A.The City Council is empowered and directed by City Charter Article XII,
Section 6, by ordinance from time to time, to fix, establish, maintain and provide for the
collection of such rates, fees or charges for utility services furnished by the City as will
produce revenues sufficient to pay the costs, expenses, and other obligations as set forth
B.The rates, fees or charges for utility services set forth herein are necessary
to produce sufficient revenues to provide the utility services described herein.
C.Revenues from the rates, fees or charges for utility services set forth herein
shall be used to defray the costs of providing such utility services as required by the
Charter and the City Code.
D.The City purchases bulk wholesale electric power from Platte River Power
Authority ("PRPA") pursuant to an Amended Contract for Supply of Electric Power and
Energy, dated May 30, 2019.
E.Utilities staff has determined the increased system costs will require an
additional average 6.5% rate increase at the Electric Utility Enterprise Fund level in 2025
in order to remain consistent with Article XII, Section 6, of the City Charter.
F.On May 1, 2012, City Council adopted Ordinance No. 034, 2012, creating
the Medical Assistance Program ("MAP") and discounted electric service rates to reduce
the impact of electric rate increases on residential customers with below average income
who use medically necessary equipment, codified in City Code Chapter 26, Article VI.
G.On May 1, 2018, City Council adopted Ordinance No. 054, 2018, creating
the Income-Qualified Assistance Program ("IQAP") and service discounts for residential
water, wastewater, and electric services, codified in City Code Chapter 26, Articles, Il l,
IV, and VI.
H.Utilities staff has determined it can improve administrative efficiency and
customer participation in rate-assistance programs by consolidating MAP and IQAP, as
described in Section 26-724 of the Code, and recommends discontinuing MAP and its
associated rates at the end of 2024, thereafter managing all medical assistance rate
discounts through IQAP.
I.lri! adclition to adjusting electric rates, Utilities staff has identified formatting
and terminology updates for Chapter 26 of the City Code to improve the clarity with which
electric rates are stated and applied for billing and customer generation credit purposes
and to further align IQAP eligibility with City Council priorities, market efficiencies and
utility practices.
J.The Energy Board considered the proposed electric rates, program
adjustments, and methods of application at its October 24, 2024, meeting, and provided
recommendations of approval of proposed rate sets and modified IQAP practices to City
K.The City Manager and staff recommend to the City Council the following
electric rate adjustments, rate-assistance program consolidations, and City Code rate
language clarifications for all billings issued with meter readings, and applications to
participate in IQAP received, on or after January 1, 2025.
L.Pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes Section 40-3.5-104, Utilities staff
posted public notice and directly mailed postcard notices of the recommended electric
rate changes to all customers living outside the City's corporate boundaries, at least 30
days prior to Council's consideration of this Ordinance.
M.Based on the foregoing, it is the desire of the City Council to amend Chapter
26 of the City Code to revise the electric rates, fees and charges, and the IQAP program
as set forth herein.
In light of the foregoing recitals, which the Council hereby makes and adopts as
detenninations and findings, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF
FORT COLLINS as follows:
Section 1. Section 26-464 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-464. -Residential energy service, schedule R.
(c)Monthly rate. The monthly rates for this schedule shall be the sum of the
following charges applied to all energy consumption on or after January 1,
Component Billed Charge
Description Unit (including Charge PILOT)
a.Payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) and 6 percent
franchise. A charge based on all component
charges pursuant to this Section
(f)Excess capacity charge. The monthly capacity charge kilowatt set forth in this
Subsection (f) may be added to the above charges for service to intermittent
loads in accordance with the provisions of the Electric Service Standards.
Unit Component Charge Billed Charge (including
Per kW $2.89 $3.06
Section 2. That Section 26-465 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26--465. • All-electric residential service, schedule RE.
(c)Monthly rate.
(1)The monthly rates for this schedule shall be the sum of the following
charges, applied to all energy consumption on or after January 1, 2024.
Component Billed Charge
Description Unit (including Charge PILon
a.Payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) and franchise.6 percent
A charge based on all component charges pursuant
to this Section
b.Fixed Charge Per $11.28 $11.95
c.Distribution facilities charge (applied Per $0.0371
to charges in d.1. and d.2. below\kWh
d.Enerav and demand charqe
1.Summer. For billings based on consumption during the months of May, June, July
and Auqust, and Seotember
a)On-Peak (Mon-Fri, 2 pm to 7 pm,Per kWh $0.2582 $0.3130
excluding holidays)
bl Off-Peak Per kWh $0.0506 $0.0929
2.Non-summer. For billings based on consumption during the months of January
throuqh April and October throuqh December.
