WHEREAS, on March 18, 1997, by Ordinance No. 51, 1997, the Council of the
City of Fort Collins adopted the Fort Collins Land Use Code (the "Land Use Code"); and
WHEREAS, at the time of the adoption of the Land Use Code, it was the
understanding of staff and Council that the Land Use Code would most likely be subject
to future amendments, not only for the purpose of clarification and correction of errors,
but also for the purpose of ensuring that the Land Use Code remains a dynamic document
capable of responding to issues identified by staff, other land use professionals and
citizens of the City; and
WHEREAS, the staff of the City and the Planning and Zoning Board have
reviewed the Land Use Code and identified and explored various issues related to the
Land Use Code and have made recommendations to the Council regarding such issues;
WHEREAS, the Council has determined that the Land Use Code amendments
which have been proposed are in the best interest of the City and its citizens.
OF FORT COLLINS that the Land Use Code is hereby amended as follows:
Section 1. That Section 2.2.1(E) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
2.2.1 Step 1: Conceptual Review/Preliminary Design Review
(A) Conceptual Review:
(1) Purpose. Conceptual review is an opportunity for an applicant to
discuss requirements, standards and procedures that apply to his or
her development proposal. Major problems can be identified and
solved during conceptual review before a formal application is
Representatives of the Community Planning and Environmental
Services, Transportation Services, Poudre Fire Authority, Police
Services, Water & Wastewater Utility, Electric Utility, Storm
Drainage Utility, Building and Zoning Department, and Cultural,
Library and Recreation Services regularly attend conceptual
review meetings.
(2) Applicability. A conceptual review is mandatory for all overall
development plans and for project development plans not subject
to an overall development plan. Conceptual review must occur at
least one (1) day prior to submittal of any application for an overall
development plan or project development plan which is not subject
to an overall development plan. The conceptual review may be
waived by the Director for those development proposals that, in his
or her opinion, would not derive substantial benefit from such
(3) Concept Plan Submittal. The applicant shall bring a sketch showing
the location of the proposed project, major streets and other
significant features in the vicinity to the Conceptual Review meeting.
(4) Staff Review and Recommendation. Upon receipt of a concept plan,
and after review of such plan with the applicant, the Director shall
furnish the applicant with written comments regarding such plan,
including appropriate recommendations to inform and assist the
applicant prior to preparing the components of the development
(B) Preliminary Design Review:
(1) Purpose. Preliminary design review is an opportunity for an
applicant to discuss requirements, standards, procedures, potential
modifications of standards or variances that may be necessary for a
project and to generally consider in greater detail the development
proposal design which has been evaluated as a part of the
conceptual review process. While the conceptual review process is
a general consideration of the development proposal, preliminary
design review is a consideration of the development proposal in
greater detail. Problems of both a major and minor nature can be
identified and solved during the preliminary design review before a
formal application is made.
Representatives of the Community Planning and Environmental
Services, Transportation Services, Poudre Fire Authority, Police
Services, Water & Wastewater Utility, Electric Utility, Storm
Drainage Utility, Building and Zoning Department, and Cultural,
Library and Recreation Services regularly attend preliminary
design review meetings. Additionally, other public or quasi-public
agencies which may be impacted by the development project are
invited and encouraged to attend the preliminary design review.
These agencies may include the gas utility, water and/or
wastewater utility districts, ditch companies, railroads, cable
television service providers, and other similar agencies.
(2) Applicability. Although a preliminary design review is not
mandatory, it may be requested by the applicant for any
development proposal. A request for preliminary design review
may be made in an informal manner, either in writing or orally, but
must be accompanied by the payment of the application fee as
established in the development review fee schedule. Preliminary
design review, if requested by the applicant, must occur at least
seven (7) days prior to the submittal of any application for an
overall development plan or project development plan which is not
subject to an overall development plan.
(3) Preliminary Plan Submittal. In conjunction with a preliminary
design review, the applicant shall submit all documents required
for such review as established in the development application
submittal requirements master list.
(413) Staff Review and Recommendation. Upon receipt of a
preliminary development proposal for review, and after review of
such proposal with the applicant, the Director shall furnish the
applicant with written comments and recommendations regarding
such proposal in order to inform and assist the applicant prior to
preparing components of the development appliation. In
conjunction with the foregoing, the Director shall provide the
applicant with a "critical issues list" which will identify those
critical issues which have surfaced in the preliminary design
review as issues which must be resolved during the review process
of the formal development application. The critical issues list will
provide to applicants the opinion of the Director regarding the
development proposal, as that opinion is established based upon
the facts presented during conceptual review and preliminary
design review. To the extent that there is a misunderstanding or a
misrepresentation of the facts, the opinion of the Director may
change during the course of development review. The positions of
the Director that are taken as a part of the cricital issues list may be
relied upon by applicants, but only insofar as those positions are
based upon clear and precise facts presented in writing, either
graphically or textually on plans or other submittals, to the
Director during the course of preliminary design review.
