following sections of Chapter 50 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins
are hereby amended as follows:
Section 1. That Section 50-1 is repealed and readopted as follows:
§50-1. Adoption of the Uniform Fire Code, 1985 Edition.
Pursuant to the Authority conferred by Section 7, Article II of the Charter
of the City of Fort Collins and the laws of the State of Colorado, there is
hereby adopted by the City of Fort Collins for the purpose of providing for
the protection of the public health and safety from the hazards of fire and
explosion that certain code known as the "Uniform Fire Code", promulgated
by the Western Fire Chiefs Association and the International Conference of
Building Officials, being particularly the 1985 Edition thereof, and the
whole thereof, including Articles 1 through 87, inclusive, and appendices,
save and except as any portion of said Code or appendices is hereinafter
deleted, modified or amended in §50-2 of this chapter. Furthermore, not
less than three (3) copies of said Code and appendices have been and now
are on file in the office of the Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, and may
be inspected at regular business hours or purchased at a price not to
exceed twenty-two dollars (E22.00) per copy, and the same is hereby adopted
and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein, and from the date
on which this ordinance shall take effect, the provisions thereof shall be
controlling within the limits of the City of Fort Collins.
Section 2. That Section 50-2 is repealed and readopted as follows:
§50-2. Amendments and additions.
A. The following Articles, sections, divisions, subsections, appendices or
parts thereof of the Uniform Fire Code, 1985 Edition, are hereby
amended or added, except as noted, to read as follows:
(1) Section 2.302 is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 2.302. Board of Appeals
In order to determine the suitability of alternate materials and
type of construction and to provide for reasonable interpretations
of the provisions of this code, there shall be and hereby is
created a Board of Appeals to be known as the "Fire Board of
Appeals". The members of the City of Fort Collins Building Board
of Appeals, as appointed from time to time, shall constitute the
Fire Board of Appeals. The Fire Chief, or his designated
representative, shall attend the meetings of such Board. The Board
shall adopt reasonable rules and regulations for conducting its
investigations and shall render all decisions and findings in
writing to the Fire Chief, with a duplicate copy to the appellant
and may recommend to the executive body such new legislation as is
consistent therewith.
(2) Section 2.303(b) is amended to add the following:
Sec. 2.303. Standards
(b) Recognized Standards.
(3) Section 4.101 (18A and B) , (22), (27) , and (38) are amended as
Sec. 4.101. Permit Required
18. Flammable or combustible liquids and tanks.
A. To store, handle or use Class I liquids in excess of sixty
(60) gallons in a building or in excess of six hundred
sixty (660) gallons outside of any building, except that a
permit is not required for the following:
(i) The storage or use of Class I liquids in the fuel
tank of a motor vehicle, aircraft, motorboat, mobile power
plant or mobile heating plant, unless such storage, in the
opinion of the chief, would cause an unsafe condition.
(ii) The storage or use of paints, oils, varnishes or
similar flammable mixtures when such liquids are stored
for maintenance, painting or similar purposes for a period
of not more than thirty (30) days.
B. To store, handle or use Class II or Class III liquids in
excess of sixty (60) gallons in a building or in excess of
six hundred sixty (660) gallons outside a building, except
for fuel oil used in connection with oil -burning
22. Hazardous materials. To store, transport or handle more than
fifty-five (55) gallons of corrosive liquids or more than five
hundred (500) pounds of oxidizing materials or more than ten
(10) pounds of organic peroxides or more than five hundred
(500) pounds of nitromethane or one thousand (1000) pounds or
more of ammonia nitrate, ammonia nitrate fertilizers and
fertilizer mixtures covered by Section 80.106(d) ; or any
amount of highly toxic materials, pyrophoric materials,
hypergolic materials or poisonous gases when, in the opinion
of the chief, such amounts constitute a distinct hazard to
life and property. See Article 80.
27. Liquified petroleum gases. Permits are required on all LP
tanks of one hundred twenty (120) gallon water capacity or
larger. A plot plan must accompany all permit requests.
38. Parade floats.
(4) Section 10.207(h) and (i) are amended to read as follows:
Sec. 10.207. Fire Apparatus Access Roads
(h) Turnarounds. All dead-end fire apparatus access roads shall be
provided with approved provisions for the turning around of
fire apparatus.
(i) Bridges. When a bridge is required to be used as access under _
this section, it shall be constructed and maintained in
accordance with City street design standards and using designed
live-loading sufficient to carry the imposed loads of fire
(5) Section 10.302 is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 10.302. Maintenance
(a) General . All sprinkler systems, fire hydrant systems,
standpipe systems, fire alarm systems, portable fire
extinguishers, smoke and heat ventilators, smoke-removal
systems and other fire-protective or extinguishing systems or
appliances shall be maintained in an operative condition at
all times and shall be replaced or repaired where defective.
Fire-protective or extinguishing systems coverage, spacing
and specifications shall be maintained in accordance with
recognized standards at all times. Such systems shall be
extended, altered or augmented as necessary to maintain and
continue protection whenever any building so equipped is
altered, remodeled or added to. All additions, repairs or
alterations and servicing shall be in accordance with
recognized standards. Unless otherwise required by the chief,
semi-annual tests of such systems shall be conducted by
qualified persons approved by the chief.
EXCEPTION: Systems not required by this or any other code
need not be extended, altered nor augmented.
Soda-acid, foam, loaded stream, antifreeze and water fire
extinguishers of the inverting types shall not be recharged or
placed in service for fire protection use.