Component Billed Charge
Description Unit (including Charge PILOT)
(1)Payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) and 6 percent
A charge based on all component charges
pursuant to this Section
(2)Fixed Charge
a.Single-phase, two-hundred-ampere Per $11.28 $11.95
service account
b.Single-phase, above two-hundred-Per $24.13 $25.57
ampere service account
c.Three-phase, two-hundred-ampere Per $14.70 $15.58
service account
d.Three-phase, above two-hundred-Per $28.47 $30.18
ampere service account
(3)Distribution facilities charge (added Per kWh $0.0379
to demand and energy charges below
for "Billed Charge" shown in (5))
/4) Demand charae
a.Summer. For billings based on Per kWh $0.0391
meter readings in the months of June,
Julv, Auaust, and September
b.Non-summer. For billings based on Per kWh $0.0246
meter readings in the months of
January through May and October
throuah December
c.The meter reading date shall
generally determine the summer
season billing months; however, no
customer shall be billed more than four
(4)full billing cycles at the summer rate
(5)Energy charge
a.Summer. For billings based on meter Per kWh $0.0536 $0.1385
readings in the months of June, July,
Auaust, and September
b.Non-summer. For billings based on Per kWh $0.0536 $0.1230
meter readings in the months of
January through May and October
throuah December
c.The meter reading date shall
generally determine the summer
season billing months; however, no
customer shall be billed more than four
(4)full billing cycles at the summer rate
(e)Excess capacity charge. The monthly capacity charge per kilowatt set forth in
this Subsection (e) may be added to the above charges for service to
intermittent loads in accordance with the provisions of the Electric Service
Component Billed Charge
Charge (including PILOn
Per kW $2.89 $3.06
(q)Net metering.
(5)The customer-generator's consumption of energy from the utility and
production of energy that flows into the utility's distribution system shall be
measured on a monthly basis. The energy from the utility consumed by the
customer-generator shall be billed at the applicable rate as outlined in
Subsection (c) of this Section. The energy produced by the customer
generator shall be credited to the customer monthly as follows:
Description Unit Comoonent Credit
a.Enerav and demand credit Per kWh $0.0689
(r)Net metering-community solar projects.
(3)Both the customer's consumption of energy from the utility and interest in
the production of energy that flows into the utilities' distribution system shall
be measured on a monthly basis. The energy from Fort Collins Utilities
consumed by the customer shall be billed at the applicable seasonal tiered
rate as outlined in Subsection (c) of this Section. The energy produced by
the customer's portion of the qualifying facility shall be credited to the
customer monthly as follows:
Descriotion Unit Comoonent Credit I
a.Enerav and demand credit Per kWh $0.0689 I
Section 4. Section 26-467 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-467. -General service 25, schedule GS25.
(c)Monthly rate. The monthly rates for this schedule shall be the sum of the
following charges:
Component Billed Charge
Description Unit (including Charge PILOTI
1.Paymenl in lieu of laxes (PILOT) and franchise.
6 percent
A charge based on all component charges
pursuant lo this Section
2.Fixed Charae
a.Single-phase, two-hundred-a mpere Per $11.28 $11.95
service account
b.Single-phase, above two-hundred-Per $24.13 $25.57
ampere service account
c.Three-phase, two-hundred-ampere Per $14.70 $15.58
service account
d.Three-phase, above two-hundred-Per $28.47 $30.18
ampere service account
3.Distribution facilities charge (applied Per $0.0306
lo enerav charges in 5. below)kWh
4.Demand charoe
a.Summer. For billings based on meter Per $11.82 $12.53
readings in the months of June, July, kW
August, and September
b.Non-summer. For billings based on Per $6.73 $7.14
meter readings in the months of kW
January through May and October
lhrouah December
c.The meter reading dale shall
generally determine the summer
season billing months; however, no
customer shall be billed more than four
(4)full billina cycles at the summer rate
5.Enerav charae
a.Summer. For billings based on meter Per $0.0498 $0.0852
readings in the months of June, July, kWh
Auausl, and September
b.Non-summer. For billings based on Per $0.0498 $0.0852
meter readinas in the months of kWh
January through May and October
throu h December
(e)Excess capacity charge. The monthly capacity charge kilowatt set forth in this
Subsection (e) may be added to the above charges for service to intermittent
loads in accordance with the provisions of the Electric Service Standards.
Component Billed Charge
Charge (including Pilon
Per kW $2.89 $3.06
(f)Standby seNice charges. Standby service, if available, will be provided on an
annual contract basis at a level at least sufficient to meet probable service
demand (in kilowatts) as determined by the customer and approved by the
utility according to the following:
(1)Monthly standby distribution charge:
Description Unit
Contracted standby service, this charge Per kW
shall be in lieu of the distribution
facilities chame
For all metered kilowatts in excess of Per kW
the contracted amount
(r)Net metering.
