69 (Landmark Structures and Districts) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be repealed and reenacted as follows:
§ 69-1. Title.
This chapter may be called the "Landmark Preservation Ordinance."
§ 69-2. Declaration of policy; purpose.
A. It is hereby declared as a matter of public policy that the
protection, enhancement and perpetuation of sites, structures,
objects and districts of historical , architectural or geographic
significance located within the City of Fort Collins are a public
necessity and are required in the interest of the prosperity, civic
pride and general welfare of the people.
B. The purposes of this legislation are to:
(1) Designate, preserve, protect, enhance and perpetuate those
sites, structures , objects and districts which reflect
outstanding elements of the city' s cultural , artistic, social ,
economic, political , architectural , historic or other heritage.
(2) Foster civic pride in the beauty and accomplishments of the
(3) Stabilize or improve aesthetic and economic vitality and values
of such sites, structures, objects and districts.
(4) Protect and enhance the city's attraction to tourists and
(5) Promote the use of outstanding historical or architectural
sites, structures, objects and districts for the education,
stimulation and welfare of the people of the city.
(6) Promote good urban design.
(7) Promote and encourage continued private ownership and
utilization of such sites, structures, objects or districts now
so owned and used, to the extent that the objectives listed
above can be attained under such a policy.
C. It is the opinion of the City Council that the economic, cultural
and aesthetic standing of this city cannot be maintained or enhanced
by disregarding the historical , architectural and geographic
heritage of the city and by ignoring the destruction or defacement
of such cultural assets.
§ 69-3. Definitions.
For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall have the
meanings indicated:
ALTERATION - Any act or process which changes one (1) or more of the
exterior architectural features of a designated landmark structure or
BOARD - Cultural Resources Board.
CITY - City of Fort Collins, Colorado.
CONSTRUCTION - The erection of any on-site improvements on any parcel of
ground located within a landmark district or on a landmark site whether
the site is presently improved or unimproved or the erection of a new
principal or accessory structure on such property.
DEMOLITION - Any act or process that destroys in part or in whole a
landmark or a structure within a historic district.
EXTERIOR ARCHITECTURAL FEATURE - The architectural design, style,
general arrangement and components of all the outer surfaces of a
structure or improvement , including but not limited to the color,
texture, materials, type and style of all windows, doors, lights, signs
and other fixtures appurtenant to said structure or improvement.
IMPROVEMENT - Any building, structure, place, work of art or other
object constituting a physical betterment of real property or any part
of such betterment, including improvements on public property.
LANDMARK or LANDMARK DISTRICT - Any site, structure, object, or
improvement and its surrounding environs or a group of sites,
structures , objects or improvements, or both, and their surrounding
A. Which has a special character or special historic or aesthetic
interest or value as part of the development, heritage or cultural
characteristics of the city, state or nation.
B. Wherein any event of major historic significance with a measurable
effect upon society took place.
C. Which is closely identified with a person or group of persons who
have had some measurable influence on society.
D. Wherein the broad cultural , political , economic or social heritage
of the community is exemplified.
E. Which faithfully portrays the environment of a group of people in an
era of history characterized by a distinctive architectural style or
which embodies those distinguishing characteristics of an
architectural-type specimen or which is the work of an architect or
master builder whose individual work has influenced the development
of the city.
F. Which, because of being a part of or related to a square, park or
other distinctive area, should be developed or preserved according
to plan based upon a historic , cultural or architectural
G. Which, due to unique location or singular physical characteristic,
represents an established, familiar and significant visual feature
of the neighborhood, community or city.
H. Officially designated as a "landmark" or "landmark district"
pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter.
RELOCATION - Moving a landmark structure or object to a different
REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE - Work done on a structure or object in order to
correct any deterioration, decay, or damage to any part thereof in order
to restore the same as nearly as practical to its condition prior to
such deterioration, decay or damage.
STRUCTURE - That which is built or constructed; an edifice or building
of any kind; or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of
parts joined together in some definite manner.
WORKING DAY - Any day except Saturday, Sunday and any national , state or
local holiday (or day of observation) during which the office of the
Building Inspector is not open for regular business.
