WHEREAS, on March 18, 1997, by Ordinance No. 51, 1997, the Council of the City of
Fort Collins adopted the Fort Collins Land Use Code (the "Land Use Code"); and
WHEREAS, at the time of the adoption of the Land Use Code, it was the understanding
of staff and Council that the Land Use Code would most likely be subject to future amendments,
not only for the purpose of clarification and correction of errors, but also for the purpose of
ensuring that the Land Use Code remains a dynamic document capable of responding to issues
identified by staff, other land use professionals and citizens of the City; and
WHEREAS, the staff of the City and the Planning and Zoning Board have reviewed the
Land Use Code and identified and explored various issues related to the Land Use Code and
have made recommendations to the Council regarding such issues; and
WHEREAS, the Council has determined that the Land Use Code amendments which
have been proposed are in the best interest of the City and its citizens.
FORT COLLINS that the Land Use Code be, and hereby is, amended as follows:
Section 1. That the phrase "building permit review" is hereby changed to read "basic
development review" in every instance in which it appears in the Land Use Code, except where it
appears in Division 2.7 and Section 2.1.3(A) and 3.8.20(C).
Section 2. That Section 1.4.7(B) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as
(B) Notwithstanding any provision of Colorado law to the contrary, any parcel
of land, whether larger or smaller than thirty-five (35) acres, may be
conveyed by metes and bounds description or by other usual and
customary method of land description, without being subject to
subdivision requirements; provided, however, that no such conveyance
shall imply or confer any right to develop, or create a new lot upon which
development can occur unless such development has, prior to the
conveyance, been approved in accordance with this Land Use Code or
prior law and provided further that such conveyance shall not be made if it
creates nonconformities of any nature whatsoever, or circumvents the
intent or requirements of this Land Use Code.
Section 3. That Section 2.2.3(D) of the Land Use Code is hereby deleted in its
entirety as follows and all subsequent paragraphs relettered accordingly:
Section 4. That Section 2.2.6(C) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as
(C) Published Notice. Notice of the time, date and place of the public
hearing/meeting on the development application and the subject matter of
the hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation within
the city at least seven (7) days prior to such hearing/meeting.
Section 5. That Section 2.2.6(D) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as
(D) Supplemental Notice Requirements.
Notice Radius Sign Size
All developments except as described 500 feet 5.4 square
below. feet
Developments proposing more than fifty 750 feet 5.4 square
(50) and less than one hundred (100) feet
single-family or two-family lots or
dwelling units.
Developments proposing more than 750 feet 5.4 square
twenty-five (25) and less than one feet
hundred (100) multi-family dwelling
Nonresidential developments containing 750 feet 5.4 square
more than twenty-five thousand (25,000) feet
and less than fifty thousand (50,000)
square feet of floor area.
Developments proposing one hundred 1,000 feet 12 square
(100) or more single-family or two-family feet
lots or dwelling units.
Developments proposing one hundred 1,000 feet 12 square
(100) or more multi-family dwelling units. feet
Nonresidential developments containing 1,000 feet 12 square
fifty thousand (50,000) or more square feet
feet of floor area.
Nonresidential developments which 1,000 feet; plus, 12 square
propose land uses or activities which, in with respect to feet
the judgment of the Director, create neighborhood
community or regional impacts. meetings, publi-
cation of a notice
not less than
seven (7) days
prior to the
meeting in a
newspaper of
general cir-
culation in the
Section 6. That Section 2.2.10(A)(4) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
(4) Appeals. Appeals of the decision of the Director regarding the
approval, approval with conditions or denial of minor amendments
of any approved development plan or site specific development
plan shall be to the Planning and Zoning Board. Any such appeal
shall be taken by filing a notice of appeal of the final decision with
the Director within fourteen (14) days after the action that is the
subject of the appeal. The decision of the Planning and Zoning
Board on such appeals shall constitute a final decision, subject
only to appeal as provided for development plans under Division
2.3, 2.4 or 2.5, as applicable, for the minor amendment.
Section 7. That Section 2.9.2 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as
2.9.2. Applicability
Any and all amendments to the text of this Land Use Code and any and all
changes to the Zoning Map must be processed in accordance with this Division.
Commencing one (1) year after the effective date of this Land Use Code,
amendments to the Zoning Map shall be processed only twice per calendar year
and shall be considered by the Planning and Zoning Board in March or April and
in September or October of such year; provided, however, that this limitation shall
not apply to petitions for amendments to the Zoning Map initiated by the owners
of properties in the Transition District, which petitions shall be governed by the
provisions of Section 4.9(B)(2), or to initial Zoning Map amendments following
annexation, or to Zoning Map amendments which are founded upon the adoption
and implementation of a subarea plan. Only the Council may, after
recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board, adopt an ordinance amending
the text of this Land Use Code or the Zoning Map in accordance with the
provisions of this Division.
