WHEREAS, on March 18, 1997, by Ordinance No. 51, 1997, the Council of the
City of Fort Collins adopted the Fort Collins Land Use Code (the "Land Use Code"); and
WHEREAS, at the time of the adoption of the Land Use Code, it was the
understanding of staff and Council that the Land Use Code would most likely be subject
to future amendments, not only for the purpose of clarification and correction of errors,
but also for the purpose of ensuring that the Land Use Code remains a dynamic document
capable of responding to issues identified by staff, other land use professionals and
citizens of the City; and
WHEREAS, the staff of the City and the Planning and Zoning Board have
reviewed the Land Use Code and identified and explored various issues related to the
Land Use Code and have made recommendations to the Council regarding such issues;
WHEREAS, the Council has determined that the Land Use Code amendments
which have been proposed are in the best interest of the City and its citizens.
OF FORT COLLINS that the Land Use Code is hereby amended as follows:
Section 1. That Section 3.2.2(K)(1) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended
by the addition of a new subparagraph (b) which reads in its entirety as follows and all
subsequent paragraphs renumbered accordingly:
(b) Multi-family, Attached or Two-family Projects
Developed with Internal Streets: Parking on an
internal street fronting on a lot or tract containing
multi-family, attached or two-family dwellings
(except for mixed use dwellings and single-family
detached dwellings) may be counted to meet the
parking requirements for the development.
Section 2. That Section 3.2.2(K)(5)(d) of the Land Use Code is hereby
amended to read as follows:
(d) Each parking lot shall contain at least the minimum
specified number of handicap spaces as provided in
the table below. When only one (1) such space is
required, that space shall be designated as a van
accessible space, and must be a minimum of eight
(8) feet wide and adjoin a minimum eight (8) foot
wide access aisle.
Section 3. That Section 3.5.1(B) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
(B) Architectural Character. New developments in or adjacent to
existing developed areas shall be compatible with the established
architectural character of such areas by using a design that is
complementary. In areas where the existing architectural character
is not definitively established, or is not consistent with the
purposes of this Land Use Code, the architecture of new
development shall set an enhanced standard of quality for future
projects or redevelopment in the area. Compatibility shall be
achieved through techniques such as the repetition of roof lines,
the use of similar proportions in building mass and outdoor spaces,
similar relationships to the street, similar window and door
patterns, and/or the use of building materials that have color shades
and textures similar to those existing in the immediate area of the
proposed infill development. Brick and stone masonry shall be
considered compatible with wood framing and other materials.
Section 4. That the title of Section 3.5.2(D) of the Land Use Code is hereby
amended to read as follows:
(D) Residential Building Setbacks, Lot Width and Size.
Section 5. That Section 3.5.2(D)(3) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended
to read as follows:
(3) Side and Rear Yard Setbacks. The minimum side yard
setback for all residential buildings and for all detached
accessory buildings that are incidental to the residential
building shall be five (5) feet from the property line, except
for alley-accessed garages for which the minimum setback
shall be eight (8) feet. If a zero-lot line development plan
is proposed, a single six-foot minimum side yard is
required. Rear yard setbacks in residential areas shall be a
minimum of eight (8) feet from the rear property line,
except for garages and storage sheds not exceeding eight
(8) feet in height, where the minimum setback shall be zero
(0) feet.
Section 6. That Section 3.5.2(D) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by
the addition of a new subparagraph (5) which reads in its entirety as follows:
(5) Maximum Size of Detached Accessory Buildings. Any detached
accessory building that is incidental to a single-family or two-
family dwelling shall contain a maximum of eight hundred (800)
square feet of floor area, except that the size of such building may
be increased by the minimum amount necessary to accommodate a
handicap accessible parking bay when such a bay is required by
the city's Building Code.
Section 7. That Section 3.5.3(D)(1) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended
to read as follows:
(1) Site-Specific Design. Building design shall contribute to the
uniqueness of a zone district, and/or the Fort Collins community
with predominant materials, elements, features, color range and
activity areas tailored specifically to the site and its context. In the
case of a multiple building development, each individual building
shall include predominant characteristics shared by all buildings in
the development so that the development forms a cohesive place
within the zone district or community. A standardized prototype
design shall be modified as necessary to comply with the
requirements of this subsection.
Section 8. That Section 3.5.5(A) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
(A) Purpose. Neighborhood convenience shopping centers are intended to
provide locations for small scale, everyday shopping and services
assembled together in an attractive, convenient destination to primarily
serve consumer demand from adjacent areas. These standards supplement
the general standards for all commercial and mixed use development, in
order to promote development in which the commercial component is
tempered as needed to reflect neighborhood character and minimize the
garish or intrusive characteristics of commercial development.
