WHEREAS, the 1997-99 Staff Work Plan calls for an "Affordable Housing Needs Study"
to be completed in the summer of 1998; and
WHEREAS, the "Draft Priority Affordable Housing Needs and Strategy Study" was
presented to the Council at its Study Session on June 9, 1998; and
WHEREAS, on August 18, 1998, the Council_ by Resolution 98-125, established certain
affordable housing priorities; and
WHEREAS, in order to implement said priorities, the staff and the Affordable Housing
Board have worked together to propose revisions to the City's existing affordable housing programs;
WHEREAS, the Affordable Housing Board, on September 3, 1998, recommended to the
Council that the changes proposed by this Ordinance be adopted; and
WHEREAS,the Council has determined that the affordable housing provisions of the City's
law should be based upon common and consistent definitions; and
WHEREAS,the Council has determined that the definition,development review fee waiver
and impact fee delay program changes proposed by this Ordinance are in the best interests of the
City and should be adopted.
COLLINS that the Land Use Code, the Transitional Land Use Regulations and the City Code are
hereby amended as follows:
Section 1. That the definition of"Affordable housing project" as contained in Section
5.1.2 of the Land Use Code be amended to read as follows:
Affordable housing project shall mean a development project in which: (1) at least
seventy-five(75)percent of the gross acreage to be developed under the plan is to be
developed as residential dwelling units or mobile home park spaces; (2) at least ten
(10) percent of said dwelling units or spaces (the "affordable housing units") are to
be available for rent or purchase on the terms described in the definitions of
"Affordable housing unit for rent" or "Affordable housing unit for sale" (as
applicable); (3)the construction of the dwelling units or spaces is to occur as part of
the initial phase of the project and(i)prior to the construction of the market rate units
or(ii)on a proportional basis,according to the same ratio as the number of affordable
units bears to the number of the market rate units; and (4)the units will be required,
by binding legal instrument acceptable to the City and duly recorded with the
Larimer County Clerk and Recorder,to be occupied by and affordable to low-income
households for at least twenty (20) years.
Section 2. That Section 5.1.2 of the Land 11 se Code be amended by the addition of a new
definition for "Affordable housing unit for rent" and a new definition for "Affordable housing unit
for sale" which definitions shall read as follows:
Affordable housing unit for rent shall mean a dwelling unit which is available for rent
on terms that would be affordable to households earning eighty (80)percent or less
of the median income of city residents, as adj Listed for family size, and paying less
than thirty(30)percent of their gross income for housing,including rent and utilities.
The unit must be occupied by and affordable to such low-income household(s) for
a period of not less than twenty (20) years.
Affordable housing unit.for sale shall mean a dwelling unit which is available for
purchase on terms that would be affordable to households earning eighty(80)percent
or less of the median income of city residents,as adj Listed for family size,and paying
less than thirty eight (38) percent of their gross income for housing, including
principal, interest,taxes,insurance,utilities and homeowners' association fees. The
unit must be occupied by and affordable to such low-income household(s) for a
period of not less than twenty (20) years.
Section 3. That Section 29-1 of the "Transitional Land Use Regulations" be amended
by the addition of the following definitions:
Affordable housing project shall mean a development project in which: (1) at least
seventy-five(75)percent of the gross acreage to be developed under the plan is to be
developed as residential dwelling units or mobile home park spaces; (2) at least ten
(10) percent of said dwelling units or spaces (the "affordable housing units") are to
be available for rent or purchase on the terms described in the definitions of
"Affordable housing unit for rent" or "Affordable housing unit for sale" (as
applicable); (3)the construction of the dwelling units or spaces is to occur as part of
the initial phase of the project and(i)prior to the construction of the market rate units
or(ii)on a proportional basis,according to the same ratio as the number of affordable
units bears to the number of the market rate units; and (4)the units will be required,
by binding legal instrument acceptable to the City and duly recorded with the
Larimer County Clerkand Recorder,to be occupied by and affordable to low-income
households for at least twenty (20) years.
