WHEREAS, on March 18, 1997, by Ordinance No. 51, 1997, the Council of the City of
Fort Collins adopted the Fort Collins Land Use Code (the "Land Use Code"); and
WHEREAS, at the time of the adoption of the Land Use Code, it was the understanding
of staff and Council that the Land Use Code would most likely be subject to future amendments,
not only for the purpose of clarification and correction of errors, but also for the purpose of
ensuring that the Land Use Code remains a dynamic document capable of responding to issues
identified by staff, other land use professionals and citizens of the City; and
WHEREAS, staff and the Planning and Zoning Board have reviewed the Land Use Code
and identified and explored various issues related to the Land Use Code and have made
recommendations to the Council regarding such issues; and
WHEREAS, the Council has determined that the Land Use Code amendments which
have been proposed are in the best interest of the City and its citizens.
FORT COLLINS as follows:
Section 1. That Section 1.4 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by adding a
new subsection 1.4.10 to read as follows:
1.4.10 Rules for Measuring Distances
When a distance is required between uses as set forth in Articles 3 or 4,
the distance shall be measured in a straight line from the closest point on
the boundary line of one property to the closest point on the boundary line
of the other property.
Section 2. That Section 2.1.4(A)(3) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read
as follows:
(3) The owner of the property has obtained permission from the
appropriate decision maker to amend the approved development
plan in accordance with Division 2.2, in which event the property
shall be developed according to the amended plan;
Section 3. That Section 2.2.10(A)(1) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by the
addition of a new subparagraph (e)to read as follows:
(e) the minor amendment does not result in new buildings,
building additions, or site improvements, such as parking
lots and landscaping, that are proposed to be located
outside the boundaries of the approved site specific
development plan.
Section 4. That Section 2.2.10(A)(2) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by the
addition of a new subparagraph(e) to read as follows:
(e) the minor amendment does not result in new buildings,
building additions, or site improvements, such as parking
lots and landscaping, that are proposed to be located
outside the boundaries of the approved site specific
development plan.
Section 5. That Section 2.2.11(A) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read
as follows:
(A) Application Submittals. An application submitted to the city for the
review and approval of a development plan must be diligently pursued and
processed by the applicant. Accordingly, the applicant, within ninety (90)
days of receipt of written comments and notice to respond from the city on
any submittal (or subsequent revision to a submittal) of an application for
approval of a development plan, shall file such additional or revised
submittal documents as are necessary to address such comments from the
city. If the additional submittal information or revised submittal is not
filed within said period of time, the development application shall
automatically lapse and become null and void. The Director may grant
one (1) extension of the foregoing ninety-day requirement, which
extension may not exceed sixty (60) days in length, and one (1) additional
extension which may not exceed thirty (30) days in length. This
subsection (A) shall apply to applications which are, or have been, filed
pursuant to this Land Use Code and to applications which are, or have
been, filed pursuant to the laws of the city for the development of land
prior to the adoption of this Land Use Code.
Section 6. That Section 2.3.2(H)(1) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read
as follows:
(1) The overall development plan shall be consistent with the
permitted uses and applicable zone district standards (Article 4) of
all zone districts contained within the boundaries of the overall
development plan. The Plan shall also be consistent with any zone
district standards (Article 4) and general development standards
(Article 3) that can be applied at the level of detail required for an
overall development plan submittal. If the overall development
plan contains any land within the M-M-N, C-C and/or N-C
Districts, the plan shall be consistent with the block size
requirements for those districts.
Section 7. That Section 2.3.2(H)(4) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read
as follows:
(4) The overall development plan shall conform to the Master Street
Plan requirements and the street pattern/connectivity standards
both within and adjacent to the boundaries of the plan as required
pursuant to Sections 3.6.1 and 3.6.3(A) through (F). The overall
development plan shall identify appropriate transportation
improvements to be constructed and shall demonstrate how the
development, when fully constructed, will conform to the
Transportation Level of Service Requirements as contained in
Section 3.6.4.
Section 8. That Section 2.8.2(H)(1) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read
as follows:
(1) the plan as submitted will promote the general purpose of the
standard for which the modification is requested equally well or
better than would a plan which complies with the standard for
which a modification is requested; or
Section 9. That Section 2.9.2 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as
2.9.2. Applicability
Any and all amendments to the text of this Land Use Code and any and all
changes to the Zoning Map must be processed in accordance with this Division.
