WHEREAS, the City' s current ordinance for weeds, brush and rubbish
"lacks definition and range for expeditious abatement, removal -'and assess-
ment procedures, and
WHEREAS, the health and safety of the residents of the City of Fort
Collins would best be served by the revision to the current ordinance.
COLLINS that Chapter 79, Article II of the Code of the City be, and hereby
is, repealed and re-enacted as follows:
Weeds, Brush and Rubbish
§79-6 Definitions
"Brush" means a growth of bushes and trees capable of
concealing filthy deposits, rubbish, trash or debris
and shall further include all like and similar
cuttings from dead or dying portions of trees and
"Weed" means an unsightly, useless, troublesome or
injurious herbaceous plant, including, but not
limited to: Bindweed (Convolvolus arvensis) , Horse-
nettle (Solanum elaeagnifolium) , Johnsongrass (Sor-
ghum halepense) , Russian Knapweed (Centaurea repens) ,
Silverleaf Povertyweed (Franseria discolor) , Wooly-
leaf Povertyweed (Franseria tomentosa) , Perennial
Sowthistle (Sonchus arvensis) , Leafy Spurge (Euphor-
bia esula) : St. Johnswort (Hypericum perforatum) ,
Canada Thistle (Cirsium arvense) , Whitetop (Cardaria
draba) , Hairy White-top (Cardaria pubescens) , Curly
Dock ( Rumex crispus) , Fanweed (Thlapsi arvense) , V
Purpleflower Groundcherry (Physalis lobata) , Mustards
(Brassica spp. ) , Blue Lettuce (Lactuca pulchella)
Wild Oat (Avena fatua) , Buckhorn Plantain (Plantago
lanceolata) , Mouse-ear Povertyweed ( Iva axi.11aris) ,
Puncturevine (Tribulus terrestris) , Quackgrass
(Agropyron repens) , Yellow Toadflax (Linaria vul-
garis) , Dalmatian Toadflax (Li naria dalmatica) ,
Cocklebur (Xanthium italicum) , Perennial Ragweed
(Ambrosia psilostachya) , Common Ragweed (Ambrosia
artemisifolia) , Sandbur ( Cenchrus pauciflorus) ,
Russian Thistle (Salsola kali ) , Fireweed (Kochia
scoparia) , Redroot Pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus) ,
Black Nightshade ( Solanum nigrum) , Buffalobur
(Solanum rostratum) , Common Sunflower (Helianthus
annuus) , Showy Milkweed (Asclepias speciosa) , Mari-
juana (Canabis sativa) , Dandelion (Taraxacum offici-
nalis) , Poison Ivy ( Rhus radicans) , all untended
grasses, and any other type of noxious weeds speci-
fied by the U. S. Department of Agriculture.
"Rubbish" means and includes all waste, refuse,
debris and litter, whether combustible or noncombust-
ible, and includes but is not limited to ashes,
manure, liquid or chemical waste, cans , paper,
wrappings, cigarettes, cardboard, yard clippings,
leaves, branches, wood, waste building materials,
glass, crockery, abandoned or partially wrecked
vehicles or household furnishings and appliances, or
parts thereof, carcasses of dead animals and other
like and similar materials.
"Owner" means the owner of record, whether person,
f rm or corporation; any agent or representative of
the record owner; and person or persons entitled to
possession of the premises.
11P19perty" includes the area from the center of the
a eT�y abutting the lot or tract of land, or from the
lot lines if no alley exists, including all record
easements, and includes the sidewalk, curb, gutter,
and parking area of the street abutting such lot or
tract of land.
"Open Area" means real property zoned as Open Space
oresi'gnated Transition, or any other undeveloped
real property, in single; common or joint ownership.
"Ditch" means any channel , either manmade or natural ,
to carry water for drainage or irrigation, including
its access and/or maintenance easements on either
§79-7 Nuisance Declared; Removal Procedure; Assessment.
A. All weeds, brush and rubbish on a property within
the City of Fort Collins are hereby declared to
be a nuisance and a menace to the health and
safety of the inhabitants of the City.
B.- It shall be unlawful for the owner of any prop-
erty, -except property defined as open area, to
permit rubbish to accumulate, or to .permit weeds
and brush to grow- to a height of more than six
.(.6)..-i nches.•_.-..-_-.