Affordable housing unit for rent shall mean a dwelling unit which is available for rent
on terms that would be affordable to households earning eighty (80) percent or less
of the median income of city residents, as adjusted for family size, and paying less
than thirty(30)percent of their gross income for housing,including rent and utilities.
The unit must be occupied by and affordable to such low-income household(s) for
a period of not less than twenty (20) years.
Affordable housing unit for sale shall mean a dwelling unit which is available for
purchase on terms that would be affordable to households earning eighty(80)percent
or less of the median income of city residents,as adjusted for family size,and paying
less than thirty eight (38) percent of their gross income for housing, including
principal,interest,taxes,insurance, utilities and homeowners' association fees. The
unit must be occupied by and affordable to such low-income households(s) for a
period of not less than twenty (20) years.
Section 4. That Section 2.2.3(E)(3) of the Land Use Code be and hereby is amended to
read as follows:
(3) Affordable Housing Exemption. Notwithstanding the requirement contained
in subparagraph(2)above that the development review fees shall be based on actual
expenses incurred by or on behalf of the city, applications relating to the review of
affordable housing projects shall be totally or partially exempt from the fees
authorized in this subsection (E) according to the following criteria:
(a) The fees authorized under this subsection(E)shall be entirely waived
for development projects in which one hundred (100)percent of the
dwelling units qualify as affordable housing units for sale or for rent.
(b) The fees authorized under the Subsection (E) shall be reduced in
direct proportion to the percentage of affordable housing units for sale
or for rent that are provided in the development project (within the
authorized waiver range of ten (10) percent to one hundred (100)
percent), in accordance with the following formula:
Number of affordable housing units x "total fees assessed = Amount of fees waived
Total number of housing units
(c) The fees authorized under this subsection (E) shall not be reduced if
less than ten (10) percent of the dwelling units within the project
qualify as affordable housing units for sale or for rent.
(d) In order to determine whether a development project is eligible for a
waiver or reduction of fees under this subparagraph, any applicant
seeking such waiver or reduction must submit documentation
evidencing the eligibility of the development project to the Director,
who may, upon review of such documentation, defer the payment of
said fees to such time, if at all, that a certificate of occupancy is
sought for the development project. At that time,prior to the issuance
of any certificate of occupancy for the development project, a final
determination shall be made by the Director as to whether the
development project qualifies for a waiver or reduction of the fees.
In the event that the Director determines that the development project
does not so qualify,all such fees shall be due and payable prior to the
issuance of the first certificate of occupancy.
Section 5. That Section 29-3(c) of the Transitional Land Use Regulations is hereby
amended to read as follows:
(c) Applications relating to the review ofaffordable housingprojects shall
be totally or partially exempt from the fees imposed under this Section according to
the following criteria:
(1) The fees authorized under this subsection(c)shall be entirely waived
for development projects in which one hundred (100)percent of the
dwelling units qualify as affordable housing units for sale or for rent.
(2) The fees authorized under this subsection (c) shall be reduced in
direct proportion to the percentage of affordable housing units for sale
or for rent that are provided in the development project (within the
authorized waiver range of ten (10) percent to one hundred (100)
percent), in accordance with the following formula:
Number of affordable housing units x l'otal lees assessed = Amount of fees waived
Total number of housing units
(3) The fees authorized under this subsection (c) shall not be reduced if
less than ten (10) percent of the dwelling units within the project
qualify as affordable housing units for sale or for rent.
(4) In order to determine whether a housing project is eligible for a
waiver or reduction of fees under this subparagraph, any applicant
seeking such waiver or reduction must submit documentation
evidencing the eligibility of the development project to the Director
of Planning,who may,upon review of such documentation,defer the
payment of said fees to such time, if at all, that a certificate of
occupancy is sought for the development project. At that time, prior
to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy for the development
project, a final determination shall be made by the Director of
Planning as to whether the development project qualifies for a waiver
or reduction of the fees. In the event that the Director of Planning
determines that the development project does not so qualify,all such
fees shall be due and payable prior to the issuance of the first
certificate of occupancy.
