WHEREAS, the City operates two cemeteries, Grandview Cemetery and Roselawn Cemetery
(the "Cemeteries"), as part of its Cultural, Library, and Recreational Services ("CLRS"); and
WHEREAS, rules and regulations for the operation of the Cemeteries were adopted by the
Council in 1984, and were most recently revised in 1988; and
WHEREAS, the addition of new mausoleum and columbarium services at the Cemeteries has
required the addition of rules related thereto; and
WHEREAS, CLRS staff have reviewed and updated the previously adopted rules and
regulations, in order to clarify and correct them, and to add new rules relating to the mausoleum and
columbarium services; and
WHEREAS,Section 23-156 of the City Code calls for the Council to adopt rules and regulations
to govern the operation and maintenance of the Cemeteries, and states that the knowing violation of any
such rules and regulations shall be unlawful.
COLLINS that the Rules and Regulations Governing Grandview and Roselawn Cemeteries, attached
hereto and incorporated herein by this reference be, and hereby are, adopted.
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 20th day of
February, A.D. 1996, and to be presented for final passage on t d of March, A. 6.
Mayor �
City Clerk
Passed and adopted on final reading this 5th day of M A.D. 199 .
City Clerk
Ann Azari , Mayor
Gina Janett, Mayor Pro Tem
Alan Apt
Chris Kneeland
Bob McCloskey
Will P. Smith
Charles Wanner
John Fishbach, City Manager
Diane Jones, Deputy City Manager
Michael W. Powers, Director of Cultural , Library and Recreational Services
Marty Heffernan, Assistant to the Director Cultural , Library
and Recreational Services
Virgil Taylor, Manager of Parks
Rick Bott, Park Supervisor
Philip Carpenter, Cemetery Supervisor
Carrie Mineart, Assistant City Attorney
Researched and Written by Patricia Windmuller
The need for a burial site in Fort Collins arose in 1864 during the establishment
of the Fort Collins Military Post by Lt. Col . William 0. Collins. The burial
ground was located in high ground about a half mile southwest of the post
(present day location of the Old Post Office at Oak Street and College Avenue).
During the military occupation of Fort Collins through 1867, less than a dozen
soldiers appear to have ended their days. According to Ansel Watrous in the
History of Larimer County which was published in 1911, six to ten unidentified
remains were found. One burial did contain a small bottle with a note written
about the deceased.
The remains were those of W.W. Westfall of Company J, 13th Missouri Volunteer
Calvary who died on November 3, 1865.
The Post Cemetery was abandoned in 1873 and during that year, ground (presently
the area around Eastdale Drive) southeast of town was purchased and laid out with
burial lots. The new cemetery was named Mountain Home. Westfall 's remains,
those of the other unknown soldiers, and some burials of early settlers were
moved to the new site.
As the population grew rapidly in the mid-1800's it was decided to move the
cemetery again in order to keep it in a rural setting.
Land one and one-half miles west of the city was purchased in 1887 from Thomas
Connolly for $50.00 per acre. Grandview Cemetery (originally written as Grand
View) was located in an area having abundant water rights from Pleasant Valley
and Lake Canals. A 40-acre tract was immediately laid out by the landscape
gardeners for cemetery purposes.
The first interment was a three month old baby named Felix Scoville who was
buried on November 21, 1887, and was placed in an unmarked grave in Section K.
Shortly after this interment, work began to remove the remains from Mountain Home
Cemetery to Grandview. According to the Fort Collins Express, "Joe Woodcock
acted as grave digger and sexton." No record remains of the number of burials
that were transferred, however, it has been estimated that the removal work took
a great deal of time.
W.W. Westfall was among the remains moved for the second time. His grave now
lies on the front edge of the Soldier's Section which has been marked by a simple
The grounds at Grandview were originally laid out in attractive circular drives.
Included were several small parks boasting lush bluegrass, well-trimmed shrubs,
and beautiful flowers.
A one-half acre plat (Section S) was set aside and dedicated to the uses of
George H. Thomas/Post No.7/Grand Army of the Republic, which also included the
remains of soldiers buried at the Post Cemetery.
Since 1887, many members of Post No. 7 as well as veterans of the Spanish-
American War, both World Wars, and the Korean War have been laid to rest in this
area. Standing in the center of this section is a life-size figure of a Union
Civil War soldier at parade rest. Including a six-foot base, the 12-foot
Soldier's Monument stands facing east as a tribute of patriotism from members of
the Women's Relief Corp. of the George H. Thomas Post No. 7. The granite
memorial was erected in 1905 at a cost of about $1,250.00.
The Soldier's Monument was "protected" by four towering silver spruce trees for
many years until one had to be removed due to damage in a windstorm. The Grand
Army of the Republic Post donated two Civil War cannons, both dated in the 1860's
for placement in front of the memorial . One of the cannons was destroyed by
vandals in 1972. The other was donated to the Fort Collins Museum in 1986.
Across the road to the east is a Fireman's Statue which was dedicated to the
Volunteer Fire Department in 1909.
Grandview remained outside the city limits for many years. Only in 1907 did
citizens object to its location when a proposed purchase of land on the south
side of West Mountain Avenue was set for use as a City park. Their concern was
to buffer the cemetery from areas with recreational uses. Hence a row of streets
was removed from the original park proposal .
The severe influenza epidemic of 1918 reduced the number of available lots, so
additional lots were opened in the Grandview Addition, a 10-acre section south
of the original cemetery which had opened in 1915.
In 1924, a concrete bridge was placed over the canal at Grandview. Rustic
sidewalls and flower receptacles were installed on the bridge to give the
cemetery entrance a pleasing look which still remains. In addition, countless
trees and shrubs have been planted over the years, making Grandview one of the
most beautiful cemeteries in the area.
Today, Grandview consists of approximately 45 developed acres, 34,000 grave
spaces, and nearly 20,000 burials.
Roselawn, located on East Mulberry, was established by a private association in
1947 to accommodate additional burial space and provide a garden-type cemetery.
The City of Fort Collins took over the operation of Roselawn in 1959. To
alleviate a high water table in the area, the facility was equipped with an
underground tile drain system and has not experienced high water levels in over
30 years.
Roselawn provides nearly 30 acres of beautiful trees and shrubs, manicured lawns
and a magnificent view of the foothills. Over 1,500 burials have been performed
at the cemetery and many improvements have been made to enhance the landscape and
entrance to the facility. .
Both Grandview and Roselawn are operated by the City of Fort Collins Parks and
Recreation Department. For further information, call the Cemetery Division at
-- Frank Potts (Worked for Lady Moon, said to be involved in a train robbery.)
-- James Howe (Only person ever lynched in Fort Collins.)
-- Susan Howe Holmes (Grave marked by DAR, daughter of Fortunatus Howe, an
American patriot who fought in the Revolutionary War.)
-- Auntie Elizabeth Stone (First white woman settler of Fort Collins.)
-- Elizabeth Stratton (Fort Collins' first school teacher.)
-- Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Whedbee (He was Fort Collins' first mayor; Whedbee
-- Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Avery (Avery House)
-- Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Cowan (Cowan Street)
-- Mr. & Mrs. William Drake (Drake Street)
-- Agnes Giddings (First white child born in Fort Collins.)
-- Mr. & Mrs. Frank Goeder (He engineered Fort Collins' first paving.)
-- Alfred Howes (Howes Street)
-- John C. Mathews (Mathews Street)
-- Mr. & Mrs. Abner Loomis (Loomis Street)
-- Dr. & Mrs. Charles Lory (C.S.U. President for 31 years.)
-- Joseph Mason (First white settler of Fort Collins area; Mason Street.)
-- Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McClelland (He edited Fort Collins' first newspaper;
McClelland Drive.)
-- Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Sherwood (Sherwood Street)
-- Mr. & Mrs. William Stover (Stover Street)
-- Mr. & Mrs. Walter Taft (Taft Hill Road)
-- Peterson Anderson (Andersonville)
-- Clifford Carpenter (Fire chief killed while fighting a fire at State
Drygoods in 1965.)
-- Lee Martinez (Martinez Park)
-- Rolland Moore (Rolland Moore Park)
-- Guy Palmes (First City Manager)
-- Henderson Calvin Howard (Congressional Medal of Honor -- Civil War)
-- Tom Horn, the hired killer, has been rumored to be buried at Grandview
Cemetery. However, after he was hanged, he was buried in Boulder, Colorado.
-- Lt. Col . William 0. Collins returned to his home in Hillsboro, Ohio. He
died and was buried there.
Grandview Cemetery, 1900 West Mountain AVenue, is the most heavily-wooded public
park in Fort Collins with more than 600 trees planted on 45 acres. This computes
to an average of nearly 14 trees per acre.
