WHEREAS, on June 1, 1967, the Council of the City of Fort Collins
adopted Ordinance No. 20, 1967, pertaining to mobile home parks within the
City, which Ordinance is contained in Chapter 18 of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins; and
WHEREAS, the City has experienced some difficulties with respect to
the enforcement of said Chapter; and
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Fort Collins has determined that
it is in the best interests of the health, safety and welfare of the
citizens of the City that said Chapter be repealed in its entirety, and
replaced with a Chapter which better addresses contemporary health and
safety issues within mobile home parks in the City; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is in the best
interest of the citizens of the City that provision be made for minimum
standards to safeguard life or limb, health, property and public welfare by
regulating and controlling among other things, the use and occupancy,
location, installation and maintenance of mobile homes and mobile home
parks within the City; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has further determined that a substantial
number of mobile home rental units exist in the City of Fort Collins; and
WHEREAS, the promulgation of minimum standards of health and safety is
necessary in order to insure that all mobile home rental units are
Chapter 18 be and hereby is repealed in its entirety and readopted to
provide as follows:
Chapter 18
Section 18-1. Purpose and scope.
(a) Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to provide for the
continued maintenance of mobile home communities, existing at the
time of the effective date of this Chapter and those constructed
thereafter, in a healthy and safe manner based on the standards
prescribed herein.
(b) Scope. Except where specified otherwise, this Chapter shall apply
to all mobile home parks and mobile homes, as defined herein,
existing at the time of the effective date of this Chapter and
Section 18-2. Definitions.
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this Article, shall
have the meanings ascribed to them in this Section:
Building Official shall mean the Building Permits and Inspections
Administrator or authorized representative.
Mobile home shall mean a transportable, factory assembled, single
family dwelling unit installed on a mobile home lot as prescribed in
this Chapter for year-round occupancy and containing living facilities
for sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation. Mobile homes shall not
include camping trailers, motor homes, buses, and similar vehicles
normally associated with recreational and other temporary activities,
which are licensed or otherwise regulated as such vehicles by the
Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles.
Mobile home lot shall mean a parcel of land contained within a mobile
home park, and operated by the mobile home park, for the placement of a
mobile home used exclusively as a single family dwelling.
Mobile office unit shall mean a transportable, factory assembled unit
designed as temporary office facilities for construction projects or
temporary offices associated with commercial , industrial , business, or
institutional activities.
Mobile home park shall mean a parcel of land which has been planned,
improved, or is currently used for the placement of mobile homes and
contains more than one mobile home lot.
Mobile home park owner shall mean an individual , corporation, firm,
partnership or other legal entity having ownership or legal control of
a mobile home park.
Mobile home rental unit shall mean a mobile home used for the purpose
of renting or leasing to a person or persons for residential purposes.
Permit shall mean an official document issued by the city permitting
construction, alteration or other specified activity within a mobile
home park under the provisions of this Chapter and other regulations
enacted by the city.
Sewer connection shall mean the connection consisting of all pipes,
fittings and appurtenances from the drain outlet of the mobile home to
the inlet of the corresponding sewer rise pipe of the sewerage system
serving the mobile home park.
Sewer riser pipe shall mean that ,portion of the sewer lateral which
extends vertically to the ground elevation and terminates at each
mobile home lot.
Water connection shall mean the connection consisting of all pipes,
fittings and appurtenances from the water riser pipe to the water inlet
pipe of the distribution system within the mobile home.
Water riser pipe shall mean that portion of the water supply system
serving the mobile home park which extends vertically to the ground
elevation and terminates at a designated point at each mobile home lot.
Section 18-3. Construction permit required; application; fees; issuance;
(a) Permit Required. It shall be unlawful to develop, construct, alter
or enlarge any mobile home park within the city without a valid
permit issued by the Building Official for the specific
development, construction, alteration or activity proposed.
(b) Applications. All applications for permits shall be made in
writing to the Building Official and shall contain the following:
(1) Name and address of the applicant.
(2) Name and address of the owner of the mobile home park.
(3) Location and legal description of the mobile home park.
