HomeMy WebLinkAbout166 - 12/06/1994 - AMENDING CITY CODE RELATING TO USER RATES AND CHARGES FOR THE WATER AND WASTEWATER UTILITY ORDINANCE NO. 166, 1994 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS AMENDING CHAPTER 26 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS RELATING TOUSER- RATES- AND- CHARGES- FOR- THE_ WATER AND WASTEWATER UTILITY BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS as follows: Section 1. That Sections 26-118(a), (b) (3) and (b) (4) of the Code of the City are hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 26-118. Determination of user rates. (a) The City Manager shall analyze the operating and financial records of the utility for the previous calendar year and recommend to the City Council not later than September 1 of each year user rates or adjustment to be in effect from January 1 to December 31 of the following year. The recommendation shall be based on the actual cost of providing city water to users connected to the water utility including the treatment, distribution, administration, billing and capital improvement costs and on such considerations as the number of users and the estimated water demand for a typical user within a rate category. Recommended user rates may also include a conservation gallonage charge or other rate component that creates an economic incentive to conserve water. (b) The rate categories for water users and the basis for determination of monthly charges for each category are as follows: . (3) Users outside the city limits. The monthly rate for water taken through a meter by a user outside of the city limits shall be as set forth in Section 26-127(d) . (4) Construction rate. As a condition of issuance of a water service connection permit for premises under construction, the permittee shall pay a one-time flat fee for water used during a construction period of three (3) months and for costs incurred to make the water system ready for use. Section 2. That Section 26-124(a) (3) of the Code of the City is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 26-124. Water from fire hydrants. (a) A person requiring the use of bulk water from a fire hydrant may apply to the utility for a fire hydrant meter and pay the following charges: . . . . (3) A charge for the cost of the water used, calculated by multiplying the applicable water rate by the number of metered thousand gallons less the number of thousand gallons paid for under the minimum monthly charge. Section 3. That Section 26-126 of the Code of the City is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 26-126. Schedule A, flat rates for unmetered water use. When the use of city water is not metered, the monthly rate to be charged for each flat rate water service shall be the sum of the total charge for the dwelling units (A) plus the lot charge (B) : A = For a building containing only one (1) dwelling unit: Eighteen dollars and seventy-eight cents ($18.78) ; for a buiTding containing on Ty two (2) dweTTing units: Thirty-one dollars and forty-eight cents ($31.48) . B = For each lot: Add to the dwelling unit charge thirteen and two-tenths cents (0.132) per one hundred (100) square feet of Tot area if the buiTding incTudes one dweTTing unfit. Tt the building includes two (2) dwelling units, add to the dwelling unit charge twelve and four-tenths cents ($0.124) per one hundred (100) square feet of lot area. Section 4. That Section 26-127 of the Code of the City is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 26-127. Schedule B. meter rates. (a) Minimum charge. The minimum monthly charge for all metered users inside the city limits shall be as follows: (1) Residential customers. Residential customers shall pay a minimum monthly charge of twelve dollars and sixty-one cents ($12.61) for the first dwelling unit and seven dollars and fourteen cents ($7.14) for each additional dwelling unit. (2) Non-residential customers. Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this Section, non-residential customers shall pay a minimum monthly charge based on meter size as follows: Meter Size Monthly (inches) Minimum Charges 3/4 $ 9.05 1 22.49 1} 47.15 2 85.39 3 103.33 2 4 178.94 6 402.75 8 644.43 (3) Construction rate. For residential premises under construction (single family and duplex) , six dollars and thirty cents ($6.30) for the first dwelling unit and three dollars and fifty-seven cents ($3.57) for the second dwelling unit. For multifamily and nonresidential premises under construction, one-half (;) of the nonresidential minimum monthly charge for the applicable meter size. (b) Quantity charge. The minimum monthly charge determined pursuant to paragraph (a) of this Section will entitle any nonresidential user to two thousand (2,000) gallons of water per month without additional charge and will entitle any residential customer to two thousand (2,000) gallons of water per dwelling unit per month. The monthly water usage less the volume allowance for the minimum monthly charge shall be billed at the rate of one dollar and four cents ($1.04) per one thousand (1,000) •gallons. For nonresidential customers, monthly water usage in excess of the specified