WHEREAS, on October 30, 1984, the City Council (the
"Council" ) of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado (the "City" )
passed and adopted on final reading Ordinance No . 129, 1984 of
the City, being an ordinance (the "Creation Ordinance" ) creating
the Heart Special Improvement District (the "District" ) for the
purpose of acquiring, constructing and installing street, water,
sanitary sewer , storm drainage and irrigation ditch improvements
in the City, all pursuant to Chapter 16 of the Code of the City;
WHEREAS, pursuant to the Creation Ordinance and the District
Engineering Report on file with the City Clerk of the City, the
District improvements have been fully acquired, constructed and
installed; and
WHEREAS, on January 7 , 1986 , the Council adopted Resolution
No . 86-8 , accepting the District improvements , receiving and
accepting a Statement of Cost of District Improvements and a
District Assessment Roll prepared by the Director of Finance for
the City and ordering Notice of the proposed assessments to be
published as provided in §16-18 of the Code of the City; and
WHEREAS, on January 7 , 1986 , the Council passed on first
reading Ordinance No. 4 , 1986 authorizing the issuance of special
assessment bonds in the principal amount of $ 1 , 400,000 to pay the
costs of the District.
WHEREAS, on January 15, 1986 , based upon the recommendation
of the City' s Bond Counsel, the Finance Director of the City
resized the special assessment bond issue thereby reducing the
principal amount of the bonds from $1 , 400,000 to $ 1 , 300,000; and
WHEREAS, as a result of said reduction, a revised Statement
of Cost of District Improvements and a revised District Assessment
Roll have been prepared by the Director of Finance and filed in
the office of the City Clerk; and
WHEREAS, said above-referenced Notice was duly published as
provided in Resolution No . 86-8 and the date of February 18 , 1986
was set for the hearing of complaints or objections to the pro-
posed District Assessment Roll; and
WHEREAS, on February 18, 1986 , the Council held a public
hearing for the purpose of hearing and determining any complaints
or objections made in writing by any owner of property to be
assessed for District improvements, which complaint or objection
was filed in the office of the City Clerk within thirty ( 30 ) days
from the publication of the Notice of the proposed assessments ;
WHEREAS, all complaints or objections duly made and filed by
such property owners to the Council have been heard and considered
by the Council.
Section 1 . That the revised Statement of Cost of District
Improvements and the revised District Assessment Roll prepared by
the Director of Finance on file with the City Clerk be, and they
hereby are, accepted, ratified and approved.
Section 2 . That the total cost of the District improve-
ments , including the cost of construction, engineering, acquisi-
tion of existing improvements and rights-of-way, interest accruing
on bonds issued to pay the cost of improvements up to the date
when such cost will be assessed, legal fees, publication, adminis-
tration, financing and other incidentals incurred in connection
with the improvements ( but excluding the 28 cost of collection
which will be added to each annual assessment by the County
Treasurer at the time such assessment is due) is $ 1 ,404, 439 . The
amount or proportion of the total cost of District improvements to
be paid by other than special assessments is $ 104,439. The
balance of the total cost in the District, $ 1 ,300,000 , is hereby
assessed upon the real property in the District in accordance with
the resolutions and ordinances pertaining to the District adopted
by the Council and the provisions of Chapter 16 of the Code of the
City. The proportion of the total District cost to be assessed
upon each lot or tract of land in the District shall be as set
forth on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by
Section 3 . All assessments made herein shall be due and
payable within thirty ( 30) days after the final publication of
this ordinance, without demand, provided that all such assessments
may, at the election of the owners of the property assessed , be
paid in 10 equal installments of $ 130 ,000, the first installment
estimated to be due on the 1st day of January, 1987 , and on the
lst day of January each year thereafter until the full amount
thereof has been paid, together with interest on the unpaid prin-
cipal at the rate of 8 .94 percent ( 8. 948 ) per annum, said interest
to be payable at the time of the principal payments .
