HomeMy WebLinkAbout201 - 12/16/1986 - SUBMITTING A PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT TO A VOTE OF THE ELECTORS CONCERNING THE CONDUCT OF CITY ELE ORDINANCE NO. 201, 1986 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS SUBMITTING A PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT TO A VOTE OF THE REGISTERED ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS CONCERNING THE CONDUCT OF CITY ELECTIONS WHEREAS, Article IV, Section 8 of the Charter of the City of Fort Collins provides that the Charter may be amended as provided by the laws of the State of Colorado; and WHEREAS, Section 31-2-210, C.R.S. , provides that Charter amendments may be initiated by the adoption of an ordinance by the Council submitting a proposed amendment to a vote of the qualified electors of the City of Fort Collins; and WHEREAS, the Council desires to submit certain proposed Charter amendments to the registered voters of the City at the next regular City election to be held on March 3, 1987. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS: Section 1 . The following proposed Charter amendment shall be submitted to the registered voters of the City at the next regular City election to be held on March 3, 1987: PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. 5 Part A. In the event that Proposed Charter Amendment No. 1 concerning the composition of council is not adopted by the electors, Section 1(c) of Article II of the Charter of the City is hereby repealed and Section 1(d) of said Article is amended as follows: (e)-dnti3-the-fegalar-city-election-in-April;-1973T-the-€ive-(5) present--members--a€--the--eeuneil--shall--eenstitute--the--City Council:--Net-4ater-than-fi€teen- (15)-days-from-the-passage ef--this--Amendment;--the--City--Council--shall;--by--Ordinance; divide---the- City—4nte--fear--{4)--districts--rfleeting--the guali€icatieRs--set-Werth--in-fib)--above--which--shall--be--the districts--f rem--which-eeuneilmen--shal I--be--nominated--f or-the regular-city-eleetieR-in-1973;--and-four-(4)-eeaneilrnen-shall be-elected-at-sueh-eleetieR;-ene-(I)-€rem-each-such-district: Such--ordinance-may--be-gassed-as-an-emergeRey-measure:--The three-(3)-ine unbent-eeuneil-members-whese-terms-de-Rot-expire in-—l973--shall-constitute--the-"at--4arge2--members-�€--the council-and-shall-continue-te-serve-until-the-expiration-o€ their--term--of-ef€ice--as--new-establfished-a€ter--the-jeneral eity--eleetien--in--Apr4l;--1975;--at--which--eleetien--the4r successers-shall-be-eleeted-at-large: (d) The term of office of all members of the City Council shall be four (4) years each, or until their successors have been elected and have taken office as provided in this Charter. Each regular biannual city election shall alternate between selecting "at-large" members of the Council and members nominated from districts. The term of members of the Council shall begin at 10:00 o'clock a.m. on the first Tuesday after the second Monday in March of the year in which they shall have-beep ARE elected. provided-that--In-the-event-a-ran-e€f election-4s-required-pursuant-te-Art icle-XVI;-Section-2:2-of this--Charter;--the-terry-e€-all--members-e€-the-pity--Geuneil shall-begin-on-the-first-Tuesday- after-the-second-Monday-4n April-ef-the-year-in-which-they-shall-have-been-elected. Part B. Section 2 of Article XVI of the Charter of the City is hereby amended as follows: Section 2. City elections. A general REGULAR city election shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in March OF ODD-NUMBERED YEARS. I983T--and--biennially-4 hereafter: Special city elections and ran-e€f-elections shall be held in accordance with the provisions of this Charter and any ordinances adopted pursuant thereto. ALL MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS SHALL BE NON-PARTISAN. Part C. The biannual city elections for the regular selection of council members in odd-numbered years shall be designated as "regular" elections and the term "regular" shall be substituted for "general " wherever such term appears in the charter designating city or municipal elections. Part D. Sections 2. 