Trees in the Grandview Forest consist of two major age classes. Original
plantings were primarily maple, spruce, and elm and date back 60 to 90 years.
A new generation of replacement and infill trees has been added in the last 15
years. The younger trees are predominately ash, honeylocust and spruce.
To perpetuate this forested environment, new and replacement trees are planted
on an annual basis.
Of special significance are three towering blue spruce in the soldier's section
of the cemetery. These magnificent trees are beautiful examples of Colorado's
state tree. In 1905, four of these blue spruce were planted at each corner of
the soldier's monument. However, in later years, one of these trees had to be
removed after it was damaged in a wind storm.
A state champion Ohio buckeye has recently been recognized in Grandview by the
State Forest Service, which keeps records of the largest speciments of each tree
species. The buckeye is located along Grandview Drive, 75 yards north of the
cemetery office. This species is typically a smaller tree, but this one has
grown to a 23-inch trunk diameter.
Other notable trees include the larger sugar maple and mugho pine at the entrance
of the cemetery as well as the many groves of Douglas Fir throughout the grounds.
Dutch Elm Disease has had a major impact on the Grandview Forest in the past.
More than 50 American elm trees have been lost since 1969 to the disease. Early
detection of Dutch elm disease through diagnostic lab analysis and routine
pruning of diseased limbs has greatly reduced recent losses. Presently, 168
American elm stand in the cemetery.
All of the trees at Grandview enhance the beauty of this cemetery. The forest
provides a natural windbreak and plenty of cooling shade for visitors.
If you have more questions about the trees at Grandview Cemetery, call the
Cemetery Division at 221-6810 or the Forestry Division at 221-6302.
Page No.
1.0 Introduction 1
2.0 Definitions 2
3.0 Ownership and Management
3.1 Owned by the City 4
3.2 Control by City Council 4
3.3 Managed by the Cemetery Supervisor 4
3.4 Cemetery Supervisor to Enforce Rules 4
3.5 Admission to Cemeteries 4
3.6 Business Office 4
3.7 City Not Responsible for Damage 5
3.8 Liability for Damage 5
3.9 City Shall Not Discriminate 5
4.0 Control of Work by City
4.1 Work to be Done by City 6
4.2 City Must Direct and May Remove Improvements 6
5.0 Roadways and Replatting
5.1 Right to Replat, Regrade and Use Property 7
5.2 No Right Granted in Roadways 7
5.3 Right to Close Roadways 7
6.0 Conduct Within the Cemeteries
6.1 Traversing Cemetery Property 8
6.2 Trespassers on Cemetery Lots 8
6.3 Children 8
6.4 Removal of Flowers, etc. Forbidden 8
6.5 Refreshments 8
6.6 Lounging on Grounds 8
6.7 Loud Talking 8
6.8 Visitors 8
6.9 Rubbish 9
6.10 Automobiles 9
6.11 Trucks and Heavy Hauling 9
6.12 Bicycles and Motorcycles 9
6.13 Peddling or Soliciting 9
6.14 Firearms 9
6.15 Notices or Advertisements 9
6.16 Dogs, Horses and Other Animals 9
6.17 Hours 9
6.18 Improprieties 10
6.19 Employees and Workers 10
7.0 Service Charges
7.1 Payment of Service Charges 11
7.2 Charges for Indigents 11
8.0 Purchase of the Right of Interment; Abandonment
8.1 Applications for Purchase 12
8.2 Agreement Conveys Only the Right of Interment 12
8.3 Errors May be Corrected 12
8.4 Single Burial Spaces 12
8.5 Double Depth Burial Spaces 12
8.6 Additional Cremated Remains on Existing Burial Spaces 12
8.7 Payment 12
8.8 Installment Purchases 13
8.9 Change of Address 13
8.10 Abandon Burial Spaces 13
9.0 Transfers and Assignments
9.1 Consent of City 14
9.2 Indebtedness 14
9.3 Transfer by Descent 14
9.4 Contract Sale by the City 14
10.0 Perpetual Care
10.1 Perpetual Care Mandatory 15
10.2 Perpetual Care Fee 15
10.3 Lots Not Now Under Perpetual Care 15
10.4 Care of Lots Not Now Under Perpetual Care 15
10.5 Record of Payment of Fee 15
10.6 Investment of Fees 15
10.7 Expenditure Limited to Income 15
10.8 City Council to Direct Expenditures 15
11.0 Interments
11.1 Subject to Laws and Orders 17
11.2 Disposition - Removal Permit Required 17
11.3 Interment Permit Required 17
11.4 Manner and Charges 17
11.5 Time and Scheduling 17
11.6 Notice of Interment Required 18
11.7 Burial Receptacle Requirements 18
11.8 Community Garden Crypt Mausoleum 20
11.9 Columbarium Niches 21
11.10 Casket Not to be Disturbed 22
11.11 Emergency Interments 22
11.12 Interments Involving Virulent Contagious Diseases 22
11.13 Disasters 22
11.14 Delays in Interments Caused by Protest 22
11.15 Authorization of One Lot Owner Sufficient 22
11.16 Location of Burial Space 23
11.17 City Not Responsible 23
11.18 Errors May be Corrected 23
11.19 Embalming; Identity 23
11.20 Interment of More Than One Body 23
11.21 Double Depth Burials 24
11.22 Equipment 24
11.23 Interment of Cremated Remains 24
12.0 Disinterments
12.1 Subject to Laws and Orders 25
12.2 Permission for Disinterments 25
12.3 Disinterment Prohibited Under Certain Circumstances 25
12.4 Notice of Disinterment Required 25
12.5 Payment of Fees 25
12.6 Services Provided 25
12.7 City Not Responsible 25
13.0 Decoration of Lots and Burial Spaces
13.1 Grandview Cemetery 26
13.2 Roselawn Cemetery 26
14.0 Memorials, Monuments, Etc.
14.1 Producers and Retail Dealers 28
14.2 Grandview Cemetery 29
14.3 Roselawn Cemetery 31
14.4 Design, Finish and Workmanship 32
14.5 Materials 32
14.6 Mausoleums, Tombs, Etc. 33
14.7 Foundations and Delivery of Memorials, Etc. 33
14.8 Miscellaneous 34
15.0 Amendments, Exceptions and Modifications
15.1 Amendments 35
15.2 Exceptions and Modifications 35
These Rules and RRegulations are adopted as the RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE
protection o a owners and the City of Fort
Collins, and to a Cemeteries RM a uniform and
permanent beauty.
All burial spaee owners, visitors Cemeter em loyees, persons
working directl or indirec l or bawl}—spaee owners and all
Via} spaces sold s a e su ec to these Rules
and Regulations, an su jec urther to such other rules and regulations,
amendments or alterations as shall be adopted by the City of Fort Collins from
time to time. The Reference to these Rules and Regulations in the sales
transaction form or any other document shall have the same force an a ect as
if set forth in full therein.
Requests or complaints should be directed to the Cemetery office which is located
at the entrance of Grandview Cemetery at the west end of Mountain Avenue. All
re nests and complaints will be
The City of Fort Collins cordially welcomes the public to the lemete es
W and reminds all visitors that damaging Cemetery property is punis a e y
'1 aw.
Burial Receptacle - container designed to enclose a casket for burial purposes.
Burial S ace - a single space within a platted lot designed for the interment of
ene I human body.
Cemeter - a burial park for earth burial , and crypt entombment, MMM
owned by the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, including:
a 1 and dedicated, reserved or used for interment purposes;
b) all vegetation therein•
c) all graves, crypts or other interment spaces therein;
d) all works of art t erein;
e) all roads, walkways and other structures of every kind therein;
f) all equipment and facilities incident to the operation of Cemeteries;
City - the City of Fort Collins, Colorado.
City Council - the Council of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado.
..__:—. % ;. b _ eremateQ remains a -a human body KIMM
Disinterment - the removal of the iced remains of a deceased
person, the casket, if any, and the buria recep acle from the ground.
Double Depth Burial Space - a single space within a platted lot designed for the
interment of two (2) bodies in separate burial receptacles, one above the
" n
i: : :.
° a
Interment - the
Lot - a platted lot within a Cemetery consisting of one or more burial spaces.
Memorial -
Monolith - a one-piece memorial of a particular design; usually a stone of narrow
width and depth.
Monument - same as memorial .
:.:... ">
Perpetual Care - the general maintenance of lots and burial spaces, as well as
the ground, walks, roadways, boundaries and structures -•
to the end that said areas shall remain and be reasonab y care
orVas Cemetery grounds forever; including but not limited to cutting and
watering the grass upon the same at reasonable intervals, raking and
cleaning the same, the general care and pruning of trees and shrubs that may
be placed on the same by the City, and filling in sunken burial spaces.
