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ORDINANCE NO. 103, 2007 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS AUTHORIZING ACQUISITION BY EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS OF CERTAIN LANDS NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH PHASE TWO OF THE HARMONY AND ZIEGLER ROADS FRONT RANGE VILLAGE IMPROVMENTS PROJECT WHEREAS, the Harmony and Ziegler Roads Front Range Village Improvements Project (the"Project") began construction in the summer of 2007; and WHEREAS, Phase II of the Project will widen Ziegler Road, construct a modern roundabout at the intersection of Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road, and construct sidewalks, center medians, and utility connections; and WHEREAS, new development in the area will increase traffic and the Project will provide for safer traffic flow and improved intersections; and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the City to acquire certain property interests (the "Property") as more particularly described on Exhibits "A" through "Q", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Exhibits"), for the purpose of constructing the Project; and WHEREAS, the City will negotiate in good faith for the acquisition of the Property from the owners; and WHEREAS, the acquisition of the Property is desirable and necessary for the construction of the Project and is in the City's best interest in order to promote the public health, safety, and welfare; and WHEREAS, the acquisition of the Property may, by law, be accomplished through eminent domain. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS as follows: Section 1. That the City Council hereby finds and determines that is necessary in the public interest to acquire the Property described on the Exhibits for the purpose of constructing the Project. Section 2. That the City Council hereby authorizes the City Attorney and other appropriate officials of the City to acquire the Property for the City by eminent domain. Section 3. The City Council finds, in the event that acquisition of the Property described in this Ordinance is commenced by eminent domain, that immediate possession is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare. Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 18th day of September, A.D. 2007, and to be presented for final passage on the 2nd day of October, A.D. 2007. zw Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk Passed and adopted on final reading on the 2nd day of O r, A.D. 2007. I i r Mayo ATTEST: 4,�o�� City Clerk r%c,Or V9-_-1P PROPERTY DESCRIP`FION' ---__.... ._---..._— Exhibit-.A (1 of 2) A parcel Oland being a portion of that?ar:;ei as descrbed In a Warranty Deed reco-dod June 22. Mg as Rer::prion Number 88025484 of rile Records of'_..rimer Co.,;tv. located in the Northwest Quarter(N W 1/4)of Section.Thirty-dxea t33} Township Seven North iL.iN.), Range Sixty-eight Nest (R.68w'.) of the Sixt" Principal Ntaridian (6"P.iL), Cuy of nor±Collins.Count;or(arirncr. State of Colorado being more panicularly described as follows. COMMENCING at he Nei-invest Corner of.aid Section 33 and assum na the Wes: ii,x: of the NWHf of said Sectior 33 as:searing South 00'0�":u- _,_:.Fein;a_^d'acar na:;f ire Colorado State Plane Coorrinate System. North Zone.Nor,' mericon Da[z:m with ail other bearings coraamed herein being relative t'rercto; THENCE South 0000710" c...,_along,i,-`k cst tine of said N`ld'. 4 a disra::e of 10,7.55 feet: ".HENCE North 89052'5C"East a distancc of 50.00 feet to Una W est line of said Parcel described in Reccotion Number 88028a84..and to the POINT OF BEGINNING; The following`Phrec(,3} courses and ds!ances am:gong the R:'esC. Northwest.^f:y and North lines of said pi.cc'described in Reception Number 88028484: THENCE North 0000-Ti 0 West a d'stance of 32.08 feet to a Point o! Curvature (PC; THENCE along the a-c of a curve >n".v-to the So ta,as:: d_t-nc.e of 3946 feet,satin.; curve has a Radius of 25.00 lee!.and Delta of 90`25'2>and is sabtcmicd i^y a Cora bearing North 45'05'04 East it distance of 35.449 feet to a Point,;. THENCE South 89040'41 cast a distance of 42.03 foci. THENCE South 0C•'22'02 West a distance of 11,6;feei; .,HENCE South 73059148 West a distance of 2821 f,;:1 to a PC: THENCE along the arc of it curve concavc to 111z Sou '.cast a Il,t mce c,f 42.32 fee..said curve has a Radius of 56.00 feet,and Delta of -43'18'13 and is sul ended by a Chord bearing South 52°20'42 Nest a distance pf 4132 fee'.to a PT; THENCE South 30°4135 West a distance of 11,19 feet to Phc POINT OF BEGINNING: Said Parcel contains 1,610 so. ft.more o--less(+% , and is sub eel !o any r ,Iis-of-•xa_v or ctixr casements of record as now exisGna on said described parcel of la,:-A SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE 1. Steven A.. Lund,a Colorado Registered Professiorai Land Serve;or do hereby state that this Property Dcscripucct was prepared under my perso:al supervisi:m and checking, and that it is true.and co-roct to the best of my knowledge and hcfcf. Stcverr;A-_!-und� ombttra-=of King cu.veyors. Inc. Cc oradclize sie'rod Professmna! Lard Surveyor 1,3A995 KING SURVEYORS,INC. 650 Gardcr. Drive irdscr. Cclotado Y055O (970) 685-50l t P":20Gi1631Desc\Dm-B-ROW. oc . . . . _ . _ . . . . . RG ( EXHI I A . G e« s . n«: � � S T m »» - r \ \ 15 \ . § \ _ « , � \\/ ~ ~ ~. BEGINNING / 2 � � \ �% z � . � � 5y »B3!NE SEARIN , . \ SEC aim z 9 } 2/ . i a I : 1 14 19 ± T BI CURVE ; a \DELTA CHORDIaPP/ % .;: { 5 xS SC�' % xC , z« �ewoa: « . . - » > «, :\ PROPERTY DESCRIPTION -- L hii>a-,g ------- i1 of 2) n:xci o . ;,cut.. portion of tha, a,.ce! as cescr;ced ;n a v u-antv 21 i983 as Reception Numner 88028484 ,f thu R-cords oF;_a;;1Vor County. t.,..tecf i;t t o Northwest Ouarter(:,XVVI!-)of Scc iom lh rty-three(33i.Tow.n.shio Seven ?lent:: "V ). rat e S xt+ -tg'tt West (R.68-W.i of the Sixth Pm ci.al Meridi m ,6 M,! Ciao of For.Co!-`ins,C.:,n:y of Lari-:ter.State of Colorado be-.,-.tore pa .,.,_;a-'y dzs"no a as foflov.s. C0it4.MENCING :,r 1he Norhwest Cornerof S ' 'Se.ction33 and assu.-ning the Wcst {ne of t-.a NW I/^of said Sectior,33 as bearin__ South 00'0710" East.being a grid bearir_ : the Colorado State Plane Coordinate System, North Zone..North American Damn t 983!92.wii4 a!I ot..,cr bearings cormired herein being reiat ve tnenno: THENCE South 00°0T?0' Eas;a;on,the west inc of said N`:JI a d!stance of i i9.74 feet: THENCE Nonh 89°S2'SCi'East a distance of r0.00 feet to:oc Wes! line 0i said parcel described !r-Reception Number 88028^.S=,and to he POINT OF BEGINNING; '-HENCEE Nort!t 00°07`S O" V.'cst aloe.,said West line s ds:ar�_c ci i 7 08 t...,. ?HENCE North.i0°4i`3S" East a distance of 14.19 feet t0 a Pura of Cu:vats:a; HiNCE a;ang tho a*c a:::.-...conCE!ve,o the Sou_heast a di :.emce 0`12..i2 feet.said u ve ha, i fiedias -6.0 - y a CAI-,- .ng North 52'20'12 'as: it disilancc or dI.32 feet,t,:Po. ,t o! !tul_ THENCE Nonh 73'39'48" East a distance of 29.21 feet: THENCE North 00122'02" East a distance of 11.67 fret t0 the No-M lima of said na nce! dose;bed at Rcceetion Numirr MG28484: T';ENCE South 89'40'-I" pact along said North lire a distance of S.30 feet; THENCE South 20'00'00" West a distance of 11.20 feet: THENCE South 70'00'00" West it distance of 34.00 feet; -1 HENCE South 58'00'00" West a distance of 20-00 rec THENCE South 39'00'00" W-st a distance of 2G.00 feet: TiG tan., - " . i�4CE South 27°C0'n0" wes; a mstance of 2G.OG feel tr, .,:r, POINT OF BEGINNING; Sat!