Section 8. That the first paragraph of Section 2.9.4 of the Land Use Code is hereby
amended to read as follows:
2.9.4. Text and Map Amendment Review Procedures
An amendment to the text of this Land Use Code or an amendment to the Zoning
Map may be approved by the City Council by ordinance. Any such proposed
amendment shall be processed through a public hearing before the Planning and
Zoning Board, which will provide a recommendation to the City Council. (See
Steps 1 though 12 below). Upon completion of any hearing by the Planning and
Zoning Board on an application or proposal to rezone any parcel of land or upon
consideration of initial zoning in the case of lands being annexed to the city, the
City Clerk shall cause the hearing by the City Council to be placed on the agenda
for a future City Council meeting; and the public hearing before the City Council
shall be held after at least fifteen (15) days' notice of the time, date and place of
such hearing and the subject matter of the hearing and the nature of the proposed
zoning change has been given by publication in a newspaper of general
circulation within the city. Upon completion of any hearing by the Planning and
Zoning Board on a proposal for a text amendment, notice shall be given as
required for ordinances pursuant to the City Charter. The City Council shall then
approve, approve with conditions, or deny the amendment based on its
consideration of the Staff Report, the Planning and Zoning Board
recommendation and findings, and the evidence from the public hearings, and
based on the amendment's compliance with the standards and conditions
established in this section. (See Steps 8 and 9 below).
Section 9. That Section 2.9.4(F)(2) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read
as follows:
(2) Rezonings of no more than six hundred forty (640) acres (quasi-
judicial): Section 2.2.6(A) shall apply except that the notice
provided for therein shall be mailed at least seven (7) days prior to
the public hearing/meeting date (instead of fourteen [141 days) and
shall identify the proposed new zone district(s), as well as the uses
permitted therein, shall indicate whether a neighborhood meeting
will be held with regard to the proposed rezoning, and shall inform
the recipient of the notice of the name, address and telephone
number of the Director, to whom questions may be referred with
regard to such zoning change. Section 2.2.6(B) and (C) shall apply
and the published notice given pursuant to Section 2.2.6(C) shall
provide the time, date and place of the hearing, the subject matter
of the hearing and the nature of the proposed zoning change.
Section 2.2.6(D) shall not apply.
Section 10. That Section 2.12.2 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as
2.12.2 Petitions for Annexation and Annexation Plats
In addition to all state statutory filing and procedural requirements, all petitions
for annexation and annexation plats shall be submitted to the City Clerk, with a
copy, and application fee, to the Director. The City Clerk shall expeditiously
schedule the petitions for a meeting of the City Council held at least fifteen (15)
days after the date the Director receives the petition and plat.
Section 11. That Section 3.1.1 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as
3.1.1 Applicability
All development applications and building permit applications shall comply with
the applicable standards contained in Divisions 3.1 through 3.8 inclusive, except
that single-family dwellings and accessory buildings and structures and accessory
uses that are permitted subject only to Building Permit review as allowed in
Article 4 need to comply only with the standards contained in Article 4 for the
zone district in which such uses are located and the standards contained in
Division 3.4.7 and Division 3.8. In addition to the foregoing, this Land Use Code
shall also apply to the use of land following development to the extent that the
provisions of this Land Use Code can be reasonably and logically interpreted as
having such ongoing application.
Section 12. That Section 3.2.4(C) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as
(C) Lighting Levels. With the exception of lighting for public streets, all other
project lighting used to illuminate buildings, parking lots, walkways,
plazas or the landscape, shall be evaluated during the development review
process. The following chart gives minimum lighting levels for outdoor
facjlities used at night.
Area/Activity* Foot-candle
Building surrounds(nonresidential) 1.0
Bikeways along roadside
Area/Activity* Foot-candle
Commercial areas 0.9
Intermediate areas 0.6
Residential areas 0.2
Walkways along roadside
Commercial areas 0.9
Intermediate areas 0.6
Residential areas 0.5
Area/Activity* Foot-candle
Park walkways 0.5
Pedestrian stairways 0.3
Loading and unloading platforms 5.0
Parking areas 1.0
Playground 5.0
Under-canopy fueling area(average maintained) 20.0
Under-canopy fueling area(initial installation) 26.0
*Illuminating Engineering Society(IES)Lighting Handbook
Section 13. That Section 3.2.4(D)(3) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read
as follows:
(3) Light sources shall be concealed and fully shielded and shall
feature sharp cut-off capability so as to minimize up-light, spill-
light, glare and unnecessary diffusion on adjacent property.
