HomeMy WebLinkAbout114 - 08/05/1997 - AMENDING SECTION 3 AND EXHIBIT B OF ORDINANCE NO. 161, 1996 RELATING TO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS ORDINANCE NO. 114, 1997 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS AMENDING SECTION 3 AND EXHIBIT B OF ORDINANCE NO. 161, 1996 WHEREAS, Section 3 of Ordinance No. 161, 1996,established an extended time period for the submittal of preliminary and final planned unit development plans filed pursuant to overall development plans which were approved under the Land Development Guidance System in cases where certain infrastructure improvements have been previously installed to serve not less than twenty percent of the gross acreage of the entire property covered by the overall development plan; and WHEREAS, said Section 3 is unclear as to whether the same rule applies to previously approved preliminary plans for which such infrastructure improvements have been installed; and WHEREAS, Council has determined that the same rule should apply with regard to both previously approved overall development plans and previously approved preliminary plans and that, accordingly, Section 3 of Ordinance No. 161, 1996 should be amended as hereafter provided; and WHEREAS,the Council has further determined that the submittal requirements established pursuant to Exhibit"$"of Ordinance No. 161, 1996 should be amended to include certain additional provisions as contained in Sections 2 and 3 of this Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, as follows: Section 1. That Section 3 of Ordinance No. 161, 1996, is hereby amended so as to read in its entirety as follows: Section 3. That, notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 1 and 2 above,if the City has approved an overall development plan or preliminary plan prior to the effective date of this Ordinance and, prior to said date, has also approved a final plan for a portion of the real property covered by said overall development plan or preliminary plan, the owner or developer of such property, or the successors in interest of either such party, shall have a period of eighteen (18) months from the effective date of this Ordinance if the overall development plan or preliminary plan consists of one hundred(100) acres or less, or a period of three (3)years from such date if such plan contains an area over one hundred(100) acres, within which to file with the City a preliminary and/or final PUD plan (as applicable) for the balance of the subject property of the preliminary plan or overall development plan not covered by the previously approved final PUD plan;provided,however, that prior to March 28, 1997, the property owner or developer, or his or her successor in interest, has completed, in conformance with all relevant City rules and regulations, the installation of all infrastructure improvements (including water, sewer, street, curb and gutter, sidewalks,bike paths, light, fire hydrants and storm drainage) needed to serve not less than twenty percent(20%) of the gross acreage of the entire property covered by the preliminary plan or overall development plan. Any applications for preliminary or final PUD plans or subdivision plats that are timely filed in accordance with the provisions of this section shall be processed and reviewed by City staff and/or the City's Planning and Zoning Board under the currently existing applicable provisions of the City Code, provided that the Director has determined that all relevant submittal requirements for such applications have been satisfied. Such applications,once filed,shall not be modified or supplemented by the applicant without the written approval of the Director,and the same shall be reviewed by City staff and/or the Planning and Zoning Board at such time as the Director may deem appropriate unless they have been withdrawn by the applicant. The Director shall permit all such modifications of, or additions to, an application as may be approved by the Planning and Zoning Board,as well as such modifications or additions that the Director determines, in his or her discretion,will better advance the objectives of the currently existing applicable provisions of the City Code or the new Land Use Code. Any portions of an overall development plan or preliminary PUD plan not covered by the filing of a completed application for a final PUD plan prior to the expiration of the foregoing period of time will thereafter be of no further force and effect. Section 2. That the section entitled "Preliminary PUD" on Exhibit B to Ordinance No. 161, 1996, "Submittal Requirements for Ordinance No. 161, 1996" dated January 7, 1997, be amended by the addition of a new paragraph to read as follows: 15. Other information and data as the Planning and Zoning Board may require for full and complete consideration of the development. Section 3. That the section entitled "Final PUD" on Exhibit B to Ordinance No. 161, 1996, "Submittal Requirements for Ordinance No. 161, 1996" dated January 7, 1997, be amended by the addition of two new paragraphs to read as follows: 4. Final architectural elevations of all buildings sufficient to convey the exact architectural intent of the proposed improvements including the location of proposed flushwall signs and all exterior building materials and colors. In addition, City staff may require samples of all building materials and colors. 