Section 4 . In the case of such election to pay in install-
ments as set forth herein, the failure to pay any installment,
whether of principal or interest, when due shall cause the entire
remaining principal balance and accrued interest thereon to become
due and collectible immediately and the entire remaining principal
balance and accrued interest thereon shall thereafter draw inter-
est at the rate of one percent ( 18 ) per month or fraction of a
month until the day of sale of the property as provided in Chapter
16 of the City Code. At any time prior to the day of sale, the
owner may pay the amount of all unpaid installments with interest
at one percent ( 18 ) per month or fraction thereof and all penal-
ties accrued and shall be restored to the right thereafter to pay
in installments in the same manner as if default had not
Section 5 . All assessments made herein, together with all
interest thereon and penalties for default in payment thereof,
shall be a lien in the several amounts assessed against each
property from the date of the publication of the assessing ordi-
nance and shall be a first and prior lien over all other liens
except general taxes in the same manner as general taxes now
provided by law.
Section 6 . All complaints or objections duly made in
writing and filed with the City as provided in Chapter 16 of the
City Code have been heard and considered by the Council and the
Council hereby finds and determines that the assessments made
herein are equitable and proper.
Section 7 . All actions, legal or equitable, for relief
against the assessments made herein, whether based upon irregular-
ities, jurisdictional defects or other grounds, shall be commenced
within thirty ( 30) days after the final passage of this ordinance
or else be thereafter perpetually barred.
Section 8 . All action ( not inconsistent with the provisions
of this Ordinance) heretofore taken by the City or its officers
directed toward the acceptance of District Improvements, the prep-
aration and filing of the revised Statement of District Costs and
the revised District Assessment Roll and the ordering of notice to
property owners to be assessed and to persons interested generally
is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed.
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and
ordered published this 18th day of February , 1986 , and to
presented for final passage on the 4th day of March ,
198 6
City Clerk
Passed and adopted on second reading this 4th day of
March , 198 y
City Cle k
Name of Owner Description of Property Amount of
to be Assessed Assessment
( See Attached Exhibits for
Referenced Parcel Descriptions)
Boardwalk and College, Ltd. , Parcels VI-A and VII $ 28 , 952 . 59
a Colorado Limited Partnership
Boardwalk and College II, Ltd. , Parcels VIII-A & B 52,495 . 97
a Colorado Limited Partnership and IY-A & B
East Side Venture, Limited , Parcels I-A & B 330, 694 . 88
a Colorado Limited Partnership and III-C & D
Petersen, James P. Parcels V-A, B, & C 579 ,459 .76
and III-A
The Ridge Venture, Parcel II 30 , 152 .22
a Joint Venture
Somerset, Ltd. , Parcels IV-A & B 137 ,403.68
a Colorado Limited Partnership
Super-Block Holding , Parcel III-B 240,840 . 90
a Joint Venture
TOTAL: $1 , 400, 000 .00
A tract of land located in the West half of Section 36, Township
7 North, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. of Larimer County,
Colorado, being more particularly described as follows:
Considering the West line of the Southwest quarter of said
Section 36 as bearing South 00002'01" East and with all bearings
contained herein relative thereto:
Commencing at the West quarter corner of said Section 36: thence,
along the said West line, South 00002101" East 1322.96 feet to
the South line, North half, said Southwest quarter; thence along
said South line, North half, Southwest quarter , North 89056 '40"
East 51..69 feet to the East right-of-way of South College Avenue
(U.S. Iliahway No. 287) ; thence along said east right-of-way North
00004 '24" East 325.18 feet to the boundary of the "National Car
Rental P.U.D.", as recorded with the Clerk and Recorder of said
Latimer County; thence along said boundary South 89059 '41" East
710.78 feet; thence continuing along said boundary, North
l3022 '33" West 152.81 feet to the boundary of that certain tract
of land as recorded in Book 1571 Page 752 Records of said Clerk
and Recorder ; thence along said boundary of Book 1571 Pa3e 752
the following two (2) courses and distances, (1) North 23 12'03"
West 107.25 feet; (2) thence North 18032 '22" west 41.21 feet to
the North right-of-way of Troutman Parkway said point being the
T,rae__Pojnt=_of_Beg.inn_.ng of this description; thence continuing
alonq said boundary North 18032122" West, 49.83 feet; thence
North 12.027129" East, 48.01 feet; thence North 33025'48" East
5 .61 feet; thence leaving said boundary South 22032101" East,
98 . 53 feet to the North right-of-way of Troutman Parkway; thence
along said North right-of-way South 77034109" West 36.21 feet to
the True Point of Beginning.