Such care is, of course, subject to weather conditions and other factors
beyond the control of the City. The term "perpetual care" shall in no way
be construed as meaning the maintenance, repair or replacement of any
memorial , monument or monolith placed or erected on lots or burial spaces;
nor the planting of flowers or ornamental plants; nor the maintenance or
doing of any special or unusual work; nor the repair or reconstruction of
any marble, granite, bronze or concrete work on any section, lot or any
portion or portions thereof damaged by the elements, an act of God, common
enemy, thieves, vandals, strikers, malicious mischief makers, explosions,
unavoidable accidents, insurrections, riots, or by order of any military or
civil authority, invasions or causes beyond the reasonable control of the
City, whether the damage be direct or collateral .
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Grandview and Roselawn Cemeteries are owned and managed by the City of Fort
The City Council has the right of general control of the Cemeteries in all
matters, whether or not they are specifically covered by these Rules and
The operation of the Cemeteries shall be under the direction of the Parks and
and shall be^handled by a eme ery, w o n
rn shall be responsible to the City 'anager or direct
and complete supervision of the eme eries in a ma ers.
The Cemetery Superintendent is hereby expressly empowered to enforce
these Rules and Regulations, an o exclude from the Cemeteries any person
violating the same. If any funeral director or other individual involved in the
funeral or Cemetery business is found by the Cemetery Superintend41t I.
to have violated these Rules and Regulations, such individual may be exc u e
from the Cemeteries, effective upon mailing of notice of the same
Such individual shall only be readmitte b the Cemetery
ieu upon proof that the violation
has been cured or other
appropriate assurances are received. The C'eme ery
shall have complete charge of the Cemeteries' grounds and buildings, an , at a
times shall have supervision of all persons within the Cemeteries, including
RIVI 'fii 1 the conduct of funeral rocessions (upon reaching a Cemetery ,
traffic, emp oyees, }at . : :: owners and visitors.
Entrance into the Cemeteries other than through the main entrance is strictly
forbidden. The City reserves the right to refuse admission to the Cemeteries and
to refuse the use of any of the Cemeteries' facilities to any person or persons
All fees, payments or charges for any Cemetery property or
service shall be paid to the City at the Cemetery office. MllalpNplflalons for
purchase, transfer, assignment or reperehase of Gemetery bets
interment and disinterment orders, foundation and monument permits, perpetual
care or special permits of any kind shall be made at the Cemetery office.
The City shall take reasonable precautions to protect
owners and lots from loss or damage. However, the Ci y isc aims any
responsibility for loss or damage from causes beyond its reasonable control ,
including but not limited to damage caused by the elements, an act of God, common
enemy, thieves, vandals, strikers, malicious mischief makers, explosions,
unavoidable accidents, invasions, insurrections, riots, or order of any military
or civil authority, whether the damage is direct or collateral .
Any person damaging, or causing to be damaged, any Cemetery property, whether
owned by the City or an individual , will be held liable to repair said damaged
property or to replace the property damaged to its former state,. without delay,
and in a manner satisfactory to the Cemetery Superintendent 4.
to appeal sueh dee4sion to the City Manager.
All decisions made by the City and its employees in connection with the operation
of the Cemeteries shall be made without regard to race, creed, color, national
origin, sex, marital status, religion, ancestry, mental or physical handicap or
Except as otherwise provided herein, all grading, landscape work and improvements
of any kind, and all care of lots shall be done, and all trees, shrubs and
herbage of any kind shall be planted, trimmed, cut or removed and all opening
or closing of graves and all interments, disinterments
or removals shall be made by the City.
All improvements or alterations of property in the Cemeteries shall be under the
direction of and subject to the consent, satisfaction and approval of the
Cemeter Superintendent �S . and should such changes be made without
his : written consent, or, in le event that at any time, in his judgement,
they ecome unsightly to the eye, he shall have the right to remove, alter
or chan a such im rovements or alterations at the expense of the 1e -ew-baw#a�
spaee owner.
The right to enlarge, reduce, replat and/or change the boundaries or grading of
the Cemeteries or of a section or sections, from time to time, including the
right to modify and/or change the locations of or remove or regrade roads, drives
and/or walks, or any part thereof, is hereby expressly reserved. The right to
lay, maintain and operate or alter or change pipelines and/or gutters for
sprinkling systems, drainage, lakes, etc., is also expressly reserved; as well
as 4-9the right to use Cemetery property, not sold to
` En o for Cemetery purposes, including the interring and
preparing or in ermef human bodies, or for anything necessary, incidental
or convenient thereto. The City reserves for itself, and to those lawfully
entitled thereto, a perpetual right to ingress and egress over lots for the
purpose of passage to and from other lots.
No easement or right of interment is granted to any lot or burial """'
owner in any road, drive or walk within the Cemeteries,
M— of the Gemetery Superintendent, but such roads, drives or walks ma be
used as a means of access to or within the Cemeteries
The Cemetery „art t..,p .;.: < .q,, shall have the right, at any time, to
�@ 9
close any road, drive or walk •
Persons within the Cemeteries shall use only the roads, drives or walks as
thoroughfares and no person shall walk on the grass unless it is necessary to do
so to reach a particular lot, except that a wer kmaR n may use such space
as is necessary to perform maintenance or other services connection with a
lot. Any person using any portion of a Cemetery other than the roads, drives or
walks as a thoroughfare is hereby declared to be a trespasser and the City shall
in no way be held liable for any injury sustained by such trespassers.
Onl the owner or his. relatives
ii or o her au horized indivi ua s shall be perm a on any
It eme ery o ny o er person thereon shall be considered to be a trespasser,
and the City shall owe no duties to said trespasser to keep the property or the
memorial thereon in a safe condition.
Children under fifteen years of age shall not be ermitted within the Cemetery
grounds or their buildings unless accompanied � by an adult.
All persons are prohibited from gathering flowers, either wild or cultivated, or
breaking trees, shrubs or plants, or feeding or disturbing fish or birds or other
animal life within the Cemeteries.
No person shall be permitted to have refreshments within the Cemetery grounds,
except that City employees may eat the;; luneh on the Cemetery grounds in
connection with their regular employment.
No person shall be permitted to sit or lounge on any of the grounds, graves or
monuments within the Cemeteries, or in any of the Cemetery buildin s exce t in
connection with a visit to a particular burial space or lot
Loud talking shall not be permitted on the Cemeter rounds.
Visitors are welcome on the Cemetery grounds during t-he regular MIM hours.
Throwing rubbish on any part of the grounds or buildings, except into designated
receptacles is prohibited.
Automobiles shall not be driven through IN the Cemeteries at a speed greater than
fifteen (15) miles per hour. Automobiles are not allowed to park or come to a
complete stop in front of an open grave unless such automobiles are in attendance
at a funeral .
Heavy hauling, trucks or commercial vehicles of any kind are not permitted within
the Cemetery grounds, unless they have a business purpose for being in the
Cemeteries, and then only by permission of the Cemetery Superintendent
: # -
No bicycles or motorcycles shall be allowed in the Cemeteries except such as may
be in attendance at funerals or on business.
Peddling ��N: < � . .'� �� of flowers or plants,— or --"- `or th
saae—a€ any . commodity is prohibited in the Cemeteries.
No firearms shall be permitted within the Cemeteries, except �;a in
connection with a military funeral or similar occasion by. poi ce o ricers, or
by special permit from the Cemetery Superintendenti
No signs notices or advertisements
a€ any kif►e sff a permitted wi in ireC eme£ery group s.
No dogs, horses or any other animal shall be allowed in the Cemeteries or in any
of the Cemetery buildings. The owner or keeper of any animal which trespasses
upon the Cemetery grounds shall be liable for any damage done by - animals.
and x. dees not assumeq p
: 0:,gib: •.'.:: ; O:>
6.17 HOURS
The Cemetery grounds will be open at the times posted at the Cemeter office and
at other cons icuous locations on the Cemetery premises. & :
it is r the a r a that there . .Lind be strict , ..J. ..ryan o f aL..
preprieties of the f
allowed,whether embraeed in these Rules and Regulatims er
net. No impreprieties will be
and the Gemetery SuperMtendent shall
g All
Cit em to ees, as well as other workers, monument dealers, florists, eke.
workin within the Cemeteries shall conduct themselves with
t � at a�1 times an in strict accordance wit iiese u es an
egu'fall ns.
The amount or rates of all charges shall be established by City Council . All
charges for any service rendered by Cemetery employees must be paid for at or
prior to the time such services are rendered. The payment of the Cemetery
service charges relating to interment must be made a*G the _' - of the 4sgua"ee
of the interment permit W.