_ 2::rc. ' con ns 23 sq f:.moro o -less;-.'-).and is subya oanY r is nvay or ."the-easeraents of record as now:_.xis:in¢on said describe pa-eei of and. SURVEYORS CER?'IF!C4TE 1.Steven A. Lund. a Colorado Rtl stercd Professional Land Surveyor do-.ereby state .hct:his P- .ocnr, Description was p _oa.ru i undo, n v personal sup-.;isio; and crec Aral.eat :s -and con ect to tit¢ocs:of my e„ow;ed,;e and ,:-lief. S c z d`crtbeha.f of Kira S u.s, 'nc. Culorado Rc._istorad it -c ona! Land Surveyor...-t4995 RING SURVEYORS, !NC. _.dSor.Coic ado SOSSO .370i 6S6-5(i. - PPZOfiT:53iDasc`::�o-B-S LCPc.Goc s LCIE F_XHlBiT B C NA S-E,-. 33, T 7,N_ NOR W75- CORNER 3-, T R.58W. POINT Or COMMD4C-..kAPN- it EASEMENT 523 JL N 4�, 589 5250"W POIN-I 'I , OF BEGINNING LINE TAB' < YFS7 OUAP7ER Cl_RN_R SEC, 33 77N., LINE BEARING LENGTH �7 MOO7'lQ'W Lac L59 I k73„9 a8":7 ls,il, L40 I NCO-22*02", _41 s8g-40,.7,� L42 S2CW'00"'N 1 14.20' 1 L43 L14 '00'rX,"W 1 20.0^ 558 1 L45 -D S� � - 10 CURVE TABLE F—CURVE I LENGTH I RADIUS 1 DELTA CHORD CH BEAR NIC 42.32' 1 55,00'� 43-a'l3" 41.32' N5223 42"- g.-cpht. pTos,Int_to. Z. cic m ErIe -;f_iIer KING SIURVFYORS, INC. CLI--14-: NT7 RJj-Iz n!,nc 50 DIN,:2C✓7' PROPERTY DESC Ri PT:.O!N Exinint-.0 C of 2) A parcel of land being a porion of to parcel as described m a'viammy D=d mcordee Me 22. 1988 as Rcccation Number 88028484 of the Records of Carin;er Courm,Wated n nae NoNwes.Qua;.e, (NW 4)of sec.i . r t.} t,.__(33;, Township Sewn Nonh '-%N.). Range Sixty-cigitt W'es; (R.6a^iv'.) of be Sixth Principai ;Meridian t6°' 2- M.). Ciiy of Fort Collins.CMMV of Larim..State of Colorado being Tore p nrticuiarly .ascribed as foilo•ss. COMMENCING a:the Nonhmesi Comer of said Scsicc 33 arc as5anni_g the West line . t!iO NW1,4-,) said Man 33 as beadng South 00°0TIT East,o ng a grid hearing o-' he Comma State Plane Coordinate System. Nor.h..Zone, North American: Datum 983.97• avih all other bca.,ngs contained ncrein being .atiw t:Preto; THENCE South UWV I0' East along said West lire a distance or 119.74 feet-. THENCE North 89'32'50"East a.distance of 50.00 feet to the West!inc of slid parcel cesmbed it,, Reception Number 88028481,and to tic POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE Nanh MOM" East a data ce of 2100 fee!': JENCE:Nero; .39°00'DO' East a distance of 21100 feet. HENCE worth 58`00'00" East a dh ancc of 2100 to: THENCE North. 70`00'00" East a distance of 3100 feet. THENCE N>rth 20 !;iTt.0' East a distance of 1120 be.4 we North Ene a said par;:: as Menem in Acep'-ion Number 88028484: THENCE South 890141` East along said North We a da:ance of 2121 feet: THENCE ENCE Soul W385V Wes:a distance of 13115 fvst THENCE Sash 00°OT.C' East a distance of AUS Net: THENCE Nora`895255' East a distance of 30.00 No: THENCE South 00°0TIW East a distance of M00 feet the South line of said parcel as described in Recepron Number 88028454; THENCE North 890141"`.Vest along said South line a ls-;ance of 40.00 feet to the vast tine of said parts; as described in Reception. Nutt:ber 8,802,9484: THENCE North OW0710" 'wVem along said West line a distans.,pf 436.74 feet to the 9017NT OR BEGINNING: Said R.r,,...wwrams 9.151 ce.ft. more or less(+i-;. and is subject to any r ".is-of-way or C - as. ;i is ..°r^_curd a$noa Lxistingon said described pamol.., ..a.•.. SURVEYORS CERTMC.ATL Sievcn A. Land.a CoWn!do Rcg vzmd ?mIssic;nal Land Surveyor do hereby state t m no Y r cny Dasc ipt on was p r, m!unds:my porsot i� -,p.:,pion and chocin, a.' hsl i! ismje••ad co•rocr to the b .y of my knowfod_c anduclicf. J 2;Lund an hens t a King S rw moors. Inc, fw Colustjo t siered Professionai Lard Surveyor #34995 5nNG SURVEYORS.AC. OR garden Drive Vv lndsor. Colorado 80550 A6 C- T-v ,-AR- F,S G_NT FXHIBII zc zs i 4 -i P Q POUNT Jr CCJ.J N 2NEti- �/ / � l rr / rr E 4 h j .�O oO.CC PCINT OF / 1 b_ C NN.NG / l / V AB i 0 <I,. �,J ed 439wnf'E I 2 vC } C00 E 2^^^ E 3 N70 G CO':= 2:' ..52 Se440"e1'E 1 a 2_ cc3.1 I o f0 ! I o{ 0f Eo t 1� 1- h ZI r` i0 �5 v� 5 C. 33 T.7N. R 58\4 `E ! _,_�—, FG:E. "hs %.,5:• dra«^S ^ not ., � n Jc :. c sir e 1 s c e s s _ O 0 c e n i L:ny 'rrr t, > y desc o i o CLI N! IN PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ah wit. D Q of 2, Partial rl of rand for an easement being a potion of a parse! e.>described n a W armory De..d reco ed June 22, 1988 as A-!a-ion Number 88028484 of the Rec.>r.ia of L,.. mer County.located in the Norhwest Quarter tNW I`^i of Section`Cti!4-t:^.roe(.i3i. o,.%nsnip Sere n North T ANJ Range Sw%-ci Wes! !R.68VV) (,,f the S sin?trcipai 4*e,!dian fC P.,Ll.)-Cc umy of Latimer. M._of Colorado bei- .or par a!arl;: McKed as follow COMMENCING at to NctInwes C;n:e: .,f slid Sec!ion 33 end assnmi o5 ire'-_s: i ne tw the N W Ito of said Section 33 rs bearing South 00'0T i 0" East._^cing a gri_ earirg a` We Colorado SwW Plane Coorotaa.c Sysicm,No rut Zone,No;,n American D,._um 08N91 mow all other bearings comalncd herein being relative.hereto: THENCE South 00°UM" East along the Svcsuine o`the N W v=of said Sonion 3.3 a distance of I O1.66 feet: THENCE Norm 890210' East a d s.arce of 5 tt`e _to:.he Won s line onaid t trcei described in Reception Number 88028484: The fallowing Three(3) courses are along the West.No7chwest .;v ails North lines of said parcel described in Reception-Number 88028484: THENCE Norm!?707 10 West a distance of 32 OS r et to a ' 0n,of•Cur a_am: HENCE along the arc o, a..u,.c con-ave:o to S=iwast a roman of 3146 ,oc! _._r ve his a Radius of 2100 ROL and Me of 900629 and is subOAK by a Chord O AI;North 400604 East a distance of A49 Not to a Pw nt pf Tangency: THENCE VCF.,Soma 890017 East a distance of 42.08 fact: HENCE South OV22T2 West a distance of 1117 to: THENCE South 725908 Wes:a distance of 348 feet',,the POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE Sown :P00 12" East a distance of 5 DO fees THENCE South 7349 d8° Wes a down=of 510 fret; HENCE North 16301 v.: .L'est a distance of 510 Net; THENCE Nonn 7359110' East a d9ance of 5-00 feet to t.*,c POINT OF BEGINNING: .._a Parcel contains 25 sc, A. more or iess j+-,.and is sub;ect to any.ignts-c;-•.eay or od-m .ti easements of c.,d as now es s, ni,on�:a ! a hand. S: R"vEYORS CERTlFiC.A' E :, Steven A. Lurid,a Cukrado Fceg s.o.s,a P-ofe s !rind Sur,cycr ac hereby_,!to .aa to P ope:ev Desc.r.Nv,m win re"red made. r. :ersora ti.vision a_., ,,;:<:r , find tat it is rue and correc to the bes;of r: t, 4novvied e end be!raL Cten A-. t uro n belmif of.King S rvevJFs, _and Surveyor # 4995 XKG SU cVEYO & INC. o5O Carden :),,iv: AM 680501 F: 7c3\Doss\fie;:; UTILITY EASEMENT BXHIBII p NW%4 SEC. 33, T.71N., R.68W. 4 (2 OF 2) NORTriWST CORNER ' I SEC. 33 T.7N., R.88W. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT Im to S8940'41"E 42.08 I yy 61 r 4-�n� i HI L78�17 V POINT OF IEGRNiNG o q �L75 oI O EASEMENT111-76 u, C W z 0 m Z� N i I o al N69_52'S0`E 50.00'__—_.