HomeMy WebLinkAbout053 - 05/20/1986 - REPEALING AND REENACTING CITY CODE RELATING TO LICENSING AND REGULATION OF PAWNBROKERS ORDINANCE NO. 53 , 1986 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS REPEALING AND REENACTING ARTICLE XIII OF CHAPTER 73 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS WHEREAS, Article XIII of Chapter 73 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins deals with the licensing and regulation of pawnbrokers doing business within the City of Fort Collins; and WHEREAS, the laws of the State of Colorado dealing with this same subject were previously amended by the State Legislature, so that certain inconsistencies presently existing between the above mentioned provisions of the City Code and the provisions of C.R.S. , 12-56-101, et sec . ; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the community that the above-mentioned ordinance of the City be made consistent with and, in some respects, more restrictive than, the State statute. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS that Article XIII of Chapter 73 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins, be and the same hereby is, repealed and reenacted as follows: §73-67. Definitions. For the purposes of this Article, the terms defined shall have the meanings indicated: CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE - A CONTRACT ENTERED INTO BETWEEN A PAWNBROKER AND A CUSTOMER PURSUANT TO WHICH MONEY IS ADVANCED TO THE CUSTOMER BY THE PAWNBROKER ON THE DELIVERY OF TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY BY THE CUSTOMER ON THE CONDITION THAT THE CUSTOMER, FOR A FIXED PRICE AND WITHIN A FIXED PERIOD OF TIME, NOT TO EXCEED NINETY (90) DAYS, HAS THE OPTION TO CANCEL SAID CONTRACT. -PL-EBGBI- CUSTOMER - €he- A person who delivers a— }edge PERSONAL PROPERTY into the possession of a pawnbroker. FOR THE PURPOSE OF ENTERING INTO A CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OR PURCHASE TRANSACTION. If �+fek—�e�ser►--�i scaeses—bk►a�—Ne--}s—e�—ivas—aei;}ng--€ee•—ano-t#rew, —"�rl edWO—means—the-44 90osed-gr4-ne 4e1- FIXED PRICE - THE AMOUNT AGREED UPON TO CANCEL A CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE DURING THE OPTION PERIOD. SAID FIXED PRICE SHALL NOT EXCEED: (1) ONE-TENTH OF THE ORIGINAL PURCHASE PRICE FOR EACH MONTH, PLUS THE ORIGINAL PURCHASE, ON AMOUNTS OF FIFTY DOLLARS (E50.) OR OVER; OR (2) ONE-FIFTH OF THE ORIGINAL PURCHASE PRICE FOR EACH MONTH, PLUS THE ORIGINAL PURCHASE PRICE, ON AMOUNTS UNDER FIFTY DOLLARS (E50.) . FIXED TIME - THAT PERIOD OF TIME, NOT TO EXCEED NINETY (90) DAYS, AS SET FORTH IN A CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE, FOR AN OPTION TO CANCEL SAID CONTRACT. OPTION - THE FIXED TIME AND THE FIXED PRICE AGREED UPON BY THE PLEDGOR AND THE PAWNBROKER IN WHICH A CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE MAY BE BUT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE RESCINDED BY THE CUSTOMER. PAWNBROKER - AP)L-per"nr4-14vror-eepporati-en--who--engages-An--the bus�aess �f--lend4a9 -monejr--0a-the-deposii;-ep-pledge-s€-persoaal- W-0Par-�y,-�+'-who--puxchases-par-soaal•-pr-0pe�=�,�avitb-are�,c$xessed-ep implied--agxesmeo-t-ep�u�dexstafld�ng�aa>•1_ax-bacJF-at-a a#�pu-bated pryee.