Section 9. That Section 3.5.5(C)(1) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended
to read as follows:
(1) Architectural Style. Standardized architecture, recognized as a
prototype of a larger chain of establishments, shall be customized
as necessary to express a level of quality that enhances the
distinctive character of the immediate neighborhood and the city as
a whole. Forms and finish materials of buildings, signage,
gasoline pump canopies and other accessory structures shall be
compatible with the architectural character of the adjacent area
through compliance with the following standards:
Section 10. That Section 3.8.3(1) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
(1) Such use shall be conducted entirely within a dwelling and carried
on by the inhabitants of the dwelling with not more than one (1)
additional employee or co-worker. The hours of operation during
which clients, customers, employees or co-workers are allowed to
come to the home in connection with the business activity are
limited to between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday through
Section 11. That Sections 4.1(B)(3)(c), 4.3(B)(3)(c), 4.4(B)(2)(c), 4.5(B)(2)(c),
4.7(B)(1)(c), 4.8(B)(1)(c), 4.12(B)(1) table — all sub districts, 4.13(B)(3)(c),
4.14(B)(2)(c), 4.15(B)(2)(c), 4.16(B)(2)(c), 4.17(B)(3)(b), 4.18(B)(2)(c), 4.19(B)(2)(c),
4.20(B)(1)(c), 4.21(B)(2), 4.22(B)(2)(c), 4.23(B)(3)(c) and 4.24(B)(2)(c) be amended to
add "Elderly day care center" as a permitted use with said amendment to occur as the last
enumerated item in the list of permitted uses contained in each Section.
Section 12. That Section 4.5(B)(1)(a)1. of the Land Use Code is hereby
amended to read as follows:
1. Accessory buildings.
Section 13. That Section 4.5(B)(2)(d)of the Land Use Code is hereby deleted
in its entirety.
Section 14. That Section 4.5(D)(3) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
(3) Access to a park, central feature or gathering place. At least
ninety (90) percent of the dwellings in all development projects
shall be located within one thousand three hundred twenty (1,320)
feet (one-quarter [1/a] mile) of either a neighborhood park, a
privately owned park or a central feature or gathering place that is
located either within the project or within adjacent development,
which distance shall be measured along street frontage without
crossing an arterial street. Such parks, central features or gathering
places shall contain one (1) or more of the following uses:
Section 15. That Section 4.9(B)(1)(b) of the Land Use Code is hereby
amended to read as follows:
(b) After the property has been placed in the T District,
the Zoning Board of Appeals may grant a variance in
accordance with Division 2.10 permitting installation
or enlargement of a permanent structure containing a
use which was existing at the time the property was
placed in this District, or containing a use which is
ancillary to such existing use. When applying the
standards of Division 2.10.2(H), Section 2.10.2(H)(2)
shall not apply.
Section 16. That the land use "Grocery stores" contained in Section C. of the
chart contained in Section 4.12(B)(2) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as
Land Use Old City Center Canyon Avenue Civic Center
Grocery stores(occupying Type 1 Type 1 Type 1
between five thousand
[5,000] and twenty-five
thousand[25,000] square
Section 17. That Section 4.16(D)(3)(a)3. of the Land Use Code is hereby
deleted in its entirety.
Section 18. That Section 4.21(B)(2)(c) of the Land Use Code is hereby
amended by the addition of a new subparagraph 6 which reads in its entirety as follows:
6. Small animal veterinary clinics.
Section 19. That Section 4.24(B)(1)(a)l. of the Land Use Code is hereby
amended to read as follows:
1. Accessory buildings.
Section 20. That Section 4.24(B)(2)(d) of the Land Use Code is hereby deleted
in its entirety.
Section 21. That Section 5.1.2 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by the
addition of a new definition Carriage house which reads in its entirety as follows:
Carriage house shall mean a single-family detached dwelling that is located
behind a separate, principal dwelling on the same lot, where the carriage house is
attached to a garage that serves as the only garage space for the principal
Section 22. That the definition of "Convenience shopping center" contained
Section 5.1.2 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Convenience shopping center shall mean a shopping and service center situated
on seven (7) or fewer acres with four (4) or more business establishments with
separate exterior entrances, located in a complex which is planned, developed and
managed as a single unit, and located within and intended to primarily serve the
consumer demands of adjacent employment areas. The principal uses permitted
include retail stores; business services; convenience retail stores with fuel sales
(possibly including an accessory one-bay automatic carwash); personal business
and service shops; standard or fast food restaurants (without drive-up windows);
vehicle minor repair, servicing and maintenance uses; liquor sales (for on- or off-
premise consumption); beauty or barber shops; dry-cleaning outlets; equipment
rental (not including outdoor storage); limited indoor recreational uses; pet shops;
and uses of similar character. Secondary uses may include professional offices;
limited banking services such as branch banks (with limited drive-up facilities)
and automated teller machines; multi-family dwellings; medical offices and
clinics; small animal veterinary clinics; child care centers; and elderly day-care
Section 23. That Section 5.1.2 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by the
addition of a new definition "Elderly day care center" which reads in its entirety as
Elderly day care center shall mean a non-residential facility providing for the
care, supervision, protection and social activities of persons over sixty (60) years
of age during normal daytime working hours but does not provide residential,
overnight or twenty-four(24)hour services.
Section 24. That the definition of "Zero lot line development plan" contained
in Section 5.1.2 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Zero lot line development plan shall mean a development plan where one (1) or
more dwellings (limited to single-family detached or single-family attached
dwellings) are placed on lots in such a manner that at least one (1) of the
dwelling's sides rests directly on a lot line, as measured from the outer edge of the
dwelling's foundation at the ground line, so as to enhance the usable open space
on the lot.
Introduced and considered favorably on first reading and ordered published this
3rd day of June, A.D. 2003, and to be presented for final passage on the 17th day of
June, A.D. 2003.
City Clerk
Passed and adopted on"final reading this 17th day of June, A.D. 2003.
Mayor Pro Tem
City Clerk