HomeMy WebLinkAbout131 - 09/19/2006 - AMENDING THE LAND USE CODE ARTICLE 4 TO ADD A NEW RURAL LANDS ZONE DISTRICT, AS DIVISION 4.1 AND REA ORDINANCE NO.131, 2006 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS AMENDING THE LAND USE CODE ARTICLE 4 TO ADD A NEW RURAL LANDS ZONE DISTRICT, AS DIVISION 4.1 AND REARRANGE DIVISION NUMBERING AND TO REVISE ARTICLE 3 SECTION 3.9.2 TO ALLOW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL IN THE RUL DISTRICT WITHIN ONE-QUARTER MILE OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 25 WHEREAS, on March 18, 1997, by Ordinance No. 051, 1997, the Council of the City of Fort Collins adopted the Fort Collins Land Use Code(the "Land Use Code"); and WHEREAS, at the time of the adoption of the Land Use Code, it was the understanding of staff and Council that the Land Use Code would most likely be subject to future amendments, not only for the purpose of clarification and correction of errors, but also for the purpose of ensuring that the Land Use Code remains a dynamic document capable of responding to issues identified by staff, other land use professionals and citizens of the City; and WHEREAS, the Land Use Code lacks a zone district designation sufficient to properly implement the policies of City Plan for areas designated as "rural lands" and "community separators" on the City's Structure Plan Map; and WHEREAS, the Council has determined that the proposed Rural Lands District (R-U-L) is in the best interest of the citizens of the City because it fills that void in the City's land use regulations by establishing a zone district which permits large lot and/or residential cluster development and other uses that are sensitive to and in keeping with a rural and open space edge to the community, including golf courses, cemeteries and agricultural uses as well as open space and natural areas; WHEREAS, the staff of the City and the Planning and Zoning Board have reviewed the Land Use Code and identified and explored various issues related to the proposed new Rural Land Zone District and have made recommendations to the Council regarding such issues; and WHEREAS, the Council has determined that the Land Use Code amendments which have been proposed are in the best interest of the City and its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS as follows: Section 1. That Section 3.9.2 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 3.9.2 Location of Single-Family Residential Lots From 1-25 (A) Development of new single-family residential lots within one thousand three hundred twenty (1,320) feet (one-quarter [%] mile) of the centerline of Interstate Highway 25 (1-25) shall be prohibited. (1) Exception: single-family detached dwellings in the Rural Lands District (RUL) shall be exempt from this standard. (B) In the Urban Estate zone district, development that creates new single-family residential lots located between one-quarter (V4) and one-half(%z) mile from the centerline of I-25 shall utilize the clustering technique (as provided for in Section 4.1(E)(2) of this Land Use Code for the Urban Estate District) in order to concentrate densities away from I-25, maximize views and preserve landscape features or open space. Section 2. That the Land Use Code is hereby amended by the addition of a new Division 4.1 which reads in its entirety as follows: Division 4.1 Rural Lands District (RUL) (A) Purpose. The Rural Lands District is intended for privately owned lands that are planned as a rural edge to the community. Rural lands include but are not limited to community separators, clustered residential development, large lot residential, agriculture, natural area buffers and corridors, and other open lands of similar character and purpose. (B) Permitted Uses. (1) The following uses are permitted in the R-U-L District, subject to Basic Development review, provided that such uses are located on lots that are part of an approved site-specific development plan: (a) Agricultural Uses: 1. Agricultural activities. (b) Accessory/Miscellaneous Uses: 1. Accessory buildings. 