City Council shall establish reduced fees and charges which shall apply to the
"at-need" interment of any person who dies leaving an estate of insufficient size
to pay the regular fees and charges and the persons legally responsible for the
support of such person are unable to pay such regular fees and charges. In
making such a determination of indigence, the City may rely on information
received from the funeral director as to the financial status of the deceased.
To the extent possible s ace shall be made available in the Cemeteries for the
burial of indi ents.
Applications for the purchase of the right of interment in lots of Wr4a! spaees
must be made at the Cemetery office where plats showing the size, location and
description of all lots and the schedule of prices will be kept on file.
All sales agreements shall grant to the purchaser the right to; use
gumots for interment of human remains only, subject o hese u es and
Regulations. The fee title to all lots and burial spaces shall remain in the
City, subject to the right of interment conveyed to the purchaser.
The City reserves the right to correct any errors made by it in the description
of the location of the lot or burial space to which the right of interment is
conveyed, either by canceling the sale and substituting in lieu thereof other
burial space(s) or lot(s) of equal value and in a similar locationg as far as
possible, or in sole discretion of the Cit b refundin the amount of money
paid on aeeount of .._'.a p_. _.`.,__ '
The right to interment in single burial spaces ma be„purchased onl in those
sections designated for that purpose or 3:
immediatel next to a space
sue. :
subject to the a royal. of the Ceme er
Any available lot(s) or burial space(s) may be reserved without payment for a
specific purchaser for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days. The right of
interment in a burial space shall not accrue to the purchaser until the full
purchase price of the same and the perpetual care fee has been paid to the
Cemetery office.
The urchase rice and the perpetual care fee for the 1 ot(s)l or burial spaces)
purchased in the Cemeteries may be paid in installments
prove e a e purchaser shall enter into a written agreement wherein it is
agreed that the number of installments shall not exceed twenty-four (24) nor
extend over a period of more than two (2) years; that no interest shall be added
by the City to the purchase price; that at least ten percent (10%) of the
installment purchase price shall be paid in cash at the time of the execution of
said agreement; and that failure to pay any installment for a period of six (6)
months shall terminate said agreement together with any legal interest of the
purchaser therein, and invest all payments previously made thereunder
absolutelyt the City. Notice o termination for failure of a ents shall
be even b the Cit to the urchaser's last known address.
n pa men ps
apurcaser s a ave no rig o intermentwillbe allowed on the designated lots) orspace
It shall be the duty of the _- burial owner to
notify the City of any change in the owner's mailing a tress. o ce sent to
such owner at the last address on file in the Cemetery office ll be considered
sufficient and proper legal notification.
8.10.1 Reversion: The right of interment in any unoccupied burial space
shall , upon abandonment, revert to the City.
8.10.2 Presumption: Failure to inter in an burial s ace after fift 0-fiNis
years from the date of purchase.shall create a presumption that a same as een a andone excep a
presumption shall not apply when a letter of intent is filed by the owner or the
owner's heirs or assigns stating that the owner intends to keep specified burial
spaces vacant.
8.10.3 Notice Reauired: Abandonment shall not be deemed complete unless the
owner or his or her heirs or assigns shall be notified of the abandonment in
writing mailed to the owner's last known address, by the Cemetery �erh1:endeR1
.;: In the event that the address of the owner or his or her heirs
cannot `e ascertained, then notice of such abandonment shall be given by
publishing the same in a local newspaper once a week for five (5) weeks.
8.10.4 Failure to Re 1 : If the owner of his or her heirs or assigns fails
to inform the Cry- lerk a of an intention to retain the burial
space(s) within sixty (60f days after the date the Notice of Abandonment was
mailed or after final publication of such notice, then abandonment shall become
final and the City may thereafter sell , transfer, and convey the right to
interment therein. The funds derived from any sale of an abandoned space shall
be deposited in, and become a part of, the Cemetery Fund.
No transfer or assignment of the right of interment in any lot or burial space
shall be valid without the prior written consent of the City, which written
consent shall thereafter be recorded in the books of the City.
The City shall have the right to refuse to consent to a transfer or an assignment
as long as there is any indebtedness due the City by the owner of record.
If no interment has been made in a lot or burial space which has been transferred
to an individual owner or owners by the City, or if all the bodies have been
lawfully removed therefrom, in the absence of a specific disposition thereof in
the owner's last will and testament, the lot shall , upon the death of the owner,
descend in regular line of succession as described in the state statutes to the
heirs of the owner.
If for any reason, it becomes necessary for any
a owner to dispose of his or her interest in any burial space, t e owner
fie: ���.: •.�n >b s�Yb9.>:. :.,.. . �`�<: .i � :.<...
.:: :: :: ; R„ ° . ..::.<o '.:gwa:. o� i' ie perpe ua care ee as no een
pai on suc spaces, owever, rrent rep -rehase Firlee ill be pa '. �.y he er etual care fee will be deducted
All lots or
_sseld with perpetual eare shall be
a so Inc u e e require paymen o a perpetual care
The per etual care fee, to be collected from the purchasers of lets--er-hH40-
shall be set by the City Council for the various
sections o t e emeteries after taking into consideration the absence of or
number of monuments in any section, the character of the irrigating system, the
physical difficulties in the character of the soil and such other factors as tend
to determine the necessary cost of the care of said lands.
Any lot or portion thereof not now under perpetual care may be placed under
perpetual care upon application and payment of the required fee. The amount of
such fee shall be the amount that is currently being charged on other burial
spaces of similar character or in a similar location. No burial shall be allowed
in a burial s ace on which the erpetual care fee has not been paid.
W mom
General care will be given lots which were originally sold without perpetual
care, in order that the general beauty of the Cemeteries may be maintained.
However, the City assumes no responsibility to maintain these lots in perpetuity.
Whenever any lot needs attention, lots having perpetual care shall in every case
have preference.
The record books of the City, and the receipt issued by the City shall show the
amount of the perpetual care fee that has been required of the purchaser in each
The money received for perpetual care shall be held in trust in the Perpetual
Care Fund and invested as provided by law. The City reserves the right, however,
either to handle all investment itself, or to deposit said funds with any person,
company or corporation qualified to act as trustee or depository for such funds.
Perpetual care, whether applied to lots, burial spaces or any other space within
the Cemeteries, shall be limited absolutely to the income received from the
investment of the Perpetual Care Fund, with no part of the principal being
The income from the Perpetual Care Fund shall be expended by the City in such a
manner as will , in the udgment of the City Council, be most advantageous to the
lot and burial spai 1
the full power and aut� owners as a whole. The City Council has
thority o de�e`rmine upon what property, for what purpose
and in what manner the income from said Perpetual Care Fund shall be expended for
the care, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of all or any portion of the
Cemeteries' grounds, and it may also expend said income for attorney's fee and
other costs necessary to the preservation of the legal rights of the City in
connection with the Cemeteries.
In addition to these Rules and Re u1 tions all interments shall be subject to
the orders and laws of ��_�' Larimer County and the State of
A Disposition-Removal Permit issued by the Colorado Department of Health, or, if
the death occurred outside Colorado, a similar permit issued by the state in
which the death occurred, is required prior to any interment. Such permit must
be provided by the Funeral Direeter to the Cemetery office.
The City reserves the right to refuse interment in any burial space and to refuse
to open any burial space for any purpose, except upon written application by the
owner or his representative for an interment permit made on forms provided by the
City and duly filed in the Cemeter office. Interment permits shall be granted
by the Cemetery Superintendent 1_ or his representative.
All interments must be made in the manner set by the Cemetery Superintendent
$ and only after payment of the applicable charges.
All interments must be scheduled through the Cemetery office. No interment or
funeral services will be allowed on Saturday afternoons or Sundays or on any of
the following holidays:
New Year's Day -- Martin Luther King Day -- Washington's Birthday --
Memorial Day -- Independence Day -- Labor Day -- Veteran's Day --
Thanksgiving -- Christmas
or upon the days that these holidays are legally observed. No interments will
be allowed on Saturday mornings except on the Saturday mornings which follow a
Friday holiday or precede a Monday holiday.
The Cemetery SuperintendeRt IS
. .F a O shall appoint the
time for the arrival of funera processions a e eme eries. At least one half
hour shall be allowed between the times of arrival of funeral processions to be
held on the same day unless waived by the Cemetery C_•;= Atendent , at
his discretion. When two funeral processions arrive at the Cem es a e er the
same time, the funeral procession arriving first shall have precedence in
entering the Cemeteries and the other procession shall proceed in accordance with
the instructions of the Cemeteryer3ntendent or his representative.
