WHEREAS, Chapter 26 of the City Code regulates and governs the provision of utility
services; and
WHEREAS, such provisions require updating and modification from time to time, for
purposes of clarification, correction of errors and to ensure that the Code remains a dynamic
document capable of responding to issues identified by staff, customers, and citizens and
changing technology for and manner of delivering utility services; and
WHEREAS, Section 26-463 of the Fort Collins City Code also provides that riles,
regulations, and standards applicable to electric service and persons receiving electric service
provided by the City may be adopted by the Utilities Executive Director and approved by
ordinance of the City Council; and
WHEREAS, the Electric Service Rules and Regulations ("ESRR"), originally adopted in
2002, were last revised in 2006, pursuant to Ordinance No. 194, 2006; and
WHEREAS, in addition to the ESRR, the Electric Construction Policies, Practices and
Procedures ("ECPPP") provide rules and guidelines for the installation of electric service to new
development, redevelopment and remodeling; and
WHEREAS, the ECPPP were last revised in 2014, pursuant to Ordinance No. 027, 2014;
WHEREAS, the Utilities Executive Director has recommended that changes be made to
the ESRR and ECPPP in order to clarify existing provisions and reflect current operating
practices and terminology involving cold sequencing and self-contained metering; and
WHEREAS, the Utilities Executive Director has further recommended that the current
ESRR be repealed as a separate administrative rule set and policy-related provisions in the
current ESRR be relocated into Chapter 26 of the City Code along with revisions to the fixed
consumption billing and multi-family customer coordination requirements in Chapter 26 of the
City Code; and
WHEREAS, in order to improve the clarity of the administrative and technical standards
applicable to receiving and constructing electric service in the City, the Utilities Executive
Director has further recommended that the remaining ESRR and revised ECPPP be combined
into a single document to be known as the Electric Service Standards; and
WHEREAS, the proposed changes and renaming will' continue to ensure. system
reliability and promote customer and employee safety; and
WHEREAS, on March 3, 2016, the Energy Board reviewed the proposed combination of
ESRR and updated ECPPP requirements into the Electric Service Standards, along with the repeal
and partial incorporation of ESRR provisions into Chapter 26 of the City Code, and unanimously
recommended approval of these actions;and
WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the recommended repeal of the ESRR,
renaming of the revised administrative rules, regulations, and construction standards applicable
to electric service in the City, and changes to Chapter 26 of the Code as set forth herein, are in
the best interests of the electric utility and its customers.
FORT COLLINS as follows:
Section 1. That the City Council hereby makes any and all determinations and
findings contained in the recitals set forth above.
Section 2. That Section 26-22 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-22. - Right of entry.
a) In connection with the necessary discharge of their duties and the enforcement of
the provisions of this Chapter, authorized utility personnel shall, at all reasonable times,
have safe access to any premises within or without the City served by one (1) or more of
the utilities for any purpose incidental to supplying a service or for the examination or
survey thereof or for inspection and repair of facilities and appurtenances, connection and
disconnection of services or reading meters. This provision is not intended to modify the
right of access described in § 26-219.
b) Access to the meters and utility service equipment located on the customer's
premises must be provided for proper administration and billing of service. This includes
non-intrusive, automatic drop out access to the customer's telephone service for remote
reading of meters by the utilities when such service is available. If any meter cannot be
read or access to utility service equipment is not provided for three (3) consecutive
months, the customer shall be notified by first-class mail that this condition must be
corrected or the utilities shall discontinue service until access to such equipment by the
utilities' personnel is accomplished.
c) Whenever necessary to make an inspection to enforce any of the provisions of this
Chapter, or whenever authorized utility personnel have reasonable cause to believe that
there exists in any building or upon any premises any condition or violation which makes
such building or premises unsafe, dangerous or hazardous or presents a significant,
immediate danger to human health or the environment, authorized utility personnel may
enter such building or premises at all reasonable times to inspect it or to perform any duty
imposed upon authorized utility personnel by this Chapter. If such building or premises is
occupied at the time entry is required, the authorized utility personnel shall first present
proper credentials and request entry. If such building or premises is unoccupied, the
authorized utility personnel shall first make a reasonable effort to locate the owner or
other persons having charge or control of the building or premises and request entry. If
such entry is refused, the authorized utility personnel shall have recourse to every remedy
provided by law to secure entry.
d) When the authorized utility personnel have obtained an inspection warrant or
other remedy provided by law to secure entry, no owner or occupant or any other persons
having charge, care or control of any building or premises shall fail or neglect, after
proper request is made as herein provided, to promptly permit entry therein by the
authorized utility personnel for the purpose of inspection and examination pursuant to
this Article. Any such failure to permit entry upon request pursuant to a valid inspection
warrant shall be a misdemeanor punishable by the provisions set forth in § 1-15 of this
e) An appropriate property owner or representative shall permit the utilities to trim
the limbs and branches of trees, bushes and shrubs to the extent that such trimming is
reasonably necessary to avoid interference with utilities' lines, streetlights, or other
equipment or to allow access to the utilities' meter, or other equipment on said owner's
premises or in the public right-of-way.
f) The property owner shall be responsible for such trimming of trees as may be
necessary to avoid interference with the utilities' meter and service wires running from
the utilities' distribution poles to the point of delivery on said owner's premises.
Section 3. That Section 26-23 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-23. -Records.
a) All contracts, records and evidences of title relating to any of the utilities'
property acquired by the City shall be assembled and carefully preserved. The Utilities
Executive Director and the Financial Officer shall keep and preserve such other records
and prepare such reports concerning the utilities as the City Manager directs. The City
Manager shall keep the City Council advised of the operation, financial conditions and
future needs of the utilities.
b) No promise, agreement or representation of any employee of the utilities shall be
binding upon the utilities, unless the same shall have been properly authorized, reduced
to writing and preserved by the customer or with the records of the utilities associated
with a specific utility service.
Section 4. That Section 26-24 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-24. - Property owner's consent for utility service and indemnity to City and
the utilities.
a) Utility service provided to real property pursuant to the terms of this Chapter shall
be deemed to be provided at the request and with the consent of the owner of said real
property, unless and until the Utilities Executive Director receives written notice of said
owner's withdrawal of such consent.
b) The City shall not be held responsible for any injury to persons or damage to
property occasioned or caused by the acts, omissions or negligence of the customer or of
any of the customer's agents, employees or licensees in installing, maintaining, operating
or using any of the customer's lines, wire, equipment, machinery or apparatus, and for
injury and damage caused by defects in the same.
c) The customer shall hold the City harmless and indemnify it against any and all
claims and liability for injury to persons or damage to property when such injury or
damage results from or is occasioned by the facilities located on the customer's side of
the point of delivery unless caused by the gross negligence,or wrongful acts of the City's
agents or employees.
d) The customer shall pay all costs that may be incurred by the City in enforcing this
Section 5. That Section 26-391 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby
amended by the addition of a new definition "Fixed consumption billing" which reads in its
entirety as follows:
Sec. 26-391. - Definitions.
Fixed consumption billing is defined as billing for service provided to a constant or
predictable unmetered, electrical load_for which the utility has .predetermined the
customer's billing consumption based upon connected load, estimated usage, test
measurements or other means. Billing amounts and terms of service shall be in
accordance with the electric rate schedule which would be applicable to the load if it
were metered; provided, however, that the utility reserves the right to correct past billing
amounts at any time to correspond with test metering results and to adjust billing
consumption in accordance with updated load estimates based on current or anticipated
loads and conditions. Fixed Consumption Billing may be offered to the customer in the
sole discretion of the Utilities Executive Director, and billing is subject to withdrawal
whereupon electric service may be discontinued by the utility upon thirty days written
notice to the customer. Alteration of facilities or conditions, or addition of load by the
customer without prior approval of the utilities 'shall constitute diversion of electric
energy. The customer may discontinue electric service to a Fixed Consumption Billing
load by providing proper request of such discontinuance to the utilities.
Section 6. That Section 26-393 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-393. - Permission required for connection with electric utility, voltage
variations and shortage of electricity.
a) No person shall connect any wire, cord, socket, motor or other instrument, device
or contrivance by which electricity may be transmitted or supplied to any lamp, globe,
heating apparatus or other instrument by or at which electricity is or may be consumed, to
any wire owned or operated by the City and constructed to transmit or supply electricity
to any house or other building, without the consent of the electric utility.
b) Three-phase motors up to two hundred (200) horsepower may be supplied under
applicable rate schedules, provided that such motors have been manufactured in
accordance with National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) standards and
further provided that suitable protection equipment and devices have been installed.
c) Utilities will be diligent in providing electric service with reasonable voltage
variations. The customer shall be responsible and liable for voltage or quality variations
caused by the customer's appliances and equipment, such as may be produced by starting
motors, x-rays, welders, pumps, and other customer equipment or devices. If the
customer desires to continue the operation of such equipment, utilities may require the
customer to install motor generators, line filters, reactors, isolation transformers, or
transformer and/or line capacity beyond that normally required, in order to eliminate the
detrimental impact upon other customers. If such remedial measures involve expense on
the part of utilities, all such costs shall be reimbursed by the customer. If the customer's
demands are measured in such cases, utilities may determine the billing demands on
shorter intervals than fifteen (15) minutes regardless of regular provisions in individual
rates pertaining to the determination of billing demands.
d) Utilities will make reasonable efforts to furnish a continuous supply of electricity
to meet demands. However, should shortages occur by reason of acts of God or causes
beyond the immediate control of the utilities, utilities will have the right to grant
preference to those present and future customers that in the opinion of the Utilities
Executive Director are the most essential to the public welfare, based on information then
available to the utilities. Utilities shall not be liable for damages, including monetary loss
or loss of business from shortages in supply of electric energy. The customer shall be
responsible for taking whatever precautions the customer shall deem appropriate to
protect against damage or loss due to shortages in the supply of electricity.
Section 7. That Section 26-396 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-396. - Use of meters required; damage to system prohibited, accuracy of
a) No person shall take electrical energy from the distributing system except through
a meter or other measuring device owned and installed by the City without the consent of
the electric utility to take such electrical energy. It shall also be unlawful to tamper with,
molest or damage in any manner any part of the electrical system.
b) City owned facilities shall not be tampered or interfered with directly or indirectly
by the customer or any other unauthorized persons. The customer shall be liable for any
damage or loss to the property of the utilities or other persons and injury to utilities
employees or other persons resulting from such unauthorized tampering or interference.
c) Meters measuring electric service shall be checked by utility for accuracy before
installation and periodically thereafter on a scheduled or sample basis as determined by
the utility. Meters shall be considered accurate when they measure within two (2) percent
plus or minus when tested at one hundred (100) percent of full test current. The utility
shall not keep in service a meter that registers usage under no load conditions.
Section 8. That Section 26-441 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-441. - Obtaining electric,service.
a) It shall be unlawful for any person to obtain electrical service unless it is
provided in accordance with the terms of this Article.
b) Where the utilities is requested to extend, augment or alter its facilities, or if the
utilities is requested to provide new or additional capacity that may be needed, the
utilities shall provide such extension, augmentation or alteration in accordance with the
requirements of this Code and the Electric Service Standards, as adopted pursuant to §
26-463 of this Code. All existing overhead electric utility facilities on or adjacent to the
affected service location shall be converted to underground facilities in conjunction with
the augmentation, extension or alteration of any part of such utility service facilities,
except where the utilities determines that underground construction is not practical or
feasible. Utility line extensions shall be installed underground in accordance with this
Code and the Electric Service Standards. The customer, owner or developer shall pay the
full cost of such conversion, extension, alteration or augmentation of facilities and a
proportionate share of the cost of associated underground distribution system facilities
necessary to provide the additional service capacity, all as determined by the utilities. In
addition, capacity costs attributed to the customer shall be paid by the customer as a non-
reimbursable expense of the associated conversion, extension, alteration or augmentation
c) Utilities will use reasonable diligence at all times to provide continuous service at
the agreed nominal voltage, but shall not be liable to the customer for complete or partial
failure (including loss-of phase) or interruption of service, or for fluctuations in voltage,
resulting from causes beyond its control or the negligence of its employees, servants or
agents. The customer shall be responsible for taking whatever precautions the customer
deems appropriate to protect against damage or loss due to interruptions of service or
fluctuations of voltage.
Section 9. That Section 26-444 of the Code of the City of Fort"Collins is hereby
amended by the addition of a new subsection (d) which reads in its entirety as follows:
Sec. 26-444. - Customer generation of electric service.
d) For applications for other than routine parallel systems and connections, a service
charge shall apply to offset the cost of processing an application/request for parallel
operation, including but not limited to the cost of engineering and technical review and
Section 10. That Section 26-445 of the City Code is hereby amended to read as
Sec. 26-445. - Retail sale of electric service.