2. Accessory uses. 3. Farm animals. (c) Any use authorized pursuant to a site specific development plan that was processed and approved either in compliance with the Zoning Code in effect on March 27, 1997, or in compliance with this Land Use Code (other than a final subdivision plat, or minor subdivision plat, approved pursuant to Section 29-643 or 29-644 of prior law, for any nonresidential development or any multi-family dwelling containing more than four [4] dwelling units), provided that such use shall be subject to all of the use and density requirements and conditions of said site specific development plan. (d) Any use which is not hereafter listed as a permitted use in this zone district but which was permitted for a specific parcel of property pursuant to the zone district regulations in effect for such parcel on March 27, 1997; and which physically existed upon such parcel on March 27, 1997; provided, however, that such existing use shall constitute a permitted use only on such parcel of property. (2) The following uses are permitted in the R-U-L District subject to administrative review: (a) Residential Uses: 1. Single-family detached dwellings on lots containing at least ten(10) acres. (b) Institutional/Public/Civic Uses: 1. Public facilities. 2. Parks, recreation and open lands, except neighborhood parks as defined by the Parks and Recreation Policy Plan. (c) Industrial Uses: 1. Composting facilities. (d) Agricultural Uses: 1. Animal boarding. (3) The following land uses are permitted in the R-U-L District subject to review by the Planning and Zoning Board: (a) Residential Uses: 1. Single-family detached dwellings in Residential Cluster Developments, except that such Residential Cluster Developments shall, to the maximum extent feasible, be located at least one-thousand three hundred twenty (1,320) feet (one-quarter [1/4] mile) from the centerline of Interstate Highway 25 (I-25). (b) Institutional/Civic/Pubflc Uses: 1. Golf Courses. 2. Riding Academies. 3. Cemeteries. (c) Industrial Uses: 1. Resource extraction processes and sales, except that such uses shall not be permitted in natural area protection buffers. (d) Accessory Uses: 1. Wireless Telecommunication Equipment provided that they are not located within one thousand three hundred twenty (1,320) feet (one-quarter [1/4] mile) of the centerline of either I-25 or Carpenter Road. (C) Prohibited Uses. All uses that are not (1) expressly allowed as permitted uses in this Section or (2) determined to be permitted by the Director pursuant to Section 1.3.4 of this Land Use Code shall be prohibited. (D) Land Use Standards. (1) Residential Density. (a) Single-Family Detached maximum residential density shall be one (1) dwelling unit per ten (10) acres. (b) Residential Cluster Development density shall be based on one (1) dwelling unit per one hundred thousand (100,000) square feet measured on the entire site. (c) Resource Management Area, density of residential cluster development shall be calculated as follows: The total acres of subject parcel, less any area that is within a one hundred (100) year floodway or covered by a body of water, multiplied by 0.5, equivalent to one(1)dwelling unit per two (2) acres. (2) Airport Critical Area — No Residential Use. No residential use shall be permitted within the designated Airport Critical Area. (3) Dimensional Standards. (a) A setback area of at least eighty (80) feet shall be provided along arterial streets, measured from the right-of-way. (b) Single-family detached dwellings on lots containing at least ten (10) acres: 1. Minimum lot width shall be two hundred(200) feet. 2. Minimum depth of the front yard shall be sixty(60) feet. 3. Minimum depth of the rear yard shall be fifty(50) feet. 4. Minimum side yard shall be fifty(50) feet. (c) Single-family detached dwellings in Residential Cluster Developments: 1. Minimum lot width shall be sixty(60) feet. 2. Minimum depth of the rear yard shall be fifteen(15) feet. (d) Maximum building height for single-family detached dwellings shall be three (3) stories. (E) Development Standards. (1) Street Connectivity and Design. The following standards shall apply to all development in the Rural Lands District: (a) Development in this District shall be exempt from the standards contained in Section 3.6.3, Street Pattern and Connectivity Standards. (b) The layout and design of any new streets shall emphasize characteristics and views of the open landscape. To the maximum extent feasible, streets shall be designed to minimize the amount of site disturbance caused by roadway and associated grading required for their construction by utilizing special street design characteristics such as divided lanes, landscape islands and landscape solutions to drainage instead of standard curb and gutter (so that storm water runoff is directed into open swales and ditches). Local and residential access roads shall be designed without curbs and gutters unless deemed necessary for health and safety by the City Engineer. (2) Residential Development Configuration. Residential development may be configured as lots containing