Contains 2530.4 square feet more or less and being subject to all
rights-of-way and easements as no-,.- in use or on record.
A tract of land located in the WesC half of Section 36, Township
7 North, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. of Larimer County,
Colorado, being more particularly described as follows:
Considering the West line of th�z Southwest quarter of said
Section 36 as bearing South 00002101" East and with all bearings
contained herein relative thereto:
Commencing at the West quarter corner of said Section 36: thence,
along the said West line, South 00002 '01" East 1322.96 feet to
the South line, North half, said Southwest quarter; thence along
said South line, North half, Southwest quarter, North 89056140"
East 51.69 feet to the East right-of-way of South College Avenue
(r1.9. Highway No. 287) and to the 'Tru_g.__PQ i t of Beginning of this
description; thence along said ea• t right-of-way North 00004'24"
East 325.18 feet to the boundar. of the "National Car Rental
P.'.'.D.", as recorded with the Clem: and Recorder of said Larimer
County; thence along said bounda-y South 89059'41" East 710.78
feet; thence continuing along said boundary, North 13022123" West
152 .81 feet to the boundary of ' hat certain tract of land as
iecorded in Book 1571 Page 752 Records of said Clerk and
Recorder; thence along said boundary of Book 1571 Page 752, North
23012'03" West 47.17 feet to the South right-of-way of Troutman
Parkway; thence along said South right-of-way North 77034109"
East , 38.41 feet; thence leaving :aid South right-of-way South
22°32101 " fast, 125.27 feet; thence., 392.57 feet along the arc of
a curve concave to the Northeas '. , having a central angle of
27100'00", a radius of 833.06 feet, and a chord which bears South
36002 '01" East , 388.95 feet; thence South 49032101" East 122.70
feet to the West right-of-way of J.F.R. Parkway; thence along
said West right-of-way South 17125151" East, 15.18 feet to the
South line of: the North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section
36 , thence along said South line, South 89°56 '40" West, 1069.48
feet to the True Point of Beginning.
Contains 306,266.2 square feet more or less and being subject to
all rights-of-way and easments now in use or on record.
A tract of land located in the West half of Section 36, Township
7 North, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. of Larimer County,
Colorado, being more particularly described as follows:
Considering the West line of the Southwest quarter of said
Section 36 as bearing South 00002'01" East and with all bearings
contained herein relative thereto:
Commencing at the West quarter corner of said Section 36: thence,
along the said West line, South 00002 '01" East 1322.96 feet to
the South line, North half, said Southwest quarter; thence along
said South line, North 89056140" East 1323.72 feet to the East
line of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of said
Section 36 ; thence along said East line North 00003143" West,
832 . 08 feet to the TrS�� Point of_Be�innina of this description;
thence continuing along said East line North 00003143" West
490.74 feet to the Center - West: one sixteenth corner of said
Section 36 ; thence along the East line of the Southwest quarter
of the Northwest quarter of sai.:1 Section 36; North 00 17 '31"
West , 228.25 feet to the South right-of-way of Boardwalk Drive;
thence along said South right-cf-way the following four ( 4)
courses, (1) South 65034 '10" East, 0.82 feet, (2) thence 593.76
feet along a curve concave to the Southwest, having a central
angle of 59003146 ", a radius of 576.00 feet, and a chord which
hears South 36002119 " East , 567 .82 feet ; thence ( 3 ) South
00033144" East 115.86 feet; (4) thence 64.14 feet along a curve
concave to the East, having a central angle of 05044'32", a
radius of 640.00 feet, and a chorcl which bears South 09022142"
East, 64.11 feet; thence South 62003142" West, 106.98 feet;
thence South 83006117" West, 252.02 feet to the True Point of
The above described tract contains 184,153.4 square feet more or
less and is subject to all easements and rights-of-way now in use
or on record.