No person or entity other than the utility may engage in the sale of electric service to any
property in the City except under one (1) or more of the circumstances described in
Paragraphs (1) through (4) of this Section and Section 26-451.
Section 11. That Chapter 26 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins hereby amended
by the adoption of a new Section 26-450 which reads in its entirety as follows:
Sec. 26-450—Intermittent loads and stand-.by service.
a) Subject to the approval of the-utilities, use of-x-ray-machines,-induction-type
welders or equipment with similar operating characteristics shall be permitted under
applicable rate schedules on secondary service, provided that adequate transformer and
distribution capacity is available.
b) An incremental demand charge may be added if. the customer's load is of an
intermittent or fluctuating character or reflects frequent starting with high current inrush,
or if standby service is provided for any reason. In such cases, .the utilities will consider
the billing demand as the maximum amount of power used at any time, may add to the.
measured demand of the steady load up to fifty (50)-percent of the maximum fluctuating
load, or may add to the measured demand an incremental demand charge determined
from either the nameplate data of the equipment or by the kVa (kilo-volt amperes- 1,000
volt amps) of extra transformer capacity necessary to serve such loads.
Section 12. That Section 26-465(k) of the City Code is hereby amended to read,as
Sec. 26-465. -Residential demand service,schedule RD.
k) Parallel generation. Customers may operate all or part of their instantaneous
energy or capacity needs by operation of a qualifying facility in parallel with the utility
system, provided that electric service is being rendered under the special services
provisions of this schedule, and provided further that such facility is constructed,
operated and maintained in accordance with the Utility Services Interconnection
Standards for Generating Facilities connect to Fort Collins Distribution System and with
the provisions of the Electric Service Standards. The credit for the energy delivered to the
electric utility under this provision shall be provided at applicable Platte River Power .
Authority avoided cost rates. If a customer is receiving net metering service, such
customer's service shall also be governed by the net metering service terms and
conditions described in Subsection (q) below, and the credit for energy delivered to the
electric utility shall be calculated as described in that Subsection.
Section 13. That Section 26-466(1) of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-466. - General service,schedule GS.
1) Parallel generation. Customers may operate all or part of their instantaneous
energy or capacity needs by operation of a qualifying facility in parallel with the utility
system, provided that electric service is being rendered under the special services
provisions of this schedule, and provided further that such facility is constricted,
operated and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the electric service
standards and the Utilities Services Interconnection Standards for Generating Facilities
Connected to Fort Collins Distribution System.-The credit for the energy delivered to the
electric utility under this provision shall be provided at applicable Platte River Power
Authority avoided cost rates. If a customer is receiving net metering service, such
customer's service shall also be governed by the net metering service terms and
conditions described in Subsection (q) below, and the credit for energy delivered to the
electric utility shall be calculated as described in that Subsection.
Section 14. That Sec. 26-467 (m) of the City Code is hereby amended to read as
Sec. 26-467. =General service 25, schedule GS25.
m) Parallel generation. Customers may operate all or part of their instantaneous
energy or capacity needs by operation of a qualifying facility in parallel with the utility
system, provided that electric service is being rendered under the special services
provisions of this schedule, and provided further that such facility is .constructed,
operated and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the electric service
standards and the Utilities Services Interconnection Standards for Generating Facilities
Connected to Fort Collins Distribution System. The credit for the energy delivered to the
electric utility under this provision shall be provided at applicable Platte River Power
Authority avoided cost rates. If a customer is receiving net metering service, such
customer's service shall also be governed by the net metering service terms and
conditions described in Subsection (r) below, and the credit for energy delivered to the
electric utility shall be calculated as described in the Subsection.
Section 15. That Section 26-468 (p) of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby
amended to read as follows: `•
Sec. 26-468. - General service 50,schedule GS50.
p) Parallel generation. Customers may operate all or part of their instantaneous
energy or capacity needs by operation of a qualifying facility in parallel with the utility
system, provided that electric service is being rendered under the special services
provisions of this schedule, and provided further that such facility is constructed,
operated and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the electric service
standards and the Utilities Services Interconnection Standards for Generating Facilities
Connected to Fort Collins Distribution System. The credit for the energy delivered to the
electric utility under this provision shall -be provided at applicable Platte River Power
Authority avoided cost rates. Parallel generation will be provided consistent with all of
the requirements contained in Platte River Power Authority's Tariff Schedule 3: Parallel
Generation Purchases, as may be amended from time to time. All charges incurred by the
utility under this tariff will be billed to the customer. If a customer is receiving net
metering service, such customer's service shall also be governed by the net metering
service terms and conditions described in Subsection (u) below, and the credit for energy
delivered to the electric utility shall be calculated as described in that Subsection.
Section 16. That Sec. 26-469 (q) of the City Code is hereby amended to read as
Sec. 26-469. - General service 750, schedule GS750.
q) Parallel generation. Customers may operate all or part of their instantaneous
energy or capacity needs by operation of a qualifying facility in parallel with the utility
system, provided that electric service is being rendered under the special services
provisions of this schedule, and provided further that such facility is constructed,
operated and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the electric service
standards and the Utilities Services Interconnection Standards for Generating Facilities
Connected to Fort Collins Distribution System. The credit for the'energy delivered to the '
electric utility under this provision shall be provided at applicable Platte River Power
Authority avoided cost rates. Parallel generation will be provided consistent with all of
the requirements contained in Platte River Power Authority's Tariff Schedule 3: Parallel
Generation Purchases, as may be amended from time to time. All charges incurred by the
utility under this tariff will be billed to the customer. If a customer is receiving net
metering service, such customer's service shall also be governed by the net metering
service terms and conditions described in Subsection (v) below, and the credit for energy
delivered to the electric utility shall be calculated as described in that Subsection.
Section 17. That Sec. 26-470 (n) of the City Code is hereby amended to read as
Sec. 26-470. - Substation service,schedule SS.
n) Parallel generation. Customers may operate all or part of their instantaneous
energy or capacity needs by operation of a qualifying facility in parallel with the utility
system, provided that electric service is being rendered under the special services
provisions of this schedule', and provided further that such facility is constructed,
operated and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the electric service
standards and the Utilities Services Interconnection Standards for Generating Facilities
Connected to Fort Collins Distribution System. The credit for the energy delivered to the
electric utility under this provision shall be provided at applicable Platte River Power
Authority avoided cost rates. Parallel generation will be provided consistent with all of
the requirements contained in Platte River Power Authority's Tariff Schedule 3: Parallel
Generation Purchases, as may be amended from time to time. All charges incurred by the
utility under this tariff will be billed to the customer. If a customer is receiving net
metering service, such customer's service shall also be governed by the net metering
service terms and conditions described in Subsection (v) below, and the credit for energy
delivered to the electric utility shall be calculated as described in that Subsection.
Section 18. That Sec. 26-473 (a) and (b) of the City Code are hereby amended to read
as follows:
Sec. 26-473. - Electric development fees and charges.
a) Any person desiring to'connect to the City's electric distribution system, or to
construct any structure to be served by said electric distribution system, shall pay to the
utility all applicable electric development fees and charges as described in this Division
prior to construction of the electric distribution system to serve said connection, whether
such connection or the property served is inside or outside of the corporate limits of the
City, in addition to any other applicable fees and charges described in this Article.
Notwithstanding the foregoing or any provision of this Article to the contrary, said fees
and charges may be paid over time to the extent that the deferral of all or any portion of
such payment has been approved by the City Council by resolution. Said development
fees shall consist of an Electric Capacity Fee ("ECF") to recover the allocated cost of the
electric distribution system attributable to the new or modified service requested and a
Building Site Charge ("BSC") to recover the cost of installing on-site electric service
facilities to the user's side of the point of delivery. Extension of the street light system of
the City shall be made in accordance with the Code. The full estimated cost of street
lighting service construction and installation shall be paid for by the customer, owner or
developer as part of the ECF.
b) The ECF shall be based'upon and used to defray growth-related capital expansion
costs of substations and distribution infrastructure and related facilities, and actual costs
that have been or will be incurred by the utility to plan and provide service loads to new
development, as more specifically described in this Division. These costs shall include
the cost of labor and materials to install substation transformers, distribution
transformers, primary cable, vaults, conduit, connections, switches, fuses, circuit
breakers, streetlights and other infrastructure and may include capital costs of
administrative facilities that are reasonably related to the overall cost of and required in
providing electric services to serve new development. The ECF shall vary with the
electrical capacity requirements, lot size and lineal feet of dedicated roadway, and shall
be based on the actual cost of construction of any required off-site improvements. The
parameters and rates shall be reviewed annually by the City Manager, and the fees shall
be presented to the City Council for approval no less frequently than biennially.
Section 19. That Section 26-474 (d) of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-474.—Residential electric development fees and charges.
d) A Building Site Charge ("BSC") for any new or modified residential service shall
consist of the total of the applicable charges as described in this Subsection (d), and shall
be paid as specified herein.
1) When any new or modified multi-family service requires extending
primary circuitry to an on-site transformer, this component of the BSC charge
shall be invoiced and paid in the same manner and at the same time as the ECF is
invoiced and paid pursuant to §26-474(a), and shall be the total of the primary
circuit charge, transformer installation charge and any additional charges. The
I 11-
amounts shall be the same as the BSC for nonresidential development, as shown
in § 26-475(d).
2) When any new or modified residential service requires installation by the
Utility of secondary service the BSC shall include a secondary service charge
SSC), and shall be paid at the time of building permit and based upon the current
rates as of the time of issuance of the building permit. The SSC for single family
and duplex residences shall be the total of the secondary service charges,
determined as follows:
a.The secondary service charge shall be as follows:
i Secondary Charge
Plus Per-Foot
Service Size. up to 65 feet)
Charge for
Each Foot Over 65
1/0 service 682.00 4.99/Foot
4/0 service 806.00 5.63/Foot
350 kCM Service 912.00 7.23/Foot
1/0 Mobile Home Service 532.00 N/A
4/0 Mobile Home Service 638.00 N/A 1 .
3) The customer shall be responsible for secondary service installation and maintenance
from the point of delivery to the service panel for multi-family dwellings larger than a
4) Any single-phase residential service over two hundred (200) amps or any dwelling
unit larger than a duplex shall be considered a commercial service.
Section 20. That Section 26-713 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby
amended by addition of new subsections (f) through (i) which read in their entirety as follows:
Sec. 26-713. —Due date; delinquency; discontinuance of service.
f) Utilities may refuse to provide service or install service equipment if the person or
firm requesting the service or installation of service equipment currently owes the utilities
a delinquent amount for any utility services previously provided, whether to the same or
different premises or if the person or firm requesting the service or installation of service
equipment owes the utilities a delinquent utility use charge, fee, deposit, assessment or
any amount for utility service equipment previously installed.
g) If the utilities refuse to provide.service or install service equipment as specified
herein, the person or firm requesting such service shall be provided a written refusal of
service notice by the utilities as to the reason for the refusal and the delinquent amount
that must be paid before the utilities shall fulfill the request.
h) Notwithstanding (f) above, if any person or firm disputes the amount owed, such
person or firm may receive service as requested after depositing with the utilities the full
amount requested, to be held by the utilities, for a period not to exceed thirty days,
pending final determination by the Utilities Executive Director of the amount owed by
the requesting person or firm. Such person or firm shall submit, within fifteen (15) days
after the date.on the refusal of service notice, a written statement as to-the disputed
amount (refusal of service reply), and the Utilities Executive Director shall make his or
her final determination within fifteen days after receiving such refusal of service reply.
i) If-such refusal of service reply is not submitted to the utilities within said fifteen
15) days, or if the Utilities Executive Director determines the amount is properly owed
to the utilities, the amount deposited under (h) above shall be kept by the utilities and
applied in satisfaction of the amount owed. Appeal of any such determination by the
Utilities Executive Director shall be in accordance with/the appeal procedures provided in
this Chapter for the respective utilities.
Section 21. That the Electric Service Rules and Regulations ("ESSR") are hereby
repealed in its entirety and shall have no further force or effect.
Section 22. That the Electric Construction Policies, Practices and Procedures
ECPPP") are hereby repealed in its entirety and shall have no further force or effect.
Section 23. That the Electric Service Standards set'forth in Exhibit"A," attached
hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, are hereby approved by the City Council.
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 17th day of
May, A.D. 2016, and to be presented for final passage on the 7th day of June, A.D. 2016.
