WHEREAS,Resolution 2008-037,finding substantial compliance and initiating annexation
proceedings, has heretofore been adopted by the Council of the City of Fort Collins; and
WHEREAS,the Council does hereby find and determine that it is in the best interests of the
City to annex said area to the City.
COLLINS as follows:
Section 1. That the following described property, to wit:
A tract of land located in Sections 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, and 22 all in
Township 6 North, Range 68 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian,
Larimer County, Colorado, more particularly described as follows;
Considering the north line of the northeast quarter of the said Section 21 as bearing
North 86 degrees 38 minutes 47 seconds West between a 3.25" Aluminum Cap
monument at the northeast corner of Section 21 and a 3.25" Aluminum Cap
monument at the north quarter corner of Section 21,based upon GPS observation and
the City of Fort Collins coordinate base, and with all bearings contained herein
relative thereto;
Commencing at the said northeast corner of Section 21;
THENCE along the east line of the said northeast quarter of Section 21, South 00
degrees 29 minutes 35 seconds West for a distance of 57.23 feet to the south line of
that certain tract of land described in a Deed of Dedication recorded July 9, 1992 at
Reception NO. 92039354 records of the Clerk and Recorder of the said Latimer
THENCE continuing along the said east line of the northeast quarter, South 00
degrees 29 minutes 35 seconds West for a distance of 0.28 feet to the existing south
right of way of Carpenter Road as dedicated by the Plat of Fossil Creek Farm M.L.D.
No. 00-S 1539;
THENCE along the said existing south right of way,North 89 degrees 41 minutes 04
seconds East for a distance of 59.91 feet (previously recorded as 60.00 feet) to the
west line of that certain tract of land as described in a Deed of Dedication recorded
August 13, 1992 at Reception No. 92049221 records of the said Clerk and Recorder;
THENCE along the said west line,South 00 degrees 35 minutes 27 seconds West for
a distance of 1.36 feet to the south line of the said tract described at Reception No.
THENCE along the said south line, along a non-tangent curve to the left having a
radius of 5790.00 feet a central angle of 01 degrees 10 minutes 55 seconds and an are
length of 119.43 feet,being subtended by a chord of South 89 degrees 37 minutes 47
seconds East for a distance of 119.43 feet;
THENCE continuing along the said south line, North 89 degrees 46 minutes 48
seconds East for a distance of 1264.10 feet to the west line of the existing State
Highway(I-25)right of way;
THENCE along the said State Highway right of way the following three(3)courses
and distances, (1) North 81 degrees 14 minutes 44 seconds West for a distance of
170.44 feet;
(2)North 00 degrees 08 minutes 51 seconds West for a distance of 35.53 feet;
(3)North 89 degrees 41 minutes 04 seconds East for a distance of 51.27 feet;
THENCE continuing along the said State Highway right of way, and along the
westerly line of that certain tract of land described in a Special Warranty Deed
recorded December 28, 2005 at Reception No. 20050110472 records of the said
Clerk and Recorder,North 00 degrees 34 minutes 46 seconds East for a distance of
204.22 feet to the southerly line of the Fossil Creek Reservoir as shown on a Survey
Plat by James H. Stewart, PLS dated January 29, 1975;
THENCE along the said southerly line the following 29 courses and distances, (1)
North 61 degrees 32 minutes 14 seconds West for a distance of 437.39 feet;
(2)North 45 degrees 29 minutes 14 seconds West for a distance of 490.00 feet;
(3)North 56 degrees 50 minutes 14 seconds West for a distance of 405.00 feet;
(4)North 43 degrees 10 minutes 14 seconds West for a distance of 355.00 feet to the
east line of the said Section 16 Township 6 North Range 68 West;