§ 69-4. Landmark Preservation Commission.
A. Creation. There shall be and hereby is created a Landmark
Preservation Commission, hereafter called the "Commission."
B. Composition. The Commission shall consist of seven (7) members.
Appointments of regular members shall be for four-year terms.
C. Appointments.
( 1) All appointments shall be made by the City Council . In making
appointments to the Commission, the City Council shall give due
consideration to maintaining a balance of interests and skills
in the composition of the Commission and to the individual
qualifications of the candidates, including but not limited to
their training, experience, knowledge or interest in any one (1)
or more of the following fields: architecture-landscape
architecture, architectural history, structural engineering,
general contracting, urban planning, mortgage lending, and
(2) The City Council may advertise for candidates for the Commission
for the purpose of making appointments and filling vacancies
which occur from time to time.
D. Officers and bylaws. The Commission shall elect a Chairman and such
other officers other than a Secretary as it may require. The
Commission shall make and adopt bylaws for governing its work, and
it shall conduct its business in accordance with Robert ' s Rules of
Order. All such bylaws shall be approved by the City Council by
resolution before becoming effective.
E. Meetings. The Commission shall conduct business at regular monthly
meetings or at any special meeting as called by the Chairman. The
bylaws shall specify the time for said regular monthly meetings.
F. Quorum; action. No official business of the Commission shall be
conducted unless a quorum of not less than four (4) members is
present. The concurring vote of at least a simple majority of the
quorum is necessary to constitute an official act of the Commission.
G. Compensation. Members of the Commission shall serve without
compensation. To the extent authorized by the City Council , such
members may be reimbursed for expenses necessarily incurred
incidental to their duties for the Commission.
H. Rules and regulations. The Commission shall have the power to make
whatever rules are necessary for the execution of its duties as set
forth in this chapter. All such rules shall be approved by the City
Council by resolution before becoming effective.
§ 69-5. Staff.
The staff of the Commission shall consist of a Secretary and such other
staff as may be authorized by the city. The Secretary shall be the
custodian of the records of the Commission, shall handle official
correspondence and shall generally supervise the clerical and technical
work of the Commission. The Community Development Director shall act as
secretary and staff liaison to the Commission.
§ 69-6. Standards for designation of sites, structures, objects and
districts for preservation.
A site, structure, object or district may be designated for preservation
if it meets one (1) or more of the following criteria:
A. Historical importance. The site, structure, object or district has
character, interest or value as part of the development, heritage or
cultural characteristics of the city, state or nation; is the site
of an historic event with an effect upon society; is identified with
a person or group of persons who had some influence on society; or
exemplifies the cultural , political , economic, social or historic
heritage of the community.
B. Architectural importance. The site, structure, object or district
portrays the environment of a group of people in an era of history
characterized by a distinctive architectural style; embodies those
distinguishing characteristics of an architectural -type specimen; is
the work of an architect or master builder whose individual work has
influenced the development of Fort Collins, or contains elements of
architectural design, detail , materials or craftsmanship which
represent a significant innovation.
C. Geographic importance. The site, structure, object or district,
because of being part of or related to a square, park or other
distinctive area, should be developed or preserved according to a
plan based on an historic, cultural or architectural motif; or, due
to its unique location or singular physical characteristics,
represents an established and familiar visual feature of the
neighborhood, community or city.
§ 69-7. Procedure for designating sites, structures, objects and districts
for preservation.
A. Initiation of procedure. Whenever in the opinion of the Board, upon
its own motion or upon application of any citizen of or owner of
property in the city, a site, structure, object or district meets
the criteria of a landmark or landmark district, the Board shall
contact the owner or owners of such landmark or landmark district
outlining the reasons and effects of designation as a landmark and,
if possible, shall secure the owner's consent to such designation.
