HomeMy WebLinkAbout017 - 02/20/1996 - AMENDING CITY CODE REVISING CERTAIN RELATED DESIGN CRITERIA, PERTAINING TO THE DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, ORDINANCE NO. 17, 1996 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CYCY OF FORT COLLINS AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF TI IE CITY CODE; REVISING CERTAIN RELATED DESIGN CRITERIA, PERTAINING TO THE DESIGN, CONSTRU ION, AND MAINTENANCE OF RESIDENTIAL LOCAL STREETS SIDEWALKS, ALLEYS, AND PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE PATHS WITH THE CITY; AND AMENDING SECTION 10.204 OF THE UNIFORM IRE CODE WHEREAS,Chapter 24 of the City Code contains certain rovisions pertainiug to the design, construction, and maintenance of streets and sidewalks within t e City and incorporates by reference certain design and construction specifications which ma be adopted by the City Council by resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council believes it to be i the best interests of the City to make certain changes to such design and construction specificati ns as follows: (a) Narrow the width of resi ntial local streets so as to reduce the traffic speed on such streets and reduce the c is of constructing and maintaining the same; (b) Provide for detach d sidewalks with landscaped areas between the curb and gutter for local streets d the sidewalks adjacent thereto, so as to enhance the aesthetics and sense of co munity within residential subdivisions; (c) Modify the lructural design standards for City streets so as to increase their thickness and str tural strength, thereby lengthening their useful life and reducing maintenance osts; (d) Pr ide for the construction of public alleys in residential neighborhoods s as to allow access to the rear of residential properties, and provide standards for e construction of such alleys; and (e Provide for the construction and maintenance of pedestrian and bicycle aths to promote better internal traffic circulation within subdivisions and to provi better bicycle and pedestrian links between such subdivisions and adjacent nei borhoods and service centers; and HEREAS, in order to accommodate such changes, certain amendments are necessary to the C' y Code, the existing Design Criteria and Standards for Streets, dated July 1986, and the Uni rm Fire Code; and WHEREAS, on March 3, 1995, the City issued a Request for Proposals outlining a multi- phase land use planning process and soliciting proposals from outside consultants to work with City staff in developing a new Comprehensive Plan for the City, to be known as the "City Plann,\" which would serve to integrate the various elements of the City's Comprehensive Plan and allow for individual land use proposals to be evaluated by the City within an improved, overall planning context, rather than on a site-specific basis; and WHEREAS, the Council anticipates that the amendments to be made by this Ordinance may need to be reconsidered upon completion of the City Plan process. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF TILE CITY OF FORT COLLINS as follows: Section 1. That Section 24-41 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows: Sec. 24-41. Conformity to specifications required. The specifications and construction and material for all sidewalks, curbs and gutters shall be in conformity with the "DESIGN CRITERIA AND STANDARDS FOR STREETS;SIDEWALKS,ALLEYS AND OTHER PUBLIC WAYS"as adopted by the specifieatians�elapted by-resalutiarrduly-passed-bythe City Council by ordinance or resolution. £apics xre orr#i Mring. Section 2. That Section 24-42 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows: Sec. 24-42. Maintenance. (a) It shall be the duty of the owner of any real property in the city adjacent to a sidewalk and curb and gutter to keep such sidewalk and curb and gutter in repair so that it does not endanger the public. (b) It shall be the duty of the owner of any real property in the'city adjacent to'a local or collector street to maintain any parkway, as defined in Section 24-66, between said property owner's property line and the edge of the adjacent local or collector street;provided however,that the City shall be responsible for the trimming and replacement of all trees in any such parkway. All such parkways shall be maintained in grass, trees, annuals, perennials, or other such plantings as may,he approved by the City Forester. (c) It shall be the duty of any property owner whose property is adjacent to a pedestrian/bicycle path which was required by the city to be constructed pursuant to the provisions of Sections 24-95(g)(5), 29-526A-2.I, or-29-526A-2.6 of the Code, to maintain the paved surface of said pedestrian/bicycle path so that the condition of the same does not endanger the public. 