Section 1. That Section 112-118 A (3) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows:
(3) Monthly Rate.
(a) Fixed charge, per account: two dollars and
forty-eight cents ($2.48) .
(b) Demand charge, per kilowatt-hour: $0.0259 .
(c) Distribution facilities charge, per kilowatt-
hour: $0.0142.
(d) Energy charge, per kilowatt-hour: $0.014.
(e) In lieu of taxes and franchise:
Ell Percent of charges billed: five and
zero-tenths percent (5.0%) .
Section 2. That Section 112-118 A (4) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom the words and
figure one dollar and eighty-six cents ($1.86) and inserting therein the
words and figure two dollars and zero cents ($2.00) .
Section 3. That Section 112-118 A (6) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to insert the heading "Water heater
control rebate." , at the beginning of the paragraph.
Section 4. That Section 112-118 B (4) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom the words and
figure one dollar and eighty-six cents ($1 .86) and inserting therein the
words and figure two dollars and zero cents ($2.00) .
Section 5. That Section 112-118 B (6) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to insert the heading "Water heater
control rebate." , at the beginning of the paragraph.
Section 6. That Section 112-118 B (9) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows:
(9) Billing demand. The billing demand shall be
determined by suitable meter measurement of
the highest fifteen (15) minutes' integrated
demand occurring during the billing period.
Section 7. That Section 112-118 C (4) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom the words and
figure one dollar and eighty-six cents ($1 .86) and inserting therein the
words and figure two dollars and zero cents ($2.00) .
Section 8. That Section 112-118 C (6) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to insert the heading "Water heater
control rebate.'% at the beginning of the paragraph.
Section 9. That Section 112-118 C (9) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows:
(9) Billing demand. The billing demand shall be
determined by suitable meter measurement of
the highest fifteen ( 15) minutes' integrated
demand occurring during the billing period.
Section 10. That Section 112-118 C (10) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows:
(10) Demand periods. The on-peak demand is the
period from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm weekdays, except
holidays. The off-peak period is anytime other
than the above described on-peak period. Holidays
shall be defined as the following days: New
Year' s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor
Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Section 11. That Section 112-118 C (11) and Section 112-118 C (12) of
the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and they hereby are, renumbered as
Section 112-11B C (12) and Section 112-118 C (13) respectively.
Section 12. That Section 112-118 C (11) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins be, and it hereby is, inserted to read as follows:
(11) Interruptible service. Interruptible service may
be provided under this schedule on an as available
basis. Unless otherwise provided for by separate
contract for interruptible service, the billing
demand charges will be at the off-peak rate and
such service is subject to unlimited interruption
by the utility without notice. The hours of
interruption will generally not exceed one (1) of
eiaht (8) hours' duration in any day and generally
will not, in the aggregate, amount to more than
four hundred (400) hours in any period, of six (6)
consecutive months. Service under this provision
requires monitoring and direct control of all
loads by the Light and Power Utility load dis-
patcher. Approved independent metering, suitable
control equipment, and communication services
shall be provided by the customer. In addition to
the charges computed in accordance with the
uninterruptible provisions of this rate, the
interruptible customer shall pay a penalty of
three (3) times the on-peak billing demand for
each month in which said customer either fails
to shut down his interruptible load for any
reason , including customer equipment failures
or communications system failures, or the customer
resumes operation of said interruptible load prior
to notice by the Light and Power Utility that said
operation may be resumed. Interruptible service
contracts between the customer and the Light and
Power Utility and/or the utility' s power supplier
will be required where modification of the
provisions included herein are necessary to meet
customer and utility constraints. By making
application for interruptible service, the cus-
tomer waives all liability of the Light and Power
Utility and the utility' s power supplier for
consequential damages resulting from interruptions
in accordance with this schedule.