amounts below shall be billed at One dollar and forty- nine cents ($1.49) per 1,000 gallons based on meter size as follows: Meter Size Specified Amount (inches) (gallons per month) 3/4 100,000 1 300,000 1) 625,000 2 1,200,000 3 1,400,000 4 2,500,000 (c) Colorado State University. The monthly charge for water taken through a meter by Colorado State University, whether the water is being delivered to a University facility located within or without the city limits, shall be at the rate of one dollar and thirty-three and three tenths cents ($1.333) per one thousand (1,000) gallons of water used. Colorado State University shall also pay a monthly meter fee of one thousand one hundred ten dollars ($1 , 110. ) representing the city's costs associated with providing metered water connections to the University's foothills campus. (d) Service outside the city. Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (c) of this Section, the monthly charge for water taken through a meter by a user outside the city limits shall be as follows: 3 (1) Minimum charge. The minimum monthly charge for all metered users outside the city limits shall be as follows: (i) Residential customers. Residential customers shall pay a minimum monthly charge of Seventeen dollars and ninety-seven cents ($17.97) for the first dwelling unit and ten dollars and eighty- three cents ($10.83) for each additional dwelling unit. (ii ) Non-residential customers. Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this Section, non-residential customers shall pay a minimum monthly charge based on meter size as follows: Meter Size Monthly (inches) Minimum Charges 3/4 $ 17.97 1 30.12 1) 60.30 2 96.66 3 181 .35 4 302.13 6 604.12 8 966.65 (iii) Construction rate: For residential premises under construction (single family and duplex), eight dollars and ninety-eight cents ($8.98) for the first dwelling unit and five dollars and forty-three cents ($5.43)_ for each additional dwelling unit. For multifamily and nonresidential premises under construction, one- half (1) of the nonresidential minimum monthly charge for the applicable meter size. (2) Quantity charge. The minimum monthly charge determined pursuant to subparagraph (1) of this paragraph (d) will entitle any nonresidential user to two thousand (2,000) gallons of water per month without additional charge and will entitle any residential customer to two thousand (2,000) gallons of water per dwelling unit per month. The monthly water usage less the volume allowance for the minimum monthly charge shall be billed at the rate of one dollar and forty-eight and five tenths cents ($1.485) per one thousand (1,000) gallons. For nonresidential customers, monthly water usage in excess of the specified amounts below shall be billed at one dollar and forty-nine cents 4 ($1.49) per 1,000 gallons based on meter size as follows: Meter Size Specified Amount (inches) (gallons per month) 3/4 100,000 1 300,000 1# 625,000 2 1,200,000 3 1,400,000 4 2,500,000 (3) Master meter charges. When two (2) or more taps are served from one (1) master meter, the monthly charge for the city water passed through the master meter shall be computed as follows: (i) the average volume of water used per tap is determined by dividing the amount of water metered through the master meter by the number of taps; (ii) the charge for each tap is then determined by applying to the average volume of water used per tap, the rate applicable to each tap for like service inside the city limits; and, (iii) the amount to be billed to the master meter user is the sum of the charges for each tap times oneand- one-half 1,-1=;-. Section 5. That Sections 26-129(b) (4), (5) and (6) of the Code of the City are hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 26-129. Schedule D, miscellaneous fees and charges. (b) The fire hydrant fees and charges shall be as follows: . . . (4) For water service inside the city,- rate per one thousand (1,000) gallons water used. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.04 (5) For water service outside the city, rate per one thousand (1 ,000) gallons water used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 .485 (6) A deposit may be required in the amount of the charges for the anticipated water usage and rental . Section 6. That Section 26-206 of the Code of the City is hereby amended to read as follows: 5 Sec. 26-206. Definitions. Winter quarter water use shall mean the average monthly amount of water billed to the user during the preceding months of January, February and March. Section 7. That Section 26-279(c)(5) of the Code of the City is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 26-279. Service charges; categories. (c) (5) The rate for users in category G shall be as set forth in Section 26-280. Section 8. That Section 26-280 of the Code of the City is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 26-280. Service charges established by category. The schedule of rates for each category described in §26-279 shall be as follows: CATEGORY CLASS OF CUSTOMER RATE A Single-family residential $15.84 per month user (flat rate) Single family residential user $6.97 per month plus $1.43 (metered per 1,000 gallons of winter water use) . quarter water use B Duplex (Two-family) $25.87 per month residential users (flat rate or) . Duplex(Two-family) $9.14 per month plus $1 .43 residential users per 1,000 gallons of winter (metered water use) . quarter water use C Multifamily residential $1.43 per 1,000 gallons of user (more than two winter quarter water use, dwelling units including plus a minimum charge of mobile home parks) and $0.62 per month per dwelling winter quarter based unit served. nonresidential user D Minor nonresidential user The greater of $1 .43 per 1 ,000 gallons of water use, measured sewage flow, or winter quarter water use, whichever is applicable, plus the following applicable 6 base charge, or the following applicable minimum monthly charge: Size of water Base meter (inches) charge 3/4 or smaller $ 1.57 1 3.96 1 1/2 8.79 2 13.52 3 20.87 4 40.33 6 121.56 Size of water Minimum meter (inches) monthly charge 3/4 or smaller $ 6.49 i 8.0'0 1$ 15.01 2 25.89 3 53.95 4 86.36 6 194.40 E Intermediate nonresidential $1 .43 per 1,000 gallons of and user water use, measured F wastewater flow, or winter Significant industrial user quarter water use, whichever is applicable; plus a surcharge of $1.136 per million gallons for each milligram per liter of suspended soils in excess of 2W miTTigrams per liter; plus a surcharge of $0.977 per million gallons for each milligram per liter of BOD in excess of 200 milligrams per liter or a surcharge of $0.606 per million gallons for each milligram per liter of COD in excess of 300 milligrams per liter, or a surcharge of $1 .76 per million gallons for each milligram per liter of TOC 7 in excess of 100 milligrams per liter, whichever is applicable. The user shall either pay this calculated amount plus the applicable base charge set forth below, or the applicable minimum monthly charge set forth below, whichever is greater: Size of water Base meter (inches) charge 3/4 or smaller $ 1.57 1 3.96 1 1/2 8.79 2 13.52 3 20.87 4 40.33 6 121.56 Size of water Minimum meter (inches) monthly charge 3/4 or smaller $ 8.96 1 11.86 1) 20.82 2 35.73 3 74.45 4 119. 17 6 268.26 G User outside the city $9.51 per month plus $2.145 limits: per 1,000 gallons of winter Single-family residential quarter water use user (metered water use) . Duplex (two-family) $14.67 per month plus $2.145 residential users (metered per 1,000 gallons of winter water use) . quarter water use Multifamily residential The greater of $2.145 per user (more than two 1,000 gallons of winter dwelling units including quarter water use or a mobile home parks) and minimum charge of $8.96 per winter quarter based month per dwelling unit nonre-s-identia-1_ user,_ servP_d__ 8 Minor nonresidential user. The greater of $2.145 per 1,000 gallons of water use, measured sewage flow or winter quarter water use, whichever is applicable, or the following applicable minimum monthly charge: Size of Minimum water meter monthly (inches) charge 3/4 or $ 8.95 smaller 1 11 .86 1; 20.72 2 35.73 3 74.44 4 119.17 6 268.26 $2.145 per 1,000 gallons of water use, measured wastewater flow, or winter quarter water use, whichever Intermediate is applicable; plus a nonresidential user surcharge of $1.239 per and million gallons for each Significant industrial milligram per liter of user suspended solids in excess of 250 milligrams per liter; plus a surcharge of $0.999 per million gallons for each milligram per liter of BOD in excess of 200 milligrams per liter or a surcharge of $0.662 per million gallons for each milligram per liter of COD in excess of 300 milligrams per liter, or a surcharge of $1.917 per million gallons for each milligram per liter of TOC in excess of 100 milligrams per liter, whichever is applicable. The user shall pay either this calculated amount or the applicable minimum monthly charge set 9 forth below, whichever is greater: Size of water Minimum meter (inches) monthly charge 3/4 or smaller $ 8.95 1 11.86 1 1/2 20.72 2 35.73 3 74.44 4 119.17 6 268.26 H Special with agreement The rate shall be negotiated. I Special without agreement $1 .39 per 1,000 gallons of winter quarter water use Section 9. That Section 26-282 of the Code of the City is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 26-282. Wastewater strength or industrial surcharges and categories established. (a) The schedule of wastewater strength surcharge for customers inside the city shall be as follows: Excess over Rate per Parameter (mg/7) 1,000 gallons BOD 200 $ 0.000977 COD 300 0.000606 TOC 100 0.001760 TSS 250 0.001360 (b) The schedule of wastewater strength surcharge for customers outside the city shall be as follows: Excess over Rate per Parameter (mg/1) 1,000 gallons BOD 200 $0.000999 COD 300 0.000441 TOC 100 0.001278 TSS 250 0.000826 10 (c) The schedule of average concentrations for the various categories is as follows: . . . . Introduced, considered favorable on first reading, and ordered published this 15th day of November, A.D. 1994 and to be present for final gage on the 6th day of December, A.D. 1994. r ATTEST: l �V1,City Clerk ' Passed and adopted on final reading this da of Dece A. 1994. ayor ATTEST: City Clerk 11