Commencing one (1) year after the effective date of this Land Use Code,
amendments to the Zoning Map shall be processed only twice per calendar year
pursuant to the submittal and hearing date schedule established pursuant to
Section 2.2.3(D); provided, however, that this limitation shall not apply to
petitions for amendments to the Zoning Map initiated by the owners of properties
in the Transition District, which petitions shall be governed by the provisions of
Section 4.9(B)(2), or to initial Zoning Map amendments following annexation, or
to Zoning Map amendments which are founded upon the adoption and
implementation of a subarea plan. Only the Council may, after recommendation
of the Planning and Zoning Board, adopt an ordinance amending the text of this
Land Use Code or the Zoning Map in accordance with the provisions of this
Section 10. That the title of Section 2.10 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
Section 11. That Section 2.10.1 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as
2.10.1 Purpose and Applicability
The purpose of this Division is to authorize, in specific cases, variances from the
terms of Articles 3 and 4 or, if applicable, Articles I through IV of the
Transitional Land Use Regulations. However, this variance procedure shall apply
only to approved site specific development plans or to properties that were
developed pursuant to a Building Permit review or use-by-right under prior law
and shall only authorize a variance from the terms of Articles 3 and 4 as provided
in this Division. It shall not authorize a change in use other than to a use that is
allowed subject to Building Permit review. Also, the variance shall not be used
for overall development plans, project development plans or final plans which are
pending approval at the time that the request for the variance is filed. The
process to be used for such pending development applications is the procedure
established in Division 2.8 (Modification of Standards).
Section 12. That the title and opening paragraph of Section 2.10.2 of the Land Use Code
is hereby amended to read as follows:
2.10.2 Variance Review Procedures
A variance shall be processed according to, in compliance with and subject to the
provisions contained in Division 2.1 and Steps 1 through 12 of the Common
Development Review Procedures (Sections 2.2.1 through 2.2.12, inclusive) as
Section 13. That Section 2.10.2(C) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read
as follows:
(C) Step 3 (Development Application Submittal): All items or documents
required for variances as described in the development application
submittal master list shall be submitted. The Director may waive or
modify the foregoing submittal requirements if, given the facts and
circumstances of the specific application, a particular requirement would
either be irrelevant, immaterial, redundant or otherwise unnecessary for
the full and complete review of the application.
Section 14. That Section 2.10.2(G) Step 7(A) of the Land Use Code is hereby
amended to read as follows:
(G) Step 7(A) (Decision Maker): Not applicable, and in substitution for
Section 2.2.7(A), the Zoning Board of Appeals, pursuant to Chapter 2 of
the City Code, shall review, consider and approve, approve with
conditions, or deny applications for variance based on its compliance with
all of the standards contained in Step 8.
Section 15. That Section 2.10.2(H)(2) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
(2) the proposal as submitted will promote the general purposes of the
standard for which the variance is requested equally well or better
than would a proposal which complies with the standard for which
the variance is requested.
Section 16. That Section 2.10.2(K) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read
as follows:
(K) Step 11 (Lapse): Any variance which applies to the issuance of a Building
Permit shall expire six (6) months after the date that such variance was
granted, unless all necessary permits have been obtained; provided,
however, that for good cause shown, the Zoning Board of Appeals may
authorize a longer term if such longer term is reasonable and necessary
under the facts and circumstances of the case, but in no event shall the
period of time for obtaining all necessary permits under a variance exceed
twelve (12) months in length. One (1) six-month extension may be
granted by the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Section 17. That Section 3.2.1(13)(4) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read
as follows:
(4) Tree Species and Minimum Sizes. The Director shall provide a
recommended list of trees which shall be acceptable to satisfy the
requirements for landscape plans, including approved canopy
shade trees that may be used as street trees. The following
minimum sizes shall be required (except as provided in
subparagraph (5)below):
Type Minimum Size
Canopy Shade Tree 2.0" caliper balled and burlapped or equivalent
Evergreen Tree 6.0' height balled and burlapped or equivalent
Ornamental Tree 1.5" caliper balled and burlapped or equivalent
Shrubs 5 gallon or adequate size consistent with design
Canopy Shade Tree
as a street tree on a
Residential Local
Street only 1.25" caliper container or equivalent
Any tree plantings that are in addition to those that are made as part of the
approved landscape plan are exempt from the foregoing size requirements.
