WHEREAS,the City Engineer has prepared and presented to the Council a program known
as the "Choice Streets System"which program is intended to improve the technical standards and
regulatory authorities governing the construction and maintenance of streets and related
infrastructure in the City; and
WHEREAS, in 1996 a committee of northern front range governments, including the City
of Loveland, Town of Estes Park,Town of Berthoud, County of Larimer, and City of Fort Collins,
formed to develop a uniform set of standards for street repair and reconstruction; and
WHEREAS, said standards for street repair and reconstruction will greatly reduce the long
term maintenance costs associated with street repairs and will provide contractors,utility companies
and developers with a clear set of regulations from which to bid, budget and construct streets; and
WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Board and the Transportation Board have
recommended the adoption of the program; and
WHEREAS, the Council has determined that the passage of this ordinance is in the best
interest of the City.
COLLINS as follows:
Section 1. That the"Design and Construction Criteria,Standards and Specifications for
Streets, Sidewalks, Alleys and Other Public Ways," dated July 1996, is hereby amended by
repealing therefrom pages P-I through P-17 and pages PD-1 through PD-6 of said document, and
by replacing said repealed provisions with the Street Repair and Reconstruction Standards and
Guidelines attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A".
Section 2. That except as amended pursuant to Section 1 hereof, the "Design and
Construction Criteria,Standards and Specifications for Streets, Sidewalks,Alleys and Other Public
Ways" shall continue in full force and effect.
Introduced and considered favorably on first reading and ordered published in summary form
this 6th day of October,A.D. 1998,and to be presented for final passage on the 20th day of Octo er,
A.D. 1998.
` Ma or
City Clerk
Passed and adopted on final reading this 20th day of October, . . 98.
9 �I �"'- D
City Clerk
October 1998
Table of Contents
A. Purpose.............................................................................. .............................................................................I
B. Introduction....................................................................... .............................................................................I
C. Definitions and Abbreviations............................................ .............................................................................1
D. Specific Conditions............................................................ .............................................................................2
1. Traffic Control Plans................................................... .............................................................................2
2. Traffic Flow During Peak Hours.................................. .............................................................................3
3. Barricades,Warning Lights, Signal Lights................... .. ..........................................................................3
4. End of Day Lane Conditions....................................... .............................................................................3
5. Inspection Requests..................................................... .. ..........................................................................3
6. Minimum Concrete Removals/Replacements............ .. .............................................................................3
7. Road Closures............................................................. .............................................................................3
E. Permit Fees..................................................................... .. .............................................................................3
F. Right-of-Way Contractors License—Refer to Sec. 15-361 of the City Code......................................................4
1. License Requirements.............................................. .. .. ..........................................................................4
2. Application For License and Fee................................ .. ..........................................................................4
3. Bond Required............................................................ .............................................................................4
4. Insurance Required..................................................... .............................................................................4
5. Guarantee of Work...................................................... .............................................................................5
PERMIT APPLICATION PROCESS...............................................................................................................5
A. Permit Required................................................................. .. ..........................................................................5
B. Obtain Blank Permit Form................................................. .. ..........................................................................5
C. Submission of Work Plans................................................. .............................................................................5
D. Submission of Traffic Control Plans................................... .............................................................................6
E. Payment of Fee.................................................................. .............................................................................6
F. Review of Submittals........................................................ .. .........................................................................6
G. Approval of Submittals..................................................... .. ..........................................................................6
H. Issuance of Permit.............................................................. .. ..........................................................................6
1. Other Permits..................................................................... .. ..........................................................................6
CONSTRUCTIONDETAILS................................................... .. ...................................................................6
A. General Conditions............................................................ .. ..........................................................................6
1. Protection of Existing Improvements........................... .. ..........................................................................6
2. Temporary Surfaces Required.................................... _._.........................................................................7
3. Pavement Patches........................................................ .. ..........................................................................7
4. Work to be Done in Expedient Manner........................_._.........................................................................7
5. Removal and Replacement of Unsatisfactory Work..... .. ..........................................................................7
B. Excavation....................................................................... .. .........................................................................8
C. Blasting........................................................................... .. .........................................................................9
D. Equipment........................................................................ ... .........................................................................9
E. Dewatering........................................................................ .. ..........................................................................9
F. Removals........................................................................... .. ..........................................................................9
1. Streets,Paved............................................................. .. ..........................................................................9
2. Streets,Gravel ............................................................... .......................................................................10
3. Concrete Curb,Gutter and Sidewalk........................... ... ........................................................................10
G. Backfill.............................................................................. .. ........................................................................10
1. Flowable-Fill.............................................................. .. ........................................................................10
2. Conventional Backf ill(Other Than Flowable Fill).........._.......................................................................11
3. Compaction Testing Requirements.............................. .._.......................................................................11
4. Embankment and Slopes............................................ ... ........................................................................11
H. Restoration........................................................................... ........................................................................11
1. Bore Holes—Vertical and Horizontal............................. ........................................................................11
2. Subgrade........................................................................ ........................................................................12
3. Asphalt Surfacing and Patching...................................... ........................................................................12
4. Concrete Surfacing and Patching................................ ... .......................................................................13
5. Joint Filling,Concrete.................................................... .......................................................................13
DEVELOPING A"QUALITY"APPROACH TO STREET REPAIRS............................................................... 14
A. General.............................................................................. .. ........................................................................14
B. Appearance........................................................................... ........................................................................14
C. Rideability............................................................................ .......................................................................17
D. Pavement Management..................................................... ... ........................................................................18
E. Future Maintenance.......................................................... .. ........................................................................20
TESTING ...................................................................... .. .................................................................22
A. Description........................................................................ .. ........................................................................22
B. Testing Frequencies........................................................ . .. .......................................................................22
INSPECTION ...................................................................... .. .................................................................22
A. Purpose
The purpose of these Standards and Guidelines is to:
• instruct contractors on how to prepare and submit plans and other documentation for Right-of-Way
• provide typical details for street repairs and reconstructions,
• describe processes, policies and requirements, and
• define roles and responsibilities of all parties.