(4) Complete plans and specifications of the proposed park
(conforming with the requirements of this Chapter, the Zoning
Ordinance of the city, utility design standards and street
design standards as established by the city) , including the
following specific information:
a. The area and dimensions of the tract of land.
b. The number, location and size of all mobile home lots.
C. The location, design, and width of roadways and pathways.
d. The location of service buildings and any other proposed
e. The location and size of water and sewer lines and riser
pipes, and fire hydrants, and the location and details of
lighting and electrical systems.
f. Identification of flood hazard areas and provisions for
flood hazard reduction as may be required elsewhere in
this Code.
g. Complete landscaping plans identifying size and location
of all plant materials, irrigation systems and ground
h. Such further information as may be necessary to determine
if the proposed park will comply with the Code.
(c) Fees. All applications shall be accompanied by a fee equal to that
set forth in the city building code as adopted in Chapter 5 of the
(d) Permit Issuance. When the activity as proposed in such application
is determined to comply with the requirements of this Chapter and
any regulations issued hereunder, and all other applicable city
ordinances and regulations, a permit shall be issued.
(e) Appeals. Any person whose application for a permit under this
Chapter has been denied may request and shall be granted a hearing
on the matter before the Building Review Board under the procedure
provided by this Chapter.
Section 18-4. Inspections.
(a) Installation Inspections Reauired. No mobile home installed after
the effective date of this Chapter shall be occupied without first
having been inspected for conformance with the applicable standards
specified in this Chapter and a certificate of inspection issued
therefor by the Building Official . Nothing herein shall preclude a
preliminary inspection of any mobile home prior to installation on
a mobile home lot for assessment of conformance with this Chapter
as far as such inspection may reveal . An inspection fee of
twenty-five dollars ($25. ) shall be paid prior to the performance
of any inspection pursuant to this paragraph; and, with regard to
preliminary inspections, all costs to the city to accomplish such
inspection shall also be paid prior to such inspection.
(b) Mobile Home Rental Unit Inspection. No mobile home rental unit
existing at the time of the effective date of this Chapter or
thereafter shall be occupied without first having been inspected
for conformance with the applicable standards specified in this
Chapter and a certificate of inspection issued therefor by the
Building Official . Every existing mobile home rental unit shall be
inspected within sixty (60) days of the effective date of this
Chapter, and every mobile home rental unit installed thereafter
shall be so inspected within sixty (60) days after installation.
Reinspection of mobile home rental units shall occur at least once
every five (5) years, and upon such inspection, the Building
Official shall issue a certificate of reinspection upon a finding
of conformance with the applicable standards specified in this
(c) Compliance Inspections. In addition to the foregoing, the Building
Official is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to make such
other inspections as are necessary, from time to time, to determine
satisfactory compliance with this Chapter and the regulations
issued hereunder.
(d) Right of Entry. Whenever necessary to make an inspection to
enforce any of the provisions of this Chapter, or whenever the
Building Official has reasonable cause to believe that there exists
in any mobile home, mobile home lot or mobile home park any
condition or violation which makes such mobile home, lot or park
unsafe, dangerous or hazardous, the Building Official may, at his
discretion, enter such mobile home, lot or park at all reasonable
times to perform any inspection or other duty imposed upon the
Building Official by this Chapter. If such mobile home or mobile
home lot is occupied, the Building Official shall first present
proper credentials and request entry. If such mobile home or
mobile home lot is unoccupied, the Building Official shall first
make a reasonable effort to locate the owner or other persons
having charge or control of the mobile home or premises and request
entry. If such entry is refused, the Building Official shall have
recourse to every remedy provided by law to secure entry.
(e) Owner Access. It shall be the duty of every occupant of a mobile
home lot to give the owner thereof or his or her agent or employee
access to any part of such mobile home lot at reasonable times for
the purpose of making such repairs or alterations as are necessary
to effect compliance with this Chapter and the regulations issued
hereunder, or with any lawful order issued pursuant to the
provisions of this Chapter.
Section 18-5. Notices of violations; hearings; orders.