2 Section 3. That the definition of"parkway" in Section 24-66 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby amended to read as follows: Parkway. Parkway shall mean the space between the street,roadway orcmirline and the adjacent property line,with the exception of any existing sidewalk-sidewalk area. Section 4. That Section 24-95(b) Of the Code of the City of Fort Collins shall be amended so as to read in its entirety as follows: Sec. 24-95. Obligation for construction. (b) The local portion of such street shall include, without limitation, the construction of curb, gutter, pavement and sidewalk-aH-meeting-the engineeftng standaids and c, tcria-afthecity. All such construction shall conform to the"Design Criteria and Standards for Streets Sidewalks, Alleys and Other;Public Ways" as adopted by the City Council by ordinance or resolution: Section 5. The following subsections of Section 29-657 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins shall be amended so as to read in their entirety as follows: (b) Cul-de-sacs shall be permitted only if they are not more than six hundred sixty (660)feet in length and have a turnaround at the end with a diameter of at least eighty (80) feetcight., (18) feet ia i get than t ine. Surface drainage on a cul-de-sac shall be toward the intersecting street, if possible, and if not possible a drainage easement shall be provided from the cul-de-sac. If fire sprinkler systems or other fire prevention devices are to be installed within a residential subdivision, these requirements may be modified by the Director of Engineering Planning according to established administrative guidelines and upon the recommendation of the Poudre Fire Authority. (d) if residential lots in a subdivision are adjacent to an arterial street, no Vehicular access to individual lots from such arterial street shall be permitted. Lots adjacent to an arterial street shall have a minimum depth of one hundred fifty (150) feet. Reverse curves on arterial streets shall be joined by a tangent at least two hundred (200) feet in length. 3 (f) Street right-of-way widths shall meet the follovying standard&-and ffit details trtictton-StmTdard�- 50 Millillinin 46 Whether standard7sttbndivi-- conform to the "Design Criteria and Standards for Streets, Sidewalks, Alleys and Other:Public Ways" as approved and amended by the City;Council from time to time by ordinance or resolution. (g) Alleys and other easements shall be controlled by the following requirements: (1) Alleys in residential subdivisions shall not-be permitted c=pt-incases when the same are necessary and desirable to continue an existing pattern or to allow access to residential properties having garages or other parking areas situated behind the principal structure on said properties; (3) All alleys shall be constructed in conformance with the "Design Criteria and Standards for Streets, Sidewalks, Alleys and Other Public Ways" as adopted by the City Council by ordinance or resolution; (34) Easements, public and private, of such widths as necessary shall be provided on lots for utilities, public access, stormwater drainage or other public purposes as required and approved by the Director of Engineering; (5) Pedestrian and bicycle paths:shall be'provided as deemed necessary by the City Traffic Engineer to accommodate safe and convenient pedestrian and bicycle movement throughout the subdivision and to and from existing and future adjacent neighborhoods and service areas; all such pedestrian and bicycle paths shall be constructed in conformity with the Design Criteria and Standards for Streets, Sidewalks, Alleys and Other Public Ways as adopted by the City Council by ordinance or resolution (46) The subdivider shall be responsible for adequate provisions to eliminate or control flood hazards associated with the subdivision in accordance with 4 Chapter 10. Agreements concerning stormwater drainage between private parties shall be subject to city review and approval; Section 6. That the "Design Criteria and Standards for Streets" dated July 1986 are hereby amended as follows: (a) The