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155 - 12/17/1985 - ADOPTING THE 1986 PAY PLAN
e ORDINANCE NO. 1555 1985 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS ADOPTING THE 1986 CITY OF FORT COLLINS PAY PLAN WHEREAS, the City wishes to remain very competitive in its salaries so as to attract and keep high quality employees ; and WHEREAS, a new type of pay plan has been developed to better meet the goals of the Council to reward high quality performance by City employees ; and WHEREAS, all employees will receive a labor market adjustment , which averages 2. 5% city-wide ; and WHEREAS, the amount of labor market adjustment to be awarded will be based on information gathered for each of 26 individual pay lines which group together positions that have a logical career progression in common ; and WHEREAS, as in years past the maximum pay at the top of the range is to be set by Council ; and WHEREAS, the entry pay rate may be lowered to react to a good supply Of competent people in the labor market ; and WHEREAS, the number of pay steps between entry and maximum pay may be adjusted during the year to reflect departmental needs ; and WHEREAS, in addition to the labor market adjustments , the City has developed a plan to provide performance pay to employees who have reached the top of their pay range ; and WHEREAS, this performance pay will be awarded to employees based on continuing superior performance of their day-to-day activities and, in some cases, for excellence in the performance of special projects ; and WHEREAS, performance pay will be distributed by the Department Heads based on well defined evaluation criteria ; and WHEREAS, the City also recognizes that some positions should be better compensated because of their internal worth to the organization. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS as follows : Section 1. That in the presented pay plan the maximum step and the 1986 adjusted step be adopted for 1986. Section 2. That the effective date of this pay plan shall be the first full pay period in January, 1986 which begins January 12, 1986. Section 3. That the flexibility be provided to increase or decrease the number of pay steps, make pay equity adjustments, reduce or increase the entry pay rate, so long as the 1986 adjusted pay step does not change nor the costs exceed the amount budgeted for 1986. Section 4. That the City Manager is authorized to distribute bonus payments, as budgeted and appropriated. PAY PLAN 1996 Cashier/Office Management Job Title STEPS ------------------------ Entry- --- (2) (3) (4) ( 5) Max 86 Adj ------------ --------------------------- Console Attendant 869 921 976 1035 1097 1163 1203 Office Clerk I 893 946 1003 1063 1127 1.194 1203 Operations Clerk 893 946 1003 1063 1127 1194 1203 Office Clerk II 965 1023 1084 114�1 ? Cashier I 118 1291 1309 1024 1085 1151 1220 1293 1370 1370 Office Clerk III 1057 1121 1188 1259 1335 1415 1415 Water Util Dispatch 1071 1135 1203 1276 1352 1433 1433 Payroll Clerk 1056 1119 1186 1253 1333 1413 