If the Board is unable to personally contact such owner, it shall be
sufficient to send a written request for the consent to designation
of such property by registered mail , return receipt requested,
addressed to the owner of the property as shown on the most recent
records of the Larimer County Assessor at the address shown on such
records. Following such contact, if any owner does not consent to
such designation of the property within fifteen (15) days from the
date of receipt of the request for consent to designation, the
Board, upon the affirmative vote of at least five (5) of its
members, may proceed by officially adopting a resolution stating
that the preliminary investigation by the Board indicates that the
described property is eligible for designation as a landmark or
landmark district and the reason the Board feels that it should
proceed without the consent of the owner to such designation and
scheduling a public hearing by the Board on the question of
designation, hereinafter called a "designation hearing" , at a
specified time, date and place and directing that the notice of
hearing be given as hereinbelow described. In the event the owner
consents in writing to such designation, the Board, upon the
affirmative vote of a majority of the members present may adopt a
resolution recommending to the City Council the designation of the
landmark or landmark district without the necessity of notice and
without the review by the Planning Office required by Subsection C
of this section. All applications submitted in accordance with this
section shall include a description of the property proposed for
designation and a detailed outline of the reasons why such property
should be designated and why the boundaries of said property should
be determined as described in the application. No motion or
application for designation of a specific landmark or landmark
district may be made more than once during any twelve (12)
consecutive months.
B. Notice of hearing. Notice of the designation hearing shall be given
as follows:
(1) Written notice of the time, date, place and subject of the
hearing shall be sent by registered or certified mail not less
than thirty (30) days prior to the hearing to all owners of
record on the date of the resolution who own the real property
being proposed for designation as a landmark or landmark
district. Such notice shall be deemed delivered upon the
passage of five (5) days from the deposit of said notice in the
mail .
(2) Signs indicating that recommendation for landmark designation is
being considered by the Cultural Resources Board shall be posted
by the Board for a period of not less than fifteen (15) days
immediately preceding the hearing on all property proposed for
landmark designation and on the boundaries of all areas proposed
for landmark district designations, such signs to be prominently
displayed and easily readable from abutting public ways.
(3) A legal notice indicating the nature of the hearings, the
property involved and the time, date and place of the scheduled
public hearing shall be published in a local newspaper of
general circulation one time at least fifteen (15) days prior to
the hearing. (4) Written notice of the proposed landmark
designation, including the identification of the property, the
basis for commencing with the designation procedure and the
time, date and place of the hearing shall be given to the City
of Fort Collins Planning Office, hereinafter called the
"Planning Office," not later than thirty (30) days prior to the
C. Planning Office review.
(1) The City of Fort Collins Planning Office shall review the
proposed designation with respect to:
(a) Its relationship to the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Fort
Collins and the Comprehensive Plan of the city.
(b) The effect of the designation upon the surrounding
(c) Such other planning considerations as may be relevant.
(2) The Planning Office may recommend approval , rejection or
modification of the proposed designation, and its recommendation
shall contain a statement of the basis thereof . The
recommendation shall be delivered to the Board in written form
at or prior to the hearing. If the Planning Office fails to act
within seven (7) days after receipt of written notice of the
proposed designation, the Board, or a selected member thereof,
shall immediately request such response of the Community
Development Director. If the Planning Office fails to act
within ten (10) days after receipt of written notice of the
proposed designation, the proposed designation shall be deemed
to have been approved by the Planning Office.
D. Interim control . No building permit shall be issued by the building
inspector for alteration, construction, relocation or demolition of
a site, structure, or object under consideration for landmark
designation or any site, structure or object within a district under
consideration for landmark district designation from the date of the
hearing of the board at which a designation is first presented for
consideration of any kind until final disposition of the designation
by the City Council unless such alteration, construction, relocation
or demolition is authorized by resolution of the City Council as
necessary for public health, welfare, or safety. In no event shall
the delay in issuance of a building permit due to the provisions of
this subsection be for more than one hundred eighty (180) days.
E. Hearing. At least five (5) members of the Board shall conduct the
hearing. If at least five (5) members are not present, the members
present may adjourn the meeting to another date within two (2)
weeks. If the owners of all property to be designated are not
notified by the Board of any known shortage of sufficient members to
conduct a hearing at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to any such
initial or adjourned meeting, or, if at least five (5) members are
not present at such adjourned meeting, the hearing shall be canceled
and the designation procedure terminated. If any hearing is
continued, the time, date and place of the continuation shall be
established and announced to those present when the current session
is to be adjourned; and such information shall be promptly
forwarded, by regular mail , to the owners of record as established
and addressed pursuant to Subsection B(1) of this section.