Section 18. That Section 3.2.1(D) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by the
addition of a new subparagraph(5)to read as follows:
(5) Reduced Minimum Sizes for Affordable Housing Projects. In any
affordable housing project, the following minimum sizes shall be required:
Type Minimum Size
Canopy Shade Tree 1.0" caliper container or equivalent
Evergreen Tree 4.0'height container or equivalent
Ornamental Tree 1.0" caliper container or equivalent
Shrubs 1 gallon
Canopy Shade Tree
as a street tree on a
Local or Collector
Street only 1.25" caliper container or equivalent
Section 19. That Section 3.2.2(K)(5)(c) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
(c) Marking. Every handicap parking space shall be identified
by a sign, centered between three (3) feet and five (5) feet
above the parking surface, at the head of the parking space.
The sign shall include the international symbol of
accessibility and state RESERVED, or equivalent language.
Section 20. That Section 3.3.2(F)(2) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read
as follows:
(2) Costs and Reimbursements. When any person constructs a street, sidewalk, alley
or path through undeveloped areas or areas that may be redeveloped to serve the
property or constructs such improvements along the perimeter of the property, the
entire cost of such construction (including right-of-way acquisition) shall be the
responsibility of such person. If, within twelve (12) months of the completion
and acceptance by the city of such improvements, the developer installing such
improvements has entered into a reimbursement agreement with the city in the
manner prescribed by this Section, then, at the time such property is developed or
redeveloped and access to such improvements is accomplished, the city may
collect a charge per front foot from the abutting developer prior to the issuance of
any Building Permits for the abutting property; provided, however, that the city
shall not attempt to make such collection unless the reimbursement agreement has
been timely and properly prepared, executed and delivered to the city. If the front
foot charge is collected, the city shall reimburse the installing developer to the
extent of such collection after deducting a service charge of three (3) percent to
cover administrative costs. All costs for the construction (including right-of-way
acquisition) of street improvements must be fully paid by the installing developer
before such person shall be entitled to reimbursement under any agreement
established hereunder. The amount of the reimbursement assessed by the city for
each adjacent property as it develops shall be based on (1) the fair market value
(as determined by the city) of any right-of-way acquired by the installing
developer that was needed for, and is directly attributable to, the improvements,
and (2) the original cost of design and construction of the improvements plus an
adjustment for inflation based on the construction cost index for Denver,
Colorado, as published monthly by "Engineering News Record." In no case shall
the front foot charge reflect less than the original cost as submitted by the
installing developer and approved by the City Engineer. The original cost of the
right-of-way and design and construction shall mean the cost of right-of-way
acquisition, financing, engineering, construction and any other costs actually
incurred which are directly attributable to the improvements, including any costs
incurred for the formation or administration of a special improvement district.
The city's obligation to reimburse the installing developer shall be contingent
upon the city's actual collection of the front foot charge from the abutting
developer. In order to obtain approval of a reimbursement agreement from the
city, the installing developer shall provide the City Engineer with copies of the
following, after acceptance crf the improvements:
(a) real estate closing documents and/or appraisals or other documents
showing to the satisfaction of the city the fair market value of the right-of-
way for the improvements;
(b) an invoice from the installing developer's engineer for any fee assessed on
the project;
(c) the contractor's application for final payment approved by the installing
developer's engineer;
(d) a letter from the installing developer and/or contractor certifying that final
payment has been received by the contractor;
(e) a letter from the installing developer and/or engineer certifying that final
payment of engineering fees has beer_made;
(f) a map prepared by a licensed engineer or surveyor which shows:
1. the location of the improvements constructed;
2. the name of the owner of each property which has frontage along
the improvements;
3. the frontage of each property abutting the improvements, together
with the assessment due based on the original costs;
4. the acreage and parcel number of each property abutting the
5. a reference to the book, page and reception number from the
records of the county Clerk and Recorder where the information
for each property was obtained; and
6. any other information deemed necessary by the City Engineer.