B. Introduction
All contractors and utility agencies must obtain a Right-of-Way Permit for any work performed within the
public rights-of-way of the City of Fort Collins. The storage of materials and equipment within the public
rights-of-way also requires a Permit.
To preserve the original investment of the street and roadway systems within Fort Collins, minimize the
disruption and maximize the safety to the traveling public caused by construction, and reduce future
maintenance problems, it is the policy of the City of Fort Collins to require that the installation of new
utilities across existing streets be done by boring or tunneling. Open cutting of existing streets for the
installation of new utilities will be permitted only when it can be proven it is not feasible or
practical to use boring or tunneling techniques.
Applicants for Right-of-Way Permits must plan for adequate time for review and approval. Generally, the
greater the scope of work, the longer the permit review and approval process will take.
C. Definitions and Abbreviations
Wherever the following words, phrases, or abbreviations appear in these standards,they shall have the
following meanings:
AS-CONSTRUCTED DRAWINGS—A set of construction drawings that has been red-penciled or
otherwise marked to record all changes which have occurred during the construction.
CDOT—Colorado Department of Transportation.
CITY- shall mean the City of Fort Collins, Colorado
CODE-shall mean the latest official adopted ordinances, policies, codes and/or regulations of the City
of Fort Collins, Colorado.
CONTRACTOR-shall mean a person, partnership or corporation duly bonded, licensed and insured to
perform work within public rights-of-way in the City of Fort Collins.
DAYS- intended as calendar days and not normal working days unless stipulated as working days.
DRIVEWAY, RURAL-that portion of gravel or hard surfaced roadway from the street, roadway or alley
to the private property line to gain access to the private property.
DRIVEWAY, URBAN -that portion of concrete or asphalt pavement extending from the street gutter lip
to the property line for the full width of access from the public right-of-way to the private property.
ENGINEER-shall mean the City Engineer for the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, or his/her authorized
representative acting on behalf of the City.
ENGINEERING PLANS—Drawings, plans, profiles, cross sections and other required details for the
construction of public or private improvements within the public rights-of-way or public easements,
conforming to the applicable improvement standards of the City of Fort Collins.
FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION—the objective grouping of roads, streets and highways into
integrated systems, each ranked by their relative importance to the general welfare, the motorists and
land use.
IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS—A set of regulations established by the City of Fort Collins setting forth
the details, specifications, instructions, and procedures to be followed in the planning, design,
installation and construction of public or private improvements within the public rights-of-way or public
INSPECTOR- shall mean an authorized representative of the Engineer assigned to make inspections
for contract performance, standards and contract compliance.
LOCAL ENTITY-shall mean unincorporated Larimer County,the Cities of Fort Collins and Loveland,
and the Towns of Berthoud and Estes Park, Colorado.
MAY-a permissive condition. No requirement for design or application is intended.
MUTCD- Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (Federal Highway Administration).
OSHA-Occupational Safety and Health Administration
RIGHT-OF-WAY (R.O.W.)-Any strip or area of land, including surface, overhead, or underground,
granted by deed, dedication, prescription or lease, for construction and maintenance according to
designated use, such as for streets and highways, drainage ditches, irrigation canals, etc.
RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT-An official document issued by the City of Fort Collins authorizing the
performance of a specified activity or work within public rights-of-way and public easements by a
person, contractor, company, firm, corporation, or utility.
SHALL- a mandatory condition. Where certain requirements in the design or application are described
with the Gsha110 stipulation, it is mandatory that these requirements be met.
SHOULD- an advisory condition.Where the word 0should0 is used, it is considered to be advisable
usage, recommended but not mandatory. Deviations may be allowed when reasons are given which
show intent of the standard is met.
STREET- a general term denoting a public way for purposes of vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle travel
ways, including the entire area within the right-of-way (includes alleyways). Any constructed facility
within the right-of-way.
TRAFFIC CONTROL SUPERVISOR(TCS)—A well trained and knowledgeable individual assigned the
responsibility for traffic control devices at work sites. The TCS must be ATSSA(American Traffic Safety
Services Association) or CCA (Colorado Contractor's Association) certified.
TRAFFIC ENGINEER- shall mean the Traffic Engineer or person responsible for monitoring traffic in
the City of Fort Collins.
UNCC— Utility Notification Center of Colorado (commonly referred to as "One Call"). Statewide
clearinghouse for coordinating and scheduling utility locates. Most utilities, both public and private,
utilize this service. Toll-free phone number for UNCC is 1-800-922-1987.
D. Specific Conditions
1. Traffic Control Plans
A Traffic Control Plan (TCP)shall be submitted prior to or submitted with the permit application
for all proposed work, for approval by the Traffic Engineer. All signs, barricades and other
necessary traffic control devices shall be placed in accordance with the MUTCD, Part VI. All the
work described above shall be performed by a TCS.
2. Traffic Flow During Peak Hours
No interference with traffic flow on arterial or collector streets shall be permitted during the
hours of 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. or from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. unless authorized in writing by
the Traffic Engineer.
3. Barricades, Warning Lights, Signal Lights
Any person who performs work in the public right-of-way shall place barricades, warning lights
and any other safety devices at the location, sufficient to warn the public of the hazard and
which are in compliance with the MUTCD. The contractor shall be responsible for the
maintenance of all barricades at all times. On all roadways there shall be an individual
responsible for the Traffic Control who is certified by American Traffic Safety Services
Association (ATSSA) and/or Colorado Conractors Association (CCA).
4. End of Day Lane Conditions / Opening to Traffic
At the end of each day the contractor shall (1) Remove all unsuitable material, trash rubbish etc.
from the right-of-way(2) Clean all lanes which are to be opened to traffic of any and all
construction related dirt, dust, debris, etc. by scraping, sweeping and/or washing, as may be
ASPHALT STREET—Prior to opening any repair area to traffic it shall be paved with hot or cold
mix asphalt paving. Flowable-Fill is not an acceptable temporary driving surface.
