Section 1 . That Section 118-83(C) (3) (b) be repealed and reenacted as
§118-83. Land Development Guidance System for Planned Unit
C. Process.
3. Evaluation.
(b) Lettered Criteria. The development plan is
evaluated against each of the applicable lettered
criteria and assigned a score. A criterion is
considered to be applicable if it is reasonably
capable of being applied to the development.
Several criteria are applicable to any development
proposal and have been prechecked on the relevant
chart. The numerical score is assigned based upon
the following:
YES (+I) = for an adequate job of implementing the
VERY WELL (+2) = for an excellent job of imple-
menting the criterion or for doing
the best job possible, given the
constraints and opportunities of
the site.
NO (0) = for no effort or failure to implement the
Each lettered criterion has been preassigned a
multiplier which determines the relative importance
of that criterion to the other criteria. The
meaning of each multiplier is as follows:
5 - indicates that the criterion is of exceptional
4 - indicates that the criterion is very important.
3 - indicates that the criterion is important.
2 - indicates a criterion of normal importance.
1 - indicates a minor criterion.
The points earned for each criterion are the
product of multiplying the score times the
multiplier. The maximum applicable points in each
chart are added together and the points earned are
added together to get totals. By dividing the
totals- points earned by the totals -maximum
applicable points, the percentage earned is
determined. The percentage earned must be at least
the minimum percentage specified for that activity
Section 2. That Section 118-83(F) (2) (a) be repealed and reenacted as
§118-83. F. Procedures.
(2) Master Plan.
(a) A master plan shall be required for any property
which is intended to be developed over time in two
or more separate preliminary plan submittals. The
proposed master plan, together with the proposed
preliminary plans for the first phase of
development, shall be submitted to the Planning
Division and processed as preliminary plans. The
master plan and preliminary plan for the first
phase of development shall then be considered by
the Planning and Zoning Board. Once approved, the
decision of the Planning and Zoning Board shall be
recorded in the Office of the County Clerk and the
master plan shall be filed with the City Clerk.
Section 3. That Section 118-83(F) (2) (c) and (d) be repealed and
reenacted and that subsection (e) be added as follows:
§118-83. F. Procedures.
(2) Master Plan.
(c) This section allows for changes to a master plan.
Minor changes to a master plan may be approved
administratively by the Planning Director. (S)uch
changes may be authorized without additional public
hearings, at the discretion of the Planning
Director. This provision shall not prohibit the
Planning Director from requesting a recommendation
from the Planning and Zoning Board.
(d) Major changes may be approved only by the Planning
and Zoning Board, and must follow the same review
and public hearing process required for approval of
preliminary plans. Any changes approved in the
master plan shall be recorded as amendments to the
master plan in accordance with the procedures
established for the filing of the initially
approved plan documents.
(e) Major changes shall be defined as follows:
[1] A change in the use or character of the
[2] An increase in the problems of traffic
circulation and public utilities;
[3] An increase of greater than two percent in the
approved gross leasable floor areas of
commercial buildings in either residential or
commercial planned unit developments; and
[4] An increase of greater than one percent (1%) in
the approved number of residential dwelling
Section 4. That Section 118-83(F) (3) (a) be repealed and reenacted as
§118-83. F. Procedures.
3. Preliminary Plan.
(a) Upon completion of the conceptual review meeting
and after the recommendation of the Planning
Director has been made, an application for
preliminary plan review may be filed with the
Planning Division. If the property is to be
developed over time in two or more separate
preliminary plan submittals, a Master Plan shall
also be required. Materials pertaining to the
preliminary plan must be submitted to the Planning
Division by the fifth day of the month prior to the
meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board. (For
example: submittals for the February meeting shall
be made by January 5th. ) After the Planning
Director has reviewed the application and is
satisfied that sufficient information has been
submitted to permit the Planning and Zoning Board
to reach a decision as to whether or not the
applicable criteria of this section are met by the
proposal , the matter will be placed on the agenda
for the appropriate meeting of the Planning and
Zoning Board.
Section 5. That Section 118-83(F) (4) (a) be repealed and reenacted as
§118-83. F. Procedures.
(4) Final Plan.
(a) Application for a final plan may be made only after
approval by the Planning and Zoning Board of a
preliminary plan, except, however, for good cause
shown, the Planning Director may determine if
application for final plan may be made concurrently
with the preliminary plan. Materials pertaining to
the final plan must be submitted to the Planning
Division by the fifth day of the month prior to the
meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board. (For
example: submittals for the February meeting shall
be made by January 5th. ) After the Planning
Director has reviewed the application and is
satisfied that sufficient information has been
submitted to permit the Planning and Zoning Board
to reach a decision as to whether or not the
applicable criteria of this section are met by the
proposal , the matter will be placed on the agenda
for the appropriate meeting of the Planning and
Zoning Board.
