 01054'44", a radius
of 200.00 feet, the chord of said curve bears South 01046'08"
East; thence 1.38 feet along the arc of a nontangent curve
concave to the west having a central angle of 00°23'04", a radius
of 205.00 feet, the chord of said curve bears South 03010'43"
West to a line which is 6.00 feet (measured at right angles)
southwesterly, southerly and southeasterly of and parallel with
the previously described lines of lot 57 through 46; thence along
said parallel line the following twelve (12) courses and dis-
tances, (1) North 49008'28" West 37.07 feet; (2) North 35000'00"
West 73.74 feet; (3) North 35°02'44" West 62.58 feet; (4) North
43002'45" West 74.05 feet; (5) North 59°02'57" West 75.36 feet;
(6) North 74°10'00" West 67.57 feet; (7) North 86°14'30" West
64.19 feet; (8) North 87°42' 44" West 62.71 feet; (9 ) South
88°06'30" West 66.31 feet; (10) South 76°51'24" West 69.35 feet;
(11) South 65°07 ' 19" West 71.55 feet; ( 12) South 57038' 49"
West 57.43 feet; thence North 27°28'50" West 6.02 feet to the
True Point of Beginning.
The above described tract contains 0.1078 acres or 4697 square feet
and is subject to all easements and rights-of-way now existing or of
be, and the same hereby are, vacated, abated and abolished.
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered pub-
lished this 20th day of March A.D. 1984, and to be presented for final
passage on tTe_grd day _ A.D. 84.
M or
City Clerk �
Passed and ado ted on final readin this 3rd da of A ril A.D.
P 9 Y P
' 1984. L/
City Clerk