title thereof shall be changed so as to read "Design Criteria and Standards for Streets, Sidewalks, Alleys and Other Public Ways'; (b) Chapter 2 thereof, pertaining to Structural Design Criteria, shall be amended to incorporate certain additional specifications contained in the"Subgrade Investigation, Pavement Design and Technical Criteria" dated February 6, 1996, a copy of which is on file with the Office of the City Clerk, which specifications will be added to the Design Criteria and Standards for Streets, Sidewalks, Alleys and Other Public Ways and shown as pages 20 through 27 thereof; (c) Pages D-I through D-4 are hereby amended so as to incorporate the additional standards, shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and Section 7. That Section 29-526(D)(2) of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby amended so as to revise the second page of"All Development Criteria" Point Chart A-2.1, as shown on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 8. That Section 29-526(D)(2) of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby further amended so as to change the reference to"Design Criteria and Standards for Streets" in Point Chart A-2.4 to read "Design Criteria and Standards for Streets, Sidewalks, Alleys and Other Public Ways." Section 9. That the amendments contained in Sections 1-6 above shall apply to all applications for subdivisions, planned unit developments, site plan reviews, and design reviews of permitted uses that are submitted to the city on or after March 4, 1996. Section 10. That the "Exceptions" to Section 10.204(a) of the Uniform Fire Code shall be amended as follows: Specifications Sec. 10.204. (a) Dimensions. Fire apparatus access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 20 feet and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches. 5 EXCEPTIONS: 1.. Upon approval by the chief, vertical clearance may be reduced, provided such reduction does not impair access by fire apparatus and approved signs are installed and maintained indicating the established vertical clearance. Vertical clearances or widths shall be increased when, in the opinion of the chief, vertical clearances or widths are not adequate to provide fire apparatus access. 2. Upon approval by the chief, street width may be reduced, provided such reduction does not result in an unobstructed width of less than 16 feet; and provided further that such reduction For the 24 foot narrow residential local street may be approved only when; (a) All,garages take access from an alley, (b) Blocks do not exceed 660 feet in length, and (c) Approved signs will be installed and maintained indicating the established "No Parking areas as required by the "Design Criteria and Standards for Streets, Sidewalks, Alleys and Other Public Ways." Section 11. That the City Manager is hereby directed to present for Council's consideration, no later than July 31, 1997, any proposed amendments to the provisions of this ordinance or to the Design Criteria and Standards for Streets, Alleys and Pedestrian and Bicycle Paths that may, in the opinion of the City Manager, appear to be necessary to fully implement the final recommendations contained in the City Plan, as approved by Council. Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 6th day of February, A.D. 1996, and to be presented for final passage on the 20th day of February, A.D. 1996. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 6 Passed and adopted on final reading this 20th day of February, A.D. 1996. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 7 EXHIBIT A PAGES D1 -4 TYPICAL CROSS SECTIONS FOR NE?N DEVELOPMENT Locn] Street (Except Residential) 48' ROW ► 36' Roadway 10 � 10 8 ►� 6 Park Havel Travel Park Industrial/Commercial Local Street 62' ROW 44 Roadway 9' 10' T 12' 12' N 10 Park Travel Travel Park Rural Street 46' ROW 28' Roadway 14' w 14' Travel Travel Rural Street (Internal local streets of developments, whether standard subdivisions or Planned Unit Developments, with minimum lot sizes of one (I) acre or larger.) D-1 24' Narrow Residential Local Street 50' ROW 24' Roadway N 5—w $ ►� 7 ►;� --17 ►� $1 5 is 9' N Walk Parkway Parking ? Travel Parkway ! Walk UE e 34' ►'. Roadway Width: 24 feet Right of Way Width: 50 feet Travel Lane Width: 17 feet Parking: One side of the street Curb & Gutter: Vertical curb & gutter Design Speed: 20 mph Minimum Curve Radius: 80 feet Where Used: This street may be used