__ O ' mI it { m I I o If o ' I i N yyyl,,, WEST QUARTER CORNER /- SEC. 33 T.7N., R.68W. _ 1 LINE TABLE LINE BEARING 1 LENGTH LJ3 S00' 2' Ti.67' L74 S73'S9'48`W 3-48• L75 51S'0 'fit` 5 .00 L76 S73'S9'48'W 1 5.Q0• L77 NIB' 0.12"W 1-78 N7 ' '4 5. ' CURVE TABLE _CURVE J LENGTH I RADIUS I DELTA I CHORD I CH BEARING I C19 I 39.46' 25A0' 90'26'29"1 3549' 1 N45'06'04`E ' t0 NOTE: This exhibit drawing Is not intended to be r marwmented land survey. It's sole purpose is cs =" _ grophic repraeentotlon to cid In the visuolizetun of Steven lC"'LV_ISd ;pgrbehatt of Yng Surveyors Inc. the vn'itten property destni,tion which ii accompanies. Colorado R<i]islare Proresslonol The written property description s persedes t:u (and Surveyor #34995 exhibit drawing, KING SURVEYORS, INC. PROJECT NO:200716.3 fii0 C;aMtc lhivt I \%tirulsor,(:olnrnie�845i11 DATE:9-i 0-07 REV i CLIENT:INTERW£ST I p1mam:(970)686'S0I I I faro(97i)686-582l DWG 2007163BASE.dwg uwwkinGsurvcyarx.aom DRAWN:KER CHECKED:SAL FROP; RTYt3ESCR27T:ON Exh:i;it-. E 11ofQ s. cano of;and being part of Tract_.The Eng:ish Ranch 4 Fill recorded Niay 26. 1994 as Recepdu,Number 940455320.`:h: Record,of io_a e is irc V rmcast Quarter(NFI/T of Section Thirty-two!34.Town sn it Seven Noon lt. 'N-i. Range Sixi eight tiWzst (R 6N4,';of Me S.xrh P n i^a! Wi an (6" KNIT CAY A For, C'oi!i ns,County of La-1-er.State of Colorado. and bWg mors ) r iai"ta o de,s abed as Cows: COMMENCING ar the Northeast Corner of said Seciioe 32 and 'asssn o .he E;s;L.._ of .-e:NFt/4 of said Secuon 32 as bearing South 06 O "'T being t grid bra nag of t.c Cciicrado State Plane Coordinate System, North Zone. North Arne-inn Datum 198392,wim a1!other bearings contained herein brine rc'.aticc ihcr%c: THENCE South 00'0717 East alone to East the of said NH'.A c dkwn=of 8157 €eet: T:-iENCr. aou,.•3I=:: ,u west zdistanc.;or-,J.(;G me: i .)e e.r..,[.:.-e,.. said.:,.a : -.d brebeginning p61ni of a curve o cn t r _ern tt to mores -c - u end m ^e POIN"P OF BEGINNING: t i!ENCE ato ng the an oZ a C,T,c c -__a n;�n^Southwos_a. .ce or 64.75 an a Rani_.,of S(i.CO fcw a Deaa of 9S°)a'W and is sunimid by a Chord ord hwAg North o- =12 Was.a di.,ta nce of 6153 tiei to a no .on !le of_aid Trap P•said He being non-tan=eat to the aforesaid Came: .,.e roilowing Three (.3i covrscs anal distances are along the No, and ..__.J said s, F. THENCE South 890111 East a.distance of 27.10 feet to a Point of Cureau.._. _THENCE along the arc of a curve concave to the S ut..wes:a_stann of 3101 feet-said c�rve has a Radi,s of-510 feet,a Dow of 8902121.and is subanded b a Chord bearing South 44=4721" East a distance of 3117 feet to a Point of Ta agency: THENCE South OW07".;i' East a distance of 1 I.-"5 .reef tc t::o POINT OF BEGINNING: Said Pan:.. san.'_ir-s 577 so. R.mom or Was WAL and is subject to a:"v rips-of-way nr O n as now 2 ,St ng an said anc ibed panel of[arid. SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE 1. seven A.is nd.a Colorado Roe srcr e PriAbsioral ;.emu kmvyw On hereby staa t.a: MIS property Description Was proparcc under my perso lei super.esi , d_'rcc!',;ea, L tli..: it :.s n:. and cu 'ct to the Jost :!any h ow!-d"�e an ...,. Sann�:a. Los -on Scha v of KKK Surveyors. Inc. Colorado Reystend Professiona Land S::rv'ov r 414995 {i\G SURVEYORS. INC. 650 Gard on Drive %Ahon WOW)8055(! (971 Psb->iii i EXHIBIT E (2 OF 2) r!OP Sf-TOOTHj?OAD \',R-EAS7 CORNER, SEC. S2 T.7N- R.e$W. FONT OF COMMENCEIMEN7 5 C, Ll J J'7:L7Y --S,-.VENT Pyly 1 1 NA7 V TPAC- Gi.isl!7ZA.N"t i Iv 4 YH TV W PUNT OF BEGINNING to m IN nj :40T ""R70DER 32 R,Ssw. LINE TABLE LINE 1 SEAT G i LENGM , —J saqiWE —27:0' .2 1 sconnlll� , low CURVE TABLE� CURVE I I ENGTIH I RADIUS 7_LDELTA , CHORD I CH' HARM— N 1 6475 1 9&00' 1 3 -- - -F 0� 25 0-3' 7 -Z C>1- -7- 1Nq This crc P sof 7 V A �wd - OTA&W Y Mg SWM�n 1, �-tte� or.cerry ^.g;lted 'i, �-op�i'y cesc-:p:crl --t K 110 G Sli RVE'�'(-)R�, 1 C. PROACT N02027:51 0.4 T Z:8 ord, 7, CL�ZNT: DRAWN: EA- PROPERTYDESCRI,P'llON 03—illn-. r t! of I A parecil of land being pan of the Sm:m%vesL Qua ne. (28),Towns ip Sever North ,TAN A Range Six}nign Wes ATSW) of Me Tub paxyw mendart in",P-M.).City of Pop:Collins.Count,. o,. LcuimQ7.State of Colorado being more ptuticulany descnined as 10ows. CONINIENCING aLto Soshwum Cotner of swill SmAw 28 mat assamny to West He of Me SW 14 of said stunum 28 as bearing Nor n DON 13V 'We,being a grid bcou-ing of Ow Color do State Plan-Coardifnae System. Nortin Zone. No i A-nerioan Daiwa E983/92. Vice a!] other bearings contained herein b, mS rdini%c themic; THENCE North 000011" West aWrig the West line or the SW 1`4 cf said Section 28 a distance of 215.29 feet: THENCE Noah 89=21' Rest a distance of 3&AC to: THENCE Sash 00"WAl" East a chispeQ of 11.07 fedut, Point a.! Curvaouo WCQ: THENCE along the am of a curve concave to to Northeast a distance of 46AI red.so:! curve has a Radius of 181000 001.and a Delut of 10007 and is subtended by a Char,. bearing Sash 07n216' East a almnst of 45.00 IN to a Poin:of Compound cumaun,, (PCC); THENCE along We arc of a curve concave a he NesJuv a dimanewl ILB IN.said "me has a Radius of 38&00 fem.and a Delta of 23918 and is wounded by a Chord bearing Sash 15TY21" East a di Lance of 1 L15 In to a Point of Tangency 70 THENCE Soul 175310" East a dmones of 3198 Me cc a PC: THENCE along Be am of a cnvo concave to the Normust a diance 4 2A5»IN,said curve his a Radius of 520X0 My.and a Delta of 20353" and is subtended by a Chord bearing South 1790WEast a Quin"of 2158 feet to:h- POINT'OF BEGINNING; THENCE North 7PI13F Elast along ii line non-tangent to Be aRorescidmirve 4,disfinco of 540 Rat; THENCE South 1804r,24" East a distance cf., 3.00 Md: THENCE Sash 7194 3V WnE a AMMe Of 510 Met to Me beginning pointof a curve, sail curve being non-tangent to the aforesaid line: THENCE along Be am of a cam stnowe to rile Northeast adis:anoe of 5.00 RwL said curve has a Radius of 52010 Men and a Delta of 003 103"and is subtended by a Chard bearing Noah 184520 Wes a distame of 510 Met to Be POiNT OF BEGINNING; Said Parcel contains 25 sl w more or Ins `+i-),a—id is SL.,JeCt.O any rights-of-way0r other easo-nerns of record as now cxisi!ng on said,de,�,ibcdpnuccl of land. SURVEYORS CFWNFICATE I. Steven A. Lund.a Cdonsk Rcgistowd ',lrofessionil Land---uveyor e,o hercify stan:, that this Property DescriKlionwas prepclmd under my pens ftna s ape rvisionand and Bat it is.true and correct in the best of my knGNlL--l;c and belief. Steven A. Lund-OP.i..hzV Y King Sury e;ori .ne. Colorado Registered Profusiami Land Surveyor e34993 xTwG SUIRti EYORS, !NC. 65C Cmdon Drive windmn colorwo 8AW, (95) 68&501: FA2f`,,O7 EXHIBIT� L- DENT T F j .�:�C,', z8, T_in 1 .. �:4. '2 OF 4zS Xu R—R CORNER �— SSG 28 L7N., .458'N_ i j 57 I f � ^ I I Z .G PONT OF - J , y I r i c EAR FEWEETj I 4{ I LINE TABU i LINE BEARING 1 1 N T H _ f L57 k39'5R'23 38.10 L53 i SOC.O'9'"E 15S c'o o3 OC - 238 171 ! Si55 '2n"E FAO' 72 S7114'35'W I 5.CO' y� t CURVE TABLE CURVE LENGTH i RADIUS DELTA I CHORD C . BARING - 3 - C J < = 2J:a 52�.00 1 J J G 5`3 5 C13 5.00 i .2C CC 033-Q_' 5.c0 K 5 5 74'z4 l SgOU7 rsT CORNER SEC. 2c -.7N_ R.58-0. FOiN7 OF COMVuYC.