CONCRETE STREET—The repair area shall remain properly barricaded to protect the
concrete for the duration of the curing period. In the event a traffic lane is to be opened to traffic
prior to the concrete repair being completed, the repair area shall be paved with hot or cold mix
asphalt paving.
5. Inspection Requests
It shall be the responsibility of the person performing the work authorized by the permit to notify
the Engineer or his authorized representatives that such work is ready for inspection. The
Engineer requires that every request for inspection be received at least twenty-four(24) hours
before such inspection is desired. Such requests may be in writing or by telephoning or faxing
the Engineer.
6. Minimum Concrete Removals/Replacements
Removal and replacement shall be to existing joints, unless approved by the Engineer.
7. Road Closures
Road closures will only be allowed at the approval of the Traffic Engineer.
E. Permit Fees
A complete fee schedule can be obtained from the office of the City Engineer.
An additional fee may be charged for any excavation work that may affect the accuracy of the City's
Survey Monumentation System.
F. Right-of-Way Contractors License - Refer to Sec. 15-361 of the City
1. License Requirements
Any person wishing to perform work, regardless of the nature of the work, shall be required to
obtain a Right-of-Way contractors license prior to performing the work. Additionally, any person
wishing to perform work in one of the following categories shall first qualify for, and obtain an
endorsement on their license to perform such work.
Asphalt- Required in order to perform asphalt paving, asphalt patching, slurry seal, chip
seal, crack seal, and other similar asphalt related work.
Utility- Required in order to perform work on any utility which will be owned, operated,
or maintained by the City or any utility which will connect to and become a part
of any City owned, operated, or maintained utility.
Non Structural- Required in order to perform curbs, gutters, sidewalks, crosspans,trickle pans,
Concrete and other similar non-structural concrete work.
Structural- Required in order to perform concrete box culverts, inlets, concrete underwalks,
Concrete culverts, bridges, concrete drainage structures, and other similar work.
2. Application For License and Fee
Applications for a Right-of-Way Contractors License shall be made to the City Engineer. A
complete fee schedule can be obtained from the office of the City Engineer.
3. Bond Required
Any Right-of-Way Contractors License Application shall be accompanied by a license and
permit bond executed by a reliable surety company with a rating of"A-" or better. The certificate
provided to the City shall be an original (not a copy). The bond shall be in the amount of twenty
thousand dollars ($20,000) with an additional and separate bond in the amount of ten thousand
dollars ($10,000) for each license endorsement as provided above and in Sec 15-365. All
bonds shall be continous with a minimum cancellation notice of 60 days. In the event a bond is
canceled the license will be immediately revolked and no further work will be allowed to occur;
however the bond, even though cancelled, must remain effective through the warranty period
associated with all previously completed work items.
4. Insurance Required
Any license application shall be accompanied by an original certificate of Commercial General
Liability Insurance insuring the contractor and naming the City of Fort Collins as an additional
insured against any liability arising out of ownership, use, occupancy or construction of the work
and all areas appurtenant thereto with a combined single limit of one million dollars
($1,000,000). The limits of said insurance shall not, however, be a limit to the liability of the
licensee hereunder.
Terms of Insurance
Insurance required shall be with companies qualified to do business in the State of Colorado
with a general policy holder's financial rating of not less than "B++" as set forth in the most
current edition of"Best's Insurance Reports" and may provide for deductible amounts as the
contractor may deem to be reasonable, but in no event greater than $1,000 . No such policies
shall be cancelable or subject to reduction in coverage limits or other modification except after
thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City of Fort Collins. However, where cancellation of
coverage is due to nonpayment of the premium a ten (10) day written notice to the City of Fort
Collins is required. The contractor shall not do nor permit to be done anything, which shall
invalidate the insurance policies referred to in this section. Policies described above shall be for
the mutual and joint benefit and protection of the contractor and the City of Fort Collins. Such
policies shall contain a provision that the City of Fort Collins, although named as an additional
insured, shall neverless be entitled to recovery under said policies for any loss occasioned to it,
it's servants, agents, citizens, and employees by reason of negligence of the contractor. Such
policies shall be written as primary policies not contributing to and not in excess of coverage
which the City of Fort Collins may cant'.
5. Guarantee of Work
Any person, company, corporation etc. licensed to perform work in the public right-of-way shall
guarantee the work for a period of two (2) years or as required in the City of Fort Collins
Standards and Specifications which apply to the work in question,which ever is longer. This
guarantee shall include all repairs required due to defects in materials or workmanship. It shall
also include defects consisting of settling of trenches or other fills or excavations. The
determination of the necessity for repairs shall be exclusively at the discretion of the Engineer.
The Engineer's decision upon such matters shall be final and binding.
If at any time within the period of guarantee required the licensee shall fail or refuse to make
repairs required by the guarantee,then the City may proceed to cause the repairs to be made
and to recover the cost by action against the bond of the licensee.
A. Permit Required
A permit shall be required for any work performed in the public right-of-way
B. Obtain Blank Permit Form
Blank permit forms can be obtained from the Engineering Department at 281 N. College Ave. Fill out the
form completely and accurately. Be sure to sign and date the form. Turn in the completed form,together
with all required submittals and all copies, to the appropriate Local Entity a minimum of five (5)working
days (not including Saturdays and Sundays) prior to the proposed start of work. In the case of
emergency work,the owner/contractor shall proceed with the repair work necessary; notify the
Engineering Department as soon as practical; then submit for the permit within 24 hours (not including
Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays)
C. Submission of Work Plans
Drawings or plans that clearly indicate the proposed work must be attached to the permit application.
These drawings must be to a working scale and must show position and location of work, street/road
names/numbers, widths of streets, property lines, topographic and man-made features, existing
drainage patterns, etc. Plans shall show the relative position of proposed work to existing utilities and
existing improvements and shall be drawn to a scale of one (1) inch = one hundred (100) feet or larger
and shall include a North reference. The applicant shall be responsible to coordinate with all potentially
interested/affected utility owners. The City reserves the right to require multiple permits per project
depending upon the size of the project.