Any right to reimbursement pursuant to this provision shall not exceed a period of
ten (10) years from the acceptance by the city of the street improvements. The
City Council may approve extensions of the reimbursement agreement for
additional ten-year periods. No such reimbursement shall be made unless the
person entitled to reimbursement has fully satisfied his or her obligations under
any other reimbursement agreements with the city.
Section 21. That Section 3.4.4 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as
3.4.4 Noise and Vibration
The proposed land uses and activities shall be conducted so that any noise
generated on the property will not violate the noise regulations contained in the
city's Noise Control Ordinance (Chapter 20, Article II of the City Code), and so
that any vibration created by the use of the property will be imperceptible without
instruments at any point along the property line. Noise generated by emergency
vehicles and airplanes shall be exempted from the requirements of this provision.
Section 22. That Article 3 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by the addition of
a new Division 3.4.9 to read as follows:
3.4.9 Promotion of Conservation
In order to promote the conservation of the Ci's water, soil, electric and natural
gas resources, any provision contained in any private covenant or other agreement
affecting real property made or recorded on or after July 1, 2001, which has the
effect of prohibiting any owner of private property from installing xeriscape
(water-conserving) landscaping, solar/photo-voltaic collectors (if mounted flush
upon any established roofline), clothes lines (if located in backyards and if
completely screened from view from public streets) or odor controlled compost
bins shall be null and void and shall not be enforceable by any person or entity.
Section 23. That Section 3.5.1(D) of the Land Use Code be deleted in its entirety as
follows and all subsequent subparagraphs be renumbered accordingly:
Section 24. That Section 3.5.1(H)(1)(a)4. of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
4. Neighborhood Scale. Buildings or structures
greater than forty (40) feet in height shall be
compatible with the scale of the neighborhoods in
which they are situated in terms of relative height,
height to mass, length to mass, and building or
structure scale to human scale. The transition
between any building or structure over forty (40)
feet in height and the adjacent neighborhood shall
not be abrupt.
Section 25. That Section 3.5.2(C) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as
(C) Relationship of Dwellings to Streets and Parking.
(1) Orientation to a Connecting Walkway. Every front facade with a
primary entrance to a dwelling unit shall face the adjacent street to
the extent reasonably feasible. Every front facade with a primary
entrance to a dwelling unit shall face a connecting walkway with
no primary entrance more than two hundred (200) feet from a
street sidewalk. The. following exceptions to this standard are
(a) Up to two (2) single family detached dwellings on an
individual lot that has frontage on either a public or private
(b) A primary entrance may be up to three-hundred fifty (350)
feet from a street sidewalk if the primary entrance faces and
opens directly onto a connecting walkway that qualifies as
a major walkway spine.
(c) If a multifamily building has more than one (1) front
facade, and if one (1) of the front facades faces and opens
directly onto a street sidewalk, the primary entrances
located on the other front facade(s) need not face a street
sidewalk or connecting walkway.
(2) Street-Facing Facades. Every building containing four (4) or
more dwelling units shall have at least one (1) building entry or
doorway facing any adjacent street that is smaller than a full
arterial or has on-street parking.
Section 26. That Section 3.6.2(L)(2)(e) and (f) of the Land Use Code are hereby
amended to read as follows:
(e) The connection of a private drive with a public street shall
be made in accordance with city street standards.
(fj If drainage from a private drive is channeled or directed to
a public street, such drainage shall be in accordance with
city street standards.
Section 27. That Section 3.6.6 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as
3.6.6 Emergency Access
(A) Purpose. This Section is intended to ensure that emergency vehicles can
gain access to, and maneuver within, the project so that emergency
personnel can provide fire protection and emergency services without
(B) General Standard All developments shall provide adequate access for
emergency vehicles and for those persons rendering fire protection and
emergency services.
(1) Any emergency access requirement may be modified by the Fire
Marshal pursuant to the procedures set forth in the Fire Code when
structures are provided with automatic fire sprinkler systems. Such
modifications may include access distances longer than one
hundred fifty (150) feet, narrower road widths, increased grade,
reduced turnarounds and longer dead-end distances.
(C) Building Placement. All portions of the exterior wall of the first story of
any structure must be located within one hundred fifty (150) feet of a
public street (except major arterial streets) or an approved fire access road
in which fire apparatus can be maneuvered.
(D) Emergency Fire Access Roads.
