HomeMy WebLinkAbout006 - 02/04/1986 - RELATING TO THE CREATION AND ORGANIZATION OF THE SOUTH LEMAY SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 86 ORDINANCE NO. 6 ,1986 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS RELATING TO THE CREATION AND ORGANIZATION OF THE SOUTH LEMAY SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 86 AND PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS THEREIN. WHEREAS, heretofore the necessary proceedings were initiated to create the South Lemay Special Improvement District No . 86 ( the "District" ) for the purpose of installing the following improve- ments, to wit: street, curb, gutter and sidewalk, street light- ing, landscaped medians and streetscaping, water, sanitary sewer , bridge and storm drainage improvements (the "Improvements" ) , for the benefit of the property contained within and adjacent to the boundary of said District as set forth on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Fort Collins ( the "Council" ) began proceedings to acquire , install , and construct said Improvements in said District by the acceptance of Petitions of the property owners in said District and the adoption of Resolution No . 86- 9 relating thereto on the 21st day of January, 1986, and Resolution No . 86- 10 on the 21st day of January, 1986, and WHEREAS, the City of Fort Collins , Colorado ( the "City" ) , has received the necessary report and accepted the waiver of any notice requirements pursuant to Chapter 16 of the Code of the City; and WHEREAS, the property owners in said District ( the "Petitioners" ) have expressly waived , in writing, notice and other provisions to which they would otherwise be entitled pursuant to Chapter 16 of the Code of the City; and WHEREAS, the Petitioners shall enter into agreements with the City concerning the formation of said District and the manage- ment of the construction of the Improvements and shall provide therein the rights and responsibilities of all parties relative thereto; and WHEREAS, the Council is of the opinion that it is in the best interest of the residents of the City to create said District. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS : Section 1 . That there is hereby created and organized a special i—' mprovement district under and by virtue of the provisions of Chapter 16 of the Code of the City, and pursuant to the provisions set forth in the agreement between the City and the Petitioners regarding said District, to be known as the South Lemay Special Improvement District No . 86, comprised of the real property described on Exhibit "A" , attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Section 2. That the Improvements to be constructed in said Districtt s all consist generally of street , curb, gutter and sidewalk, water, street lighting, landscaped medians and street- scapes , sanitary sewer, bridge and storm drainage improvements ( the " Improvements" ) as more fully described in the Engineering Report for the District and Resolution 86- 9 on file with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference. Section 3. That the estimated total cost of the Improvements in the D— is^trict, including without limitation , the cost of acquir- ing, planning, engineering, and constructing the Improvements ( but excluding legal and advertising costs, interest during construc- tion and until assessments are made by ordinance against the properties benefited, financing and other costs to the District) , as shown by the estimate of probable total cost , as made by the Director of Public Works, is $ 2, 772, 340. Section 4. That the estimated amount or proportion of the total probe cost of the Improvements to be paid by the City at large and not by assessments against property in the District is 759,095. The foregoing and the obligations of the City set forth in the District Agreement among the City and the Property Owners constitute the maximum obligation