WHEREAS, prior to December, 1995, Utility Services was divided into three departments:
(1) the Light and Power Utility; (2) the Water and Wastewater Utility, and (3) the Stormwater
Utility; and
WHEREAS, in December of 1995, as part of a reorganization of Utility Services, it was
divided into two service areas: (1) the Light and Power Utility and (2) the Water, Wastewater and
Stormwater Utility; and
WHEREAS, as a result of this reorganization, there have been numerous discussions among
members of the Water Board, the Storm Drainage Board, City Council and City staff concerning the
possibility of combining the Water Board and the Storm Drainage Board into one board to deal with
policy issues related to water utilities; and
WHEREAS,during their regular meetings in May and June of 1996,both the Storm Drainage
Board and the Water Board concluded Chat they would be supportive of combining the boards if the
Council decided that doing so would be in the best interests of the City; and
WHEREAS, this Ordinance consolidates the Water Board and Storm Drainage Board into
a new Water Utilities Board with the same duties previously assigned to the Water Board and the
Stonn Drainage Board; and
WHEREAS, the Water Utilities Board will initially consist of the existing seven members
of the Storm Drainage Board and the existing eleven members of the Water Board; and
WHEREAS, through the usual attrition of board members by resignation and expiration of
term, the membership of the Water Utilities Board will be reduced to eleven members and
maintained at that level thereafter; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that combining the Water Board and the Storm
Drainage Board into a single Water Utilities Board would be in the best interests of the City.
COLLINS, as follows:
Section I. That Division 33, Chapter 2 of the City Code is repealed in its entirety.
Section 2. That Division 30, Chapter 2 of the City Code is hereby renumbered and
amended to read as follows:
See. 2-436. Creation.
There shall be and is hereby created a Water Utilities Board, hereafter referred to in
this Division as the "board."
Sec. 2-437. Membership; term.
(a) The board shall initially consist of eighteen(18)members. Seven (7) of these
members shall be those persons who were serving on the City's Storm Drainage
Board as of September 3, 1996. The other eleven (11) members shall be those
persons who were serving on the City's Water Board as of September 3, 1996.
Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (b) below, City Council shall not fill
any vacancies on the board until a vacancy would leave the Board with less than
eleven (11) members. Once the board is left with eleven (I I) members, the board
shall thereafter consist of eleven (11) members.
(b) Each member shall serve without compensation for a term of four(4) years,
except that members may be appointed by the City Council for a shorter term in order
to achieve overlapping tenure. Appointments shall specify the term of office of each
individual. All members shall be subject to removal by the City Council. If a vacancy
occurs on the board, it shall be filled by the City Council for the remaining unexpired
portion of the term.No member shall serve more than three (3) consecutive four-year
(c) The county Board of Commissioners may appoint a representative of the
county's Public Works Department to serve as an ex officio member to act as liaison
to the board, who shall represent the county in the city/county coordination of
stormwater management matters. Such ex officio member shall not have voting
privileges on matters corning before the board, and may be excluded from any closed
session of the board. Such ex officio member shall serve for an indefinite duration;
however, such appointment may be terminated by order of the City Council or the
county Board of Commissioners, or upon resignation of the member.
See. 2-438. Functions.
(a) The board shall make recommendations to the City Council concerning
stormwater facilities in the city.The board shall recommend to the City Council the
appropriate division of the city into separate drainage basins. These basins shall
separately fund the stormwater facilities to be installed to serve each basin.The board
shall recommend the facilities needed for each basin to provide adequate stormwater
drainage in the basin. Such recommendations shall include the following for each
drainage basin:
(1) The facilities to be installed;
(2) The time and schedule for installation of facilities;
(3) The method of assessing costs of facilities to be installed against
property in the basin; and
(4) The portion of the cost of facilities to be funded by the property in the
basin and the portion, if any,of such cost which should be paid by the
city as a whole.
(b) Before making a recommendation for any stormwater project, the board shall
analyze the project and compare the total benefits to be achieved with the anticipated
cost of the project. Projects shall be recommended if the analysis indicates that the
total benefits are greater than the cost of the project.