- 7 7— — — — — �; i KiNG SURVEYORS, INCI i I ($) • d A- I \t d G:9 V ET Y i r1 6 4�-S1 � 1 86 �21 v .. I PROPERTY DESCRi PTIO_N G— (I of 2) p ^a7CCI of land being a nonion of the Southwest Quarter'S W i/4)ct`Section Twen[,•- eigiu(28).To•:<nship Seven North t'f.;N.),Ranee Sixty-eight':Jest (R.68` '.i of the Six: Principal morldian f6i, P.M.),Citv of For:Collins.County of Lar',mc-, State of Colczadc being more particularly described as follows. COMMENCING at Southwest Comer of said Section 28 and assum rig the West lire of he S`:JI/?of said section.28 as bearing North OO°10'31" West being, a -d hearing ct ;he Colorado State Plano Coordinate System,North Zore.North A,rcr:c.r Datum 1983.;92..with all o':cr bearints conetined'nerein being relative thereto; HENCE North 00'i0'.3l" West along the West line of said SW P4a distancc of 29 ,2 feet: THENCE North 89°49'29" East a distance of 30.00 feet to a iine being 30.00 feet Easter!v of as measured at right angles to the West line of said SW i ?.and to the POIN'i OF BEGINNING: T HENCE North 00'10'3F West along it line parallel with,and 30.00 feet L-asterly of.as measured at a right angle to the West tine of said SW't14 a distance cf 18357 fee!: HENCE North 8904929" East a distance of 8.40 feet: THENCE South 00"i0'3 i" East a distance of 11.07 feet to a Point of Cur:attire(?C); 'THENCE along toe arc of a curve concave to the Northeast a distance of 46.11 feet.sal, c,:rve has a Radius of 188.00 feet.and a Delta of 11"OTI1" and is subtended by a C:^or: bearing South 07°l2'06" East a distance of 46.00 fee' to a Porn:cf Compound Carva;u-c (?CC); THENCE,along the arc of a curve concave to the Northeast a distance of i i.15 fact,said curve has a Radius of.386.00 feet.and a Delta of 01°39'18"and is sebtended'cy a Chor_ bearing South 15°03'21" East a distance of 11.15 feet to a Point of Tangency (l7?'1; THENCE South I5053'00" East a distance of 32.98 feet to a PC; THENCE a'ortg the arc of a curve concave to the Northeast a distance of 33.95 feet sale' curve has a Radius of 520.00 feet,and a Delta of 9`l5'01"and is subtended by a Chord bearing South 20030'31"East a distance of 83.86 feet to a PCC: THENCE along the arc of a curve concave to the Northeast a distance of 9.73 feet said curve has a Radius of 41.00 feet.and a Delta of l3°35'.39"and is suhtcnded by a Choi", bearing South 31°55'51" East a distance of 9.71 feet to a line being 30.00 feet Norther iy Of,as measured at right angles to the South line of said S W i14.said ii+te >eing na;- tangcnt to the aforesaid curve; THENCE North 8903758"West along a:ine parallel with and 3O.0O f_•et Noah^-ri, a.,as measured at a rgin angle to the South fine of said SW V4 a distance of 60.01 r.feet to tt POINT OF BEGINNING; Said 7a:;;cl cortais»943 sy. ft.more or less f+. and is subject cc airy other easements of record as now existing on said descrided parcel of!a:d'� SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE; 1,Steven A. Lund.a Colorado Registered Professional _and Survevor do he.eb}staaa :hat this Property Description was prepared under my personad sup_r%,Mon and checku�a. and that it is true old correct to the best of my knowledge and belie(. -7 Steven A. Lund-,elf behalf of King Surveyors, Inc. otoradd Rc stared P r ssicna! :and .'.3.1995 K;NG SURVEYORS, iNC. 65C: a;dcn Dri,e Windsor.Colozado 8(:550 '970) 6865M 1 P:+2007i 63\'>eti_'uie c-A-RO\i'roc «z OF 'NAY EXHIBIT G ( sta :» w 7 a« <eSEC. 28 a � w ��o TARE ' c e .� . « ; » ic R «/ ywm � , ve ; | s § =y , * \_ - y5 \ } r . ,s m=/ o � . � LINE 7B . . I �»; i — . | � -- GO � LA a = 2: \ i _ \ � \ z | - \ � f--------- ® . � a5���El �a27�� � \ SPOINT OF EGiNNING \\\ ` - �w , 2 ;� - - —« - - -- - - - - - - � \-ING- .S R; 3Yv, jy }, v, �D ' z«,< . . . : \ � a»>s as »y:& . DRAWN: sa7CK wa§ PROPERTY DESCR7?TION H (lo! 2) A,trarc,,.!of land'oernga portion or theSouthwest Quarter(SVID4) To.rrsnio Sev��n North(T._,N.�, Ranize Sixv, Otani,Wzsi(R.68W.)cifihe S.A." ?r.rcloa, M-r7diart(6 ?M),City of Fort Co5';.,.s.Cot,ni, of L&Rnmcr_qia,aoI CoiotaCobem,n7ore oa.!:cjlar!y described as COMMENCING of said Section 33aadassuming Lhelikusa St,,TA of sa'd Senior:.33 as ccici:ic North,'0'1 fy3i' Vvcsi, heing a gred octirinii if the Coloraco Sit'ic Place Coordinate System. No.rul,Zo-le,North a,Icz-1 Dal 9geMI wuhl ali c;uhc. hauinzs'_ontaised licrem beiit g.eiatitt,-thereto: THENCE North 00"if".31 West atur-,the Wesi i.-c I r, S di!4o',aid'Section 7fS 3 d;s:ar.cc r)i 304.24[_- '-HENCE North 89'49'29" East a distance_,: 30.00 rt'e.1"a iine 'e:!1g, 30.00 rue, ELS:er!y Of,es McqE'UrLC a:ril�h,angict, ci the West fine of stud SW 1;4.and:o if,% POINT OF BEGIN, ING: THENCE North 89049'29" E-etsE a distance of 25.44 ri.-L: THENCE South 00tOW00'West a d's1wrice Of 1312.00 feet THENCE South 14'00'00't East a distance of 70.00 feet: THENCE Saudi 20-QUOV East a dEsorrice of 60.00 feet, THENCE South 42'00U"East a distance or 2i_3O feet to aline being 30.CC C-0. N,)-!hQ.:-v of.as measwed at naha angles to the South line of the SWP4 of said Se-.!ion 28; T1,7ENCE No,th 89'37T58"West along a Ime parallel with zid 30,00,feet Ncinhcr:y of,as measured at a right angle to the South line of said S'N'U4 a distance Of :8.92 fec"to the bcpiniiig p0i,zl u'd curve,said curve being ncn-tantzcm to the afo7esa:!Imc 7H-,\'(.E alcna the arc o*'a curve concEi,e to tre,Nortneas,a castanet,o."973 fe-t-sa has a Radius of 4101 feet.an,t a Delta& 13'35'39" and;s suaaende by a Chord bearing North 35;'53'5."-we.,*L a distance o,'9.7i feet to a?o:ni ol'Cmmpound Cuf'a;ure(PCC;: Tf:--N--E along the arc of a c.r-,c concave to mc Northeast a dis(anc-of 83.95-feet.said curve hzs a Radius of 520.00 feet,and a Delia Or 09'1.5 01"and is subtended by a Chord bear.,.,,North 1"West a distance of 83.86 fee;to a Point of Tana m, fPT)- TEENCE North 1S*.iYOO" West adistaricc it 3198 fee' ;o aPoint of I'4.vaIjc,(PC!: THENCE along the arcor a curve concave io the Northeast 2 distanced 1 1A.5 feet.said curve has a Radius of 386.00 feet.and a Delia Or 1'3t719"and is subtended by a Cl-Ord bea-irig Nor'h 1500321'West a d;sl,,n.--e of 11.1 S feel to a PCC: _�T H .NCE'alon8 the-arc of a curve concave¢:Elie Northeast a Lf;slance Of 40A I feet.said curve Radius or'88.00 feet-and a D--,I:a of 1 4")TI ert-I:s subtended by a Choir-bca-iriz North -I as a: I i . I. -7*'2'06'West a distance of 46.00 feet to a PT TI!ENCF North CC'10'.3 1"West a distance of 11.07 reef: :FENCE So..:( 8,49*29"VAics; a dnwnco of 8.40 Coe,ro a!inc b f0,feet Eas.er.,, of,as measured at right angles to the W si fire of the SW 114 a(sa.d Section 2S: T i; sj C17 N,-j!j 0()'jfE 31 W_st ajon a inte parallo,-ilh and 30.00 feet ,I.as mi-asured a a �1. gic if,the W,,, '.�'I n of se,d SiV114 a distance of 88.95 feet cc,h,POINT OF BEGINNING : Si': Parcel Qotcalrs 4.892 so.fi.more or iss (-;-;.and :s sutil...i:o ary r. wav ow 2USC;r_M[S 0.7eCO-d a,na-cxis!lng on ald&scrtIbcd parcel of lanl,'. SURVEYORS CERTIFICA:11: A. Lund.i Col do Re,nttc l?7cf-ssional La-d aur, fjr do,h--ebto s!liv li-.ai Cris Proper„v Description was pre.parcd und-,my cersona.supllr,imon an- and that it is:.-Uc and cart ci to the best of my k.Iomclqc arld S:cveR.A La c;-oit.:tnhalf G f K Im7 SLI.'e"',S.Inc. La�CiSu.,,yor 4t,_5499r, RV.