W w
City Clerk
Passed and adopted on final reading on the 7th day of June, A.D. 2016
Mayor lyro Tem
City Clerk
Exhibit A
Electric Service Standards
Previously adopted as revised 'Electric Construction Policies, Practices
and Procedures", pursuant to Ordinance No. 027, 2014
Utilities Customer Service Office
117 N. Mason Street
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Phone : (970) 212-2900
Fort Collins Utilities
700 Wood Street
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
Phone : (970) 221 -6700
Fax: (970) 221 -6619
E-mail: utilities
Web : www.fcgov.com/utilities
Printing Date: May 6, 2016
City Council Adoption Date: June 7 2016;
purusant to Ordinance No. 066, 2016
Table of Contents
Fort Collins Utilities Electric Service Standards
1 . Authority for Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 . Application of Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3 . Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3 . 1 . New Development and Redevelopment. .. 3
3 .2 . Modifications to Capacity .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................................................................... 4
4 . General Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4. 1 . Underground Construction Required ............................... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. ............... 4
4.2 . Type of Service ............................ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. 4
4.3 . Transformers .............................................................................................. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5
4.4. Customer Load. 5
4.5. Attachment to Poles .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................................................................. .. 5
5 . Residential Service Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
5. 1 . Single Occupancy (single residence)............................................. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6
5.2 . Mobile Home Parks ............................................................................................................... 6
6. Project Development Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
7. Commercial Service Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
7. 1 . General............................................................................................................. .... .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. 7
7.2 . Multiple Occupancy (apartments)......................... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .......... .. .. .. .. .. ........................... 8
8 . Metering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
8. 1 . Meter Locations and Clearances . .. .. ............................................... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .................. 8
8.2 . Self-Contained Meter Sockets ....... ........................... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........ .. .. .. .. .. ......................... 9
8.3 . Current Transformer (CT) Metering . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. ............ .. .. .. .. .. ... 11
8.4. Mobile Home Parks — Meter Pedestals ..................................................... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 14
8.5. Commercial Meter Pedestals ......... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ............................................. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15
8.6. Cold Sequence Metering ........................ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .................... . 15
8.7. Parallel Generation Metering ...................................................................... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 16
9 . Construction Coordination Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
9. 1 . General............................................................................................................. .... .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. 17
9.2 . Prerequisite to Construction . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ............................................... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........... 17
9.3 . Street Crossing Option ................................... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 18
9.4. Trenching Option........................................................................... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 18
9.5. Joint Use Construction ................................. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................. 18
10 . Easements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
11 . Interconnection of Qualifying Parallel Generation Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
11 . 1 .Application ........................................................................................... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. 19
11 .2 .Initial Start-Up .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................................................. 19
11 .3 .Facility Design and Construction............................................. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 19
11 .4.Facility Operation and Maintenance .. .. .. .. .. ........................................................... .. .. .. .. . 20
11 . 5.Changes in Facility or Capacity Rating .................... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 20
12 . Working Adjacent To Overhead Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
13 . Locate Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
14 . Contractor Access to Transformer Secondary Compartments . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
15 . Other Rules and Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
16 . Design Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
17 . Modifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
18 . Appeals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Administratively approved: April 14, 2016
City Council adoption : 2016 ; purusant to Ordinance No . 2016
City of Fort Collins Utilities
Electric Service Standards
1 . Authority for Regulations
These standards, and periodic additions, revisions, and correctsions thereto, are authorized by
Section 26- 463 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins, and shall be available for public review at
the Fort Collins Utility Service Center and the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins.
2. Application of Policy
These standards apply to all construction, new development, redevelopment or remodeling.
3 . Costs
3 . 1 . New Development and Redevelopment
Cost estimates from preliminary plats will be furnished on request to developers for
planning purposes (based on average electric costs developed by the Fort Collins
Utilities (hereinafter called the Utilities) from previously completed projects) .
Developers will receive a firm price for the underground electric system for a
subdivision, mobile home park or project development plan after providing the Utilities
1 . one copy of the final approved subdivision plat, and
2. the number, size and location of points-of-service at which electric service is
When the developer requests the actual construction of the project be started, a payment
of 100 percent of the invoiced price will be required. Under special circumstances, the
Utility, at it' s discretion, may begin construction prior to full payment. Under no
circumstances will the electric system be energized prior to full payment of the invoiced
price. Payment need only be paid on the portion of the underground electric system
which is to be constructed and not necessarily on the whole subdivision project,
provided that such portion is suitable for partial electric service. Quoted firm prices will
include off-site facilities, primaries and streetlights. The owner will be charged for
electric services not paid for by the developer.
The underground electrical system will be installed in two phases :
1 . Phase one includes the installation of the primary conduit, transformer vaults,
primary conductor and customer service provisions from the transformer vault to
the nearest lot corner or on-site transformer. The electrical system will be
energized following receipt of payment of all project fees and charges.
2 . Phase two includes the installation of the customer's service to the lot corner or
on-site transformer or meter socket. Service will be installed upon mutual
agreement, as to point of-service and meter location. A separate charge will be
made for the service prior to installation.
Modifications to the development plans requiring field changes in the electric system
and unforeseen construction obstacles such as frost and rocky soil conditions will be
charged on a change order basis and will be coordinated with the developer prior to
proceeding with the work.
3.2. Modifications to Capacity
For remodeling or other modifications where the customer's electric panel capacity is
increased and where development charges have not previously been paid, development
charges (off-site facilities, primary and streetlights) are applicable to the increased
capacity on a prorated basis. All charges for on-site costs are applicable per the Line
Extension Policy contained within Municipal Code Sections 26-473 , 26-474, and 26-475 .
4. General Construction
4. 1 . Underground Construction Required
4. 1 . 1 . All electric utility lines and line extensions shall be underground. Permanent
buildings or structures shall not be located directly over underground electric utility
4 . 1 . 2 . Service loops shall generally be installed underground. Overhead service loops shall
be installed only at the Utilities ' discretion.
4 . 1 . 3 . If the property of the customer does not abut on the right-of-way of the Utilities '
distribution system, it shall be the customer' s responsibility to provide adequate
easements or bring wiring to a point designated by the Utilities.
4.2. Type of Service
4.2 . 1 . Electric service shall be delivered to the customer at one point of delivery for each
4.2 .2. Typically, the Utilities will provide these service types :
Single phase 3 wire 120/240 volt,
Single phase 3 wire 208Y/ 120 volt,
Three phase 208Y/ 120 volt 4 wire service, or
Three phase 480Y/277 volt 4 wire service.
Other service voltages or types must be approved by the Utilities.
4.2 . 3 . If the customer desires electric service at voltages, either primary or secondary, other
than those typically available from the Utilities ' distribution system, the customer
shall furnish, own and maintain all special transformers and special control
equipment necessary to supply such voltage or service. If special metering shall be
required in such cases, the costs thereof shall be paid by the customer. Such metering
equipment, however, shall be and remains the property of the Utilities and shall be
tested and maintained by the Utilities .
4.2 .4. Where service is supplied at primary voltages, the customer shall provide, own,
operate and maintain all facilities beyond the point of delivery at the end of the
primary service unless specific arrangements are made to the contrary.
4.2 . 5 . Permanent Service
Unless specific arrangements are made to the contrary, electric service shall be
considered rendered on a continuous, permanent basis subject to termination as
provided in Municipal Code.
4.2 . 6. Temporary Service
4.2 . 6. 1 . Any temporary electric service lines required by the developer for
construction purposes before the underground system is completed shall be at the
expense of the developer and consistent with Municipal Code.
4.2 . 6.2 . At the option of the Utilities, the developer will be billed for the actual or
estimated cost of construction, plus estimated retirement costs . There will be no
charge for recoverable materials.
4.2 . 6.3 . For residential construction only, a 50-amp temporary power pedestal will be
provided to the developer consistent with the requirements in drawing ESS — 2.
4.3. Transformers
4 . 3 . 1 . Generally, the Utilities shall install, own and maintain all transformers required to
deliver service at the Utilities ' standard secondary voltages.
4 . 3 . 2 . The customer shall furnish and maintain required outdoor or underground space and
facilities for the installation of the Utilities ' transformers and other equipment
necessary to properly render electric service to the customer. Please see drawings
ESS-4, ESS-5 , ESS-6, ESS-7, and ESS-8 in Section 16 — Design Drawings.
4.3 . 3 . When service is delivered at primary voltage, the customer shall generally own,
install and maintain all transformers.
4.4. Customer Load
4.4 . 1 . Motor Load and Protection
4.4 . 1 . 1 . Single-phase motors operated at 120 volts shall be limited to less than 1
horsepower (hp) in size. Single-phase motors 1 hp or greater shall be operated at
240 volts and shall have a maximum locked rotor current limit of 75 amps . The
Utilities ' approval must be obtained prior to installing any single-phase motor
with locked rotor current in excess of this limit. The following information shall
be provided to the Utilities when seeking approval :
Horsepower rating
Nameplate full-load amps
Nameplate locked rotor amps
Nameplate voltage
Frequency of starts per time unit
Motor NEMA code letter
Note: Central air conditioning units are subject to the requirements of this section.
4.4. 1 .2 . The customer shall be responsible for providing protection to 3 -phase motors
and equipment against damage from overvoltage, undervoltage, single and
reversed phasing conditions.
4.4. 1 .3 . Under some conditions, Utilities may require the installation of reduced
voltage or other types of starting equipment. Such equipment may be required
where, in the opinion of the Utilities, the starting frequency adversely affects
service rendered to other customers. Consult the Utilities prior to acquiring
4.4.2. Load Balance
4.4.2. 1 . For single phase, three wire services, the current carried by the neutral shall
not be more than 15% of the current carried in either of the other wires. . For three phase services, the customer' s load in any phase shall not be
greater than 15 % more than the load in either of the other two phases .
4.5. Attachment to Poles
4. 5 . 1 . Attachments to the Utilities ' poles or lighting standards shall not be permitted except
upon specific written authority of the Utilities .
4. 5 .2. The attachment of radio or TV antennae or other objects is specifically prohibited.
4. 5 . 3 . Attachment of communications circuits such as telephone, community antennae
systems or other communication media may be made, provided that a joint use
contract has been entered into between the Utilities and those desiring to make such
attachments. Said attachments shall conform to the requirements of the latest edition
of the National Electric Safety Code and additional requirements, if any, by the
5. Residential Service Construction
This section of the policy applies to new subdivided areas where curb (except for radius
sections) and grading have been completed but where gas and telephone utilities and paving have
not been installed (see Section 9 - Construction Coordination Sequence) .
Unless capacity demand is substantially higher than normal as determined by the Utilities
Executive Director or his or her designee, residential service construction must utilize a single
phase primary system complete with transformer vaults and transformers designed to convert the
primary system voltage to the standard residential voltage of 120/240 volts, three wire single-
phase, including the three wire electric service to the meter location. For detailed metering
equipment and location information, reference Section 8 — Metering. The electric facilities will
generally be installed underground behind the curb or sidewalk with a minimum cover of 30
inches, and will generally be completely at or below grade utilizing front lot line construction.
Streetlighting will be installed in accordance with the City of Fort Collins design criteria and
standards for streets.
5. 1 . Single Occupancy (single residence)
5 . 1 . 1 . Single occupancy is defined as a single residence served by a single circuit secondary
service or duplexes (two residences with a shared wall) served by electric panels of
200 amps or less and are subject to the requirements in this section.
5 . 1 .2. Before electric service is installed, the meter socket (furnished by the owner) shall be
installed and the meter socket installation must be approved by the Building
Inspection Department.
5 . 1 . 3 . A rigid non-metallic conduit attached from the socket to a point 24 inches below
finished grade, must be provided. The conduit size shall be as specified by the
Utilities and shall not be less than 2 inches inside diameter. See drawing ESS- 1 for
more details.
5 . 1 .4. The Utilities will furnish and install the service conductors to the meter socket.
5 . 1 . 5 . The Utilities will install, own and maintain all underground service wires, buses and
electrical devices up to and including provisions for connection of the customer's
service wires; such connection provision will be generally located within the
confines of the meter socket enclosure.
5 . 1 . 6. All construction and maintenance on the customer side of any provision for customer
service wire connection including the making of such service connections shall be
done by someone other than the Utilities .
5 . 1 . 7. The secondary electric service fee is to be paid at the time the building permit is
5.2. Mobile Home Parks
5 .2 . 1 . Electric facilities will generally be installed on rear lot lines (unless otherwise
approved by the Utilities) to ganged meter sockets with breakers, and will be
installed and billed with the first phase of construction. Single-position utility meter
pedestals may also be used provided they adhere to the same sections as applies to
ganged meter sockets (Sections 5 . 3 and 8 .4) .