---fAny--"wnbreker--mej--effeef-the-iarehase--rf--see endhan4 persenal--properly--€er`-resale--purposes-4Mer-the--ferms-o€--th4 s Art#e}e--by-acquiring-any-pawn-tric-keE-of-h#9--0wn-i-satae-by-traRsfer. ) A-1pawnbrokepquay-&uWement-hi-s--ba6€Hess-&f pawnbroking- y-enga94ng in-the-sale-e€-new-or-ased--merehand#se-pureteased- through-ard-ifrary ctrar♦aelf of-tpade, A PERSON REGULARLY ENGAGED IN THE BUSINESS OF MAKING CONTRACTS FOR PURCHASE OR PURCHASE TRANSACTIONS IN THE COURSE OF HIS BUSINESS. PL-EDGE---Any--artie}e--(n--ert}e}es-depa9ited-wr1 h--&y pow nbroker-as seearfty #er�tean �fl-the eaarse of- his-basimessa-s-defrned-ifrthe preeed+nt de +n4turn PURCHASE TRANSACTION - THE PURCHASE BY A PAWNBROKER, IN THE COURSE OF HIS BUSINESS, OF TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR RESALE, OTHER THAN NEWLY MANUFACTURED TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY WHICH HAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BEEN SOLD AT RETAIL, WHEN SUCH PURCHASE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE. TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY - ALL PERSONAL PROPERTY OTHER THAN CHOSES IN ACTION, SECURITIES, OR PRINTED EVIDENCE OF INDEBTEDNESS, WHICH PROPERTY IS DEPOSITED WITH OR OTHERWISE ACTUALLY DELIVERED INTO THE POSSESSION OF A PAWNBROKER IN THE COURSE OF HIS BUSINESS IN CONNECTION WITH A CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OR PURCHASE TRANSACTION. §73-68. License required. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to engage in the business of pawnbroking except as provided in and authorized by this Article and without first having obtained a license from the -E4ty C:-epk- DIRECTOR OF FINANCE of the City of Fort Collins. SUCH LICENSE SHALL BE KEPT CURRENT AT ALL TIMES, AND FAILURE TO MAINTAIN A CURRENT LICENSE SHALL CONSTITUTE A VIOLATION OF THIS SECTION. §73-69. Annual license fee. The annual license fee for carrying on the business of pawnbroking shall be fifty-five dollars ($55.) , submitted together with an application to the -E#ty-Crlerk DIRECTOR OF FINANCE. -2- §73-70. Surety bond required. The licensee or applicant shall furnish a good and sufficient bond with a surety to be approved by the-CAy-6l-erk DIRECTOR OF FINANCE, in the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.) , conditioned for UPON the PAWNBROKER'S COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ARTICLE 44-thf-u•1--o4ser-µaase-a�-the-si-t 4rdieaeees-otr flawnkaokews--and-for-4k sa€ekeepiAg- or=--return--a€-Ala--aeiri-c4es-4w�4-4fl--p:�4ge--by--such pawabro.ker. §73-71. Investigation and approval of applicants required. No license shall be issued by the -C4t,_-r,1er4( DIRECTOR OF FINANCE until the application for a license shall have been approved by t-he Gity-Go*ne41--L"fi-wecemmendatfen--of the Chief of Police FOR THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS. No license shall be approved BY THE CHIEF OF POLICE unless, -t-he-Cr4ty-GewK41-, after investigation, HE shall have found that the applicant possesses financial responsibility, character and general fitness so as to command the confidence of the public and to warrant belief that the business will be operated lawfully, honestly, fairly and efficiently for the purpose of this Article. Within forty-five (45) days of receipt of an application to renew a license issued hereunder the -&i-ity-Cl•Grk DIRECTOR OF FINANCE shall renew such license, provided that the Chief of Police, after investigation, shall have determined that the applicant has operated the business in such a manner as to fully effectuate the purposes of this Article. Licenses shall be limited to use at