1 and 2.2 of Article XVI of the Charter of the City are hereby repealed in their entirety, effective May 1 , 1987, and, if Proposed Charter Amendment No. 1 concerning council members elected by district is not adopted by the voters, then Section 12 of said Article shall be amended as follows: Section 12. Canvass of vote. The Board of Elections shall meet as a canvassing board on the third day after every City election and canvass the vote. The board shall determine the total number of legal votes cast for each candidate and measure voted upon, and file a certificate with the city clerk declaring the results of the election. The candidates receiving the highest number of votes so far as there are full-regular terms to be filled FOR AT-LARGE COUNCIL OFFICE shall be declared elected to those terms. If-there-is-a-vacancy terra--or--terms--te--be--€iIled;--then-the--candidate-er--candidates having--the--next- b#gkest-camber--e€--votes--se--far-as-there-are vacancy--terms--to--be--filled--s hall--be--declared--elected: THE CANDIDATE RECEIVING THE HIGHEST NUMBER OF VOTES FOR A DISTRICT COUNCIL OFFICE SHALL BE DECLARED ELECTED TO THAT OFFICE. In -2- event of a tie, THERE SHALL BE A RECOUNT OF THE BALLOTS CAST FOR THE TIED POSITION, AND IF THE VOTE REMAINS TIED UPON THE RECOUNT, the selection shall be made by the Board of Elections by lot after notice to the candidates affected. Seetien-2:I:--Vetes-required: Subject-to-the-provisions-o€-Section-2-2-of-this-Artieie;-the candidates--receiving--the--highest--number--a€--votes--shall--be elected: Sect4on-2:2:--Run-eff-elections: (a)-After--a--general--munieipal--election--€er--Ceuncilmembers at-large--at--which-at- least—three--candidates-de-net-each receive--vetes--equal--te--ferty--percent-J40%)-of-the- total number--of--voters--whe--cast--ballets--at--such--eleetien;--a run-a€€-election-shall-be-required-fer-these-candidates-pet receiv4ng-such-forty-percent-{40%)7 (b)-In--the-event-a--run-a€f-eleetien-4s-fequired-€er-at-large Ceuncilmembers;-two-candidates-for-every-at-large-pesitien net-€filled--by-a-candidate-receiving-at-least-€arty-percent (40%)-ef-the-ballets-cast-shall-appear-en-the-ballet:--The candidates - appearing-en-the-ballet- shall - be-these candidates-who-feceived-the-Highest-number-e€-votes-in-the general- municipal-electien:--The--candidates-feceiving-the highest-number-a€-vetes-4n-the-fun-eff-eleetien-se-l=ar-as there-are-pesitiens-to-be-filled-shall-be-eleeted: (e)-Any--run-eff-election-fequired-herein-shall-be-held-en-the first--Tuesday--a€ter-the--first--Menday-4n--April-a€ter--the last---preceding---general--inunicipal--eleetien--and--shall substantially--eenform--as--previded--4n--his-charter-4er general-elections-with-such-medi€icatiens-as-may-reasenably be-required: (d)-The-Beard-o€-Elections-shall-meet-as-a-canvassing-beard-en the-third-day-a€ter-every-f kin-of f-election-and-eanvass-the vete:--The-beard-shall-determine-the-tetal-number-ef-legal votes-east-€or-each-candidate-and-€ile-a-eerti€icate-with the--City--Clerk-declaring-the--results--of-the-elections-4n accordance--with--this--Section--2 2-ef—Article--XV1-of-th4s Charter:----In-the-event-of-a-tie;--the-selection-shall-be made-by-the-Beard--e€-Elections-by-let--after-notice-te-the eandidates-of€eeted: (e)-A-fun-ef€-election-shall-net-be-eensidered-to-be-a-special electien-fer-purpese-a€-Article-XVII-e€-this-Charter: (f)-(Reserved) -3- Part E. Sections 3 and 4 of Article XVI of the Charter of the City are hereby repealed and reenacted as follows: Section 3. Nomination; ACCEPTANCE OF NOMINATION. Any person who is qualified AT THE TIME OF NOMINATION, for the office to be filled may be nominated for an THE elective office by petition. A-�petitien--€er--this-parpese--shall--signed-lay--net less-than-twenty-#ive-qual4€ied-eleeters-€er-each-eandidate-te-be elected: A NOMINATING PETITION FOR AN AT-LARGE COUNCIL OFFICE SHALL BE SIGNED BY NOT LESS THAN TWENTY-FIVE REGISTERED ELECTORS. A NOMINATING PETITION FOR DISTRICT OFFICE SHALL BE SIGNED BY NOT LESS THAN TWENTY-FIVE REGISTERED ELECTORS RESIDING IN THAT DISTRICT. A REGISTERED qualified elector may sign A petitions for as-many ONE persons-as-there-are FOR EACH AT-LARGE offices to be filled by THE election AND FOR ONE PERSON FOR THE OFFICE REPRESENTING THE DISTRICT IN WHICH SUCH ELECTOR RESIDES. IF