(5) along the said east line, North 00 degrees 32 minutes 46 seconds East for a
distance of 5.34 feet;
(6)North 44 degrees 25 minutes 14 seconds West for a distance of 653.21 feet;
(7)North 01 degrees 58 minutes 29 seconds West for a distance of 604.02 feet;
(8)North 45 degrees 06 minutes 29 seconds West for a distance of 246.58 feet;
(9)North 71 degrees 32 minutes 44 seconds West for a distance of 328.65 feet;
(IO)South 63 degrees 24 minutes 46 seconds West for a distance of 195.40 feet;
(I I)South 77 degrees 28 minutes 01 seconds West for a distance of 301.55 feet;
(12)South 67 degrees 12 minutes 31 seconds West for a distance of 373.70 feet;
(13)South 89 degrees 10 minutes 46 seconds West for a distance of 382.55 feet;
(14)South 09 degrees 11 minutes 31 seconds West for a distance of 430.50 feet;
(15)South 86 degrees 38 minutes 31 seconds West for a distance of 601.85 feet;
(16)South 71 degrees 48 minutes 01 seconds West for a distance of 205.40 feet;
(I7)North 76 degrees 24 minutes 29 seconds West for a distance of 243.00 feet;
(18)North 65 degrees 11 minutes 44 seconds West for a distance of 374.20 feet;
(19)North 56 degrees 57 minutes 59 seconds West for a distance of 369.25 feet;
(20)South 33 degrees 40 minutes 46 seconds West for a distance of 405.60 feet;
(21)South 87 degrees 20 minutes 16 seconds West for a distance of 384.40 feet;
(22)North 69 degrees 58 minutes 44 seconds West for a distance of 407.00 feet;
(23)North 62 degrees 09 minutes 59 seconds West for a distance of 284.51 feet;
(24)North 80 degrees 25 minutes 14 seconds West for a distance of 137.89 feet
(previously recorded as 138.93 feet) to the west line of the said Section 16;
(25)along the said west line and continuing along the said southerly line of the Fossil
Creek Reservoir, North 00 degrees 31 minutes 41 seconds East for a distance of
19.77 feet (previously recorded as 19.60 feet);
(26)North 88 degrees 45 minutes 41 seconds West for a distance of 506.08 feet
(previously recorded as 505.00 feet);
(27)North 80 degrees 19 minutes 14 seconds West for a distance of 465.00 feet;
(28)South 81 degrees 33 minutes 46 seconds West for a distance of 377.00 feet;
(29)North 78 degrees 37 minutes 14 seconds West for a distance of 434.00 feet to the
westerly line of that certain tract of land as described in a Public Trustee's Deed
recorded December 27, 1990 at Reception No. 90060837 records of the said Clerk
and Recorder;
THENCE leaving the said southerly line of the Fossil Creek Reservoir and along the
said westerly line as recorded at Reception No.90060837 and its southerly extension,
South 00 degrees 43 minutes 55 seconds West for a distance of 1171.28 feet to the
southerly Right of Way of Carpenter Road as described in a Warranty Deed recorded
January 27, 1999 at Reception No.99007575 records of the said Clerk and Recorder;
THENCE along the said southerly Right of Way, South 49 degrees 04 minutes 18
seconds East for a distance of 1249.46 feet to the said southerly Right of Way of
Carpenter Road as shown on the Plat of Fossil Lake PUD First Filing South Property,
being a line which is 30.00 feet south of and parallel with the north line of the
northeast quarter of the said Section 20;
THENCE continuing along the said southerly Right of Way, North 89 degrees 45
minutes 50 seconds East for a distance of 815.95 feet;
THENCE continuing along the said southerly Right of Way, being a line which is
30.00 feet south of and parallel with the north line of the northwest quarter of the said
Section 21, South 86 degrees 41 minutes 40 seconds East for a distance of 2652.67
feet to the west line of that certain tract of land described in a Deed of Dedication
recorded July 9, 1992 at Reception NO. 92039354 records of the said Clerk and
THENCE along the said west line,South 00 degrees 33 minutes 06 seconds West for
a distance of 30.04 feet to the south line of the said tract described at Reception NO.