the premises specified in the application. Such license shall not be transferable. DENIAL OF THE ISSUANCE OR RENEWAL OF A LICENSE HEREUNDER MAY BE APPEALED TO THE CITY COUNCIL THROUGH THE SAME PROCEDURES PROVIDED FOR APPEALS FROM THE FINAL DECISIONS OF BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS CONTAINED IN CHAPTER 3A OF THIS CODE. §73-72. Required books and records; inspections. A. Every pawnbroker shall keep books and records sufficient to identify each pledge CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OR PURCHASE TRANSACTION, together--with INCLUDING the -piedgorLs CUSTOMER'S name, age, current address, seu-er-other-pert#rent-+wFomatriom saeh-es.-make--and--1i,cense-wmnber-ef--h+s-aatom b+K- DATE OF BIRTH, and driver's license number -i€-efvy;- as snry-4)e-deemed eeaessery-by-i;he-Pool 4 ee-Bepai-tmertt--te-.pweperl y-4dent-4,Fy-such tr4edgor OR OTHER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER FROM ANY OTHER FORM OF IDENTIFICATION WHICH IS OBTAINED DURING THE COURSE OF THE TRANSACTION. All transactions shall be entered in a book of numerical sequence in the order in which they occur, - egetiter Britt+ AND SHALL INCLUDE the date a€-each transaetion, TIME AND PLACE of THE TRANSACTION, tameant�-4engt4rar+d-terms-ee a e aR,--0 a-art-4 a le--0r-&44 e 4 es-p 4 edged-;-the-se w W-fl amb er-,-Rame, inakee and-medal-or-other-spee-i-f4e-i•Rformai=ion--as-may-tre-deemed -neeessary-by--t-he-pal-ke-Department--4e-ewder-t-a-cHstiega4sh-ff�d -ass s-t 4R-the +4ent#ficet4 ore ef-the--art i-e-l-eerart4e}es-i 4edged AND AN ACCURATE AND DETAILED ACCOUNT AND DESCRIPTION OF EACH -3- ITEM OF TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY INVOLVED , INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY TRADEMARK, IDENTIFICATION NUMBER, SERIAL NUMBER, MODEL NUMBER, BRAND NAME, OR OTHER IDENTIFYING MARKS ON SUCH PROPERTY. The books and records of the licensee shall also reveal the date on which each -I*" EXTENSION OF CREDIT UNDER A CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE was terminated and whether tm� THE TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY OF THE CUSTOMER was redeemed, renewed or forfeited and sold UPON EXPIRATION OF THE CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE . §-73 7�--BECtARA4H-0N-AF-0WNER&RHi-s+gnatare-f-frle4g(H-en-pawn-t-k-ket- required;-ceppef a€-recew4s% B. The pawnbroker shall at the time of making the loan CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OR PURCHASE TRANSACTION, OBTAIN A WRITTEN DECLARATION OF THE CUSTOMER'S OWNERSHIP OF THE TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY WHICH SHALL STATE THAT SUCH PROPERTY IS TOTALLY OWNED BY THE CUSTOMER, OR SHALL HAVE ATTACHED TO SUCH DECLARATION A POWER OF SALE FROM THE PARTIAL OWNER OF THE PROPERTY IN FAVOR OF THE CUSTOMER, HOW LONG THE CUSTOMER HAS OWNED THE PROPERTY, WHETHER THE CUSTOMER OR SOMEONE ELSE FOUND THE PROPERTY, AND, IF THE PROPERTY WAS FOUND, THE DETAILS OF THE FINDING. THE PAWNBROKER SHALL require the p+edgor-oa—his- agent CUSTOMER to -write-his--signature- SIGN HIS NAME ON THE DECLARATION OF OWNERSHIP AND IN THE REGISTER TO BE KEPT UNDER SECTION 73-72 AND THE CUSTOMER SHALL BE GIVEN A COPY OF THE CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OR A RECEIPT FOR THE PURCHASE TRANSACTION, WHICH 4-n-a-pawnbeek-►f-4upl-ieate-pa9es bear€ngtke espy-a€-sueJ�-1:ransastri-0n-€�its-ent�a�elry-as-sate-i ned-�fl--7�-72. The•-c-0py-of