(b) Systems in High-rise Buildings. The building owner shall be
responsible for assuring that the fire and life safety systems
required by Sections 1807 and 1907 of the Uniform Building
Code shall be maintained in an operable condition at all
times. Unless otherwise required by the chief, semi-annual
tests of such systems shall be conducted by qualified persons
approved by the chief. A written record shall be maintained
and be made available to the inspection authority.
(6) Section 11. 101(a) and (b) are amended to read as follows:
Sec. 11.101. Bonfires and Outdoor Rubbish Fires
(a) Permit Required. No person shall kindle or maintain any
outdoor open fire other than for cooking purposes, without
having obtained a permit from the Larimer County Health
Department in conformance with the laws of the State of
Colorado. This permit is required to be signed by the chief
or his duly authorized representative before any such fire is
(b) Location Restricted. No person shall kindle or maintain any
bonfire or rubbish fire or authorize any such fire to be
kindled or maintained on any private land unless (1) the
location is not less than one hundred (100) feet from any
structure and adequate provision is made to prevent fire from
spreading to within one hundred (100) feet of any structure,
or (2) the fire is contained in an approved waste burner
located safely not less than fifteen (15) feet from any
(7) Section 11. 105(c) is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 11.105. Types and Construction of Incinerators
(c) Residential incinerators are not permitted.
(8) Section 11.106 is amended as follows:
Sec. 11.106. Location
(9) Section 11.107 is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 11.107. Incinerators in Trailer Camps
Any incinerators installed in a trailer camp, mobile home park, or
permanent camping park shall be of a commercial type approved by
the chief. Such incinerator shall be located not less than five
(5) feet from any building, trailer, mobile home or camp site.
(10) Section 11.112(b), Exception 2, is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 11.112. Hours of Burning
(b)2. Such burning is done at a distance of more than one hundred
(100) feet from any building, structure or other combustible
waste matter.
(11) Section 11.208(a) is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 11.208. Parade Floats
(a) Obtain special event permit from City.
(12) Section 12.104(b) is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 12.104. Doors
(b) Type of Lock or Latch. Exit doors shall be openable from the
inside without the use of a key or any special knowledge or
1 . This requirement shall not apply to exterior exit doors in
a Group B Occupancy if there is a readily visible, durable
sign on or adjacent to the door, stating THIS DOOR TO
in letters not less than one ( 1 ) inch high on a
contrasting background. The locking device must be of a
type that will be readily distinguishable as locked. The
use of this exception may be revoked by the building
official for due cause.
2. Exit doors from buildings or rooms having an occupant load
of ten (10) or fewer may be provided with a night latch,
dead bolt or security chain, provided such devices are
openable from the inside without the use of a key, special
knowledge or effort and mounted at a height not to exceed
forty-eight (48) inches above the finished floor.
3. All exterior exit doors from buildings or portions thereof
with an occupant load of ten (10) or fewer and the main
exit doors from Group B Occupancies with an occupant load
of fewer than fifty (50) , other than drinking and dining
establishments, may have one (1) key-operated locking
bolt, provided there is posted a sign conforming to
Exception No. 1 in this section. The use of this
exception exception may be revoked by the building
official for due cause.
4. This requirement shall not apply to exit doors serving
individual dwelling units.
II -5-
Manually-operated edge- or surface-mounted flush bolts and
surface bolts are prohibited. When exit doors are used in
pairs and approved automatic flush bolts are used, the door
leaf having the automatic flush bolts shall have no doorknobs
or surface-mounted hardware. The unlatching of any leaf shall
not require more than one operation.
1. Exit doors serving individual dwelling units may be
provided with pairs of doors with one leaf having manual
edge or surface bolts.
2. One leaf of a pair of exterior doors or one leaf of a pair
of doors which serve as single tenant space may be
inactivated with manual edge or surface bolts, provided
such doors serve only those buildings or portions thereof
having an occupant load of ten (10) or fewer or serve
Group B Occupancies having an occupant load of fewer than
fifty (50) . In addition, the inactivated leaf shall not
have any knob, handle, pushbar, or similar hardware and
the leaf shall be clearly identified as not being usable
for exit purposes. No door leaf that is required for exit
width shall be inactivated. The use of this exception may
be revoked by the building official for due cause.
(13) Section 12. 113(b)2B, C, D and E are deleted and Section 12.113(b)2A
is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 12.113. Exit Illumination
(b)2A. One hundred (100) in any occupancy category.
EXCEPTION: Group A-4 Occupancies and churches with an
occupancy load of fewer than five hundred
(500) .
(14) Section 12.115 is added as follows:
Sec. 12.115. Emergency Elevator Signs
Except at the ground floor level , an approved pictorial sign of a
standardized design shall be posted adjacent to each elevator call
station which specifies IN CASE OF FIRE, DO NOT USE ELEVATORS, USE
(15) Section 35.103(g) is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 35.103. Special Provisions
(g) Exit Obstructions. Required widths of exit travels shall not
be obstructed by the placement of any material , temporary
kiosks, display booths, concession equipment or similar
objects while the covered mall building is open.
1. The minimum width of clear area dedicated to exit purposes
within the mall shall be twenty (20) feet. There shall be
a minimum of ten (10) feet clear width to a height of
eight (8) feet between any projection from a tenant space
bordering the mall and the nearest kiosk, vending machine,
bench, display or other obstruction to egress. The mall
shall be sufficient to accommodate the occupant load
immediately tributary thereto.
2. Malls which do not conform to the requirements of this
section shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 33
of the Uniform Building Code as adopted by the City of
Fort Collins.
3. Sidewalk sales (where the tenants are offering their goods _
in the common mall space) may be conducted, with the
approval of the chief, in the space immediately adjacent
to the retail space. Prior approval must be granted in
writing for all sidewalk sales and must be obtained at
least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of setting up such
a sale.