Under-canopy fueling areas shall feature flush-mount, flat lens
light fixtures.
Section 14. That Section 3.3.2(D)(6) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read
as follows:
(6) Streets, alleys and paths. The applicant shall provide street
improvements necessary to serve the lot or lots in accordance with
Section 24-95 of the City Code.
Section 15. That Section 3.3.2(E)(1)(c) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
(c) Streets, alleys and paths. All streets shall be paved with
curbs and gutters installed in accordance with the approved
utility plans. All alleys and paths required to be
constructed by the city shall be paved. In cases where a
previously existing street which has not been brought up to
city specifications is located within a subdivision, such
street shall be paved with curbs and gutters installed in
order to meet city specifications. All streets existing within
ownership of the lands which make up any subdivision
shall be shown on the subdivision plat. If any subdivision
is located adjacent to any existing street right-of-way, the
applicant shall improve local streets to the full width and
collector and arterial streets to one-half-width except as is
otherwise provided hereinbelow, with pavement, curb,
gutter, sidewalk and any other required street
improvements as necessary to bring such street up to city
specifications. Notwithstanding the foregoing, collector
and arterial streets shall be constructed to such
specifications as shall be necessary in the judgment of the
City Engineer based upon traffic safety considerations, and
taking into account the traffic impact of the development
upon such arterial or collector street. No such arterial street
shall be constructed to a width of less than thirty-six (36)
Section 16. That Section 3.4.2 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as
3.4.2 Air Quality
(A) General Standard. The project shall conform to all applicable local, state and
federal air quality regulations and standards, including, but not limited to those
regulating odor, dust, fumes or gases which are noxious, toxic or corrosive, and
suspended solid or liquid particles.
(B) Setbacks from Domestic Wastewater Treatment Works to Habitable Structures.
(1) Unless specifically authorized pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (C)
below, the minimum horizontal distances set forth in subparagraph (2) of
this subsection shall be maintained between the various kinds of
wastewater treatment works listed in said subparagraph and any of the
following uses:
(a) any residential use;
(b) any commercial/retail use except frozen food lockers, enclosed
mini-storage facilities and properties used principally as parking
lots or parking garages;
(c) any industrial use except warehouses, properties used for
recreational vehicle, boat or truck storage, composting facilities,
outdoor storage facilities,junkyards, transport terminals, recycling
facilities, and resource extraction;
(d) any institutional/civic/public use except cemeteries, golf courses,
public facilities, parks, recreation and other open lands, places of
worship or assembly; and
(e) any accessory/miscellaneous uses except agricultural activities,
farm animals, satellite dishes (greater than thirty-nine[39] inches in
diameter), wireless telecommunications equipment and wireless
telecommunications facilities.
(2) The following minimum horizontal distances shall apply to the kinds of
wastewater treatment works listed below and the uses specified in
subparagraph (1) above:
(a) Non-aerated lagoons: one thousand three hundred
twenty (1,320) feet (1/4 mile).
(b) Aerated lagoons containing less than two (2) total
surface acres with no surface aeration: one hundred
(100) feet.
(c) Aerated lagoons containing greater than two (2)
total surface acres and/or with surface aeration: one
thousand (1,000) feet, or with established vegetation
barriers, and/or walls, berms or other topographic
features to reduce aerosol drift as approved pursuant
to paragraph (C) below: five hundred (500) feet.
(d) Small mechanical plants with less than one hundred
thousand (100,000) gpd capacity and all facilities
with building enclosure: one hundred (100) feet.
(e) All other mechanical plants: one thousand (1,000)
(C) Alternative Compliance. Upon request by an applicant, the decision
maker may approve an alternative setback distance that may be substituted
for a setback distance meeting the standards of this Section.
(1) Procedure. Alternative compliance setback plans shall be
prepared and submitted in accordance with the submittal
requirements for plans as set forth in this Section. The plan
shall clearly identify and discuss the setback modifications
proposed and the ways in which the plan will equally well
or better accomplish the purpose of this Section than would
a plan which complies with the standards of this Section.
(2) Review Criteria. To approve an alternative plan, the
decision maker must first find that the proposed alternative
plan accomplishes the purposes of this Section equally well
or better than would a plan which complies with the
standards of this Section.