C. It shall be unlawful for the owner of any prop-
erty defined as an open area to permit rubbish to
accumulate, or to permit weeds and brush to grow
to a height of more than twelve (12) inches
within- a distance of one hundred (100) feet from
any dedicated street or developed properties, and
provided further that growth of weeds which are
apt to be transported by winds, and noxious weeds
shall not be permitted to grow on any portion of
the open area.
D. It shall be unlawful for the owner of any prop-
erty which is located adjacent to any portion of
any open area or ditch to cause the accumulation
of rubbish within or upon such property.
E. It shall be unlawful for the owner of any ditch
-or ditch right-of-way to allow the growth of
weeds or brush upon the ditch or its easements in
excess of twelve (12) inches in height or fail to
remove any ;unlawful growth or accumulation of
weeds, brush or rubbish therefrom.
F. When the Director of Public Works deems it
necessary in order to control the growth of weeds
or brush , he may cause to be published in a
newspaper of general circulation in the city a
notice requiring all owners to cut down, remove
and destroy all unlawful weeds and brush by or
upon a specified date which date shall not be
less than five (5) days from the date of publica-
tion thereof. Said notice shall further provide
that failure to comply therewith may result in
the imposition upon the owner of civil and/or
criminal liability in accordance with the Code of
the City.
G. The Director of Public Works is hereby authorized
and directed to give notice to any owner whose
property, open area or ditch is being kept or
maintained in violation of the provisions of this
Article or contrary to the terms of any publica-
tion made by the City pursuant to Section 79-7(F)
and..-such -notice- shall__be deposited i n.,,the United
States mail , addressed to the owner of record at
the address as shown on the tax rolls, and any
agents, representatives or occupants as may be
known, or may be served upon such person per-
sonally, and shall state that if the offending
weeds, brush and rubbish are not cut and removed
from such property , open area or ditch on or
before five ( 5) days from the date of such
notice.-the same will be. done by the City and the
cost thereof, including the cost of inspection
and other incidental costs in connection there-
with and an amount not to exceed ten percent
(10%) of the said costs for carrying charges and
costs of administration, will be charged against
the said property, open area or ditch.
H. If the property, open area or ditch has not been
brought into compliance with this Article within
five (5) , days from the date of said notice, the
same may be done by the City (either by City
personnel or by private contractors, as the
Director of Public Works shall determine) and
the cost thereof, including inspection, costs of
removal of obstructions , if any, and other
incidental costs in connection therewith and an
amount not to exceed ten percent (10%) of the
said costs for carrying charges and costs of
administration shall be assessed against the
offending property, open area or ditch and the
owner thereof, pursuant to the applicable provi-
sions of Chapter 16 of the Code of the City
pertaining to assessments.
I . Such assessment shall be a lien in the several
amounts assessed against each property, open area
or ditch until paid and shall have priority over
all other liens except general taxes and prior
special assessments. In case any such assessment
is not paid within thirty (30) days after the
same has been certified to the Finance Director
by the Director of Public Works and billed by the
Finance Director to the Owner by deposit in the
United States mail . addressed to the Owner of
record at the address as shown on the tax rolls,
and any agents, representatives or occupants as
may be known, the Finance Director shall then be
and is hereby authorized to certify to the
Larimer County Treasurer the list of delinquent
assessments, giving the name of the owner as
appears of record, the number of the lot and
block, and the amount of the assessment plus a
ten percent (10%) penalty, said certification to
be"the"same -in`substance and"1n-the same form 'as
required for the certification of other taxes;
and the County Treasurer, upon receipt of such
certified list, is hereby authorized to place the
same upon the tax list for the current year and
to collect the assessment in the same manner as
general property taxes are collected together
with any charges thereon as may by law be made by
the Treasurer; and all laws of the state for the
assessment and collection of general taxes,
including the laws for the sale of property for
taxes and the redemption thereof, shall apply to
and have full force and effect for the collection
of all such assessments. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, if the offending property, open area
or ditch is not subject to taxation, the Finance
Director may elect alternative means to collect
the amounts due pursuant to this Article, in-
cluding the commencement of an action at law or
in equity and, after judgement, such remedies as
are provided by law.
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered pub-
lished this 3rd day of May, A.D . 1983 , and to be presented for final
passage on the 17th day of May, A.D. 3.
-Cy y Clerk
Passed and adopted on final re ding thisl14t day of A.D.
1983 .
City Clerk