5. Other information and data as the Planning and Zoning Board may require for full and complete consideration of the development. ttii .. • • Introduced,considered favorably on first reading,and ord ished thi?ff ay f July, A.D. 1997, and to be presented for final passage on the 5 y of st, 1997. Mayor ATTEST City Clerk Passed and adopted on final reading this 5th day of August, A.D. 1997. Mayor Pro Tem ATTEST: City Clerk Exhibit "B" Submittal Requirements for Ordinance No. 161, 1996 January 7, 1997 Overall Development Plans 1. Application form and filing fee. 2. An overall development plan shall be submitted containing the following information: • Parcel size. • Existing topographical character of the land at a contour appropriate for the scale of the project; all water courses; floodplains; unique natural features; and significant wildlife areas and vegetative cover, including all trees and shrubs having a diameter greater than two and one-half(2-1/2") inches by species. • Existing zoning. • Maximum height of all structures. • Approximate acreage and density (gross) of each acre; number,height, and type of residential units;floor area,height,and types of business,commercial and industrial uses. • Location and general nature of all structures. • Total land area and approximate locations and amount of open space included in the residential, business, commercial and industrial areas. • Approximate location of proposed and existing major streets and major pedestrian and bicycle routes, including major points of access. • Approximate location and size in acres of any public use proposed such as parks, school sites, and similar public or semi-public uses. • Area shown on the overall development plan shall extend beyond the property lines of the proposal to include a survey of the area within one hundred fifty(150')feet of the proposal, exclusive of public right-of-way, at the same scale as the proposal and include the following: a. Land uses, location of principal structures and major existing landscape features. b. Densities of residential uses. c. Traffic circulation system. d. Natural features of the landscape. e. General topographical mapping at same scale as overall development plan. • A vicinity map of the area surrounding the site within a distance of at least one mile showing at least the following: a. Zoning districts. b. Traffic circulation system. c. Major public facilities. d. Location of existing municipal boundary lines. 3. The Overall Development Plan shall be accompanied by: • The name and address of each owner of property in the overall development plan area. • A list of names and addresses of all owners of record of real property within five hundred(500')feet of the property lines of the parcel of land for which the overall development plan is proposed, exclusive of public right-of-way. The list shall be typed on mailing labels. • A statement of planning objectives, including: a. Statement of appropriate City land use policies achieved by the proposed overall development plan. b. Statement of standards of open space, buffering, landscape and circulation. c. Estimate of number of employees for commercial and industrial uses. d. Description of rationale behind the assumptions and choices made by the applicant. • A legal description of the site. • A statement of proposed ownership of public and private open space areas. • A development phasing schedule including the sequence for each phase, approximate size in areas of each phase, and proposed phasing of construction of public improvements, recreation, and common open space areas. • Conceptual drainage plans. • Other documentation as determined by special circumstances. • One rendered set(not folded)of the overall development plan. • One 8-1/2"x 11"reduction of the overall development plan. • Signed reproducible mylar of the overall development plan. • A list of names of all general and limited partners and/or officers and directors of the corporation involved as either applicants or owners of the planned unit development. Preliminary Planned Unit Development 1. Written documents • Application form and filing fees. • Legal description of the site. • A list of names and addresses of all owners of record of real property within five hundred(500')feet of the property lines of the parcel of land for which the preliminary planned unit development plan is proposed, exclusive of public right-of-way. The list shall be typed on mailing labels. • A statement of planning objectives, including: a. Statement of appropriate City land use policies achieved by the proposed plan. b. Statement of proposed ownership of public and private open space areas; applicant's intentions with regards to future ownership of all or portions of the planned unit development. c. Estimate of number of employees for business, commercial, and industrial uses. d. Description of rationale behind the assumptions and choices made by the applicant. e. The applicant shall submit as evidence of successful completion of the applicable criteria, the completed documents pursuant to