HomeMy WebLinkAbout157 - 10/20/1987 - VACATING PORTION OF DIXON CREEK PUD PLAT ORDINANCE NO. 157, 1987
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Fort Collins has been petitioned
by the Developer of the First Filing and the Second Filing of Quail Hollow
P.U.D. , to vacate all easements and rights-of-way of a portion of the Dixon
Creek P.U.D. plat more particularly described below; and
WHEREAS, the Developer has replatted a portion of the Dixon Creek
P.U.D. with two plats now known as Quail Hollow P.U.D. First and Second
Filings, which replat was approved by the Planning and Zoning Board on
August 28, 1986 and March 23, 1987 respectively; and
WHEREAS, all necessary easements and rights-of-way have been dedicated
with the Quail Hollow P.U.D. , First and Second Filing Replats to serve this
property; and
WHEREAS, the Developer is requesting that the replatted portion of the
Dixon Creek P.U.D. plat, more particularly described below, be vacated of
all easements and rights-of-way; and
WHEREAS, City agencies and Utility companies have been contacted and
report no problems with the blanket vacation; and
WHEREAS, there will be no costs to the City in making the proposed
change in the easements and rights-of-way; and
WHEREAS, the rights of the residents of the City of Fort Collins will
in no way be prejudiced or injured by said vacation.
COLLINS that that portion of the easements and rights-of-way platted with
the Dixon Creek P.U.D. , and contained within the following described lands:
A tract of land located in the Northwest Quarter of Section 28,
Township 7 North, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. , City of Fort
Collins, County of Larimer, State of Colorado being more par-
ticularly described as follows:
Considering the North line of the Northwest Quarter of said
Section 28, as bearing, North 88042'00" East, from a found No. 4
rebar at the Northwest corner of said Section 28, to a found No.
4 rebar at the North Quarter corner of said Section 28 and with
all bearings contained herein relative thereto:
Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Section 28; thence
along said North line, North 88042'00" East, 937.71 feet to THE
POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continue along said North line, North
88°42'00" East, 1,008.27 feet; thence, South 00000'00" East,
50.01 feet to a point on the South right-of-way of Drake Road;
thence, South 00000'00" East, 1,009.99 feet; thence, North 630
44'34" West, 564.23 feet; thence, North 66°21'04" West, 259.68
feet, to a point on a curve concave to the West, having a central
angle of 10011'39", a radius of 394.00 feet and a chord of which
bears, North 22022'40" East, 70.01 feet; thence along the arc of
said curve 70. 10 feet; thence, North 72°43'09" West, 129.57 feet;
thence, North 48005'44" West, 114.98 feet; thence, North
11°16'18" West, 140.22 feet; thence, North 30°08'37" West, 165.00
feet; thence, North 5±35'03" [sic] West, 104 feet; thence, North
30"03'24" East, 80.00 feet, to a point on the South right-of-way
line of Drake Road; thence, North 01°18'00" West, 50.00 feet to
The Point of Beginning.
The above described tract contains 18.041 acres
A tract of land located in the Northwest Quarter of Section 28,
Township 7 North, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. , City of Fort
Collins, County of Larimer, State of Colorado, being more
particularly described as follows:
Considering the North line of the Northwest Quarter of said
Section 28 as bearing, North 88°42'00" East, from a found No. 4
rebar at the Northwest corner of said Section 28, to a found No.
4 rebar at the North Quarter corner of said Section 28 and with
all bearings contained herein relative thereto:
Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Section 28; thence
along said north line, North 88042'00" East, 937.72 feet to the
POINT OF BEGINNING; thence, South 01°18'00" East, 50.00 feet to
the South right-of-way line of Drake Road; thence, South 30°
03'24" West, 80.00 feet; thence, South 05035'03" East, 104.39
feet; thence, South 30°08'37" East, 165.00 feet; thence, South
11°16' 18" East, 140.22 feet; thence, South 48°05'44" East, 114.98
feet; thence, South 72°43'09" East, 129.57 feet to a curve
concave to the West having a central angle of 10°11'39", a radius
of 394.00 feet and a chord of which bears, South 22°22'40" West,
70.01 feet; thence along the arc of said curve 70.10 feet;
thence, South 66021'04" East, 259.68 feet; thence, South 63°
44'34" East, 564.23 feet; thence, South 00°00'00" East, 261 .46
feet; thence South 88°53'00" West, 265.00 feet; thence, North
38°12'01" West, 78.93 feet; thence, North 30°58' 16" East, 80.33
feet; thence, North 50'10'04" West, 95.07 feet to a curve con-
cave to the Northwest having a central angle of 12003'36", a
radius of 267.00 feet and the chord of which bears, South 45°
51 '44" West, 56. 10 feet; thence, along the arc of said curve,
56.20 feet; thence, North 38°06'28" West, 158.37 feet; thence,
South 49047'45" West, 40.00 feet; thence, North 80028'07" West,
350.82 feet; thence, South 77°31'21" West, 71 .24 feet to a curve
concave to the West having a central angle of 86040'27", a radius
of 11 .00 feet and the chord of which bears, North 39°26'45" West,
15. 10 feet; thence, along the arc of said curve, 16.64 feet;
thence, North 07013'01" East, 54.00 feet to a curve concave to
the North having a central angle of 86°40'27", a radius of 11.00
feet and the chord of which bears, North 53052'48" East, 15.10
feet; thence, along the arc of said curve, 16.64 feet to a curve
concave to the East having a central angle of 06°42'26", a radius
of 644.00 feet and the chord of which bears, North 13053'47"
East, 75.34 feet; thence, along the arc of said curve, 75.39
feet; thence, North 77°34'04" West, 165.22 feet; thence, North
58°23'06" West, 165.00 feet; thence, North 27°51'30" West, 190.28
feet; thence, South 79°09'39" West, 31 .08 feet; thence, North
06'49'37" East, 128.15 feet; thence, North 53050'58" West, 117.02
feet; thence North 55°18'08" West, 149.86 feet; thence, North
06'33'55" East, 62.20 feet; thence, North 01°18'00" West, 54.00
feet to a curve concave to the South having a central angle of
06026'28", a radius of 267.00 feet and the chord of which bears,
South 88°04'46" East, 30.00 feet; thence, along the arc of said
curve, 30.02 feet; thence North 15'18'08" East, 125.69 feet to
the South right-of-way line of Drake Road; thence, North
01°18'00" West, 50.00 feet to the North line of the said
Northwest Quarter; thence, along said North line North 88°42'00"
East, 450.00 feet to the Point of Beginning.
The above described tract contains 14.483 acres.
be, and the same hereby are vacated, abated and abolished.
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading and ordered
published this 6th day of October, A.D. 1987, and__to be presented for final
passage on the 20th day of October, A.D. 1987 /(I
A.ssisloo t Mayor
CityCit C
Passed and adopted on final reading this 20th day of October, A.D.
City Clerk