WHEREAS,the Council of the City of Fort Collins,by Ordinance No. 28, 1991, adopted the
"Harmony Corridor Design Standards and Guidelines"; and
WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 187, 1994, the Council amended the Harmony Corridor
Design Standards and Guidelines to include not only standards and guidelines for the general design
of the Harmony Corridor but also to include standards and guidelines for the design of certain
shopping centers and retail uses in the Harmony Corridor, land use and locational standards and
guidelines for all land uses in the Harmony Corridor and certain definitional standards and
guidelines; and
WHEREAS, the "Procedure" section of the Harmony Corridor Standards and Guidelines as
amended pursuant to Ordinance No. 187, 1994,provided that said Standards and Guidelines would
apply only to projects located in the Harmony Corridor which are processed according to the criteria
in the Land Development Guidance System as planned unit developments or to projects in the EP,
Employment Park Zoning District; and
WHEREAS,the Council has further determined that it is in the best interests of the City that
the Harmony Corridor Standards and Guidelines also regulate developments that are subject to the
"Site Plan Design Supplemental Review" provisions of the Code found at Chapter 29, Article III,
Division 4, Subdivision G; and
WHEREAS, the Council has further determined that certain clarifications regarding
"secondary uses" should be made to the "Basic Industrial and Non-Retail Employment Activity
Center" provisions of the "Land Use and Locational Standards and Guidelines"; and
WHEREAS,the Council has further determined that Appendix "B" of the Harmony Corridor
Standards and Guidelines, entitled "Standards and Guidelines for Shopping Center Definitions"
should be amended to better conform to the City's Standards and Guidelines for Large Retail
Establishments by the deletion, with respect to Harmony Corridor Regional Shopping Centers, of
the 80,000 square foot maximum gross floor area for any principal tenants in such shopping centers.
COLLINS as follows:
Section 1. That the "Procedure" section of the Harmony Corridor Standards and
Guidelines be amended to read as follows:
The following standards and guidelines are intended to be used by developers
proposing projects in the Harmony corridor and by the City staff and the Planning
and Zoning Board in their review process. These standards and guidelines apply only
to projects located in the Harmony corridor which are processed according to the
criteria in the LAND DEVELOPMENT GUIDANCE SYSTEM as Planned Unit
Developments or to projects in the EP, Employment Park zoning district, or to
projects which are subject to the "Site Plan Design Supplemental Review"provisions
in Chapter 29, Article III, Division 4, Subdivision G of the Code. "Standards"
denoted by (+) are mandatory. "Guidelines" denoted by (o) are not mandatory, but
are provided in order to further educate planners, design consultants, developers and
City staff about the intent of the Harmony Corridor Plan. The guidelines describe a
variety of ways that individual projects can contribute to the Harmony Corridor Plan
concept. In addition, the guidelines will be used by City staff to guide the
development of public sector projects in the corridor.
The Planning and Zoning Board is empowered to grant variances to the mandatory
(+) standards under the following circumstances:
(1) The strict application of the standard would result in peculiar and exceptional
practical difficulties or exceptional and undue hardship upon the owner of the
affected property; or
(2) The alternative plan as submitted will protect the public interest advanced by
the standard for which the variance is requested equally well or better than
would compliance with such standard; and
(3) In either of the foregoing circumstances,the variance may be granted without
substantial detriment to the public good.
Section 2. That the"Secondary and Supporting Uses"provisions of the 'Basic Industrial
and Non-Retail Employment Activity Center"provisions of the "Land Use and Locational Standards
and Guidelines" section of the Harmony Corridor Standards and Guidelines shall be amended to read
as follows:
Secondary and supporting uses will also be permitted in the Basic Industrial and
Non-Retail Employment Activity Center but shall occupy no more than 25 percent
(25%) of the total gross area of the Office (or business)Park, Overall Development
Plan or Planned Unit Development, as applicable. If single family housing is
provided, at least a generally equivalent number of multi-family dwelling units must
also be provided. "Multi-family" shall mean attached single family, 2-family or
multi-family dwellings. All housing must be integrated with and function with an
office (or business)park. Non-residential, secondary uses shall be integrated both in
function and in appearance with an office (or business) park, unless a special
exemption is granted by the Planning and Zoning Board. In order for such an
exemption to be granted, the applicant must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the
Board that the granting of the exemption would neither be detrimental to the public
good nor impact the intent and purposes of the foregoing requirement and that by
reason of exceptional narrowness, small parcel size, or other special condition
peculiar to a site, undue hardship would be caused by the strict application of this
requirement. Permitted secondary uses shall be limited to:
• Hotels/motels
• Sit-down restaurants
• Neighborhood Convenience Shopping Center
• Child care centers
• Athletic clubs
• Single family and multi-family housing (+)
• Accessory buildings and uses as defined in Section 29-456 of the Code.
Section 3. That the "Scale" provisions as contained in the "Harmony Corridor Regional
Shopping Center" provisions of the "Standards and Guidelines for Shopping Center Definitions"
identified as Appendix "B" to the Harmony Corridor Standards and Guidelines be amended to read
as follows:
• A regional shopping center shall be situated on thirty (30) to seventy (70)
acres. (+)
• A regional shopping center shall contain at least fifteen (15) independent
business establishments with separate public entrances. (+)
° A regional shopping center continues the City's tradition of having
small and medium-size shops supplementing the principal tenant(s).
• A regional shopping center shall contain at least 250,000 square feet of gross
( floor area. (+)
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 7th day of
March, A.D., 1995, and to be presented for final passage on the 2 ay of March, A 5.
*;A ak
City Clerk
Passed and adopted on final reading this 21st day of M D., 1995.
City Clerk