A tract of land located in the West half of Section 36, Township
7 North, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. of Larimer County,
Colorado, being more particularly described as follows:
Considering the West line of the Southwest quarter of said
Section 36 as bearing South 00002101" East and with all bearings
contained herein relative thereto:
Commencing at the West quarter corner of said Section 36: thence,
along the said West line, South 00002'01" East 1322.96 feet to
the South line, North half, said Southwest quarter; thence along
said South line, North half, Southwest quarter, North 89056140"
East 1-323.72 feet to the East line of the Northwest quarter of
the Southwest quarter of Said Section 36; thence along said East
Line North 00003 '43" West 737.26 feet to the North right-of-way
of Troutman Parkway, said point being the True. Point of Big;_r�jflg
of this description; thence continuing along said East line North
00"03 '43" West 40.1.9 feet; thence North 85022136" West, 351.11
feet Lo the East right-of-way to J.F.R. Parkway; thence along
said East right-of-way South 17025151" East, 124.45 feet; thence
29.67 feet along a curve concave to the Northeast, having a
central angle of 85000'00", a radius of 20.00 feet, and a chord
which bears South 59055'51" East, 27.02 feet to the North right-
of-way of Troutman Parkway; thence along said North right-of-way
North 77034'09" East, 296.30 feet to the True Point of Beginning.
The above described tract contains 29,337.4 square feet more or
less and is subject to all easements and rights-of-way now in use
or on record.
A tract of land located in the West half of Section 36, Township
7 North, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. of Larimer County,
Colorado, being more particularly described as follows:
Considering the West line of the Southwest quarter of said
Section 36 as bearing South 00002101" East and with all bearings
contained herein relative thereto:
Commencing at the West quarter corner of said Section 36: thence,
along the said West line, South 00002 '01" East 1322.96 feet to
the South line, North half, said Southwest quarter; thence along
said South line, North 89056140" East 1, 225.95 feet to the East
right -of- way of J . F .R . Parkway , said point being the
Tyue_pol�it vBegjnn�Rg of this description; thence continuing
along said South line North 89056'40" East 97.80 feet to the East
line of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of said
STcti.on 36 ; thence along said East line North 00003 '43" West,
667.64 feet to the South right-of-way of Troutman Parkway; thence
along said South right-of-way South 77034109" West 271.93 feet;
thence 33.16 feet along a curve concave to the Southeast, having
a central angle of 95°00'00", a radius of 20.00 feet, and a chord
which bears South 30004 '09" West, 29.49 feet to the said East
right-of-way of J.F.R. Parkway; thence along said East right-of-
way South 17025151" East, 611.77 feet to the True Point of
The above described tract contains 125,250.4 square feet more or
less and is subject to all easements and rights-of-way in use or
on record.