No funeral procession will be permitted in the eme eries after 4:30 p.m. except
by special permission of the Cemetery Superintendent
The Cemetery staff shall endeavor to have Polystyrene Plastic or Fiberglass - Polystyrene plastic
or fiberglass burial receptacles shall be made of commercial grade resin. The
plastic or resin must be a type recommended by the manufacturer for such use
based upon the strength, impact, corrosion and life requirements. The
manufacturer shall substantiate its recommendation from test data developed by
the manufacturer, by the manufacturer's experience in related environments and
service requirements, or by five (5) years experience in the manufacturing of
fiberglass or plastic burial receptacles with successful case histories of their
use. Plastic or fiberglass resin shall not contain any filler or extenders,
except as required for viscosity control . Pigments, dyes and colorants shall not
be used in any build-up. Reinforcing for fiberglass shall be a commercial grade
of fiberglass having a coupling agent which will provide a suitable bond between
the fiberglass reinforcement and the resin. Resin and reinforcing should be
measured to ascertain proper rate and volume of material applied. The finished
surface shall be clean, smooth and uninterrupted with no cracks, crazes, resin
spills/runs, dry spots, foreign matter or concentration of air bubbles. No air
bubbles or pits larger than 1/16" in diameter or 1/32" in depth are allowed. All
sanded areas shall be resin coated and no exposed fiber reinforcement shall be
allowed. Upon approval of the Cemetery 3uper4ntendent , polystyrene
plastic and fiberglass receptacles may be used in double ep Murials as well
as single depth burials provided that if such receptacles are used in double
depth burials, no concrete, steel or copper burial receptacles shall be placed
in the upper burial space. Steel - Steel burial receptacles shall be manufactured
from steel sheeting. A minimum sheet thickness of 12 gauge shall be used in the
manufacturing of steel burial receptacles. Galvanized coating, painting or other
corrosion protection may be used, as well as increased metal thickness, to
provide the durability required. Bent, cracked or damaged steel burial
receptacles may not be accepted. Copper - Copper burial receptacles shall be manufactured
from solid copper sheeting. A minimum sheet thickness of 10 gauge shall be used
in the manufacturing of copper burial receptacles. Bent, cracked or damaged
copper burial receptacles may not be accepted.
11.7.2 Design - Burial receptacles shall be designed to obtain their
strength from their shape and construction, taking into consideration the
material used. They shall be designed specifically for use as containers to be
placed in a burial space. Receptacles shall be of adequate size to completely
enclose the casket, if a casket is to be used. Bases for the receptacles are
optional , provided that sufficient soil bearing and structural integrity is
present without a base. Structural soundness and strength shall be obtained
through the receptacle itself without any dependence upon the casket, if a casket
is to be used.
11.7.3 Durability - Burial receptacles shall be constructed so as to be
capable of providing adequate strength and durability for a minimum of 100 years.
Manufacturers shall provide certificates of compliance and/or test results of
tests conducted according to standard or acceptable testing methods showing
compliance with these specifications if requested by the Cemetery Superintend
11.7.4 Identification - Burial receptacles shall be labeled as to model ,
manufacturer, trademark, etc. The identification must be etched into the
receptacle surface, attached by an adhesive label, or affixed to the receptacle
by some other means to clearly identify the product. In addition to
identification of the manufacturer, concrete receptacles shall have the date of
production etched into the receptacle surface.
11.7.5 Strength - Burial receptacles shall be designed for a maximum
burial depth of eight feet from the bottom of the unit, and, after burial with
a minimum soil cover of 24", shall be capable of structurally withstanding
passage of a backhoe or truck weighing 20,000 pounds maximum gross weight or
approximately 5,000 pounds per wheel . Burial receptacles' structural
capabilities and conformance with these specifications shall be tested by a
strength test, as described below. The Cemetery SaperiMendeni may
waive such testing requirements if, in his discretion, sufficient case s ories
or other test results are provided which indicate the successful erformance of
the particular burial receptacle. The Cemetery �endeni shall
have the right to require periodic retesting of any or all approve urial
receptacles when deemed necessary due to failures of the burial receptacle
discovered since approval .
11.7.6 Strength Test - When requested by the Cemetery Superintendent
9 , a strength test shall be conducted at the supplier's or
manufat urer's expense under the direction of the Cemetery S�eriirtende►�
� or his representative. All costs associated with delivery and removal
of a receptacle to and from the test site, as well as any damage to the
receptacle as a result of the test, shall be borne by the supplier or
manufacturer. The strength test shall be conducted at Grandview and Roselawn
Cemeteries and shall be witnessed by City representatives and the supplier or
manufacturer of the burial receptacle being tested. The strength test shall
consist of the burial receptacle being placed in a simulated burial situation
such as is common at Grandview and Roselawn Cemeteries. Receptacles constructed
with bases shall be tested fully assembled with the top unit installed on the
base. The receptacle shall be buried and backfilled in the usual method used at
the Cemeteries. Backfill material not to exceed two feet in depth (measured at
the shallowest point) shall be placed on top of the receptacle being tested.
After backfilling is completed, the burial receptacle must withstand
passage of a backhoe or truck weighing 20,000 pounds maximum gross weight or
approximately 5,000 pounds per wheel . The burial receptacle shall then be
recovered and inspected for cracking, buckling, fractures, or other failures.
If any substantial failure is found, the Cemetery Superintendent Me shall
disallow the use of the burial receptacle in the Cemeteries. Any cracking,
breaking or excessive settlement of the ground may also result in the
disallowance of the burial receptacle's use in the Cemeteries.
Any reservation for an interment submitted after 3:00 p.m. Friday afternoon must
be for no sooner than the following Monday morning. Any reservation submitted
after 4:30 p.m. Friday afternoon must be for no sooner than the following Monday
afternoon. During the week, at least eight (8) working hours notice must be
iven. Any exce tions must be a roved b the Cemeter
11.7.1 Acceptable Burial Receptacles - Every earth interment must be made
in a burial receptacle made of appropriate materials, including but not limited
to concrete, fiberglass, polystyrene plastic, steel or copper. Only approved
receptacles shall be used. A list of previously approved receptacles and
requirements for approval of other receptacles shall be kept on file at the
Cemetery office. No wooden boxes may be used except in the case of oversize
burials for which a large enough receptacle is not attainable or for infant
burials. No burial receptacle of three (3) pieces or more shall be allowed. The
Cemetery -='.-`= dew shall have the ri ht to refuse an rece tacle
that is damaged or indegeai:e Concrete - Concrete burial receptacles shall be made from
proportions of cement, aggregates and water (conforming to the specifications
stated below) combined in such a manner as to satisfy the strength requirements
stated in paragraph 11.7.5, below. Cement shall be Portland Cement conforming
to the specifications for Portland Cement ASTM C-150. Aggregates shall consist
of sand, sand-gravel , gravel , crushed stone or limestone. The particles shall
be clean, hard, tough, durable, and of uniform quality; free from soft, thin
elongated pieces, disintegrated stone, dirt or organic or other injurious
materials occurring either free or as a coating. Water used in mixing concrete
shall be clean and free from deleterious amounts of acids, alkaline, or organic
materials. " ' Wire
fabric shall be laced in the entire field of the bottom
section. Mega reinor'cing shall be accurately placed and
secured in position to insure agaInsi ispfacement during placement of the
concrete. The reinforcing shall be free from rust, scale, oil , ice or other
coating that will destroy or reduce the bond. Metal reinforcing shall be
protected by a minimum of 1/2" of concrete. Concrete proportions, consistency,
and air content shall be such as to provide a mixture which will readily work
around the reinforcing and into all corners of the forms. The total air content
shall not be less than 4% but not more than 7%. All concrete shall be properly
cured before delivery. Concrete shall be cured for a minimum of 28 days except
that concrete using Type III (high-early) cement, shall be cured for a minimum
of seven days. Concrete receptacles showing cracks, exposed aggregate, exposed
reinforcing, broken corners, or faces that are warped or not true in depth or
line may not be accepted.
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Once a casket or other burial receptacle containing a body is in the confines of
the Cemeteries, no funeral director or his embalmer, assistant, employee, agent,
Cemetery official or employee, or any other person shall be permitted to open a
casket or touch the body without the written consent of the le al re resentatives
of the deceased or a court order.
Arrangements for emergency interments must be made through the Cemetery
Su"Pintendent , upon proof of emergency.
Advance notice must be given to the Cemetery office of the intention to inter the
remains of any person who dies of a virulent contagious disease so that a proper
time may be appointed for the interment and proper arrangements made for the
protection of the public and the Cemetery erew
11.11 __. .s > DISASTERS
In the event of a disaster which results in numerous interments in the
Cemeteries, the Gemetery "."."
eem?"necessary a eme ery3eperintendent
The Cemetery Superintendent � : ; has the authority to void any
Rfimal "regulations necessary in order £o andle the numerous interments as
orderly and as quickly as possible.