D. Submission of Traffic Control Plans
Traffic Control Plans shall be submitted with all Right-of-Way Permit applications. Plans shall be
submitted and approved per the City of Fort Collins"Work Area Traffic Control Handbook". A copy of
the approved Traffic Control Plan shall be on site at all times during the construction.
E. Payment of Fee
Payment of the applicable permit, impact and inspection fees shall be made at the time of issuance of
the permit. All fees will be calculated according to the work shown on the plans submitted.
F. Review of Submittals
The completed submittals will be reviewed by the Engineer. If additional information is needed, the
Applicant will be contacted. The Engineer will check to make certain that the Applicant has provided the
required bond, license and insurance certificates.
G. Approval of Submittals
Once the permit form and all required submittals have been reviewed and found to be complete,the
Permit may be approved by the Engineer.
H. Issuance of Permit
The approved Permit is issued to the Applicant.Any modifications to the approved permit including any
schedule or scope changes must be submitted in writing to the City for their review and approval.
I. Other Permits
Permit Applicants are responsible for obtaining separate permits or permission as may be required.
Examples may be when work is proposed within state highway, railroad or irrigation company right-of-
ways, or private property.
A. General Conditions
The following general conditions apply to all work done within the public rights-of-way such as utility line
installation or repairs performed by any contractor or utility department, public or private. They
represent typical situations and repair philosophies; however, they are guidelines and the City of Fort
Collins reserves the right to require repairs above and beyond these guidelines as determined
necessary by the Engineer.
1. Protection of Existing Improvements
a. The Contractor shall at all times take proper precautions and be responsible for the
protection of existing street and alley surfaces, driveway culverts, street intersection
culverts or aprons, irrigation systems, mail boxes, driveway approaches, curb, gutter
and sidewalks and all other identifiable installations that may be encountered during
b. The Contractor shall at all times take proper precautions for the protection of
existing utilities, the presence of which are known or can be determined by field
locations of the utility companies. The Contractor shall contact the UNCC (One Call)at
1-800-922-1987 for utility locates a minimum of two (2) working days prior to his
proposed start of work.
c. Existing improvements to adjacent property such as landscaping, fencing, utility
services, driveway surfaces, etc., that are not to be removed shall be protected from
injury or damage resulting from the Contractor's operations.
d. The Contractor shall at all times take proper precautions for the protection of
property pins/corners and survey control monuments encountered during construction.
Any damaged or disturbed survey markers shall be replaced by a registered land
surveyor at the Contractor's expense.
e. The repair of any damaged improvements as described above shall be the
responsibility of the permit holder.
f. The Contractor shall make adequate provisions to assure that traffic and adjacent
property owners experience a minimum of inconvenience.
2. Temporary Surfaces Required
When the final surface is not immediately installed, it shall be necessary to place a temporary
asphalt surface on any street cut which will be reopened to traffic. The temporary surface
installation and maintenance shall be the responsibility of the Permittee until the permanent
surface is completed and accepted. It shall be either a hot mix or cold mix paving material.
Temporary surfaces shall be compacted, rolled smooth and sealed to prevent degradation of
the repair and existing structures during the temporary period. Permanent patching shall occur
within two (2)weeks unless approved in advance by the Engineer.
3. Pavement Patches
All permanent pavement patches and repairs shall be made with "in kind" materials. For
example, concrete patches in concrete surfaces, full depth asphalt patches with full depth
asphalt, concrete pavement with asphalt overlay patches will be expected in permanent overlaid
concrete streets, etc. In no case is there to be an asphalt patch in concrete streets or concrete
patch in asphalt streets. Any repair not meeting these requirements will be removed and
replaced by the Contractor at his expense. NOTE: In curbs and gutters overlaid with asphalt,
the new curb and gutters shall be poured to match the existing curb and gutter(not the asphalt
overlay) and re-overlaid.
4. Work to be Done in Expedient Manner
All work shall be done in an expedient manner. Repairs shall be made as rapidly as is
consistent with high quality workmanship and materials. Use of fast setting concrete and similar
techniques are encouraged whenever possible without sacrificing the quality of repair.
Completion of the work including replacement of pavement and cleanup shall normally be
accomplished within two (2) weeks after the repair work or activity involving the cut is done.
Extension of time for completion shall be with the written approval of the Engineer. If the repairs
are not completed in the allotted time,the City has the right to repair the street at the
Contractor's expense.
5. Removal and Replacement of Unsatisfactory Work
Removal and replacement of unsatisfactory work shall be completed within fifteen (15)
days of written notification of the deficiency unless deemed an emergency requiring
immediate action. In the event the replacement work has not been completed in a timely
manner, the City will take action upon the Contractor's bond to cover all related costs.
B. Excavation
1. Excavation shall consist of removal of all material necessary for the construction of the
roadway section to the subgrade elevation, line, and grade shown on the plans or as specified
in the contract documents. Unacceptable material defined as any earthen material containing
vegetation or organic silt,topsoil, frozen material, trees, stumps, certain man-made deposits, or
industrial waste, sludge or landfill, or other undesirable materials will be categorized as
Ounclassified excavationU and removed from the site and disposed of in accordance with
applicable Local Entity, State and Federal requirements. All tree stumps and roots shall be
removed to a minimum of two (2) feet below subgrade
2. Any work on trees, including roots, must be reviewed by a licensed arborist. Final work shall
be approved by the City of Fort Collins Forester.
3. Excavation shall be performed in a careful and orderly manner with due consideration given
to protection of adjoining property, the public and workmen.Any damage to streets, parking lots,
utilities, irrigation systems, plants,trees, building or structures or private property, or the bench
marks and construction staking due to the negligence of the Contractor, shall be repaired and
restored to its original conditions by the Contractor at his expense. Following completion of
construction, should any of these trees, shrubs or irrigation facilities, etc. require replacement, it
shall be done at the Contractor's expense.