-YORS.1NC. Dr.,� tt' _Io-,do 80 i fS7 O 'E3 CORN � '=OI ?i — 28 i7v. R59Y —I f { z zi Z� I -OP! �o� ,�p� IC IR�2of ° ° P O iU a -v al cl of OI I m� i r^ ....... b) b I _ Z O W p ZI a c ,I 'I i V o 2 Q� � I { ca Imo- �Ir y p, { ill >55 `I — ° t 1i ln 1U') It . E 1 } fllj oLiI sa.sEArtrvr } F I do s � I i }JC jt il iG � i � _ n } 1 I 1 � s Er C R�. } Zvi — 5 e8 -.7N 4 58 i O'S J P>D.N7 C= COMMENCEMENTKING l si { 7' S rr .•� "q � r Ur.'.c �y r.f a � ._; -���, Cli-N Dw tiT_2h y sr,- er ��r_n .73 W,-, PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Exhibit- I C of 2) A parcel oir'lard 'ceinz a portion of[hc Southwest Quarter(S%k 1i4) of Sector."i wom,- eignt(28),Township Seven North (T.7N.).Range Sixty-eight West iR AM of be Sixth Prim pal ;bteAhn (6" P..M.)..City of Torn Collins.Couray of Lariaer.Stag of Colorad<; L;eing more particularly descrihod as follows. t COIbIMENCING at the Scuthwest Cerro. of sa'.c.._..Aw 28 and assuming the Pies[M, of doe SWU4 of said Secnnr 28 as?_..ring Nor h DO C 3!" Won bdn;a grid bearing of the Colorado S[ac_?lane Madinaur System. North.Zone. North American Datum NMI Mth all o5or bearings o-.lzined herein being roladve;hc cto: THENCE North C�) V3I" Wem Mong thz West line of be SW A or said Sesior 28 a distance of 304.24 feet: THENCE Norm 89' V2V East a di umm of MM)to w a line bomb 3C.00;eel Easterly of.as measured at rightt angles to the West!ire of the SW I M of said Se'<;don 29. and to the POINT OF BEGINNING: `THENCE.North 0-i`011" West Nocg a lo.e paral!e! with and 300C feet Eamerly of,as measured at a right angle to the West lire of said SVVU4 a cistance of 9.97 Net; THENCE North 890929" East a distance of 3147 to: THENCE Su bCOTM Won a s c. M M 7f.u:: THENCE S [h 10000" Fan dhann of 6&2 In: THENCE South:270010" East a disance of 5753 feet: THENCE South 42°OD'00" East a distance of 3148 feet to a line being MOD Fret Norlherly of,as measure„at right angles to the South line of said SW I!-of said Sec.2,9 THENCE North 899751" West along a fine parallel with and 30.00 feet Nenheriy of,as measured at a right angle to the South line of said SbVl 4 a disterce of 1153 feet THENCE North 42°OM"West adistance of 2530 No: THENCE North 2GTOM' West a distance of 60.00 Not: THENCE North _4°'u"O'o0" West a distance of 7100 Nor: THENCE Arth 00`DO'00" East a distance of 13100 Net; THENCE South 890929" `Nest a distance of 25.44 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; Said Parcel conta rs 3.235 sq. ft.more er less (-- ),and is subioci io any rigi.[s-of-way cr other ease:mants of xcord as now ems mg of said described parcel of:and. SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE L Steven.A. Lund.e Marko Rigisa._..Professional Lard Surveyor do_n-eb,:maic- iha; !iris li operty Descriptmn was papred under nny ponanal supormion and chuckirg. and that iris me aid corroct to the lies!of my kt,.ewNdge and belief. $ o,m A. Land --6n Qetid(of King .radio R g.st�r£d u,< .sioctal Lard S'_rveyc[..,r34`r93 KING SURD EYORS, MC. 650 larder LAIM ..-n<son Cohrall 30 5^ �07zl 6S6.52;- ?:'.2CG7'.;i3`.Desc`i?csc-:..=CEIvI P.dcc T T7,11PCIRARY EAS�V_ENJT EXHIBI I S,,NY, 28, e» R 38V,' WEST Q�A��H_R COR�_R (2 OF 2) 28 7,711N_ ;.,,3 W. L62 PCIN7 CF M,Z' < Z,Zi Z,Z!01 \ \ Lj U, '2,�3,I C) 0 � \ � � , © : 1G\\ � EASEMENT_,�� ,235 ff. \ ^i V� C5. � \ { e Zi . ~/ \ \ � Is � \ 3 SOJ'7`,VFS7 CQRN_R 25 RBw. �CiNi OF 1_0VV-NC7M7NT P'ROJECT N0:2�-7' KING STURVEYGRR'S, INC. DAT-_:3- 3-C 65:1 CLIENT: pht,i� 5C 1. '�7 DWG:2C:�7 16 3 3a:,j Cli DRA --XED: SAL I'ROP'ERTY OESCR IPI1ON -- Exhi Lit-j — (I of 2) A parcel c.: iand bung part of Lot One (1).Strobe! N13!D Nc; S Gi) 8 r r=o dt,.- %May 23 1990. as Reception Number 9CO2189S of Inc Moos of Unncr Coruna.loca cl in the Northwest Qcanor(N W ll4)of Section Thirtya)ree (30 Towmhip Men North VAN 1. Range Six,eight eight ,MI (^ASW.)of t-e S.x_n ll t aipa:[vier cha (:"" P.M.).L.-t,)v o Lmmen State of COMA being mcra oarticu[ariv described as foilows. COMMENCING at We Nc tbwest Corwr of wd La 1 and s n :9 mc Wag szic Lei I as bearing South OVOT[W ASL being a grid!bearing of the Colorado Size' -rise Coo ':na.c System North Zone. North American: Date :9e.i'92,viil all .)ewer hearings contained herein being relauee lerato: 'HENCE Soul 0CLTIO" Eaa along said West :ine a distance of 13531 Net: THENCE North 890200" East a distance of MOO tect no,-line hemg 20LO feu Instudy of as rronu%f at Aght an es to the West 1 c o=`sa:d Lo. 1 and ) ine POINT Or BEGfNYING: .HENCE Sc-i 875210 M a d.:wnce ar. 00 to a !f _bei;,g 23.t C to,Eas.e:i., as n-towured at right ungNs to:he AM line of said Lot L. THENCE Soul 00 07 .U- Last a=.ong a Iine para! with and uP,as :neasai,ed tL ri,,m angles aO Inc West I C -):5a id ,....1 a e:Sta. ....Ji li'Jfi in: -' ENCE Saw MOM Won a!awnce,r MC feet w a Kne My 20 '?le:,, as[c !y o .�s mcasurcc:at right.an sics fo:he Wass !inc oi'said Lot "HENCE AM 009 1C West aion,a line para!lul wil and 2.i M icet v ,torI of. to; r c cured a nQ ants M the West To of said Lot i a,dicta -c of MOD feet!a the POINT OF BEGINNING: Sall Ann et n ins 270 sq. II ^lure r loss Fl-1,an. is sibj 7 g Sol wa or >n.: :nJ2 any Je record as Ilow S.CI4tag on Said r :bed pxc3i uf hug d_ SURVEYORS CLRTIPIC.4TE L Sw"nt.,,A a.Coio:ado Rcgiver .1 Professional wand Survey;v thowneby swe to t: is Propery CesQxhn was o e arad Lndcr try Pomona!i u - . w choul nt, u.^.d that ibis iruo and,CO:root to[hc best of my Bno wtcdg,-and he:iaf. 'van A:-Lund of King ou vc=ors,Inc. C ,ora.iotk �n rned;�rofessional Lan,!curvcyo '3499:, XING SURVEYORS,INC. 551 Garcia:: Drive jadsor, Co i-M)80550 i97M 5860021 . . .. . . PEDESTPIAN .< EXHIBIT J s, 337 m 99 � y� NORTHWEST CORNER . z :c POINT r q 7 ; O M GF ; - \ / . � - --©�� 25 � ©» c ^^` ; \ D \ / 0 � y , \ : \ 2 \ / � P / \ { ^ 13. . ! , ~LL Li 1-26 � | | ` � - - ƒ� ` / { � \ . � LINE ,G _ R / ; aG -24 5 i ";0—0 � I � T _ - -.e :� \ �.:Clf ' yo,s . "a . r D�;,- C\\ ^ &GS-aVE>�, 1NC ��«z CL;E���/ e, . . . . � . _ . . , ; . . .WN: . . . _ . . . . . . ee e DTSCRIPTION E11 LK «parcela bang«We<Twenty m amO c » m, No. - e . May 2.3.1990, tee n Nuinbcrmz zap s>Larimcr Coenty. .aaa« r»e+eacu a»cam. . Tommy : ca« » �6 «ae;+ .w �32 y c MY a;= Countyol s«c.. SAd sec m 7.300sq. c niore or less : ems. otnereasemcnis as nowcmsung ribedparcciz SITRVEVORSCATMCATE is=A. ?a Ccimmu Reghtacda a_tom mat+PropeFty _ate, prepared umu Zapam! upervAhn and Meting. and Mat i#true+ eethe best ee knowludgem»« 3'\ ces . . , Si�V — c «. m Kina Sur%evons, Inc. Lan,Surveyor �3 m, KING ww»oa .v m Garde,. Drive Windson ate,s: M6 w. I NIQ K . 31 774. T55W. PIGH— OF WAY MY 1131 J' K (2 OF 2) NORMMST CORNER SEC. 33 T,?N,, [Z,5P-, CC) PEO, S2-,��7:6 -—————————— — . \ / | | � 57MAIMR096M7 ROW oil 180 7 MV \ j! ou \/ � ( \ | � 30.00, REC, 9:057756 -L — — �rST QUARTER CORNER SEC. 33 i3N.. R�68W. C�L4RLIE LANE 7 NCIT�: 7,;e e.nibiz d,c.Eh� ib lot m7encel to be rl.ljl�ell�ac lc,c �'s sole -� c 9�cphi- Z- cid n t" wazcn- e cd 1Tq Smspors. in, 'he .