only where: (1) the lots all have garage frontage access from an alley, (2) blocks do not exceed 660 feet in length and (3) traffic volume is anticipated to be 300 vehicles per day or less. Driveways: Not allowed. Tree Planting: Canopy shade trees shall be planted at 40 feet spacings in the center of all parkways. Individual trees shall not be closer than 30 feet from the next street tree. Minimum tree size shall be 2" caliper balled and burlapped. Species shall be selected from the City approved canopy shade tree list. D 1-A 30' Residential Local Street 56' ROW 20' Setback to Garage 30' Roadway 511 8 7' 16' T w 8' 5' 9' — ----r Walk Parkway : Parking ' Travel u Parking Parkway Walk UE � 37 r Roadway Width: 30 feet Right of Way Width: 56 feet Travel Lane Width: 16 feet Parking: Both sides of street Curb & Gutter: Vertical curb and gutter or driveover curb and gutter. Design Speed: 25 mph Minimum Curve Radius: 165 feet Where Used: All residential local streets where traffic volume is antici- pated to be 750 vehicles per day or less. Garage Door Setback: 20 feet Tree Planting: Canopy shade trees shall be planted at 40 feet spacings in the center of all parkways. Individual trees shall not be closer than 30 feet from the next street tree. Minimum tree size shall be 2" caliper balled and burlapped. Species shall be selected from the City approved canopy shade tree list. D 1-B 36' Residential Collector Street y 62' ROW 36' Roadway _ 5' 0. 8' 6-8' 12'-10' 12'-10' 6'-8' 8' 5' 9' Walk Parkway Bike Travel Travel Bike Parkway Walk UE 40 r: Roadway Width: 36 feet Right of Way Width: 62 feet Travel Lane Widths: 12 feet or 10 feet Parking: None. Parking must be provided off-street and access taken with shared driveways. Curb & Gutter: Vertical curb and gutter Design Speed: 30 mph Minimum Curve Radius: 240 feet Where Used: Where traffic volume is anticipated to be no more than 2,500 vehicles per day. Tree Planting: Canopy shade trees shall be planted at 40 feet spacings in the center of all parkways. Individual trees shall not be closer than 30 feet from the next street tree. Minimum tree size shall be 2" caliper balled and buriapped. Species shall be selected from the City approved canopy shade tree list. D 1-C 14' Residential Alley Roadway Width: 14 feet Right of Way Width: 14 feet Parking: None. Parking must be provided on private property. Driveway Connections to Alleys: Beginning 6 feet from the alley, drive- ways must begin increasing in width(linearly) approaching the alley to provide 8 feet additional driveway width (4' on each side) at the point of connection to the alley. Garage Door Set Back: 8 feet or 20 feet minimum. D 1-D Pedestrian/Bicycle Path Connections 12' Public Access easement on c one lot fence o Lot a Lot b 0 c U i Y � ,fence 8' ► _._._._._._._._._._._.J: L._._._._._._._._._._._ Q) Y Easement—+ 0 c 5'`--► 0 ~ 'w—property line 5,sidewalk ramp to street Walk Width: 5 feet at the street and in front yards, 8 feet along side yards. Easement Width: 12 feet wide, located on one lot or on a common area tract. Where Used: When required by the City, use to make neighborhood connections where streets are not required or feasible. D 1-E TYPICAL GROSS SECTIONS FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT L � WJ 50 z z d Y y< t4.1 J J U o O Y < Y C Vl J coN H m J N IS 12, IS 6� 5I 4 684 RIGHT OF WAY COLLECTOR INTERSECTION/TURN LANE (BIKE LANES, NO PARKING) 1c L J ` 50� _I z z 66_ J < Q Y Ouj YO= Q YW > Vf Jcc m J JQWpa II` II a4! 5' 8' 6' I 8' 5' 4' [T T T _T T T 68' RIGHT OF WAY COLLECTOR (WITH PARKIN a AND BIKE LANES) D-2 TYPICAL CROSS SECTIONS FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT WJ WJ L 70, J z J < G J J W i W t W Z t K = W IA J F 1— F- i H F J U) 5� 10 14� 13. 1 16' 13' 14� 101 51 IE 100' RIGHT OF WAY ARTERIAL STREET (4 TRAVEL LANES. NO BIKE LANES). IWJ WJ L 70 O O _ _ C d x O J J J J V J us = W < < C p < ` W = W Wcc Y p N J m /- H H I 1- 1- m J N 5' Id 6' 12� 11� 12, 11 12! 6' 1 1d 5' 100 RIGHT .OF WAY ARTERIAL STREET (4 TRAVEL LANES WITH BIKE LANES) D-3 TYPICAL CROSS SECTIONS FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT .INTERIM 4-LANE �J IS 13 2B' 4' 13' J, 13' IN TV IN a � z z d o 3 N W W W 4 01 W W W q 3 W Z < < K Q C < < < = O 3 ro <_ ►°� i ram- ai , 3 7' 6' 13' 11' 12' Qec 16' 12' 11' 13' 6' 7' 120 RIGHT OF WAY MAJOR ARTERIAL (6 LANES) D-4 EXHIBIT B This exhibit will be provided at the time of second reading, on February 20, 1996