The City shall in no way be held liable for any delay in the interment of a body
where a protest to the interment has been made, or where these Rules and
Regulations have not been complied with; and, further, the City reserves the
right under such circumstances to place the body in a receiving vault until the
full rights have been determined. The City shall be under no obligation to
recognize any protests of interments unless they are made in writing and filed
with the Cemetery office.
The City reserves the right to allow interment of the remains of any member of
the immediate family of any one of several common lot owners upon the written
authorization of any such common lot owner. No person other than a member of an
immediate family may be interred in any burial space without the written consent
of all common lot owners.
The application for an interment permit must specify the exact location on the
lot of the burial space desired to be opened. All burial spaces must be at least
six inches from the boundary of the lot and must be at least five and one-half
feet in depth for adult burials and of a ro ortionate de th for
When instructions regarding the location of a burial space on a lot cannot be
obtained or are indefinite, or when, for any reason, the burial space cannot be
opened where specified, the Cemetery-`-_=-a- W. e=emms
may, in hism
discretion, open it in such location on the lot as best and proper;
and the City shall not be liable for damagesany such change.
If, for any reason, instructions concerning the location of the burial space to
be opened are changed by the funeral director, burial space or lot owner or their
representatives after the digging has begun, been completed, or the burial has
been made, the person requesting the change shall be responsible for the payment
of applicable additional fees to the City. Such fees shall be paid before any
work pursuant to the revised instructions.
The City shall not be held res onsible for an order iven by telephone, or for
any mistake occurring : . e., .':' .' #e+°-w � precise and
proper instructions as to the particu ar space, size or location ;;�let where
an interment is desired.
In the event that an error is made in the description of the location of the
burial space to which the right of interment is purchased and remains are
subsequently interred in such space, the City reserves the right to remove and
transfer such remains to such other property of equal value and in a similar
location as may be available, at the expense of the City.
The City shall not be responsible for the identity of any person sought to be
interred; nor shall the City be responsible in any way for the
preparation of the body.
No more than one body may be interred in a single burial space except in the case
of members of the same family who will be interred in the same burial receptacle
or by written consent of the Cemetery der►i ` ,'..,e'. Theore oin f
shall not apply in the case of .~-_ ,6 :' Q
Double depth burials shall only be permitted in areas designated by the City or
in lots approved for such use when requested at the time of purchase, subject to
the approval of the Cemetery Beni If such request is
denied, the Cemetery Sewlnienden s a provide a written response
stating the reason therefore. If a oa a ep h burial request is approved, the
first deceased must go in the bottom space in all cases. The requesting party
automatically waives any right of disinterment of the remains interred in the
lower space.
ii.20 .� ,.. , . EQUIPMENT
Tents, artificial grass, lowering devices and other equipment owned by the City
shall be used in making interments except that equipment owned by private parties
may be used in lieu of equipment owned by the City on the condition that the
charges made shall be the same as if the City's equipment had been used.
Arrangements for the use of City equipment shall be made in advance at the
Cemetery office at which time applicable charges shall be paid.
In order to inter enemains , in the Cemeteries, either in the
ground or in a monument foundation, an interment permit must be obtained from the
Cemetery office and the applicable fee paid to the Cemetery office. The
person(s) requesting interment of evemains may chose any
adequate container for the eremains approve' by the Cemetery
+ a 'he container may be buried
miter The City shall not be
in concrete by t e Cemetery ewew `; : :, whether buried in
liable for the protection of the erematns
concrete or not. In the event that the erns must be
relocated for any reasonthe City shall not be response for any amage to the
erema4ns 90�6" Y„ns or the container.
In addition to these Rules and Regulations, all disinterments shall be subject
to the orders and laws of Larimer County and the State of Colorado.
No disinterment of a body will be made without either al eourt order of a court
of competent Jurisdiction or a signed affidavit from the surviving spouse or next
of kin, on a form provided by the City, stating that the disinterment is being
requested for a valid reason, that the application is being made by a proper
person, that there is no opposition to the disinterment by the surviving spouse,
next of kin, or by the expressed wishes of the decedent, and that the affiant
agrees to indemnify the City and hold it harmless from any liability that might
result from the disinterment and release it from any claims the affiant may have,
then or in the future by reason of the disinterment. The Cemetery
5 -^-`---- =--� rn^-a^-` i shall have the right to require a court order for
disinterment at any Mr prior to the disinterment when circumstances exist or
arise which indicate that there is a question as to the reason for the
disinterment or as to whether there is opposition to the disinterment.
Disinterment of a body so that the lot or burial space may be sold for profit to
the heirs of the deceased or to any other persons, or removal contrary to the
expressed or implied wish of the original lot or burial space owner is PepugAaRt
to the erdiRary sense of deeeney nd is absolutely forbidden.
The City reserves the right to require at least ten days notice prior to any
disinterment. No disinterment will be made on any Saturday, Sunday or legal
holiday or on the day upon which any holiday is legally observed. All
disinterments shall be done at the convenience of the Cemetery Superintendent
I -
All fees assessed by the City for disinterments shall be paid to the Cemetery
office prior to the disinterment.
The services provided in connection with disinterments include removing the
remains of the deceased, the casket if any, and the burial receptacle lacin
the same on t9R of the ground and backfilling the em t burial s ace.
a.a.. :
The City shall h: exercise the utmost care in carrying out a
disinterment but i assumes no 1labill *tt for damage to any casket, burial
receptacl Q: msn or any other property during the
disinterment process.
13.1.1 Live flowers may be planted and cultivated on any burial space at
any time except in Sections 11 and T; however, all lantin shall be located
?: s
within ten (10) inches of the front and sides of the
monument or in an approved vase.
13.1.2 Under no circumstances may glass vases be placed on the grounds.
13.1.3 In the areas where there is a main memorial and a secondary flush
memorial , there--is be no planting and no vases in front of
the secondary flush memorial .
13.1.4 Artificial or fresh cut flowers may be placed in a metal vase at
an time however the will be discarded when dead, faded, broken or
Such a vase must a se n
concre a wi} a minimum re e (3) inch border and within six (6) inches of the
monument or be an actual part of the monument. Foundation work, (includin the
installation of vases) must either be performed by the Cemetery Brew
or an approved, bonded retail dealer (see paragraph 14.1 below) who has pa an
Administrative Memorial Setting fee, as established by the City.
13.1.5 Sprays and wreaths made from fresh cut flowers are allowed, but
they will be removed within two weeks or sooner if they become unsightly or
detrimental in the Cemetery Super ntendent . . . Is opinion.
13.1.6 Christmas blankets and wreaths are allowed from December 1st
through March 1st.
13.1.7 Artificial sprays and wreaths are allowed from May 1st through June
15th and from December 1st through March 1st. The Cemetery Superintendent
shall order the removal of all artificial sprays and wreaths when they
ecome Unsightly or are blown off the burial spaces.
13.1.8 Bushes or trees of any kind except rose or peony are not allowed.
Only one rose bush or one peony will be allowed per burial space. Such bushes
must be planted within ten (10) inches of the front and sides
sl of the monument.
13.1.9 The placing of boxes, shells, stones, boulders, toys, metal
designs, ornaments, chairs, settees, unattached vases, glass, urns, fences, wood
or metal cases, temporary grave markers and similar articles upon lots or burial
spaces shall not be permitted.
13.1.10 The City shall not be held liable for lost, misplaced or broken
flower vases or for damage caused by the elements, thieves, vandals or by causes
beyond its control . The City reserves the right to regulate the
me6l d o decorating lots and the right to regulate decoration so that a uniform
beauty may be maintained.
13.2.1 No planting of live flowers or plants on burial spaces shall be
permitted except in an approved vase.
13.2.2 Under no circumstances may glass vases be placed on the grounds.
13.2.3 No bushes or trees of any kind are allowed.
13.2.4 In the areas where there is a main memorial and a secondary flush
memorial , there are to be no vases in front of the secondary
flush memorial .
13.2.5 Artificial or fresh cut flowers may be placed in a metal vase at
any time; however the will be discarded when dead, faded, broken or of--*=— r e Such a vase must be set in
concrete with a minimum ree inc or er an within six (6) inches of the
monument or be an actual part of the monument. Foundation work (including the
installation of vases) must either be performed by the Cemetery crew
or an approved, bonded retail dealer (see paragraph 14.1 below) who ha"snpaW an
administrative memorial setting fee, as established by the City.
13.2.6 Sprays and wreaths made from fresh cut flowers are allowed, but
they will be removed within two weeks or sooner if they become unsightly or
detrimental in the Cemetery Superintendent .. 's opinion.
13.2.7 Christmas blankets and wreaths are allowed from May 1st through
June 15th and from December 1st through March 1st. The Cemetery SfeperiAtendent
u e*r�sr�s# shall order the removal of all artificial sprays and wreaths when they
ecome unsightly or are blown off the burial spaces.