In reviewing the proposed alternative plan, the decision
maker shall consider any mitigating factors that exist to
counter the potential for odor problems and/or aerosol drift,
including, without limitation, structural, chemical or
technological mitigation occurring at the subject
wastewater treatment works, established vegetation barriers
and/or walls, berms, or other topographic features sufficient
to serve as mitigation for odor problems and/or aerosol
drift. In order to assist the decision maker in evaluating the
proposed mitigation factors the Utilities General Manager
shall submit a written recommendation regarding such
mitigation factors, which recommendation shall include the
technical analysis and reasoning used in support of the
Utilities General Manager's recommendation.
Section 17. That Section 3.5.1(G)(1)(a)4. of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
4. Neighborhood Scale. Buildings or structures
greater than forty (40) feet in height shall be
compatible with the scale of the neighborhoods in
which they are situated in terms of relative height,
height to mass, length to mass, and building or
structure scale to human scale.
Section 18. That Section 3.5.1(I)(2) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read
as follows:
(2) Loading docks, truck parking, outdoor storage (including storage
containers), utility meters, HVAC and other mechanical
equipment, trash collection, trash compaction and other service
functions shall be incorporated into the overall design theme of the
building and the landscape so that the architectural design is
continuous and uninterrupted by ladders, towers, fences and
equipment, and no attention is attracted to the functions by use of
screening materials that are different from or inferior to the
principal materials of the building and landscape. These areas
shall be located and screened so that the visual and acoustic
impacts of these functions are fully contained and out of view from
adjacent properties and public streets.
Section 19. That Section 3.5.1(I) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by the
addition of a new subparagraph (6) to read as follows:
(6) All satellite dishes that are greater than two (2) meters (78.74
inches) in diameter must be screened and located as required in
subsection (1) through (5) of this Section.
Section 20. That Section 3.5.2(D)(2) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read
as follows:
(2) Setback from Nonarterial Streets. Minimum setback of every
residential building and of every detached accessory building that
is incidental to the residential building from any public street right-
of-way other than an arterial street right-of-way shall be fifteen
(15) feet Setbacks from garage doors to the nearest portion of any
public sidewalk that intersects with the driveway shall be at least
twenty (20)feet.
(a) Alternative Compliance. Upon request by an applicant, the
decision maker may approve an alternative setback that
may be substituted in whole or in part for a setback that
meets the standards of this Section, except that such
alternative setback shall not be permitted in the R-L or U-E
zone districts.
1. Procedure. Alternative compliance setbacks from
connector or local streets only, shall be prepared
and submitted in accordance with submittal
requirements for Project Development Plans. Each
plan shall clearly identify and discuss the
alternatives proposed and the ways in which the
plan will better accomplish the purpose of this
Section than would a plan which complies with the
standards of this Section.
2. Review Criteria. To approve an alternative plan,
the decision maker must first find that the proposed
alternative plan accomplishes the purposes of this
Section equally well or better than would a plan
which complies with the standards of this Section.
In reviewing the proposed alternative plan, the
decision maker shall take into account whether the
alternative setback plan complies with the following
a. Porches and Entry Features.
(i) A front porch with a minimum depth
of six (6) feet (as measured from the
building facade to the posts, railings
and spindles) and a minimum length
of eight (8) feet shall be provided on
single family detached dwellings.
(ii) A clearly defined building front
facing the street with a covered front
porch or stoop measuring at least
four (4) feet by four (4) feet shall be
provided on each ground floor single
family attached dwelling.
(iii) The floor elevation of the front porch
or stoop shall be a minimum of
eighteen (18) inches above grade.
b. Off-Street Parking.
(i) Off-street parking shall be located
behind the dwelling and access to
such parking shall be gained from an
alley or, if there is no alley, then
from the street via a driveway which,
up to the rear building line of the
house, does not exceed ten (10) feet
in width.
C. Private Open Space.
(i) A readily accessible, functional and
clearly defined private outdoor
space (such as a patio, courtyard or
deck) with minimum dimensions of
twelve (12) feet by eighteen (18) feet
shall be provided for each dwelling
(ii) All buildings on the same lot shall be
spaced at least sixteen (16) feet
d. Front Yard Fences.
(i) Front yard fences shall not exceed
sixty percent (60%) opacity.
(ii) Front yard fences shall be between
two and one-half(2 1/z) feet and three
(3) feet in height.
(iii) Front yard fences made of chain link
are prohibited.
(iv) Any privacy fence along an interior
side property line shall gradually
transition to the height of the front
yard fence.