Section 2. That Section 2.2.2(B) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
(B) Applicability. A neighborhood meeting shall be required on any
development proposal that is subject to Planning and Zoning Board
review unless the Director determines as a part of the staff review and
recommendation required pursuant to Section 2.2.1(A)(4) that the
development proposal would not have significant neighborhood
Section 3. That Sections 2.2.11(D)(3)and (4) of the Land Use Code are
hereby amended to read as follows:
(3) Term of Vested Right. Within a maximum of three (3)
years following the approval of a final plan or other site
specific development plan, the applicant must undertake,
install and complete all engineering improvements (water,
sewer, streets, curb, gutter, street lights, fire hydrants and
storm drainage) in accordance with city codes, rules and
regulations. The period of time shall constitute the "term of
the vested property right." The foregoing term of the
vested property right shall not exceed three (3) years
unless: (a) an extension is granted pursuant to paragraph
(4) of this subsection, or (b) the city and the developer enter
into a development agreement which vests the property
right for a period exceeding three (3) years. Such
agreement may be entered into by the city only if the
subject development constitutes a
"large base industry" as defined in Article 5, or if the
Director determines that it will likely take more than five
(5) years to complete all engineering improvements for the
development, and only if warranted in light of all relevant
circumstances, including, but not limited to, the size and
phasing of the development, economic cycles and market
conditions. Any such development agreement shall be
adopted as a legislative act subject to referendum. Failure
to undertake and complete the development within the term
of the vested property right shall cause a forfeiture of the
vested property right and shall require resubmission of all
materials and reapproval of the same to be processed as
required by this Land Use Code. All dedications as
contained on the final plat shall remain valid unless vacated
in accordance with law.
(4) Extensions. Extensions for two (2) successive periods of one
(1) year each may be granted by the Director, upon a finding
that the plan complies with all general development
standards as contained in Article 3 and Zone District
Standards as contained in Article 4 at the time of the
application for the extension. Any additional one (1) year
extensions shall be approved, if at all, only by the Planning
and Zoning Board, upon a finding that the plan complies
with all applicable general development standards as
contained in Article 3 and Zone District Standards as
contained in Article 4 at the time of the application for the
extension, and that the applicant has been diligent in
constructing the engineering improvements required
pursuant to paragraph (3) above, though such improvements
have not been fully constructed. A request for an extension
of the term of vested right under this Section must be
submitted to the Director in writing at least thirty (30) days
prior to the date of expiration. Time is of the essence. The
granting of extensions by the Director under this Section
may, at the discretion of the Director, be referred to the
Planning and Zoning Board.
Section 4. That Section 2.9.2 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
2.9.2. Applicability
Any and all amendments to the text of this Land Use Code and any and all
changes to the Zoning Map must be processed in accordance with this Division.
Commencing one (1) year after the effective date of this Land Use Code,
amendments to the Zoning Map shall be processed only twice per calendar year
and shall be considered by the Planning and Zoning Board in March or April and
in September or October of such year; provided, however, that this limitation shall
not apply to petitions for amendments to the Zoning Map initiated by the owners
of properties in the Transition District, which petitions shall be governed by the
provisions of Section 4.9(B)(2), for properties located within the Infill Area or
that are considered Redevelopment, or to initial Zoning Ma amendments
P g P
following annexation, or to Zoning Map amendments which are founded upon the
adoption and implementation of a subarea plan. Only the Council may, after
recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board, adopt an ordinance amending
the text of this Land Use Code or the Zoning Map in accordance with the
provisions of this Division.
Section 5. That Section 3.2.2(L) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
Standard Vehicle Dimensions in feet
0° 8 23 8 23 20 12
300 8.5 20 17.4 17 20 15
450 8.5 20 20.2 12 20 15
600 9 19 21 10.4 24 20
900 9 19 19 9 24* 20**
Com act Vehicle Dimensions in feet
00 7.5 19 7.5 19 20 12
300 7.5 16.5 14.8 15 20 15
450 7.5 16.5 17 10.6 20 15
600 8 16 17.9 9.2 24 20
900 8 15 15 8 24* 20**
A-Angle of Parking
B-Stall Width
C-Stall Length
D-Stall Depth
E-Curb Length
F-Two-Way Drive Aisle Width
G-One-Way drive Aisle Width
*When garages are located along a driveway and are opposite other garages or buildings, the
driveway width must be increased to 28 feet.