(1) Emergency fire access roads may be public streets (except arterial
streets) and alleys, parking lots, private streets or similar vehicular
access roads. Driveways serving detached, individual dwelling
units need not meet fire access road criteria if they do not exceed
one hundred(100) feet in length.
(2) The minimum unobstructed width of an emergency fire access
road shall be twenty (20) feet, except that upon the written
authorization of the fire chief, sixteen (16) feet may be approved
for residential local streets provided that such streets comply with
all other applicable requirements contained in the Fire Code.
(3) The minimum unobstructed width shall be thirty (30) feet for
access roads serving buildings three (3) stories or more in height
on at least one (1) side of the building. The building height shall
be measured from the access road grade.
(4) Emergency fire access roads may be used in commercial and
multi-family projects when they can be designed into the normal
traffic circulation patterns. All emergency fire access roads shall
conform to all other emergency fire access road criteria. Approval
of any emergency fire access road shall be contingent upon the
ability of the emergency fire access road to be maintained
continuously and under all weather conditions and must meet the
following minimum additional requirements:
(a) the width must be a minimum of twenty(20) feet;
(b) the surface must be all-weather;
(c) the surface must be capable of supporting fire-fighting
(d) any access-limiting devices, if employed, must be
(e) all required emergency access roads, including public
streets, shall be installed and serviceable before
commencement of above-ground construction.
(f) Dead-ends.
1. Any dead-end fire access road that exceeds one
hundred fifty (150) feet in length shall be provided with a
minimum eighty(80) foot diameter turnaround.
2. No dead-end length for an emergency fire access
road shall exceed six hundred sixty(660) feet.
(g) Turning Radius. The minimum turning radius for
emergency fire access roads and in parking lots shall be
twenty(20) feet inside and forty (40) feet outside.
(h) Road Surface. The surface of all emergency fire access
roads shall be of an approved hard surface or compacted
road base capable of supporting fully loaded fire apparatus.
All surfaces shall be maintainable in all weather conditions,
including snow removal. Any bridges or culverts must
meet HS 20 design criteria. Grass-crete and similar soft
surface materials shall be prohibited.
(i) Easements. All emergency fire access roads shall have
properly recorded emergency access easements.
(j) Vertical Clearance. The minimum vertical clearance shall
be thirteen(13) feet six (6) inches.
(k) Grade. The maximum grade of an emergency fire access
road shall be eight (°)•percent.
(E) Parking Control Approved "No parking - Fire Lane" signs shall be
provided along curbs where parking could obstruct the minimum width
and turning radius. Curbs in these areas shall be painted red.
(F) Fences. Fences that obstruct the one hundred fifty (150) foot access
distance for the laying of the fire hose from the fire truck to the side or
rear of the structure shall be provided with gates.
(G) Street Names. Street names shall not duplicate existing street names in
the city or the Poudre Valley Fire Protection District. Secondary streets
such as courts, lanes and ways may have the same name as the primary
street, provided they are connected directly to the primary street and are in
close proximity to each other. Street names in the same direction may
change only at arterial streets. Street layout shall incorporate the standard
north-south and east-west numbering.system. Emergency fire access roads
shall be provided with approved street signs. (See also 97 Uniform Fire
Code Section 901.4.4)
Section 28. That Section 3.7.2(B) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as
(B) Developments Outside the Urban Growth Area. No development
application shall be accepted or approved as part of an
annexation petition if the proposed development is located outside the
Urban Growth Area.
Section 29. That Section 3.7.3(F) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as
(F) Transportation APF Exception. Nominal Impact. For the purpose of the
transportation APF requirements contained in this Section, a proposed
development shall be deemed to have a nominal impact and shall not be subject to
the APF requirements for transportation if the development proposal generates
less than fifty (50) peak hour trips as defined by the Transportation Impact Study
guidelines maintained by the city.
Section 30. That Section 3.8.6(A) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as
(A) Residential group homes shall conform to the lot area and separation
requirements specified in the following table:
number of Additional lot Maximum Minimum
residents area for each permissible separation
Zone excluding additional residents, requirements
supervisors,for resident excluding between any other
minimum lot (square feet) supervisors group home
size (feet)
U-E 3 2,000 8 1,500
R-L, N-C-L, H-C, 3 1,500 8 1,500
L-M-N, N-C-M, 6 750 8 1,000
N-C-B, D, C-N, 6 500 8 700
C-C-N, M-M-N,
N-C, C, C-C, C-L,
* The minimum separation distance required between group homes that are located
in different zone districts shall be the one that requires the greatest distance.