eaek-recorded pawn-kic-ket-er-pw^ehase -0€-personal- proWt:y-ea=-aaerehandi3e shall correspond with the original in every detail . If the same does not so correspond, the article or articles referred to or described in such conflicting entry shall thereupon be surrendered by the pawnbroker to the Police Department of the City of Fort Collins. C. FWVAhea=T (A)ll eatr4 s RECORDS REQUIRED TO BE KEPT UNDER THIS SECTION must be -made KEPT in the English language, in a legible manner, and shall be preserved and made accessible for inspection for a period of twe• (2) THREE (3) years after the DATE OF redemption or forfeiture and sale of the p-l-edge PROPERTY. (1) A copy of any -pawn record required TO BE KEPT under this Article, together with a copy of the record of each jRrt4ki&e--o€ -p►rop-Ga-t*-o-r-ane har+disa-by--a- -pawnbbrrokex CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OR PURCHASE TRANSACTION, shall be made available to the Fort Collins Police Department each day so that the Police Department may maintain a complete record of all business transactions of the pawnbroker. No charge shall be made to the city for -4- furnishing such records, and it shall be the responsibility of the city to pick up the copies from the pawnbroker. (2) Such books and records shall -be REMAIN open to the inspection of any 4aw-en#ereement-agent POLICE OFFICER of the city dw^4ng-regt4ar-6us-inese--toure AT ANY REASONABLE TIME. Upon demand of any such agent OFFICER, the pawnbroker shall ALSO exhibit for inspection -by--suc4r-agent, any TANGIBLE personal property or-merehandi-se- that may-be HAVE BEEN in DELIVERED INTO his possession t14at--has-4ieeR care4esed-by-4i4m-o�pawned-to•4r4m BY REASON OF ANY CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OR PURCHASE TRANSACTION. §�3-�t-FFll4 ed y�rreha-sec-e€�repewty A44--property-,--Rates-f--bonds--4w- seeuri•t-4es-ivh4& are-pureed eit1="t-by-a--iawRbroker-sham-be-so-c#rewo--or--the-records-kept-by--the pawRbreke�,- wit# -atl -i�rfer�nat�-on-eeneerRing--the-tr"saetieR-sei-*&rtlr 4R-suelr-recerds. (Included under definition of Purchase Transaction. ) §;E3-a-4,--Reaeasa-of-pl edges. Tore-helder-a€-tom-pawn--t4ekeb s#aT143e--pre swned-to-b-the-WseR eR6i tied-to- redeex�-the-pledge-aadf-exeept-as-przov4ded-otherw4-se-ie-4444-s- Art-ic4eT-the- paw RhrGker--sW4--de14vex=-the-ialedge--to--the--WseR present}Rg-the-pawn--tieket:-on-payment-a tke-i�rafle4a4-and-c-hap9es-and- mpen--wr-rendex-of-the paw n-t icket. §7545,--W acement-af-a est;-t4sket, I-f-.a--paws- ick4t-is-lost,-dgstxoyed-ax-staleR,-tha-Pled9en-a�= Balder -thereof-shah--so--rto-tH-fy--ttre-ri-sza4ng-pawrtbreker--im-w-iting i mmecH-at-e}y_--upert--&i.scevery--ef--sucii-floss--before--pernritt;img--the redemptien--of-the-p}edge-er-+ssai-rg$-duplieate•t#eket;-t he--pawnbroker inay,,--iir--mddit-ton--Le--sati-sfy-ing-h4insel-f-of--the-veli d}ty-e#-the-el$im, regiti-re--tote--pledger-t-o--make- an--*ft#da+rit-erF--t-he--a4l eged-cress>--trt tirri-1=ing;-witnessed--by-twa-(-2j-reputeb}e-resident�ef-t;he--ceinmwri-ty-#rt -the-presenee-ef--a--twtary-pW4 e---Upen-reeei frt-of-9ae4r-*#f}4avit-}R wri-t-" -the-"wnbroker-shal4-permit-the­fi+0 der--of-the-pawn-t€eket-te redeem -the-p}edge;-er-the--pawnbroker-shaa4-del4ver-t�-thrptedger-el, holder-a-dWl-katee t4-eket-i-and-theirawnbr-0ker--ha4l--ieear-*o-4*abi448y fer-so--do4-rg-aRless-Ore-#has•-prev4 9es4y--reseijied-wh=4•tten--hettGe-e€-aR adverse-elai*-. §�3aEr:--Adverse ca a� far�lt�ges-. I#-ixore-than-one-FI} �eraeR-sha44-c4ai -khe-x4gh�-to redeem-a p4edge-the-pawnbroker-shall--iiveep--ne-I-"W44t y-#er-ref-us#Rg•te-del4ver the-pledge tRt4-1--t4he-respeetive-rtc}hts-ef-tlhe-cla4 marts-shah-have-been adjud4eated.