AN ELECTOR SHOULD SIGN MORE PETITIONS THAN ENTITLED, SAID ELECTOR'S SIGNATURE SHALL BE VOID AS TO ALL PETITIONS WHICH THE ELECTOR SIGNED . The- form- e#- the- nominating- petition- shall -be substantially-as-fellews= I;-an-undersigned-elector-e€-the-City-e€-Fort-Coll ins;-hereby nem4nate-:::::::-whose-residenee-4s-:::::::::::;-te-be-veted-€er at-the-elect4en-to-be-held-en-the-::::-day-a€-::::::::::::::I-and l-certi€y-that-l-am-qual4#ied-te-vote-€er-this-candidate-and-that I--have--net--s4gned-mere--rem4nat4ng--petitiens-4han--there--are of€iees-fer-which-l-am-entitled-to-vete: Name----------Street-and-Number--------Bate-ef-Signing (Spaees-#er-signatures-and-required-data) The-eireulater-a#-each-petition--shall-make-and-file-with-the pet4t4en-the-€ellew4nge Statement-a€-C4rculater I;--the--unders4gned,-a-jualif4ed-eleeter-a€--the-City-a€-fert Cell ins;-am--the-e4reulater-e#-the-feregeing-pet4t4en-eenta4n4ng :::::::----------signatures:---Each-signature--vas--made--4 n--my presenee-and-4s-the-genuine-s4gnature-e€-the-persen-whose-name-it purperts-to-be: Signature-a€-C4reulater:::::::::::-:::: My-address-4s-::::::::::::::::::::::::: -4- Subscribed- and- swern- te- fie€ere- rne - tHis - - : : : : : - day- of -------------- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . My-Gemrnissien-expires-:::::::-:::::::::: (Seal) ----------------------------------- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deputy-Glerk-or-Notary-Public No nominating petition shall be accepted unless accompanied by a verified acceptance OF THE NOMINATION BY THE CANDIDATE. in substantially--the--following-#erm= THE CANDIDATE SHALL CERTIFY THAT HE OR SHE IS NOT A CANDIDATE, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, OF ANY POLITICAL PARTY AND WILL SERVE IF ELECTED. I--hereby--aceept--the--flemination--fer-- -agree--te serve-4f-elected:--I-eerti€y-that-I-am-pet-a-candidate;-directly or-4ndireetly;--e€--any--pelitieal--party--er--beeause-a€-premised suppert;-directly-er-indirectly;-e€-any-political-party;-any-€irfn or-eorperatien;-any-fraternal-organ izatien;-any-church-or-ether religious--erganizatien;-any--4aber--erganizatien3--er--any--ether erganization-whatsoever: Signature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :::::::: Section 4. PETITIONS. Aeeeptanee-a€-Neminatien: (a) Form; circulation. The signatures on the A nominating petition need not all be subscribed on one page, but to each separate page SECTION of the petition there shall be attached a signed statement of the circulator thereof, stating the number of signers on eaeh-page THAT SECTION of the petition, and that each signature thereon was made in His THE CIRCULATOR'S presence and is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be. When executed, such statement shall be accepted as true until it shall be proved false. If any portion is proved false, that portion of any petition shall be disregarded. Following each signature on the petitions of nomination shall be written the PRINTED NAME AND the residence address of the signer, AND THE DATE OF SIGNING. ALL NOMINATING PAPERS COMPRISING A PETITION SHALL BE FILED AS ONE INSTRUMENT. THE CITY COUNCIL SHALL PRESCRIBE BY ORDINANCE, UPON RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY CLERK, THE FORM FOR A NOMINATING PETITION WHICH SHALL INCLUDE WARNINGS AND NOTICES TO SIGNERS AS NECESSARY AND THE CANDIDATE'S ACCEPTANCE OF NOMINATION. -5- The-City-Clerk-shall-forthwith-examine-all-petition-submitted: I€-a--petitien-4s-i=eund--to-de--signed-lay-fewer-persons-than-the number--eerti€ied--by--the--eireuIater;-4he--signatures--shall--be aefepted-unless-void-en-ether-grounds:--I€-a-petition-is-found-te be--signed--by--more--persons--than--the--number--e€--signatures certified;-Ahe-last-signature-in-excess-ef-the-number-eerti€ied shall-lie-disregarded.