THENCE along the said south line and along the south line of that certain tract of
land described in a Deed of Dedication recorded July 16, 1992 at Reception NO.
92041166 records of the said Clerk and Recorder, South 86 degrees 38 minutes 47
seconds East for a distance of 1811.73 feet to the east line of the said tract described
at Reception NO. 92041166;
THENCE along the said east line,North 03 degrees 21 minutes 13 seconds East for
a distance of 30.00 feet;
THENCE continuing along the said south Right of Way line, being a line which is
30.00 feet south of and parallel with the north line of the northeast quarter of the said
Section 21, South 86 degrees 38 minutes 47 seconds East for a distance of 215.00
feet to the west line of the said tract described at Reception NO. 92041166;
THENCE along the west and south lines of the said tract described at Reception NO.
92041166 the following three (3)courses and distances, (1)South 03 degrees 21
minutes 13 seconds West for a distance of 15.00 feet;
(2)South 86 degrees 38 minutes 47 seconds East for a distance of 50.00 feet;
(3)South 03 degrees 21 minutes 13 seconds West for a distance of 15.00 feet;
THENCE continuing along the said south line and along the said south line of the
tract described at Reception No. 92039354, South 86 degrees 38 minutes 47 seconds
East for a distance of 393.17 feet;
THENCE continuing along the said south line as described at Reception No.
92039354,along a curve to the left having a radius of 5790.00 feet a central angle of
01 degrees 47 minutes 39 seconds and an arc length of 181.30 feet, being subtended
by a chord of South 87 degrees 32 minutes 36 seconds East for a distance of 181.29
feet to the Point of Beginning; Containing 326.319 acres more or less.
With the above described basis of bearings;
Commencing at the southeast corner of the said Section 16;
THENCE along the east line of the said Section 16,as shown on the said Survey Plat
of Fossil Creek Reservoir, North 00 degrees 32 minutes 46 seconds East for a
distance of 3248.48 to the said southerly line of the Fossil Creek Reservoir, and to
THENCE continuing along the said east line of Section 16, North 00 degrees 32
minutes 46 seconds East for a distance of 329.62 to the said southerly line of the
Fossil Creek Reservoir;
THENCE along the said southerly line the following five (5)courses and distances,
(1)North 85 degrees 35 minutes 14 seconds West for a distance of 123.42;
(2) South 61 degrees 42 minutes 01 seconds West for a distance of 290.00;
(3) South 65 degrees 12 minutes 01 seconds West for a distance of 224.50;
(4) South 82 degrees 31 minutes 29 seconds East for a distance of 279.11;
(5)South 76 degrees 45 minutes 29 seconds East for a distance of 310.57 to the point
of beginning. Containing 2.426 acres more or less.
The above described annexation contains a total of 328.745 acres more or less
is hereby annexed to the City of Fort Collins and made a part of said City,to be known as the Fossil
Creek Reservoir Open Space Annexation, which annexation shall become effective in accordance
with the provisions contained in Section 31-12-113, C.R.S., including, without limitation, all
required filings for recording with the Larimer County Clerk and Recorder.
Section 2. That, in annexing said property to the City, the City does not assume any
obligation respecting the construction of water mains,sewer lines,gas mains,electric service lines,
streets or any other services or utilities in connection with the property hereby annexed except as
may be provided by the ordinances of the City.
Section 3. That the City hereby consents, pursuant to Section 37-45-136(3.6), C.R.S.,
to the inclusion of said property into the Municipal Subdistrict, Northern Colorado Water
Conservancy District.
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 20th day of
May, A.D. 2008, and to be presented for final passage on the 3r y of June, A.D. 2008.
City C1erk�Nekr*mj
Passed and adopted on final reading on the 3rd day of A.D. 2008.
k�A k -Y
City Clerk