4. All materials determined acceptable by the Engineer acquired from roadway excavations
may be used for embankment fill and backfill as needed. The entire area in the vicinity of the
construction where excavation and filling has been performed shall be raked clean of all trash,
wood forms, and debris, after completion of the work with no additional cost to the Owner.
Material removed in excavation and not acceptable or not required for embankment fill of
backfill shall be disposed of by the Contractor. It shall not be wasted on private property without
written permission of the property owner.Waste banks shall be left with reasonable smooth and
regular surfaces.
5. The construction of any repair activity within the street or alley rights-of-way shall be
accomplished by open cut,jacking, boring,tunneling or a combination of these methods as
approved by the permit. The Engineer shall approve any change from the approved permit.
6. Once trenches are excavated the contractor shall proceed diligently towards completion of
the work and completion the backfill. The Engineer reserves the right to limit the length of open
trench. Failure by the Contractor to comply with these requirements may result in an order to
stop the excavation in progress until compliance has been achieved.
7. All excavated material shall be stockpiled in a manner that does not endanger the work or
workers and that does not obstruct sidewalks, streets and driveways. The work shall be done in
a manner that will minimize interference with traffic and/or drainage of the street. The Contractor
at the end of each day shall barricade all excavations and ditch lines, remove excess material
from travel ways, and thoroughly clean all street, alleys and sidewalks affected by the
excavation. If it becomes necessary to accomplish this, all streets, alleys (if asphalt or concrete)
and sidewalks shall be swept or washed as required by the Engineer.
8. Materials encountered during excavation such as rubbish, organic or frozen material, and
any other material that is not satisfactory for use as backfill in the opinion of the Engineer, shall
be removed from the site and disposed of daily. Stones, concrete or asphalt chunks larger than
six(6) inches or frozen material shall be considered unsatisfactory backfill and removed by the
9. All excavation, shoring and trenching, and the like shall comply with OSHA's "Construction
Industry Standards" as well as all applicable Federal and State regulations.
10. Crossings under sidewalks or curbs may be made by tunneling only when approved by the
11. Grading shall be done as necessary to prevent surface water from entering the excavation;
any other water accumulation therein shall be promptly removed. Surface drainage, driveways,
fire hydrants, manholes, water valves, etc. of adjoining areas shall be unobstructed.
12. When soft or unstable material or rock is encountered in the trench subgrade that will not
uniformly support the pipe, such material shall be excavated to additional depths directed by the
Engineer and backfilled with Type B material, as described in Subsection G, Part 2.
C. Blasting
1. The Contractor's blasting procedures shall conform to Federal, State, and local ordinances.
The Contractor shall acquire all required permits prior to the start of blasting.
2. Blasting for excavation will be permitted only after securing the approval of the Engineer.
The Engineer will fix the hours of blasting. The Contractor shall use the utmost care to protect
life and property.All explosives shall be safely and securely stored in compliance with local laws
and ordinances, and all storage places shall be clearly marked "Dangerous Explosives". No
explosives shall be left unprotected where they could endanger life or property
3. When blasting in trenches,the Contractor shall cover the area to be shot with earth backfill
or approved blasting mats. Prior to blasting, the Contractor shall station flaggers and provide
signals of danger in suitable places to warn people and stop vehicles. The Contractor shall be
responsible for all damage to property and injury to persons resulting from blasting or accidental
explosions that may occur in connection with the use of explosives.
D. Equipment
1. The use of trench digging equipment will be permitted in places where its operation will not
cause damage to existing structures or features, in which case hand methods shall be
2. No tracked vehicles shall be permitted on streets unless approved by the Engineer.
When tracked vehicles are allowed, damaged facilities will be restored to original
condition at the Contractor's expense.
3. Haul routes for equipment and materials maybe restricted as a condition of the Permit.
E. Dewatering
Where ground water is encountered in the excavation, it shall be removed to avoid interfering with the
work. It is the Contractor's responsibility to comply with all Federal, State and local permitting
requirements prior to beginning any dewatering operations.
F. Removals
1. Streets, Paved
Prior to the final repair the bituminous pavement shall be saw cut to clean, straight lines and
should be perpendicular or parallel to the flow of traffic [See Section 4(B)(2)(a)].
In existing pavement, all excavations within 36" of the edge of the asphalt shall require removal
and replacement from the edge of asphalt.
Concrete pavement, cross pans, driveways, streets and alleys shall be removed to neatly
sawed edges cut to full depth at concrete joints only.
2. Streets, Gravel
When trenches are excavated in streets or alleys which have only a gravel surface,the
Contractor shall replace such surfacing on a satisfactory compacted backfill with gravel
conforming to CDOT Class 5 or Class 6 aggregate base course. Gravel replacement shall be
one (1) inch greater in depth to that which originally existed, but not less than four(4) inches.
The surface shall conform to the original street grade. Where the completed surface settles,
additional gravel base shall be placed and compacted by the Contractor immediately after being
notified by the City,to restore the roadbed surface to finished grade.
Some streets may have been treated with a special surface treatment to control dust and/or
bind the aggregates together. In these cases the Contractor is responsible for installing the
gravel surface in the same manner as what was existing. Such surface treatments shall be of
the same chemical composition as what existed prior to the excavation work. The Engineer
shall note on the permit the surface treatment that will be required.
3. Concrete Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk
Prior to the final repair the concrete shall be removed to neatly sawed edges cut to full depth for
sidewalks and curb and gutter, and shall be saw cut in straight lines either parallel to the curb or
perpendicular to the alignment of the sidewalk or curb. Any removal shall be done to the nearest
joint. Replaced sections may require doweling connections if required by the Engineer. All
concrete repairs shall be completed in accordance with section 4.00 of the"City of Fort
Collins Design and Construction Standards and Specifications for Streets, Sidewalks,
Alleys and other Public Ways".
G. Backfill
1. Flowable-Fill
pavement and gravel locations. Flowable-fill vibration may be required.