Section 6. That Section 7.5-26 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby amended
to read as follows:
Sec. 7.5-26. Deferral of fees for affordable housing.
With respect to any building permit for a dwelling unit which is contained within
or which constitutes an cordable housing project as defined in § 26-631, the fees
established under this Article shall, upon the request of the applicant, be deferred
until the date of issuance of a certificate of occupancy (whether temporary or
permanent) for such unit or until the first day o f December of the year in which the
deferral was obtained,whichever first occurs. Notwithstanding any provision in this
Chapter to the contrary, in the event that, during the period of deferral, the amount
of the deferred fee is increased by ordinance of the City Council,the fee rate in effect
at the time of the issuance of the building permit shall apply. At the time of
application for any such deferral, the applicant shall pay to the city a fee in the
amount of fifty dollars($50.)to partially defray the cost of administration.No person
shall knowingly make any false or misleading statement of fact in order to obtain any
deferral of fees under this Section.
Section 7. That Section 26-631 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be and hereby is
repealed and reenacted to read as follows:
Sec. 26-631. Definitions.
Affordable housingproject shall mean a development project in which: (1) at least
seventy-five(75)percent of the gross acreage to be developed under the plan is to be
developed as residential dwelling units or mobile home park spaces; (2) at least ten
(10) percent of said dwelling units or spaces (the "affordable housing units") are to
be available for rent or purchase on the terms described in the definitions of
"Affordable housing unit for rent" or "Affordable housing unit for sale" (as
applicable); (3)the construction ofthe dwelling units or spaces is to occur as part of
the initial phase ofthe project and(i)prior to the construction ofthe market rate units
or(ii)on a proportional basis,according to the same ratio as the number of affordable
units bears to the number of the market rate units; and (4)the units will be required,
by binding legal instrument acceptable to the City and duly recorded with the
Larimer County Clerk and Recorder,to be occupied by and affordable to low-income
households for at least twenty (20) years.
Affordable housing unitfor rent shall mean a dwelling unit which is available for rent
on terms that would be affordable to households earning eighty (80) percent or less
of the median income of city residents, as adjusted for family size, and paying less
than thirty(30)percent of their gross income for housing,including rent and utilities.
The unit must be occupied by and affordable to such low-income household(s) for
a period of not less than twenty (20) years.
Affordable housing unit fbr sale shall mean a dwelling unit which is available for
purchase on terms that would be affordable to households earning eighty(80)percent
or less of the median income of city residents,as adjusted for family size,and paying
less than thirty eight (38) percent of their gross income for housing, including
principal,interest,taxes,insurance,utilities and homeowners' association fees. The
unit must be occupied by and affordable to such low-income households(s) for a
period of not less than twenty (20) years.
Section 8. That Section 26-632 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be and hereby is
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-632. Deferral of fees.
With respect to any dwelling unit which is contained within or which constitutes an
affordable housing project as defined in § 26-631, the Water Plant Investment Fee
("WPIF"), Sewer Plant Investment Fee("SPIF"), Storm Drainage Basin Fee and the
Raw Water Requirement In-lieu Cash Payment,as established in this Chapter, shall,
upon the request of the applicant,be deferred until the date of issuance of a certificate
of occupancy(whether temporary or permanent)for such unit(s)or until the fast day
of December of the year in which the deferral was obtained, whichever first occurs.
Notwithstanding any provision in this Chapter to the contrary, in the event that,
during the period of deferral,the amount of the deferred fee is increased by ordinance
of the City Council, the fee rate in effect at the time of the issuance of the building
permit shall apply.At the time of application for any such deferral,the applicant shall
pay to the city a fee in the amount of fifty dollars ($50.) to partially defray the cost
of administration.No person shall knowingly make any false or misleading statement
of fact in order to obtain any deferral of fees under this Section.
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published in summary form
this 2nd day of February, A.D. 1999, and to be presented for final passage on the 16th day of
February, A.D. 1999.
City Clerk
Passed and adopted on final reading this 16th day of Feb A.D. 1999.
City Clerk