(16) Section 45.207(3) and (4) are amended to read as follows and (5)
and (6) are added as follows:
Sec. 45.207. Limited Spraying Area
3. Positive mechanical ventilation is installed, providing a
minimum of four (4) complete air changes per hour.
4. All electrical wiring within a twenty (20) foot area shall be
maintained in a proper and safe condition.
5. Ignition sources such as open flames, heating torches, pilot
lights, hot water heaters, or similar high-heat producing
devices shall be prohibited within twenty (20) feet of any
limited spray operation.
6. NO SMOKING signs shall be posted in accordance with Section
45. 103 within twenty (20) feet of any limited spray operations.
(17) Section 51 .101 shall be amended by the addition of a third
paragraph which reads as follows:
Sec. 51.101. Scope
When applied to existing buildings, facilities, and operations,
provisions of this Article shall take into consideration the
practical difficulties of changing existing facilities and
operations. Application of this Article to existing buildings,
facilities, and operations shall be in accordance with inspection
policies and procedures promulgated by the chief, with assistance
from a hazardous production materials advisory committee. Members
of this committee shall be appointed by the chief from Poudre Fire
Authority, industries using hazardous production materials, and
other local agencies which regulate hazardous materials.
(18) Section 77. 106(b) is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 77.106. General Requirements
(b) The storage of explosives and blasting agents is prohibited
within the City of Fort Collins, except for temporary storage
in an approved day box with an approved blasting operation;
provided, however, that this prohibition shall not apply to
wholesale and retail stocks of small arms and munitions,
explosive bolts , explosive rivets or cartridges , or
explosive-actuated power tools in quantities of less than five
hundred (500) pounds of explosive material .
(19) Section 77.202 (a) , (b) , (c), and (d) are amended to read as follows
and (e) is deleted:
Sec. 77.202. Gunpowder
(a) The following regulations shall apply to the display and
handling of smokeless powder, black powder and primers in
commercial establishments:
1 . Not more than twenty (20) pounds of smokeless propellants,
in containers of one pound maximum capacity, shall be
2. Display of smokeless powder shall be in original
3. Smokeless powder shall not be repackaged except in
original-type containers, and repackaging shall be
permitted only in locations designated and approved by the
4. Not more than one (1) pound of black powder propellant
shall be displayed in commercial establishments.
5. The repackaging of black sporting powder shall not be
6. Small arms primers shall not be stored or displayed with
smokeless powder or other explosives.
7. Not more than ten thousand (10,000) small arms ammunition
primers may be displayed in commercial establishments.
(b) Commercial stocks of smokeless propellants shall be stored as
1. In quantities over twenty (20) pounds and not more than
four hundred (400) pounds, they shall be stored in Class II
magazines. There shall be not more than two hundred (200)
pounds in any one magazine.
2. Commercial stocks in excess of four hundred (400) pounds
and not more than two thousand five hundred (2500) pounds
may be stored in a building if the following requirements
are met:
(i) The warehouse or storage room is not accessible to
unauthorized personnel .
(ii ) The smokeless propellant stocks are stored in Class II
magazines having shelves with not more than a three-foot
(iii) Not more than four hundred (400) pounds is permitted
in any one cabinet.
(iv) Cabinets are located only against walls of the storage
room or warehouse with a minimum distance between cabinets
of forty (40) feet.
(v) Separation distance between cabinets may be reduced to
twenty (20) feet if barricades:
1) are attached to the wall and are at least twice the
height of the cabinet,
2) are centered between cabinets and extended at least
ten (10) feet beyond the wall toward the center of the
3) are constructed of at least two (2) inch thick
lumber, brick or concrete block or of boiler plate at least
1/4 inch thick or of equivalent materials, and
4) are firmly attached to the building structure at
both ends.
(vi) Smokeless propellant is separated by a fire-resistive
wall of one-hour rating or by a distance of twenty-five
(25) feet from materials classified by the U.S. Department
of Transportation as flammable liquids, flammable solids
and oxidizing materials.
(vii) The building is equipped with an automatic sprinkler
system installed in compliance with NFPA No. 13, Standard
for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems.
3. Commercial stocks of smokeless propellants not stored in
accordance with Subsection 1 or 2 of this section,
whichever applies, shall be stored in a Class I magazine.
4. If smokeless propellants are stored in the same magazine
with black powder propellants, the total quantity of such
propellants shall not exceed that set forth for black
powder propellants.
(c) Commercial stocks of black powder shall be stored as follows:
1. Quantities of black powder propellants in excess of one
pound (for display purposes) and not to exceed fifty (50)
pounds shall be stored in a Class II magazine.
2. Quantities of black powder propellants exceeding fifty (50)
pound shall be stored in Class I magazines.
(d) Commercial stocks of small arms ammunition primers shall be
stored as follows:
1. Quantities of up to 750,000 small arms ammunition primers
may be stored in a building if not more than 100,000 are
stored in any one pile and piles are at least fifteen (15)
feet apart.
2. Quantities in excess of 750,000 small arms ammunition
primers may be stored in a building if the following
conditions are met:
(i) The warehouse or storage room is not accessible to
unauthorized personnel .
(ii) The primers are stored in cabinets.
(iii) Shelves of storage cabinets do not have more than a
two (2) foot vertical separation.
(iv) Not more than 200,000 primers are stored in one
(v) Cabinets are located only against walls of the
warehouse or storage room with a minimum distance between
cabinets of forty (40) feet.