13.2.8 The placing of boxes, shells, stones, boulders, toys, metal
designs, ornaments, chairs, settees, unattached vases, glass, urns, fences, wood
or metal cases, temporary grave markers and similar articles upon lots or burial
spaces shall not be permitted.
13.2.9 The City shall not be held liable for lost, misplaced, or broken
flower vases or for damage caused by elements, thieves, vandals or by causes
beyond its control . The City reserves the right to regulate the
me od o0 decorating lots and the right to remove any decoration so that a
uniform beauty may be maintained.
The City does not wish to unnecessarily interfere with a family's choice
of memorialization. However, in justice to other 4e8
owners and to preserve the beauty an armony of the Ceme er es,
e i y reserves the right to remove any structure or object that it
deems injurious to the general appearance of the grounds. The City
further reserves the#riht to a rove �reectny proposed memorial,
monument, ete—the following
rules and regu a ions Adid any misunderstanding.
14.1.1 All memorials, monuments, etc. placed in the Cemeteries must be
from approved producers and retail dealers.
14.1.2 In order to procure approval of the City, producers of monumental
materials, including quarriers, quarriers who also manufacture memorials, and
manufacturers of memorials who are not quarriers, must agree to sell only first
grade natural stone for memorial purposes, guarantee that such stone is free from
sap or anything that will cause rust or other stains and that it will not check
or crack, and agree that should such faults develop within five (5) years from
the date of setting, the memorial will be replaced without cost or delay to the
City or the 4et Mowner.
14.1.3 In order to procure approval of the City, retail dealers must agree
to use only first grade natural stone from producers approved as provided above,
and guarantee the memorial to be executed in first grade workmanship, with the
agreement that should faults develop within five (5) years from the date of
setting due to the setting, treatment or handling of the same by the memorial
dealers such memorial will be replaced without cost or delay to the City or the
48i Maboob owner.
14.1.4 Letter cutters, persons or firms who engage in the business of
cleaning monuments and who are not connected with approved retail dealers and all
other persons or firms connected with the memorial business must secure a permit
from the Cemetery C_� -t—'. `-_:nden before any work in the Cemeteries is
commenced. In order to procure suc a permit, it will be necessary for the
person or firm to submit satisfactory evidence of their ability to properly
perform the work for which they have been engaged.
14.1.5 Before approved retail dealers shall be permitted to erect any
stones , lay any foundations or do any work in the Cemeteries, said
retail ea ers shall file with the 94nanee 91reeter a good and
sufficient bond in the penal sum of $�600.00 wi sure ies thereon
to be approved by the Finance Director, which bon s We conditioned upon the
principal conforming and complying with all the ordinances of the City of Fort
Collins and these Rules and Regulations, and that the principal will fully
erform his uarantee covering the sale and erection of said memorials,
etE In addition, approved retail dealers shall
provide o he `emeiery o fice evidence that their employees are covered by
workman's compensation insurance and that the approved retail dealer carries
adequate liability insurance in which the City is a named insured.
14.1.6 Workmen employed in erecting or placing monuments or other
structures or bringing materials into the Cemeteries shall , as to the City,
operate as independent contractors but shall be subject to the general
supervision of the Cemetery Superintendent
14.1.7 Persons engaged in erecting monuments or other structures are
prohibited from attaching ropes or other devices to monuments, trees or shrubs,
scattering material or tools over adjoining lots, blocking roadways or walks, or
leaving material or tools on the grounds longer than is absolutely necessary.
Such persons must do as little injury to the ground, trees and shrubs as
possible, remove all debris and restore the ground to its original condition.
14.1.8 Damage done to lots, walks, trees, shrubs, drives or other property
by the monument dealers or contractors of their agents shall be repaired by the
City, and the cost of such repair shall be charged to the dealer, contractor or
his principal , at the City's option.
14.1.9 No material , machinery or other item used in the construction of
vaults, monuments or other structures, or the monuments or structures themselves,
shall be brought into the Cemeteries until required for immediate use; nor under
any circumstances when a funeral is in process; nor between Saturday noon and
Monday morning and no work shall be done during said times; nor shall such
material be placed on lots adjoining the one on which such structure is to be
erected, without permission of the Cemetery Superintendent
14.1.10 Work shall proceed promptly until the erection of the memorial is
14.1.11 While a funeral or an interment service is being conducted nearby,
all work of any kind shall cease.
14.1.12 Approaching the bereaved and soliciting memorial business within
the Cemeteries is prohibited.
14.1.13 Any approved retail dealer or producer who violates these Rules
and Regulations will be removed from the list of approved retail dealers and
14.1.14 If any work is done in the Cemeteries by any person or company who
is not on the list of approved retail dealers and producers the result of the
work may be eliminated or removed by the Cemetery cwew at the expense
of such person or such person may be given the op or unity o request such
approval , at the Cemetery Superin endent 114 , 's option.
14.2.1 No memorial or monument shall be allowed on any burial space(s)
until the space(s) has been fully paid for.
14.2.2 Only one central or family memorial shall be allowed on a family
14.2.3 If more than one memorial is to be placed on a burial space, the
second memorial must be made of granite and set flush with the ground directly
in front of the main memorial and must not exceed 2'xl'x4" in size.
governmen ma urn s e y e e eran s
Administration may not be set on i marked burial space (38
U.S.C. +906).
14.2.4 No 4et owner shall erect or place or cause to
be erected or laced on as in the Cemetery, an memorial
emetery Superintendent
T++�,�„c_ J__•
14.2.5 The area of the face of any memorial shall not exceed thirty
percent (30%) of the area of the lot. The length of the base of the memorial
shall not exceed seventy five percent (75%) of the width of the lot. The width
of the base of the memorial shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the length
of the lot. Any die or monolith shall have a thickness of at least eight inches
(8") if it is more than three feet six inches (316") in length.
14.2.6 In flat memorial sections, memorials shall be of one piece of
approved stone or bronze and shall not exceed two feet (21) in length of IN one
foot (P) in width. Double memorials may be used and shall not exceed one foot
1' in width and four, feet 4' in len th. ;
w >. , .
NO F1011
14.2.7 In Section T (eremains only), memorials shall be
only flat granite set flush with the ground an %s "al not exceed two feet (2')
in length for a single memorial or three feet (31) in length for a double
memorial .
14.2.8. The bottom surface of all monuments or memorials shall be cut
level and true.
14.2.9 While the City will endeavor to exercise due care to protect raised
lettering, carving or ornaments on any memorial or other structure on any lot in
the Cemetery, it disclaims any responsibility for damage thereto.
14.2.10 No coping, curbing, hedging, grave mounds, borders enclosures of
any kind or walks of any kind shall be allowed on any 4." in the
Cemetery. The City reserves the right to remove the same wi/ ou recourse, if
so planted, erected or placed.
14.2.11 The use of tiles, bricks, .gravel crushed rock, oyster shells,
cinders or other material on any a-" in the Cemetery is
prohibited. If used, such materials may a remove y e City without notice
to the lot owner.
14.2.12 Temporary memorials or ornaments shall not be allowed.
14.2.13 Marble memorials or monuments shall not be allowed.
14.2.14 All memorials and monuments in Section 11 shall be flat bronze or
flat granite type.
14.2.15 In all sections other than Sections 11 or T, flat memorials must
be set at least four inches (4") above the ground. The memorials must be granite
and shall not exceed two feet (2') in length or N one foot (11) in width.
Double grave memorials may be used and shall not exceed one foot (P) in width
and four feet (4') in length.
14.3.1 No memorial or monument shall be allowed on any burial space(s)
until the space has been fully paid for.
14.3.2 If more than one memorial is to be placed on a burial space(s), the
second memorial must be made of granite and set flush with the ground directly
in front of the main memorial and must not exceed 21xl'x4" in size. A
government heads`-- ar marker furnished by the Veteran's Administration
may not be set on marked burial space (38 U.S.C. +906) .
14.3.3 No 1 of owner shall erect or pl ace or cause to be erected or pl aced,
on any 4et . :" f31 in the Cemetery, any memorial of which the Cemetery
�en o
14.3.4 In flat memorial sections (Apostles, Devotion, Christus and Good
Shepherd), memorials shall not exceed two feet (21) in length and one foot (1')
in width. Double memorials shall not exceed one foot (P) in width and four feet
(4') in length. In any other areas where flat memorials are allowed, they shall
conform to the same requirements.
14.3.5 In Section 1, the northern j3§: ortion is to be used for erypts
and the leathern portion is to be a veteran's
section using four tnc ) above ground grani a government memorials only. A
good-sized area will be used for the flag pole and cannon.
