WHEREAS, Article X of Chapter 26 of the City Code sets out conditions and procedures
for the extension of City utility services to persons outside of the city limits of Fort Collins, which
procedures generally include review by the Planning and Zoning Board and Water Board,and a final
decision by the General Manager of Utilities; and
WHEREAS, applicable City Plan policies discourage the extension of City utility services
in a manner that may encourage sprawling development on the edges of the City's Growth
Management Area("GMA"),except when special benefits will accrue to the City for providing such
services; and
WHEREAS,City staff and the Council have recently reviewed the issue of whether the City
should choose to provide wastewater service to properties outside of the Fort Collins Growth
Management Area ("GMA"), specifically in the unincorporated area of Larimer County generally
referred to as "Laporte", together with the more general issue of how decisions regarding utility
service outside of the GMA should be made; and
WHEREAS, City staff presented background information and various alternatives related
to these concerns to the City Council at its December 14, 2004, Study Session; and
WHEREAS, based on that discussion, staff has prepared this Ordinance, which amends
Chapter 26, Article X, regarding Utility Service Outside City Limits, so as to distinguish between
such service within the City's GMA and without, and requiring Council approval for the extension
of new utility service outside of the GMA,either individually or based upon a general service plan;
WHEREAS, City staff has further reviewed the existing out-of-city service requirements,
and is suggesting certain revisions to update and clarify those requirements as they apply to both
service within the GMA and outside of the GMA; and
WHEREAS, City staff has evaluated the impacts upon the services provided by the City of
development outside of the GMA, and has determined that those impacts can be reasonably
predicted and estimated based upon data currently available; and
WHEREAS, the City has determined that based upon such estimated impacts, a special
service fee should be established and collected as a surcharge together with utilities-related fees and
charges, at the time of permit issuance for out-of-GMA utility service; and
WHEREAS,this Ordinance amends Chapter 7.5 to allow the City Manager to collect from
new out-of-GMA utility customers a special service fee based upon said estimated demand on City
services associated with the development to which utility service will be provided; and
WHEREAS,in addition,staff also presented for Council consideration on February 15,2005,
Resolution 2005-018, authorizing and directing staff to proceed with negotiations in an effort to
facilitate the formation of a special district to provide wastewater collection and customer service,
to which the City would agree to provide wastewater treatment services; and
WHEREAS, Resolution 2005-018, further authorized the City Manager to negotiate and
arrange for wastewater utility service in that portion of the Laporte area described and designated
in that Resolution as the "Approved Service Area," to the extent formation of a special district for
such service is not feasible and further provided that such arrangements accommodate the formation
of a special district for service that would obtain its treatment services from the City.
COLLINS as follows:
Section 1. That Section 26-49 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby amended
as follows:
Sec. 26-49. Service outside city limits.
Persons outside the city limits may apply for connection to the water utility
for use of surplus city water in accordance with the procedures and requirements in
Article X of this Chapter and subject to the limitations set forth therein.
Section 2. That Section 26-218 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby
amended as follows:
Sec. 26-218. Service outside city limits.
Persons outside the city limits may apply for connection to the wastewater
utility for use of excess capacity of the treatment system in accordance with the
procedures and requirements in Article X of this Chapter and subject to the
limitations set forth therein.
Section 3. That the title of Section 26-651,and Section 26-651(a)of the Code of the City
of Fort Collins are hereby amended as follows:
Sec. 26-651. Conditions for furnishing service within Growth Management
(a) Any person outside of the city limits and within the Growth Management
Area desiring to make a connection to one (1) or both of the city's water and
wastewater utilities shall apply to the city for permission, and shall submit in
connection with any application such information as the General Manager may
determine to be appropriate to allow him or her to review such application, and as
necessary to plan and arrange for the requested service connection. A connection
permit may be issued subject to compliance with § 26-253 after review and
recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board and the Water Board and the
approval of the General Manager of Utility Services,based upon the considerations
and requirements set forth in § 26-651(b). The General Manager may, in his or her
discretion,elect to approve,without the review and recommendation of the Planning
and Zoning Board and Water Board, the application of persons desiring to make a
single connection to one(1)or both of the city's water and wastewater utilities. If the
General Manager determines that the application should not be approved without the
review and recommendation of the aforementioned boards, the General Manager
shall forthwith seek such review and recommendation prior to making his or her
decision.No grant of approval hereunder shall give rise to any vested right to utility
service and said service shall be contingent upon the issuance of a permit hereunder
prior to the expiration of any approval by the General Manager hereunder.
Section 4. That Section 26-651(b) of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby
amended as follows:
(b) New utility service may be furnished to property which is outside of the
city limits and within the Growth Management Area if the General Manager
determines that the provision of such service is consistent with the relevant utility
master plan documents,and is in the best interests of the city,the city's utilities, and
the relevant utility, and if the following conditions are met:
(1) The utility concerned has surplus capacity over the immediate
requirements for service within the city and the applicant has satisfied
any raw water requirement assessed against property to be served with
city water;
(2) The property use to be served by the utility is a legal use under the
applicable zoning and subdivision requirements, whether expressly
permitted or a legal nonconforming use; and
(3) The property use to be served is consistent with any intergovernmental
agreement between the city and Larimer County regarding the
regulation of land use and zoning in the Growth Management Area in
effect at the time of approval of utility service.