Section 31. That Section 3.8.6(13) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as
(B) Large group care facilities shall conform to the lot area and separation
requirements specified in the following table:
number of Additional lot Maximum Minimum
residents area for each permissible separation
Zone excluding additional residents, requirementsbetween any other
supervisors,for resident excluding group home
minimum lot (square feet) supervisors
size (feet)
L-M-N, N-C-M, 6 750 15 1,000
N-C-B, D, C-N, 6 500 20** 700
C-C-N, M-M-N,
N-C, C, C-C, C-L,
* The minimum separation distance required between group homes
that are located in different zone districts shall be the one that
requires the greatest distance.
** The decision maker may determine a higher maximum number of
residents to be allowed to occupy the facility upon finding that the
facility as so occupied will satisfy the following criteria:
Section 32. That Section 3.8.7(E)(2) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read
as follows:
(2) Signs regulated under this Section shall also conform to any
locational requirements imposed by the decision maker as a
condition of the approval of the development plan.
Section 33. That Section 3.8.7(E) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by the
addition of a new subparagraph (11) to read as follows and all subsequent subparagraphs be
renumbered accordingly:
(11) The location of any flushwall sign shall be positioned to
harmonize with the architectural character of the
building(s) to which they are attached, including but not
limited to any projection, relief, cornice, column, change of
building material, window or door opening. Flushwall
signs shall align with other such signs on the same
Section 34. That Section 3.8.13(B) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read
as follows:
(B) Co-location. No wireless telecommunication facility or equipment owner
or lessee or employee thereof shall act to exclude or attempt to exclude
any other wireless telecommunication provider from using the same
building, structure or location. Wireless telecommunication
facility/equipment owners or lessees or employees thereof; and applicants
for the approval of plans for the installation of such facilities/equipment,
shall cooperate in good faith to achieve co-location of wireless
telecommunication facilities and equipment. Any application for the
approval of a plan for the installation of wireless telecommunication
facilities/equipment shall include documentation of the applicant's good
faith efforts toward such cooperation.
Section 35. That Section 4.4(B)(2)(b)l. of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
1. Places of worship or assembly with a building footprint which does
not exceed a total of twenty five thousand(25,000) square feet.
Section 36. That Section 4.4(B)(2)(c)3. of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
3. Neighborhood centers consisting of at least two (2)
of the following uses: mixed-use dwelling units;
retail stores with less than five thousand (5,000)
square feet of building footprint area; convenience
retail stores; personal and business service shops;
small animal veterinary facilities; offices, financial
services and clinics containing less than five
thousand (5,000) square feet of building footprint
area; community facilities; neighborhood
support/recreation facilities; schools, child care
centers; and places of worship or assembly.
Section 37. That Section 4.4(B)(3)(b) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by the
addition of a new subparagraph 4. to read as follows:
4. Places or worship or assembly with a building
footprint which exceeds a total of twenty five
thousand(25,000) square feet.
Section 38. That Section 4.4(D)(1)(b) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
(b) The maximum density of any development plan taken as a
whole shall be eight (8) dwelling units per gross acre of
residential land, except that affordable housing projects
(whether approved pursuant to overall development plans
or project development plans) containing ten (10) acres or
less may attain a maximum density, taken as a whole, of
twelve (12) dwellings units per gross acre of residential
Section 39. That Section 4.4(D)(3)(c) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
(c) Land Use Requirements. A neighborhood center shall
include two (2) or more of the following uses: mixed-use
dwelling units; community facilities; neighborhood
support/recreation facilities; schools; child care centers;
places of worship or assembly; convenience retail stores;
offices, financial services and clinics; personal or business
service shops; standard or fast food restaurants; small
animal veterinary clinics; and artisan or photography
studios or galleries. No drive-in facilities shall be
permitted. A neighborhood center shall be a maximum of
five (5) acres in size, excluding such portion of the
neighborhood center which is composed of a school, park,
place of worship and assembly and/or outdoor space as
defined in subparagraph(e) of this Section.