Reasonable opportunity shall be provided for all interested parties
to express their opinions regarding the proposed designation or
designations. However, nothing contained herein shall be construed
to prevent the Board from establishing reasonable rules to govern
the proceedings of the hearings or from establishing reasonable
limits on the length of individual presentations. The hearings
shall be recorded and transcripts provided to each Council member.
Written presentations, including the report of the Planning Office,
shall be included in the record of the hearing.
F. Findings and recommendations of the Board. The Board shall act
officially on each proposed designation within thirty-five (35) days
of the hearing thereon. The Board may approve, reject or modify any
proposal , but no proposal may be extended beyond the boundaries of
the land described in the original resolution unless the initiation
and hearing procedure is repeated for the enlarged boundaries. The
Board shall set forth in its records the findings of fact which
constitute the basis for its decision. If the Board fails to act
within the thirty-five (35) day period, the designation shall be
deemed to have been rejected and the designation procedure shall
thereby be terminated.
G. Transmittal to City Council .
(1) Within fifteen (15) days after reaching its decision, the Board
shall transmit to the City Council its recommendation on the
designation of a landmark or landmark district, including the
description of the property involved and the findings upon which
the recommendation was based.
(2) If more than one (1) property is involved in the designation
procedure, the Board may approve in part and terminate in part.
Each part shall then be treated as a separate action. In no
event may any property be added to the area described in the
initiation resolution without instituting a new designation
H. City Council action. Upon receipt of the recommendations
transmitted by the Board, the City Council may by ordinance
designate property as a landmark or landmark district. Due
consideration shall be given to the written view of owners of
affected property and, in its discretion, the City Council may hold
public hearings on any proposed landmark or landmark district
I . Recording with County Clerk. Within fifteen (15) days of the
effective date of an ordinance designating property as a landmark or
landmark district, the City shall record among the real estate
records of the Clerk and Recorder of the County of Larimer either:
(1) A certified copy of the ordinance designating the specified
property as a landmark or landmark district.
(2) A notice stating that the specified property has been designated
as a landmark or landmark district and citing the ordinance and
the effective date thereof which made the designation effective.
The notice may also contain a brief summary of the effects of
such designation as set forth in this chapter.
J. final notification to owner. Within ten (10) days after the
recording of the ordinance or the notice of designation of property
as a landmark or landmark district, the Secretary of the Board shall
send to the owner of each property so designated by registered or
certified mail a letter outlining the reasons for such designation
and the obligations and restrictions created by such designation.
Such letter shall also contain a request that the owner or his
successors or assigns notify the Secretary of the Commission prior
(1) Preparation of plans for the reconstruction or alteration of
the exterior of improvements located on such property.
(2) Preparation of plans for the construction, alteration,
relocation or demolition of improvements on such property.
§ 69-8. Amendment or recision of designation.
A landmark or landmark district designation may be amended or rescinded
in the same manner as the original designation was made.
§ 69-9. Construction, alteration, demolition or relocation of landmarks.
A. Work requiring building permit. Action on an application for a
building permit (including any permit for the demolition of a
building) shall be deferred by the building inspector except as
provided in subsection G, below, until the application is
accompanied by a report of acceptability from the Commission for the
proposed work when the proposed work involves any of the following:
(1) Alteration or reconstruction of or addition to the exterior of
any improvement which constitutes all or part of a landmark or
landmark district.
(2) Demolition or relocation of any improvement or object which
constitutes all or part of a landmark or landmark district.
(3) Construction or erection of or addition to any improvement upon
any land included in a landmark district.
In order to obtain a report of acceptability, the applicant shall
submit the application for a building permit, including sketches,
plans, and other requirements as determined by the commission, to
the Commission through the Community Development Director. All such
applications shall be reviewed by the Commission in two (2) phases
to determine compliance with this chapter: conceptual review and
final review.