these regulations for each proposed use. The Director of Planning may require,or the applicant may choose to submit,evidence that is beyond what is required in that section. Any variance from the criteria shall be described. f. Detailed description of how conflicts between land uses are being avoided or mitigated. g. Completed Energy Conservation Worksheet using either Energy Conservation Method one or two as described in Appendix E of the Land Development Guidance System,calculating the number of energy conservation points to be awarded. • A development schedule indicating the approximate date when construction of the planned unit development can be expected to begin and be completed, including the proposed phasing of construction of public improvements and recreational and common space area. • Traffic Impact Analysis • Hazardous Material Impact Analysis. This analysis shall be required for all development proposals that have potential off-site hazardous materials impacts. The analysis shall conform to the requirements of the Poudre Fire Authority. 2. Preliminary architectural elevations of all buildings sufficient to convey the basic architectural intent of the proposed improvements, including the location of proposed flushwall signs. 3. Site plan drawings of the development, at a scale of either one (I")inch equals fifty (50') feet or one (I")inch equals one-hundred(150") feet, composed of one or more sheets with an outer dimension of twenty-four by thirty-six inches, showing the following information: • Title by which the proposed development is to be referred. • Scale, north point, and date of preparation. • Location of municipal boundaries at or near the development. • Parcel size in gross and net acres, and square feet. • Total number, type, and density per type of dwelling unit. • Total bedrooms per each dwelling unit type. • Residential density (gross). • Estimated total floor area and estimated ratio of floor area to lot size, with a breakdown by land use. • Proposed coverage of buildings and structures, including the following: a. Percentage and square footage of building coverage. b. Percentage and square footage of driveway and parking. c. Percentage and square footage of public street right-of-way. d. Percentage and square footage of open space and/or landscaped areas. e. Percentage and square footage of"active recreational use"area. • Number and location of off street parking, including guest, handicapped, bicycle,and motorcycle parking including typical dimensions of each. • Topographic contours at two (2') foot intervals. • Watercourses,water bodies, and irrigation ditches. • Floodplain as designated in the design in the design criteria as established by the City. • Unique natural features, significant wildlife areas, and vegetative cover, including existing trees and shrubs having a diameter greater than two and one-half(2-1/2") inches by species. • Tentative location and floor area of existing and proposed buildings. • Boundary and square footage of each area designated as active recreational use. • Location of existing and proposed circulation system of arterial, collector, and local streets including off-street parking areas, service areas, loading zones, and major points of access to public rights-of-way including major points of ingress and egress to the development. Notations of proposed ownership,public or private, should be included where appropriate. • Existing zoning. • The proposed treatment of the perimeter of the planned unit development, including materials and techniques used, such as screens, fences,walls, and other landscaping. • Proposed signage. • Listing of specific land uses being proposed. • Area shown on the site plan shall extend beyond the property lines of the proposal to include a survey of the area and uses within one hundred fifty (150') feet of the proposal , exclusive of public right-of-way, at the same scale as the proposal and including the following: a. Land uses and location of principal structures. b. Densities of residential uses. c. Existing trees and major features of landscape. d. Topographic contours at two (2') foot intervals. e. Traffic circulation system. • Vicinity map of the area surrounding the site within a distance of at least one (1) mile showing: a. Zoning Districts. b. Location of existing municipal boundary lines. c. Traffic circulation systems. d. Major public facilities (schools,parks, etc.) • Statement of variances to City design criteria and standards. • The number and percentage of solar-oriented lots in the preliminary plan;and the proposed number and percentage of solar-oriented lots in each phase of development. Each solar-oriented lot shall be identified on the site plan. 4. A general landscaping plan indicating the treatment of materials used for private and common open spaces,including all existing vegetation with identification of trees by sizes and species, and specific proposals to protect and preserve existing trees during and after construction. The scale shown on plant materials shall reflect the size, upon ten(10)years maturity,of such materials, The details of size and species for intended plantings of vegetation will be required at the final plan phase. 