Section 21. That Section 3.6.6(D)(4)(f) and (g) of the Land Use Code is hereby
amended to read as follows:
(f) Dead-ends.
1. Except for cul-de-sac streets designed and
constructed in accordance with the Latimer County
Urban Area Street Standards, any dead-end fire
access road that exceeds one hundred fifty (150)
feet in length shall be provided with a minimum one
hundred(100) foot diameter turnaround.
2. No dead-end length for an emergency fire access
road shall exceed six hundred sixty (660) feet.
(g) Turning Radius. The minimum turning radius for
emergency fire access roads and in parking lots shall be
twenty five (25) feet inside and fifty (50) feet outside.
Section 22. That Section 3.6.6 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by the
addition of a new subparagraph (H) to read as follows:
(H) Numerals and Addresses. Approved numerals or addresses shall be
provided for all new and existing buildings and shall be positioned to be
plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. If
a fire lane is required, the address shall also be visible from the fire lane.
Section 23. That Section 3.8.1 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by the
addition of a new subparagraph (14) to read as follows:
(14) garage sales, wherein property which was not originally purchased
for the purpose of resale is sold, provided that such sales are
limited to no more than five (5) weekend periods (as defined in
Section 15-316 of the City Code)in one (1) calendar year.
Section 24. That Section 3.8.13(C)(3) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
(3) Wireless Telecommunication Equipment. Wireless telecommuni-
cation equipment shall be of the same color as the building or
structure to which or on which such equipment is mounted.
Whenever a wireless telecommunication antenna is attached to a
building roof, the height of the antenna shall not be more than
fifteen (15) feet over the height of the building. All wireless
telecommunication equipment shall be located as far from the edge
of the roof as possible. Even if the building is constructed at or
above the building height limitations contained in Section 3.8.17,
the additional fifteen (15) feet is permissible.
Whenever wireless telecommunication equipment is mounted to
the wall of a building or structure, the equipment shall be mounted
in a configuration as flush to the wall as technically possible and
shall not project above the wall on which it is mounted. Such
equipment shall, to the maximum extend feasible, also feature the
smallest and most discreet components that the technology will
allow so as to have the least possible impact on the architectural
character and overall aesthetics of the building or structure.
Roof- and ground-mounted wireless telecommunication equipment
shall be screened by parapet walls or screen walls in a manner
compatible with the building's design, color and material.
Section 25. That Section 3.8.19(A)(5) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
(5) bay windows and similar sized cantilevered floor areas, and
architectural design embellishments of dwellings that do not
project more than two (2) feet into the required setback provided
they do not encroach on public easements;
Section 26. That Section 4.4(D)(3)(b) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
(b) Location. A neighborhood center shall be planned as an
integral part of surrounding residential development and
located where the network of local streets provides direct
access to the center.
Neighborhood centers that are located on arterial streets
and that include retail uses or restaurants shall be spaced at
least three thousand nine hundred sixty (3,960) feet (three-
quarters [3/4] mile) apart.
Section 27. That Section 4.6(D)(1) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as
(1) Density. Minimum lot area shall be equivalent to at least three (3) times
the total floor area of the building(s), but not less than six thousand
(6,000) square feet. For the purposes of this division, "total floor area"
shall mean the total gross floor area of all principal buildings as measured
along the outside walls of such buildings and including each finished or
unfinished floor level plus the total gross floor area of the ground floor of
any accessory building larger than one hundred twenty (120) square feet,
plus that portion of the floor area of any second story having a ceiling
height of at least seven and one-half (7 '/2) feet located within any such
accessory building located on the lot. (Open balconies and basements
shall not be counted as floor area).
Section 28. That Section 4.6(D)(2) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as
(2) Residential. Any new dwelling that is proposed to be constructed between
the back of an existing dwelling and the rear property line of the lot on
which both dwellings will be located, and any new, detached accessory
building shall contain a maximum of eight hundred (800) square feet of
floor area. A new dwelling may be located in any area of the rear portion
of such lot, provided that it complies with the setback requirements of this
Section 29. That Section 4.6(F)(1)(g) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read
as follows:
(g) The minimum pitch of the roof of any building shall be 2:12 and
the maximum pitch of the roof of any building shall be 12:12,
except that new, detached accessory buildings and additions to
existing dwelling units may be constructed with a pitch that
matches any roof pitch of the existing dwelling unit. Additionally,
the roof pitch of a dormer, turret or similar architectural feature
may not exceed 24:12 and the roof pitch of a covered porch may
be flat whenever the roof of such a porch is also considered to be
the floor of a second story deck.