(c) The board shall review and make recommendations to the City Council on a
master drainage plan to be developed for stormwater facilities by the city
administration. Such recommendations shall include proposed methods of funding
any master drainage plan as finally approved.
(d) The board shall consider all variances and appeals from the application of the
provisions of Chapter 10 of this Code, Flood Prevention and Protection.
(e) The board shall hear the petition of any owner or owners of property in the
city who dispute the amount of the stormwater utility fee or stormwater basin fee
made against such owner's property or who dispute any determination made by or on
behalf of the city pursuant to and by authority of Chapter 26, Article VII of the Code
and shall make such revision or modification of such charge or determination as it
shall deem appropriate in accordance with §26-520.
(f) The board shall make recommendations to City Council regarding policy or
technical matters related to stormwater management. The board shall make
comments on policy items prepared by other city departments.
(g) The board shall hear the petition of any owner or owners of property in the
city who dispute or seek a variance in the city's "Storm Drainage Design Criteria and
Construction Standards."
(h) Final decisions of the board under Paragraphs (d), (e) and (g) of this Section
shall be subject to the right of appeal to the City Council as set forth in § 2-46, et seq.
(i) The board shall advise the City Council in matters pertaining to the
acquisition, control and disposition of water rights and pertaining to the City's
municipal water works and waste water treatment systems.
0) The board shall also perform such other duties and functions and have such
other powers as may be provided by ordinance of the City Council.
Sec. 2-439. Officers; bylaws.
The board shall elect annually from its membership a chairperson and such other
officers as may be required.Bylaws may be adopted by the board, which bylaws shall
not be inconsistent with the Charter and the Code. A copy of the bylaws shall be filed
with the City Clerk for the use of the City Council immediately after adoption by the
board and they may be subject to the approval of the City Council.
Sec. 2-440. Minutes; annual report; work plan.
The board shall take and file minutes in accordance with the requirements of§ 2-73
of the Code. On or before January 31 of each year, the board shall file a report with
the City Clerk setting forth the activities of the board for the previous year. On or
before November 30 of each year,the board shall file a work plan with the City Clerk
for the following year.
Section 3. That subparagraph (5) of Section 2-47 of the City Code is hereby amended
to read as follows:
Sec. 2-47. Certain appeals to be taken to City Council.
Appeals from the following boards and commissions, permitted under the
provisions of this Division, shall be taken to the City Council in the manner as set
forth in this Division:
(1) Building Review Board;
(2) Fire Board of Appeals;
(3) Landmark Preservation Commission;
(4) Planning and Zoning Board;
(5) Water Utilities Board;
(6) Zoning Board of Appeals.
Section 4. That paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) of Section 10-38 of the City Code are
hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 10-38. Variance procedure.
(a) The Water Utilities Board, as established in §2-436, shall hear and decide
appeals and requests for variances from the requirements of this Article. Any final
decision of the board may be subject to review by the City Council.
(b) The Water Utilities Board shall hear and decide appeals when it is alleged
that there is an error in any requirement, decision or determination made by the
Director in the enforcement or administration of this Article. Persons desiring to
appeal a decision of the Director to the Water Utilities Board shall at the time of
making such appeal pay to the Financial Officer a docket fee in the amount of three
hundred dollars ($300.). Written notice of hearing shall be given to the appellant at
least three (3) days prior to the hearing by mailing the notice to the appellant's last
known address by regular mail. The board shall from time to time adopt such
additional rules and regulations as it deems necessary and advisable for the conduct
of its hearings and for carrying out the provisions hereof.
(c) In passing upon such applications, the Water Utilities Board shall consider
all technical evaluations, all relevant factors and standards specified in other sections
of this Article and:
(1) The danger that materials may be swept onto other lands to the injury
of others;
(2) The danger to life and property due to flooding or erosion damage;
(3) The susceptibility of the proposed facility and its contents to flood
damage and the effect of such damage on the individual owner;
(4) The importance of the service provided by the proposed facility to the
(5) The availability of alternate locations for the proposed use which are
not subject to flood or erosion damage;
(6) The compatibility of the proposed use with existing and anticipated
(7) The relationship of the proposed use to the comprehensive plan and
floodplain management program of that area;
(8) The safety of access to the property in times of flood for ordinary and
emergency vehicles; and
(9) The expected heights, velocity, duration, rate of rise and sediment
transport of the floodwaters and the effects of wave action, if
applicable, expected at the site.