Section 13. That Section 112-118 D (2) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows:
(2) Applicability. This schedule applies to lighting
service or combined lighting and power service to
commercial and industrial customers, including
hotels, motels, fraternities, sororities, clubs,
lodges, rooming houses, rest homes, tourist camps,
churches, hospitals and similar uses, and residen-
tial service over two hundred ampere capacity;
and optionally , for apartments and multiple
dwellings in existence prior to January 1 , 1980,
where more than one ( 1 ) dwelling or single
living quarter is served through one (1) meter.
Standby service will be demand-metered. This
schedule applies to service through one (1) meter
at single-phase. Single-phase motors from one (1)
to five (5) horsepower may be connected with the
approval of the utility. Where available, this
schedule also applies to three- phase services
with an Average Metered Demand of not greater than
fifty (50) kilowatts.
Section 14 . That Section 112-118 D (3) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows:
(3) Monthly Rate.
(a) Fixed charge, per account:
[11 Single-phase, two hundred ampere ser-
vice: one dollar and fifty-one cents
($1 .51) .
[21 Single-phase, demand service : three
dollars and twenty-four cents ($3.24) .
[31 Single-phase, above two hundred ampere
service: seven dollars and three cents
($7..03) .
[41 Three-phase, two hundred ampere service:
five dollars and seventy-eight cents
($5.78) .
[51 Three-phase, above two hundred ampere
service: ten dollars and ninety-six
cents ($10.96) .
(b) Demand charge, per kilowatt-hour:
[11 First two thousand (2000 ) kilowatt-
hours: $0.0387 .
[21 All additional kilowatt-hours: -0- .
(c) Demand charge, per kilowatt:
[11 All kilowatts billed in excess of ten
( 10) kilowatts : five dollars and
eighty-five cents ($5.85) .
(d) Distribution facilities charge, per kilowatt-
hour: $0.0142 .
(e) Energy charge, per kilowatt-hour: $0.014.
(f) In lieu of taxes and franchise:
[11 Percent of charges billed: five and
zero-tenths percent (5 .0%) .
Section 15 . That Section 112-118 D (4) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom the words
and figure four dollars and sixty-three cents ($4.63) and inserting therein
the words and figure two dollars and zero cents ($2 .00) .
Section 16 . That Section 112-118 D (10) , Section 112-118 D (11) and
Section 112-118 D (12) of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and they
hereby are, renumbered as Section 112-118 D (11) , Section 112-118 D (12)
and Section 118 D (13) respectively.
Section 17 . That Section 112-118 D (10) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins be, and it hereby is, inserted to read as follows:
(10) Seasonal rate provision. Where service is pro-
vided under this schedule for seasonal irrigation
pumping, the monthly Fixed. Charge, Excess Capacity
Charge, and Billing Demand provisions of this
schedule shall not apply during the months of
October through March , nor will any bills be
issued during that period. Upon approval of the
utility, this provision may apply to other loads
with similar characteristics.
Section 18. That Section 112-118 E (2) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows:
(2) Applicability. This schedule applies to lighting
service or combined lighting and power service to
commercial and industrial customers, including
hotels, motels, fraternities, sororities, clubs,
lodges, rooming houses, rest homes, tourist camps,
churches, hospitals, similar uses and residential
service over two hundred (200) amperes' capacity
and , optionally, for apartments and multiple
dwellings in existence prior to January 1, 1980,
where more than one (1) dwelling or single living
quarter is served through one (1) meter. Standby
service will be demand metered. This schedule
applies to service through one ( 1 ) meter at
single-phase. Single-phase motors from one (1) to
five (5 ) horsepower may be connected with the
approval of the utility. Where available, this
schedule also applies to three-phase services with
an Average Metered Demand of not greater than
fifty (50) kilowatts. Service under this schedule
is subject to availability of suitable metering
and control equipment.
Section 19. That Section 112-118 E (3) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows:
(3) Monthly Rate.
(a) Fixed charge, per account:
[1] Single-phase, demand service : six
dollars and twelve cents ( $6 . 12 ) .
[2] Single-phase, above two hundred ampere
service: nine dollars and ninety-one
cents ($9.91) .
[3] Three-phase, two hundred ampere service:
eight dollars and sixty- six cents
($8.66) .