Section 30. That Section 4.7(D)(1) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as
(1) Density/Intensity of Development. Minimum lot area shall be the
equivalent of two (2) times the total floor area of the building(s),
but not less than the following: five thousand (5,000) square feet
for a single-family or two-family dwelling and six thousand
(6,000) square feet for all other uses. For the purposes of this
division, "total floor area" shall mean the total gross floor area of
all principal buildings as measured along the outside walls of such
buildings, including each finished or unfinished floor level, plus
the total gross floor area of the ground floor of any accessory
building larger than one hundred twenty (120) square feet, plus
that portion of the floor area of any second story having a ceiling
height of at least seven and one-half (7 1/2) feet located within any
such accessory building located on the lot. (Open balconies and
basements shall not be counted as floor area).
Section 31. That Section 4.7(D)(2) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as
(2) Residential. Any new dwelling that is proposed to be constructed between
the back of an existing dwelling and the rear property line of the lot on
which both dwellings will be located, and any new, detached accessory
building shall contain a maximum of eight hundred (800) square feet of
floor area. A new dwelling may be located in any area of the rear portion
of such lot, provided that it complies with setback requirements of this
Section 32. That Section 4.7(F)(1)(g) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read
as follows:
(g) The minimum pitch of the roof of any building shall be 2:12 and
the maximum pitch of the roof of any building shall be 12:12,
except that new, detached accessory buildings and additions to
existing dwelling units may be constructed with a pitch that
matches any roof pitch of the existing dwelling unit. Additionally,
the roof pitch of a dormer, turret or similar architectural feature
may not exceed 24:12 and the covered porch may be flat whenever
the roof of such porch is also considered to be the floor of a
second-story deck.
Section 33. That Section 4.8(B)(1)(a) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read
as follows:
(a) Residential Uses:
1. Single-family detached dwellings.
2. Two-family dwellings.
3. Multi-family dwellings up to four (4) units per
building, provided that no structural additions or
exterior alterations are made to the existing
building, or the dwellings are constructed on a
vacant lot or a parcel which did not contain a
structure on October 25, 1991.
4. Boarding and rooming houses.
5. Mixed-use dwellings, provided that no structural
additions or exterior alterations are made to the
existing building, or the dwellings are constructed
on a vacant lot or a parcel which did not contain a
structure on October 25, 1991.
Section 34. That Section 4.8.(B)(2)(a) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by the
addition of a new subparagraph 5. to read as follows:
5. Group homes.
Section 35. That Section 4.8(D)(1) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as
(1) Density. Minimum lot area shall be equivalent to the total floor area of the
building(s), but not less than five thousand (5,000) square feet. For the
purposes of this division, "total floor area" shall mean the total gross floor
area of all principal buildings as measured along the outside walls of such
buildings, including each finished or unfinished floor level, plus the total
gross floor area of the ground floor of any accessory building larger than
one hundred twenty (120) square feet, plus that portion of the floor area of
any second story having a ceiling height of at least seven and one-half (7
'/2) feet located within any such accessory building located on the lot.
(Open balconies and basements shall not be counted as floor area).
Section 36. That Section 4.8(D)(2) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as
(2) Residential. Any new dwelling that is proposed to be constructed between
the back of an existing dwelling and the rear property line of the lot upon
which both dwellings will be located, and any new detached accessory
building shall contain a maximum of eight hundred (800) square feet of
floor area. A new dwelling may be located in any area of the rear portion
of such lot provided that it complies with the setback requirements of this
Section 37. That Section 4.8(E)(1)(g) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read
as follows:
(g) The minimum pitch of the roof of any building shall be
2:12 and the maximum pitch of the roof of any building
shall be 12:12, except that new, detached accessory
buildings and additions to existing dwelling units may be
constructed with a pitch that matches any roof pitch of the
existing dwelling unit. Additionally, the roof pitch of a
dormer, turret or similar architectural feature may not
exceed 24:12 and the roof pitch of a covered porch may be
flat whenever the roof of such a porch is also considered to
be the floor of a second-story deck.
Section 38. That Section 4.9(B)(1)(a)2. of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
2. The City Council shall grant such variance
only upon a finding that the strict
application of this Land Use Code would
result in exceptional or undue hardship upon
the owner of the property and that the
variance may be granted without substantial
detriment to the public good and without
substantially impairing the intent and
purposes of this Land Use Code.