of the City, notwithstanding that costs might exceed estimates heretofore submitted , unless appropriation is made therefor. That the following amount or proportion of the total probable cost of the Improvements shall be paid by the Fort Collins- Loveland Water District and not by assessments against property in the District, to wit: the amount of $ 319,941 representing a portion of the cost of construction of a 20-inch water line in the District. -2- The balance of the total actual cost in the District ( estimated to be $ 1 ,693,304) , upon the completion of the Improvements , shall be apportioned in an assessment roll against each tract , or parcel of land to be assessed in a manner consistent with this ordinance and Section 16-27. 1 of the City Code pertaining to reallocation of assessments, which assessment roll shall include additional assessments to cover the costs of legal and advertising, interest during construction and until assessments are made by ordinance against the properties benefited, financing, and other incidental costs to the District. Assessments shall be levied by an assessing ordinance . Such assessments shall be a lien until paid in the several amounts assessed against each tract , or parcel of land . The cost of acquiring, constructing, or otherwise installing the Improvements in the District, together with all costs incurred in formation and financing of the District , shall be assessed against those lots , tracts, or parcels of land owned by the Petitioners and in the manner set forth in the Petitions for the District on file with the City Clerk. The total of all aggregated assessments shall be sufficient to cover the portion of the total cost of the Improvements to be defrayed by special assessments . Section 5. After any such tract or parcel is divided into smaller parcels or other property interests, the assessment against such tract or parcel shall be reallocated, so that the assessment against each such smaller parcel or other property interest shall bear the same ratio to the original assessment against such tract or parcel as the proportionate interest in such smaller parcel or other property interest bears to the interest in sellable land in such original tract or parcel as so divided into smaller parcels or other property interests . The entire unpaid principal of such assessment or reallocated assessment, as the case may be , together with interest accruing thereon to the next assessment interest payment date (except to the extent that interest on the bonds to be issued by the City for the District has been capitalized through such date) shall be immediately due and payable by the seller or transferor thereof prior to the sale or transfer of any such tract or parcel , or portion thereof if such tract or parcel shall have been divided as aforesaid, unless the purchaser or transferee thereof shall acknowledge , in writing, receipt of notice that the seller or transferor is not paying such assessment or reallocated assessment in full prior to such sale or transfer and that such assessment or reallocated assessment against such tract or parcel , or portion thereof as the case may be, shall continue to be a lien thereon. Section 6. That pursuant to Chapter 16 of the Code of the City, the Council has considered all complaints or objections made or filed in writing by the owners of any real property to be assessed and any other interested person; and that the Council further finds that all requirements of the Code of the City regarding the organization of the District have been observed and complied with or properly waived in accordance with Section 16-38 of the Code; and it is hereby ordered that the Improvements in the District , as provided for in the maps, plans and specifications heretofore adopted by the Council, be and they hereby are , ordered to be constructed. Section 7. That the City Manager is authorized to execute agreements on behalf