(1) Conceptual review. Conceptual review is an opportunity for
applicants to discuss requirements, standards and policies that
apply to landmarks or structures within a landmark district.
Problems can be identified and solved prior to final review of
the application. After review of the application by the
commission, the Community Development Director shall furnish the
applicant with written comments regarding the conceptual review.
Conceptual approval of any proposed work may be limited to
certain portions of the work as deemed appropriate by the
commission. Conceptual approval does not guarantee final
approval of any proposed work. If, upon review of the proposed
work, the Commission determines that conceptual review is not
necessary given the absence of a significant impact on the
landmark or landmark district involved, it may be waived by the
Commission and the Commission may then proceed to consider the
proposed work on final review at the same meeting.
(2) Final review. If an application (or parts thereof) is
conceptually approved, it shall be finally reviewed by the
Commission at a subsequent meeting of the commission. During
final review, the Commission shall consider the application (or
parts thereof that have received conceptual approval ) and any
changes made by the applicant since conceptual review.
B. Work not requiring building permit; application for approval .
Except as otherwise provided herein, no land surface within any real
property designated as a landmark or landmark district shall be
changed, and no improvements thereon shall be erected, removed,
restored, demolished or altered (including alteration of color) , nor
shall any addition be made thereto, in such a manner or of such a
character as to change the exterior appearance or exterior
architectural features thereof, which change shall be visible from
any public street, park or other public place, without prior written
approval of the Commission. Such changes in exterior appearance
shall extend to the erection of business, professional and other
signs; and the Commission may deny permission to erect any such sign
unless the size, texture, style and materials thereof are compatible
with the general characteristics of the neighborhood and the
structure. Any person desiring to remove, demolish or in any way
change the exterior appearance or the exterior architectural
features of improvements on real property designated as a landmark
or in a landmark district, or desiring to change the land surface of
any such real property, shall submit to the Commission an
application for approval and a specific statement of the work
proposed, together with such details as the Commission may require.
C. Approval of proposed work. If upon receipt of an application for a
building permit pursuant to subsection A, above, or upon receipt of
an application pursuant to Subsection B above, the Commission finds
that the proposed work is of a nature which will not erode the
authenticity of or destroy any distinctive exterior feature of the
improvements and is compatible with the distinctive characteristics
of the landmark or landmark district and with the spirit and purpose
of this Chapter, the Commission shall so advise the applicant in
writing by issuing a report of acceptability and shall affix its
seal to the plans and specifications for the approved work. In the
case of an application for a building permit, upon receipt of the
Commission's report of acceptability and approved plans and
specifications, the Building Inspector shall proceed with the review
of the application for a building permit. No change which would
defeat the purpose of this Chapter shall be made in an application
for a building permit or the plans and specifications for the
proposed work approved by the Commission without resubmittal to the
Commission and approval of such changes in the same manner as the
original application. In determining the decision to be made
concerning the issuance of a report of acceptability, the Commission
shall consider the following criteria:
(1) The effect of the proposed work upon the general historical
and/or architectural character of the landmark or landmark
(2) The architectural style, arrangement, texture and materials of
existing and proposed structures, and their relation to the
structures in the district.
(3) The effect of the proposed work in creating, changing or
destroying the exterior architectural features of the structure
upon which such work is to be done.
( 4) The effect of the proposed work upon the protection ,
enhancement, perpetuation and use of the landmark or landmark
(5) Such additional criteria, as established by the Commission,
which it deems to be in the best interests of the city.
D. Denial of building permit. If the proposed work is not approved by
the Commission, the Building Inspector shall deny the application
for the building permit and shall so advise the applicant. No
reapplication shall be submitted pursuant to Section 69-9 under the
original plans and specifications found unacceptable by the
Commission except upon a showing of changed circumstances sufficient
to justify the reapplication.
E. Action of Commission on unacceptable proposed work. If the proposed
work is not acceptable, the Commission, acting with all due
diligence, shall explore with the applicant all means for
substantially preserving the landmark or landmark district which
would have been affected by the required permit . These
investigations may include, by way of example and not of limitation:
(1) Feasibility of modification of the plans.