5 .2 .2. Meter sockets with breakers shall be furnished, installed and maintained by the
owners . Meter sockets and breakers shall be Utilities-approved devices (see Section 8
5 .2 . 3 . A 2-inch rigid non-metallic utility service conduit (or conduits as required) from the
meter sockets with a cover of 24 inches (f 6 inches) from finished grade, using a 24
inch radius 90-degree bend is to be installed by the owner and approved by the
building inspector.
5 .2 .4. If the meter sockets are not building mounted, a manufactured meter pedestal that
meets requirements in Section 8 .4 shall be utilized.
6. Project Development Plan
The applicable service rules as described under the residential and commercial construction
headings apply.
7. Commercial Service Construction
7. 1 . General
7 . 1 . 1 . Commercial service construction will be considered on an individual basis depending
upon size, type and characteristics of the load requirement.
7 . 1 .2. The Utilities will endeavor to provide special service voltages and/or connections
when a Utilities-approved document is presented, provided that such document or
documents accurately and completely describe the owner's load and desired entrance
needs .
7. 1 . 3 . Service requirements, construction costs and payment terms will be provided on
request. Early contact with the Utilities during the planning stages is essential. The
Utilities will not be obligated to provide special service voltages, if planning has not
been coordinated with the Utilities.
7 . 1 .4. Entrance requirements including location, number of phases, voltage, amperage per
meter, number of meters, and underground or overhead must be determined with the
Utilities at an early date (also see Section 8 — Metering) .
7 . 1 . 5 . Typically, the Utilities will provide these services :
Single phase 3 wire 120/240 volt,
Single phase 3 wire 208Y/ 120 volt,
Three phase 208Y/ 120 volt 4 wire service, or
Three phase 480Y/277 volt 4 wire service.
Other service voltages or types must be approved by the Utilities.
7. 1 . 6. Padmounted transformers that serve commercial services shall adhere to location
clearance and work access requirements displayed in design drawings ESS-4, ESS-5 ,
ESS-6, ESS-7, and ESS-8 (see Section 16 — Design Drawings).
7. 1 . 7. Because of planned underground service facilities and requirements to convert
overhead lines to underground, the location or characteristics of existing or prior
electric service facilities will not determine the location or service characteristics of a
new or modified electric service entrance.
7. 1 . 8 . Except when the Utilities determines that underground is not feasible, services will
be installed underground.
7. 1 . 9. The owner will be required to furnish, install and maintain all circuits and equipment
on the customer side of the point of delivery.
7 . 1 . 10. On three phase commercial services there is a limit to the number of cables per phase
that the customer may install. For installations utilizing a 12 conductor set screw
connector on each bushing, no cable shall exceed 500 kcmil in size and no service
shall exceed 48 cables (i.e. 12 cables/bushing) . For installations utilizing two-hole
crimp on lug connectors that bolt onto the 10-hole spade, no service shall exceed 40
cables (i.e. 10 cables/bushing) .
7. 1 . 11 . For detailed metering equipment requirements and location information, reference
Section 8 — Metering.
7. 1 . 12 . Streetlighting will be installed in accordance with the City of Fort Collins' design
criteria and standards for streets .
7.2. Multiple Occupancy (apartments)
7 .2 . 1 . Multiple occupancy residences are defined as residences with more than two
individual customers with shared walls or duplexes with services larger than 200
amps . Multiple occupancy residences are considered to be commercial service and
shall meet the requirements included in Section 7 .
7.2 .2. Where service is provided to individual customers located in a structure designed for
multiple occupancy, meters shall be grouped for service from a single circuit
secondary service.
7 .2 . 3 . The location shall be on the exterior for multiple occupancy, unless otherwise
approved by the Utilities .
7 .2 .4. The owner shall furnish and install UL approved meter sockets and rigid
non-metallic) service entrance conduit to a point 24 inches below finished grade.
The service conduit shall be not less than 2- 1 /2 inches inside diameter or as specified
by the Utilities .
7.2 . 5 . The owner shall also provide a one-inch conduit from the transformer to an
accessible point inside the building near the meter installation for future use by the
7 .2 . 6. At the option of the Utilities, the owner may be required to furnish and install
specified service conductors to the transformer terminals .
7 .2 . 7. On single phase commercial services the limit of the number of cables per bushing
that the customer may install is eight. The Utilities will provide a set screw connector
with a maximum of eight landing positions and no cable shall exceed 350 kcmil in
7 .2 . 8 . Service conductor size and insulation shall be as approved or specified by the
7.2 . 9. Trenches for secondary services to apartment complexes that are 8-plexes and larger
shall be inspected by Building Inspection.
8. Metering
8.1. Meter Locations and Clearances
8 . 1 . 1 . The location of meters and metering equipment will be approved by Fort Collins
Utilities where they will be readily accessible at all times for reading, testing,
inspecting, and other maintenance purposes . The meter must be located for easy
reading and access by the Utilities on a side wall of the structure as close to the street
side of the structure as possible and shall not be in an enclosed or fenced area of the
property .
8 . 1 .2. Outdoor meters will not be installed where they will interfere with traffic, sidewalks,
driveways, or where they will obstruct the opening of doors or windows, or in any
location that may be considered hazardous or cause damage to the metering
8 . 1 .2. 1 . Where service is supplied to individual customers located in a structure
designed for multiple occupancy, the individual outdoor meters will be grouped at
a point nearest the service attachment and must be as specified in the excerpts
from Article 370 of the National Electrical Code.
8 . 1 .2.2 . The mounting heights for multiple meter stacks will be no lower than 36
inches from final grade to the center of the lowest meters and will be no higher
than 72 inches from grade to the center of the highest meters. Any variation from
these mounting heights requires prior approval from the Fort Collins Utilities
Electric Meter Shop .
8 . 1 . 3 . Indoor meter installations are not acceptable without express written consent of Fort
Collins Utilities Electric Meter Shop .
8 . 1 .4. Meter sockets will be plumb and securely fastened to the building wall (at framing
8 . 1 . 5 . Meter sockets will be installed 60 to 72 inches above finished grade or permanent
8 . 1 . 6. Meter sockets must NOT be installed under projections lower than six feet to allow
for reading and maintenance of equipment.
8 . 1 . 7. A minimum of three feet of clear space must be left in front of the meter for reading
and maintenance of equipment.
8 . 1 . 8 . A minimum of two feet of clear space measured from any part of the meter socket to
all conduits, pipe, walls, etc. must be maintained for servicing.
8 . 1 . 9. Electric meters and CT cabinets will be located at least three feet radially from gas
meter regulators.
8 . 1 . 10. The builder is required to install the electric meter socket(s) on the same side as the
electric service ` stub ' .
8 . 1 . 11 . Builders are also encouraged to install the natural gas meter(s) on the opposite side of
the house from the electric service.
8 . 1 . 12 . The electric service trench must be a minimum of 3 feet from the natural gas service
trench, and the electric and gas services shall not cross each other.
8 . 1 . 13 . Meter location and clearance requirements are also shown in design drawing ESS- 1 .
8.2. Self-Contained Meter Sockets
8 .2 . 1 . All meter sockets (residential and commercial), except in the case of CT metered
facilities, shall be purchased and installed by the electrical contractor from suppliers.
All commercial self-contained meter sockets shall be cold sequenced. Please see
Section 8 .2 . 9 and 8 .6 for more information on cold sequencing.
8 .2 .2 . The owner of the facility or residence being served is responsible for the repair and
maintenance of the meter socket, including ganged meter sockets.
8 .2 . 3 . All self-contained meter sockets rated for 320 amps and below shall be wired by the
8 . 2 .4. Fort Collins Utilities will wire CT meter sockets from CTs to the meter socket.
8 . 2 . 5 . Meter sockets shall be furnished and installed by the owner or his agent as a
contribution in aid to construction on a non-refundable basis. All meter sockets,
meter stacks, and modular metering systems will be manufactured in accordance with
the latest revision of the following: ANSI C . 12 .7, ANSI/UL 414, and NEMA 250, as
well as all other applicable code and standards, with revisions and modifications as
contained in the specification. They shall be labeled according to their listing and
installed and used in accordance with their rating and labeling.
8 .2 . 6. Fort Collins Utilities reserves the right not to energize an under-rated or unapproved
meter socket.
8 .2 . 7. Damaged meter sockets shall be replaced and installed by the owner or his agent at
no expense to Fort Collins Utilities.
8 .2 . 8 . Residential (single and multiple occupancy) Meter Sockets
8 .2 . 8 . 1 . This section covers installations not exceeding 320 amps or 300 volts.
8 .2 . 8 .2 . Residential meter sockets shall be UL-approved, 4- or 5-terminal sockets (5 -
terminal required for 120/208 volt service) and be rated for a minimum of 100
8 .2 . 8 .3 . Fort Collins Utilities will connect to the line side of the residential meter
8 .2 . 8 .4 . Each meter socket shall be plainly and permanently marked to indicate
which apartment or unit it supplies . The labeling shall be located or attached to
the exterior non-removable portion of the meter socket or at the individual meter
main disconnect. The marking shall be the same as the mailing address for each
unit. The owner or developer shall be responsible for electricity delivered through
unmarked, illegible or incorrectly labeled meter sockets. All expenses incurred by
the Utilities related to correcting improperly labeled meters will be billed to the
developer or owner whose responsibility it shall be to pay such expenses within
30 days of receipt of said billing.
8 .2 . 9. Commercial Meter Sockets
8 .2 . 9. 1 . This section describes requirements for commercial self-contained meter
sockets. In addition to the requirements in this section, installations not exceeding
320-amp meter socket rules in Section 8 .2 . 8 — Residential Meter Sockets shall
apply. All installations exceeding 320 amps shall follow rules in Section 8 . 3 —
Current Transformer (CT) Metering Equipment.
8 .2 . 9.2 . All commercial self-contained meter sockets, single and three-phase, shall be
cold sequenced. For cold sequence metering requirements, see Section 8 .6 .
8 .2 . 9.3 . The owner or his agent shall install the meter socket (furnished by the
Utilities). The owner shall furnish a one-inch conduit from the meter socket to the
phone room and a one-inch conduit from the secondary side of the transformer to
an accessible point inside the building near the meter installation for future use by
the Utilities.
8 .2 . 10. Electrical Ratings
8 .2 . 10. 1 . All sockets/housings shall be rated 300 Volts or 600 Volts as detailed in
ANSI C. 12 . 7 .
8 .2 . 10.2 . All sockets/housings shall have a minimum 10,000 ampere AISC rating.
Installations other than single family residential and mobile home parks shall
contact the Electric Meter Shop for maximum available short-circuit current,
which shall determine whether a higher AISC rating is necessary.
8 .2 . 10.3 . Meter sockets shall accommodate a minimum #4/0 AWG service conductor.
8 .2 . 11 . Construction
8 .2 . 11 . 1 . All line side compartments shall accommodate Fort Collins Utilities ' seal
regardless of whether the compartment is designed to house a meter.
8 .2 . 11 .2 . A temporary meter cover plate is required. No metallic material is
8 .2 . 11 .3 . A flash shield is required for 277/480 Volt services .
8 .2 . 11 .4 . All meter housings shall be outdoor weather-resistant type.
8 .2 . 12 . Covers
8 .2 . 12 . 1 . Each socket in a multi-socket stack shall have an individual cover and
sealing provision.
8 .2 . 12 .2 . Only one-piece ringless covers are acceptable.
8 .2 . 12 .3 . Covers shall be designed for sealing with a padlock type seal and removable
without removing any screws, bolts, or nuts.
8 .2 . 12 .4 . Cover shall be designed to prevent removal of any portion without first
removing the seal.
8 .2 . 13 . Jaws and Terminal Block
8 .2 . 13 . 1 . Any tension springs shall be permanently captive.
8 .2 . 13 .2 . Lugs/terminals shall be suitable for use with copper or aluminum conductors .
8 .2 . 13 .3 . Lugs shall be hex-head type with captive bolts.
8 .2 . 14. All meter sockets shall be equipped with a lever bypass with the same rating as the
meter socket. Horn bypass meter sockets are expressly prohibited.
8.3. Current Transformer (CT) Metering
8 . 3 . 1 . General
8 .3 . 1 . 1 . For loads exceeding 320 Amps meter sockets will be furnished by the
Utilities and installed by the owner or his agent. Metering will be instrument
transformer rated, with instrument transformers furnished by the Utilities. The
owner or his agent shall furnish and install a one-inch conduit from the meter
socket to the instrument transformer location.
