WHEREAS, the City has, over recent years, experienced a downturn ' revenues that has
challenged the City's ability to deliver the same,high-quality level of service at its residents have
historically enjoyed; and
WHEREAS, this reduction in revenues has led to substant' budget cuts and service
reductions; and
WHEREAS, the Colorado courts have recognized the ility of home rule municipalities
such as Fort Collins to enact special service fees to help de ay the costs of providing particular
government services; and
WHEREAS, such special service fees must be st related and calculated in a manner that
will fairly and rationally distribute the costs of the ded services among those who benefit from
the services; and
WHEREAS,the Council believes it to necessary and appropriate to adopt a Transportation
Maintenance Fee ("TMF") to defray a porti of the cost incurred by the City in maintaining City
streets, with the remaining portion of sai osts to be funded by other, existing revenue sources of
the City; and
WHEREAS, City staff ha a proposed formula for calculating such fee that fairly and
rationally reflects the proportion a share of such costs to be borne by those who benefit from the
funded services; and
WHEREAS, the p oposed TMF would be imposed on the owners of all non-exempt,
developed property in th City,with each feepayer's share of the TMF to be based on the size of the
developed parcel ofpr erty and the number of vehicular trips typically generated by the type of use
to which the propert is put; and
WHERE S,based upon accepted Transportation Engineering practices, all properties that
would be sub' ct to the TMF generate impacts upon the City's transportation system that are
commensur with the amount of the fee to be assessed those properties; and
EREAS,the City's streetS and t...sprntatirnrsystem is available to all fee payers,so that
the pr erties paying the fee will continneto benefit from the use of the fee revettt g.to mairrtemnee
ofm ntait the City's street system; and
WHEREAS,the Council believes it to be in the City's best interests to exempt from th TMF
those properties that are owned =rdor occupied by publicly funded entities in order
blic p oses;and avoid
diminishing the public revenues available to those entities and to carry out their pu
WHEREAS, the Council further believes it to be in the City's best interests also exempt
from the TMF properties that are owned=dor occupied by places of worship, so to not impose
a burden on religion through the imposition of this fee,and to exempt private sc ools as we11, so as
to treat both public and private schools equally under this Ordinance.
COLLINS that a Chapter 7.5 of the Code of the City of Fort Collin is hereby amended by the
addition of a new Article IX to read as follows:
Sec. 7.5-110. Intent.
The provisions of this Article are intend to impose a special service fee for
the operation and maintenance of City's sportation system, in an amount
calculated as shown herein. Said fee sh not be used to collect more than is
necessary to fund such operation and mai enance. The revenues from said fee shall
be used to keep the City's transportatio ystem maintained, clean and safe, and for
administration of the provisions of " Article, in order that the health, safety and
welfare of users of the City's transp ation system may be safeguarded.
Sec. 7.5-111. Definitions.
When used in this icle, the following words and terms shall have the
following meanings:
Commercial s 11 mean any premises not a dwelling or residential use, or a
retail, high-traffic re '1, industrial or institutional use.
Director all mean the Director of Transportation Services or his or her
Dw ling unit, shall mean one(1)or more rooms and a single kitchen and at
least one ) bathroom designed, occupied or intended for occupancy as separate
quarter for the exclusive use of a single family, for living, cooking and sanitary
purpo s, located in a single-family, two-family or multi-family dwelling or mixed
use ilding.
Feepayer shall mean a person or entity who is obligated to pay a fee in
cordance with the provisions of this Article.
Financial Officer shall mean the Financial Officer of the City of Fort Colli s
or such other person designated by the municipality. Financial Officer shall so
include such person's designee.
High-Traffic Retail shall mean any retail establishment (wheth greater or
lesser in size than twenty-five thousand(25,000)square feet)which h automobile
volumes greater than one thousand (1,000) trips per day/per acre.