1415 Cashier II 1089 1154 1223 1297 1375 1457 1534 Office Clerk IV 1096 11.62 1232 130E 1384 1467 1534 Box Office Coordinator 1189 1260 1336 1416 1501 1591 1591 Office Clerk V 1152 1221 1294 1372 145a 1542 1636 Records Management Assistant 1238 1313 1392 1475 1564 1657 1750 Office Clerk Supervisor 1405 1489 1578 1673 1774 1830 188n Deputy City Clerk 1563 1656 1756 1861 1973 2091 2118 PAY PLAN 1986 Cultural Services Job Title STEEPS Entry (2) (3) (4) (5) Max 86 Adj ----------------------------------------------- Publicity Coordinator 1191 1262 1338 1418 1503 1593 1593 Scheduling Coordinator 1191 1262 1338 1418 1503 1593 1593 Events & Cetering Coordinator 1118 1186 1257 1332 1412 1497 1577 Visual Arts Coordinator 1.294 1371 1.454 1541 1633 1731 1731 Assistant Technical Coordinator 1362 1444 1531 1622 1720 1823 1823 Technical Productions Coordinator 1622 1719 1822E 1932 2.048 2170 2170 Assoc. Dir/Marketing & Prog Admin 1719 1822 1931 2047 2170 2300 2300 _...:.- PAY PLAN 19R6 Electrical PAT Group Job Title Entry (2) (3) (a) (5) Max 86 Adj Electric Utility Tech 154E 1639 1737 1841 1952 2n6g 2n6Q Admin/Financial Tech 1594 1690 1791 1898 2012 2133 2133 Admin Tech/Pers. Spec 1709 1812 1920 2035 215R 2265 ?297 EE Tech/Applications 1709 1812 1920 2035 2153 2265 2237 EE Tech/Design 1709 181? 192n 2n35 2158 2265 22R7 Special Proj . Coord. 1935 2051 2174 2304 2442 2412 2539 Special Proj . Advisor 1951 206R 210? 232a ?463 2611 2.611 Sr. EE Tech/Application 2145 2274 2411 2555 2708 2871 2871 Flec. Util . Econ. 2193 2375 2464 2612 ?769 2935 2935 Assoc. Admin. Officer 2243 2377 2520 2671 2831 3001 3001 Elec. Utility Analyst 2354 24g5 ?6115 2Rn3 2972 3150 3150 Elec. Applications Eng. 2420 2565 2719 2882 3055 3233 323R Assnt. Elec. Dist. F1gr. 2488 26.3R ?716 2961 3142 3330 3330 Elect. Dist. iIgr. 2663 2323 2992 3172 3362 3427 356A Chief Design Fngineer 2790 2958 3135 3323 3523 3731 3734 Syst. Plan.& Oper. Eng. 2790 2953 3135 3323 3523 3734 3731 Const. & Serv. Mgr. 2R43 3013 31g4 3386 358n 3Rn4 3804 Director Admin. & Fin. 2900 3074 3259 3454 3661 3331 3831 PAY PLAN 1986 Electric Services Job Title 86 ------Entry (2) (3) (4) (5) Max Adj . --------- - - ----------------------------------------- - Mail Clerk 1070 1134 1202 1274 1351 1346 1432 Meter Reader 1230 1304 1382 1465 1553 1646 1646 Stock Control Tech. 1230 1304 1332 1465 1553 1646 1646 Warehouse Worker 1230 1304 1332 1465 1553 1646 1646 Customer Serv. Rep. 1329 1403 1493 1532 1677 1773 1773 Sr. Cust. Serv. Rep. 1409 1403 1583 1678 1778 1885 1335 Inventory Control Tech. 1447 1534 1626 1724 1327 1937 1937 Warehouse Supervisor 1535 1627 1725 1421 1939 2054 2054 Meter Reader Supervisor 1714 1817 1926 2042 2164 2294 2294 Energy Service Advisor 1935 2051 2174 2304 24a2 2453 2453 Material Control Mgr. 2130 2257 2393 2536 2689 2350 2350 Sr.EE. Tech./Engy Serv. 2166 2296 2434 2530 2735 2399 099 Energy Serv. Engineer 2569 2723 2837 3060 3243 3056 3438 PAY PLAN 1986 Civil Engineering Group Job Title STEPS ------------------------------------Entry (2) (3) (4) (5) Max 