-itt�r o�,e�t, C.bC,:M, et Co:arodc Reg.ste-c �-afesbinb, -.I- v ?R�j-"CT NC:2_:;7 lwNCT SURVFYORS, INC :;ATE:8-�D-37 650 G"J'n D", 1 IX ds,_(:,� ,"8�!,ii(, CLIENT: N-EP'AIES- po,11L: via�9-(;)6S(, 362! DW G:2 0�7 15=Z,--, K E oR OH-- D:S PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ----Lxhibii L —... ,i of 2'r oarral rf!znd being part of Lot One(1),Strobe! MRD No. S-60-87 re-o ded[Mayis--. '990 as Reception Number 9002'.898 of the Rewrds of Latimer Co tv,located in he Northwest Quarter(NW 1,14) of Section Thirty-d'Ime t33).T3wriship Seven No, !TJN!. Range Silty-eight West (R.68W.)of the Sixth Principal Meridian iti"P.M.i.County of La� :ncr.. State of Colorado being more particuiar!y desc.=bcd es follows- COMMENCING at the Northwest Corner of said Lot ! and assuming the`Fes: iine of said Lot I as hearing South 00`0'i"0" East,being a grid'eea ring of: e Ce!orado S.ao_ Plane Coordinate System, North Zone,North American Datum i98.it92. with all ot'aer bearings contained herein being relative thereto; THENCE South 89040"0"East aicrg the North lire of said Lot 1 a distance of 20.00 feet to a line being 20.00 feet Easterly of.as measured at right angles to me West iine of laic Los I and to the POINT Or BEGINNING: THENCE South 89°40'10" East commuing alone said North line a+-stance cf I3.00 feet to a line being 33.00 feet Easterly of,as measarcd at right angles to the West:um cr said Lot is T!-ISNCE South 0000710"Eas:a'ong a line parallel xvith and 33.00 fret Easter:,of, as measured at right angles to the West line of said Lat I a distance of 36 .00 fact Scut:^, iine of said Let l: TH ENC'E Non:.89'40'10" West along said South Il ne a distance of 13.00 feet to a iin. beine 20.00 feet Easterly of, as measured at right angles to the West line of said Lw I THENCE North 00°0710"West aloe=a line panJlel with and 20.00 feet Easter.,or, as measured at right angles to the West line of said Lot 1 a distance of 139.85 feet-, THENCE North 89052'50" East a distance of 3.00 fret to a line bein¢23.00 feet Eri c-!, of,as measured at right angles to the West line of said Lot 1: THENCE North 00°07'10" West along a line parallel anal 2.3.00 feet Easterly of, as measured at right angles to the West line of said Lot I a distance oi 90.00 feet: THENCE South 89°52'50" West a distance of 3.00 feet to it line bein., 20.00 feet Ezsteriy of,as measured at right angles to the West line of said Lot l: THENCE North 0000710`West along a line parallel with and 20.00',co:Easter],Of,as measured at right angles to the Wes] line of said Lot '! a distance of 135.i5 feet to tnc POINT OF BEGINNING; Said Parcel contains 4.475 sq. ft.more or less (+/-),and is subject to any rights-of-wap or other caserneris of.--cord as raw existing on said described parcel of lend. SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE h Steven A. Lund,a Colorado Registered Profossional Land Surveyor do hereby snug ,hat!his Property Descripfior,was prepared under hey personal scpervirorn and chai:k in and that it is true antcorect to the best of my knowledge and belief. V Steven A.Lund on WPa( -er King Suneyom inc. Colorad6,Regisfered Professional Land Survcybr:::--�?995 KING SURVEYORS,INC. 650 Garden Drive Windsor,Colorado 80^50 (970) 6865011 ?P.2007163\_iesc`.Desc-C.>-TEN!Palo- W% Sty 33, .�\ T_ ENErR AT EXHIBIT (2 OF 2) CEN; OF ♦0:R'?'4: S- CORMER CCMMENC M N- i C L07 1, O f.SRD > / ?CIN- Cr �%- 3_GN iidG l L-31 L27 �--- - ' I 1 I ! 20.00 I 31 L I I 1 saG� P1� 1 i I�i� olo�i �1 c � Iz hl z>R j L30� p:,Z of of of o 1 k �I - �I t <��ii I i T pIZ2 �✓�., %� j p 1 o �I . - I 0 I01 , ^'dill NI z I of c)I IG' � I z{ 1 �, LAS£M,NT 4,475 I s L29-, L I ; , i I s ol�n I b W`'=ST OUART_R CCRNEo pf`� 1 33 L. N.. R.68W. OIL 1 ZI L28 i NOTE: This <+i:b;t cr. mg is ^.ct ` ` cn -:ar tac lar s -,ey. 'iu-' rc r e tc,ion c n t.e s al .ics e'en A. iu,d Kicg S-. ,. or,. ne p ps-ty C c D::c v.h, .,clorodo Rey ste Pro`essiane'. :.e KING SI RVFYOR-S, INC. Pzod uo DATE:a s0C trI rD it <� v Cr t ¢;,ti Ci)EWf IV=c4 I ,v, ) C,C3,-. ti r"; ,ti2I D3fG c.rJ7 i8 at w= DRA`r'/N: <ER, r "K= 5,.:_ EXHIBIT m - PEDESTRIAN TRAIL EASEMENT SHEET 1 OF 2 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION A PORTION OF TRACT A OF THAT PARCEL OF LAND AS DESCRIBED UNDER RECEPTION NUMBER 2000023867 OF THE LARIMER COUNTY RECORDS, LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 68 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COUNTY OF LARIMER, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 68 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, BEARS S 89-21'46- E; COMMENCING AT THE CENTER QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 32; THENCE S 89-21'46" 1- ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY QUARTER SECTION LINE, A DISTANCE OF 833.50 FEET, TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 00'00'00" E, A DISTANCE OF 7.31 FEET, TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT—OF—WAY OF KINGSLEY COURT AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT, ENGLISH RANCH SOUTH P.U.D. RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER 2000023867; THENCE ON SAID RIGHT—OF—WAY A DISTANCE OF 10.03 FEET ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 50.00 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 11'29'17% AND A CHORD THAT BEARS S 87'39'11` E. 1D.00 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID RIGHT—OF—WAY S 00'00'00- W. TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL, A DISTANCE OF 7.01 FEET; THENCE N 89'21'46" W, ON SAID SOUTHERLY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 10.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; CONTAINING A COMPUTED AREA OF 70.00 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT I HEREBY STATE THAT THE ATTACHED PROPERTY DESCRIPTION WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY RESPONSIBLE CHARG D IS ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. �Sr 0 o1 z: 36070 2 'O 90t d ............... . .• 9 s�OA'AL.LAND DAVID L. SWANSON, PLS 36070 FOR AND ON BEHALF OF STANTEC CONSULTING INC. NO.: PROJECT Stantec Consulting Inc. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 9 187010590 Fort South M Street DATE: 4 26 07 Fort Collins CO 805 80521-2603 NE 1/4 OF SECTION 32 Ph:(970)482-5922 T 7 N, R 68 W OF THE 6TH PM DwG: K-1 Fx:(970)482-6368 CITY OF FORT COLLINS �a stantec.com COUNTY OF LARIMER CAD OPR.: SHEET: RantK STATE OF COLORADO TJA 1 OF 2 REPRESENTATION EXHIBIT N - PEDESTRIAN TRAIL EASEMENT SHEET 2 OF 2 O 0 i D= 11'29'17" o R= 50.00' PARCEL CONTAINS A= 10.03' 70.00 SF +/- w CH=S87'39'11"E POINT OF COMMENCMENT Z 10.00' TRACT A ENGLISH C Ya SEC. 32 FND _ RANCH SOUTH PUD 2 Yz, ALUMINUM N00'00'00'E�`� Y 3RD REC NO. CAP MARKED LS 7.31 S00'00'00"yy 2000023867 5028 1994 S8 ' 1' 6"E 33.50' 7.01' BASIS OF BEARINGS SOUTHERLY LINE OF NORTHEAST QUARTER OF POINT OF BEGINNING SECTION 32 N89'21'46"W 10.00' FRONT RANGE N RETAIL PROPERTY GRAPHIC SCALE 0 20 40 THIS EXHIBIT DOES NOT REPRESENT A MONUMENTED SURVEY. IT IS INTENDED ONLY TO DEPICT THE ATTACHED DESCRIPTION. rL� PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PROJECT NO: Consulting Inc. 187010590 209 So 209 South Meld rem Street NE 1/4 OF SECTION 32 4/26/07 DATE:Fort Collins CO 80521-2603 T 7 N, R 68 W OF THE 6TH PM Ph:(970)482-5922 CITY OF FORT COLLINS DWG: K-1 Fx:(970)482-6368 COUNTY OF LARIMER Stantix slantec.com