14.3.6 In Section 2 and 3, the area of the face of any memorial shall not
exceed twenty percent (20%) of the area of the lot. The length of the base of
the memorial shall not exceed seventy-five percent (75%) of the width of the lot.
The width of the base of the memorial shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of
the length of the lot. Any die or monolith shall have a thickness of at least
eight inches (8") . Beginning April 1, 1989, any die or monolith shall have a
thickness of at least eight inches (8") if it is more than three feet six inches
(3'6") in length.
14.3.7 In Sections 4, 5, 7 and 8 above ground granite memorials no higher
than twenty-two inches (22") will be allowed. The length of the base of the
memorial shall not exceed seventy five percent (75%) of the width of the lot.
The width of the memorial shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the length of
the lot. Any stone memorial shall have a thickness of at least eight inches
(8°) .
14.3.8 In Section 6, memorials and monuments shall be flat bronze or flat
granite type or above ground granite type, not exceeding twenty-two inches (22")
in height.
14.3.9 The bottom surface of all monuments or markers shall be cut level
and true.
14.3.10 While the City will endeavor to exercise due care to protect
raised lettering carving or ornaments on any memorial or other structure on any
}et in the Cemetery, it disclaims any responsibility for damage
there o.
14.3.11 No coping, curbing, hedging, grave mounds, border enclosures of
any kind or walks of any kind shall be allowed on any het in the
Cemetery. The City reserves the right to remove the same wi out recourse, if
so planted, erected or placed.
14.3.12 The use of tiles, bricks, gravel , crushed rock, oyster shells,
cinders or other material on any lot in the Cemetery is prohibited. If used,
such materials may be removed by the City without notice to the lot owner.
14.3.13 Temporary memorials or ornaments shall not be allowed.
14.3.14 Marble memorials or monuments shall not be allowed.
14.4.1 Memorial dealers shall be required to furnish, for the approval
of the Cemetery was a blueprint or sketch of the proposed
memorial or monument, specifying size, location on lot, inscription, kind and
quality of stone and the name of the producer supplying the stone.
a _.
14.4.2 The Cemetery Superin�e„t shall have the power to
reject any plan or design for any memorial , I , in is opinion, on account
of size, design, inscription, or kind or quality of the stone, is unsuited to the
lot on which it is to be placed.
14.4.3 The City reserves the right for the Cemetery Superintendent
tev to stop all work of any nature whenever, in his. :: opinion, proper
preparations therefore have not been made, tools or machinery are insufficient
or defective, work is being executed in such a manner as to threaten life or
pro .erty any reasonable request on the part of the Cemetery S!�pc `.-`_--a--`
°; has been disregarded, work is not being executed in accordance with
specliications, or when any person employed on the job violates one of these
Rules and Regulations.
14.4.4 The completed work is subject to the approval of the Cemetery
Superintendent and if unsatisfactory, it may be removed by the
Cemetery Sepewieneene aEi .
14.4.5 All die stones shall be finished on at least the front surface.
14.4.6 Photographing of memorials shall not be allowed except on signed
order of the lot owner or Cemetery Superintendent
14.4.7 No memorial showing drill or toll marks or straining from rubber
mat used for sand engraving shall be considered as first grade workmanship.
14.7.5 The Cemetery St►p--�,,.;s'WeNt or his representative
shall inspect all completed foundations. � ny eviations rom the required
specifications shall be expeditiously corrected by the approved retail dealer
after receiving notice of such deviations from the Cemetery office. If, after
notice, any deviation is not corrected, the Cemetery ere w shall
make such corrections and charge the approved retail dealer or a work. Suc
approved retail dealer shall not be Permitted to do any further work inthe
Cemeteries until such bill is P MM in full Le
the Cemetery office.
14.7.6 In order to request that a foundation be installed by the Cemetery
crew a licati.ons for installation of a foundation must be made by the
owner or his representative at the Cemetery
office. The c arge or a foundation shall a paid at the time the application
is made. The City shall assume the responsibility for the per construction
of such foundations. The City assumes no responsibility, however, for the
correctness of the size and location of i;he foundatio
information received from the person ordering Me
ounda ion. ny a era ions required in an foundation shall be made at the
expense of the erson orderin the foundation
14.7.7 No monument or memorial shall be delivered to the Cemeteries until
the applicable foundation charges have been paid and perpetual care fee on the
burial space(s) has been paid. Each monument or memorial , upon delivery, shall
be checked by the Cemetery SuperintendentDuring the summer months
(June through September) , no monument or memoa on riger than three feet (3') or
higher than two feet (2') shall be delivered to the Cemeteries until the
foundation has been poured and set-up #er it.
14.7.8 Base stones may vary from the size given when the foundation is
ordered but not to exceed one inch (1") in width or length. If the base stone
is more than one inch (1") larger than the size given when the foundation is
ordered, the Cemetery Supe=-n-'.::`enders=emens ave may refuse to allow such stone
to be set until satisfactory arrang been made by the 4&t RM
:::< ; . owner or his=. :. representative to correct the foundation.
14.8.1 Should any memorial , monument, mausoleum tomb, etc. become
unsightly, dilapidated or a menace to the safety of visitors ,
the City shall have the right to either correct the"con ion or to remove e
same at the expense of the 4-1 IMOMMOM owner.
14.8.2 No monument or memorial shall be removed from the Cemeteries
exce t b the City, unless the written order or permission of the 4"
owner is presented to the City and permission is granted by t e i y.
14.8.3 By presenting to the City proper written evidence to prove that any
person ordering a memorial cannot or will not complete his contract for the
purchase of the same, the dealer who sold the memorial may o ain permission from
the Cemetery Superintendent fe to remove the memorial from the
Cemeteries. In the event a memoriaV is removed by a memorial dealer, it shall
be the duty of such memorial dealer to reimburse the City for the expense of
All memorials, markers or stonework of any kind shall be constructed from first
grade natural stone. No artificial stone of any kind or other material shall be
permitted unless samples are submitted to the Cemetery Superintendent
in advance, and approved in writing by the Cemetery Superintendent
14.6.1 Mausoleums, tombs, vaults, sarcophaguses, or columbariums either
wholly or partially above ground, shall be constructed only in lots designated
for such structures. Such structures shall be built of first grade natural
stone, similar in all respects to stone used in other memorials in the
Cemeteries, unless rior written approval is received from the Cemetery
Superintendent for the use of an alternate material . Before such a
structure is erecte a proprietor must deposit with the City a sum of money
estimated by the City to be sufficient to yield an income for the proper care of
such structure in perpetuity.
14.6.2 Plans, specifications and location on the lot or lots shall be
subject to the approval of the Cemetery Superintendent
14.6.3 When an interment is made in a private mausoleum, the
crypt access opening shall be pro er sealed by an approved monument or
mausoleum deals �,, . � � • -
14.7.1 Foundations for memorials monuments, mausoleums tombs etc. may
be installed b the Cemeter crew or by apprere� retail
� .. a
dealers "at All foundations sha a ut t to a
depth as sp ie . .y e.. aiw shall extend
e emetery o ice s a sc "edu e, upon reasons a no ice, a
oun a ion installations, taking into account weather and ground conditions,
scheduled funeral processions, availability of ersonnel etc. In no event shall
an foundations be laid between O7 ""`
June 1 A excava ed mus e c eane
up to he reasonable satisfaction of the Cemetery Supe- --`__en dent
14.7.2 All foundations shall be constructed of material approved by the
Cemetery Superintendent
14.7.3 Prior to the installation of a foundation by an approved retail
dealer, the approved retail dealer shall pay the appropriate fee to the Cemetery
office, which fee shall cover the actual labor costs to inspect the finished
roduct of the ap roved retail dealer.
14.7.4 There will be no Administrative Memorial Setting Fee pertaining to
the addition of a vase where the memorial has been previously set.
returning the Cemetery !at to its original condition. The City
shall at no time be response or Iffle for the removal of any memorial and
before granting permission for the removal of the same, the City may require a
written guarantee or bond from the person or dealer removing the same, in favor
of the City, to protect and save the City harmless from any and all liability of
whatever kind or nature.
The City may and 4-t hereby expressly reserves the right, to adopt new
rules or regu a ons or to amend, alter and/or repeal any rule, regulation,
article, section, paragraph or sentence in these Rules and Regulations. Such new
lations shall be binding on the
urial spaces regardless of the a e suc
the ri ht of interment.
Special cases may arise in which the literal enforcement of a rule may impose
unnecessary hardshi The City, therefore, reserves the right for the Cemetery
to, without notice, make exceptions, suspensions or
---'-�- =- -�--a--`
modifications in any R ese Rules and Regulations, when, in hisZW judgement,
the same appear advisable; and such temporary exceptions, suspensions or
modifications shall in no way be construed as affecting the general application
or enforcement of these Rules and Regulations.