The approved mix for flowable-fill is shown below. Concrete backfill will not be allowed within
the public right-of-way.
Flow Fill
Cement 42 (0.47 sack)
Water 235 (39 gallons or as needed)
Coarse Aggregate (Size No. 57) 1700
Sand (ASTM C-33) 1845
Flowable fly ash fill (Flash Fill) may be used if approved by the Engineer. The approved mix for
flowable fly ash fill is shown below.
Flowable Fly Ash Fill
Class C Fly Ash 200 - 400
Class F Fly Ash 1600- 1800
Water(96 Gallons) 800 (or as needed for proper
The maximum desired 28-day strength is 60 psi. The above combination of material, or an
equivalent, may be used to obtain the desired •flowable-fill•.
Flowable-fill or flash-fill shall be prohibited as a temporary or permanent street surface.
Trenches shall initially be backfilled to the level of the original surface. After the flowable-fill has
cured, the top surface of the flowable-fill shall be removed and the temporary or permanent
surface shall be placed.
Bridging and cutback requirements as described in these standards are still required.
Repair of failed trenches will be the responsibility of the party requiring the trench.
2. Conventional Backfill (Other Than Flowable Fill)
When "non-flowable fill' backfill material has been pre-approved by the Engineer, backfill in
existing or proposed streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and alleys is divided into three (3)
categories: initial, intermediate and final lifts as defined below:
a. The INITIAL LIFT, designated as Class B and generally comprised of a
washed, clean gravel material, consists of the section from the bottom of the
excavation to a point six to twelve (6- 12) inches above the top of the utility line
installation. Placement of the initial layer shall be as specified by the utility agency to
protect their installation. Sections deeper than described above for class B will not be
b. The INTERMEDIATE LIFT, generally comprised of native material, consists of
the section above the initial layer to a point within six(6) inches of the ground level or
the bottom of the pavement section whichever is lower.
Excavated material may be used in the intermediate layer provided that it is deemed
suitable by the Engineer.
c. The FINAL LIFT includes both road base and asphalt surfacing. Road base material
shall be CDOT Class 5 or 6 aggregate base course or as specified by the Engineer.
Maximum dry density of all soil types used will be determined in accordance with AASHTO T 99
or AASHTO T 180. These densities will be determined prior to placement of backfill.
When a hydro-hammer or drop hammer compaction machine is used for compaction of fill in
trenches, the maximum layer shall be 30 inches
3. Compaction Testing Requirements
See page 22, or refer to the "Testing" section of this document.
4. Embankment and Slopes
a. The Engineer shall approve all fill material.
b. All cut slopes shall conform to OSHA standards.
H. Restoration
1. Bore Holes —Vertical and Horizontal
For openings less than or equal to 12" in diameter, bore holes shall be filled with patching
material (cold mix is not acceptable as a permanent repair material)to prevent entry of
moisture. Patching material used shall be in all cases compatible with the existing surface.
Subgrade shall be replaced with flowable fill to provide necessary support to the surface.The
sealing of bore holes is the responsibility of the Contractor or persons making the bore.
For openings greater than 12" in diameter, the limits of repair shall be identified in the field.
The completed job shall be flush with the surrounding pavement and have no indentations,
pockets, or recesses that may trap and hold water.
2. Subgrade
The subgrade for the pavement structure shall be graded to conform to the cross sections and
profile required by the construction plans. Prior to the placement of aggregate base course or
sub-course, the subgrade should be properly prepared. The subgrade should be scarified to a
minimum depth of six(6) inches, moisture adjusted as necessary, and recompacted to not less
than the following:
a. For cohesive soils, 90% maximum Modified Proctor dry density at±3%of optimum
moisture content, or 95% maximum Standard Proctor dry density at±2% of optimum
moisture content.
b. For non-cohesive soils, 92% maximum Modified Proctor dry density at±3% of
optimum moisture content, or 97% maximum Standard Proctor dry density at±2% of
optimum moisture content.
c. For expansive soils (swell potential 2% or greater under 100-150 psf surcharge
pressure), as recommended by the Geotechnical Engineer and approved by the city
Prior to approval to place the base or sub-base course, all utility main and service trenches shall
be compacted to not less than the above referenced densities required for the given soil
classification. This density requirement also applies to all utility trenches within the public rights-
of-way from a point four(4) feet beyond the edge of asphalt or back of sidewalk and
descending at 1:1 outward.
3. Asphalt Surfacing and Patching
Any damage, even superficial, to the existing asphalt surface shall be repaired at the expense
of the Contractor, including but not limited to gouges, scrapes, outrigger marks, backhoe bucket
marks, etc.A slurry seal type covering will be considered the minimum repair. Patching may be
required, at the discretion of the Engineer.
The depth of asphalt patches in asphalt streets shall typically be the depth of the existing
asphalt plus one (1) inch with the minimums listed below, or as specified by the Engineer.
Minimum Patch Widths:
Minimum Asphalt Deaths: (Transverse Patches)
Residential- 6 inches (2"Surface on 4" Grade G) Residential- 5 feet
Collector- 8 inches (2" Surface on 6"Grade G) Collector- 8 feet
Arterial- 10 inches (3" Surface on 7"Grade G) Arterial- 10 feet
The asphalt patch area for street excavations that fall within the wheel path of the vehicular
travel lane shall be increased in size to the center of the lane or adjacent lane. In no
circumstance will the edge of a patch area be allowed to fall within the wheel path.
When the proposed excavation falls within three (3) feet of a section of failed pavement, the
failed area shall be removed to sound pavement and patched. Scarring, gouging, or other
damage to the adjacent pavement shall be removed and the pavement repaired.
All asphalt mix designs shall conform to requirements 2.06.04 of the City of Fort collins "Design
and Construction Criteria, Standards and Specifications for Streets, Sidewalks,Alleys and Other
Public Ways".
The wearing course of all patches shall be of the same grading as the surrounding pavement
(i.e., Grading C, Grading CX).