Section 39. That Section 4.9(B)(1)(b) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
(b) After the property has been placed in the T District,
the Zoning Board of Appeals may grant a variance
in accordance with Division 2.10 permitting
installation or enlargement of a permanent structure
containing a use which was existing at the time the
property was placed in this District, or containing a
use which is ancillary to such existing use.
Section 40. That the land use "Food catering" contained in Section C. of the chart
contained in Section 4.12(B)(2) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Food catering or small BP BP BP
food product preparation
Section 41. That the chart contained in Section 4.12(B)(2) of the Land Use Code is
hereby amended by the addition of a new land use in Section C. of the chart to read as follows:
Land Use Old City Center Canyon Avenue Civic Center
t I��if t = t(
Sa3 Fn�i (I ..t I= Ii,
L�• ? � �� �ti�, �ET;�,III�F��Ii
RUM-' yl,�itI� C,tIj , ! � C3 I Il�j! {v,1 . ( � ' 'I IIC�II �{ 1 iC (I ttif t4(t�I ki Fi�iii ,�
Day shelters, provided Type 2 Not Permitted Type 2
they do not exceed 10,000
square feet and are
located within 1,320 feet
(1/4 mile) of a Transfort
Section 42. That Section 4.12(D)(2) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as
(D) Land Use Standards.
(2) Dimensional Standards. The dimensional standards are set forth
on the chart below:
IItIj � i4t t �t u, (1 it
t store f �, t ', pld City C t (( illi 4 t { ' ddrte Civic Center
aAi III 111) (.. (. IG Ii
Minimum lot size None None None
Minimum lot width None 40 feet 40 feet
Maximum building
coverage 100% 75% 75%
Maximum FAR* 2 5 5
Maximum front yard
setback** 0 15 feet 15 feet
Minimum rear yard
setback 0 0 0
Maximum building 4 stories not to exceed 168 feet 168 feet
height 56 feet
* Any floor of a building dedicated exclusively to residential use or uses accessory to those residential
uses are not included in the total of the floor area ratio. These are"free floors."
** Except as otherwise allowed in 4.12(E)(1)(a).
Section 43. That Section 4.13(B)(2)(c)l1. of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
11. Food catering or small food product preparation.
Section 44. That Section 4.13(B)(3)(c) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by
the addition of a new subparagraph 5. to read as follows:
5. Day shelters, provided they do not exceed ten thousand
(10,000) square feet and are located within one thousand
three hundred twenty (1,320) feet (one-quarter[1/41 mile) of
a Transfort route.
Section 45. That Section 4.14(B)(2)(c)23. of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
23. Food catering or small food product preparation.
Section 46. That Section 4.14(B)(3)(c) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by
the addition of a new subparagraph 12. to read as follows:
12. Day shelters, provided they do not exceed ten thousand
(10,000) square feet and are located within one thousand
three hundred twenty (1,320) feet (one-quarter[1/4] mile) of
a Transfort route.
Section 47. That Section 4.15(B)(2)(c)20. of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
20. Food catering or small food product preparation.
Section 48. That Section 4.15(B)(3)(c) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by
the addition of a new subparagraph 3. to read as follows:
3. Day shelters, provided they do not exceed ten thousand
(10,000) square feet and are located within one thousand
three hundred twenty (1,320) feet (one-quarter[1/4] mile) of
a Transfort route.
Section 49. That Section 4.16(B)(2)(c)17. of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
17. Food catering or small food product preparation.
Section 50. That Section 4.16(B)(3)(c) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by
the addition of a new subparagraph 4. to read as follows:
4. Day shelters, provided they do not exceed ten thousand
(10,000) square feet and are located within one thousand
three hundred twenty (1,320) feet (one-quarter[1/4] mile) of
a Transfort route.
Section 51. That Section 4.17(B)(2)(c)26. of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
26. Food catering or small food product preparation.
Section 52. That Section 4.17(B)(3)(b) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by
the addition of a new subparagraph 13. to read as follows:
13. Day shelters, provided they do not exceed ten thousand
(10,000) square feet and are located within one thousand
three hundred twenty (1,320) feet (one-quarter[1/41 mile) of
a Transfort route.
Section 53. That Section 4.18(B)(2)(c)35. of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
35. Food catering or small food product preparation.
Section 54. That Section 4.18(B)(3)(a) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by
the addition of a new subparagraph 3. to read as follows:
3. Day shelters, provided they do not exceed ten thousand
(10,000) square feet and are located within one thousand
three hundred twenty (1,320) feet (one-quarter[1/4] mile) of
a Transfort route.