A tract of land located in the West half of Section 36, Township
7 North, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. of Larimer County,
Colorado, being more particularly described as follows:
Considering the West line of the Southwest quarter of said
Section 36 as bearing South 00002101" East and with all bearings
contained herein relative thereto:
Commencing at the West quarter corner of said Section 36: thence,
along the said West line, South 00002 '01" East 1322.96 feet to
the South line, North half, said Southwest quarter; thence along
said South line, North half, Southwest quarter, North 89056140"
Fast 51-69 feet to the East right-of-way of South College Avenue
W.S. 1ti.ghway No. 287) ; thence along said east right-of-way North
00')0412.4" East 325.18 feet to the boundary of the "National Car
Rental P.U.D.", as recorded with the Clerk and Recorder of said
L- r .i.mer. County; thence along said boundary South 89059141" East
710.7V feet; thence continuing along said boundary, North
13022 '13" West 152.61 feet to the boundary of that certain tract
of land as recorded in Book 1571 Page 752 Records of said Clerk
and Recorder ; thence along said boundary of Book 1571 Page 752,
North 23012 '03" West 47.17 feet to the South right-of-way of
Troutman Parkway; thence along said South right-of-way North
77034 ' 09" East 38.41 feet to the T.ruQ P_91L1t9f-R-eginn-in9 of this
description; thence leaving said South right-of-way South
22032101" East 125.27 .feet; thence 392.57 feet along the arc of a
curve concave to the Northeast, having a central angle of
27000'00", a radius of 833.06 feet, and a chord which bears South
36002 ' 01 " East, 388.95 feet; thence South 49032101" East 122.70
feet I the West right-of-way of J.F.R. Parkway; thence along
said West right--of-way North 17025'51" West 561.48 feet; thence
29.67 feet along a curve concave to the Southwest, having a
central angle of 85000 '00", a radius of 20.00 feet, and a chord
which bears North 59055'51" West 27.02 feet to the South right-
of-way of Troutman Parkway; thence along said South right-of-way
South 77034 ' 09" West 182 .86 feet to the True Point of Beginning.
The above described tract contains 78,765.6 square feet more or
less and is subject to all easements and rights-of-way now in
use or on record.
A tract of land located in the West half of Section 36, Township
7 North, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. of Larimer County,
Colorado, being more particularly described as follows:
Considering the West line of the Southwest quarter of said
Section 36 as bearing South 00002'01" East and with all bearings
contained herein relative thereto:
Commencing at the West quarter corner of said Section 36: thence,
along the said West line, South 00002'01" East 1322.96 feet to
the South line, North half, said Southwest quarter; thence along
said South line, North half, Southwest quarter, North 89056140"
East 51.69 feet to the East right:-of-way of South College Avenue
(U.S. Highway No. 287) ; thence along said east right-of-way North
00004 '24" East 325.18 feet to the boundary of the "National Car
Rental P.U.D.", as recorded with the Clerk and Recorder of said
Larimer County; thence along said boundary South 89059141" East
710.78 feet; thence continuing along said boundary, North
13022'33" West 152.81 feet to the boundary of that certain tract
of land as recorded in Book 1571 ''age 752 Records of said Clerk
and Recorder ; thence along said oundary of Book 1571 Pa_qe 752
the following four (4) courses am" distances, (1) North 23 12'03"
West .107.25 feet; (2) thence Nortt 18032122" West 91.05 feet; (3)
thence North 12027 ' 29 " East 43 . 01 feet ; ( 4 ) thence North
33025' 48" East 5.61 feet to the Tu�Pojnt 4�$ <$1B.OJIlfl of this
description; thence continuing along said boundary the following
two (2) courses, (1) North 33 25'48" East 80.66 feet; (2) thence
North 65052158" East 1.04.40 feet; thence South 85022136" East,
56.08 feet to the West right:-of- -ay of J.F.R. Parkway; thence
along said West right-of-way Sou h 17025151" East, 136.65 feet;
thence 33.16 feet along a curve ccicave to the Northwest, having
a central angle of 95°00'00", a ra 'ius of 20.00 feet, and a chord
which bears South 30004'09" West, 29.49 feet to the North right-
of-way of Troutman Parkway; thence along said North right-of-way
South 77034109" West, 188.43 feet - thence North 22032101" West,
98 . 53 feet to the True Point of B( .linning.
The above described tract contai ,s 33,033.3 square feet more or
less and is subject to all easem ants and rights-of-way now in
use or on record.