(vi ) Separation distance between cabinets may be reduced to
twenty (20) feet if barricades are attached to the wall and
are at least twice the height of cabinets. Barricades are
to be centered between cabinets and shall extend at least
ten (10) feet beyond the wall toward the center of the
room. They are to be constructed of at least two (2) inch
thick lumber, brick, concrete block or of boiler plate at
least 1/4 inch thick, or of equivalent materials .
Barricades shall be firmly attached to the building
structure at both ends.
(vii) Small arms ammunition primers are separated by a
fire-resistive wall of one-hour rating or by a distance of
twenty-five (25) feet from materials classified by the U.S.
Department of Transportation as flammable liquids,
flammable solids, and oxidizing materials.
(viii) The building is equipped with an automatic sprinkler
system installed in compliance with NFPA No. 13, Standard
for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems.
3. Commercial stocks of small arms ammunition primers not in
accordance with Subsection 1 or 2 of this section,
whichever applies, shall be stored in a Class I magazine.
(20) Section 79.109 is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 79.109. Operating Heating, Lighting, and Cooking Appliances _
Heating, lighting, and cooking appliances which utilize Class I
liquids shall not be operated within a building or structure.
EXCEPTION: 1. R-3 Occupancies.
2. Alcohol burners used in experiments and research.
(21) Section 79.112 is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 79.112. Waste Petroleum Products and Flammable or Combustible
Flammable or combustible liquids or any waste liquid containing
crude petroleum or its products shall not be discharged into or
upon any street, highway, drainage canal or irrigation ditch,
canal , storm drain, sewer or flood control channel , lake or tidal
waterway, or upon the ground.
(22) Section 79.201(e)2(iii) is added to read as follows:
Sec. 79.201. General
(e)2(iii) Liquids stored for such purposes shall be in original
containers or safety cans.
(23) Section 79.203(a) is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 79.203 Liquid Storage Rooms
(a) General . Quantities of liquids exceeding those set forth in
Section 79.201 shall be within a room complying with the
requirements of this section. Such rooms shall be classified
as a Group H, Division 2 Occupancy.
Liquids storage rooms shall be protected by automatic
sprinkler systems installed in accordance with U.B.C. Standard
NO. 38-1 and Tables Nos. 79.200-C, 79.200-D-1 and 79.200-D-2.
In-rack sprinklers shall also comply with Uniform Fire Code
Standard No. 81-2. For in-rack sprinklers, alternate lines
shall be staggered and multiple levels of sprinkler heads
shall be provided with water shields unless separated by
horizontal barriers or unless the sprinkler heads are listed
for such installations. Racks with solid shelves shall be
provided with in-rack sprinklers at every tier or level .
Automatic foam-water systems and automatic aqueous
film-forming foam-water sprinkler systems may be used when
approved by the chief.
All liquid storage rooms shall be provided with adequate
drainage. Drainage systems shall be sized and designed to
carry off any anticipated spill , plus the minimum calculated
fire flow of the sprinkler system to a safe location. If
connected to a public drain or sewer system, it shall be
approved by the authority having jurisdiction for that public
drain or sewer system.
(24) The second paragraph of Section 79.204(b) is amended to read as
Sec. 79.204. Liquid Storage Warehouses
All liquid storage warehouses shall be provided with adequate
drainage. Drainage systems shall be sized and designed to carry
off any anticipated spill , plus the minimum calculated fire flow of
the sprinkler system to a safe location. If connected to a public
drain or sewer system, it shall be approved by the authority having
jurisdiction for that public drain or sewer system.
(25) Section 79.501 is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 79.501. Restricted Locations
The storage of Class I and Class II liquids in aboveground tanks
outside of buildings is prohibited within the City of Fort Collins.
EXCEPTIONS: 1. Areas zoned for industrial use.
2. Areas zoned for agricultural use.
3. On construction sites for the refueling of
construction equipment.
(26) Section 79.600 is added as follows:
Sec. 79.600 Scope
This Division applies to underground storage tanks (UST) which are
used to store flammable/combustible liquids, or other regulated
hazardous materials. If, during the period this code is in force,
more restrictive federal and/or State requirements are adopted,
those requirements shall be enforced by the agency designated by
the new legislation.
(27) Section 79.802(e) is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 79.802. Inside Operations
(e) Control of Spills or Connection to Sewers. Provision shall be
made to prevent flammable or combustible liquids which may be
spilled at loading or unloading points, from entering public
sewer and drainage systems, irrigation canals or natural
waterways. Connections to such sewers, drains, canals, or
waterways by which flammable or combustible liquids might -
enter shall be provided with separator boxes or other approved
means whereby such entry is precluded. Crankcase drainings
and flammable or combustible liquids shall not be dumped into
sewers, but shall be stored in tanks or tight drums outside of
any buildings until removed from the premises. The authority
having jurisdiction over the public drain, sewer systems or
waterways shall approve any connections.
(28) Section 79.803(a) is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 79.803. Container-filling Facilities
(a) Manual Operations. Class I liquids shall not be run into
conductive containers unless the nozzle and containers are
electrically interconnected. The provisions of this section
shall be deemed to have been complied with where the metallic
floor plates on which the container stands while filling are
electrically connected to the fill stem where the fill stem is
bonded to the container during filling by means of a bond
(29) Section 79.902(f) is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 79.902. Storage
(f) Maintenance Testing. All leak-testing devices shall be tested
annually by the owner or occupant of the property on which
they are located. All test results shall be maintained and
available to the chief upon request.
(30) Section 79.903(b), "Exception" is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 79.903. Dispensing Services
(b) Exception: Supervision by a qualified attendant is not
required for a service station which is not open
to the public, provided that the owner of such
station is accountable for the safe operation of
the station and the training of users thereof.