86 Adj --------------------------------- Drafter Trainee 1025 1086 1152 1221 1294 1372 1372 Engineering Technician 1 1119 1186 1258 1333 141-1 1493 153n Engineering Technician II 1436 1522 1613 1710 1813 1922 1922 Graphic Technician 14,11 1.527 1619 1716 1819 192R 1921q Sto m Drainage Technician 1495 1585 1680 1780 1827 2000 200,9 Water Utility Technician 151n 1632 1730 1R34 I944 20F,1 2061 Survey Technician 1486 1575 1669 1770 1876 1988 2118 Pare Planning Technician I606 17n2 1804 1912 2027 2149 2211 Special Projects Administrator 1657 1756 1861 1973 2091 2217 2217 Engineering Technician III 1661 1760 1866 1978 2097 2222 2222 ilanagement Analyst 1657 1756 1861 1973 2091 2217 2237 Construction Inspector 1F;, 1794 1859 1971 2089 2211 92�7 Associate Engineer, 1657 1756 1861 1973 2091 2217 2287 Park Project Analyst 1606 1702 1.804 1012 2n27 2149 2135 Water Resources Engineer I 1736 1840 1950 2067 2191 2323 245A Development Coordinator 1751 1859 1970 2089 2214 2347 2454 Civil Engineer I 1855 1967 2085 2210 2342 2483 2483 Right of Way 4gent 1950 2067 2191 2323 21F2 2610 2610 Sto mwater Glanagement Associate 1965 2033 2203 2341 2431 2630 263n Chief Construction Inspector 2006 2127 2254 2390 2533 2685 2685 Chief Surveyor 2006 2127 2254 2390 2533 2685 2685 Associate Project Engineer 2085 2210 2343 24R4 2633 2790 279n Resource Associate 1977 2096 2222 2355 2496 2646 2916 Civil Engineer IT 214n 2269 2405 2949 2702 2864 2916 Sto mwater Engineer 2254 2389 2533 2685 2846 3017 3017 SID Coordinator 2335 2d25 2624 2781 2948 3125 3125 Traffic Engineer 2360 2502 2652 2811 2979 3158 3153 Civil Engineer III 2335 2475 2624 2781 2942 3125 3203 Project Engineer 2460 2607 2764 2930 3105 3292 3319 Special Projects Manager 2335 2928 2680 284n 3011 3192 3319 Facilities Manager 2542 2694 2855 3026 3208 3411 3411 Director Development Center 2635 2793 2960 3138 3326 3526 3526 Water Resource and Planning Mgr 2649 2803 2976 3155 3344 3544 3564 Engineering Manager 2685 2846 3nI6 31c)7 3389 3593 3608 Manager of Stormwater Utilities 2635 2793 2960 3138 3326 3526 3608 Asst City Engineer (Project) 2685 2846 3016 3197 3389 3593 360R Distribution Collection Manager 2649 2803 2976 3155 3344 3544 3715 PAY PLAN 1986 Computer STEPS Job Title Entry (2) (3) (4) (5) Max 86 Adj ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Computer Operator 1434 1520 1611 1708 1810 1919 1922 Information Resource Analyst 1847 195R 2075 2200 2332 2471 2471 Programmer Analyst I 1847 1958 2075 2200 2332 2471 2471 Applications Systems Analyst 21IR 2246 2380 2523 2675 2835 2835 Programmer Analyst II 2113 2246 2380 2523 2675 2835 2835 Sr. Programmer Analyst 2118 2246 2380 2523 2675 2835 2962 Systems & Operations Manager 2375 2517 2668 2828 2998 3178 3178 Office Systems Manager 2453 2600 2756 2921 30g7 3283 3283 MIS Manager 2636 2794 2962 3139 3328 3527 3527 PAY PLAN 1986 Emergency nispatcner Job Title Entry (2) (3) (4) (5) Max 85 Adj Telecommunications 1483 1572 1667 1766 1873 1812 1985 Operator PAY PLAN 1986 Enforcement/Inspection Job Title Entry (2) STEPS (3) (4) (5) Max 86 Adj ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Parking Services Officer 1030 1091 1157 1226 1300 1373 1432 Parking Services Officer Supv 1227 1311 1390 1473 1562 1655 1655 Water Conservation Officer 1310 1339 1473 1561 1655 1769 1759 Sanitation Inspector 14a4 1531 1623 17?0 182.1 1933 1933 Building Permit Coordinator 1444 1531 1623 1720 1824 1933 1933 Zoni ng Inspector 144.1 1531 16?3 1729 1821 1933 1.996 Plans Analyst 1 1519 1610 1707 1809 1918 2033 211� Building Inspector I 16RR 17R0 1996 201n ?13l 2?7R 9973 Fire Sprinkler Inspector 1638 1789 1896 2010 2131 2273 2273 Building Inspector II 1859 1971 20R0 221-1 2347 2-1R8 2488 Code Administrator 2010 2131 2259 2394 2533 2690 2590 Building Inspector Supv 20n7 212R 2256 ?3ql ?53a 76R6 ?6196 Plans Analyst II 2007 2128 2255 2391 2534 2686 2636 Director of RuiIding Insp 24n1 ?537 2742 2q N 3081 3266 3319 - ......'�.,:..xeJ:...,chte:�1:1511i.N.........t�rr.....w.w.+.::+w.......:..�.! PAY PLAN 19.46 Fire h1anagomPrt STEPS Job Title Entry (2) (3) (4) ( 5) Max 86 Adj ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fire Company Officer I 2112 2238 2373 2515 2666 2826 2826 Fire Company Officer IT 2301 2439 2.585 2741 2905 3079 3079 Fire Prevention Inspector 2315 2454 2601 2757 2922 3098 3098 Battalion Chief 2553 2712 2875 3047 3230 3424 3440 Fire Division Chief 2870 3042 3224 3418 3623 3840 3840 PAY PLAN 1986 Firefighter STEPS Job Title Entry (2) (3) (4) (5) Max 86 Adj ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fire Cadet 996 1056 1119 1186 1257 1333 1333 Firefighter Probationary 1233 1307 1386 1469 1557 1651 1651 Firefighter I 1405 089 1579 1673 1774 1880 1880 Firefighter I Tech I 1459 1546 1639 1737 1842 1952 1952 Firefighter I Tech 11 1514 1605 1701 1803 1912 2026 2.026 Firefighter II 1567 1661 1760 1866 1978 2096 2096 Firefighter II Tech I 1627 1724 1828 1937 2053 2177 2177 Firefighter II Tech II 1688 1739 1897 2010 2131 2259 2259 Firefighter III 1743 1847 1958 2075 2200 2332 2332 Firefighter III Tech I 1809 1918 2033 2155 2284 2421 2421 Firefighter TII Tech II 1878 1090 2.110 2236 2371 2513 2513 Fire Inspection Coordinator 1963 2031 2206 2333 2479 2628 2628 Fire Mechanic 1952 2069 2193 2325 2464 2612 2.612 Fire Education/Plans Inspector 1960 2077 2202 2334 2474 2622 2622 PAY PLAN 1916 Finance STFPS Job Title Entry (2) (3) (4) (5) Max R6 Adj ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Accountant I 1725 1828 1938 2054 2178 NOR 23OR Sales Tax Auditor 1725 1828 1938 2054 2178 2303 2308 Budget & Research Analyst 172R 1832 1942 2053 2122 2313 2313 Buyer 1731 1834 1945 2061 2185 2316 2316 Senior Buyer 2007 2128 2255 2391 2534 2636 2646 Accountant II 2006 2127 2254 2390 2533 2685 2685 Risk Manager 2_M 3 2123 2251 23R6 2529 2631 2681 Financial Policy Analyst 2212 2344 2485 2634 2792 2960 2960 Purchasing Agent 2390 2533 26R5 047 3017 3192 3198' Revenue Officer 2352 2493 2642 2801 2969 3147 3117 Controller 2515 2666 2825 2905 3175 3365 3365 PAY PLAN 1986 Laboratory STEPS Job Title Entry (2) (3) (4) ( 