Parcel IV-A & IV-8
Plat of Somerset P.U.U. as recorded in the records of the Clerk and Recorder's
Office, Larimer County, Colorado at Reception No. 85015853 on April 4, 1985.
A tract of land located in the West half of Section 36, Township
7 North, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. of Larimer County,
Colorado, being more particularly described as follows:
Considering the West line of the Southwest quarter of said
Section 36 as bearing South 00002101" East and with all bearings
contained herein relative thereto:
Commencing at the West quarter corner of said Section 36: thence,
along the said West line, South 00002 '01" East 1322.96 feet to
the South line, North half, said Southwest quarter; thence along
said South line, North 09056140" East 1323.72 feet to the East
line of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of said
Section 36 ; thence along said East line North 00003 '43" West,
1322.23 feet to the South line of the Northwest quarter of said
Section 36, said point being the T-r-ue Pointer Begipn_'ng of this
Description ; thence along said South line South 89 57 '01" West,
350.00 feet; thence North 49037136" West 140.80 feet; thence
North 66030136" West, 97.42 feet to the East right-of-way of
J.F.R. .Parkway; thence along said East right-of-way the following
three (3) courses, (1) 198.59 feet along a curve concave to the
Fast , having a central angle of 20019107", a radius of 560.00
feet, and a chord which bears North 00049 '24' East, 197.55 feet;
(2) thence North 10058157" East, 119.04 feet; (3) thence 27.08
feet along a curve concave to the Southeast, having a central
angle of 103026151", a radius of 15.00 feet, and a chord which
bears North 6204212.2" East, 23.55 feet to the South right-of-way
of Boardwalk Drive; thence along said South right-of-way South
65034 '12" East, 548.08 feet to the East line of the Southwest
quarter of the Northwest �uarter of said Section 36; thence along
said East line South 00 17 '31" East, 228.25 feet to the True
Point of Beginning.
The above described tract contains 175,975.8 square feet more or
less and is subject to all easements and rights-of-way now in use
or on record.
A tract of land located in the West half of Section 36, Township
7 North, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. of Larimer County,
Colorado, being more particularly described as follows:
Considering the West line of the Southw"est quarter of said
Section 36 as bearing South 00002101" East and with all bearings
contained herein relative thereto:
Commencing at the West quarter corner of said Section 36 : thence,
along the said West line, South 00002101" East 1322.96 feet to
the South line, North half, said Southwest quarter; thence along
said South line, North 89056140" East 1323.72 feet to the East
line of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of said
Section 36 ; thence along said East line North 00003143" West,
777. 45 feet to the Tr_p�gQin�Qf_E3ggiB(ljag of this description;
thence continuing along said East line North 000031431" West
545 . 37 feet to the South line of the Northwest quarter of said
Section 36 ; thence along sai� South line South 89057101" West,
350.00 feet; thence North 49 37 '36" West, 140.80 feet; thence
North 66030 '36" West 97.42 feet to the East right-of-way of
J.F.R. Parkway; thence along said East right-of-way the following
two (2) courses, (1) 79.12 feet along a curve concave to the
East, having a central angle of 08005141", a radius of 560.00
feet, and a chord which bears South 13023'01" East, 79.05 feet;
(2 ) thence South 17025151" East, 597.32 feet; thence South
85°22'36" East, 351.11 feet to the True Point of Beginning.
The above described tract contains 240,349.4 square feet more or
less and is subject to all easments and .-rights-of-way now in use
or on record.