Such stations may include card- or key-operated
dispensers. Any unattended service station which
falls under this exception shall conform to the
following requirements:
1. The owner or operator will provide and is accountable for:
(i) At least daily site visits.
(ii ) Regular equipment inspection and maintenance.
(iii) Conspicuously posting instructions for safe
operation of dispensing equipment.
(iv) Posting the phone number of the owner or operator.
2. An approved sign, in addition to that required in Section
79.902(h), is posted in a conspicuous location stating:
1. Use emergency pump shutoff!
2. Report the accident to
POUDRE FIRE AUTHORITY - telephone f: 911
3. Dispensing equipment complies with both of the following:
(i) The amount of fuel being dispensed is limited in
quantity by a preprogrammed card, or dispensing devices
shall be programmed or set to limit uninterrupted fuel
delivery to twenty-five (25) gallons and shall require a
manual action to resume continued delivery.
(ii) Product delivery hoses are equipped with a listed
emergency breakaway device designed to retain liquid on
both sides of the breakaway point. Such devices shall be
installed and maintained in accordance with manufacturer's
4. Emergency shutoff must be available to the public and
conspicuously marked.
5. A telephone or manual alarm tied to a central station must
be readily available for emergency use.
6. Poudre Fire Authority must approve any training materials
and contracts which oil companies have applicant sign.
7. A 2A-20BC fire extinguisher must be available and located
within seventy-five (75) feet of pumps.
8. All other requirements of this Division IX shall apply
unless specifically altered under this exception.
(31) Section 79. 1504(b) is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 79.1504. Drainage
(b) Connection to Sewers. Emergency drainage systems, if connected
to public sewers or discharged into public waterways, shall be
equipped with traps or separators. Any such connection or
discharge shall be approved by the authority having _
jurisdiction of the public sewer or waterway.
(32) Section 82.102(a) and the title of the section are amended to read
as follows:
Sec. 82.102. Permits and Reports of Installations (of Liquified
Petroleum Gases - LPG)
(a) For a permit to install or maintain an LPG container, see
Section 4.101.
(33) The Exception in Section 87.102 is hereby deleted.
(34) Section 87.103(a) and (o) are amended to read as follows:
Sec. 87.103. Fire Safety During Construction
(a) General . Buildings under construction shall comply with the
provisions of this Section. The extent of the fire safety
precautions required by this section shall be in relation to
the degree of hazard presented by the construction to the
project in question, adjacent buildings and surrounding
wildland area.
(o) Emergency Communications. When required by the chief,
adequate means of emergency communication with emergency
service providers shall be provided within reasonable distance
of the construction site. The construction site address and
name shall be posted at the site.
(35) Section 87.105(a) is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 87.105. Fire Safety During Demolition
(a) General . Demolition of buildings shall comply with the
provisions of this section and, where applicable, Sections
87. 103 and 87.104. A demolition plan shall be approved by the
chief before a permit is issued by the City Building
Inspection Department.
(36) Appendix I-A is deleted.
(37) Appendix I-B is amended to read as follows:
These provisions apply to existing high-rise buildings constructed prior to
the adoption of this appendix and which house Group 8, Division 2 offices
or Group R, Division 1 Occupancies, each having floors used for human
occupancy located more than seventy-five (75) feet above the lowest level
of fire department vehicle access.
(a) Existing high-rise buildings as specified in Section 1.1, above, shall
be modified to conform to not less than the minimum provisions
specified in Table No. 1-A and as enumerated within this appendix.
(b) The provisions of this appendix shall
pp not be construed to allow the
elimination of fire protection systems or a reduction in the level of
fire safety provided in buildings constructed in conformance with
previously adopted codes.
(a) After the original adoption of this appendix, the Fire Marshal shall
duly notify the owners whose buildings are subject to the provisions
of this appendix. Upon receipt of such notice, the owner shall ,
subject to the following time limits, take necessary actions to comply
with the provisions of this appendix.
(b) Plans and specifications for the necessary alterations shall be filed
with the Fire Marshal within eighteen (18) months after the date of
owner notification. Work on the required alterations to the building
shall commence within thirty (30) months of the date of owner
notification and such work shall be completed within five years from
the date of owner notification.
(c) The Fire Marshal shall grant necessary extensions of time when it can
be shown that the specified time periods are not physically practical
or pose an undue hardship. The granting of an extension of time for
compliance shall be based upon the showing of good cause and subject
to the filing of an acceptable systematic progressive plan of
correction with the Fire Marshal .
For the purpose of applying the provisions of this appendix, the Fire
Marshal shall have the authority to consider alternative approaches and
grant necessary deviations from this appendix as follows:
(a) Allow alternate materials or methods of compliance if such alternate
materials or methods of compliance will provide levels of fire and
life safety equal to or greater than those specifically set forth in
this appendix.
(b) Waive specific individual requirements if it can be shown that such
requirements are not physically possible or practical and that a
practical alternative cannot be provided. -
Appeals of the determinations of the Fire Marshal in applying the
provisions of this code may be made by an appeal directed to the Board of
Appeals as established by Section 2.302 of this code.
(a) Specific Provisions. The following provisions shall apply when
required by Table No. 1-A.
1. Type of construction. Buildings classified in the Uniform
Building Code as Type II-N, III-N or V-N construction shall be
equipped with an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in
accordance with Uniform Building Code Standard No. 38-1.
EXCEPTION: Installation of meters or backflow preventers for the
connection to the waterworks system need not be
provided unless required by other regulations of the
authority having jurisdiction.
2. Fire department communication system. When it is determined by
test that the portable fire department communication equipment is
ineffective, a communication system acceptable to the Fire
Authority shall be installed within the existing high-rise
building to permit emergency communication between
fire-suppression personnel .