Industrial shall mean any business devoted primaril to manufacturing,
processing, assembly or storage of tangible personal propert , any research facility,
experimental or testing laboratory,warehouse, distributio r wholesale use, utility
service facility,aircraft hangar and repair facility for aircr ,construction contracting
facility, mineral extraction facility; and caretaker's arters and other accessory
buildings reasonably required for maintenance or s unty of such uses.
Institutional shall mean any place of wo ip or assembly,public use, semi-
public use, community facility, school, hospi or cemetery.
Mobile home space shall mean place designed for the placement of a
mobile home or trailer and improved w' City utilities.
Multi family dwelling shall can a dwelling containing three (3) or more
dwelling units, not including hote , motels, fraternity houses, sorority houses and
similar group accommodations.
Place of worship s all mean a building containing a sanctuary, hall,
auditorium or other suitabl room or rooms used by the occupants of such structure
for the purpose of cond ting religious services. Place of worship shall include
churches, synagogues, osques, temples and the like.
Private sch 1 shall mean any school that offers any or all grades from
kindergarten thro twelfth (12th) grade education that is not associated with a
school district.
Retail shall mean any retail establishment(whether greater or lesser in
size than tw my-five thousand (25,000) square feet) engaged in the sale or rental
of goods services to the public that is not high-traffic retail.
rip shall mean a single or one-directional vehicle movement.
Trip Generation shall mean the number of trips attracted to or created by a
sp cific building or land use as defined by the Institute of Transportation
gineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual.
Sec. 7.5-112. Imposition of fee.
(a) Except as provided in subsection(d)below, there is hereby establishe a
transportation maintenance fee which shall be imposed pursuant to the pro ' ions
of this Article, on property within the city for the purpose of funding the eration
and maintenance of the city's transportation system.
(b) The amount of the fee for 2007 shall be $+.6+1.06 per dwe ng unit per
month and, for all other uses shall be in accordance with the foll ing schedule
and formula:
Each lot, tract, or parcel used for institutional purposes: $ . 15.44 per month
for each acre
Each lot, tract, or parcel used for industrial purposes: f 2.4913.69 per month for
each acre
Each lot, tract, or parcel used for high traffic re it purposes: $i 1.9.3 f 125.1'1 per
month for each acre
Each lot, tract, or parcel used for retail p oses: $493651.65 per month for each
Each lot, tract, or parcel used for co ercial purposes: $f5.6716.44 per month
for each acre
Calculati n of Fee for Each Category:
Average Daily x Vear
Total Daily x 365 = Total
Trips Per D.U. Trips by days Annual
or Acre Category Trips
Target Annual — Cost Per x Total Annual = Annual Fee
Revenue Trip Trips per D.U.
or Acre
D.U. =Dwel ng Unit
Acres =Pa cel acreage for each non-residential utility billing customer
(c) The amount of the fee may be adjusted up or down from time to time based
upon revised estimates of the costs ofmaintenance of the City's street system,revised
categories of uses and trip generation factors,and other factors reasonably related to
the needs created or contributed to by properties subject to the fee, but in no eve
shall the amount of the fee collected exceed the projected costs for operation d
maintenance of the city's transportation system.
(d) The transportation maintenance fee shall not be charged agains property
owned or occupied by the United States, the State of Colorado, Col ado State
University, Larimer County, any school district (including charter s ools) or any
other political subdivision established by the law of the State of olorado or the
United States,or anyproperty used primarily as a place of worship r private school.
Sec. 7.5-113. Billing; collection; expenditure of proceeds- enforcement.
(a) The fee shall be billed and collected with monthly ity utility bills issued on
or after January 1,2007,pursuant to Article XII of Chap 26 of the Code regarding
utility accounts, billing and collections, for each pr erty utilizing City utilities,
whether billed to the owner or occupant of prop e , except that the City may not
disconnect utility services to a property solel for non-payment or delinquent
payment of the transportation maintenance fee.
(b) The utility shall be entitled to retai from fee proceeds, or to otherwise be
reimbursed for, its costs of billing and c ection, as required by Art. V, §23 of the
Charter. The remaining proceeds fro the fee shall be deposited in a restricted
account within the Transportation and and shall be used solely to fund the
maintenance of city streets, includ' g curbs, gutters, bridges, parkways, shoulders,
bike lanes, medians and city-mai tained sidewalks, but not including landscaping.