--4€-no- e4tker- par�prior-te-thc-e*p-i-ratlerta€-the red to. -5- hood-the d4 edge-,--he-may-pre eeed-to-seN--the-pledge-rr-ece erdene a writfi tfie-provisions-of t#ris-Artie}e. §73-t73. Maximum interest rates; commissions prohibited. No pawnbroker shall ask, demand or receive any greater rate of interest, commission and compensation than the--t-ot­&l--ete-af-three pereeat-We)-per-mortW-er-froth&nel--part-thereof,--eoffMtited-brr tfie amount-ef-money--aet;ael-ly-adrartced;-provided-,-troweaer,-tfiflt:-aporrthe fyrsf-fifty-do}}ars--('b50•.a-ror-bny-part tirereoi`,-tfiere-mey-fie-made-a charge--of--not-to--eceeed--ten-percent-{39%}per-month-ertraetiona+-pert tfiereof-,-and-ptrovided-turt`her�tfiai`-no-i eatr trF-any-amamt-less th aR ten de4:}ars than-+fie-fti mum-compermet+orr-of pet THE "FIXED PRICE" AS DEFINED IN 73-67 OF THIS ARTICLE. No other charge shall be made by said pawnbroker upon renewal of any loan or at any other time. Any contract for the payment of a commission by-the-borrower for procuring tfie-}oa or personal-property A CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE shall be null and void. §73-784. Intermediate payments upon loans. Pawnbrokers shall accept intermediate payments upon loans MADE UNDER A CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE which have not matured, wherr presented with-tire-pawrr t+c-ket, provided that no payment need be accepted which is less than ten percent (10%) of the unpaid principal balance, together with accrued charges. Tito--pawnbroker-mar-eiect`to-treat--the amount-tendered-as-a peymeRi`titport-fife existing}o-an- thepawrtbrnker may-elect-to-renew-t:he�aart,--itriA +e-h- event-,--a--brew-perm-ticket-rrtfie reduced- ameani -shale--be---4s9ued: A receipt showing the date of the payment and the amount thereof shall be given TO THE CUSTOMER for all moneys received on account of or in payment of p:}Mge4 loans MADE UNDER A CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE. §73-795. HOLDING PERIOD AND Sale of uRr-edeemed--aptAe-Tes TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. A. PROPERTY RECEIVED THROUGH PURCHASE TRANSACTION - A PAWNBROKER SHALL HOLD ALL PROPERTY PURCHASED BY HIM THROUGH A PURCHASE TRANSACTION FOR THIRTY (30) DAYS FOLLOWING THE DATE OF PURCHASE, DURING WHICH TIME SUCH PROPERTY SHALL BE HELD SEPARATE AND APART FROM ANY OTHER TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY AND SHALL NOT BE CHANGED IN FORM OR ALTERED IN ANY WAY. B. PROPERTY RECEIVED THROUGH CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE - -The pawnbroker--shall-xQtain--the--1Qdge.-ice_►4s-{pecsess49w-t-h-trty 430.)--Jags-after-4utur-ity-c£-said-loaa. A PAWNBROKER SHALL HOLD ALL CONTRACTED GOODS WITHIN HIS JURISDICTION FOR A PERIOD OF TEN (10) DAYS FOLLOWING THE MATURITY DATE OF THE CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE, DURING WHICH TIME SUCH GOODS SHALL BE HELD SEPARATE AND APART FROM ANY OTHER TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY AND SHALL NOT BE CHANGED IN FORM OR ALTERED IN ANY WAY. If the pledgor CUSTOMER shall fail or neglect forte tk}rty 3G}ways-after TO -6- REDEEM SUCH PROPERTY UPON the maturity of said loa& CONTRACT to