--Within--five-days-a€ter-the--filing-ef-a nominating--petitien;--the-City-Clerk-shall-notify-the-eandidates and-the-person-whe-filed-it;-with-a-statement-certifying-where in the-petitien-is-found-insufficient:--Within-the-regular-time-€er €iIing-pet itions;-such-a-pet itien-may-be-amended-and-filed-again as-a--new--pet itien;-4n-which--ease-i he-dime-e€-the-first-filing shal I--be--disregarded--in—determining--the-valid ity--of-sign at ures thereen;-�r--a--4if€erent--petitien-Keay-ibe-Filed--fer--the--same e and i date:--The--petitien--€er--each--persen--nominated--shall--be preserved-by-the-electien-autherities-until-the-expiratien-e€-the terms-o€-effice-fer-whieh-he-has-been-neminated:--All-nominating papers--cemprising--a--petitien- shall--be--filed--as-one-instrument with--the--City--Clerk--net--earlier- than-forty-five-days-and--net later-than-twenty-€ive-days-befere-the-eleetiens:--The-City-Clerk shall-make-a-reeerd-of-the-exaet-time-at-whieh-eaeh-pet itien-is filed--and-shall- take-and--preserve--the--name--and-address-ef-the persen-by-whew-it-is-€fled:--A-persen-whe-has-been-nominated-may; net--later--than--eighteen--days--de€ere-4he--date- ef--eleetien; withdraw--by--filing-iwith--the--City--Glerk-a--request-therefer-4n writing;--and---ne-game--se--withdrawn--shall--be--placed--upen--the ballet: (b) Sufficiency of petition. All-nominating-papers-cemprising a-petitien-shall-be-€fled-as-ene-instrument-with-the-City Clerk--net-earlier-than-forty-€ive-days-and-net-cater-than twenty-€ive--days---before--the--electien: A NOMINATING PETITION MAY NOT BE CIRCULATED EARLIER THAN FIFTY (50) DAYS BEFORE THE ELECTION AND MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK NOT LATER THAN THIRTY (30) DAYS BEFORE THE ELECTION. The City clerk shall make a record of the exact time at which each petition is filed and shall take and preserve the nameS and mailing addressES of the persen-dy-whem-4t-4s filed CIRCULATORS AND THE CANDIDATE. The City Clerk shall forthwith examine all petitions submitted, and within five days after the filing of a nominating petition, the-City Clerk notify the candidate and the persen--whe--filed--it CIRCULATORS, with a statement certifying wherein--the pet4t4en--4s--#eund--4nsu€f4eient THE RESULTS OF THE EXAMINATION, SPECIFYING THE PARTICULARS OF INSUFFICIENCY, IF ANY. If a petition is found to be signed by fewer persons than the number certified by the circulator, the signatures shall be accepted unless void on other grounds. If a petition is found to be signed by more persons than the number of signatures certified BY THE CIRCULATOR, the last signatureS in excess of the number certified shall be disregarded. Within the regular time for filing petitions, such-a AN INSUFFICIENT petition may be amended and filed -6- again as a new petition, in which case the time of the first filing shall be disregarded in determining the validity of signatures thereon, or a different petition may be filed for the same candidate. The petition for each person nominated shall be preserved by the eleetien aatherities CITY CLERK until the expiration of the terms of office for which be SUCH PERSON has been nominated. A person who has been nominated may, not later than eighteen TWENTY-THREE days before the day of election, withdraw by filing with the City Clerk a request therefor in writing, and no name so withdrawn shall be placed upon the ballot. (c) NO PERSON SHALL RECEIVE ANY COMPENSATION WHATEVER FOR CANVASSING FOR SIGNATURES TO A NOMINATING PETITION OR FOR SIGNING SUCH A PETITION. Part F. Sections 7 and 11 of Article XVI of the Charter of the City are hereby amended as follows: Section 7. Form of ballots. The city clerk shall cause ballots to be printed, bound, numbered, and authenticated, as required in this Charter or by ordinance. Ballots shall be printed on paper of uniform size, quality and color, and in the same kind of type and same color of ink, and shall be so arranged that voters can easily make their selections. The ballot shall contain but one list of candidates, arranged in alphabetical order of surnames, for both full regular terms and parts of terms to fill a vacancy. There shall be as many blank spaces on the ballot for voters to write in other names as there are offices to be filled. Space on the ballot shall be provided for Charter amendments and other measures to be voted on. Fer-measures--limited--te-4axpaying--eleeters;--a--separate ballet--shall-be--used. Nothing on the ballot shall indicate the source of support of candidacy nor any party or political designation or anything to indicate views or opinions of any candidate. IT SHALL BE THE