(d) Upon consideration of the factors of this Section and the purposes of this
Article, the Water Utilities Board may attach such conditions to the granting of
variances as it deems necessary to further the purposes of this Article.
Section 5. That Section 26-4 of the City Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-4. Dual supply of water and wastewater service.
If a property located within the city is in an area not supplied with both water and
wastewater service from the city but is capable of receiving both water and
wastewater service from the one (1) or more duly established quasi-municipal utility
service districts, then the city shall not extend or provide either service to the
property. The city may, however, extend either or both services to such property if
the utility service district becomes incapable of providing a reasonable level of
service to the property. Upon the review of the Water Utilities Board and the city
administration, the City Council may waive any part or all of this Section.
Section 6. That subparagraph (a)(1) of Section 26-150 of the City Code is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-150. Raw water requirements; satisfaction.
(a) The RWR imposed pursuant to this Division may be satisfied by one (1) or
more of the following methods:
(1) Water rights acceptable to the city may be transferred to the city. The Water
Utilities Board determines which water rights are acceptable to the city and
determines the appropriate conversion factors to be used in determining the yield
from each of the acceptable sources. The determinations of the board are final and
Section 7. That paragraph (b) of Section 26-167 of the City Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
Sec. 26-167. Sprinkling restrictions.
(b) Upon recommendation of the Water Utilities Board, the use of city water for
sprinkling purposes may be further restricted or prohibited by order of the City
Council.The sprinkling restrictions or prohibitions prescribed shall be effective upon
publication of notice of the City Council's order once in a daily newspaper published
in the city.
Section 8. That paragraph (a) of Section 26-168 of the City Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
Sec. 26-168. Water rationing; emergency restrictions.
(a) Drought or water shortage. In the event of drought or water shortage,the City
Council may place restrictions on all uses of city water and even prohibit, if
necessary, all nondomestic uses of the city water if the Water Utilities Board so
recommends. The City Council's order prescribing use restrictions shall be effective
upon publication once in a daily newspaper published in the city and shall continue
in full force and effect until the City Council finds the water shortage has ended.
Section 9. That Section 26-212 of the City Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-212. Water Utilities Board.
In addition to the duties prescribed by Section 2-438 of the Code, the duties and
functions of the Water Utilities Board shall include advising the City Council on
policy matters pertaining to sewage and the sewage disposal system. In order to
advise the City Council on policy matters pertaining to sewage and the sewage
disposal system, the board is authorized to make such studies as it may deem
necessary and advisable and to maintain contact with state and federal bodies having
areas of concern which affect the sewage treatment ability of the city.
Section 10. That Section 26-495 of the City Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-495. Water Utilities Board.
The Water Utilities Board created in § 2-436 shall assist in administering this
Section 11. That Section 26-496 is hereby repealed in its entirety and subsequent
subsections 26-497, 26-498, 26-499 are renumbered accordingly.
Section 12. That paragraph (a) of Section 26-511 of the City Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
Sec. 26-511. Stormwater fees.
(a) After establishing the stormwater basins and after receiving the report from
the Water Utilities Board on a particular stormwater basin, the City Council may
establish by ordinance stormwater fees to be paid by the owners of property in the
stormwater basin. Such stormwater fees shall be established in amounts which will
provide sufficient funds, proportionately calculated and assessed, to construct the
facilities which need to be installed in the basin. The amount of the fees assessed
against individual properties and the method of collecting the fees shall be
established by the ordinance. All fees collected and not expended within fifteen (15)
years of the date of collection shall be refunded together with interest at the statutory
rate to the owner of the property from which the fee was originally generated. The
city shall give written notice by first-class mail to the last address on file with the city
of the landowner or landowners entitled to such refund. If such landowner or
landowners do not file a written claim for such refund with the city within ninety(90)
days of the mailing of such notice, such refund shall be deemed forfeited and shall
revert to the city.