[4] Three-phase, above two hundred ampere
service: thirteen dollars and eighty-
four cents ($13.84) .
(b) Demand charge, per kilowatt:
[1] On-peak kilowatts:
[a] First ten (10) kilowatts: seven
dollars and seventy-four cents
($7.74) .
[b] All additional kilowatts : five
dollars and eighty- five cents
($5.85) .
[2] Off-peak kilowatts in excess of on-
peak kilowatts : two dollars and
ninety-three cents ($2 .93) .
(c) Distribution facilities charge, per
kilowatt hour: $0.0142 .
(d) Energy charge, per kilowatt-hour: $0.014.
(e) In lieu of taxes and franchise:
[1] Percent of charges billed : five
and zero-tenths percent (5.0%) .
Section 20. That Section 112-118 E (4) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting the words and figure
four dollars and sixty-three cents ($4.63) therefrom and inserting therein
the words and figure two dollars and zero cents ($2.00) .
Section 21. That Section 112-118 E (7) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows:
(7) Demand periods . The on-peak demand is the
period from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm weekdays, except
holidays. The off-peak period is anytime other
than the above described on-peak period. Holidays
shall be defined as the following days: New
Year' s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor
Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Section 22. That Section 112-118 E (11) , Section 112-118 E (12) and
Section 112-118 E (13) of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and they
hereby are, renumbered as Section 112-118 E (12) , Section 112-118 E (13)
and Section 112-118 E (14) respectively.
Section 23. That Section 112-118 E (11) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins be, and it hereby is, inserted to read as follows:
(11) Seasonal rate provision. Where service is pro-
vided under this schedule for seasonal irrigation
pumping, the monthly Fixed Charge, Excess Capacity
Charge, and Billing Demand provisions of this
schedule shall not apply during the months of
October through March, nor will any bills be
issued during that period. Upon approval of the
utility, this provision may apply to other loads
with similar characteristics.
Section 2.4. That Section 112-118 F (2) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows:
(2) Applicability. This schedule applies to customers
served at the established secondary voltage of the
city' s distribution system and having three-phase
service. This schedule applies only to those
services with an Average Metered Demand of not
greater than five hundred (500) kilowatts. This
schedule may also apply to customers having a
single-phase service with approval of the Light
and Power Utility.
Section 25. That Section 112-118 F (3) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows:
(3) Monthly Rate.
(a) Fixed charge, per account: ten dollars
and ninety-six cents ($10.96) .
(b) Demand charge, per kilowatt but not less
than fifty (50) kilowatts : six dollars
and fifty-nine cents ($6.59) .
(c) Distribution facilities charge, per kilowatt-
hour: $0.0142.
(d) Energy charge, per kilowatt-hour: $0.014.
(e) In lieu of taxes and franchise:
[11 Percent of charges billed: five and
zero-tenths percent (5.0%) .
Section 26. That Section 112-118 F (4) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom the words
and figure six dollars and three cents ($6.03) and inserting therein the
words and figure two dollars and zero cents ($2.00) .
Section 27. That Section 112-118 F (11) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom the words
and figure ninety (90) days and inserting therein the words and figure one
hundred eighty (180) days.
Section 28. That Section 112-118 F (10) , Section 112-118 F (11) and
Section 112-118 F (12)- of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and they
hereby are, renumbered as Section 112-118 F (11) , Section 112-118 F (12)
and Section 112-118 F (13) respectively.
Section 29. That Section 112-118 F (10) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins be, and it hereby is, inserted to read as follows:
(10) Seasonal rate provision. Where service is pro-
vided under this schedule for seasonal irrigation
pumping, the monthly Fixed Charge, Excess Capacity
Charge, and Billing Demand provisions of this
schedule shall not apply during the months of
October through March , nor will any bills be
issued during that period. Upon approval of the
utility, this provision may apply to other loads
with similar characteristics.
