COLLINS as follows:
Section 1. That Section 26-126 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be amended to
read as follows:
Sec.26-126. Schedule A,flat rates for unmetered water use.
When the use of city water is not metered,the monthly rate to be charged for
each flat rate water service shall be the sum of the total charge for the dwelling units
(A)plus the lot charge(B):
A= For a building containing only one (1) dwelling unit: Twenty-two dollars
and twenty-five cents ($22.25); for a building containing only two (2)
dwelling units: Thirty-one dollars and forty-eight cents ($31.48).
B = For each lot: Add to the dwelling unit charge fourteen and no tenths cents
($0.140)per one hundred(100)square feet of lot area if the building includes
one dwelling unit. If the building includes two dwelling units, add to the
dwelling unit charge twelve and four-tenths cents($0.124)per one hundred
(100 ) square feet of lot area.
Section 2. That paragraphs(a), (b) and(c)of Section 26-127 of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins are hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-127. Schedule B, meter rates.
(a) Minimum charge. The minimum monthly charge for all metered users
inside the city limits shall be as follows:
(1) Residential customers. Residential customers shall pay a minimum
monthly charge of Fourteen dollars and sixty-seven cents ($14.67) for the
first dwelling unit. Duplex residential customers shall pay an additional four
dollars and forty-two cents ($4.42) for the second dwelling unit. Multi-
family residential customers shall pay six dollars and ninety eight cents
($6.98) for the second and each additional dwelling unit.
(2) Non-residential customers. Except as provided in paragraph(c) of
this Section,non-residential customers shall pay a minimum monthly charge
based on meter size as follows:
Meter Size Minimum
(inches) Monthly Charges
3/4 $ 11.90
1 29.59
1 Yz 62.04
2 112.34
3 135.94
4 235.42
6 529.86
8 (negotiated)
(3) Construction rate. For residential premises under construction,
(single family and duplex) seven dollars and 00 cents($7.00) for the
first dwelling unit and three dollars and twenty-two cents ($3.22) for
the second dwelling unit. For multifamily and nonresidential
premises under construction, one-half ('/z) of the nonresidential
minimum monthly charge for the applicable meter size.
(b) Quantity charge. The minimum monthly charge determined pursuant to
paragraph (a) of this Section will entitle any nonresidential user to two
thousand(2,000) gallons of water per month without additional charge and
will entitle any residential customer to two thousand(2,000)gallons of water
per dwelling unit per month. The monthly water usage less the volume
allowance for the minimum monthly charge shall be billed at the rate of one
dollar and ten cents ($1.10) per one thousand (1,000) gallons. For
nonresidential customers, monthly water usage in excess of the specified
amounts below shall be billed one dollar and fifty-eight cents ($1.58) per
1,000 gallons based on meter size as follows:
Meter Size Specified Amount
(inches) (gallons per month)
3/4 100,000
1 300,000
1%x 625,000
2 1,200,000
3 1,400,000
4 2,500,000
(c) Colorado State University. The monthly charge for water taken through
a meter by Colorado State University, whether the water is being delivered
to a University facility located within or without the city limits, shall be at the
rate of one dollar and forty-eight cents ($1.48) per one thousand (1,000)
gallons of water used. Colorado State University shall also pay a monthly
meter fee of one thousand one hundred ten dollars($1,110.) representing the
city's costs associated with providing metered water connections to the
University's foothills campus.
Section 3. That Section 26-129(b) (4)of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-129. Schedule D, miscellaneous fees and charges.
(b) The fire hydrant fees and charges shall be as follows:
(4) For water service inside the city, rate per one thousand (1,000) gallons
waterused........................................................................................... 1.10
Section 4. That Section 26-280 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be amended to
read as follows:
Sec. 26-280. Service charges established by category.
The schedule of rates for each category described in § 26-279 shall be as follows:
A Single-family residential user $16.66 per month
(flat rate)
Single family residential user $7.28 per month plus
(metered water use). $1.43 per 1,000 gallons of
winter quarter water use
B Duplex (two-family) residential $26.41 per month
users (flat rate)
Duplex (two-family)residential $10.04 per month plus
users (metered water use) $1.43 per 1,000 gallons of
winter quarter water use
C Multifamily residential user $1.43 per 1,000 gallons of
(more than two dwelling units winter quarter water use, plus a
including mobile home parks) minimum charge of $1.12
and winter quarter based per month per dwelling unit
nonresidential user. served.
D Minor nonresidential user The greater of$1.43 per 1,000
gallons of water use, measured
sewage flow, or winter quarter
water use, whichever is
applicable, plus the following
applicable base charge, or the
following applicable minimum
monthly charge:
Size of
water meter Base
(inches) charge
3/4 or smaller $ 3.32
1 8.96
1 %x 18.61
2 32.11
3 47.16
4 85.12
6 241.05
Size of Minimum
water meter monthly
(inches) charge
3/4 or smaller $ 8.04
1 10.66
1 %x 18.61
2 32.11
3 66.90
4 107.09
6 241.05
E Intermediate nonresidential user $1.43 per 1,000 gallons of
and water use, measured wastewater
F Significant industrial user flow, or winter quarter water
use,whichever is applicable;
plus a surcharge of
$1.377 per million gallons for
each milligram per liter of
suspended soils in excess of
250 milligrams per liter; plus a
surcharge of $1.157 per
million gallons for each
milligram per liter of BOD in
excess of 200 milligrams per
liter or a surcharge of $0.713
per million gallons for each
milligram per liter of COD
in excess of 300 milligrams per
liter, or a surcharge of $2.07
per million gallons for each
milligram per liter of TOC
in excess of 100 milligrams per
liter, whichever is applicable.