5. The existing and proposed utility systems including sanitary sewer, storm sewers, water, electric, gas and telephone lines, fire hydrants and trash collection areas. 6. Street cross sections schematic shall be submitted for each general category of street, including the proposed width, treatment of curbs and gutters, sidewalks systems and bikeway systems where deviations are proposed from the design criteria and standards of the City. 7. Physiographic data, including the following: a. A description of soils existing on the site accompanied by analysis as to the suitability of such soils for the intended construction and proposed landscaping. b. A map showing all permanent and temporary streams and a sketch showing the one hundred year flood plain for each period as designated in the design criteria as established by the City. C. A description of the hydrologic conditions of the site with analysis of water table fluctuation and a statement of site suitability for the intended construction and proposed landscaping. 8. Preliminary drainage report and calculations and/or plan including: a. All watercourses on the property or which are located with one hundred fifty (150') of the property must be shown. In addition, the floodways and/or flood fringe areas of these watercourses must be delineated. b. All drainageways, streets, arroyos, dry gullies, diversion ditches, spillways, reservoirs, etc., which may be incorporated into the storm drainage system for the property shall be designated. C. All irrigation ditches, laterals, and structures shall be shown. d. All required on-site detention areas including notes indicating the approximate area and volume of the facility. e. All plans shall indicate the proposed outlet for the storm drainage from the property including the name of the drainage(where appropriate), the downstream conditions(developed, available drainageways, etc.), and any downstream restrictions. f. Existing and/or proposed grading plan. 9. Location of temporary model homes, sales facilities, and/or construction facilities, including temporary signs and parking lots. 10. Preliminary subdivision plats. 11. One (1) rendered set (unfolded) each of architectural, site plan, and landscaping drawings. 12. 8-1/2"x I I"reduction of all plans and architectural drawings. 13. Impact studies and other studies as the Planning and Zoning Board may require for the full and complete considerations of the planned unit development. 14. A list of names of all general and limited partners and/or officers and directors of the corporation involved as either applicants or owners of the planned unit development. 1 . 1.W 1' All applications for preliminary plats shall be made at a scale of either on (1) inch equals fifty (50 feet or one (1) inch equals one hundred(100)feet and shall be on a reproducible medium of one(1) or more sheets with outer dimensions of twenty-four by thirty-six(2406) inches and shall contain the following information: 1. The proposed name of the subdivision; 2. Location and boundaries of the subdivision, tied to two (2) official United States Government monuments which form a single line; 3. The names and addresses of the subdivider and the engineer or surveyor preparing the plat; 4. The date preparation,the scale and a symbol designating true North; 5. The total acreage contained in the subdivision; 6. The location and dimensions of all existing streets,alleys,easements and watercourses within and adjacent to the subdivision and the names of all such streets; 7. The location and dimensions for all proposed streets, alleys, easements, lot lines and areas to be reserved or dedicated for parks, schools or other public uses and the names of all such streets; 8. Topography at two-foot intervals; 9. Designation of any area subject to inundation; 10. Land use breakdown, including the number of residential lots and typical lot sizes; 11. Proposed sites,if any,for multifamily residential use, business areas, industrial areas, churches or other nonpublic uses exclusive of single-family residential areas; 12. Zoning on adjacent to the subdivision; 13. The names of abutting subdivisions or the names of the owners of abutting unplatted property; 14. The location and size of existing utilities within or adjacent to the subdivision; 15. The number and percentage of solar-oriented lots in the preliminary plat; and the proposed number and percentage of solar-oriented lots in each phase of the development. Each solar-oriented lot shall be identified on the preliminary plat; 16. Such additional information as may be required by the Director of Planning in order to adequately describe proposed utilities systems, surface improvements or other construction projects contemplated within the area to be subdivided. Final Planned Unit Development 1. Application form and filing fee 2. Final site plan shall be submitted on twenty-four by thirty-six inch(24x36)sheets at a scale of one inch (1") equals fifty feet (50'), or two inches (2") inches equals one hundred feet(100'), showing the following: • Land use data(same information as required on the preliminary plan.) • Lot lines, easements,public right-of-ways as per subdivision plat. • Exact location of all buildings and structures