**When an overhand is allowed to reduce stall depth,aisle width must be increased to 22 feet.
(See Figure 4)
Section 6. That Section 3.2.4(D) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
(3) Light sources shall be concealed and fully shielded and
shall feature sharp cut-off capability so as to minimize up-
light, spill-light, glare and unnecessary diffusion on
adjacent property. Light fixtures shall be attached to poles
and buildings by the use of non-adjustable-angle brackets or
other mounting hardware. Under-canopy fueling areas shall
feature flush-mount, flat lens light fixtures.
(10) Exposed L.E.D. (light emitting diode) lighting shall be
limited to a maximum of one thousand(1,000) candela per
square meter(nits).
Section 7. That Section 3.6.2(L) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
(L) Private Drives.
(1) When Allowed.
(b) Primary access in single-family developments. A
private drive, instead of a street, shall be allowed to
provide primary access to residential development,
provided that the drive is connected to only one (1)
(2) Design Requirements. Private drives shall be designed to
meet the following criteria:
(a) If any property served by the private drive cannot
receive fire emergency service from a public street,
then all emergency access design requirements shall
apply to the private drive in accordance with
Section 3.6.6. An "emergency access easement"
must be dedicated to the city for private drives that
provide emergency access.
(c) The design of private drives shall comply with all
the standards for Emergency Access as contained in
Section 3.6.6.
(5) Naming and Addressing. Private drives shall be named, if
necessary, to comply with the standards for Emergency
Access as contained in Section 3.6.6. Addressing of the
property shall be assigned by the city in conformance with
the Latimer County Urban Area Street Standards.
Section 8. That Section 3.6.3(H)(1) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended
to read as follows:
(H) Alternative Compliance. Upon request by an applicant, the
decision maker may approve an alternative development plan that
may be substituted in whole or in part for a plan meeting the
standards of this Section.
(1) Procedure. Alternative compliance development plans
shall be prepared and submitted in accordance with
submittal requirements for plans as set forth in this Section.
The plan and design shall clearly identify and discuss the
alternatives proposed and the ways in which the plan will
better accomplish the purpose of this Section than would a
plan which complies with the standards of this Section.
Section 9. That Section 4.1(E)(1) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
(E) Development Standards.
(1) Street Connectivity and Design. The following standards
shall apply to all development in the Urban Estate District:
(a) To the extent reasonably feasible development in
this District shall comply with the requirements
contained in Section 3.6.3, Street Pattern and
Connectivity Standards, in order to provide
integration between neighborhoods.
Section 10. That Section 4.5(B)(3)(c) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended
by the addition of a new subparagraph 3 which reads in its entirety as follows:
3. Restaurant, limited mixed-use.
Section 11. That Section 4.8(B)(2)(a)3 of the Land Use Code is hereby
amended to read as follows:
3. Multi-family dwellings up to four (4) units
which propose structural additions or
exterior alterations to the existing building,
or the dwellings are to be constructed on a
lot or parcel which contained a structure on
October 25, 1991, provided that such multi-
family dwelling is located within a street-
fronting principal building.
Section 12. That Section 4.24(B)(3) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended
to read as follows:
(c) Commercial/Retail Uses:
1. Restaurant, limited mixed-use.
(d) Accessory/Miscellaneous Uses:
1. Wireless telecommunications equipment.
Section 13. That Section 5.1.2 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by the
addition of a new definition "Candela per square meter(nits)" which reads in its entirety
as follows:
Candela per square meter(nits) shall mean a unit of measurement referring to the
illumination of exposed L.E.D. (light emitting diode) lighting and also referred to
as nits.
Section 14. That Section 5.1.2 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by the.
addition of a new definition "Redevelopment' which reads in its entirety as follows:
Redevelopment shall mean the intensification of use of existing underutilized
buildings and/or development sites, building rehabilitation, or removal or demolition of
existing buildings, followed promptly by construction of replacement buildings.
Section 15. That Section 5.1.2 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by the
addition of a new definition "Restaurant, limited mixed-use" which reads in its entirety as
Restaurant, limited mixed-use shall mean any establishment in which the principal
business is the sale of food and beverages to the customer in a ready-to consume state,
and in which the design or principal method of operation includes all of the following
(1) food and beverages are usually served in edible containers or in paper,
plastic or other disposable containers;
(2) the consumption of food and beverages is encouraged or permitted within
the restaurant building, elsewhere on the premises or for carryout;
(3) there is no drive-in or drive-through facility as a part of the establishment;
(4) the establishment is contained within or physically abuts a multi-family
(5) the establishment is clearly subordinate and accessory to a multi-family
(6) the establishment shall not exceed one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet
in gross leasable floor area;
(7) the establishment shall not engage in serving alcohol; and
(8) the establishment shall not engage in the playing of amplified music.
Introduced and considered favorably on first reading and ordered published this
29th day of November, A.D. 2005, and to be presented for nal passage on the th day
of December, A.D., 2005.
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City Clerk
Passed and adopted on final reading this 20th da o ecember, A D. 20