(a) Notification. Whenever the Building Official determines that there
are reasonable grounds to believe that there has been a violation
of any provision of this Chapter or the regulations issued
hereunder, the Building Official shall give notice of such alleged
violation in the following form:
(1) Such notice shall be in writing;
(2) Such notice shall include a statement of the reasons for its
(3) Such notice shall allow a reasonable time for the performance
of any act it requires;
(4) Such notice shall be served upon the mobile home park owner,
mobile home owner, agent, or tenant, as the case may require,
provided that such notice or order shall be deemed to have
been properly served upon such party when a copy thereof has
been sent by certified mail to said party's last known address
as shown on the most recent real property tax rolls of Larimer
County, Colorado, or when such notice has been served by any
method authorized or recognized by the laws of Colorado for
service of process; and
(5) Such notice shall contain an outline of remedial action which,
if taken, will effect compliance with the provisions of this
Chapter and the regulations issued hereunder.
(b) Hearings. Any person affected by any notice which has been issued
in connection with the enforcement of any provision of this Chapter
or any regulation issued hereunder may request and shall be granted
a hearing on the matter before the Building Review Board provided
that such person shall file with the Building Official a written
petition requesting such hearing and setting forth a brief
statement of the grounds therefor within ten (10) days after the
day the notice was served. The filing of the request for a hearing
shall operate as a stay of the notice and of the suspension until
issuance of an order by the Building Review Board. Upon receipt of
such petition, the Building Official shall schedule a hearing of
the matter before the Building Review Board at its next regular
meeting. At such hearing the petitioner shall be given an
opportunity to be heard and to show cause why such notice should be
modified or withdrawn.
(c) Findings and Remedies. After such hearing the Building Review
Board shall make findings as to compliance with the provisions of
this Chapter and the regulations issued hereunder, which findings
shall be in writing and become a part of official records. Upon
failure to comply with any order of the Building Review Board
sustaining or modifying the notice of the Building Official , the
mobile home park owner, mobile home owner, agent, or tenant shall
be subject to all remedies as provided by law.
(d) Final decisions of the Building Review Board are subject to the
right of appeal to the City Council as set forth in Chapter 2 of
the Code.
Section 18-6. Mobile home park management.
(a) Designation of manager. Every mobile home park owner shall
designate a person to act as manager of the park for the purpose of
providing supervision of such mobile home park. Such manager shall
be accessible to park residents and the public during reasonable
and convenient times. An emergency telephone number shall be
posted in a conspicuous location near the park entrance or on-site
manager's office.
(b) Posting regulations. A copy of this Chapter, and any required
state, county and city permits and licenses, shall be available for
inspection by all residents of every mobile home park in the
on-site manager's office, when such office exists.
(c) Park maintenance. It shall be the responsibility of every mobile
home park owner to maintain the park in a clean, orderly, safe, and
sanitary condition at all times, and in conformance with the
following requirements:
(1) Every mobile home park shall be provided with weekly trash
removal at each mobile home lot or provide communal trash
containment in approved vermin proof containers as specified
by the county Health Department. Trash shall be transported
off-site and permanently deposited in approved disposal sites.
(2) Every mobile home park owner shall be responsible for insuring
that no discarded, abandoned or waste materials (including,
without limitation, household appliances, furniture,
inoperative vehicles, tires, lumber, building supplies, or any
similar items) remain outdoors in the mobile home park.
(3) Every mobile home park owner shall be responsible for
maintaining in good condition all common landscaping in the
park. All grass covered common areas shall not be permitted
to grow to a height in excess of six (6) inches.
(4) All park utility service connections, including, without
limitation, electric, water, sewer, and gas shall be
maintained in a condition such that the public health and
safety is not threatened and in conformance with applicable
building, plumbing, mechanical and electrical codes.
( 5) Every mobile home park shall be provided with an
identification sign at the park entrance with the park name
and street address written in letters of sufficient size and
contrast as to be easily visible from the public street
frontage. Every mobile home lot shall be identified with
numbers of sufficient size and contrast as to be easily
visible from the park street frontage.
(d) Lot Maintenance. Mobile home residents shall be responsible for
maintaining mobile home lots on which they reside in a clean, well
maintained and sanitary condition.