of the City with the Petitioners concerning the formation of said District and the management of construction of the District , and to provide in said agreements the rights and responsibilities of the Petitioners and the City relative to said District. Section 8. When the Improvements herein authorized have been completed and the same approved and accepted by the City, the costs as set forth in Section 4 above shall be assessed upon the real property in said District, all as set forth in the Petitions and Resolution 86- 9 for the District on file with the City Clerk. Section 9. This Ordinance shall be irrepealable until the indebte Hess erein provided for , whenever the same shall be created, shall have been duly paid, satisfied, and discharged as herein provided. INTRODUCED, CONSIDERED FAVORABLY ON FIRST READING, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED THIS 21st DAY OF January , A.D. , 1986, AND TO BE PRESENTED FOR FINAL PASSAGE ON THE 4th AY OF February A.D. , 1986. / Mayor ATTEST: - r City C �2L Passed and adopted on final reading by the General Council of the City of Fort Collins this 4th day of February A.D. , 1986. Mayor ATTEST: t City Clerk EXHIBIT "A" f.1:GAL DE SCRIVTION OF DISTRICT BOUNDARIES P' „lust. `• of nur,ck Colorado Properties, Ltd , Description : A tra,r1, of land located in a part of Section 13 , Township 6 NnrI h , Panic 69 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian , Larimor County, CI) Ioradh,, being more particularly described as Collwos : (',ul ; idcrirng CI e WesC line. oC the Northwest quarter of said 6c'A 11111 1 .1 a•; hearinq North 00003'30" West and with all bearing; c01-110Mod het ,• in relative thereto; commencing at the West quarter 170f11-11 n ( :; nirl ;;ection 13 , South 09040 ' 47 " East 50.00 feet to a point nn Iha East- right.-oC-way of U.S. Route 207 said point heinq the I ruc point of hegi till ing ; thence South 09°40 ' 47 " [last 152 . 31 feet t ,, a point heinq the approximate high water line of Robert Iterrr,,rn kako (;Ilse known an Fairport Reservoir) ; thence around the Nr, rIIt end of Lhe lake along the following courses : NortIt o l "u 1 "r 'r " ur„ 1 95 . 00 feet ; North 16010 ' 43 " EasL 1613 . 60 feet ; I;asL I10 . _30 feet ; North 32040 ' 13 " East 26 ,1 . 91 f r: i• 1 1 h • n ,• IlnrI It `W'07 ' 45 " East 07 . 92 feet ; South 070S7. ' •14 " E t:; I- n ,' I r•1 North 76049 '39" East d0.27 feet; South 700OG14l " I: n •; l. 1u . n i I • ,� I ; North 70000 ' 41 " East 114 . 03 feet ; So" LIt r a n I 1 17 . 211 fccL ; :ouch 47050 '03 " East 143 .01 1 c c V ; 1:itsL 140 .03 ; South 73053 ' 42 " East 147 , 00 feet ; rosI: 04 . 1 5 f eeL South 43005'27" [last 42 .45 Ccc•t ; Eo :; L 35 . 00 fret ; Soul: h 35019 ' OG " Past 273 . 30 f,•,•I l;r,rll. lr ?•;," 1I ' .IJ" Eart 40.09 feet; thence departing said lake I " the IN) rLIt line of the SouChwest quarter ac; 0,, 1 Icy docds of I ecord and usacle , South 09°40 ' 47 " East 1 l '; , ,, .I I • I I hcn(:e North 33053 '00 " West 051 . 75 fact ; thence 0„ 11II n0 "n ', ' nn " East. 323 . 60 feeL ; thence South 72057100 " East -1 (. ; . ,' u f -- I ; I h,• uco 7fouth 69014 ' 00 " East 161 . 12 CecC ; thence to " EiistC. 326 .74 feet ; thence North 06029 ' 00" East :,r1 . .'r1 I .•,•l In a poinL ()it the West line of the Northwest quarter al cI i „n 13 a:; de Le r tit ined 11y deed, of record and usage ; th,• nrr• al ,, ui :: aid W,•:; t. line North 00°2. 6 ' 32, " West- 745 . 29 feet ; Lh,• nr 7{nnl 11 n7 "' G 'OII " EauL 600 ,00 feet ; thence North 00003 ' 52 " I: 1 ,: 0 • ,1 / I I. hence, Not 00021 '00 " West 530 .9E feet to a I,oin1. "n Ili,[ r miltr• rly righl:-of--way of a County Road and 30 feet N Sul h " I 1 h„ 11"i t h line of: the NorthwesL quarter of said SsecL ion 1 1 ; 1 h, n-- aI "nq I hr• said Southerly ri (Iht-of-way and parallel Lo the •;,, I I I),rr 1 11 !;,•, t ion line South 00012 '25" East 2074 .65 feet Lo a I,•, in ! nn I It,, Wo!;Iet ly right-of. - way of a County (toad and 30 feet. W "', t r, I I. It- I:,r •: I. 1 in,• of said Section 13 ; thence along Lhe said W-st.,• t ly r igh1 -�„ I. -way and parallel Co the said East section line Smit 1, 00o10 ' 2V' Wcsl: 522. 