Component Billed Charge
(including Charge PILOT)
$5.29 $5.61
$15.87 $16.82
(5)The customer-generator's consumption of energy from the utility and
production of energy that flows into the utility's distribution system shall be
measured on a monthly basis. The energy from the utility consumed by the
custo mer-generator shall be billed at the applicable rate as outlined in
Subsection (c) of this Section. The energy produced by the customer
generator shall be credited to the customer monthly as follows:
Descriotion Unit Bill Credit
a.Energy and demand credit Per $0.0682
Section 5. That Section 26-468 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-468. -General service 50, schedule GS50.
(c)Monthly rate. The monthly rates for this schedule shall be the sum of the
following charges:
Component Billed Charge
Description Unit (including Charge PILOT)
(1)Payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) and
franchise.6 percent
A charge based on all component charges
pursuant lo this Section
(2)Fixed Charge Per $30.22 $32.03
(3)Coincident demand chan::ie
a.Summer. For billings based on meter Per kW $17.07 $18.09
readings in the months of June, July,
Auaust, and September
b.Non-summer. For billings based on Per kW $13.99 $14.83
meter readings in the months of
January through May and October
throuah December
c.The meter reading dale shall
generally determine the summer
season billing months; however, no
customer shall be billed more than four
(4)full billina cycles at the summer rate
(4)Distribution facilities charge Per kW $11.36 $12.05
(5)Enerov charae
a.Summer. For billings based on meter Per $0.0504 $0.0534
readings in the months of June, July,kWh
Auaust, and September
b.Non-summer. For billings based on Per $0.0504 $0.0534
meter readings in the months of kWh
January through May and October
throuah December
(e)Excess capacity charge. The monthly capacity charge per kilowatt set forth in
this Subsection (e) may be added to the above charges for service to
inlermillenl loads in accordance with the provisions of the Electric Service
Component Billed Charge
Charge (including PILOD
Per kW $2.89 $3.06
(f)Standby service charges. Standby service, if available, will be provided on an
annual contract basis al a level al least sufficient to meet probable service
demand (in kilowalls) as determined by the customer and approved by the
utility according to the following:
(1)Standby distribution charge.
a.Monthly standby distribution charge shall be the sum of the following
Component Billed Charge
Description Unit (including Charge P1Lon
Contracted standby service, this charge Per $6.77 $7.18
shall be in lieu of the distribution facilities kW
For all metered kilowatts in excess of the Per $19.80 $20.99
contracted amount kW
(g)Excess circuit charge. In the event a utility customer in this rate class desires
excess circuit capacity for the purpose of controlling the available electric
capacity of a backup circuit connection, this service, if available, will be
provided on an annual contract basis at a level at least sufficient lo meet
probable backup demand (in kilowalls) as determined by the customer and
approved by the utility according to the following:
(1)Monthly charge shall be the sum of the following charges:
Component Billed Charge
Description Unit (including Charge PILOTI
Contracted backup capacitv per month Per kW $1.37 $1.46
Metered kilowatts in excess of the Per kW $4.17 $4.43 contracted amount
(u)Net metering.
(5)The customer-generator's consumption of energy from the utility and
production of energy that flows into the utility's distribution system shall be
measured on a monthly basis. The energy from the utility consumed by the
customer-generator shall be billed at the applicable rate as outlined in
Subsection (c) of this Section. The energy produced by the customer
generator shall be credited to the customer monthly as follows:
Descrintion Unit Bill Credit
a.Energy credit for billings based on generation during Per $0.0504
the months of June, Julv, Au!lust and September kWh
Section 6. Section 26-469 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-469. • General service 750, schedule GS750.
(c)Monthly rate. The monthly rates for this schedule shall be the sum of the
following charges:
Component Billed Charge
Description Unit (including Charge PILOTI
(1)Paym ent in lieu of taxes (PILOT) and
franchise.6 percent
A charge based on all component charges
pursuant to this Section
(2)Fixed Charge Per $41.45 $43.94
a.Additional charge for each Per $25.29 $26.81
additional meterina ooint account
(3)Coincident demand charae
a.Summer. For billings based on Per kW $15.96 $16.92
meter readings in the months of June,
July, Auqust, and September
b.Non-summer. For billings based on Per kW $13.27 $14.07
meter readings in the months of
January through May and October
throuqh December
c.The meter reading date shall
generally determine the summer
season billing months; however, no
customer shall be billed more than four
/4) full billina cvcles at the summer rate
(4)Distribution facilities charoe
a.First seven hundred fifty (750)Per kW $12.41 $13.15
b.All additional kilowatts Per kW $7.34 $7.78
/5) Enerav charqe
a.Summer. For billings based on Per $0.0497 $0.0527
meter readings in the months of June,kWh
Julv, Auqust, and September
b.Non-summer. For billings based on Per $0.0497 $0.0527
meter readings in the months of kWh
January through May and October
throuqh December
(e)Excess capacity charge. The monthly capacity charge per kilowatt set forth in
this Subsection (e) may be added to the above charges for service to
intermittent loads in accordance with the provisions of the Electric Service
Unit Component Charge Billed Charge (including PtLon
Per kW $2.89 $3.06
(f)Standby service charges. Standby service, if available, will be provided on an
annual contract basis at a level at least sufficient to meet probable service
demand (in kilowatts) as determined by the customer and approved by the
utility acc ording to the following:
(1)Standby distribution charge.