8 . 3 . 1 .2 . Instrument transformers and associated equipment such as enclosures, racks,
poles, cable, terminations, insulators, etc. , for primary metering shall be at the
expense of the customer on a non-refundable basis. The owner or his agent shall
install the meter socket (furnished by the Utilities), and shall furnish and install a
one-inch conduit from the meter socket to the instrument transformer location.
The owner shall furnish a one-inch conduit from the meter socket to the phone
room and a one-inch conduit from the secondary side of the transformer to an
accessible point inside the building near the meter installation for future use by
the Utilities . If the meter socket is located more than 50 feet in one direction from
the location of the instrument transformers, contact Electric Meter Shop for
8 . 3 . 1 .3 . Each meter socket and panel shall be plainly and permanently marked to
indicate which unit it supplies. The labeling shall be located or attached to the
exterior non-removable portion of the meter socket or at the individual meter
main disconnect. The marking is to be the same as the mailing address for each
unit. The owner or developer will be responsible for electricity delivered through
unmarked, illegible or incorrectly labeled meter sockets. All expenses incurred by
the Utilities related to correcting improperly labeled meters will be billed to the
developer or owner, whose responsibility it shall be to pay such expenses within
30 days of receipt of said billing.
8 . 3 . 1 .4 . Current transformers (CTs) are required if load (main size) is over 320 amps .
CT and meter socket location must be approved by Fort Collins Utilities before
installation. Under no circumstances will CTs or PTs be installed on secondary
overhead lines, in padmounted transformers or inside gutters, raceways, or
enclosures not designated for instrument transformers. Contact Electric Project
Engineering with any questions on suitable locations. All CTs will be furnished
by Fort Collins Utilities for installation by the customer. All CT' s, except in
primary metering instances, are owned and maintained by Fort Collins Utilities.
When CTs are to be mounted in the customer' s switchgear, dimensions of the
cross section of bus where CTs are to be installed shall be submitted to the Fort
Collins Utilities Electric Meter Shop for proper CT sizing. If the customer' s
switchgear is located indoors or below grade, the CTs shall be located outdoors in
a service cabinet or wall mounted CT enclosure that is readily accessible for Fort
Collins Utilities personnel at all times. CTs are not allowed in any transformers.
8 . 3 . 1 .5 . In the event that CTs are mounted on buss bars, in customer switchgear or
CT cabinets, the customer will provide a suitable terminal for a # 12 copper wire
on the neutral (and on each phase conductor in the case of window-type rather
than bar-type CTs). Such terminals may consist of any appropriate lug or a # 10
screw type terminal.
8 .3 . 1 .6 . All CT rated installations shall have a conduit from the electric meter socket
to the customers ' phone room which will be installed by the builder.
8 .3 . 1 .7 . Any exception to the CT-metering practices outlined above or below will
require the approval of Fort Collins Utilities Electric Meter Shop prior to
8 .3 .2. CT Cabinet Requirements - General
8 .3 .2. 1 . Where CT cabinets are required, they will be furnished and installed on the
outside of an exterior wall by the customer.
8 .3 .2.2 . The size of the cabinet shall allow a minimum bending space in accordance
with Section 312 of the National Electric Code. For minimum dimensions of all
types of CT cabinets and types of CTs, reference Tables 8- 1 , 8-2, 8-3 , and 8-4.
Table 8-2 : 3 Phase 4 Wire 120/208V
Table 8-1 : Single Phase 120/240V or 240V
Amps Height Width Depth Type Amps Height Width Depth Type
400 18 24 9 B 400 30 30 9 B
600 40 24 9 B 600 40 30 9 B
800 48 30 11 B/W 800 48 30 11 B/W
1200' 60 33 13 W 1200 48 33 11 W
1600 1 60 33 13 W 1600 60 33 11 W
148x48xl2 may also be used 2000 60 39 15 W
3000 75 39 24 W
Table 8-3 : 3 Phase 4 Wire 277/480V Table 8-4 : 3 Phase 4 Wire 277/480V with
PT's mounted outside CT Compartment) integral PT mounting provisions
Am s Hei ht Width Depth Type Amps Heigh Width Depth, Type
400 40 30 9 B 400 48 36 15 B
600 48 30 11 B 600 48 36 15 B
800 48 36 11 B/W 800 48 36 15 B/W
1200 60 33 11 W 1200 60 51 24 W
1600 60 39 15 W 1600 75 63 24 W
2000 75 39 24 W 2000 75 63 24 W
3000 90 39 24 W 3000 75 63 24 W
Tables Notes:
1 . CT Type — Bar (B) or Window (W). When ordering a cabinet for window-type CTs, the customer is required to
supply bars and mounting brackets.
2. All dimensions are listed in inches.
8 . 3 .2.3 . CT cabinets shall be rated and factory labeled "NEMA 3R". They shall also
be UL listed as Instrument Transformer or CT Enclosure.
8 .3 .2.4 . CT cabinets shall be rated 600 volts maximum and shall have a grounding lug.
8 . 3 .2.5 . The CT cabinet shall have hinged door(s) . CT cabinet doors shall be supplied
with a hasp to accept a Fort Collins Utilities padlock (5/ 16" diameter shackle).
All raceways and compartments ahead of the entrance shall also be sealable.
8 .3 .2.6 . CT cabinets shall incorporate a provision (lug or terminal) for bonding line
and load side service neutrals together and to the cabinet. This termination shall
also include a terminal for connecting # 12 AWG solid or stranded copper wire to
the neutral conductor within the enclosure for the purpose of providing a
secondary neutral for the meter.
8 .3 .2.7 . CT cabinets shall be installed immediately adjacent to the associated meter
socket(s) . A minimum clearance will be provided in front of the CT cabinet to
fully open the door and have at least three feet of working space. A minimum
clearance from finished grade to bottom of the CT cabinet shall be no less than 12
inches. The installation height of the CTs and/or PTs shall be between 24 inches
minimum and 72 inches maximum measured from the center of the CTs to
finished grade.
8 .3 .2. 8 . The phase arrangement on a 3 -phase installation shall be A, B, C left-to-
right, top-to-bottom when viewed from the front of the switchgear, except for a 3 -
phase, 4-wire delta system in accordance with 2014 NEC® Article 408 . 3 (E)
Exception, or as may be amended. The high-leg of a 3 -phase, 4-wire delta system
shall be installed in the right-hand phase position for vertical bus or the bottom
phase position for horizontal bus in the switchgear CT compartment.
8 .3 .2.9 . CTs must be installed with the white dot (H- 1 ) facing the line side (towards
the transformer) . Any variance from these requirements must have approval of
the Electric Meter Shop.
8 . 3 .2. 10 . Installations of 800 amp rating and below shall have mounting provisions for
an ABB Type CMF bar-type CT or ABB type CMV urn style CT. If urn type used
then a minimum 12" length removable bus section and CT support angles shall be
provided. The removable bus section shall have an enclosed screw type
compression terminal to accommodate a minimum # 12 AWG metering potential
8 . 3 .2. 11 . Installations from 1000 to 4000 amp rating shall have a minimum 12 " length
removable bus section and CT support angles which will accommodate an ABB
Type CLC window-type CT. The removable bus section shall have an enclosed
screw type compression terminal to accommodate a minimum # 12 AWG
metering potential conductor.
8 .3 .2. 12 . Split core or clamp-on CTs for utility metering purposes are expressly
8 . 3 . 3 . Wall Mounted CT Cabinet Requirements
8 . 3 . 3 . 1 . In addition to the General CT Cabinet Requirements wall mounted CT
cabinets shall meet the requirements in this section.
8 . 3 . 3 .2 . 277/480V services greater than 320 amps may require Potential
Transformers (PTs). A CT cabinet with integral PT mounting provisions is the
preferred equipment (See table 8-4 for minimum dimensions). External PT
enclosures require approval by Fort Collins Utilities Electric Meter Shop . PT
mounting height must not exceed 6 feet. No electrical conductors may be in front
of PTs.
8 .3 .4. Switchgear Mounted CT Cabinet Requirements
8 . 3 .4. 1 . In addition to the General CT Cabinet Requirements switchgear mounted CT
cabinets shall meet the requirements in this section.
8 .3 .4.2 . A metering neutral lug, which will accommodate one # 12 AWG solid
through two # 10 AWG stranded wires for the metering neutral conductors, shall
be available near the front of the CT compartment so that it can be safely accessed
even if the switchgear is energized.
8 . 3 .4.3 . All instrument transformer compartments shall have barriers between all
adjacent areas . All panels providing access to unmetered conductors shall have
fasteners that cannot be removed from the exterior.
8 .3 .4.4 . 277/480V switchgear shall be manufactured with factory-installed provisions
for unobstructed mounting of PTs inside the same compartment as CTs .
8 .3 . 5 . Service Connection Cabinets
8 . 3 . 5 . 1 . In addition to the General CT Cabinet Requirements service connection
cabinets shall meet the requirements in this section.
8 . 3 . 5 .2 . Single point services to multiple buildings may be metered with a pad-
mounted service connection cabinet with or without customer disconnect switch.
The use of a service connection cabinet with a customer disconnect switch
provides the ability for the customer to de-energize their own service for
equipment maintenance without calling the Utilities to schedule an outage. It also
allows the metering and service disconnect to be located at a point that is
mutually advantageous to both the customer and the Utilities.
8 . 3 . 5 .3 . All buildings shall be served from the same transformer.
8 .3 . 5 .4 . The maximum metered load shall not exceed 4000 amps .
8 .3 . 5 . 5 . Installations of 800 amps and less shall have mounting provisions for an
ABB Type CMF bar-type CT.
8 .3 . 5 .6 . Installations from 1000 to 4000 amp rating shall have a minimum 12 " length
removable bus section and CT support angles which will accommodate an ABB
Type CLC window-type CT. The removable bus section shall have an enclosed
screw type compression terminal to accommodate a minimum # 12 AWG
metering potential conductor.
8 . 3 . 5 . 7 . The customer shall install the pad and padmounted secondary connection
8 .3 . 6. CT Wiring and Communications Conduit
8 .3 . 6. 1 . In all CT metering cases, the customer will furnish and install a minimum 1
inch conduit between the meter socket and the CT location for use by Fort Collins
Utilities. Fort Collins Utilities will install and terminate conductors from the CT
secondary to the meter socket using customer-furnished conduit. The customer
will not install any conductors in this conduit. The maximum distance (total
length of conduit run) will be 50 feet with no more than three 90-degree bends in
a single pull section. If distance exceeds 50 feet, contact Electric Meter Shop for
8 .3 . 6.2 . In all commercial CT metering cases the customer will also furnish and
install a minimum 3/4 inch conduit between the meter socket and the main phone
room in the facility.
8.4. Mobile Home Parks — Meter Pedestals
8 . 4 . 1 . This section covers mobile home park installations utilizing single position and
ganged meter pedestals.
8 .4 .2. All permanent meter pedestals shall be a manufactured product for electric metering
purposes. For temporary electric services refer to Section 4 .2 .6 — Temporary Service.
8 .4. 3 . All manufactured meter pedestals shall be NEMA Type 3R rainproof construction
and UL listed.
8 .4.4. Meter pedestals shall meet all requirements listed in Section 8 .2 — Self Contained
Meter Sockets, excluding requirements listed in Section 8 .2 .9 — Commercial Meter
8 . 4 . 5 . Meter pedestals shall have three separate isolated sections for metering equipment,
utility terminations, and customer equipment.
8 . 4 . 6. Meter sockets shall be rated for a minimum of 100 amps.
8 .4. 7. The mounting height from the bottom of the meter to ultimate final grade should be
36 inches .
8 .4. 8 . Each meter position shall be plainly and permanently marked to indicate which unit
it supplies . The marking is to be the same as the mailing address for each unit. The
owner or developer will be responsible for electricity delivered through unmarked or
incorrectly labeled meter sockets.
8 .4. 9. Expenses incurred by the Utilities related to correcting improperly labeled meters
will be billed to the developer or owner, whose responsibility it shall be to pay such
expenses within 30 days of receipt of said billing.
8 .4. 10. All wiring from the customer side of the meter is to be installed, owned and
maintained by the owner. The point of delivery shall be the source side terminals of
the meter socket.
8 .4. 11 . The Utilities will install, own, operate and maintain circuits and equipment up to the
point of delivery.
8 .4. 12 . The Utilities shall have Utilities -sealed access to the meter socket.
8 .4. 13 . The customer shall own, maintain and operate all breakers, receptacles and other
devices on the customer side of the point of delivery.
8.5. Commercial Meter Pedestals
8 . 5 . 1 . This section covers meter pedestals in commercial applications that shall be rated for
a minimum of 100 amps but no more than 320 amps.