(c) The Financial Offic may formulate and promulgate rules and regulations for
the administration of this rticle,not inconsistent with the provisions of this Article,
with respect to the bill' g and collection of the transportation maintenance fee and
other related matters Such rules and regulations shall be consistent with rules and
regulations autho J ed by Section 26-720 of the City Code regarding billing and
collection of util' y fees and charges.
Sec. 7.5-114 Unpaid charges a lien.
(a) a fee imposed by this Article, together with interest and the collection
costs, ' not paid by the due date specified on the utility bill, constitute a perpetual
lien n the property to which the fee applies.
(b) The attachment of such lien is not dependent on the recording of written
notice, and the lien is prior and superior to all other liens, claims, titles and
encumbrances whether or not prior in time except liens for general taxes and utilities.
The lien remains attached to the property from the date the fees became due until th
delinquent fees, together with interest and costs of collection, if any, are paid.
(c) When the tenant in possession of the property served or any third p n pays
the transportation maintenance fee,it shall relieve the landowner from the igations
and lien imposed by this Article,but the City is not required to seek pa ent of the
transportation maintenance fee from any person other than the owner. o change of
ownership,occupation or possession shall affect the application of is Section, and
the failure of any owner to discover that he or she purchased prop y against which
a lien for the transportation maintenance fee exists shall in o way affect such
owner's liability for payment in full.
(d) The City may enforce the lien by a suit for foreclos a and sale of the property
subject to the lien. The proceeds of the sale shall be a lied to the unpaid fees and
allowable costs in the manner provided for foreclos a of statutory liens. The lien
may also be enforced by certification of assessmen pon the property to the County
Treasurer for collection by the County in the s e manner as delinquent general
taxes and special assessments upon such prope are collected or by any other means
provided by law.
(e) Delinquent fees together with ' terest and collection costs may also be
collected by civil suit against the owne of the property served,or by any other lawful
means, at any time after the charg become delinquent. The remedies provided
under this Article are cumulative d supplemental to each other.
Sec. 7.5-115. Rebates.
(a) Persons who me the requirements listed in Sec. 25-49 of the City Code
regarding the sales tax bate on food may apply annually for a rebate of up to one
hundred (100) perce of the transportation maintenance fee paid in the preceding
calendar year.
(b) The Fi cial Officer shall administer the rebate program established by this
Section, and ay prepare a rebate application form, adopt rules and regulations
consistent ith the provisions of this Article and audit and verify the applications
submitte pursuant to this Section. Any refund application form shall require the
applic t to verify and sign the application under oath. The burden shall be on the
app ' ant to prove entitlement to a rebate under this Section,including proof that the
ap icant paid the transportation maintenance fee in full for the calendar year for
hich application is made. The Financial Officer may require reasonable
information to support the rebate application.
Sec. 7.5-116. Appeals.
Property owners or tenants may appeal to the Director in writing at any time
the question of whether properties owned or occupied by them are being char the
proper fee under the provisions of this Article. The burden shall be on the plicant
to provide substantial, competent evidence that the property that is the s Ject of the
appeal is not being charged the proper fee. The Director may hold a acing on the
appeal in his or her discretion, and may consider other competent e ' ence provided
by City staff. The Director's written decision shall be mailed to applicant within
thirty (30) days of receipt of the appeal. The applicant may ppeal the Director's
decision to the City Manager pursuant to Division 3 of Ch er 2 of the City Code.
A successful applicant shall not be entitled to a refund of fees paid for the subject
property prior to the date of the Director's decision.
Introduced, considered favorably on first readin , and ordered published this 7th day of
November, A.D. 2006, and to be presented for final p sage on the 21st day of November, A.D.
City Clerk
Passed and adopted o final reading on the 21 st day of November, A.D. 2006.
City Clerk