and three-dimensional building envelopes dimensioned on at least two (2) sides to the nearest platted property line. • Existing and proposed street(s)with names(s). Designation of street(s)to be public or private. Limits of private accessways to be dedicated as public utility easements and/or as other types of easements. • Location of temporary model homes, sales offices, and/or construction facilities, including temporary signs and parking lots. • The number and percentage of solar oriented lots in the final plan. Each solar oriented lot shall be identified on the site plan. 3. Final Landscape plan including the following: • A landscape plan indicating the treatment of exterior spaces. The design objective of the plan must be clear and supported by written statement. The plan must provide an ample quantity and variety of ornamental plant species which are regarded as suitable for this climate. Landscape treatment must be balanced with both evergreen and deciduous plant material with sufficient use of upright species for vertical control. Plan material selection will be reviewed for adaptability to physical conditions indicated by site plan locations. The landscape plan shall include the following: a. Extent and location of all plant material and other landscape features. Plant material must be identified by direct labeling on the plant or by a clearly understandable legend. b. Flower and shrub bed definition must be clear and drawn to a scale with dimensions. c. Proposed plant material should be indicated at ten (10) years maturity and in appropriate relation to scale. d. Species and size of existing plant materials. e. Proposed treatment of all ground surfaces must be clearly indicated(paving, turf, gravel, grading, etc.) • All plant material must meet specifications of the American Association of Nursery (AAN) for number one grade. All trees must be balled and burlapped, or equivalent. • No Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued for any building on any portion of a planned unit development until the landscaping required y the final landscape plan is in place or a bond, cash deposit, or equivalent is deposited with the city conditioned on and guaranteeing the installation of all landscaping shown on the approved landscape plan, Such bond,cash deposit, or equivalent shall be in the amount of one hundred twenty-five percent (1251/o)of the estimated cost of the landscaping improvements determined by an executed contract to install such landscaping or by adequate appraisals of such cost. Such bond,cash deposit,or equivalent shall further guarantee the continued maintenance and replacement of the landscaping for a period of two (2)years after installation,but the amount of the same shall be reduced after installation is completed to twenty-five(25%)of the actual cost of such landscaping. If the required landscaping is already installed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, a bond in the amount of twenty-five percent (25%) of the actual cost of the landscaping guaranteeing continued maintenance an replacement of the same for a period of two years shall required as a condition of issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. Any bond,cash deposit,or equivalent deposited pursuant to this requirement shall be released upon certification by the Building Inspector that the required landscaping program has been completed and maintained in accordance with the requirements of the bond. If any landscaping required pursuant to this section is not maintained in accordance with the requirements of the final plan, such failure to maintain the landscaping shall be a violation of the code of the City and enforceable as provided by law. : yyyy ... ... :�: .....:. ..:.. .:::..:. . �:c.,,i 901 i _,W" Subdivision Plat 1. A subdivision plat of the site must accompany the final planned unit development plan. This plat must conform to the subdivision requirements of the City, except as waived by the approved preliminary plan for the planned unit development. The subdivision plat shall contain proper dedications for public streets, easements, and all other public right-of-way required by the preliminary plan. Approval by the Planning and Zoning Board of the final plan and subdivision plat,and complete execution,together with all necessary certifications, shall be required before filing of the subdivision plat or issuance of building permits. 2. After Planning and Zoning Board approval of the final planned unit development plan and prior to recording of the subdivision plat,the City shall prepare and present to the developer a draft form of development agreement governing the installation of improvements pertaining to the development, and the developer shall execute a development agreement in proper form providing for the installation of all such improvements. Final detailed engineering plans and related documents for wastewater, water,drainage,street,and all other applicable public improvements must be submitted to and approved by the City prior to the recording of the subdivision plat. 3. Signed, reproducible mylars of all site and landscape plans, architectural elevations, and subdivision plats. 4. 8-1/2"x 11"reduction of all site plans and plans. 