3 .60 feet to a point on the Northerly t igllt - of - wa •; „ f a (:aunty Road and 30 CeeC North of the South 1 ine of the Onu1. Iwo !; [. rlunrlet: of said Section 13 ; thence along Lhe said Not Llwt ly right --of. - way and parallel to the said South Sect- ion Zinc , llotIh U902.9 '05" West 2639.22 rout to a point on Lhe East ling of "Victor In Entates Subdivision"; thence alone the said East line and Lhe extension thereof North 00002 - 47 " Wrist 1411 . 0o frr• I ; thence South 03042113 " West 615. 00 feet ; thence N„ iIll II 1 47 " Wcst 300 .00 feeC ; thence North 62002 ' 47 " West •100 . 00 J r'! Lhrncr: Norl.h 09032 ' 47 " West 544 .00 fceL ; thuncu N-I t h l l" tJ '•11 " W,tr:L 0.17.43 reel: to a poin on the Easterly right- of - vny , ( I'. !;. !touts! 2117 ; thence along the said Easterly right - of lny ilotl li 00 "07 ' 21 " East 735. 43 feet to the True Point: of Ur') i Jill I rl'i consisting of approximately 407 . 4 acres more or less . 'I'vycthcr wi.Lh : Donald II . McKendry , Uescripl- Ion : T11.11. port. lon of NorLhweol: Quarter of Section 10 Township 6 until, Hand,: GO Wert of the 6Lh Principal Meridian, Larimer County, CoIorado . NeinU more particularly described as follows : nc,linnin,l at Lhe Northwest corner of said Section 10; thence rinr Ill 1 inr of said Northwest corner North 09006 ' 56 " EaSt 1717 . 1 / f ,•,• l. ; t: hencr South 0005 .3 '04 " Last 1061 . 16 feet ; thence snnl. li n 'r "n 6 ' ; 6 " We:, t: 294 . 50 reef ; thence North 65000 '00 " West Lo a poinL on a curve concave to the Wert having a r, nl r ,rl •u, llr of o6u10100", a radius of 2. 00 .00 feet ; thence ::i,nl le• r ly Ilnn,l Lhe arc of said curve 22 .G9 feet; thence Lanrlent ( ram ;,iil nr: t Shutlr 11030,00" WeSL 655.23 feet to the beginning nl ,� I ,inl-nr rnrvr: concave to Lhe l:aat having a central angle of II " I'I 'On " ,i r:nliur of 200.00 feeC ; Lhence Southerly along thr. arc , l ., il nr • 1 I11 , 411 fceL ; thence tangent. from said curvy. South :111 . 00 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve n, .t ;,• I „ Lli I;n:;l- linving a central angle of 17051'00" a radius of on . On f Lhenr:n Sou Lherly along Lhe arc ' of said curve F, tl I ,•,• I tli,•or:o I. ancient from said curve South 10000 '00" East -I , / . ln I ,• • I, to Lhe br:,linnI.nrl or a Langent curve being concave to l lip: tJ •r1. Ir, vinrl a cen11tal angle of 17051100 " a radius of 200 .00 I •,• I tli •n • ;.,,n t.hcrly along the arc of said curve G2 . 31 fret ; 11wn" ,• I an•I' nL from :;aid curve Sou Ch 00009 ' 00" East 196 .43 feet I . I I,.• :: n1111 I inr: of !-.aid Nor quarter ; thence along said ;.nnl li 1 ins• :�nuLlt 119"52 ' :19 " iJesC 979 .06 fcot to Lhe West line of i0 11" 11 011ilI Lr r ; thence along said West line tlorCh 2 '_",0'i.61 fceL to the point of beginning, consisting or al,lrrcrximatcly 77 . 3 acres more or less. L I r•r wit lt : OWNER : M6P InvcnLment Company, A Colorado General Partnership Der,cript Ion : CmmITWrII: in(y aL the Sou Lhcast corner of Section. 12, Township 6 North , Rongo 69 Wert of the 6th P. M. , said point being the Point uC nrnlinninfl; thence North 00027'40" West along the South line of raid 5; oct: ion 12 a distance of 1443 . 94 feet ; thence North 00o00 '00 - 1'.ac:L 2042 .92 feet ; thence South 07033154 " East , 6 56 . 2 5 1 , cj ; i. h,: ncc Sou Lh 117034 *09 " Part , 250 .00 feet ; thence South 0011Uo ' 00 " WcnL , 614J7 feet ; thence North 90000100 " East , 530 .00 CceL l.o a point on the East line of said Section 12; thence South 00000'00" West along the East line of said Section 12 a distance of 1420 . 50 feet to the Point of Deginning, County of Larimer , :;Late of Colorador consisting of approximately 60. 0 acres more or