Section 13. That paragraphs (d), (e) and(f) of Section 26-520 of the City Code are hereby
amended to read as follows:
See. 26-520. Appeals.
(d) Within thirty (30) days after filing, the Director shall make findings of fact
based upon all relevant information and shall make a determination based upon such
findings and, if appropriate, modify such charge or determination accordingly. Such
determination shall be considered a final order of the Director which order may
within thirty(30) days of its issuance be appealed to the Water Utilities Board for a
hearing on a revision or modification of such charge or determination.
(e) Any such appeal to the Water Utilities Board shall be in writing, filed with
the City Clerk, setting forth the specific errors and omissions of the Director in his
or her determination, and such hearing shall take place in the city and notice thereof
and the proceedings shall otherwise be in accordance with the bylaws, rules and
regulations of the Water Utilities Board. The appellant shall have the burden of
(f) Within thirty (30) days after filing, the Water Utilities Board shall make its
final determination and, if appropriate, modify such charge or determination of the
Director in accordance with the facts submitted, to the extent that the board finds
such facts to be true.
Section 14. That Section 26-521 of the City Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-521. Notice of decision.
Every decision or determination of the Director or the Water Utilities Board shall be
in writing, and notice thereof shall be mailed to or served upon the petitioner within
a reasonable time from the date of such action. Service by certified mail, return
receipt requested, shall be conclusive evidence of service for the purpose of this
Section 15. That Section 26-542 of the City Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-542. Establishment of stormwater basins.
After receiving the report and recommendation of the Water Utilities Board,the City
Council shall officially adopt by resolution a stormwater map which is on file in the
City Clerk's office delineating the boundaries of the stormwater basin in the city and
in areas which may be annexed. Such map may also indicate existing development
of properties within the basin, zoning of proper-ties, and such other information as
may be determined to be advisable. Such map shall after adoption by the City
Council serve as official designation of the respective stormwater basins of the city,
but such map may be revised from time to time by the City Council to conform with
existing conditions.
Section 16. That paragraph (a) of Section 26-651 of the City Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
Sec. 26-651. Conditions for furnishing service.
(a) Any person outside of the city limits desiring to make a connection to one (1)
or both of the city's water and wastewater utilities shall apply to the city for
permission, and connection permits may be issued after review and recommendation
of the Planning and Zoning Board and the Water Utilities Board and the approval of
the General Manager of the Water,Wastewater and Stormwater Utility. The General
Manager may, in his or her discretion, elect to approve, without the review and
recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board and Water Utilities Board, the
application of persons desiring to make a single connection to one (1) or both of the
city's water and wastewater utilities, provided that such connections do not exceed
a tap size of one (1) inch (if a water tap) and/or four(4) inches (if a wastewater tap).
If the General Manager determines that the application should not be approved
without the review and recommendation of the aforementioned boards, the General
Manager shall forthwith seek such review and recommendation prior to making his
or her decision.
Section 17. That subparagraph (b)(4) of Section 26-652 of the City Code is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-652. Permit is revocable; agreement of user.
(b) If a permit to connect to any of the city's utilities is approved under this
Article, the applicant shall:
(4) Bear the costs of construction, installation and
connection of utility lines except for such oversizing
participation or reimbursement as may be authorized by the
City Council on recommendation of the Water Utilities
Section 18. In the case of those members of the Water Utilities Board who were serving
on the City's Storm Drainage Board or the City's Water Board as of September 3, 1996, the term
limitation imposed under Division 33, Section 2-437(b) of the City Code, as revised in Section 2 of
this Ordinance, shall apply to terms commencing with the initial terms of services of such members
on those respective boards.
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published in summary form
this 3rd day of September, A.D. 1996, and to be presented for final passage on the-17th day of
September, A.D. 1996. /
nn� ��
City Clerk
Passed and adopted on final reading this 17th day of September, A.D. 1996-
City Clerk