5. Other information and data as the Planning and Zoning Board may require for full and complete consideration of the development. 6. A list of names of all general and limited and/or officers and directors of the corporation involved as either applicants or owners of the planned unit development. All applications for Final plats shall be made at a scale of either one(1) inch equals fifty (50)feet or one(1) inch equals one hundred(100) feet and shall be on a reproducible medium of one (1) or more sheets with outer dimensions of twenty-four by thirty-six(2406) inches. The Final plat may constitute only a portion of the territory covered by the preliminary plat. The final plat shall contain the following information: • The name of the subdivision; • The date of preparation,the scale and a symbol designating true North; • A legal description of the property; • A complete description of primary control points to which all dimensions, angle, bearings and similar data on the plat shall be referred; • The boundary lines of the subdivision,rights-of-way of streets,easements and other rights-of-way, irrigation ditches and lot lines, with accurate bearings and distances; • Designation of all streets and other rights-of way, including dimensions and names of such streets; • The location and dimensions of any easements; • The number and percentage of solar oriented lots in the final plan. Each solar oriented lot shall be identified on the final plat; • Identification of each lot or site by a number or designation of the area of each lot in square feet; • The location and description of all monuments found or set in accordance with Section 38-51-101, C. R. S.; • An acknowledgment in the manner of a deed by the owners and proprietors as set forth in Section 31-23-111, C. R. S., of the lands designated upon the plat before an officer authorized to take the acknowledgment; • A statement by the owners dedicating streets, easements,rights-of-way and any site for public use; • Certification by the surveyor or engineer as to the accuracy of the survey and plat; • Appropriate space for the certification of approval by the Planning and Zoning Board; • Appropriate space for the certification of approval by the Director of Engineering of a signed development agreement; • Certification by an attorney licensed to practice law in the state that the "owners and proprietors" as defined in Section 31-23-111, C. R. S., have executed and acknowledged the plat in accordance with Section 31-23-104, C.R.S. + , Minor Subdivision All applications for minor subdivisions shall submit such information as may be required by the Director of Planning and twenty (20) blue or black line prints on twenty-four by thirty-six inch (24x36) paper. The Director may require the submission of separate site and utility plans for the construction of any improvements required or proposed,together with a traffic study, drainage and grading plans and report for the site, and such other plans and documents as are necessary for a full and proper review of the application. The minor subdivision plat shall contain the following information: • A title block shall be located across the top of the plat and shall contain the following: a. Proposed name of the subdivision in prominent letters; b. Location of the area to be subdivided by reference to U.S. survey, public land description or prior platted subdivision; c. Date; d. Horizontal scale which shall be one hundred feet to the inch or larger unless a smaller scale is approved by the Director of Planning; e. Name and address of the owners(s),subdivider and proprietors(as defined by Colorado Statutes) and the name and license number of the land surveyor or engineer. • The plat shall include a vicinity map showing the area within one-half mile of any part of the perimeter of the subdivision; • A signature block shall be included on the plat with provision for the signature of the owners and proprietors of the property, surveyor, Director of Planning, City Engineer, City Clerk, and certifying attorney. • The Director of Planning may require the submission of separate site and utility plans for the construction of any improvements required or proposed, together with a traffic study, drainage and grading plans and report for the site, and such other plans and documents as are necessary for a full and proper review of the application. All such documents shall be submitted in accordance with the form as required by the city Development Manual. • The applicant shall provide to the Planning Department a list of affected property owners within a minimum of five hundred (500) feet at the discretion of the Director of Planning. The list of affected property owners shall be prepared by the applicant and derived from the list of owners of real property as recorded with the Larimer County Assessor's Office. Site Plan Review Site plan reviews for the Highway Commercial(HC), Business Center(BC), Limited Commercial (CL), Limited Industrial (IL), Industrial Park (IP), and River Corridor(RC) zoning districts shall submit a site plan, landscape plan, building elevations and other supporting documentation as outlined in the Final Site Plan submittal requirements.