Section 6. That Section 118-83(F) (4) (b) , (c) , and (e) be repealed and
reenacted as follows:
§118-83 F. Procedure.
(4) Final Plan.
(b) As a requirement of approval , the final plan shall
be in substantial compliance with the approved
preliminary plan.
[1] For preliminary planned unit developments
approved on or after March 13 , 1981 ,
"substantial compliance" shall mean that all
conditions imposed by the Planning and Zoning
Board upon its approval of the preliminary plan
have been met and the final plan does not:
[a] Change the general use or character of the
development ;
[b] Increase the number of residential dwelling
units by more than one percent (1%) ; or
[c] Contain changes which would normally cause
the development to be disqualified under
the applicable criteria of this chapter.
[2) For preliminary planned unit development plans
approved prior to March 13, 1981, "substantial
compliance" shall mean that all conditions
imposed by the Planning and Zoning Board upon
its approval of the preliminary plan have been
met and the final plan does not:
[a] Involve a reduction of more than five
percent (5%) of the area reserved for
common open space and/or usable open space;
[b] Increase the floor area proposed for
nonresidential use by more than five
percent (5%) ;
[c] Increase the number of residential dwelling
units by not more than one percent (1%) ; or
[d] Increase the total ground area covered by
buildings by more than five percent (5%) .
(c) The final plan shall also comply with all other
applicable criteria of the land Development
Guidance System, provided, however, that the
Planning and Zoning Board shall not impose
additional requirements or conditions pertaining to
the general layout and densities as shown on the
preliminary plan.
(d) The Planning and Zoning Board may approve,
disapprove, or approve with conditions, the
proposed planned unit development. If the Planning
and Zoning Board approves the proposed planned unit
development, the decision shall be filed with the
Office of the County Clerk and the final plan shall
be filed with the City Clerk. If the Planning and
Zoning Board denies the Planned Unit Development,
any revisions shall require the same review process
required for final planned unit development plans.
Section 7. That Section 118-83(F) (5) be repealed and reenacted as
§118-83. F. Procedure.
(5) Amendment to Final Development Plan
The final plan is the document on which building
permits and other City development approvals are
issued. Since these plans are approved by the Planning
and Zoning Board, the Building Inspection Division is
unable to issue permits for improvements which are not
indicated on the approved plan.
(a) (M)inor changes to a planned unit development may
be approved administratively, if at all , by the
Planning Director, whereupon a permit may be
issued. (S)uch changes may be authorized without
additional public hearings, at the discretion of
the Planning Director. This provision shall not
prohibit the Planning Director from requesting a
recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Board.
(b) Major changes to the planned unit development shall
be approved, if at all , only by the Planning and
Zoning Board, and must follow the same review and
public hearing process required for approval of
preliminary plans. Any changes approved in the
final plan shall be recorded as amendments to the
final plan in accordance with the procedures
established for the filing of the initially
approved plan documents.
(c) For planned unit developments submitted on or after
March 13, 1981, major changes shall be defined as
[1] A change in the character of the development.
[2] An increase by greater than one percent (1%) in
the approved number of residential dwelling
[3] Any change in the development that would
normally cause the project to be disqualified
under the applicable criteria.
(d) For planned unit developments submitted prior to
March 13, 1981, major changes shall be defined as
[1] A change in the character of the development.
[ 2 ] An increase in the problems of traffic
circulation and public utilities.
[3] A reduction by greater than three percent (3%)
of the approved open space.
[4] An increase of greater than two percent (2%) in
the improved gross leasable floor areas of
commercial buildings in either residential or
commercial planned unit developments.
[51 An increase by greater than one percent (1%) in
the approved number of residential dwelling
Section 8. That Section 118-83(G) (2) (b) be amended by the addition of
subsection (14) which provides as follows:
§118-83. G. Content of Development Submittals
(2) Master Plan Submittal .
(b) A master plan shall be submitted containing the
following information:
[14] Attorney's or owner's certification of
Section 9. That Section 118-83(G) (2) (c) be amended by the addition of
subsection (12) which provides as follows:
§118-83. G. Content of Development Submittals
(2) Master Plan Submittal .
(c) The Master Plan shall be accompanied by:
[121 A list of names of all general and limited
partners and/or officers and directors of
the corporation involved as either
applicants or owners of the planned unit
Section 10. That Section 118-83(G) (3) (c) be amended by the addition
of subsection (29) which provides as follows:
§118-83. G. Content of Development Submittals
(3) Preliminary Plan Submittal . The following information
and data is required.