a.Energy credit for billings based on generation Per $0.0497
during the months of June, July, August, and kWh Seotember
Section 7. Section 26-4 70 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-470. -Substation service, schedule SS.
(c)Monthly rate. The monthly rates for this schedule shall be the sum of the
following charges:
Component Billed Charge
Description Unit (including Charge P/LOTI
(1)Payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) and franchise.
A charge based on all component charges pursuant
lo this Section.
6 percent
(2)Fixed Charge Per $100.17 $106.18
(3)Coincident demand charge
a.Summer. For billings based on meter Per kW $15.58 $16.52
readings in the months of June, July,
August, and Seotember
b.Non-summer. For billings based on Per kW $12.35 $13.09
meter readings in the months of January
through May and October through
c.The meter reading dale shall generally
determine the summer season billing
months; however, no customer shall be
billed more than four (4) full billing cycles
at the summer rate
(4)Distribution facilities charge Per kW $6.36 $6.74
(5)Enerov charae
a.Summer. For billings based on meter Per $0.0485 $0.0515
readings in the months of June, July,kWh
August, and Seolember
b.Non-summer. For billings based on Per $0.0485 $0.0515
meter readings in the months of January kWh
through May and October through
(e)Standby service charges. Standby service, if available, will be provided on an
annual contract basis at a level at least sufficient to meet probable service
demand (in kilowatts) as determined by the customer and approved by the
utility at the following rates:
(1)Standby distribution charge.
a.Monthly standby distribution charge:
Component Billed Charge
Description Unit (including Charge PJLon Contracted standby service, this Per kW $3.49 $3.70
charge shall be in lieu of the
distribution facilities charge.
For all metered kilowatts in excess of Per kW $10.47 $11.10
the contracted amount
(s)Net metering.
(5)The customer-generator's consumption of energy from the utility and
production of energy that flows into the utility's distribution system shall be
measured on a monthly basis. The energy consumed from the utility by the
customer-generator shall be billed at the applicable rate as outlined in
Subsection (c) of this Section. The energy produced by the customer
generator shall be credited to the customer monthly as follows:
Descriotion Unit Bill Credit
a.Energy credit for billings based on generation during the Per $0.0485
months of June, July, August, and September kWh
Section 8. Section 26-471 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-471. -Special area floodlighting, schedule FL.
(b)Monthly rate. The monthly rates (including a six (6) percent charge in lieu of
taxes and franchise) are as follows:
(1)Charge per lamp, mercury vapor:
Description Component
a.One hundred seventy-five (175) watt $28.44
b.Two hundred fiflv (250) watt $38.36
c.Four hundred (400) watt $58.31
(2)Charge per lamp, high-pressure sodium:
a.Seventv (70\ wall
b.One hundred (100) watt
c.One hundred fiflv (150) wall
d.Two hundred fifty (250) wall
e.Four hundred (400) wall
(3)Charge per lamp, LED:
Char, e
Billed Charge
fincludina PILOn
$61 .81
Billed Charge
(includina PILOn
Billed Charge
Section 9. Section 26-472 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-472. -Traffic signal service, schedule T.
(c)Monthly rate. The monthly rates (including a six (6) percent charge in lieu of
taxes and franchise) shall be the sum of the following charges:
Component Billed Charge
Description Unit (including Charge PILOT)
(1)Fixed charge Per $99.50 $105.47 account
(2)Energy charge Per $0.0924 $0.0980 kWh
(3)Service extensions and signal
installations made by the utility shall be
paid for by the City General Fund,
subject to material and installation
costs at the time of installation
Section 10. That the residential Medical Assistance Program and associated
electric service rates will be discontinued as of December 31, 2024, and thereafter
customers with qualifying medical conditions and needs may participate in the Income
Qualified Assistance Program under City Code Section 26-724.
Section 11. That the modifications set forth above shall be effective for all energy
consumption on or after January 1, 2025.
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading on November 4, 2024, and
approved on second reading for final passage on November 19, 2024.
Effective Date: November 29, 2024
Approving Attorney: Cyril Vidergar
(}v �
, Sr. Deputy