Section 40. That Section 4.4(E)(2)(b) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read
as follows:
(b) Maximum Size. No building footprint shall exceed a total
of twenty thousand (20,000) square feet, with the exception
of schools and places of worship and assembly.
Section 41. That Section 4.5(D)(3) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as
(3) Access to a park, central feature or gathering place. At least
ninety (90) percent of the dwellings in all development projects
greater than two (2) acres in gross area shall be located within one
thousand three hundred twenty (1,320) feet (one-quarter ['/4] mile)
of either a neighborhood park, a privately owned park or a central
feature or gathering place that is located either within the project or
within adjacent development, which distance shall be measured
along street frontage without crossing an arterial street. Such
parks, central features or gathering places shall contain one (1) or
more of the following uses:
(a) Public parks,recreation areas or other open lands.
(b) Privately-owned parks, meeting the following criteria:
1. Size. In development projects greater than two (2)
acres in gross area, such private parks must be a
minimum of ten thousand (10,000) square feet. In
development projects with a gross area of two (2)
acres or less, such private parks must be a minimum
of six (6)percent of the gross site area.
2. Location. Such parks shall be highly visible, secure
settings formed by the street layout and pattern of
lots and easily observed from streets. Rear facades
and rear yards of dwellings shall not abut more than
two (2) sides or more than fifty (50) percent of the
perimeter tro Cage of the park.
3. Accessibility. All parts of such parks shall be safely
and easily accessible by pedestrians, and open to the
4. Facilities. Such parks shall consist of multiple-use
turf areas, walking paths, plazas, pavilions, picnic
tables, benches or other features for various age
groups to utilize.
5. Ownership and Maintenance. Such parks may, in
the discretion of the city, be acquired by the city
(through dedication or purchase), or be privately-
owned and maintained by the developer or property
owners' association.
6. Storm Drainage. When integrating storm drainage
and detention functions to satisfy this requirement,
the design of such facilities shall not result in slopes
or gradients that conflict with other recreational and
civic purposes of the park.
(c) Community facilities or neighborhood support/recreation
facilities (which are permitted as an accessory use to
housing). If such facility is smaller than the required
minimum size for privately-owned parks as required in
subparagraph (b) above, then the facility shall be physically
integrated with such park space as needed to meet the
required minimum size.
Section 42. That Section 4.9(B)(2) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as
(2) The owner of any property in the T District may at any time
petition the city to remove the property from this zone district and
place it in another zone district. Unless the following time
limitations are waived by the petitioner, any such petition shall be
referred to the Planning and Zoning Board to be considered at the
next regular meeting of such board which is scheduled at least
fifteen (15) days from the date the petition is filed with the City
Clerk. Within sixty (60) days from the date the matter is
considered by the board, the City Council shall change the zoning
for the property in question to another zone district authorized
under this Article.
Section 43. That parts B. and C. of the chart contained in Section 4.12(B)(2) of the
Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Places of worship or Type I Type 1 Not Permitted
Public and private schools BP Type 1 Type 1
(colleges, universities,
vocation training)
Public and private schools Type 2 Type 2 Type 2
(elementary, intermediate
and high school
Community facilities Type 1 Type 1 Type 1
Long-term care facilities Type 2 Type 2 Type 2
Public facilities BP Type 1 Type 1
Parks, recreation and Type 1 Type 1 Type 1
other open lands, except
neighborhood parks as
defined by the Parks and
Recreation Policy Plan
Transit facilities (without Type 2 Type 2 Type 2
Jails, detention and penal Not Permitted Not Permitted Type 2
Bed and breakfast BP Type 1 Type 1
Standard restaurants BP Type 1 Type 1
Retail establishments BP Type 2 Type 2
Grocery stores Not Permitted Type 1 Type 1
Personal and business BP Type 1 Type 1
service shops
Offices, financial services BP Type 1 Type 1
and clinics
Artisan, photography BP Type 1 Type 1
galleries and studios
Limited indoor recreation BP Type 1 Type 1
Fast food restaurants BP Type 1 Type 1
Gasoline stations Not Permitted Type 2 Type 2
Bars and taverns BP Type 2 Type 2
Night clubs BP Type 2 Type 2
Entertainment facilities BP Type 2 Type 1
and theaters
Child care centers Type 1 Type 1 Type 1
Clubs and lodges BP Type 1 Type 1
Funeral homes Not Permitted Type 2 Not Permitted
Lodging establishments Type 2 Type 2 Type 2