(c) Site plan.
(29] Attorney's or owner's certification of
Section 11 . That Section 118-83(G) (3) be amended by the addition of
subsection (n) which provides as follows:
§118-83. G. Content of Development Submittals
(3) Preliminary Plan Submittal . The following information
and data is required.
(n) A list of names of all general and limited partners
and/or officers and directors of the corporation
involved as either applicants or owners of the
planned unit development.
Section 12. That Section 118-83(G) (4) (b) be amended by the addition
of subsection (8) which provides as follows:
§118-83. G. Content of Development Submittals
(4) Final Plan Submittal . The following information and
data is required.
(b) Final site plan shall be submitted on 24" x 36"
sheets at a scale 1" = 50 feet or 1" = 100 feet
showing the following information:
[8] Attorney's or owner's certification of
Section 13. That Section 118-83(G) (4) be amended by the addition of
subsection (i) which provides as follows:
§118-83. G. Content of Development Submittals
(4) Final Plan Submittal . The following information and
data is required.
(i ) A list of names of all general and limited partners
and/or officers and directors of the corporation
involved as either applicants or owners of the
planned unit development.
Section 14. That Section 118-83(H) (2) be repealed and reenacted as
§118-83. H. Effective Period of a Planned Unit Development Plan
(2) Time limit for action upon a preliminary plan. Within
a maximum of twelve (12) months following the approval
of a preliminary plan, the applicant shall proceed by
filing with the Planning Division a final plan(s) in
detailed form covering all or part of the development.
Upon application and for good cause, the Planning
Director may administratively extend the period for
filing a final plan(s) for two successive six-month
Any additional six (6) month extensions to the planned
unit development shall be approved, if at all , only by
the Planning and Zoning Board. If no final plan(s) is
filed covering all or any portion of the preliminary
plan within the above time limits, the right to proceed
under the preliminary plan shall expire for any portion
of the preliminary plan for which a final plan has not
been timely filed. The granting of administrative
extensions under this section may, at the discretion of
the Planning Director, be referred to the Planning and
Zoning Board.
(3) Time limit for validity of the final plan. The
applicant must begin and substantially complete the
development of an approved final plan within two (2)
years from the time of final approval . For the
purposes of this Section a development is substantially
complete once all engineering improvements (water,
sewer, streets, curbs, gutter, street lights, fire
hydrants and storm drainage) are installed and
completed. Extensions for two successive periods of
six (6) months may be administratively granted by the
Planning Director.
Any additional six (6) month extensions to the planned
unit development shall be approved, if at all , only by
the Planning and Zoning Board. If the final plan is to
be developed in phases, the approved plan shall contain
a development schedule and the applicant must begin and
substantially complete the development of each stage
within two (2) years of the time provided for the start
of construction of each stage in the development
schedule. Extensions may be granted by the Planning
Director and the Planning and Zoning Board on the same
basis as for non-phased developments. Failure to
develop within the specified time limit and improvement
requirements shall cause a forfeiture of the right to
proceed under the final plan and require resubmission
of all materials and reapproval of same. The granting
of administrative extensions under this section may, at
the discretion of the Planning Director, be referred to
the Planning and Zoning Board.
Section 15. That Section 118-83(I) ( 1) be repealed and reenacted as
§118-83. 1. Project Phasing
(1) Master Plans. If a property is intended to be
developed over time in two or more separate preliminary
plan submittals , a master plan for the entire
development site must be approved and preliminary plan
must be concurrently submitted for Phase I. Subsequent
applications may be made for the next phase of the
approved master plan, provided such phase is consistent
with the approved master plan and the provisions of
this section.
Section 16. That Section 118-83 be amended by the addition of
subsection (L) which provides as follows:
§118-83. L. Enforcement of the requirements and conditions of PUD
approval .
The occurrence of either of the following events may
subject the applicant to the enforcement remedies contained
in Section 118-23 of this Chapter:
(1) Failure to comply with any terms, conditions, or
limitations contained on the site plan, landscape plan,
building elevations or other approved documents
pertaining to a planned unit development which has
received final approval from the City.
(2) Failure to comply with any conditions or record imposed
by the Planning and Zoning Board upon its review of the
master plan or preliminary or final plans for the
planned unit development under the provisions of this
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading and ordered published
in summary form this 19th day of August, A.D. 1986, and to be presented for
final passage on the 2nd day of September, A.D. 1986.
City Clerk
Passed and adopted on final reading this 2nd day of September, A.D.
City Clerk