redeem-tie-1>1edge by repayment of the balance of the principal and payment of all accrued interest charges, the pawnbroker shall immediately, tdereafter- UPON THE MATURITY OF SAID CONTRACT, mail WITH SUFFICIENT POSTAGE a notice of the impending sale of the pledged-artrie�e PROPERTY DELIVERED UNDER THE CONTRACT; SUCH NOTICE SHALL BE MAILED to the address shown on the pawn-tic-ket CONTRACT PERTAINING TO THE TRANSACTION. Ten (10) days shall be allowed from the date of MAILING OF THE notification for the 0e4gor-or-#9-agent-CUSTOMER to appear wA-h--the-pawn-€}c(et and reclaim the art-ic3e PROPERTY or make satisfactory payments upon same. THE PAWNBROKER SHALL NOT SELL OR OTHERWISE DISPOSE OF SAID PROPERTY PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION OF SAID TEN (10) DAY PERIOD. lf--the-pers a-who--obtained--the 1oan--Frha4-€a}l--iso--Medeem-said_-pawn ed-aed-pledged-propert)� and-4A44e.-aid--interest--of,-i•R and-#e-such-$awned-aid-pledged property---ahal_1--be--f4wf%ited-4o--the--pawpbpeker,--whe- sk�at� thecaby-asgw re-absolute-4-4Ae-4a--thhe--same,-aid--the-4ebt theme€-sha41•Tema completel y-sat#stied. §73-8076. Hold orders AND SURRENDER OF PROPERTY. A. Any cutMrrzed- police officer or-4aw-enforcement-agent may order a pawnbroker to hold any ert-irle-or-articles TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY deposited with or in custody of any pawnbroker for purposes of further investigation h the Police Department. No sale or other disposition may be de of any article SUCH PROPERTY held by any pawnbroker whiia said hold order remains outstanding. Any such hold order shall be effective for thirty (30) days only, unless a criminal prosecution is undertaken in reference to any such article-er- artie: es PROPERTY within such thirty-day period, in which event the hold order shall be effective until said prosecution shall have been completed or dismissed. B. In the event that any law enforcement officer of the city determines that any article of personal property held by a pawnbroker is stolen or illegally obtained property, such officer shad MAY take such PROPERTY into his custody after giving the pawnbroker a receipt for the same which sets forth the reason for the confiscation. P3-84:-Bef e4enc4es and-set&ffs-pr"4Hied. The-pawnbrekei sWa -Teolf-to--tbe-property--pledged--fer-payment-e1= the-debt-an d-}R-no-ewer t-t e-the.-pe r sena7-e pedi-t-e€-the-*4 edgor---No- seto#-sba-U-be-al-lowed-agaiflst a_aurple5- or-a-de•�icit-ape Rg out-ei= anGthev-loan-transaetien-between-the-parties. §73-8-277. PROHIBITED transactions. with-certaim persom-protHb+ted. -7- A. It shall be unlawful for any pawnbroker to accept any erticles }R•-pawR--"-p"c4vase,any-seeondkand- TANGIBLE personal property UNDER A CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OR PURCHASE TRANSACTION by aGquiri-Rg-a-pawn-t#eket-by- raRsfereRee from the following: I . Any person under twenty-eRe -(244 EIGHTEEN (18) years of age. 2. Any person under the influence of alcohol or any narcotic drug or stimulant. 