Section 18-7. Park utilities and fire protection.
(a) Park utilities. Every mobile home park shall be provided with
water, sewer, electric, and, where available, gas utilities. Such
utilities shall be designed and installed with appropriate
distribution systems supplying each mobile home lot in accordance
with the plumbing, mechanical , and electrical codes as adopted by
the city. All mobile home sewer connections shall be water tight
and all cross connections in the potable water distribution system
supplying all mobile homes shall be eliminated. Every mobile home
frame shall be electrically grounded by means of an approved
metallic water pipe ground or approved ground rod. Every mobile
home shall be supplied with electricity by a service outlet rated
at one hundred twenty/two hundred forty (120/240) volts alternating
current (AC) and not less than fifty (50) amperes. Such service
outlets shall be located not more than twenty-five (25) feet from
the mobile home.
(b) Mobile home park fire protection. Every mobile home park shall be
provided with fire protection water supply, fire hydrants, and fire
department access as specified in the city fire code.
Section 18-8. Mobile home installation standards and permits.
(a) Approved mobile homes. No mobile home shall be installed or placed
upon a mobile home lot after the effective date of this Chapter,
unless such mobile home bears a label or has equivalent
documentation certifying that the mobile home was constructed in
accordance with the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and
Safety Standards Act of 1974, or NFPA 501, ANSI 119.1, or
equivalent. Mobile homes manufactured prior to such standards may
be installed in the city subject to approval on an individual basis
by the Building Official , upon finding that such mobile home is in
a safe, sound physical condition and meets all other provisions of
the standards specified in this section. In addition, every mobile
home installed after the effective date of this Chapter shall meet
all of the following conditions:
(1) The mobile home shall have an operable, approved smoke
detector installed adjacent to sleeping rooms as prescribed by
the city building code or other applicable Federal standards.
(2) The mobile home shall be equipped with two (2) operational
exit doors.
(3) The mobile home shall have all fuel-burning heating equipment
as defined in the city mechanical code, including furnaces and
water heaters, within the mobile home inspected by a qualified
service technician, as determined by the Building Official ,
and found to be in safe operating condition.
(4) All electrical wiring and distribution equipment within the
mobile home shall be in safe working condition, and shall
conform to nationally recognized standards which were
applicable at the time of the construction of said mobile
(5) All plumbing fixtures, drainage piping, and water piping
within the mobile home shall be in safe working condition.
(6) The mobile home is determined by the Building Official to be
generally in sound physical condition.
(b) Mobile home installation permit required. No mobile home shall be
installed on a mobile home lot after the effective date of this
Chapter without first obtaining a mobile home installation permit
for each such installation from the Building Official . A fee of
twenty-five dollars ($25.) shall be paid to the city prior to
issuance of each such permit. No permit shall be issued for
installation of any mobile home not in compliance with the
requirements of this section. The application for such permit
shall contain the following:
(1) Name(s) of the mobile home owner.
(2) Make, model , and place of'origin of the mobile home.
(3) The proposed location of the mobile home, indicating mobile
home park, and lot identification.