8 . 5 .2. All commercial meter pedestals shall adhere to requirements in Section 8 .4 with
additional requirements as follows :
8 . 5 .2. 1 . Pedestal shall have a lever bypass as required for all meter sockets.
8 . 5 .2.2 . Pedestal material shall be constructed of stainless steel.
8 . 5 . 3 . Any exception to the meter pedestal requirements outlined above will require the
approval of Fort Collins Utilities Electric Meter Shop prior to installation.
8.6. Cold Sequence Metering
8 . 6 . 1 . This section covers the requirements for installations containing line-side disconnects
i.e. cold sequence metering).
8 . 6 .2. The cold sequence disconnect shall be furnished, owned, and maintained by the
8 . 6 . 3 . Cold sequence disconnects shall be installed on the same wall directly ahead of and
within 24 inches of the electric meter.
8 . 6 .4. Cold sequence disconnects shall contain provisions for a Utility wire seal for the
cover and a Utility padlock in the operating handle "Off' position. Wire seals are
used to secure the enclosure from unauthorized entry and to allow the customer
emeWencX access only. The padlock will only be used to lock disconnects in the off
position for services that are shut off.
8 . 6 . 5 . Cold sequence disconnects shall not be used as the service disconnecting means and
shall not be operated by the customer except for emergency conditions.
8 . 6 . 6 . Acceptable cold sequence disconnects include a load-make/load-break safety or
pullout switch and shall be ahead of each individual meter as shown in Figure 8-2 . In
cases where multiple commercial meter sockets are part of a commercially
manufactured unit, it is acceptable to have a single main disconnect acting as a cold
sequence/main disconnect. In these cases, each individual meter socket shall have a
service disconnect (Figure 8- 1 ).
Figure 8-1 - Ganged Meter Socket Cold Sequence Metering
Figure 8-2 - Meter Sockets Served by Common Service Conductor
8 . 6 . 7. As stated in NEC Article 230. 82, the cold sequence disconnect shall be capable of
interrupting the load served. The ampere rating of the cold sequence disconnect shall
not exceed the amp rating of the meter socket.
8 . 6 . 8 . Acceptable customer service disconnects may include fault current-limiting fuses
ahead of each individual meter. Current-limiting fuses shall be selected to limit faults
to 10,000 symmetrical RMS amps at the meter. A fault-current-limiting breaker may
be utilized provided that a fault current analysis report performed and signed by a
registered professional engineer is submitted and approved by Fort Collins Utilities
Electric Meter Shop. Fault current calculations in report shall be based on worst case
utility electric system and transformer impedance.
8.7. Parallel Generation Metering
8 . 7 . 1 . If satisfactory metering is not otherwise provided, the Utilities may install and
maintain meters at a mutually agreed upon location to measure the integrated demand
and kilowatt-hours.
8 .7 .2. If the Operator sells to a purchasing utility, such metering shall be approved by the
Utilities and PRPA, and shall record and indicate the integrated demand as
determined by the Utilities and shall measure kilowatt-hours.
8 .7 . 3 . Meters for measure of reactive volt-ampere hours may be required by the Utilities if
deemed appropriate.
8 . 7 .4. All meter equipment, installation, ownership and administration costs thereof shall be
borne by Operator, including costs incurred by the Utilities for inspecting and testing
such equipment.
8 .7 . 5 . All billing meters used to determine the billing of sales to a purchasing utility shall
be sealed. Seals shall only be broken by Utilities personnel for the purposes of meter
testing, inspection, adjustment, or other maintenance .
8 .7 . 6. The Utilities shall, at the Operator's expense, inspect and test all meters upon their
installation and thereafter as determined necessary by Utilities.
8 .7 . 7. If requested to do so by the Operator or the purchasing utility, the Utilities shall
inspect or test a meter more frequently than the standard Utilities practice, but the
expense of such inspection or test shall be borne by the Operator.
8 .7 . 8 . All billing meters shall be installed and operated in accordance with the terms and
conditions of PR-PA and the purchasing utility.
9. Construction Coordination Sequence
9. 1 . General
9 . 1 . 1 . Construction coordination and scheduling is the responsibility of the developer and
owner/builder. To ensure maximum economy in construction, the sequence of
installation of utilities, streets, driveways, sidewalks, etc. , must be coordinated with
the Utilities.
9. 1 .2 . Increased construction costs incurred by the Utilities due to the lack of economic
scheduling or construction coordination will be charged to the developer or
9 . 1 . 3 . In general, underground utilities should be installed from deepest to shallowest, i.e.
the deepest utility should be installed first, the second deepest second, etc.
9. 1 .4. The underground utility installation sequence diagram included herein illustrates the
typical construction plan and profile, along with typical developer and owner/builder
sequence steps . This diagram is provided as a guide to assist the developer and the
owner/builder. Actual construction sequences must be coordinated with the Utilities
on a project by project basis.
9. 1 . 5 . Changes or additions to the electric system due to development deviations will be
made at the expense of the developer or owner. A development deviation is any
variation from the prescribed sequence of development that increases the cost of
construction for the Utilities.
9.2. Prerequisite to Construction
9.2 . 1 . The developer shall grant easements for the installation of the Utilities ' facilities.
9.2 .2. All lot corners pertaining to the underground system must be staked and all final
grading on the service lines and easements completed before work will be started.
Curb (except for radius sections), gutter and final grade, adjacent to and 15 feet from
the property side of the curb, must be completed prior to the installation of the
electric facilities .
9.2 . 3 . Concrete curb and sidewalks must be cured a minimum of 7 days to prevent damage
thereto .
9.3. Street Crossing Option
9.3 . 1 . Upon the approval of the Utilities, a developer may install conduits at street
crossings. This option expedites the development process when street paving is
scheduled before the underground electrical system can be installed.
9.3 .2. The Utilities will specify the locations of such crossings and provide all materials to
the developer.
9.3 . 3 . All crossings must be inspected and approved by the Utilities. A credit will be issued
to the developer in the amount of the net savings realized by the Utilities due to the
developer's installation of the conduits.
9 . 3 .4. The developer/owner/agent is responsible for the cost and repair or replacement of
damaged or unusable conduit in street crossings provided for installation of electric
and joint use facilities .
9.4. Trenching Option
9 .4 . 1 . At the discretion of the Utilities, the developer or owner may be required to furnish
all necessary trenches, excavations and backfills to meet the requirements established
by the Utilities for the underground electric system. A credit will be given based on
trenching costs to the Utilities in average soils.
9.4.2. All trenches dug by the developer or owner will be inspected and approved by the
Utilities prior to the installation of conduits and conductors . The Utilities will, in
these cases, approve the backfill material and installation. If the excavated material
contains rock, the developer will be required to supply proper backfilling material.
9.4. 3 . It is the developer or owner's responsibility to coordinate all work, including the
inspection of trenches and backfill. The Utilities reserves the right to test compaction
or depth at the cost of the developer or owner.
9.5. Joint Use Construction
9. 5 . 1 . In cases where the electric trench is to be used for the installation of communications
or other utility facilities, plans shall be made with the Utilities for inclusion in the
final electrical design prior to the developer's request for scheduling and a minimum
of two weeks prior to the date that electric construction is to begin.
9 . 5 .2 . The initial planning, coordination and implementation of a joint use agreement with
the Utilities shall be the responsibility of the developer, owner and or third party
utility desiring joint use trench.
9. 5 . 3 . The Utilities will not offer joint use to those who have not completed the
coordination of their planning with the joint use parties.
9. 5 .4. Joint use costs will be charged to the owner/developer or third party utility to recover
engineering service, construction, installation of facilities, maintenance and
administrative costs.
10. Easements
10. 1 .By making application for electric service, the customer agrees to grant or arrange for
an easement on the customer' s property for the installation, operation and
maintenance of electric lines, wires and other equipment of the Utilities necessary to
render service to the customer.
10.2.When requested by the Utilities, the customer shall without expense to the Utilities
make or procure a conveyance to the Utilities of satisfactory easements across the
property owned or controlled by the customer for the Utilities ' lines or extensions
thereof necessary or incidental to the furnishing of service to the customer.
10.3.If such installation must be made on or over the property of a third party, it shall be
the responsibility of the customer to obtain an easement for the Utilities from the
third party before the installation can be made and service rendered.
10.4.If, after service is originally rendered, the customer' s property is divided in such a
manner that part of the property no longer has access to the right-of-way of the
Utilities ' distribution system, the customer shall reserve an easement for the benefit
of the Utilities so that the Utilities may render electric service to such isolated parcel.
10.5.In the case where an easement has been granted and electric distribution facilities
have been installed, the parties seeking to have such easement changed shall pay the
Utilities the actual cost for relocation of the electric distribution facilities and shall
provide the necessary alternative rights-of-way.
11 . Interconnection of Qualifying Parallel Generation Facilities
11 . 1 .Application
Any Qualifying Facility (see definitions) may interconnect with, operate in parallel
with, or transmit over the Utilities ' facilities as provided herein.
11 . 1 . 1 . Each Qualifying Facility shall make application to the Utilities and obtain written
approval of entrance location, number of phases, voltage number and types of
meters, and underground or overhead connection before making commitments to
equipment purchases and before the start of construction.
11 . 1 .2 . The Operator of each Qualifying Facility shall obtain a Permit-to-Operate from
Utilities prior to final parallel connection and operation with the Utilities ' electric
distribution system.
11 .2.Initial Start-Up
11 .2 . 1 . Each Qualifying Facility shall notify the Utilities of the initial energizing and start-up
test of the Qualifying Facility's generating equipment. The Utilities shall have the
right to be present at such test.
11 .2 .2 . Notice of such initial energizing and start-up test shall be given by the Qualifying
Facility to the Utilities at a reasonable time prior to such event.
11 .2 . 3 . No Qualifying Facility shall operate in parallel with the Utilities ' system until all
relays, controls and other devices, as required by the Utilities, have been installed
and all safety standards and testing requirements have been met. Upon satisfactory
inspection of interconnection facilities, final written approval to operate shall be
provided by the Utilities in the form of a Permit-to-Operate.
11 .3.Facility Design and Construction
11 . 3 . 1 . The Operator shall design, construct, install, own, operate and maintain the Facility
and all equipment needed to generate and deliver energy and capacity except for any
special facilities constructed, installed and maintained by the Utilities.
11 .3 .2 . The Operator shall construct, install, own and maintain interconnection facilities and
system protection facilities as required for the Utilities to provide for system
capacity, safety and operation.
11 .3 . 3 . The Facility shall meet all requirements of applicable codes and all standards of
prudent electrical practice and the requirements of the Utilities . Such requirements
may include locks, seals, breakers, protective relaying, automatic synchrometers and
disconnecting devices .
11 .3 .4. The Qualifying Facility operator shall submit all of the Facility's specifications to the
Utilities for review and approval prior to connecting the Facility to the Utilities
system. The Utilities ' review of the Operator's specifications shall not be construed
as confirming nor endorsing the design, or as any warranty of safety, durability or
reliability of the Facility.
11 .3 . 5 . The Operator agrees that, upon demand of the Utilities, the Operator shall change its
Facility to comply with changing requirements of the Utilities ' system.
11 .4.Facility Operation and Maintenance
11 .4. 1 . The Operator shall operate and maintain its Facility according to prudent electrical
practices and shall generate or otherwise supply such reactive power necessary to
maintain a 95% power factor to maintain voltage levels and reactive support to the
11 .4.2 . If the Operator is unable or unwilling to provide such reactive power, the Utilities
may do so at the Operator's expense or may disconnect the Facility without notice.
11 .4. 3 . Facility operation shall be such that its electrical operation parameters are within the
Utilities ' system operating parameters at the point of Facility interconnection with
the Utilities.
11 .5.Changes in Facility or Capacity Rating
11 . 5 . 1 . The Operator shall advise the Utilities and PRPA of any proposed changes in its
Facility or its capacity rating prior to making such changes.
11 . 5 .2 . Such changes shall be made in accordance with the City Code and these rules and
regulations as if the changes were a new Facility.
12. Working Adjacent To Overhead Lines
12. 1 .Any person, customer, business, or other party working within ten ( 10) feet of
overhead power lines carrying more than 600 volts shall provide 72 hours of notice to
the Utilities of such work.
12.2.The Utilities shall coordinate the efforts to cover up or in some manner to make such
lines safe for the work or activity.
12.3.The customer, person, business or party shall pay all costs associated with making
such lines safe.
12.4.Failure to notify the Utilities 72 hours in advance of any activity within 10 feet of
overhead lines, shall relieve the Utilities of all responsibility or liability for accidents,
injuries or damages arising through or from such activities.