Section 55. That Section 4.19(B)(2)(c)20. of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
20. Food catering or small food product preparation.
Section 56. That Section 4.20(B)(2)(c)10. of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
10. Food catering or small food product preparation.
Section 57. That Section 4.21(B)(2)(c)4. of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
4. Food catering or small food product preparation.
Section 58. That Section 4.22(B)(2)(c)10. of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
10. Food catering or small food product preparation.
Section 59. That Section 4.22(B)(3)(c) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by
the addition of a new subparagraph 11. to read as follows:
12. Enclosed mini-storage facilities.
Section 60. That Section 4.22(D)(2) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by the
addition of a new subparagraph (v) to read as follows:
(v) Enclosed mini-storage facilities.
Section 61. That Section 4.22(E) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by the
addition of a new subparagraph (3) to read as follows:
(3) Enclosed Mini-Storage Facilities. Where enclosed mini-storage
facilities face a public street, the entire linear frontage along such
street shall include only buildings designed for human occupancy,
landscaping, accessory parking and/or drives.
Section 62. That Section 4.23(B)(2)(c)20. of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
20. Food catering or small food product preparation.
Section 63. That Section 4.23(B)(2)(c) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by
the addition of a new subparagraph 21. to read as follows:
21. Limited indoor recreation uses.
Section 64. That Section 4.23(B)(3)(c) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by
the addition of a new subparagraph 15. to read as follows:
15. Day shelters, provided they do not exceed ten thousand
(10,000) square feet and are located within one thousand
three hundred twenty (1,320) feet (one-quarter[1/4] mile) of
a Transfort route.
Section 65. That Section 5.1.2 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by addition a
new definition "Basic development review" to read as follows:
Basic development review shall mean a review without a public hearing by City of Fort
Collins staff for the purpose of determining compliance with the applicable standards of
Article 3 and Article 4 of this Land Use Code for any use that is not subject to a Type 1
or Type 2 review.
Section 66. That Section 5.1.2 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by adding a
new definition "Day shelter" to read as follows:
Day shelter shall mean a facility that provides temporary daytime shelter and/or food and
which may also provide personal care, social or counseling services to indigent, homeless
or transient persons, provided that such a facility contains a private, outdoor non-public
Section 67. That Section 5.1.2 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by adding a
new definition "Enclosed mini-storage" to read as follows:
Enclosed mini-storage shall mean a building containing separate, individual, private
storage spaces, which may be of various sizes, and which are rented pursuant to
individual leases for varying periods of time.
Section 68. That the definition of "Food catering" in Section 5.1.2 of the Land Use
Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Food catering or small food product preparation shall mean an establishment in which
the principal use is the preparation of food and/or meals on the premises, and where such
food and/or meals are delivered to another location for consumption or distribution, and
where such use occupies not more than five thousand (5,000) square feet in gross floor
Section 69. That Section 5.1.2 of the Land Use Code of the City of Fort Collins is
hereby amended by addition a new definition "Maintenance (of a newly constructed street)" to
read as follows:
Maintenance (of a newly constructed street) shall mean keeping the street free of dirt,
mud, debris, and any other foreign material that would constitute a safety hazard or a
nuisance or cause damage to the newly constructed street, and shall also include
repainting traffic control striping, repairing and replacing traffic control signs and signals
as necessary, and maintaining median/parkway landscaping and irrigation systems and
supplying water therefor.
Section 70. That the definition of"Sign, individual letter" in Section 5.1.2 of the Land
Use Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sign, individual letter shall mean a type of flush wall sign consisting of individual letters,
incised letters, script or symbols with no background material other than the wall of the
building to which the letters, script or symbols are affixed. If the individual sections of
an individual letter sign are connected by a common structure, commonly known as a
"raceway," which provides for the electrical and/or mechanical operation of said sign, the
"raceway" must be painted to match the color of the wall to which the sign is mounted
and must be limited to a height of no more than one-half ('/2) of the height of the tallest
Section 71. That Section 5.1.2 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by adding a
new definition "Zero lot line" to read as follows:
Zero lot line shall mean a structure with at least one (1) wall conterminous with the lot
line, which wall may include footings, eaves and gutters that may encroach onto the
adjacent lot under the authority of an encroachment and maintenance easement.
Introduced and considered favorably on first reading and ordered published in summary
form this 20th day of November, A.D. 2001, and to be presented for final passage on the 18th
day of December, A.D. 2001.
City Clerk
Passed and adopted on final reading this 18th day of December, A 2001.
Mayor _,
La ! -
City Clerk