at least ten 10 acres or as a Residential Cluster Development, at the option of the applicant, except in the Fossil Creek Reservoir Resource Management Area where clustering shall be required. (3) Site Design for Residential Cluster Development. Property in the Rural Lands District may be developed in clusters, subject to approval by the Planning and Zoning Board. In a cluster development, lot sizes may be reduced in order to cluster the dwellings together on twenty (20) percent of the property, with the remainder of the property permanently preserved as private open space. (a) At least eighty (80) percent of the residual gross land area of the proposed development shall remain under private ownership, as private open space protected by restrictive covenants for the benefit of the city, and/or by maintaining existing dwellings and any outbuildings, protected by restrictive covenants binding upon either: (1) existing residential owners; (2) the residential homeowners association if it owns such property; or(3) a nonprofit organization acceptable to the city, if it owns such property. The development plan shall include such restrictive provisions protected by restrictive covenants for the benefit of the city, proposed uses, and maintenance provisions as necessary to ensure the continuation of the private open space uses intended. The city may also require that the developer commit in the Development Agreement to maintain the open space. (b) Only the uses specifically permitted in subsection (B) above shall be allowed in the cluster development. For the residual open land, existing dwellings and/or outbuildings relating to agricultural use are allowed to remain and, if included, may be applied toward the total allowed residential density in the development. (c) The design of the cluster development shall be appropriate for the site, as demonstrated by meeting the following criteria: I. The preservation of significant natural resources, wildlife habitat, natural areas and features such as drainage swales, rock outcroppings and slopes, native vegetation, open lands or agricultural property through maintenance of large, contiguous blocks of land and other techniques. Residual land shall be designed to achieve the maximum amount of contiguous open space possible, while avoiding the creation of small, isolated and unusable areas. 2. The provision of additional amenities such as trails, common areas or access to public recreational areas and open space. Residual lands shall not include any street rights-of-way or parking areas. 3. The protection of adjacent residential development through landscaping, screening, fencing, buffering or similar measures. 4. The layout of lots to conform to terrain and minimize grading and filling, including the preservation of natural features such as drainage swales, rock outcroppings and slopes. 5. The indication of any areas where farm animals will be allowed, including any mitigation features needed to buffer these areas from surrounding uses. Section 3. That the existing Divisions 4.1 through 4.8 in the Land Use Code are now renumbered as Division 4.2 through Division 4.9. Section 4. That Division 4.24 - High Density Mixed-Use Neighborhood District (H- M-N) of the Land Use Code is now Division 4.10. Section 5. That the remaining Divisions in the Land Use Code are hereby renumbered as follows: Division 4.11 Reserved Division 4.12 Transition District(T) Division 4.13 Public Open Lands District (P-O-L) Division 4.14 River Conservation District(R-C) Division 4.15 Reserved Division 4.16 Downtown District (D) Division 4.17 River Downtown Redevelopment District (R-D-R) Division 4.18 Community Commercial District(C-C) Division 4.19 Community Commercial - North College District (C-C-N) Division 4.20 Community Commercial - Poudre River District(C-C-R) Division 4.21 Commercial District (C) Division 4.22 Commercial - North College District (C-N) Division 4.23 Neighborhood Commercial District (N-C) Division 4.24 Limited Commercial District (C-L) Division 4.25 Reserved Division 4.26 Harmony Corridor District(H-C) Division 4.27 Employment District (E) Division 4.28 Industrial District (I) Section 6. That all cross-references in the Land Use Code to Division 4 shall be renumbered accordingly. Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 5th day of September, A.D. 2006, and to be presented for final passage on the 19th day of September, A.D. 2006. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk Passed and adopted on final reading g on the 19th day o ep tuber, A.D. 2006. May ATTEST: City Clerk