5) Max 86 Adj ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Laboratory Technician I 1291 1368 1450 1537 1629 1727 1753 Laboratory Technician II 1561 1655 1754 1859 1971 2089 2089 Industrial Pretreatment Specialist 1437 1523 1614 1711 1814 1923 199E Industrial Pretreatment Supervisor 1322 1932 2048 2170 2.301 2439 2454 Lab Supervisor - Pollution Control 1822 1932 2048 2170 2301 2439 2454 Lab Supervisor - Water Quality 1822 1932 2048 2170 2301 2439 2454 Environmental Regulations Spec 2190 2322 2461 2609 2765 2931 2931 Environmental Service Manager 2493 04? 2201 296P 3147 3336 3438 PAY PLAN 1986 Library STEPS Job Title Entry ( 2) (3) (4) ( 5) Max 86 Adj ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Library Clerical Assistant 796 843 894 948 1004 1065 1095 Library Clerical Asst (Graphics) 826 875 928 984 1043 1105 1105 Library Technical Services Asst 913 967 1025 1087 1152 1221 1309 Library Circulation Desk Clerk 929 985 1044 1106 1173 1243 1309 Library Information Assistant 1050 1113 1180 1251 1326 1405 1415 Library Technician 1247 1392 1401 1485 1575 166P 1753 Library Circulation Supervisor 1299 1377 1459 1547 1640 1738 1751 Librarian 1299 1377 1459 1547 1540 1731 1875 Library Proyram Administrator 1617 1714 1817 1926 2042 2164 2211 PAY PLA,I 19R6 Light and Po.aer S'<iII Trades Job Title Entry (2) ( 3) (4) (51 I1ax 19R6 Adj Elec. Util . Disp. Train 1057 1121 1133 1259 1335 1354 1415 Line Grdworker Trainee 1072 1136 12n4 1276 1353 1354 1434 L&P Utility Worker 1293 1376 14;3 1546 1639 1354 1737 Elec. Utility Dispatch. 1317 1396 1479 156R 1662 1762 17fi2 Elec. Pieter Tech. 1415 1499 15(-�9 1635 1786 1803 1393 Line Grcurdworker 1415 1449 15 ,9 16R5 17R6 1`?03 1893 Facilities Locater 1671 1771 1377 1990 2109 2214 2236 Electronic Tech. I 1Sn4 1912 ?0?7 21a2 ?277 ?335 2414 Ln,yker Equip. Special . 1804 1912 2027 214R 2277 237,1 2414 Lineworker I 1R04 1912 ?A?7 214R ??77 ?374 2A14 Elec. Systems Oper. 1813 1922 2037 2159 2239 2426 242n' E1ec. Service..lorker 1R59 1953 ?0°1 2205 ?33R 947R 217R Design & Metal Fab. 1860 1972 2090 2215 2348 2426 2489 Lnwkr. Equip. Spec. Ch. 190F 2021 2112 2270 ?an7 2551 ?551 Electronic Tech. II 202E 2150 2279 2415 2560 2620 2714 Lineworker II 2-02.4 2150 22?9 9415 2560 2703 2714 Sr. Systems Operator 2097 2223 2356 2497 2647 2306 2806 Construction C. Chief 2170 2300 2438 25R5 2740 2806 2904 Meter&Serv. Crew Chief 2170 2300 2433 2535 2740 2806 2904 Line Crew Chief 2179 2305 2443 2590 2745 2910 2.91n Tech. Crew Chief 2175 2305 2413 2590 2745 2910 2910 Constr. Proj . Mgr. 2325 25?R 26?9 2Rln 3010 2942 3191 Super. Line Crew Chief 2335 2523 2679 2840 3010 3119 3191 .yam a,.....,��.+1•...�.r: ..,nw n .r�.. PAY PLAN 1986 Maintenance STEPS Job Title Entry (2) (3) (4) (5) 'tax 86 Ad ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Custodian 1057 1120 1137 1258 1334 1414 1432 Maintenance Helper 1n.lq 1112 1171 1250 1325 1404 1,132 Pool Technician I 1131 1193 1270 1346 1427 1513 1578 Custodial Crew LPadman 12„ 1316 1426 1512 1603 16p9 1721 Pool Technician II 1371 1453 1540 1633 1731 1834 1334 Maintenance Specialist 1711- 1413 10?2 2n39, 2160 2358 Maintenance Tec'n/Gen Repair 1859 L 70 2088 2214 2346 2437 2487 Maintenance TPci, 7rerov/Custrriial tn'n 2n.?R 921.1 2346 2A27 7AR7 Maintenance Technici an/HV AC 1?'