3. Single-station smoke detectors. Single-station smoke detectors
conforming to Uniform Building Code Standard No. 43-6, Part II,
shall be installed within all dwelling units or guest rooms in
accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. In
dwelling units, the detector shall be mounted on the ceiling or
wall at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving
access to each separate sleeping area. When sleeping rooms are
located on an upper level , the detector shall be installed at the
center of the ceiling directly above the stairway within the unit.
In efficiency dwelling units, hotel suites and in hotel guest
rooms, detectors shall be located on the ceiling or wall of the
main room or hotel sleeping room. When actuated, the detector
shall provide an audible alarm in the sleeping area of the
dwelling unit, hotel suite or guest room in which it is located.
Such detectors may be battery operated.
4. Manual fire alarm system. An approved manual fire alarm system
connected to a central , proprietary or remote station service, or
an approved manual fire alarm system which will provide an audible
signal at a constantly attended location, shall be provided. Such
system shall include a graphic annunciator panel in the main lobby
or other location approved by the Fire Authority.
5. Occupant voice notification system. An approved occupant voice
notification system shall be provided. Such system shall provide -
communication from a location acceptable to the Fire Authority and
shall permit voice notification to at least all normally occupied
areas of the building. The occupant voice notification system may
be combined with a fire alarm system, provided that the combined
system has been approved and listed for such use. The sounding of
a fire alarm signal in any given area or floor shall not prohibit
voice communication to other areas or floors. Combination systems
shall be designed to permit voice transmission to override the
fire alarm signal , but the fire alarm shall not terminate in less
than three (3) minutes.
6. Vertical shaft enclosures. Openings through two or more floors,
except mezzanine floors, which contain a stairway or elevator
shall be provided with vertical shaft enclosure protection as
specified herein. Such floor openings, when not enclosed by
existing shaft enclosure construction, shall be protected by
one-hour fire-resistive-rated shaft enclosure construction. For
floor openings which are enclosed by existing shaft enclosure
construction having fire-resistive capabilities similar to wood
lath and plaster in good condition, 1/2 inch gypsum wallboard or
approved 1/4 inch thick wired glass is acceptable. Wired glass
set in a steel frame may be installed in existing shaft enclosure
walls but shall be rendered inoperative and be fixed in a closed
position. Openings through two (2) or more floors for other than
stairways or elevators, such as openings provided for piping,
ducts, gas vents, dumbwaiters, and rubbish and linen chutes, shall
be provided with vertical shaft enclosure protection as specified
for stairways and elevators.
EXCEPTIONS: Openings for piping, ducts, gas vents, dumbwaiters
and rubbish and linen chutes of copper or ferrous
construction are permitted without a shaft enclosure,
provided that the floor openings are effectively
fire-stopped at each floor level .
7. Shaft enclosure opening protection. Openings other than those
provided for elevator doors in new vertical shaft enclosures
constructed of one-hour fire-resistive construction shall be
equipped with approved fire assemblies having a fire-protection
rating of not less than one hour. Openings other than those
provided for elevator doors in existing vertical shaft enclosures
shall be equipped with approved twenty (20) minute-rated fire
assemblies, 1-3/4 inch solid wood doors or the equivalent thereto.
Doors shall be either self-closing or automatic closing and
automatic latching.
8. Manual shutoff of HVAC systems. Heating, ventilating and air
conditioning systems shall be equipped with manual shutoff
controls installed at an approved location when required by the
Fire Authority. -
9. Automatic elevator recall system. Elevators shall be equipped
with an approved automatic recall system as required by Section
1807(h)2 of the Uniform Building Code.
10. Unlocked stairway doors. Exit doors into exit stairway enclosures
shall be maintained unlocked from the stairway side on at least
every fifth floor level . All unlocked doors shall bear a sign
stating ACCESS ONTO FLOOR THIS LEVEL. Stairway doors may be
locked, subject to the following conditions:
A. Stairway doors which are to be locked from the stairway side
shall have the capability of being unlocked simultaneously
without unlatching upon a signal from an approved location.
B. A telephone or other two-way communications system connected
to an approved emergency service which operates continuously
shall be provided at not less than every fifth floor in each
required stairway.
11. Stair shaft ventilation. Stair shaft enclosures which extend to
the roof shall be provided with an approved manually openable
hatch to the exterior having an area not less than sixteen (16)
square feet with a minimum dimension of two (2) feet.
EXCEPTIONS: 1 . Stair shaft enclosures complying with the
requirements for smokeproof enclosures.
2. Stair shaft enclosures pressurized as required
for mechanically operated smokeproof enclosures
to a minimum of 0. 15 inch and a maximum of
0.50-inch water column.
12. Elevator shaft ventilation. Elevator shaft enclosures which
extend to the roof shall be vented to the outside with vents whose
area shall be not less than 3-1/2 percent of the area of the
elevator shaft, with a minimum of three (3) square feet per
EXCEPTION: Where energy conservation or hoistway pressurization
requires that the vents be normally closed, automatic
venting by actuation of an elevator lobby detector or
power failure may be accepted.
13. Posting of elevators. A permanent sign shall be installed in each
elevator cab adjacent to the floor status indicator and at each
elevator call station on each floor reading IN FIRE EMERGENCY, DO
NOT USE ELEVATOR -- USE EXIT STAIRS, or similar wording approved
by the Fire Marshal .
EXCEPTION: Sign may be omitted at the main entrance floor level
call station.