Section 5. That a new Section 26-652 is hereby added to the Code of the City of Fort
Collins, as follows, and the existing Section 26-652 is hereby renumbered accordingly:
Sec. 26-652. Conditions for furnishing service outside Growth Management
Any person outside of the Growth Management Area desiring to make a
connection to one (1) or both of the city's water and wastewater utilities shall apply
to the city for permission, and shall submit in connection with any application such
information as the General Manager may determine to be appropriate to allow him
or her to review such application or to advise the City Council in its review of such
application, and as necessary to plan and arrange for the requested service
connection. A connection permit may be issued subject to compliance with§26-253
and any other requirements imposed as a condition of approval for service hereunder,
upon either:
(1) review and approval by the City Council by resolution of an application
for service; or
(2) review and approval by the General Manager of an application for
service of the type and in an area consistent with a service plan for the
provision of particular utility services within a defined area that has
been approved by the City Council by resolution.
No grant of approval hereunder shall give rise to any vested right to utility
service and said service shall be contingent upon the issuance of a permit hereunder
prior to the expiration of any such approval.
Section 6. That newly renumbered Section 26-653 (previously Section 26-652) is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-653. Permit is revocable; agreement of user.
(a) So long as a property served is outside the city, any permit for utility
services issued under this Article is revocable and the utility concerned will supply
service only to the extent that it has surplus capacity over the requirements for
service within the city and only so long as the permittee is in compliance with and
abides by the conditions of the permit, including but not limited to all requirements
of the Code applicable to utility services. The use of city water under this Article
does not constitute a relinquishment of any water or water rights by the city.The city
reserves and retains full dominion and control over its water and water rights and
their use. Upon revocation of a water service permit for water use outside the city
and the permanent disconnection of water service,the city shall remit such raw water
as has been previously surrendered to the city by the outside-city user.
(b) If a permit to connect to any of the city's utilities is approved under this
Article, the applicant shall:
(1) Provide a current title memorandum showing that title to the property
is vested in the applicant's name at the time of issuance of a permit;
(2) With respect to property that, at the time of issuance of a permit, is
within the Growth Management Area and not eligible for annexation
into the city, the owner of the property shall enter into a written
agreement to be recorded and to constitute a covenant running with the
land that the owner or any successors in interest will join in a petition
for annexation to the city when requested by the city,will pay any filing
fee related thereto, and will cooperate in related proceedings;
(3) With respect to property that, at the time of application for utility
service, is within the Growth Management Area and eligible for
annexation into the city, the owner of the property shall execute a
petition for annexation which does not contain a right of withdrawal,
together with all related documents, and shall pay any filing fee related
(4) Comply with all of the construction, installation and connection
requirements prescribed by the applicable articles governing the utility
to which connection is made the same as any inside-city applicant;
(5) Bear the costs of construction,installation and connection of utility lines
except for such oversizing participation or reimbursement as may be
authorized in accordance with this Chapter;
(6) Pay any surcharges upon such utility service imposed by the City
Manager pursuant to his or her authority in § 7.5-3.
(7) Comply with any and all of the requirements, limitations and
prohibitions conditioning service, as prescribed by the applicable
articles governing the utility to which connection is made the same as
any inside-city user;
(8) Use the utility service only for the qualifying use and make no
extension, enlargement or alteration of the service or the use for which
the connection was made without first obtaining the written permission
of the General Manager;
(9) Pay for any and all utility service in accordance with the rates applicable
to said service as established by the City Council from time to time;
(10) Execute and record in the real property records of Larimer County, in a
form satisfactory to the General Manager,an instrument acknowledging
and agreeing that the utility service provided to the served property is
subject to the obligations set forth herein, and that said real property is
subject to the applicable provisions of the permit and this Chapter;
(11) Make no assignment of the utility service permit or agreement to any
other property without first obtaining the written permission of the
General Manager;
(12) For any water service, file a petition to join the Northern Colorado
Water Conservancy District,Municipal Subdistrict,if the property is not
already included therein, and pay the required fees.
(c) If a permittee under this Article does not connect to the permitted utility
within six (6) months of issuance of the connection permits, the permit will expire.
(d) The city may suspend utility service to the property served if the user
fails to comply with any of the conditions of the utility service permit until the
violation is rectified.Nothing in this Article shall be construed as waiving any other
remedy available to the city pursuant to the Code or other law.
Section 7. That a new Section 7.5-3 is hereby added to the Code of the City of Fort Collins
to read as follows:
Sec. 7.5-3. Establishment of special surcharges.
The City Manager may,from time to time,establish an administrative surcharge
to be imposed at the time of issuance of a connection permit for utility services from
the city outside of the Growth Management Area pursuant to Article X of Chapter
26,to be determined based upon projected demand for city streets,community parks
and libraries to result from the development that is to receive utility services,which
surcharge may be adjusted to reflect benefits to accrue to the city as a result of said
development. The City Manager shall include in his or her recommended budget an
itemization of the fees currently being charged for such services and facilities,
together with an estimate of the amount of annual revenue anticipated to be
generated by such fees during the budget term.
Section 8. Individual service connection permits for utility service that have been approved,
whether individually or on a subdivision or project basis,by the General Manager as of the effective
date of this Ordinance shall be deemed subject to Article X of Chapter 26 as it existed at the time
of said approval by the General Manager.
Introduced and considered favorably on first reading and ordered published in summary form
this 1 st day of March, A.D. 2005, and to be presented for final passage on the 15th day of March,
A.D. 2005.
City Clerk
Passed and adopted on final reading this 15th day of March, A.D. 2005.
City Clerk