_' 2933 2155 22?n 2421 2566 260n Mai ntenance Suoervi sor 24n4 251R 2701 7463 tor) ,mow w�Y• ......Ja PAY PLAT! 1986 Mechanic STE°S Job Title Entry (2) (3) (4) ( 5) Max 86 Adi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Parts Runner 847 898 952 1009 1070 1134 1204 Parts Assistant R99 946 1n03 1063 1127 1194 1415 Auto Service Worker 1254 1330 1409 1494 1584 1679 1679 Mechanic 1631 1729 1833 1943 2059 2193 2194 Parts Manager 1631 1729 1833 190 2059 2183 2194 Shop Foreman/Transfort 105 1797 1905 2019 2140 2269 2489 Shop Foreman/Equip. 1695 1797 1905 2019 2140 2269 2489 Fleet Superintendent 2123 2251 2386 2529 2681 2842 3084 PAY PLAN 1986 MuseUm STEPS Job Title Entry (2) (3) (4) ( 5) Max 86 Adj ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Museum Technician 1186 1257 1333 1413 1498 1587 1537 Curator of Collections 1190 1262 1.337 1418 1503 1593 1593 Curator of Interpretation 1306 1334 1467 1555 1649 1748 1753 Museum director 1719 OR 1931 2047 2170 2300 2300 PAY PLAN 198E Personnel Job Title STEMS En . - Max 86 - ------------------------------------- - --------------------------------- - Volunteer Program Coordinator 1353 1434 1520 1611 1708 1810 181!1 Personnel Technician 1425 1511 1602 ins in no 1908 190R Personnel Specialist 1802 1910 2024 2146 2275 2411 2411 Personnel Analyst 2150 2279 2416 461 2714 2177 2R77 Human Resources Manager 2150 2279 2416 2561 2714 2877 2877 PAY PLAN 19.36 PI anni no Job Title STEPS Entry (2} (3) (a) (5) ?lax 86 Adj --------------------------------------------------- Planning Aid 1063 1127 1194 1266 1342 1422 1422 Historic Preservation Specialist 1314 1397 14R1 1570 166A 1764 176d Planning Technician 1403 1487 1577 1671 1772 1878 1872 Cmmunity Devel opment Speci al i st LR45 1956 71173 219R 233n 216a ?too Assistant to Planning & Dev Dir 1925 2041 2163 2293 2431 2576 2539 City Planner ?227 2360 2502 2652 2911 2980 20Rn Chief Planner 2313 2457 2605 2761 2926 3102 31J2 Planning Director �69fi 2�5'3 3n30 3211 34n3 36nR 36n8 PAY PLAN 1946 Plant Operator Job Title STE°S Entry ----------------------------------------- -- -- --- -- -- 86 --- --------------------------------- Plant Operator Trainee 1101 1167 1237 1311 1390 1474 1474 Operator D 1206 1278 1355 1436 1523 1614 161.4 Operator C 1351 1432 1513 1609 1706 1803 1803 Operator B 1513 1604 1700 1802 1910 2025 20A3 Treatment Plant Mechanic 1578 1672 1773 1879 1992 2111 2111 Operator A 1796 1904 2018 2140 2262 2404 2404 Water Supply Controller 1853 1964 2032 2207 2340 2480 2480 Supervisor Treatment Plt 0pr A 18a0 1951 2068 219? 