DUTY OF THE CITY CLERK TO PRESERVE THE USED BALLOTS FOR AT LEAST ONE YEAR AFTER THE ELECTION. The council shall have the power by ordinance to provide for the use of voting machines OR ELECTRONIC VOTING SYSTEMS in accordance with principles set forth in this Charter. Section 11. Eleetien-preeedare POLLING HOURS. The polls shall be kept open on election day from 7:00 o'clock a.m. to 7:00 o'clock p.m. Immediately--upen-elesing-the-polls and-after-all-eleeters-have-departed-there€rem;-the-judges-shall unleek--the-ballet-boxes-and-eeunt-the-votes 7--Within-twenty-two heurs-a€ter-clesing-the-polls-the-judges-shall-certify-the-number of-vetes-and-the-election-results-te-the-city-clerk-and-deliver -7- to--him--all--tised--and--unused-Ballets--and-eleet4eR--suppl4es--and reeerds:--It-shall-be-his-duty-te-pre se rye-the-used-ballets-fer met--less-Ahan-ane--year-a€ter--the-eleet4on: UPON CLOSING THE POLLS AND AFTER ALL ELECTORS HAVE LEFT, THE JUDGES SHALL DELIVER THE VOTED BALLOTS, UNUSED BALLOTS AND ELECTION SUPPLIES AND RECORDS TO THE CITY CLERK. Part G. Section 5 of Article XVI of the Charter of the City is hereby amended as follows: Section 5. Notice of election. The city clerk shall prepare a list of candidates whose names are entitled to appear on the ballot, with the name of the office to be filled, and shall publish the same as a legal notice not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the election. SUCH NOTICE SHALL ALSO INCLUDE ANY BALLOT ISSUES THAT ARE TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS AT THE SAME ELECTION. Part H. Section 6 of Article XVI of the Charter of the City is hereby amended as follows: Section 6. Board of Elections. There is hereby created a Board of Elections consisting of the city clerk and two qualified REGISTERED electors appointed by the Council . They shall recommend to the Council for approval such rules and regulations not inconsistent with this Charter as are necessary for the conduct of electionS. The Board shall provide for ballots and sample ballots, for determination of the winner in event of a tie vote, for canvass of returns, and for issuance of appropriate certificates. Board members may receive such compensation as may be determined by the Council . Part I. Section 9 of Article XVI of the Charter of the City is hereby amended as follows: Section 9. Judges. The Board of Elections shall , not less than FIFTEEN (15) days before any general REGULAR City election, appoint not fewer than three judges as an election board in each precinct to serve until the next general REGULAR City election. Such judges shall be qual4f4ed REGISTERED ELECTORS, PREFERABLY RESIDING in their precincts. The Board of Elections shall fill all vacancies in precinct election boards. Part J. Section 14 of Article XVI of the Charter of the City is hereby amended as follows: -8- Section 14. Corrupt practices. Any person who shall-at-any-Eity-eleetien violateS AT A CITY ELECTION any State law, provision of this Charter or ordinance of the City relative to registration or election, or who, if a candidate, shall fai1S to file a sworn statement of expenses as herein required, upon conviction thereof shall be disqualified from holding any City position or employment for two years, or any elective City office for four years. Part K. Section 16 of Article XVI of the Charter of the City is hereby amended as follows: Section 16. Number of ballots. The city clerk shall prepare and deliver to the judges of election for use on election day a SUFFICIENT number of ballots equal-4e BASED ON the number of persons registered in each precinct. plus-twenty-five: Part L. Section 18 of Article II of the Charter of the City is hereby amended as follows: Section 18. Vacancies. All elected officers shall hold office until their successors are elected and qualified. Any vacancy in an elective office shall be filled within thirty--(39) FORTY-FIVE (45) days by appointment of the Council until the next regular election, when the vacancy shall be filled by the electors for the remainder of the term, if any. Any person appointed to fill a vacancy for an unexpired term in an elective office shall have the qualifications required of persons to be regularly elected. In the