WHEREAS, the City Council is empowered and directed by Article XII, Section 6, of the
Charter of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, to fix, establish, maintain and provide for the
collection of such rates, fees or charges for utility services furnished by the City as will produce
revenues sufficient to pay the costs expenses and other obligations of the wastewater utility, as set
forth therein; and
WHEREAS, Section 26-277 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins, requires that the City
Manager analyze the operating and financial records of the wastewater utility during each calendar
year and recommend to the City Council the user rate fees or adjustments to be in effect for the
following year; and
WHEREAS, Section 26-277 further requires that the user rates shall be revised as necessary
to assure equity of the rate system established and to assure that sufficient funds are obtained to
adequately operate and maintain the wastewater system; and
WHEREAS, the City Manager has recommended to the City Council that the following
wastewater use rates be imposed for the billing year beginning January 1, 2007; and
WHEREAS, Section 26-283 of the City Code provides that the rates and parameters of the
sewer plant investment fees be reviewed annually by the City Manager and be presented to City
Council for approval no less frequently than biennially; and
WHEREAS, a study of the sewer plant investment fees was conducted in 2005 which
recommended an increase in plant investment fees of 174%; and
WHEREAS,in light of the magnitude of those proposed increases,City Council determined
in 2005 to buffer the impact of the fees by phasing them in over a three year period; and
WHEREAS, the first phase of the new fees was adopted by Ordinance 134, 2005 and was
effective January 1, 2006, and
WHEREAS, in accordance with Council's earlier direction the City Manager er now
recommends that the second phase of the fees be adopted to be effective January 1, 2007; and
WHEREAS, in some instances it is beneficial for Utilities to enter into agreements with
customers to outline details of complex service arrangements or to provide special services requested
by customers that are beyond those required for basic wastewater service; and
WHEREAS,the City Managerhas recommended that the City Code be amended to expressly
authorize General Manager to enter into such special agreements through a written agreement
between the Utilities and the customer.
COLLINS as follows:
Section 1. That paragraph(c)of Section 26-279 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins
is hereby amended to read as follows:
See. 26-279. Service charges; categories.
(c) The rate determination by category is as follows:
(1) If there is no water meter,the rate for Categories A and B shall be a flat rate
representative of the actual cost of serving a typical user in each of these
(2) If water use is metered, the rate for Categories A and B and the rate for
Category C shall be based on winter quarter water use in accordance with
the following formula:
Cu= VuC
Cu= Users charge per billing period
Vu= Volume of winter quarter water use
C = A charge per unit volume of water used based upon the cost
of service per unit volume of normal, domestic-strength
The user shall be charged this calculated amount and the applicable base
charge as set forth in § 26-280. If any metered water service customer
connects to the wastewater utility or makes a change in the use of the
premises or substantially expands such premises,the General Manager shall
make an estimate of the water consumption on such premises during an
average winter month based upon a count of plumbing fixtures,
consumption of similar customers or other information relevant to such
determination and such estimate when made shall be the basis for the
wastewater service charge until the actual winter use for the premises can
be determined.
(3) In addition to the applicable base charge set forth in§26-280,the rate for Category
D shall be based upon the user's consumption of water in accordance with the
following formula:
Cu= VuC
Cu= Users charge per billing period
Vu= Volume of water used per billing period
C = A charge per unit volume of water used based upon the cost
of service per unit volume of normal, domestic-strength
(4) In addition to the applicable base charge set forth in § 26-280, users in
Categories D, E and F shall be billed upon the basis of metered water
consumption except where they can show to the satisfaction of the General
Manager that not all of the water going through the water meter is returned
to the wastewater system but is instead consumed or otherwise diverted. In
such cases, and with the approval of the General Manager,the wastewater
charges may be based upon one (1) of the following methods: (a) a
metering device of a type and installed in a manner approved by the
General Manager may be used to measure the quantity of wastewater
returned to the public sewer and the actual volume of wastewater
discharged will be substituted in the formula for billing purposes; or (b)
when the user discharges only wastes reasonably and regularly
corresponding to winter quarter water use, said winter quarter water use
maybe substituted in the formula for billing purposes.Any metering device
used to measure wastewater shall be installed and maintained at the user's
(5) The rate for users in Category G shall be as set forth in § 26-280.
(6) The rate for users in Category H shall be determined by negotiation with
the party concerned. However, the rate shall be based upon cost of service
and shall not be less than that of in-City users and shall include any
wastewater strength surcharges.
Section2. That Section 26-28Oofthe Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby amended
to read as follows:
Sec. 26-280. Service charges established by category.