A tract of land located in the West half of Section 36, Township
7 North, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. of Larimer County,
Colorado, being more particularly described as follows:
Considering the West line of the Southwest quarter of said
Section 36 as bearing South 00002101" East and with all bearings
contained herein relative thereto:
Commencing at the west quarter corner of said Section 36: thence,
along the said West line, South 00002101" East 1322.96 feet to
the South line, North half, said Southwest quarter; thence along
said South line, North half, Southwest quarter, North 89056,40"
East 51.69 feet to the East right-of-way of South College Avenue
(U.S. Highway No. 287) ; thence along said east right-of-way North
00004 '24" East 325.18 feet to the boundary of the "National Car
Rental. P.U.D.", as recorded with the Clerk and Recorder of said
Larimer County; thence along said boundary South 89059141" East
710.78 feet; thence continuing along said boundary, North
13022'33" West 152.81 feet to the boundary of that certain tract
of land as recorded in Book 1571 Page 752 Records of said Clerk
and Recorder. ; thence along said boundary of Book 1571 Page 752
the following five (5) courses and distances, (1) North 23012'03"
West 107.25 feet; (2) thence North 18032122" West 91.05 feet; (3)
thence North 3. 2027 ' 29 " East 48 .01 feet ; ( 4 ) thence North
33025'48" East 86.27 feet; (5) thence North 65052'58" East 104.40
feet to the TxU.e PojLtx Q�BggynD;Dg of this Description; thence
continuing along said boundary, North 84013'17" West 212.74 feet
to the boundary of that certain tract of land as recorded in Book
1681 Page 738 Records of the said Clerk and Recorder; thence
along said boundary of Book 1681 Page 738, North 00024116" West
236.98 feet; thence continuing along said boundary, North
88037159" West, 30.50 feet; thence North 10058157" East 435.23
feet ; thence South 86042121" East 20.90 feet to the West right-
of-way of J.P.R. Parkway; thence along said West right-of-way the
following two (2) courses, (1) 161.51 feet along the arc of a
curve concave to the East, having a central angle of 14001116", a
radius of 660.00 feet, and a chord which bears South 10025'13"
East, 161.11 feet; (2) thence South 17025151" East 556.81 feet;
thence North 85022136" West, 56.08 feet to the True Point of
The above described tract contains 103,919.3square feet more or
less and is subject to all easements and rights-of-way now in
use or on record.
Parcel VI-A & VII
The Fountainhead P.U.D. Phase One as recorded in the records of
the Clerk and Recorder' s Office, Larimer County, Colorado at Book
2186 , Page 285 on September 22 , 1982 .
Parcel VIII-A
Plat of The Fountainhead P.U.D. Phase Two as recorded in the
records of the Clerk and Recorder' s Office , Larimer County,
Colorado, at Book 2207 , Page 335 on February 16, 1983.
Parcel VIII-B
The Fountainhead P.U.D. Phase Three as recorded in the records of
the Clerk and Recorder' s Office , Larimer County, Colorado at Book
2212, Page 254 on March 23 , 1983.
A tract of land located in the West half of Section 36, Township
7 North, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. of Larimer County,
Colorado, being more particularly described as follows:
Considering the West line of the Southwdst quarter of said
Section 36 as bearing South 00002101" East and with all hearings
contained herein relative thereto:
Commencing at the West quarter corner of said Section 36. thence,
along the said West line, South 00002101" East 1322.96 feet to
the South line, North half, said Southwest quarter; thence along
said South line, North half, Southwest quarter, North 89056140"
East 51.69 feet to the East right-of-way of South College Avenue
(U.S. Highway No. 287) ; thence along said east right-of-way North
00004'24" East 325.18 feet to the boundary of the "National Car
Rental P.U.D.", as recorded with the Clerk and Recorder of said
Larimer County; thence along said boundary South 89059141" East
710.78 feet; thence continuing along said boundary, North
1.3022'33" West 152.81 feet to the boundary of that certain tract
of land as recorded in Book 1571 Page 752 Records of said Clerk
and Recorder; thence along said boundary of Book 1571 Pa,9e 752