CAO OPR.: SHEEP. STATE OF COLORADO TJA 2 OF 2 PROPERTY DESCRPT MN Exnibi—N (I of 2, A-tarcei of land bem part of Tract A. Slone Pidg-PUD 4' Filin,, Co- c14 OCtra)Qr 41, .1 -- d - 1996 as R-cerition Numbe, 96072121 of the Records cf-' arimcr Co�ni,y,located in(n, Southeast Quarter(SE'14� of Section Twenty-nine l29).Township Seven Nc-q!l Raj,c Sixty-eight vi t q.68W.;of tore Sixth P.rircipaf Merdiaa (61, City of Collins.Courry of Laiime,. Smile of Colorado.and being imor"piliicu;arly described is fof!ows: COMMENCING at the.Sowhea,t Corner ol sau"secueol 29 and assuirmliz-It",East lure of the SEI./4 of said Section 29 as bearing N:)r*...00"10.31" West,ticine a anid bear-ir,of the Coiorajo State Diane Coordinate Svgenn,North Zone.North.American Dat=., %vi'll alt other bow n as contained herein be -relative 1bor eM: THENCE North 000 1 0'3 1" West along the East line nI the of said Senor,29 a disiancc of 178.74 feet: THENCE Sout,89'49 29" West a distance of 34.00 feet to the&SE lire or said Tact A and C)the POINT OF BEGINNING: colurses and sr ,.viesarc the Eastar," South linclic(said Tract A: THENCE 'Sou (Xa1fr3" Eas: ad'st"n-ceo' fzcL'o a Poiri l)'Cu,valu.-c; TsIENC'E L'flr,,,the arc of a curve concave to the Nor':west a distance of 2173 feet..sai-' curve tics a Radius of 15.00 feet.a Dck,of 90*38127' and is subterdzd j,4 a C_t,)r(; b-anng South 45'08'42'2 'West a distance of 2133 feet tc a Point of Tangency; THENCE North 89'32'041' West a distance of 85.00 feet; TNENCE North 00'2-1 58' Eas:a distance of 3500 Ctle,: THENCE South 89"32 04;' East a distance of'84.78 THENCE Norni OC"I O'j l'i Wes:a distance of 93.19 feet: "THENCE North 80'49129' East a"istant,x of j;.00 C,-,Qr tot POINT OF BEGINNING: Said Parcel contains 4,849 sq.ft. more or less(+,;-),.and is subject to any ovtiv or k)-her c,,omcri"of t�,000l its row e,,istmg ov said described parco;ol land. SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE Ste:cn A. Lund.a Coicrado Registered Profess o-a[ Land Surveyor-lu I e%,Ily sra- nai this Prooc.iy Dcs-.-iption wa,;pr1rurcc under m person al and chcck..,,. and Ihm it is true and correct to the best or my knowledge and bell-cf. SiLler.A. Lum c n`o .If Cif King-Sur,,�vors. inc- Cciorado rent .l n Re-7sve P-Jess oal I _and Sa, Q.o. =34W,� KING SURVws,ORS, -INC. ,550 Garden Drive v;;i.-.dSo-. K50 186-K!I 7 1 5-Tcmp-c'cc �_MP-RA�Y -'PSTRIUCTICN N S9, SEC. 29� T�71,\:., R.-16, Fit's EMENT EXHIBIT I S 29 T fv R.634. 8g 0i =OINT OF 87GINNiNG L0721 4 R,,,91072,724 z (7) R Ct M N C) U") S89*32'04"E 84.78' EASEMENT 34' Zi 7 1117Y ttEDESTIAN AND N DRAINAGS EASEMDN-1 S89*32'04"E 85.00, CURVE TABLE CURrE LENGTH. RADIUS I DELTA 1 CHO K SO; THEAS.' CORNER I S-C 2S P_68W PCIN*7 0- COMM-NCEMEN7 h"ORSFTOOTH ROAhG ic�� �:'s soi- �:�scse s rop'-es2� itto, l o L-" Cmd m z'� � of Cl, t, 'c i t,.i., "iot� :Z --o '-cz'el -es N C: -`�'--I-LNG -r--LlTRVh'Y()FS, iN'C'. DA7E:8—1 C—C, W:n'!'o,r .(16_.t CU_-N7-. N77;�,lj- 1'NG:2-C7'53EAS7 C-,c PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Exhibit-0 (l of 2) A Parc-I of land being[)a-,of the Northwest Quarto 1/4)of Sec,ier.Thirty-three 33).Township Sc%co North (T.7N.).Range Sixty cight West(R.68W.) of the Swig PrOtc;pal Meridian (6"P.M.),City of Fort Collins,County of Larin-c"Stare of Colorado. and being more paniculatly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Northwest Corner of said Section 33 and as&mi,.g;he %Vos: Of the NW;/-' of said See* " East.being a'Ir;d of Section 33 as hearing South 00'07'1', � .1 the Colorado State Plane Coordinate System-North Zone. Nosh lm'--.can Da-unn i983/92, w:Eh all other bearings contained herein being reiat;vc thcrcm� THENCE South 00*07'10' East along said West'ine a distance Of 606.10 feet to the North tire of a parcel Of land as described in a deed recorded Jura 13, 2003 as Reception Number 2"030072984 of the Records of Larimer Cnunry; HENCE South 89'40*10" East along said'North line a disno-icc o-30.1'0 feet toaline being 30.00 feet Easterly of.as measured at right antics to the thin=s; -iine of laic NW'Ii4 and to the POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE South 89'40'e 0' East continuing alor.8. said North fries,cilitanco o'2'."0 HENCE South 44'52'50 West a distance of 14.14 feet in a!.ne being 40.00 feet astcl 1v it E as T ," measured Qalair��d a:ri-hr angles;o the West 11n,Or said NWI/4 TFIS NCE South 0"East along a ling narall-I with and 40"'I't) recl Ezs[ .v ot.as rneL,ured at right aii.,lcs to the Wes;lire of said NW114 a d..s:ancc of 248.00 feet. T"ENCE South 45007".0' East a distance of i4.14 feet to a !inc litnitz 50.00 feet 13.itstorljv o''"as measured at right angles to the West'tire OF said N V4 1/4: "THENCE South 00007'0" East along a linens,alici with and 50.00 feet Easterly of.as measured a[right angles to the West i;re of said NW IM a distance of 40.00 feet to the South line of that parcel cicsc.-iried in said Reception Number 2003007''984: THENCE North 89040'10" West along said South line a distance,of 20.00 feet to aline being 30.00 feet Easterly of,as measured at right ariz!cs to the West line of said NlVIM: HENCE North 00001-'10" West along a line paralle' kith and 3C.00 feet Easterly c ,as measured at right angles to the West !;n-of said NW 114 a distance Of 308.00 feet to:hc POINT OF BEGINNING: Sad parcel contains 3,580 sq. ft.more or!-ss and is subject to any o, other easements of record as now existing on said described pare}c'!an d- SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE i. Stovor,A. Lund,a Colorado Registered Professional Land Sul%eyo-do j1erQl'.v suno tliat this Property Des;nfnion was prepared Linder my personal surx,rvision art:lt;icck:oa. and :'!a* ;t is true and C(IrreCt to the S!Of;nV inGV, deg a, "f Steven A.iv of-'<:.n,,-, SLirvcvors, in::. Colorado Rogistcred PtoiassionLtl Land Su,-,vo. =�4)95 KING SURVEYORS. INC. 6 0 Ga--dert Drive Windsor.Colorado 80550 97 M 6 3 6 -5 01 11 ,.wz=< £&yam wT0 � kok :w w o» s . 9mz ` \\� .= /w� . a. � � _3 _ = y \ ! , \� ! | Pus— OFESOcNNING © � J :OW | �! 5! 6 \| �\ , . ~ / > \ ;| j g ' . & � \| y 2, p CA , P \I � . \ CA � \ _ —g -dil, ! ® yT, -\ � ! ; , \ / � �� / � | / -7 — I ' , � msr• � \ LINE TAKE BEARING LENG7H j y \- ` 2 - - - - y - - - -� - - - - \ �� � '�` ^ v���~� 1 NGS RYO , 1xC ; :z«e _ e w,xe CLIKE m, 3 y �:2W«z5AS»a ; a: K t R asp PROPERTY DESCRIPTION E.cnibi - P 0 of T A parcel of lead being part of To Nonhwcm Quarter (NX I/4)o`Section Thim:-fli ce (33),Township Seven North (T.7N.), Range Sixryo4M west (R.68t"v.) of the SAM P;i xjal Meridian(61'P.M.),City of tort Collins,County of Latimer,State of Co!erado, and being more rarriculadv described as follows: COMMENCING at rite Ntn west Comer of said Section 3:i and assuming the West tine of the NW 19 of stud Section 33 e.s, ar ng South 00`C-1l C' East. being a grid bearing o tie Colomdo State Pia ne Coo ding-System. N> ,i Zone, North h American Datum 1983N! with all other Hearings a ntaine l herein being relative t er-_to: THENCE South OOoOT 10" East along to West Be of Me N W I/4 of said Section 33 a distance of 606A0 Eger to the North line of a parcel of land described in a deed recorded Are i3.. 