case of a vacancy representing a member elected from a district, any person appointed or elected to fill such vacancy shall be from the same district. A vacancy shall existS when a member of the Council fails to qualify within thirty (30) days after the commencement of kis SUCH MEMBER'S term or if he OR SHE dies, resigns, removes from the City OR THE DISTRICT FROM WHICH ELECTED, or absents-himself-from FAILS TO ATTEND meetings of the Council for sixty (60) days, unless excused by resolution thereef OF THE COUNCIL, or if he OR SHE is convicted of a felony or is judicially declared a mental incompetent. Part M. Reference to former Section 8 of Article XVI of the Charter of the City repealed in 1971 is hereby deleted and Sections 9 through 17 of said article are hereby renumbered consecutively as Sections 8 through 16 of said article. Seetien-8:--Registrat4on:--(Repealed-2-11-71) -9- Part N. Article XXI of the Charter of the City is hereby amended by modifying, adding and deleting the following definitions: "Eleeter'-'-means-a-person-who-ls-entitled-te-vote-at-a-particular tine-and-ineludes-the-terra-'-'qualified-eleeters'-' '-'Qual4fied-eleeter-'-rfleans-'-'electer'-'-and-is-synenyrfleas-therewith: "Qualified--taxpaying--eleeter'-'--means--aR--eleeter--wbe;--4R--the ealendar--year-last-preceding-the-time;-eleetien;-or-other-date; shall-#rave-paid-a-Aax-epen--real-er- personal--property--situated within--the--eity--and--owned--by--and-assessed-4e--him--on--the assessment-rells;-and-ineludes-the-term-'-''taxpaying-eleeters'-' "REGISTERED ELECTOR" OR "ELECTOR" MEANS A PERSON RESIDING IN THE CITY WHO HAS REGISTERED TO VOTE IN CITY ELECTIONS IN THE MANNER REQUIRED BY LAW. "Taxpaying--eleeter'-'-tfleans-"qualified--taxpaying-eleeter''-end-4s synenymeus-therewith: "Vote of the electors" and-'-'vete-e€-the-quali€ied-eleeters'-' means a favorable vote by a majority of the electors voting in an election. '-'Vete--of--the-4axpaying--eleeters-'-end-Crete--of--the--quali€ied taxpay4ng-,eTeeters2-inean--a--f averable--vote-by-a-majority-of-the taxpaying-eleeters-veting-in-an-eleetiens Part 0. In the event that Proposed Charter Amendment No. 3, concerning Initiative, Referendum, and Recall , is not adopted by the voters, then the term "registered electors" shall be substituted wherever the term "qualified electors" appears in said articles. Part P. Capital letters indicate new or substituted language; dashes through words indicate deletions from existing provisions and such material is not a part of the final charter language. Section 2. The following ballot language is hereby adopted for submitting Proposed Charter Amendment No. 5 to the voters at said election: -10- PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT`NO. 5 Amendments to the Charter of the City of Fort Collins updating and clarifying the election provisions of Article XVI, repealing the requirement of a run-off election when an at-large candidate fails to receive 40% of the vote, providing for an automatic recount of the ballots in the event of a tie between candidates for the same office, requiring that a person be a registered elector to circulate a petition or sign a petition for nomination, recall , initiative or referendum and further requiring that a person signing a nominating petition for district office reside in that district, eliminating the distinction between "electors" and "taxpaying electors" so that property ownership is not a voter qualification, eliminating the form of the nominating petition from the charter and requiring the City Council to prescribe a standard form for nominating petition by ordinance, providing for use of electronic voting systems, increasing the time in which council must fill a vacancy on council by appointment from 30 days to 45 days and declaring a vacancy exists on council when a district council member moves from the district. FOR THE AMENDMENT AGAINST THE AMENDMENT Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 4th day of December, A.D. 1986, and to be presented for final passage on the 16th day of December, A.D. 1986. Mayor RTTEST:nn �n 11v City Clerk 1986.Passed and adopted on final reading this 16th day of December, A.D. /XVh Mayor ATTEST: le- City erc -11-