Section 30. That Section 112-118 G (2) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows:
(2) Applicability. This schedule applies to customers
served at the established secondary voltage of the
city' s distribution system and having three-phase
service. This schedule applies only to those
services with an Average Metered Demand of not
greater than five hundred (500) kilowatts. This
schedule may also apply to customers having a
single-phase service with approval of the Light
and Power Utility. Service under this schedule is
subject to availability of suitable metering
and control equipment.
Section 31 . That Section 112-118 G (3) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows:
(3) Monthly Rate.
(a) Fixed charge, per account: thirteen dollars
and eighty-four cents ($13 .84) .
(b) Demand charge, per kilowatt:
[11 On-peak kilowatts , but not less than
fifty ( 50 ) kilowatts : six dollars
and fifty-nine cents ($6.59) .
[21 Off-peak kilowatts , in excess on on-
peak kilowatts: three dollars and
thirty cents ($3.30) .
(c) Distribution facilities charge, per kilowatt
hour: $0.0142.
(d) Energy charge, per kilowatt-hour: $0.014.
(e) In lieu of taxes and franchise:
[11 Percent of charges billed: five and
zero-tenths percent (5.0%) .
Section 32. That Section 112-118 G (4) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom the words
and figure six dollars and three cents ($6.03) and inserting therein the
words and figure two dollars and zero cents ($2.00) .
Section 33 . That Section 112-118 G (7) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows:
(7) Demand periods . The on-peak demand is the
period from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm weekdays, except
holidays. The off-peak period is anytime other
than the above .described on-peak period. Holidays
shall be defined as the following days: New
Year' s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor
Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Section 34. That Section 112-118 G (12) , Section 112-118 G (13) and
Section 112-118 G(14) of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and they
hereby are, renumbered as Section 112-118 G (13) , Section 112-118 G (14)
and Section 112-118 G (15) respectively.
Section 35. That Section 112-118 G (12) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins be, and it hereby is, inserted to read as follows:
(12) Seasonal rate provision. Where service is pro-
vided under this schedule for seasonal irrigation
pumping, the monthly Fixed Charge, Excess Capacity
Charge, and Billing Demand provisions of this
schedule shall not apply during the months of
October through March, nor will any bills be
issued during that period. Upon approval of the
utility, this provision may apply to other loads
with similar characteristics.
Section 36. That Section 112-118 H (2) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows:
(2) Applicability. This schedule applies to customers
served at the primary voltage of the city' s
electric system (thirteen thousand two hundred/
seven thousand six hundred twenty (13,200/7 ,620)
volts nominal ) for three-phase industrial power
and combined lighting and power. This schedule
applies only to those services with an Average
Metered Demand of five hundred (500) kilowatts or
greater. At the utility' s option, service to new
customers with a connected load of ten thousand
(10,000) kilowatts or more may be served under a
contract rate.
Section 37. That Section 112-118 H (4) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom the words
and figure five dollars and sixty-four cents ($5.64) and inserting therein
the words and figure two dollars and zero cents ($2.00) .
Section 38. That Section 112-118 H (10) , Section 112-118 H (11) and
Section 112-118 H (12) of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and they
hereby are, renumbered as Section 112-118 H (11) , Section 112-118 H (12)
and Section 112-118 H (13) respectively.
Section 39. That Section 112-118 H (10) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins be, and it hereby is, inserted to read as follows:
(10) Seasonal rate provision. Where service is pro-
vided under this schedule for seasonal irrigation
pumping, the monthly Fixed Charge, Excess Capacity
Charge, and Billing Demand provisions of this
schedule shall not apply during the months of
October through March, nor will any bills be
issued during that period. Upon approval of the
utility, this provision may apply to other loads
with similar characteristics.
Section 40. That Section 112-118 I (2) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows:
(2) Applicability. This schedule applies to customers
served at the primary voltage of the city' s
electric system (thirteen thousand two hundred/
seven thousand six hundred twenty (13,200/7 ,620)
volts nominal ) for three-phase industrial power
and combined lighting and power. This schedule
applies only to those services with an Average
Metered Demand of five hundred (500) kilowatts or
greater. At the utility' s option service to new
customers with a connected load of 10,000 kilo-
watts or more may be served under a contract rate.
