HomeMy WebLinkAbout140 - 10/21/1997 - APPROPRIATING PRIOR YEAR RESERVES AND UNANTICIPATED REVENUE IN VARIOUS FUNDS AND AUTHORIZING TRANSFE ORDINANCE NO. 140, 1997 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS APPROPRIATING PRIOR YEAR RESERVES AND UNANTICIPATED REVENUE IN VARIOUS CITY FUNDS AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF APPROPRIATED AMOUNTS BETWEEN FUNDS WHEREAS,Article V, Section 9 of the Charter of the City of Fort Collins, (the "Charter") permits the City Council to appropriate by ordinance at any time during the fiscal year such funds for expenditure as may be available from reserves accumulated in prior years, notwithstanding that such reserves were not previously appropriated; and WHEREAS, Article V, Section 9, of the Charter also permits the City Council to make supplemental appropriations by ordinance at any time during the fiscal year,provided that the total amount of such supplemental appropriations,in combination with all previous appropriations for that fiscal year,do not exceed the then current estimate of actual and anticipated revenues to be received during the fiscal year; and WHEREAS,Article V, Section 10, of the Charter authorizes the City Council to transfer by ordinance any unexpended and unencumbered amount or portion thereof from one fund or capital project to another fund or capital project, provided the purpose for which the transferred funds are to be expended remains unchanged or no longer exists; and WHEREAS, the City has prior year reserves, excess revenue, and unanticipated revenue available to appropriate; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to provide for the expenditures listed below and the City Manager recommends that these expenditures be made. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS that the transfers of funds indicated below are hereby authorized,and the following funds are hereby appropriated for the purposes set forth below: A. GENERAL FUND La. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Miscellaneous Police) $ 81,698 FOR: Police Services $ 81,698 1.b. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Federal Grant) $ 75,000 FOR: Police Services - COPS AHEAD $ 75,000 1 1.c. TRANSFER FROM: Police Operating Budget $ 76,218 TO: Federal COPS AHEAD Grant (#84530) $ 76,218 2. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Charges to other Departments) $ 327,952 FOR: TRANSFER to Capital Projects Fund (Item L5) $ 327,952 3. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (House Rental) $ 8,097 FOR: Right-of-Way $ 8,097 4. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Building Rental) $ 5,427 FOR: Right-of-Way $ 5,427 5. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Retreat Fees & Contributions) $ 4,015 FOR: Multicultural Commission $ 4,015 6. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Neighborhood Compatibility Fees) $ 5,751 FOR: Current Planning $ 5,751 7. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Natural Resources Misc.) $ 24,084 FOR: Natural Resources $ 24,084 8. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Insurance Recovery) $ 13,355 FOR: Police $ 10,152 FOR: Forestry $ 3,203 9. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Insurance Recovery) $ 9,445 FOR: Police Services $ 6,947 FOR: Forestry $ 2,498 10. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Rental Seminar) $ 3,080 FOR: Policy Agenda $ 3,080 11. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Misc. Revenue) $ 8,935 FOR: Election Expenses $ 8,935 12. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Training) $ 18,523 FOR: Human Resources Training $ 18,523 13. APP. FROM: Funds Transferred from Benefits Fund (Item P.1) $ 10,000 FOR: Human Resources $ 10,000 14. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Demolition Review Fee) $ 2,750 FOR: Historic Preservation $ 2,750 2 15. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (State Tax Credit) $ 750 FOR: Advance Planning $ 750 16. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Miscellaneous) $ 2,673 FOR: ICS Expenses $ 2,673 17. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Web Page Development) $ 336 FOR: ICS Salaries $ 336 18. APP. FROM: Funds Transferred from Communications Fund (Item K.1) $ 65,000 FOR: Computer Software $ 55,000 Computer Hardware $ 10,000 APP. FROM: Funds Transferred from Communications Fund (Item K.1) $ 15,000 FOR: ICS E-mail $ 15,000 19. APP. FROM: Funds Transferred from Communications Fund (Item P.2) $ 80,792 FOR: General Fund Expenses $ 80,792 20. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue $ 30,000 FOR: CPES Administration Conference Expenses $ 30,000 21. APP. FROM: General Fund Reserve for Productivity Savings $ 176,806 FOR: Current Planning $ 30,000 Building &Zoning $ 10,000 Human Rights Ordinance $ 6,000 Facilities $ 9,150 Finance System $ 100,000 City Attorney $ 7,500 Municipal Court $ 14,156 B. CULTURAL SERVICES AND FACILITIES FUND 1. APP. FROM: Prior Year Reserves $ 106,076 FOR: Lincoln Center $ 106,076 2. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Fort Fund Grants) $ 3,100 FOR: Museum Operations $ 3,100 3. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Miscellaneous Revenue) $ 66 FOR: Museum Operations $ 66 3 4. TRANSFER FROM: Museum Operations $ 20,000 TO: Museum Projects -NEH Permanent Exhibit $ 20,000 5. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Donations) $ 6,930 FOR: Museum Operations $ 6,930 6. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (State Historical Fund) $ 52,481 APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Smithsonian Institute) $ 5,000 FOR: Museum Projects - Colorado Ancient People's Grant $ 57,481 TRANSFER FROM: Museum Operations $ 12,494 TO: Museum Projects - Colorado Ancient People's Grant $ 12,494 7. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (State Historical Fund) $ 28,183 APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Museum Development Donations) $ 8,273 FOR: Museum Projects - Diamond T Firetruck Restoration $ 36,456 TRANSFER FROM: Museum Operations $ 1,000 TO: Museum Projects - Diamond T Firetruck Restoration $ 1,000 8. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Boxelder School Tuition/Supplies) $ 2,429 FOR: Museum Operations - Boxelder Summer School Reimbursement $ 2,429 C. TRANSPORTATION SERVICES FUND - STREETS DEPARTMENT 1. APP. FROM: Prior Year Reserves $ 350,000 FOR: Streets Department Work for Others Program $ 350,000 D. TRANSPORTATION SERVICES FUND - TRAFFIC OPERATIONS 1. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Insurance Recovery) $ 8,809 FOR: Traffic Operations Traffic Construction Program $ 8,809 2. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue(Traffic Construction) $ 120,000 FOR: Traffic Operations Traffic Construction Program $ 120,000 E. TRANSPORTATION SERVICES FUND - TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 1. APP. FROM: Prior Year Reserves $ 25,479 FOR: Transportation Planning (Harmony Transfer Center) $ 25,479 4 2. Contingent upon the final adoption of GID #1 Ordinance No. 40: APP. FROM: Funds Transferred from General Improvement District 41 $ 50,000 FOR: LaPorte Avenue/College Avenue Intersection Project $ 41,000 FOR: Transportation Services Fund Operations $ 9,000 F. RECREATION FUND 1. APP. FROM: Prior Year Reserves (Adult Sports) $ 2,293 FOR: Adult Sports Programming $ 2,293 2. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Northside) $ 2,400 FOR: Youth Programming (Northside) $ 2,400 3. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Farm Museum) $ 1,500 FOR: Youth Programming (Farm) $ 1,500 G. PERPETUAL CARE FUND 1. APP. FROM: Prior Year Reserves $ 4,633 FOR: TRANSFER to the Cemeteries Fund (Item H.1) $ 4,633 H. CEMETERIES FUND 1. APP. FROM: Funds Transferred from the Perpetual Care Fund (Item G.1) $ 4,633 FOR: Cemetery Operations $ 4,633 2. APP. FROM: Prior Year Reserves $ 16,500 FOR: TRANSFER to the Capital Projects Fund (Item 1.4) $ 16,500 3. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Insurance Recovery) $ 952 FOR: Cemetery Operations $ 952 1. CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 1. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (CSU Contribution) $ 3,661 FOR: Street Overlay & Sealcoat Project $ 3,661 2. APP. FROM: Funds Transferred from the Cultural Services & Facilities Fund (Item P.6) $ 35,029 FOR: Street Overlay & Sealcoat Project $ 35,029 3. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Airport Contribution) $ 22,790 FOR: Timberline, Prospect to Summit View Project $ 22,790 5 4. APP. FROM: Funds Transferred from the Cemeteries Fund (Item 112) $ 16,500 FOR: Mausoleum/Columbarium Feature Complex Project $ 16,500 5. APP. FROM: Funds Transferred from the General Fund (Item A.2) $ 327,952 FOR: Major Building Maintenance $ 327,952 6. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Insurance Recovery) $ 3,711 FOR: Major Building Maintenance $ 3,711 7. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Block 32 Rents) $ 22,425 FOR: Facilities Master Plan/Land Acquisition Project $ 22,425 8. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Block 22 Rent) $ 3,000 FOR: Facilities Master Plan/Land Acquisition Project $ 3,000 9. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Other Rents & User Charges) $ 17,248 FOR: Natural Areas Project $ 17,248 10. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Advertising Rents) $ 25,967 FOR: Natural Areas $ 25,967 11. APP. FROM: Funds Transferred from the Street Oversizing Fund (Item P.3) $ 9,000 FOR: Coventry Development- Wildlife Habitat Mitigation Project $ 9,000 12. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue $ 3,950 FOR: Minor Street Capital $ 3,950 J. EQUIPMENT FUND 1. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Equipment Pool Rental) $ 75,000 APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Motor Fuel & Oil) $ 85,000 APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Streets Shop) $ 80,000 FOR: Fleet Services Operations $ 240,000 2. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Insurance Recovery) $ 2,584 FOR: Fleet Services Operations $ 2,584 3. APP. FROM: Funds Transferred from Transportation Services Fund (Item P.4) $ 55,530 FOR: Fleet Services Operations $ 55,530 6 K. COMMUNICATIONS FUND 1. APP. FROM: Prior Year Reserves $ 80,000 FOR: TRANSFER to the General Fund (Item A.18) $ 80,000 2. APP. FROM: Prior Year Reserves $ 325,000 FOR: CITEL Operations $ 325,000 3. APP. FROM: Prior Year Reserves $ 20,000 FOR: CITEL Operations $ 20,000 L. CONSERVATION TRUST FUND 1. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (GOCO Grant) $ 72,500 APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Lottery Proceeds) $ 27,500 FOR: Fossil Creek Trail Project $ 50,000 Trail Acquisition, Development and Repair Project $ 50,000 M. LIGHT & POWER FUND 1. APP. FROM: Funds Transferred from General Fund (Item P.5) $ 45,970 FOR: Light & Power Expenses $ 45,970 N. SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 1. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Special Assessments) $ 65,000 TO: Special Improvement District Bonds $ 65,000 O. GENERAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT FUND 1. APP. FROM: Prior Year Reserves $ 76,000 FOR: Payment to Retirees $ 76,000 P. TRANSFERS OF APPROPRIATED FUNDS TO OTHER FUNDS 1. TRANSFER FROM: Benefits Fund $ 10,000 TO: General Fund - Human Resources (Item A.13) $ 10,000 2. TRANSFER FROM: Communications Fund $ 80,792 TO: General Fund -ICS Department (Item A.19) $ 80,792 7 3. TRANSFER FROM: Street Oversizing Fund $ 9,000 TO: Capital Projects Fund - Wildlife Habitat Mitigation Project $ 9,000 (Item I.11) 4. TRANSFER FROM: Transportation Services Fund $ 55,530 TO: Equipment Fund (Item J.3) $ 55,530 5. TRANSFER FROM: General Fund $ 45,970 TO: Light and Power Fund (Item M.1) $ 45,970 6. TRANSFER FROM: Cultural Services & Facilities Fund $ 35,029 TO: Capital Projects Fund- Street Overlay and Sealcoat Project $ 35,029 (Item I.2) Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and orcjered'Published this 7th_day of October,A.D., 1997, and to be presented for final passage on the'2Ist day of Octol er,A.D., 1997. �/ Mayor { ATTEST: City Clerk Passed and adopted on final reading this 21 st day of etobe , A.D., 199V i i P4N or ATTEST: 44 &�i" City Clerk 8