All street cuts shall be patched as per the guidelines of Section 4 (pages 14-21).
In streets that are less then five (5)years old the Local Entity reserves the right to deny
any street excavation or require repairs that are over and above these specifications.
EXCEPTIONS - There may be situations where the patching standards are
considered inappropriate. For example, if repair work is being done ahead of a
reconstruction project, it may be possible to provide a temprory patch adequate to
accommodate traffic until the reconstruction project starts. In these cases the City
may ask the permitee to contribute the difference in cost between the temporary
repair and the permanent repair towards the ultimate reconstruction.
DISPUTE RESOLUTION - Mutual acceptance of these guidelines is expected to
evolve over time with experience in the field. Disagreements over requirements
and cost sharing are inevitable. In cases where agreement cannot be reached, the
dispute shall not deter the Contractor from compliance to the specific Permit or
guidelines provided by this document unless approved by the Engineer.
4. Concrete Surfacing and Patching
The concrete pavement shall be replaced with 4,000 psi concrete to match the finish and
thickness of the existing pavement, but not less than eight (8) inches thick. All concrete
construction shall be protected from vehicular traffic, including contractor vehicles, until the
concrete has achieved a minimum strength of 80% of its design compressive strength (0.80 x
fc). Concrete shall be coated and sealed with a uniform application of membrane curing
compound applied in accordance with manufacturers recommendations.
The use of quick curing concrete (3000 psi strength within 48 hours)shall be used on all arterial
and collector streets when repair areas are less than 500 square feet or when temperatures are
below 40" F. Quick curing concrete repairs may be opened to traffic within two (2)days or when
the concrete has achieved a minimum strength of 80% of its design compressive strength (0.80
x fc).
Where existing cracks or damage are adjacent to the area being repaired the repair area shall
include the cracked or damaged concrete. Pavement repairs shall include all areas of damage,
including leak test holes, pot holes, equipment and/or material scarring of the existing surface.
When repairing concrete, removal perimeter shall be sawcut and replacement concrete shall be
doweled into the old concrete as directed by the Engineer.
5. Joint Filling, Concrete
Prior to opening to traffic,joints shall be widened, thoroughly cleaned of all foreign material,
then filled with a hot-poured elastic type joint filler conforming to M 173,ASTM D1190 or ASTM
D1751, D1752, D3405, D3406, D3407or approved silicone sealants or others as approved by
the Engineer. Reference CDOT Sec. 412.18 and M-412-2 for preparation and application
standards and specifications.
A. General
Every street and street repair situation is unique. Design criteria and construction standards cannot
address every situation but, in order to maintain some form of consistency,these standards have been
developed. In most cases, they provide the minimum acceptable standards for construction or repair.
Consequently, when strictly applied, they will provide the minimum acceptable product.Therefore,this
criteria has been developed to maintain the same integrity of the street pavement and subsurface
condition as existed prior to its being cut for utility installations or repairs.
To achieve the goal of"Quality" or"Excellence" in street repairs, these criteria shall be viewed as
guidelines when used in conjunction with good planning and judgement. This will restore the street to an
acceptable condition with minimal patching failures. In many cases, it will be necessary to exceed the
minimum standards to achieve a quality repair.
Issues that shall be considered in a quality approach to street repairs are as follows (these criteria must
all be balanced against the long-term maintenance needs of the utility):
B. Appearance
The final appearance of the street should suggest that the repairs were planned, and did not happen by
1. Consciously or not, the driving public"rates"the appearance of the street system-- including
street repairs-- every day. Street repairs which are satisfactory from a functional point of view
may produce a negative reaction from the public if they give the appearance of being poorly
planned or executed.
2. The public's perception of street repairs is based primarily on shape, size, and orientation --the
geometry of a patch. Here are some guidelines for the geometry of a quality patch:
a. Existing pavements should be removed to clean, straight lines PARALLEL and
PERPENDICULAR to the flow of traffic. Do not construct patches with angled sides and
irregular shapes.
b. Avoid patches within existing patches. If this cannot be avoided, make the boundaries of the
patches coincide.
tin atch Existin atch
New Patch New Patch
c. Do not"leave"strips of pavement less than one-half lane in width from the edge of the new
patch to the edge of an existing patch or the lip of the gutter.
PstiEA Existin
ch Patch
d. In concrete pavements, remove sections to existing joints in the case of concrete in good
repair. In damaged concrete, the limits of removal should be determined in the field by a
representative of the Engineer. In the case of repairs in large panels of concrete pavement it
may be possible to repair a portion of the panel and add contraction joints as determined by the
Joints Joints
e. Asphalt and concrete pavements should be removed by saw cutting or grinding. Avoid
breaking away the edges of the existing pavement or damaging the remaining pavement with
heavy construction equipment.
� `1
f. In the case of a series of patches or patches for service lines off a main trench, repair the
pavement over the patches by grinding and inlaying when the spacing between the patches is
less than 75 feet(in cases where the existing pavement is in poor condition and may require
overlay within the next few years, this requirement may be modified or waived by the Engineer).
Less than 75'
C. Rideability
Are the transitions on and off of the repair smooth? Does the patch itself offer a smooth ride?Are the
joints located outside of the normal wheel path?
able to see a street repair, but in the case of a quality repair, he/she should not be able to "feel"
it in driving normally down the street.
2. Do not place overlays with feathered edges on collector or arterial streets. Overlays should
be placed by first removing the existing pavement to the desired depth by grinding, and then
replacing the pavement flush with the adjacent surfaces.
3. On some residential streets, overlays with feathered transitions may be acceptable, but the
Engineer's office should be consulted in planning such overlays. Particular care must be taken
in constructing overlays to provide smooth transitions, and to avoid problems with drainage or
access at the edges of gutters.
Grind & Inlay
4. Surface tolerances for street repairs should meet the standard for new construction. That is,
the finished surface of the street repair, when tested with a ten (10)foot straightedge parallel to
the centerline or perpendicular across joints, will show variations measured from the testing
face of the straightedge to the surface of the street repair which do not exceed one-quarter(1/4)
10' Straightedge 10' Straightedge
Greater than 1/4" Less than 1/4"
D. Pavement Management
Is the repair consistent with the long-term pavement management strategy for the particular street?