14. Exits.A. General . Every floor of an existing high-rise building shall
have access to two separate means of egress, one of which may
be an existing exterior fire escape or an exterior stairway
not less than thirty (30) inches in clear width. The stairway
may be constructed with an eight (8) inch maximum rise and
nine (9) inch minimum run, provided the greatest riser height
and largest tread run do not exceed the smallest by more than
3/8 inch. The adequacy of fire escapes shall be demonstrated
to the satisfaction of the Fire Marshal .
B. Fire escapes. Access to fire escapes may be any one of the
(i) Through a room between the corridor and the fire escape
if the door to the room is operable from the corridor
side without the use of any key, special knowledge or
(ii) By a door to a fire escape operable from the interior
without the use of any key, special knowledge or
(iii) By a window operable from the interior. Such window
shall have a minimum net clear dimension of twenty-nine
(29) inches when open. The sill shall be not more than
thirty (30) inches above the floor and landing.
C. Protection of exterior openings. When a fire escape is
accepted as one of the required means of egress, openings onto
the fire escape landing and openings within ten (10) feet
horizontally of the landing shall be protected in a manner
acceptable to the Fire Marshal .
15. Exit corridor construction. Corridors serving as an exit for an
occupant load of thirty (30) or more shall have walls and ceilings
of not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction as required
by the Uniform Building Code. Existing walls may be surfaced with
wood lath and plaster in good condition or 1/2 inch gypsum
wallboard for corridor walls and ceilings and occupancy
separations when approved.
16. Exit corridor openings. Openings in corridor walls and ceilings
shall be protected by not less than 1-3/8 inch solid bonded wood
core doors, approved 1/4 inch thick wired glass, approved fire
dampers conforming to Uniform Building Code Standard No. 43-7, or
by equivalent protection in lieu of any of these items. Transoms
shall be fixed closed and covered with 1/2 inch Type X gypsum
wallboard or equivalent material installed on both sides of the
17. Exit corridor door closers. Exit doors into corridors shall be
equipped with self-closing devices or shall be automatic closing
by actuation of a smoke detector. When spring hinges are used as
the closing device, not less than two such hinges shall be
installed on each door leaf.
18. Exit corridor dead-ends. The length of aad-end corridors serving
an occupant load of more than thirty k ,�) shall not exceed twenty
(20) feet.
19. Interior finish. The interior finish in exit corridors, exit
stairways and extensions thereof shall conform to the provisions
of Chapter 42 of the Uniform Building Code.
20. Exit stairway illumination. When the building is occupied, exit
stairways shall be illuminated with lights having an intensity of
not less than one (1) footcandle at the floor level . Such
lighting shall be equipped with an independent alternate source of
power such as a battery pack or on-site generator.
21. Exit corridor illumination. When the building is occupied, exit
corridors shall be illuminated with lights having an intensity of
not less than one (1) footcandle at the floor level . Such
lighting shall be equipped with an independent alternate source of
power such as a battery pack or on-site generator.
22. Exit stairway exit signs. The location of exit stairways shall be
clearly indicated by illuminated exit signs. Such exit signs
shall be equipped with an independent alternate source of power,
such as a battery pack or on-site generator, or shall be of an
approved self-illuminating type.
23. Exitway exit signs. Illuminated exit signs shall be provided in
all exitways and located in such a manner as to clearly indicate
the direction of egress. Such exit signs shall be equipped with
an independent alternate source of power, such as a battery pack
or on-site generator, or shall be of an approved self-illuminating
24. Standpipe systems. Standpipe systems shall be upgraded to deliver
two hundred fifty (250) gallons per minute per outlet. Each floor
shall have a minimum of two outlets in order to provide a minimum
flow of five hundred (500) gallons per minute.
(b) Sprinkler Alternatives. The requirements of Table No. 1-A may be
modified as specified by the following for existing high-rise
buildings classified in the Uniform Building Code as Type I, II-F.R. ,
II One-hour, III One-hour, IV or V One-hour construction when an
approved automatic sprinkler system is installed throughout the
building in accordance with Uniform Building Code Standard No. 38-1:
Item 4 - Manual fire-warning system shall not be required.
Item 5 - Occupant voice-notification system shall not be required;
however, if the building is equipped with a public address system, the
public address system shall be available for use as an occupant
voice-notification system. -
Item 6 - Vertical shaft enclosures may be of nonrated construction for
required exit stairway enclosures. Vertical shaft enclosures of
openings in floors provided for elevators, escalators and supplemental
stairways shall not be required, provided such openings are protected
by an approved curtain board and water curtain system.
Item 7 - Protection of openings in vertical shaft enclosures may be
nonrated but shall not be less than 1-3/4 inch solid-wood door or the
equivalent thereto. Closing and latching hardware shall be provided.
Item 9 - An automatic elevator recall system shall not be required.
Item 11 - Stair shaft ventilation shall not be required.
Item 15 - Existing corridor construction need not be altered.
Item 16 - Door openings into exit corridors may be protected by
assemblies other than those specified in Section 1.6(a), provided an
effective smoke barrier is maintained. Closing and latching hardware
shall be provided. Protection of duct penetrations is not required.
Item 18 - The length of existing exit corridor dead-ends shall not be
Item 19 - Interior finish in exitways may be reduced by one
classification but shall not be less than Class III, as described in
the Uniform Building Code.
Installation of meters or backflow preventers for the connection to
the waterworks system need not be provided unless required by other
regulations of the authority having jurisdiction.