Health and membership BP Type 1 Type 1
Parking lots and garages Type 2 Type 2 Type 2
(as a principal use)
Veterinary Not Permitted Type 2 Type 2
facilities/small animal
Supermarkets Not Permitted Type 2 Type 2
Open-air farmers markets Type 1 Type 1 Type 1
Large retail Type 2 Type 2 Type 2
Print shops Type I Type 1 Type 1
Dog day-care facilities Not Permitted Type 2 Type 2
Food catering BP BP BP
Exhibit halls BP Type 2 Type 1
Conference/convention BP Type 2 Type 2
Section 44. That Section 5.1.2 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by the
addition of a new definition of"change of use" to read as follows:
Change of use shall mean the act of changing the occupancy of a building or land from a
use that is specifically listed as a "Permitted Use" in Article 4 to a different use that is
specifically listed as a"Permitted Use" in Article 4. A change of use occurs whenever:
(A) the occupancy of a single-tenant building or of a parcel of land changes from the
most recent previously existing use to a different use;
(B) the occupancy of a tenant space in a multi-tenant building changes to a use that is
not currently existing in another tenant space of the building or that did not
previously exist in any tenant space of the building within the last twelve (12)
months; or
(C) the most recent previously existing use of a building or land has been abandoned,
by cessation of active and continuous operations during a period of twelve (12)
consecutive months, and either the same type of use is proposed to be re-
established or a different use that did not exist on the property is proposed to be
Section 45. That subparagraph (B)(2) of the definition of "development" in Section
5.1.2 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
(B) Development shall not include:
(2) work by any public utility for the purpose of inspecting, repairing,
renewing or constructing, on public rights-of-way, any mains,
pipes, cables, utility tunnels, power lines, towers, poles, tracks or
the like; provided, however, that this exemption shall not include
work by a public utility in constructing or enlarging mass transit or
railroad depots or terminals or any similar traffic-generating
Section 46. That the definition of "large retail establishment" in Section 5.1.2 of the
Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Large retail establishment shall mean a retail establishment, or any combination of retail
establishments in a single building or in separate but abutting buildings, or a movie
theater or an indoor recreational use, occupying more than twenty-five thousand (25,000)
gross square feet of floor area, except that no supermarket shall be deemed to be a large
retail establishment.
Section 47. That the definition of"parks, recreation and open lands" in Section 5.1.2
of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Parks, recreation and open lands shall mean natural areas as described in the Natural
Areas Policy Plan, parks and recreation facilities as described in the Parks and Recreation
Policy Plan whether such facilities are owned or operated by the city or by another not-
for-profit organization, environmental interpretation facilities, outdoor environmental
research or education facilities, or public outdoor places.
Section 48. That the definition of"plant nursery and greenhouse" in Section 5.1.2 of
the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Plant nursery and greenhouse shall mean any land or structure used primarily to raise
trees, shrubs, flowers or other plants for sale or for transplanting and may include the sale
of non-living landscape and decorating products.
Section 49. That the definition of"recycling facility" in Section 5.1.2 of the Land Use
Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Recycling facility shall mean a building or land used for the collection and/or processing
of recyclable material. Processing shall mean the preparation of material for efficient
shipment by such means as baling, compacting, flattening, grinding, crushing,
mechanical sorting or cleaning. Such a facility, if entirely enclosed within a building or
buildings, shall be considered a warehouse.
Section 50. That the definition of"warehouse and distribution" in Section 5.1.2 of the
Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Warehouse and distribution shall mean. a use engaged in storage, wholesale, and
distribution of manufactured products, supplies or equipment, including accessory offices
or showrooms, and including incidental retail sales, but excluding bulk storage of
materials that are inflammable or explosive or that create hazardous or commonly
recognized offensive conditions, and where the products, supplies, or equipment that are
distributed from the facility are not used or consumed on the premises.
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published in summary form
this 5th day of June,A.D. 2001,and to be presented for final passage on the 19th day of June, A.D.
City Clerk
Passed and adopted on final reading this 19th day of June, A.D. 2001.
City Clerk