Section 41. That Section 112-118 I (4) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom the words
and figure five dollars and sixty-four cents ($5.64) and inserting therein
the words and figure two dollars and zero cents ($2.00) .
Section 42. That Section 112-118 I (7) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows:
(7) Demand periods. The on-peak demand is the
period from 8:00 am to 11:00 pm weekdays, except
Holidays. The off-peak period is anytime other
than the above described on-peak period. Holidays
shall be defined as the following days: New
Year' s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor
Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Section 43. That Section 112-118 I (12) , Section 112-118 I (13) and
Section 112-118 I (14) of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and they
hereby are, renumbered as Section 112-118 I (13) , Section 112-118 I (14)
and Section 112-118 I (15) respectively.
Section 44. That Section 112-118 I (12) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins be, and it hereby is, inserted to read as follows:
(12) Seasonal rate provision. Where service is pro-
vided under this schedule for seasonal irrigation
pumping, the monthly Fixed Charge, Excess Capacity
Charge, and Billing Demand provisions of this
schedule shall not apply during the months of
October through March, nor will any bills be
issued during that period. Upon approval of the
utility, this provision may apply to other loads
with similar characteristics.
Section 45. That Section 112-118 J (2) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows:
(2) Monthly Rate.
(a) Fixed charge, per account: zero dollars
and seventy cents ($0.70) .
(b) Charge, per lamp, mercury vapor:
[1] One hundred seventy-five watt: eleven
dollars and forty-one cents ($11.41) .
[2] Two hundred fifty watt: thirteen
dollars and forty-two cents ($13.42) .
[3] Four hundred watt: seventeen dollars
and fifty-three cents ($17.53) .
(c) Charge per lamp , high' pressure sodium:
[13 One hundred watt: six dollars and
eighty-two cents ($6.82) .
[21 One hundred fifty watt: ten dollars
and eighty-one cents ($10.81) .
[3] Two hundred fifty watt: thirteen
dollars and seventy-three cents
($13.73) .
[41 Four hundred watt: eighteen dollars
and eight cents ($18.08) .
Section 46. That Section 112-118 K (3) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows:
(3) Monthly Rate.
(a) Fixed charge , per account: fifty-two
dollars and sixteen cents ($52.16) .
(b) Charge per light, mercury vapor:
[11 One hundred seventy-five watt: eight
dollars and forty-one cents ( $8.41 ) .
[21 Two hundred fifty watt: eleven dollars
and fifty-five cents ($11 .55) .
[31 Four hundred watt: sixteen dollars
and eighty-five cents ($16.85) .
(c) Charge per light, high pressure sodium:
[11 On,-:) hundred watt: four dollars and
seventy-nine cents '($4.79) .
[21 One hundred fifty watt: seven dollars
and fifty-nine cents ($7.59) .
[31 Two hundred fifty watt: eleven dollars
and ninety-four cents ($11.94) .
[41 Four hundred watt: seventeen dollars
and fifty-three cents ($17.53) .
(d) Charge per light, metal halide:
[11 One thousand watt: thirty-six dollars
and sixty-nine cents ($36.69) .
Section 47 . That Section 112-118 N of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by inserting the definition for
Average Metered Demand between the definitions for After-Hours and Co-
generation as follows:
AVERAGED METERED DEMAND - The mean of all kilowatt
demand meter readings recorded for an account within
the preceding twelve (12) months, or as otherwise
determined by the Utility.
Section 48. That the amendments recited herein shall become effective
on all billings rendered on or after December 1, 1983, relating to services
provided during the month of November 1983, and thereafter.
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered pub-
lished this 4th day of October, A.D. 1983, and to be presented for final
passage on the 18th day of October, A.D. 1983.
Ma r
City Clerk
Passed and adopted on final reading this 18th day of October, A.D.
May r
City Clerk