13. Locate Policy
Fort Collins Utilities facilities shall only be located by Fort Collins Utilities Locating
personnel. Colorado State laws pertaining to location of facilities shall be followed when
any parties are performing any construction or excavation.
14 . Contractor Access to Transformer Secondary Compartments
The Utilities will not provide access to energized transformer compartments. All
contractor work performed in the secondary compartment of the transformer shall be
completed while the transformer is de-energized in accordance with Fort Collins
Utilities Light & Power Safety Manual. In order to schedule the de-energization of the
transformer for contractor-requested work, contractors are required to provide 72 hours
of notice to the Utilities.
15. Other Rules and Regulations
These standards are intended to supplement and not alter applicable sections of the Municipal
Code. If a conflict does occur, the Municipal Code shall apply.
16. Design Drawings
Design drawings identified below are attached as appendices to this document and
marked with the identified title. A description of the requirements included in the
drawing is included. These design drawings are intended to either visually enhance
requirements already discussed or to establish requirements that are referenced in earlier
sections of the Electric Service Standards .
ESS- 1 shows requirements for an underground service meter installation.
ESS-2 shows requirements for temporary electric service installations.
ESS-3 shows what differentiates Single and Multiple Occupancy.
ESS-4 shows clearance requirements for padmounted transformers from buildings,
windows, doors, etc .
ESS-5 shows clearance requirements for padmounted transformers from combustible
walls, fire-resistant barriers, etc.
ESS-6 shows clearance requirements for padmounted transformers from fire escape
doors, decorative combustible enclosures, etc .
ESS-7 shows clearance requirements for oil filled equipment from aesthetic screening
ESS-8 . 1 and ESS-8 .2 show access and work clearance requirements for vaults and
padmounted equipment.
ESS-9 shows the underground utility installation sequence with attached sidewalk.
ESS- 10 shows the underground utility installation sequence with detached sidewalk.
17. Modifications
Whenever there are practical difficulties involved in carrying out the requirements
described in the design drawings referenced in Section 16 of the Electric Service
Standards, a Utilities official shall have the authority to grant modifications for
individual cases, upon application of the developer, provided such Utilities official finds
that the proposed design plan is in compliance with the intent and purpose of the Electric
Service Standards and that such modification does not lessen health, accessibility, life
and fire safety, or reliability. The details of action granting or denying modification
requests shall be recorded and entered in the Utilities department files.
18. Appeals
The Utilities Executive Director is authorized to hear and decide appeals of decisions
made by the Utilities official relative to the application and interpretation of the
requirements contained in the design drawings referenced at Section 16 of the Electric
Service Standards. When a developer desires relief from a decision of the Utilities
official, such developer must first apply for a modification under Section 17 above, and
receive a notice of decision on that request from the Utilities official. If after receiving a
modification decision a developer desires to seek further relief, such developer may
appeal the subject modification decision to the Utilities Executive Director stating that
such decision was based on erroneous interpretation of the requirements contained in the
design drawings referenced at Section 16 of the Electric Service Standards. Such appeal
must be filed in writing with the Utilities Executive Director within ten days of the
developer' s receipt of notice that the Utilities official has denied the developer' s
modification request. The Utilities Executive Director is authorized to rule in favor of
the developer when the Utilities Executive Director determines that the interpretation of
the applicable requirements was erroneous or when the Utilities Executive Director
determines an alternative design or plan is equivalent to the requirements prescribed by
the applicable design standard considering effectiveness, fire resistance, durability,
safety, health and reliability.
Building Site Charges - Charges for installing electric service lines from the street to the
residential meter or commercial transformer. Off-site facilities (kVA load) charge, primary
service charge, and secondary service charge are collectively referred to as "building site
charges. "
Cold Sequence Disconnect — A disconnect installed on the line side of the metering
equipment capable of interrupting the load served.
Commercial service construction — Any service used primarily for the operation of a
business or, regardless of use or purpose, requiring over 200 amps or three phase is a commercial
or industrial service.
Development Charges - Charges for providing primary electric service to the lot corner of
the site, including the cost of streetlight construction. Off-site facilities, primary charge and
streetlight charge are collectively referred to as "development charges. "
Excavation - Any operation in which earth is moved or removed by means of any tools,
equipment or explosives and includes, but is not limited to, auguring, backfilling, ditching,
drilling, grading, plowing-in, pulling-in, ripping, scraping, trenching and tunneling.
Off Site Facilities - Delivers electric power from main substations to subdivisions and load
Off Site Facilities Charge - Cost to bring primary electric power from main substations to
subdivisions and load areas.
Point of Delivery - That point beyond which the customer is responsible for installation,
maintenance and field locating of electrical equipment. Except as otherwise specified in these
Electric Service Standards, the point of delivery for residential construction applications is the
source side of the electric meter socket termination lugs. For commercial and industrial service
applications, the point of delivery is the secondary lugs or spades of the distribution transformer,
or, if existing, it is the nearest junction box/vault installed by Utilities serving the load at issue.
For primary metered customers, the point of delivery is the source-side terminations in customer-
owned switchgear or as otherwise designated by Utilities.
Primary Charge - Cost to bring primary electric power at primary voltage from the
subdivision boundary to the internal loads in the subdivision.
Primary Electric Service - All cable, enclosures, switches and associated apparatus
necessary to provide primary service to the transformers or primary bus from the primary feeder.
Primary Feeder - Delivers electric power at primary voltage to the subdivision or individual
load from the off-site facilities .
Primary Service Charge - Cost to bring primary voltage electric cable to padmounted
transformers or building vaults on customer's premises.
Redevelopment - New construction on a site on which development charges have not
previously been paid, or as determined by the Utilities.
Residential service construction- Any single phase service for the exclusive use of the
individual customer for domestic purposes . Any service application requiring over 200 amps, or
three phase, regardless of purpose, is a commercial or industrial service.
Secondary Electric Service - Electric distribution service cables of 600 volts and below
from the transformer to the customer's metering point.
Secondary Service Charge - Cost to bring electric distribution service cables of 600 volts
and below from the transformer to the customer's metering point.
Streetlight Charge - The charge for the installation of new streetlights. Streetlights are
installed in accordance with the City of Fort Collins' Design Criteria and Standards for Streets.
Temporary Service - Temporary service is defined as electric service provided for a short-
term need, such as that service required by such customers as special events or festivals,
construction contractors, and similar enterprises .
UL - Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc.
Utilities - The City of Fort Collins Utilities (the Utilities).
1 . These working clearances apply to both overhead and
underground services. Refer to section 8 for both Gas meter ...if
residential and commercial locations and clearances.
2' min:
clearance Remote
2. Customer to provide min. 2" SCH . 80 riser, locking min .
assembly and slip coupling on 90°C PVC conduit thermal r '1';.I meter
clearance f.
rating. j
3. If builder's plans call for a deck or patio, electrician shall 1PPC
extend conduit beyond edge of slab or deck.3' min.
4. Sleeve/boring to be provided by contractor if driveway is
0. :' :; :: .: .': ' :: : `: ,• • r:: ; • ;
poured prior to service installation.
5. 2" x 4" blocks between studs are required. Anchor box to Clear working L
building frame at top & bottom . space
6. Meter sockets shall accommodate a #4/0 AWG service
All non-current carrying Riser should enter box through
metallic parts to be T left or right knockout to facilitate
bonded to neutral and training of 4/0 service wire. Use
effectively grounded . of bottom center knockout is a
non-preferred option . Provide 6" Water meter remote
I cable slack @ service entrance should be on street
for possible future grade settingi side of electric meter.
2' min working
clearance from meter.
See note 5
3' min .
I `
5. iCU
2I L` A z 'cc
E 3' min
Builders are
encouraged to
install natural gas Min . 3' radius from gas regulator
meters on the o
to electric meter and socket (not
opposite side of the I
includin cable in pvc riserpipe. ) k
house from the
electric service.
24" 1 : min .FRONT VIEW
I 30" between gas &
1L min .
electric lines
Conduit or conductor —
At least 2' of clear space is required on each side of the electric meter socket, with 3' of clear Light & Power
area required in front of the meter. this clear space shall extend from the final grade up to the
required 6' clearance. Obstructions that can hinder maintenance or reading of meters such as
Date: 04/05/2013 Rev No: 001
wood piles, stairways, window wells or other debris are prohibited within this clear space. Drawn By: J Spaulding Appr By:
Specification No: 001 .0
Service address shall be
prominently displayed on
the temporary service
installation .
Service equipment furnished k 'f'
and installed by Utilities
For commercial installations
36" length of conductor shall be a 4 ' minimum
supplied so that termination can
be made within the secondary
vault. The wires may be cut by
Utilities for proper installation .
Final grade .
Secondary vault.
Driven ground
Submersible rod (% x 8' )
in- line splice . is furnished
and installed
3 conductors-#6 AWG minimum . by Utilities .
Conductors will be installed
and terminated in the pedestal
by Utilities
1 . Weatherproof, 3 wire , cabinets , 2- 120v GFI outlets and 1 -240v GFI outlet are required and shall meet NEC
requirements :
A. Ground fault circuit interrupters are required on all outlets .
B . Neutral bus shall be bonded to ground bus with minimum #6 Copper.
C . Driven ground rod required for proper GFCI function .
2 . Pedestal and ground rod furnished and installed by Fort Collins Utilities . Installation shall be outside Utility
easment and shall be not less than 6' from the service pedestal .
3 . Temporary service installations subject to cold load requirements .
4 . Installation may be inspected by City of Fort Collins Building Inspector.
5 . Coordinate access to transformer enclosures with Utility personnel .
6 . Temporary power requirements larger than 50A will be approved by Electrical
Engineering , equipment provided by the customer, electrician , and inspected
by the Building Inspector. FQ"t COI in$ ESS-2
7 . Refer to section 11 of Fort Collins Utilities Electric Service Standards .00 &
8 . Ground fault circuit interrupter ( GFCI ) shall be subject to trip test to verify Date: 04/05/2013 Rev No: 001
proper operation . Drawn By: J Spaulding Appr By:
Specification No: 002.0
Single vs .Multiple Occupancy
Single Occupancy - Residential Service
Lot 1 2 3 4
Individual meter for
each residence
Ganged Meters in
one location
Lot 1 2 3 4
Shared wall between two residences
Multiple Occupancy - Commercial Service
Lot 1 2
Ganged Meters in Shared walls between more
one location than two residences
E - Utility Transformer Secondary Box/Vault Residential Structure
Secondary Wire Service Wire Lot Boundary
Notes of
1 . Residential Service - Utility owns secondary and service wire. Point of Delivery is source side lugs of the meter
1 ` C011 r1S E$$-3socket. Customer owns and maintains meter socket and all other equipment on the load side of the utility owned
meter as described in Section 5. 1 of the Electric Service Standards. Light & Power
2. Commercial Service - Utility owns transformer and , if present, the secondary wire between the transformer and
the first secondary vault. Point of Delivery is the secondary lugs or spades of the transformer, or, if existing, the Date: 04/07/2016 Rev No: 001
nearest junction box/vault installed by Utilities. Customer owns and maintains all equipment, except for the utility
owned meter, on the load side of the Point of Delivery. Drawn By: A Bromley Appr By:
Specification No: 004.0
Included in this construction class are wood framed brick veneered buildings , metal clad steel framed buildings , asbestos cement board walled metal framed
buildings, and masonry buildings with one hour fire rating . Oil insulated , pad - mounted transformers may be located a minimum distance of 3 ' from
non -combustible walls if all the following clearances are maintained from doors , windows, and other building openings . If a combustible first floor overhang exists,
a 10 ' radial distance from the edge of the transformer to the edge of the overhang shall be required in addition to the other clearances shown .
Air kd! 10'
r is 3'
Window510, 10C .
3 r.'.' .' r':.'.'.'.'. . ::::.'.'.'.'3
i :
L'. .'::: ".'.'.'. :::.r
i: : : : : : : : : : : : : : 3 3
3' 10' Doorwa 10' 10'
Oil insulated , pad - mounted transformers shall not be located within a zone extending 20 ' outward and 10 ' to either side of a building door .
Oil insulated , pad - mounted transformers shall not be located within a zone extending 10 ' outward and 10 ' to either side of an air intake opening located within 10 '
of the ground . If the air intake opening is located more than 10 ' above the ground , the distance from the transformer to the opening shall be a minimum of 25 '
In some situations, the clearance for windows shown below may be impossible to obtain . If the preferred clearances can not be obtained , it may be reduced to a
minimum of 3 ' from the building wall provided the following additional requirements are met :
All windows shall be considered combustible and any oil filled equipment shall not be placed below an operating window . There shall be NO exceptions .