2. In most cases, and particularly in the cases of extensive excavation and repairs, it is
desirable to survey the existing pavement condition with a representative of the City of Fort
Collins prior to the work.After completion of the work, survey the pavement condition again to
verify that the pavement condition has been maintained or improved.
a. In the case of minor repairs, these pavement surveys can be made by visual
b. However, in the case of major projects that involve excessive haul of materials or
unusually heavy construction equipment or activity, non-destructive testing of the pavement
condition before and after construction may be required.
3. Consideration of pavement management issues may also identify opportunities for joint
efforts between the permittee and the City of Fort Collins.
For example, suppose the repair of a utility line requires an overlay on half of a street, and that
the condition of the remaining half of the street might also warrant an overlay. We may decide at
that point to overlay the entire street, with the City of Fort Collins and the utility splitting the cost
of the overtay. In such a case, the utility may be able to save the cost of grinding half the street.
The City of Fort Collins will allocate a reasonable percentage of their annual overlay program to
accommodate their share of these situations. This includes minor(2-3 block) maintenance
projects and larger capital improvement projects (major water line extension). Coordination for
these types of cooperative repairs should occur as far in advance of actual construction as
4. Transverse patches shall be patched for a distance of two (2)feet minimum on all sides of
the trench. Minimum width for transverse patches shall be: Arterial— 10'; Collector—8';
5. Do not allow the edges of patches to fall in existing wheel paths. The edges of patches
parallel to the direction of traffic shall be limited to the boundaries of lanes or to the centerline of
travel lanes.
EXCEPTION: No longitudinal joint shall be allowed in any bike lane.
6. Patches should have a smooth longitudinal grade consistent with the existing roadway.
Patches should also have a cross slope or cross section consistent with the design of the
existing roadway.
Cross Slope Cross Slope
Patch Patch
E. Future Maintenance
Will the repair pose any future maintenance problems or make future maintenance more difficult?
1. Excavations and street repairs, even well constructed street repairs, shorten a pavement's
life. Several types of street distress, settlement, alligator cracking, and potholes, often show up
around patches. Quality street repairs should attempt to reduce the occurrence of these types of
2. Avoid weakening or destroying the existing pavement around an excavation with heavy
construction equipment, stockpiling or delivery of materials, etc.When damage exists or occurs
adjacent to the repair, remove the damaged pavement, extending the limits of the street repair,
before replacing the pavement.
3. When the proposed excavation falls within three (3)feet of a section of failed pavement, the
failed area shall be removed to sound pavement and patched. Scarring, gouging, or other
damaged pavement adjacent to a patch shall be removed and the pavement repaired.
Less than 3'
Patch `
4. "T" cutting is required for all repairs. Remember the minimum patch widths are as follows:
Arterial— 10'; Collector—8'; Residential—5'.
Min 2' Min 2'
Geotextile nLy bJ required
01 0
5. For patches in asphalt, a tack coat shall be applied to all edges of the existing asphalt
before placing the new pavement.
6. After placing the new asphalt, all seams (joints) between the new and existing pavements
shall be sealed with an asphalt tack coat or rubberized crack seal material.
7. Avoid frequent changes in width of patches. For future maintenance, this simplifies removal
of adjacent pavement failures.
A. Description
The contractor is required to provide material testing for each phase of the work and at no cost to the
City of Fort Collins. The Independent Geotechnical Testing Firm chosen to perform this work for the
Contractor must be qualified and identified on the Permit application.
B. Testing Frequencies
The number of density tests required may be increased if directed by the Engineer. The costs of any
testing, as required, shall be bome by the Contractor. Proctors shall be determined prior to backfilling.
Independent lab results shall be provided to the City of Fort Collins as soon as possible, on a daily basis
as a minimum. The horizontal frequencies of density tests are as follows:
1. Utility Mains-One test per 100 linear feet per lift.
2. Service Lines- One test per each service per lift.
3. Manholes and valve boxes per each lift on alternating sides of the structure (N,S,E,VV).
Following are the minimum number of tests required for each construction activity. These tests must be
submitted to the Engineer on a daily basis as acquired.
Native or imported backfill-One (1)test for every two (2)vertical feet and every one hundred (100) feet
horizontally, or fraction thereof, with at least one (1)test per each lift.
1. Flowable-fill—Testing may be required at the discretion of the Engineer(Physical
Properties only).
2. Concrete pavement, curbs, gutters and sidewalks—Testing to be conducted for every 100
cubic yards or portion thereof, with a minimum of one per day. The types of testing required
shall be as prescribed by the City of Fort Collins.
3. Asphalt Pavement—
Asphalt content-One test per 500 tons or fraction thereof of mix produced, minimum of
one test perjob.
Gradation—Aggregate: one test per 500 tons or fraction thereof of mix produced,
minimum of one test per job.
In-place density—One test per 500 lane feet or fraction thereof of mix placed, minimum
of one test per job.
4. Aggregate base course materials—One test per 400 lane feet or fraction thereof. No less
than two (2)tests per excavation.
All construction work within the public rights-of-way shall be subject to inspection by the Engineer and certain
types of work may have continuous inspection. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to provide safe
access for the inspector to perform the required inspections.
It shall be the responsibility of the person performing the work authorized by the Permit to notify the Engineer or
his authorized representatives that such work is ready for inspection. The Engineer requires that every request
for inspection is to be received at least twenty-four(24) hours before such inspection is desired. Such requests
may be in writing or by telephoning or faxing the Engineer.
The Engineer may make or require other inspections of any work as deemed necessary to ascertain compliance
with the provisions of these Guidelines and the Street Design and Construction Standards, or Municipal Code.
Any work performed without the required inspections shall be subject to removal and replacement at the
Contractor's expense, regardless of the quality of the work.