The user shall either pay this
calculated amount plus the
applicable base charge set forth
below, or the applicable
minimum monthly charge set
forth below,whichever is greater:
Size of
water meter Base
(inches) charge
3/4 or smaller $ 3.32
1 8.96
1 %x 18.61
2 32.11
3 47.16
4 85.12
6 241.05
Size of Minimum
water meter monthly
(inches) charge
3/4 or smaller $ 8.04
1 10.66
11/2 18.61
2 32.11
3 66.90
4 107.09
6 241.05
G User outside the city limits:
Single-family residential user $9.51 per month plus $2.145 per
(metered water use) 1,000 gallons of winter
quarter water use
Duplex(two-family)residential $14.67 per month plus $2.145
users (metered water use) per 1,000 gallons of winter
quarter water use
Multifamily residential user The greater of$2.145 per 1,000
(more than two dwelling units gallons of winter quarter water
including mobile home parks) use or a minimum charge of
and winter quarter based $8.96 per month per dwelling
nonresidential user unit served.
Minor nonresidential user The greater of$2.145 per 1,000
gallons of water use, measured
sewage flow or winter quarter
water use, whichever is applicable,
or the following applicable
minimum monthly charge:
Size of Minimum
water meter monthly
(inches) charge
3/4 or smaller $ 8.96
1 11.86
1 '/z 20.82
2 35.73
3 74.45
4 119.17
6 268.26
Intermediate nonresidential user $2.145 per 1,000 gallons of
and water use,measured wastewater
Significant industrial user flow, or winter quarter water
use, whichever is applicable;
plus a surcharge of $1.377
per million gallons for each
milligram per liter of suspended
solids in excess of 250 milligrams
per liter; plus a surcharge of
$1.157 per million gallons for each
milligram per liter of BOD in excess
of 200 milligrams per liter or a
surcharge of $0.713 per million
gallons for each milligram per
liter of COD in excess of 300
milligrams per liter, or a surcharge
of$2.07 per million gallons for
each milligram per liter of TOC in
excess of 100 milligrams per liter,
whichever is applicable. The user
shall pay either this calculated
amount or the applicable minimum
charge set forth below, whichever is
Size of Minimum
water meter monthly
(inches) charge
3/4 or smaller $ 8.96
1 11.86
11/2 20.82
2 35.73
3 74.45
4 119.17
6 268.26
H Special with agreement The rate shall be negotiated.
I Special without agreement $1.60 per 1,000 gallons of
winter quarter use
Section 4. That paragraphs(a)and(b)of Section 26-282 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins are hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-282. Wastewater strength or industrial surcharges and categories
(a) The schedule of wastewater strength surcharge for customers located
either inside or outside the city shall be as follows:
Excess over Rate per
Parameter (mg/1) 1,000gallons
BOD 200 $0.001157
COD 300 0.000713
TOC 100 0.002070
TSS 250 0.001377
(b) The schedule of average concentrations for the various categories is as follows:
Category Average Concentration for Category
(mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1)
E-1 Meatpacking 848 1,272 846
E-2 Slaughterhouses 1,420 2,130 1,367
E-3 Dairy products
processing 1,127 1,691 445
E-4 Fruit and vegetable
canning 537 806 306
E-5 Grain mills 978 1,467 1,406
E-6 Bakeries 688 1,032 620
E-7 Sugar processing 395 593 274
E-8 Fats and oil processing 403 605 343
E-9 Rendering tallow 319 479 140
E-10 Beverage bottling 536 804 192
E-11 Miscellaneous food
manufacturing 2,961 4,442 563
E-12 Pulp products 157 236 477
E-13 Inorganic chemicals 89 134 3,249
E-15 Paint manufacturing 481 722 1,039
E-16 Ink manufacturing 412 618 156
E-17 Leather tanning 2,039 3,059 1,435
E-18 Drum cleaning 503 755 974
E-19 Restaurants 820 1,230 905
E-20 Hotels;motels 310 465 121
E-21 Fast-food service 400 600 450
E-22 Commercial laundries 596 894 367
E-23 Laundromats 219 329 87
E-24 Industrial laundries 1,322 1,983 1,461
E-25 Hospitals 231 347 266
E-26 Service stations 385 578 30
E-29 Funeral homes 300 450 275
E-31 Schools(kitchens
for other schools) 545 818 96
E-32 Car wash 150 225 350
E-33 Schools(kitchen
for school only) 330 495 112
E-34 Domestic waste
(sanitary strength
wastewater) 200 300 250
E-35 Service stations with
recreational vehicle
dumping facility 770 1,156 500
Introduced and considered favorably on first reading and ord red published this 21 st day
of October, A.D. 1997, and to be presented for final passage e 4 day of Nov A.D.
City Clerk
Passed and adopted on final reading this 4th day of Noven*et, A.D 997.
City Clerk