3. Any person known to such pawnbroker -ta-ba-.a-#hiaf--or to have been convicted of larceny THEFT or burglary, without first notifying the Police Department. B. WITH RESPECT TO A CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE, NO PAWNBROKER MAY PERMIT ANY CUSTOMER TO BE OBLIGATED ON THE SAME DAY IN ANY WAY UNDER MORE THAN ONE CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH THE PAWNBROKER WHICH WOULD RESULT IN THE PAWNBROKER OBTAINING A GREATER AMOUNT OF MONEY THAN WOULD BE PERMITTED IF THE PAWNBROKER AND CUSTOMER HAD ENTERED INTO ONLY ONE CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE COVERING THE SAME TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. C. NO PAWNBROKER SHALL VIOLATE THE TERMS OF A CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE. §73-z8,-RespoRsi�14 ty-f�-staleR-0r-q estr-preperty. A. -or-a�rtk4es-as sec{rrit,�-€or-dean•#-tern-a�ledQerlvhe-�s-Rot##�e-ewnew-t�rereef ebtaiRs-4ie--owner-ship-4+r-t4ve-antic-k--or--&A4ek-s--ei#keYL-by �=eases-o-�#ke-rnata�=at,�eR-e�-tke-loan-e�-by-tMti�eRredeR�p�ioR-e€ the--0edge,--49mw-aase-0•f--the-€ac-t-that--the-pledged-a ti-0-e-er ar4 ;esavere-test-er-sto4-"-sW4-nett-be-eeastpued-te-a##eet the--questi44�-of-#4tle,--and-#€-the--pawR4rekep-steal4-sed4--s j& ar-tic;e-to-a-t h4-rd-per-seRf4�e-&W4-pemaia-l-iable-to--theac#aal- ewner. It -> ieeRsee -shad- -tiabae-#ep-the-tess--of-,a-pledge-sf--papt #beree€T-0r-#epa4,jwr)L- hepeto-,-whethep caasedby-€im e -tW-t-;-btu}ary- epnthapwi -pesa14ieg-ffem•4As-€a444ipe•#a-exere4se•4leasenab3e-c-ere-4i+ pegar�-to-ib; bat-Me s#a�l awt-be a iablt�- �+ the-abse ee-of-an-eWess- agpee*ent:#,e-thhe-feRtparyT-for-the•aess-of-a-pledge-o=parzt:#bepeofi-,-ep- #ep i4njapy--theret:o,-a4*Gh--,oatd-r►at-have•-been-avoi4ed-by-the-exere*se of-sash-Fare. §73.-5-13-78. Business limited to one location. A pawnbroker shall conduct his pawnshop business from only one (1) business location, which shall be the location listed on the -8- pawnbroker's license. This provision shall not prohibit a pawnbroker from using warehouses or other storage locations away from the licensed place of business, but such other location shall be used only if the pawnbroker submits notice to the-tity-tterk DIRECTOR OF FINANCE in writing of such off-site locations, and in such event such off-site locations shall be open to any law enforcement officer of the city for inspection during regular business hours. §�3 86 -€raves igative-aut+rerit e€-GHe€�#-del ice. For--t-e--purpose - of-�iseevering-v#a}at�arr�-e1`-t�ris-,4ri 1�-the £h}ef vf-Pe}ice-er-his-e}dl•y-esrtheri3ed-represent-ai;7ves-mey-at-sny ti me -in"Arigat�—_ the--besiiress--and-exam•ine-the-books,--aceearrtr,-paperr-and -reeords-used-therein;-of A:--Any-1 censed--pawnbreker­-im-respect`to-much-books,-aeeourrts, Papers-and-reeords-regtti red-te-be--kept-here ander. B.--Amr-other person-whe-engager i n-t-re- -of -a-pawn breker­as defined-iir-�3-6� of-th i-s-- fiele- oi^-whe•-pai^4#ei�rates-iir-seek bas4-Tess_ as principal ,-agent,-broiler-er otherwise. C-.--Any--perserr-whom--the-Gh-W -rf--Pel-ke--has-reaeonable--eeuse-Ee be-}ieve-if-vieTat�g--er i-s-abeat te-v-i�rla€e,-$nyy»�ev}gion-e€ i lhisr-4rt#e}e-,--wlhether--er-not-weir-perso*- - 1*4fn-te-be wit-h4 n-t-he-a trthor i 8y�-ot—beyofld-t-he-s eepe-a€-#H-S-Artie{e. §73-879. Violations and penalties. In addition to the revocation or suspension of any license issued under the provisions hereof, any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this Article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Fort Collins. Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published in summary form this 6th day of May, A.D. 1986 and to be presented for final passage on the 20th day of May A . 1986. Mayor ATTEST: " e City clerk -9- Passed and adopted on final reading this 20th ay of May, A.D. 1986. Mayor ATTEST: City -10-