(c) Mobile home installation standards. Every mobile home installed
after the effective date of this ordinance shall comply with the
following installation standards:
(1) Site preparation and foundations. All foundation pad sites
shall be cleared of vegetation, on undisturbed soil or
approved fill and be graded such that supporting piers are
plumb. The pier base shall be two (2) solid concrete blocks
which provide a sixteen (16) inch by sixteen (16) inch by four
(4) inch thick pad or a single concrete pad equivalent in
size. Supporting piers shall be constructed of nominal eight
(8) inch by eight (8) inch by sixteen (16) inch, celled
concrete blocks placed directly on the pad and perpendicular
to the main frame members of the mobile home and capped with a
solid, nominal four (4) inch by eight (8) inch by sixteen (16)
inch concrete block. Piers shall be spaced a maximum of eight
(8) feet on center and be placed within five (5) feet of
anchorage and be centered under frame members. End piers
shall not be more than five (5) feet from the end of the
mobile home. Piers greater than thirty-six (36) inches high
shall be constructed with double-stacked blocks specified
above. Piers greater than forty-eight (48) inches high shall
be constructed of interlocking concrete blocks bonded together
with approved mortar and grouted full or equivalent. Piers
greater than seventy-two (72) inches high shall be designed by
a qualified professional . Shims shall be used to level the
mobile home and shall not exceed four (4) inches in thickness
and shall be adequate to provide full bearing under the frame
(2) Anchoring. Every such mobile home installed shall have an
anchoring system installed which will prevent uplift, sliding,
rotation, and overturning. Such system shall be composed of
approved cables, eyebolts, straps and other hardware
sufficient to withstand a tensile load of four thousand seven
hundred twenty-five (4,725) pounds at each anchor connection
without failure, creep, or withdrawal . All such hardware
shall be corrosion resistant coated steel or equivalent. For
mobile homes fifty (50) feet in length or less, two (2)
anchors along each side shall be provided. For mobile homes
fifty (50) feet to seventy (70) feet in length, three (3)
anchors shall be provided along each side. For mobile homes
greater than seventy (70) feet in length, four (4) anchors
shall be provided along each side.
(3) Landings and porches. Every such mobile home installed shall
be provided with a thirty (30) inch by thirty (30) inch
landing or porch within eight (8) inches, measured vertically,
of the entrance doorway, threshold. Such landing or porch
shall be served by stairs or ramp, guardrails, and handrails
constructed in accordance with the city building code.
(4) Utility service connections. All utility service connections
shall be installed and maintained in accordance with
applicable city codes and shall be securely attached and
supported as necessary. Water lines and connections shall be
protected from freezing in an approved manner. Sewer
connections shall be sealed in an approved manner at the point
of connection to park services and shall be entirely under the
mobile home. Gas valves shall be of an approved type. A
pressure test as prescribed in the city mechanical code shall
be performed on mobile home gas piping systems.
(5) Skirting. Every such mobile home installed shall be provided
with perimeter skirting between the ground and bottom of the
mobile home floor within thirty (30) days after utility
connections are made. Such skirting shall be of a durable,
rigid, weather-resistant material approved for such use, such
as exterior plywood, fiberglass, or equivalent material .
Skirting shall be securely attached to the mobile home to
prevent unsupervised access to mobile home utility
connections. Combustible storage shall be prohibited under
mobile homes, provided however, that tires mounted on wheels
which are needed for transporting the mobile home shall be
permitted to be stored under such mobile home.
Section 18-9. Accessory buildings, additions and alterations to mobile
(a) Accessory buildings. Permanent accessory buildings, including
without limitation, carports, garages, decks, porches, patio
covers, and storage buildings, may be constructed in a mobile home
park provided the following conditions are met:
(1) All such structures are expressly authorized in writing by the
park management.
(2) All such structures are not dependent on the mobile home for
structural support unless sufficient evidence otherwise is
provided which demonstrates such a mobile home meets
structural requirements for the additional loads.
(3) A city building permit is obtained when required.
(4) All such structures meet construction requirements specified
in city codes.
(b) Additions and alterations. Additions and alterations to mobile
homes shall be permitted provided that such additions and/or
alterations comply with the requirements set forth in subsections
(a) (1) (3) and (4) above. Replacement of heating equipment as
defined in the city mechanical code, in a mobile home shall require
a city building permit for mechanical work.
Section 18-10. Mobile home rental units.
Every mobile home rental unit shall , in addition to the other
applicable provisions of this Chapter, conform to the following
(1) Every such mobile home rental unit shall conform to the housing
standards known as the "Nonowner-occupied Housing, Health, and
Safety Code" of the city as contained in Chapter 5 of the Code.
(2) Every such mobile home rental unit (whether existing or new) shall
conform to the requirements of Section 18-8(a) and Section
18-8(c) (4) and (5) of this Chapter.
(3) Every mobile home rental unit which is found not to conform with
this section shall be brought into conformance within sixty (60)
days following inspection. The owner(s) and occupant(s) of every
mobile home rental unit which is found not to conform with this
section shall be notified as prescribed in this Chapter of all
deficiencies causing such non-conformity and corrective action
necessary for issuance of a certificate authorizing habitation.