2323 2463 2489 Operations Supervisor 1976 2094 2220 2353 2494 2644 2644 Waste Water Treatment Plt Supv 1976 2094 2220 2353 2494 2644 2644 Water Treatment Plant Supervisor 1976 2094 2220 2353 2494 2644 2644 Asst . Water Treatment Supt 2151 2230 2416 2561 2715 2.878 2873 Waste Water Treatment Opr Supt 2326 2465 2613 2770 2936 3112 3203 Water Production Manager 2612 2790 2957 3134 3322 3522 3522 Wastewater Treatment Manager PAY PLAN 1986 POLICE STEPS 1986 Title (Entry) (2) (3) (4) ( 5) Max. Adj . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Police Cadet/Supt.Svc.Ofcr. 1174 1250 1324 1430 1642 1642 Technician I (Crime Scene) 1456 1547 1640 1840 2032 2032 Fraud Investigator 1677 1792 1898 2128 2351 2351 Police Officer 1792 1939 2329 2511 2511 Technician II (Polygraph) 2687 2843 2843 PAY PLAN 1986 Police Management STEPS 1986 Job Title-------------------(Entry) (2) (3) (4) (5) Max. Adj . ---- ------------------------------------------------- Police Training Coord. 1998 2160 2321 2555 2799 2799 Records Manager 2037 2167 2299 2368 2854 2854 Sergeant 2884 3049 3049 Communications Coord. 2338 2490 2641 3051 3276 3276 Police Lieutenant 3155 3391 3391 Di rectors 3887 3887 PAY PLAN 1986 Recreation Job Title STEPS ------------------------------------Entry -- --- �4) �5) flax 86 --- ------------------------------------- Senior Center Assistant 1002 1063 1126 1194 1266 1342 1342 Recreation Coordinator 1053 1116 1183 1254 1329 1409 415 Recreation Center Supervisor 1053 1116 1183 1254 1329 1409 1415 Recreation Leader 1320 1399 1433 1572 1666 1766 1766 Recreation Supervisor 1885 1998 2113 2245 2379 2522 2522 Ice Arena/Pool Manager 2312 P457 2605 2761 W7 3102 3102 Recreation Superintendent 2585 2720 2904 3079 3263 3459 3459 PAY PLAN 194E Secretary STEPS Job Title -----Entry (2) (3) (4) (5) lax 86 Adj ---------------- - ------------------------------------- Clerk Typist I 851 902 956 1013 1074 1139 1203 Data Entry Clerk 852 9n3 957 1014 1075 1140 1203 Secretary 1 1000 1060 1124 1191 1262 1338 1331 Fire Secretary I 10no 1n6O 1124 1191 1262 133.9 1338 Secretary II 1092 1158 1227 1301 1379 1461 1461 Fire Secretary II IOU 1158 1227 1301 1379 1461 1461 Legal Secretary 1092 1158 1227 1301 1379 1461 1461 Secretary III 1175 1245 1320 1399 1493 1572 157? Word Processing Operator 1175 1245 1320 1399 1433 1572 1572 Records Crime Analyst 119a 1266 130 1492 1504 1598 1636 Evidence/Property & Supply Tech 1194 1266 1342 1422 1503 1593 1636 Administrative Aide I 1213 786 1361 1.445 1532 1623 1636 Administrative Aide II 1276 1352 1434 1520 1611 1707 1751 Administrative Aide III 1354 1435 1522 1613 1710 1812 1866 Legal Assistant 1392 1476 1564 1653 1758 1863 1375 Office Admin/Ngr 1500 1510 1635 1786 1894 2007 2020 PAY PL"'N 1935 S:<i11 Trayes Job Title STEPS Eny . 2) (3) (4) (5) Max 86 Adj ---------------------------------------------------- Bus Driver I 1163 1233 1307 1335 1468 1556 1578 Bus Driver Supervisor 117Q 121Q 13?4 140,1 1438 1577 1578 Water Meter Repairworker 1315 1394 1477 1557 1661 1755 1755 Traffic Repair Worker 1356 1137 1523 1619 1712 1811 1814 TV & Sealing Unit I 1366 1-'.48 1535 1627 1725 1829 1329 Equipment Operator I 1369 1191 1538 1630 1728 1R31 1831 Street Technician 1366 14-13 1535 1627 1725 1829 1929 Cemetery �1aintenance Worker 135Q 