The schedule of rates for each category described in § 26-279 shall be as follows:
Category Class of Customer Rate
Single-family residential user(flat $20.67 per month
A rate)
Single-family residential user $9.12 per month plus$1.820per 1,000 gallons of eith
(metered water use) winter quarter water use or 3,000 gallons,whichever is
B Duplex(two-family)residential $32.79 per month
users(flat rate)
Duplex(two-family)residential $12.17 per month plus$1.820 per 1,000 gallons of
users(metered water use) either winter quarter water use or 4,000 gallons,
whichever is greater
C Multi-family residential user(more $1.820 per 1,000 gallons of winter quarter water use,
than two dwelling units including plus a base charge of$1.44 per month per dwelling
mobile home parks)and winter unit served
quarter based nonresidential user
D Minor nonresidential user $1.820 per 1,000 gallons of water use,measured
sewage flow or winter quarter water use,whichever is
applicable,plus the following applicable base charge:
Size of water meter(inches] Base charge
'I/ or smaller 6.14
1 14.03
1 1/2 28.40
2 47.53
3 78.98
4 132.64
6 650.30
8 706.14
E and F Intermediate nonresidential and $1.820 per 1,000 gallons of water use,measured
Significant industrial user wastewater flow or winter quarter water use,whichev
is applicable;plus a surcharge of$1.744 per million
gallons for each milligram per liter of suspended solids
in excess of 250 milligrams per liter;plus a surcharge
of$1.464 per million gallons for each milligram per
liter of BOD in excess of 200 milligrams per liter or a
surcharge of$0.903 per million gallons for each
milligram per liter of COD in excess of 300 milligrams
per liter,or a surcharge of$2.621 per million gallons
for each milligram per liter of TOC in excess of 100
milligrams per liter,whichever is applicable.The user
shall pay this calculated amount plus the applicable
base charge set forth below:
Size of water meter Base charge
3/4 or smaller $6.14
1 14.03
1 1/2 28.40
2 47.53
3 78.98
4 132.64
6 650.30
8 706.14
G User outside City limits The rate for users outside the City limits shall be the same
as for like service inside the City limits as is specified in
Categories A—F and H in this Section
H Special with agreement The rate pursuant to a special wastewater services
agreement approved by the City Council pursuant to§26-
290 shall be set forth in said agreement.
Section 3. That paragraph(a)of Section 26-282 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins
is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-282. Wastewater strength or industrial surcharges and categories
(a) The schedule of wastewater strength surcharge for customers located either
inside or outside the city limits shall be as follows:
Excess over Rate per
Parameter (mg/V 1,000 gallons
BOD 200 $ 0.001464
COD 300 0.000903
TOC 100 0.002621
TSS 250 0.001744
Section 4. That paragraphs(a)and(d)of Section 26-282 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-284. Sewer plant investment fees and surcharges established.
(a) The schedule of sewer plant investment fees, subject to the exceptions and
additional requirements provided in this Section, is as follows:
Category SPIF
A $2,223
B and C $ 1 ,583 for each
dwelling unit or mobile
home space
Category Water meter size
(inches) Fee
D, E, F 3/4 $ 4,749
1 12,151
1%z 21,965
2 38,865
3 81,086
4 and above Calculated on an individual
basis based on peak
wastewater flow (determined
in the manner set forth
hereinafter) but not less than
the charge for a three-inch
G Same as equivalent category, plus any special
sanitation district fees.
H Determined pursuant to paragraph (d) of this
(d) The amount of the plant investment fee and surcharge for each
nonresidential surcharged user,users in Category H and any user that is expected to
generate greater than its proportionate share of peak day flow at the treatment plant
for the applicable category (including both contributed wastewater volume and
volume related to infiltration and inflow),shall be calculated utilizing the following
SPIF =Flow x [Flows + (BOD x BOD,) + (TSS x TSS,)]
SPIF = Plant investment fee for Category H users and users discharging
wastewater with average concentrations of BOD and/or TSS which
exceed those average concentrations which are set forth in § 26-
282(b) under Category E-34
Flow= The user's proportionate share of peak day flow at the treatment plant
including both contributed wastewater volume and volume related to
infiltration and inflow
Flow$ _ $3.59 per gallon (unit cost of facilities attributable to treating
wastewater flow)
BOD = Average BOD concentration for user category or measured BOD
concentration for the user as determined in accordance with
Subsection (c) of this Section, but not less than 200 mg/l
BODs= $0.0078 per mg/l(unit cost of facilities attributable to treating BOD)
TSS = Average TSS concentration for user category or measured TSS
concentration for the user as determined in accordance with
Subsection (c) of this Section,but not less than 250 mg/l
TSS$ _ $0.0062 per mg/l (unit cost of facilities attributable to treating TSS)
(e) The plant investment fee and surcharge for users in Categories D, E,F and
G shall be the greater of that calculated utilizing the formula set forth in Subsection
(d)of this Section or the plant investment fee for the applicable water meter size set
forth in Subsection (a) of this Section.
(f) For purposes of this Section,the proportionate share ofpeak day flow at the
treatment plant for users in categories D, E and F shall be deemed to be:
Water meter size Peak flow(gallons per day)
'/< 709
1 1,814
1'/z 3,279
2 5,802
3 12,105
4 and greater Calculated on an individual
basis based on user's
proportionate share of peak day
flow at the treatment plant
(including both contributed
wastewater volume and volume
related to infiltration and
inflow) but not less than the
peak day flow for a three-inch
Section 5. That a new section is hereby added to the Code of the City of Fort Collins to
be numbered as Section 26-290 and it shall read as follows:
Sec. 26-290. Agreements for special wastewater services.
Special services or complex service arrangements that are beyond those required
for basic wastewater service may be arranged by a written services agreement which
the General Manager may negotiate and enter into on behalf of the wastewater utility.
Said agreement shall establish the terms and conditions for any such special services
or arrangements and shall incorporate by reference the requirements of this Chapter,
as applicable. Any special services agreement modifying the rates, fees or charges
for said services from those set forth in this Article shall be subject to approval by the
City Council in accordance with § 6 of Article XII of the Charter.
Section 6. That the amendments to Chapter 26 of the City Code contained herein shall
go into effect on January 1, 2007.
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 17th day of
October,A.D. 2006, and to be presented for final passage on the day of November,A. . 2006.
City Clerk
Passed and adopted on final reading on the 7th day of ber, A.D. 2006.
City Clerk