2003 as Reception,Number 20-0300,72984 of the Records of Lar imer Count,: THENCE South 89a40 f 0 East along said Nort Me a distance of 5100 fee!to a lire 5100 ON Easte iy of.as,measured at ri_,ht angles from,ne West line of said N W I/4 and to the POINT OF BEGINNING: 'THENCE South 89°40'10" East continuing along said Ncmi !!nc a disfanr of 9.82 feet: THENCE South 4752'50" wag a distance of 1189 to to aline being SO.00 1%er Easterly of.as measured at right ang:es f tern t^:e hest line of said NIA,1/4: THENCE South 00°OT 10" East alone a line parallel with and SQCO fat Easterly of.as measured at ngin ane!es from Me West line of said NW 1/4 a distarcc,of 24196 feet; THENCE Sown 445a0T10" East a distance Of 42.43 feet to a line heir.,80.00 feet Easterly of,as measured al right angles from the West Fn e of said NWN4: THENCE South 00°OT10" East along a line parallel with and 80.00 feet Easterly of,as measured at right angles from the west line of said NW U4 a distance of 24.38 fectto the South line of said parcel described in said Reception Number 20030072984; THENCE North 8=10" `Nest alone said South'inc a distance of 30.00 feet to a ino being 50.00 feet Easwriv of.as measured at right ana!es from the West tine of said NW114: y T HENCE North 00607 10' Wrest aierg a line paraiirl with and 50,00 feet Easterly of,as measured at right ang!�les from the'+Vest line of.s aid NW 1/4 a distar Q a o of 400 feet: HENCE Perth .Jgt TIT West a dstance of 104 ON to a ime baing 40.00 feet ._aSorly of,as measured at right angles Rom We West Hm of said N%1/4: HENCE North OVO?IT T esr along a Do paraiiel wit and 4100 Feet Easterly oC.as measured at right angles Rom the West M:of sat N W I!?a distarea of 248.00 feat; THENCE North 4—"°=50" East a d4unn of !V A kc:to the POINT CIF BEGINNING: Said Parcel contains 3,506 sl A.more er less (>i-).and is sabject to any yhis-nflway or otner easements of record as now cxisnn,on said described parcel of land. SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE L Steven A. Lunt!.a Co:credo Reystand PmOsmonal Land Surveyor do c=4 stall t,a.;this Pro?Lrty Dcscript,on was t cp-.,cd Under my personal s c..:sio--ao checking. and An it is Mue and correct.W the best of rtp kaowk4e and belief. � n Stevcn A. fund -,o6nbeLa!f of King Sucveyo s. S.-. C:oibrdcb Reaislend. Professional land Surveyor 03095 KING SURVEYORS INC. 6-5'Gamic.? Drive .�w', 586-SCIt �'•.200-10 \Desc.,DcoC-5�Oi'-.doe SLOPE EASEMENT SE---- -33, -F.7N.7 Ez"CHIBI P NOFTrWEST CORN-? S:�� 33 --TNT. R.58W. POINT CW COMMENCEMENT POINT GP BEGIEWNG j Cl Lb 40.00, of t co to ca .10 p to .-Oc, ,�ji CD z EA cEMEN'i SEC, 33 N. I MATCHUN,- ABLE LINE I BEARING LTNG-I-4 ; ;a S89��V 5.82' L9 S44-2*50-w c'Bs L'I j L!2 I sao'll 0 i C"- 33"'G. N�5 07' 14 1 0." '4". 5 1 , 4*3;50-E -"'s Is it, vo -z �M to ITj S , A na at C oencif of K:no ..'e i'i�:'1 p r:�' atsc-;�4 oic�coo Rticis-cre� Profesai I e z onc: te-, ,cne� 43499� PRC:�r'i NO:2C"7 i KING SURVEYORS, C! NT:!N-CST i PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Exhibit. Q' (1 of 2) A parcel of land being part of the Northwest Quarter(NW114)of Section Thirty-three (33).Township Seven North(7.7NJ,Range Sixty-eight West(R.68W-)of the Sixth Principal Meridian to P.M.).City of Fort Collins,County of Larimer,State of Colorado, and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Northwest Corner of said Section 33 and assuming the West line of[he NW IM of said Section 33 as bearing South 00°0710"East,Mang a grid hearing of the Colorado State Plane Coordinate System,North Zone.North American Datum 1983/92,with all otter bearings contained herein being relative thereto; THENCE South 0000710"East along said West line a distance of 606.10 feet to the North line of a parcel of land described in it deed recorded June 13,2003 as Reception Number 2003DO72984 of the Records of Larimer County; THENCE South 89040'10"East along said North line a distance of 59.82 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE South 89040'10"East continuing along said North line a distance of 14.02 feet-. THENCE South 44`52'50"West a distance of 19.58 feet to a line being 60.00 feet Easterly of,as measured at right angles to the West line of said NW 1/4; THENCE South 0000710"East along a tine parallel with and 60.00 feet Easterly of,as measured at a right angle to the West line of said NW 1/4 a distance of 235.68 feet; THENCE South 45007'1.04 Fast a distance of 42.43 feet to a line being 90.00 feet Easterly of,as measured at right angles to the West line of said NW 1/4: THENCE South 00007'10"East along a line parallel with and 90.00 feet Easterly of,as measured at a right angle to the West line of said NW 1/4 a distance of 28.60 feet to the South line of that parcel described in said Reception Number 20030072984; THENCE North 89°40'10"Westalong said South line a distance of 10300 feet to a line being 80.00 feet Easterly of,as measured at right angles to the West line of said N W I/4; THENCE North 000071.0"West along a line parallel with and 80.00 feet.Easterly of,as measured et a right angle to the West line of said NW 1/4 a distance of 24.38 feet; THENCE North 4500710"West a distance of 42.43 feet to a line being 50.00 feet Easterly of.as measured at right angles to the West tine of said NW 1/4: THENCE North 00"07'10"West along a line parallel with and 50.00 feet Easterly of,as measured at right angles to the West line of said NW 114 a distance of 243.96 feet; THENCE North 44052'50"East a distance of 13.89 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING: Said Parcel contains 3,255 sq. ft.more or less(+/-),and is subject to any rights-of-way or other easements of record as now existing on said described parcel of land. SURVEYORS CEW11FICATE 1,Steven A.Lund,a Colorado Registered Professional Land Surveyor do hereby.state that this Property Description was prepared under my personal supervision and checking, and that it is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. C i o' o—= A„Lrortd:;7nf.tiehalf of King Surveyors.Inc. Colorado j'it:'rf'tsteti4 Professional Land Surveyor 934995 KING SURVEYORS,INC. 650 Garden Drive Windsor.Colorado 80550 (970)686-5011 P:\2007163\DoscADcsc-C-TEMP.dcc iE,`AFCRARY =/^-.Jc41ENI EXHIBIT Q j VP(.'4 33. .i'N.. 7.581d10. \ i 4 � \ VpRT-R_ci CORNER ' SEC. 33 %N.. R.S8'fi'_ ! ! POINT O: COMMENCE.VENT ! to POINT OF ! BEGINNING , Ic I / ^ f ! L7 € € € ! N € € € € € ! z € € CD W R.2:ro tirt.rt ] ` I € } EASEMENT 31s,. I I € € 0 Ico ! ! :� I NI €N € �\ N 7-1 € �2� � c a QI cJ O€ !O \ \ Z €� € NEST GUARitR CORNER € € SSEC, 33 T.714.. R.ca'N r € € € I i — IM " NIE ZG LINE TABLE _LINE I BEARING i LENGTH S89'40'10"E I 14.C2' I 7 I S44 J2 C'H '9.58, i .81 S45 7 iC"E I 42 43' 19 SCC'C i'IG c 23.5C_� i L21 C I Ng4'4C'1 G"W ICc CO' i ' I -21 j NOC:'Tip W 24.58' Nv t: This e<niCfi drowt g Is not I, -a_"_ to cc a (^O�:Ir^ t• GO ,. J'Vcf I 3 3d is SP A " c c prase ;o To i, cl St,an R nd J .SSre.f of King S,eyors, I^c. ntteri zropertydesc or wh 1 e e Reg;ste ?ofess a�e� it . a o y de c- ,ar-cin- S,,e,o 434395 e ^r veto. 1 eJ KING I ' sV PRojECT ��7 SURVEYORS, ��. DATE 8—7n_� i NT N:= 4 S �:ou r97 i, i li 1 i. �Y. _ Dyer. 2 71R1 SAS jm DRAWN ,r_R C {-r.