(2) Feasibility of any alternative private use of the structure or
structures which would substantially preserve the original character
(3) Possibility of public acquisition for a public purpose of the
structure or structures involved.
F. If the Commission is unsuccessful in developing either alternate
plans or an appropriate public or private use for such structure or
structures which are acceptable to the applicant, it shall so notify
the owner and the Building Inspector, in writing. No work,
erection, construction, reconstruction or alterations or demolitions
of landmarks or structures in landmark districts shall be allowed
except upon approval of the Commission as provided in this Chapter.
G. Remedying of dangerous conditions. In any case where the Building
Inspector, the Poudre Fire Authority or any other public authority
having the power to do so orders or directs the construction,
reconstruction, alteration, repair, relocation or demolition of any
landmark improvement for the purpose of remedying conditions
determined by that officer, department or authority to be imminently
dangerous for life, health or property, nothing contained herein
shall be construed as making it unlawful for any person to comply
with such order. Any such officer, department or authority shall
take immediate steps to notify the Commission of the proposed
issuance of any such order or directive and may include in such
order or directive any timely received requirements or
recommendations of the Commission.
H. Waiver of conditions. Upon a showing of substantial hardship and/or
to protect against an arbitrary result, the Commission may waive
such conditions and requirements as are set forth in this Chapter,
provided that the spirit and purpose of the Chapter are not
significantly eroded.
I . Appeal of decisions. Decisions of the Commission regarding the
acceptability of applications for building permits under Paragraph A
of this section or applications for approval of work not requiring a
building permit under Paragraph B of this section shall be
considered "final decisions" within the meaning of Chapter 3A of
this code and such decisions shall be subject to the right of appeal
to City Council as set forth in said chapter.
§ 69-10. Extension of time limits.
Any time limit set forth in this Chapter may be extended by mutual
consent of the Board or Commission and the applicant or of the Board or
Commission, the Planning Office and the applicant, whichever is applicable.
§ 69-11. Normal maintenance and repair.
Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to prohibit the
accomplishment of any work on any landmark or in any landmark district
which will neither change the exterior appearance nor the exterior
architectural features of improvements or structures, nor the character or
appearance of the land itself, and which is considered necessary as a part
of normal maintenance and repair.
§ 69-12. Notification of state or national designation.
The Community Development Director shall promptly notify the Board and
Commission of any known national or state designations of landmarks or
landmark districts within the City of Fort Collins.
§ 69-13. Violations and penalties.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this Chapter
shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 1-23 of this Code. In
case any building or structure is erected, constructed, reconstructed,
altered, added to or demolished in violation of this Chapter, the city or
any proper person may institute an appropriate action or proceeding to
prevent such unlawful action. The imposition of any penalty hereunder shall
not preclude the city or any proper person from instituting any proper
action or proceeding to require compliance with the provisions of this
Chapter and with administrative orders and determinations made hereunder.
§ 69-14. Severability.
It is hereby declared to be the legislative intent that the several
provisions of this chapter shall be severable in accordance with the
provisions set forth below:
A. If any provision of this Chapter is declared to be invalid by a
decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, it is hereby
declared to be the legislative intent that the effect of such
decision shall be limited to that provision or provisions which are
expressly stated in the decision to be invalid; and such decision
shall not affect, impair or nullify this Chapter as a whole or any
other part thereof, but the rest of this Chapter shall continue in
full force and effect.
B. If the application of any provision of this Chapter to any lot,
building or other structure or a tract of land is declared to be
invalid by a decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, it is
hereby declared to be the legislative intent that the effect of such
decision shall be limited to that lot, building or other structure
or tract of land immediately involved in the controversy, action or
proceeding in which the judgment or decree of invalidity was
rendered, and such decision shall not affect, impair or nullify this
Chapter as a whole or the application of any provision thereof to
any other lot, building or other structure or tract of land.
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered
published this 4th day of February, A.D. 1986, and to be presented for
final passage on the 18th day of February, A.D. 1986.
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City Clerk
Passed and adopted on final reading this 18th day of February, A.D.
City Clerk