the following six (6) courses and distances, (1) North 23 12'03"
West 107.25 feet; (2) thence North 18032122" West 91.05 feet, (3)
thence North 12027129 " East 48.01 feet ; J4) thence North
33025'48" Fast 86.27 feet; (5) thence North 65 52'58" East 104.40
feet; (6) thence North 84013117" West 212.74 feet to the boundary
of that certain tract of land as recorded in Book 1681 Page 738
Records of the said Clerk and Recorder ; thence along said
boundary of Book 1681 Page 738, North 00024116" West 236.98 feet;
thence continuing along said boundary, North 88037159" West 96.63
feet to the boundary of that certain tract of land as recorded in
Book 1516 Page 531 records of the said Clerk and Recorder; thence
along said boundary of Book 1516 Pa%e 531, the following two (2)
courses and distances, (1) North 00 30115" West 291.38 feet; (2)
thence South 89029123" West 136.92 feet; thence North 60029136"
West 116 . 55 feet to the T_LS�g_€41L� _Qf_��S1aR1N1 of this
Description; thence North 89015146" East, 191.86 feet; thence
North 62031124" East, 43.20 feet; thence South 86042121' East;
80.33 feet to the West right-of-way of J.F.R. Parkway; thence
along said West right-of-way the following two (2) courses, 1)
165.79 feet along a curve concave to the East, having a central
angle of 14023132", a radius of 660.00 feet, and a chord which
bears North 03047111 " East , 165 .35 feet ; (2 ) thence North
10058157" East, 35.73 feet; thence South 89030124" West 235.94
feet; thence South 00129136" East, 121.00 feet; thence South
44030'24" West, 132.96 feet to the True Point of Beginning.
The above described tract contains 50,058.3 square feet more or
less and is subject to all easements and rights-of-way now in use
or on record.
A tract of land located in the West half of Section 36, Township
7 North, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. of Larimer County,
Colorado, being more particularly described as follows:
Considering the West line of the Southwest quarter of said
Section 36 as bearing South 00002101" East and with all bearings
contained herein relative thereto:
Co.; mencing at the West quarter corner of said Section 36: thence,
along the said West line, South 00002101" East 1322.96 feet to
the South line, North half, said Southwest quarter; thence along
said South line, North half, Southwest quarter, North 89056140"
East 51.69 feet to the East right-of-way of South College Avenue
(U.S. Highway No. 287) ; thence along said east right-of-way North
00004124" East 325.18 feet to the boundary of the "National Car
Rental P.U.D.", as recorded with the Clerk and Recorder of said
Lorimer County; thence along said boundary South 89059141" East
710.78 feet; thence continuing along said boundary, North
1.3022133" West 152.81 feet to the boundary of that certain tract
of land as recorded in Book 1571 Page 752 Records of said Clerk
and Recorder ; thence along said boundary of Book 1571 Pagge 752
the following six (6) courses and distances, (1) North 23 12'03"
West 107.25 feet, (2) thence North 18032122" West 91.05 feet; (3)
thence North 12027 ' 29 " East 48 . 01 feet , (4 ) thence North
33025'48" East 86.27 feet; (5) thence North 65052158" East 104.40
feet; (6) thence North 84013'7.7" West 212.74 feet to the boundary
of: that certain tract: of land as recorded in Book 1681 Page 738
Records of the said Clerk and Recorder ; thence along said
boundary of Book 1681 Page 738, North 00024116" West 236.98 feet;
thence continuing along said boundary, North 88037159" West 30.51
feet to the of this Description; thence
continuing along said boundary North 88037159" West 66.12 feet to
the boundary of that certain tract of land as recorded in Book
1516 Page 531 records of the said Clerk and Recorder; thence
along said boundary of Book 1516 PaO e 531, the following two (2)
courses and distances, (1) North 00 30'15" West, 291.38 feet; (2)
thence South 89029123" West, 136.92 feet; thence North 00029'36"
West, 116.55 feet; thence North 81015146" East, 191.86 feet;
thence North 62031124" East 43.20 feet; thence South 86042121"
Gast, 59.43 feet; thence South 10058157" West, 435.23 feet to the
True Point of Beginning.
The above described tract contains 61,617.0 square feet more or
less and is subject to all easements and rights-of-way now in
use or on record.