Subject to the right of appeal and determination by the Building
Review Board as set forth in Section 18-5 of this Chapter, every
mobile home rental unit which is deemed to be deficient and is not
in substantial conformance with this section within the time
specified shall be declared a public nuisance and be posted by the
Building Official as being unfit for habitation and shall be
vacated within ten (10) days of such posting. Every mobile home
rental unit so posted shall not be permitted to remain in any
mobile home park more than ninety (90) days after the date of such
Section 18-11. Miscellaneous park requirements.
(a) Soil and around cover requirements. Exposed ground surfaces in all
parts of every mobile home park shall be paved, or covered with
other solid material , or protected with a vegetative growth that is
capable of preventing soil erosion and of eliminating objectionable
quantities of dust.
(b) Site drainage requirements. The ground surface in all parts of
every mobile home park shall be graded and equipped to drain all
surface water in a safe, efficient manner. Any enlargement to a
mobile home park shall conform to regulations relating to flood
hazard areas specified elsewhere in this Code.
(c) Park areas for nonresidential uses. No part of any park shall be
used for nonresidential purposes, except as otherwise permitted in
the Zoning Ordinance of the city and such uses that are required
for the direct servicing and well -being of mobile home park
residents and for the management and maintenance of the mobile home
(d) Park street system. Access roads, internal streets, roadways and
pathways in mobile home parks constructed after the effective date
of this Chapter shall be designed and constructed in accordance
with established city standards and shall be approved by the
Director of Engineering and City Traffic Engineer prior to
construction. Parks existing at the time of the effective date of
this Chapter shall have such vehicular and pedestrian ways
maintained in a safe and functional condition as determined by said
city officials or their authorized representatives.
(e) Park lighting. All mobile home parks shall be furnished with
lighting units so spaced and equipped with luminaries placed at
such mounting heights as will provide for the safe movement of
pedestrians and vehicles at night.
The following standards shall serve as general design criteria for
determining necessary lighting:
(1) All parts of the park street systems; six-tenths (0.6) average
footcandle, with a minimum of one-tenth (0.1) footcandle.
(2) Potentially hazardous locations, such as major street
intersections and steps or stepped ramps; individually
illuminated, with a minimum of three-tenths (0.3) footcandle.
Section 18-12. Mobile office units.
(a) Temporary construction facilities. A mobile office unit may be
used as temporary facilities for any construction project in the
city provided a valid building permit has been issued for such
project by the Building Official .
(b) Temporary offices. A mobile office unit may be used to house
temporary offices provided the following conditions are met:
(1) The proposed office use and location conforms to the city
zoning regulations.
(2) Any such mobile office unit has documentation certifying that
it has been manufactured in accordance with nationally
recognized standards.
(3) All installation standards of this Chapter are met and an
installation permit as specified in this Chapter is obtained
for any such mobile office unit.
(4) Any such unit is anchored to the ground as specified in this
(5) All utility connections are inspected as provided in this
Chapter, and comply with the requirements of this Chapter.
(6) Any such mobile office unit complies with the city building
code regarding exits and handicapped accessibility.
(7) Any such unit is inspected and a certificate of inspection
issued therefor as prescribed in this Chapter prior to
(8) Any such unit shall be limited to use as a temporary office
for a period of one (1) year from the date of the certificate
of inspection. After such time the mobile office shall be
removed from the site unless the mobile office is deemed to
conform to all city regulations for a permanent structure with
all applicable permits issued and fees paid therefor.
(9) Any such unit shall be provided with fire protection water
supply, fire hydrants, and fire department access as specified
in the city fire code.
(c) Right-of-way encroachment. No mobile office unit shall be placed
on or encroach into the public right-of-way without specific
written permission for such encroachment from the Director of
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered
published this 6th day of October, A.D. 1987, and to be presented for final
passage on the 20th day of October, A.D. 1987.
City Clerk
Passed and adopted on final reading this 20th day of October, A.D.
1987 and published in summary form as amended.
City Clerk