1�i11 1527 1619 1716 1.819 1319 Locator/'dater & Sewer 1475 1554 1657 1757 1362 1971 1974 ldater Serviceworker I175 15�1 1657 1757 1862 197d 1Q71 Water & Sewer Systems Operator 1481 1 56 9 '_664 1763 1869 1981 1981 Traffic Technician 1-''1 1 4 7'1% 15r3 171711 ?a1 29G1 2001 Golf Maintenance Technician I 1591 1637 173;3 1395 2009 2121 21-?a Sludge Application Equipment npr 1.606 1702 1PO4 1912 2027 711q 2.11Q TV & Sealing Unit II 1593 1691 1795 1904 2013 2139 2139 Equipment Operator II 15" 16a1 1796 1904 2018 213q 2139 Signal Technician I 1593 1;?» 1795 1J? 2J17 2133 213:3 Forester I 16�1d 1.7J0 1R07 1911 2025 2117 2147 Park Technician 1601 1697 1799 1907 2022 2143 2143 Assistant Golf Suot (CP) 1605 17 )1 1803 1911 2025 2118 2118 Assistant Golf Supt (COL) 1676 1777 1833 1996 2116 2213 22;3 Forester II 1R65 1977 7096 2222 2355 2196 24Q6 Chief Signal Technician 1915 2029 2151 22?O 2417 2552 2552 Electrician 1Q18 2055 2199 2320 2159 2607 2607 PAY PLAN 1936 Supervisory S'.i 11 Trades STEPS Job Title Er~ ry (2) ( 3) (a) ( 5) Max 86 Adj ------------------------------------------------- Supervisory Equipment Operator 1513 1603 1700 1892 1910 2024 2104 Cemetery Crew Chief 162? 1613 1710 1n-12 1Q21 2036 2104 Transfort Manager 17r, 1372 1945 2104 2230 2364 2364 Cemetery .Supervisor .a1 a 20F6 210O v321 2461 2161 a Streets Crew Chief 1'6i 1973 2O?1 2217 2350 2491 2491 Traffic Crew Chief 107'3 ?nnl 9917 2350 24Q1 rsa� lJater Utilities Crew Chief 1"'�1 1'?737.217 2350 2491 2491 Trarsoort at ion/Pariino Sup*. , �1� �t� n7n 21.� ')326 25M ^5n0 Sludge Application Supervisor 1 ? 2 2U69 2, 1 6 Fa mi Su erg 3 2325 2 1 2612 2612 p _ visor ?17? 2 117 ?504 vF73 Field Supervisor 22i13 2336 2.176 2624 2524 Equipment Supt nan v; 5 21 9-14a �;,33 2706 v7n7 Services & Dieters Supervisor 2111 2237 2371 2311 2665 2324 2321 Water v, ',fastewater Li re Supervisor vl? ', v?3' 9371 �511 rh65 v1t71 Golf Course Superintendent (CP) 2111 2237 2371 251 2665 9324 2397 llastF:+atar Treatnenr, ;1ai nr. Suot 2r",i ?333 2173 1h�2 �77g voln 79 '-6 Golf Course Superintendent (COL) 2212 2376 2519 2670 2330 3000 3053 Park Suoarvisor ?v1? 2376 251Q ?F70 2?30 3n0o 3053 Superintendent of Streets 23=2 2525 2677 2337 3003 3133 3138 Cemetery Superi ntendent 2`'2 2625 2677 2337 3908 31�?9 3203 City Forester 2356 2.529 2681 2842 3012 3193 3203 Supt of Planning P, noen Space v3'7:3 9531 2643 231a 3,21d 3195 3203 Park Superi ntendent 2554 2703 2870 3J42 3225 3418 343�, Asst to Parks & Rec Director 256? 2715 9R7P, 3n,1 3731 3423 3A33 PAY PLAN 19R6 Telecommunications Operator STEPS 1986 Job Title (Entry) (2) (3) (4) (5) Max. Adj . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Telecommunications Operator Base Pay 1403 1579 1R21 1965 1985 With Pay Equity 1436 1616 1364 2032 Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 3rd day of December, A.D. 1985 and to be presented for final passage on the 17th day of December, A.D. 1985. yor ATTEST: " City Clerk 1985.Passed and adopted on final reading this 17th day of December, A.D. ATTEST: City Clerk