If a window is non - operating and in a non - combustible wall , then the bottom of the window must be located a minimum of twice the height of
the oil filled equipment above the ground .
Non - operating windows in a combustible wall must also be located a minimum of twice the height of the oil filled
equipment above the ground and a fire - resistant barrier must be utilized .
FIRST STORY OPENINGS kCi ` ESS-4Oilinsulated , pad - mounted transformers shall not be located within a zone extending 10 ' outward and 3 ' to either
side of a building window or opening other than an air intake door.
SECOND STORY OPENINGS Date: 03/02/2016 Rev No: 002
Oil insulated , pad - mounted transformers shall not be located less than 5 ' radially from any part of a second story window Drawn By: J Spaulding Appr By: A Bromley
or opening other than an air intake . Oil filled equipment shall not be placed below an operating window .Specification No: 003.0
Included in this construction class are wood buildings and metal clad buildings with wood frame construction .
Oil insulated , pad-mounted transformers shall be located a minimum of 10' from the building wall in addition to
the clearance from building doors , windows , and other openings set for for noncombustible walls . If a combustible
first floor overhang exists , a 10' radial distance from the edge of the transformer to the edge of the overhang
combination of vertical and horizontal distance) shall be required in addition to the other clearances shown .
Edge of
10 '
Height of Transformer W
Included in this class are reinforced concrete , brick, or concrete block barrier walls with a 3 hour fire rating . If
the clearance from openings specified above cannot be attained , a fire resistant barrier shall be constructed in
lieu of the separation . The barrier (when required ) is provided by the customer. The barrier shall extend so as to
completely protect the opening . As a guideline , projection lines can be extended from the pad-mounted equipment
to verify that the barrier completely protects the opening .
L-W f
2W --- .
The barrier shall extend 3' beyond each side of the oil insulated , pad-mounted transformer. The height of the
barrier shall be 3 above the top of the pad-mounted transformer. If a combustible first floor overhang exists , the
2' specified shall be measured from the edge of the overhang rather than from the building wall .
l1S ESS -5
Light & Power
Added distance 2'
3.Date: 04/05/2013 Rev No: 001
due to Overhang 3, . • . . Drawn By: J Spaulding Appr By:
Specification No: 005.0
Oil insulated pad-mounted transformers shall be located such that a minimum clearance of 20' is maintained
from fire escapes at all times .
Eecape Door
1d;• 26, ' i
Exception : Oil insulated , pad-mounted transformers may be located closer to a fire escape than the minimum
when a fire resistant barrier is constructed around the transformer (side walls and roof) . The barrier shall extend
a minimum of 1 ' beyond the transformer. The transformer and barrier shall not in any way obstruct the fire
escape exit . 10' clearance is required in front of pad-mount transformer doors . Adequate transformer
accessibility and ventilation shall be provided . If transformer is installed underneath a fire escape , maintain 10'
vertical clearance .
For all transformers larger than 300 kVA, the minimum horizontal
clearance shall be 10 feet from the farthest projection of the
overhang to the ground . Smaller transformer may be placed closer
to the building if the balcony is greater than 25' in height. No
padmounted device shall be located under any overhang that will
prevent the use of equipment normally used for installation
or changeouts .
Decorative combustible enclosures (fence) installed by the customer around oil
insulated , pad-mounted transformers adjacent to a combustible building wall C4 f
UnS ESS -6shallnotextendmorethan24" beyond the transformer towards the customer
wall . A 10' clearance is required in front of pad-mounted transformer doors . ugnt & P°Wer
Adequate transformer accessibility and ventilation shall be provided . Date: 04/05/2013 Rev No: 001
Drawn By: J Spaulding Appr By:
Specification No: 006.0
4 d
6" x 12" EACH , EVERY 2' OF WALL d
d b INSIDE @ 6" - 18" ABOVE GRADE
d v11dd18dd .r C G
8' CLEAR :':':::::':::':
1 -PHASE 7' 75-750kVA 3'
L-OPTION GATE\ 3-PHASE 10' 1000kVA 4'
For optimal performance (cooling , reliability, economics , safety) Fort Collins Utilities prefers to install padmount transformers
in the open with minimal obstruction to airflow and away from occupied buildings as detailed on previous pages . However, to
accommodate a customer's desire for aesthetic screening , Fort Collins Utilities allows enclosures to be built and maintained
at customer expense around padmount installations when the following guidelines are met:
Such enclosures are built on private property outside of street rights-of way , platted/dedicated easements , or restrictive
utility easements . Enclosures must be structurally sound and built to required local building codes .
For fences/enclosures along 2 or more sides of a padmount transformer, a minimum clear space measuring 3' horizontally
from the edge of the pad will be required to the inside of enclosure walls on all sides .
A gated opening is permitted along the front (operating side ) . Gates shall provide an opening for the full width of the pad for
full operating and removal access to padmounts . In all cases , at least 8' of clear space is required in front of each pad for
adequate hotstick operating space . A minimum 3' wide exit route shall remain clear when gates are in their fully opened
position , Gates shall remain free of locks , other than Utility locks , that would inhibit access by utility personnel . Gates shall
provide ventilation openings constructed of mesh , bar, louver,or similar ventilating material or, if solid , by a 6" gap above
grade to the bottom of the gate .
When constructed of conductive materials , walls/gates shall be bonded to the transformer LV neutral/ground with a minimum
6 bare cooper buried at least 6" below grade .
For adequate air circulation and cooling of the transformer, the top of the enclosure shall remain open . Additionally, both end
walls and the back shall have air ventilation openings provided at 6"- 18" above grade equivalent in cross-sectional area to one
6" x 12" opening every 2 feet of fence/enclosure length inside and evenly spaced along the full length .
Customers shall maintain/clear the area immediately adjacent to these air-vents , i . e . no material storage , trash bins , weeds/
grass or other debris shall be allowed to block free air flow through the required vents .
Such enclosures ( with vent openings near the bottom ) can also serve as fire barriers
when they meet all other requirements for that application .
Trash dumpsters/bins will not share the same enclosure with padmount transformers , ESS-7
i . e . they will have a wall between and separate access opening . ignt & Fower
Date: 04/05/2013 Rev No: 001
To provide clear access by boom truck for transformer removal and replacement
through the opening , maximum distance from pad and opening to paved access drive Drawn By: J Spaulding Appr By:
area shall be 12 feet for small kVA sizes ; proportionally closer for larger transformers . specification No: 007.0
W . .W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . no . . . . W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
0 . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . .0 . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . .0 . . . . . . . . . . 0 .
8' 8 ' ' :.'.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.
4' X 8' VAULT
T X 6'
3 . . . . .
OVAL VAULT 3' . . . . . 3' . . . . . .2 . . . . . . . SECONDARY 2'COMPOSITE
n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
L1NE.OF.. . . . . . . . .
6 . . 8' VA( 7LiD . . . .'.'. . 2' 6 8". .'.'.'.'.'.'.'. . . .'. .VAUL7LID
w to
EE••NOTE. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'...'.'.'.'.'.EA :hl tF•2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . .
0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . 0 .
4 .
6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
00 . . . . 0 . . . . 00 . . . . 0 . . . . . . 0 . . . . . 0 . . . . 00 . . . . 0 . . . . 0 . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . 00 . . . . 0 . . . . . 0
10' .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8'
5 . . . FIBERGLASS 5 . . . . . 8
10 .'. . . . . . . . . . . . 6' .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.' :. ' :.:.:. 8
6' . .
SEE;NOTE 2).:.:.:.:.:. . . . .:.:.:. :.:.:. . . . . . . . .:.:.:.:.:.:.:. . . . . . . . . . .:
1 . In the event of an equipment failure or power outage , it is necessary for utility crews to have adequate access to vaults and padmount
equipment for safe operation and repair work. Minimum clearance to the operating sides shalll be 8 feet; access to the non-operating
sides/rear shall be maintained in accordance with dimensions shown above . No trees, shrubs , fences , large landscape rocks, or other InS ESS -8. 1obstructionsshallbepermittedinaccessarea.
Light & Power
2 . NESC (C2-2012) Rule 384C: Bond all above ground metallic power and communication cases or pedestals that are
Date: 04/05/2013 Rev No: 001
separated by 6 feet or less; use minimum #6 bare copper direct buried a minimum of 18" below grade.
Drawn By: J Spaulding Appr By:
Specification No: 008. 1
75-750kVA PADMOUNT 1000-2500 kVA PADMOUNT
g '.'.'.'.'.'. ' .'.'.'.'.'.'. ' . '.'.'.'.'.'. ' . '.'.'.'.'.'.' . q .'.'.'.'. ' . '.'.'.'.'.'. ' . '.'.'.'.'.'.' . '.'.'.'.'.'.. . . . . .
3 . . . . 3 . . . . . . .
L — L j
3 .:.:.:.:.:. : .:.:.:.:.:. . .
L - - L - - J
q . . . . . . . q . . . . .
D:ECAL: •S:tDE: . .'.'.'
75-750 kVA 3- PHASE PADMOUNT 1000-2500 kVA 3- PHASE PADMOUNT
1 . In the event of an equipment failure or power outage , it is necessary for utility crews to have adequate access to padmounted
transformers for safe operation and repair work. Minimum clearance to the operating sides shall be 8 feet; access to the non-operating
sides/rear shall be 3 feet for 75-750kVA transformers, and 4 feet for transformers 1000kVA and larger. No trees, shrubs, fences, large
landscape rocks , or other obstructions shall be permitted in access area. CR Y1 f
61 ` ESS-8,2
2 . NESC (C2-2012) Rule 384 C: Bond all above ground metallic power and communication cases or pedestals that are
separated by 6 feet or less; use minimum #6 bare copper direct buried a minimum of 18" below grade.
Light & Power
Date: 04/05/2013 Rev No: 001
Drawn By: J Spaulding Appr By:
Specification No: 008.2
Fort Collins, Colorado
SEQUENCE:10. Traffic control (if applicable)
1 . Grade street to sub grade 11 . Gas 1 . Rough grade
2. Rough grade to easement line 12. Sidewalk 2. Sewer service
3. Stake property corners 13. Telephone 3. Water service
4. Sewer and sewer services 14. Cable TV 4. Foundations
5. Water mains 15. Curb radius 5. Electric service
6. Final grade and temp. roadbase 16. Roadbase (final) 6. Gas service
7. Curb/walk - except radius 17. Pavement 7. Telephone service
8. Water services 18. Street signs 8. Sprinkler system
9. Electric (and telephone if joint trench) 19. Landscaping 9. Drives
10. Landscaping
1 . When applicabe, storm drainage lines and other facilities or special conditions must be coordinated .
2. No scale to the drawing below. All measurements shown are minimums.
z a w w a w m a z
z U LL z Z LL _U z w
LUW cc O w O ¢
Y O Q 00 Oww
0 m
W Q a w g j Q w
m LL m LL ILL! 0
SETBACK E .` • : : E
T Typical)
c ¢ I I m
z W
m 13' .• . •'. ROADWAY -
w GR NAREA j v . w
BUILDING cYi w o o cYi w
t - - - - - - - - - - - - - TELEPHONE CROSSING FROM REAR LOT LINE) y
sroP eox STOP Box
ift ESS -9
Light & Power
Date: 04/05/2013 Rev No: 001
Drawn By: J Spaulding Appr By:
Specification No: 009.0
Fort Collins, Colorado
1 . Grade street to sub grade
11 . Gas 1 . Rough grade
2. Rough grade to easement line 12. Telephone 2. Sewer service
3. Stake property corners 13. Cable TV 3. Water service
4. Sewer and sewer services 14. Curb radius 4. Foundations
5. Water mains 15. Roadbase (final) 5. Electric service
6. Final grade and temp. roadbase 16. Pavement 6. Gas service
7. Curb - except radius 17. Street signs 7. Telephone service
8. Water services 18. Landscaping 8. Sprinkler system
9. Electric (and telephone if joint trench) 9. Drives
10. Traffic control (if applicable) 10. Landscaping
1 . When applicabe, storm drainage lines and other facilities or special conditions must be coordinated.
2. No scale to the drawing below. All measurements shown are minimums.
W V! p W O Q JO W UJ
f/1 IQ
fn W LL N 3 LL W W
E E r,'y
i . Ekt
F, o
Z m
J: . : I m
w v;' ROADWAY iT: p w
I W I D 11.Om
w G
w E E
G w
O1 4.5'
f - - - - - - - - - - - - TELEPHONE CROSSING FROM REAR LOT LINE) y
Cw l
VI ` CAM ESS =10
Light & Power
Date: 04/05/2013 Rev No: 001
Drawn By: J Spaulding Appr By:
Specification No : 010.0