__-Awnmanl _�_ Hotel On¢e
Helynl 2ooaP -
REUREOUIRED ] aM23mmlcspnnklcr 1 = a
I. Amos In buildmga of T)pc H-N,
N III-N or\'- construction Scc Scction106 (2) 1. R R — RR R —
2. Fuc department communication system or -
ndios See Section 106 (a) 2. R R 1 R R R R R R R
3 Slnele staoon smoke dclectun See Scction =
4. Mlanual fire waming s)stcm Sce Section I =
106 (a)4. - R R R R R R R R R
5 Occupant solcc notification sy stem Set Section
106 (a)S. NR I R R NR R R NR NR NR =
6 \•cnlol shaG cnclr•su rr stalls of one hour Grc -
re.r.tance Set Section 106 (a) 6 R I R R R R R R R R
T Protection of openings in aertical shaft =
enclosures b3 20 minute-rated assemblies See ° -
Section 106(a)7. R I R I R R R I R R R R S. Manual shutoff of HVAC s)stems. Sec Section
106(a)g- I R I R R I R R R R R R `
9. Awomanc ele\oinr recall s3 stem Sce Section
106(a)9- R R R R R R R R R
10. Unlaled suirw av dais cacr)' fifth f)oter.Sce _
Section 106(a) 10. R R I R R R R NR R R
I L Suir shaft vcmilation Sce Section 106(a) 11. R R R R R 7 R R R R e
12. Elesaior shaft ventilation Sce Section _
106(a) 12. R R R R I R R I R R R
13. Posting of cleumrs as not intended for exiting a
purposes Sec Section 106 (a) 13. R R I R R R R R R R f
14 Minimum of iwo cxus from each nuor,of which _
one mar be a fire cscape See Section =
106(a) 14 I R I R R I R [R:��R �RR R
r115 E.it condor all construction I R I R I R I R I R I R I R I R R -
16 Promaed eat comdor uoemrics w Rh 20-minute-
rated zcaemhlu•s or 1'/--Inch solid ..ood door. _
See Section 106(a) 16 I R I R I R I R R R NR I NR NR
17 Eat comdor doors equipped with self closing _
devices See Scction 106 (a) 17. I R I R I R I R I R I R NR I NR NR `-
I& Exit comdor dead ends limited to 35 feel
maslmum See Section 106 (a) I& R R R R R R NR FNIR NR
19. Inienor finish controlled in exit comdors,exit =
s:3irwa3s and extansions thereof Sce Section =
106(a) 19. R R R R R R R R R =
20. Exit st3im,y illumination. Sec Section _
106(a)20. I R R R R R R R R R
21. Exit corridor illumination. See Section
106(a) 21. I R J R R R _R �R NR I NR NR
22. Eat s,aimav exit signs See Section 106 (a) 22. R R I R R R R I R R R
23 Eatwuv exit signs See Section 106(a) 23. R I R R R R R R I R R -
24 Standpipes. See 106(a) 24. R R R I R I R I R I R I R R
I '
'R indlcvn pro.isions ve inquired -'-
NR mde.•cs prwuions are not requited. '-
'Height zones we esublished b•ed on a building having a floor as me3wred to the top or&non,surf.",,used for human mcupancy located within the ranges of he ights
atvvc the lowest lcs cl of fire dep.:tmcnz.ehale access in accordance with the 441ow Ing
Heiphi 7.inc No I Moe than 75 feet but nil m excess of 149 reel '-
Height Zune No 2 Moe than 149 reel but no,in excess of 399 feet .
Hcight Zone No.3 store than 3"feet.
(38) Section 4 of Appendix II-A is amended to read as follows:
Appendix II-A.
4. Restricted Entry
The chief shall officially determine and publicly announce when any
hazardous fire area shall be closed to entry and when such area
shall again be opened to entry. No person, other than those
hereinafter expressly exempted, shall go on or be upon a hazardous
fire area, except public roadways, inhabited areas or established
trails and camp sites which have not been closed during such time
when the hazardous fire area is closed to entry.
It is not the intention of this section to prohibit residents or
owners of private property within any hazardous fire area or their
invitees or guests from going or being upon their lands, and such
persons are to such extent excepted from the provisions of this
section. This section does not apply to any entry, in the course
of duty, by any peace or police officer, or any other
duly-authorized public officer, member of any fire department,
member of the United States Forest Service or member of the
Colorado State Forest Service.
(39) Appendix VI-B is deleted.
Section 3. That Section 50-3 is repealed and readopted as follows:
g50-3. Violations and penalties.
Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of the Uniform Fire
Code, as amended, or who shall fail to comply with any of said provisions
or who shall violate or fail to comply with any orders made thereunder or
who shall act in any way in violation of any permits issued thereunder
shall , severally and for each and every violation in noncompliance
respectively, be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by the penalty set
forth in Section 1-23 of this Code. The imposition of one (1) penalty for
any violation shall not excuse the violation or permit it to continue, and
all persons shall be required to correct or remedy the violations or
defects within a reasonable time, and when not otherwise specified, each
ten (10) days that prohibited conditions are maintained shall constitute a
separate offense. The application of any penalty pursuant hereto shall not
be held to prevent the forced removal of prohibited conditions nor the
suspension or removal of a permit or license issued thereunder.
Section 4. Severability.
The City Council hereby declares that should any section, paragraph,
sentence, word or other portion of this ordinance or the Code hereby
adopted be declared invalid for any reason, such invalidity shall not
affect any other portion of this ordinance or said Code, and the City
Council hereby declares that it would have passed all other portions of
f '
this ordinance and adopted all other portions of said Code, independent of
the elimination herefrom of any such portion which may be declared invalid.
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered
published in summary form this 18th day of November, A.D. 1986, and to be
presented for final passage on the 4th day of December A.D. 1986.
Mayor -
City Clerk
1986. Passed and adopted on final reading this 4th day of December, A.D.
City Clerk