WHEREAS, the City Council is empowered and directed by Article XII, Section 6;of the
City Charter to fix, establish, maintain and provide for the collection of such rates, fees or
charges for utility services furnished by the City as will produce revenues sufficient to pay the
costs, expenses and other obligations of the electric utility, as set forth therein; and
WHEREAS, the rates, fees or charges for utility services set forth herein are necessary to
produce sufficient revenues to provide the utility services described herein; and
WHEREAS, the revenue from the rates, fees or charges for utility services set forth
herein shall be used to defray the costs of providing such utility services as required by the
Charter and the City Code; and
WHEREAS, the City purchases bulk wholesale electric power from Platte River Power
Authority ("PRPA") pursuant to an Amended Contract for Supply of Electric Power and Energy,
dated September 1, 2010; and
WHEREAS, PRPA costs are increasing due to reduced wholesale market prices and
surplus sales, increased costs for coal, and increased operating costs for aging plants; and
WHEREAS, PRPA will increase the City's wholesale cost of power approximately 3.0%
in 2017; and
WHEREAS, the increased wholesale power cost will require an average 2.2% rate
increase and increased local distribution costs will require an additional average 1.25% rate
increase, for a total City electric rates increase in 2017 of 3.45% in order to remain consistent
with Article XII, Section 6, of the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, the proposed rate increase will vary by customer class based on the cost of
service to each class; and
WHEREAS, in addition to adjusting the electric rates in the City Code, Utilities staff has
identified formatting and maintenance updates to Chapter 26 of the City Code necessary to
improve the clarity with which electric rates are stated; and
WHEREAS, the Energy Board considered the proposed electric rates, fees, and charges,
and language clarifications for 2017 at its October 6, 2016 regular meeting and provided a
recommendation of approval to City Council; and
WHEREAS, the City Manager and staff have recommended to the City Council the
following electric rate adjustments and City Code rate language clarifications for all electricity
used by GS50 and GS750 rate class customers on or after January 1, 2017, and for all other
customer classes for all billings issued with meter readings on or after January 1, 2017; and
WHEREAS, based on the foregoing, it is the desire of the City Council to amend Chapter
26 of the City Code to revise the electric rates, fees and charges.
FORT COLLINS as follows:
Section 1. That the City Council hereby makes and adopis the determinations and
findings contained in the recitals set forth above.
Section 2. That Sections 26-464 (c) through (f) and (p) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins are hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-464. Residential energy service,schedule R.
c) Monthly rate. The monthly rates for this schedule shall be the sum of the
following charges:
1) Fixed Charge Per account $5.79
2) Distribution facilities charge Per kWh $0.0256
3) Energy and demand charge
a. Summer. During the summer season billing months of June, July and August, with the
summer season billing month determined by the month the meter is read, and provided that no
customer shall be billed more than three(3) full billing cycles at the summer rate.
1. Tier I - for the first five hundred (500) kilowatt hours Per kWh $0.0634
per month
Per kWh $0.0807
2. Tier 2 - for the next five hundred (500) kilowatt hours
per month
Per kWh $0.1 150
3. Tier 3 - for all additional kilowatt hours per month
b. Non-summer. During the non-summer season billing months of January through May
and September through December.
1. Tier 1 -for the first five hundred(500) kilowatt hours Per kWh $0.0583
per month, per kWh Per kWh $0.0625
2. Tier 2 - for the next five hundred(500) kilowatt hours
per month, per kWh
3. Tier 3 - for all additional kilowatt hours per month, per
Per kWh $0.0719
4) Payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) and franchise.
6 percent
A charge based on all monthly service charges billed pursuant to this Section
d) Medical assistance program.
3) The discounted monthly rates for customers with electrical durable
medical equipment only shall be the sum of the following charges:
a. Fixed Charge Per account $5.79
b. Distribution facilities charge Per kWh $0.0256
c. Energy and demand charge
I. Summer. During the summer season billing months of June,July and August, with the
summer season billing month determined by the month the meter is read, and provided
that no customer shall be billed more than three(3) full billing cycles at the summer
a) Tier l - for the first five hundred (500) kilowatt hours Per kWh $0.0358
per month
Per kWh $0.0807
b) Tier 2 - for the next five hundred (500) kilowatt hours
per month
Per kWh $0.1 150
c) Tier 3 -for all additional kilowatt hours per month
2. Non-summer. During the non-summer season billing months of January through May
and September through December.
a) Tier 1 -for the first five hundred (500) kilowatt hours Per kWh $0.0318
per month, per kWh
b) Tier 2 -for the next five hundred (500) kilowatt hours
Per kWh $0.0625permonth, per kWh
c) Tier 3 - for all additional kilowatt hours per month, per Per kWh $0.0719
d.Payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) and franchise.
A charge based on all monthly service charges billed pursuant to this Section
6 percent
4) The discounted monthly rates for customers with medical needs requiring
air conditioning only shall be the sum of the following charges:
a. Fixed Charge Peraccount $5.79
b. Distribution facilities charge Per kWh $0.0256
c. Energy and demand charge
1. Summer. During the summer season billing months of June,July and August, with
the summer season billing month determined by the month the meter is read, and
provided that no customer shall be billed more than three (3) full billing cycles at
the summer rate.
a) Tier I - for the first five hundred (500) kilowatt hours Per kWh $0.0351
per month
Per kWh -$0.0446
b) Tier 2 - for the next five hundred (500) kilowatt hours
per month
Per kWh $0.1150
c) Tier 3 - for all additional kilowatt hours per month
2. Non-summer. During the non-summer season billing months of January through
May and September through December.
a) Tier I -for the first five hundred (500) kilowatt hours Per kWh $0.0583
per month, per kWh
b) Tier 2 - for the next five hundred (500) kilowatt hours
per kWh $0.0625
per month; per kWh
c) Tier 3 -for all additional kilowatt hours per month, per Per kWh $0.0719
d. Payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) and franchise.
A charge of all monthly service charges billed pursuant to this Section
6 percent
5) The discounted monthly rates for customers with electrical durable
medical equipment and medical needs requiring air conditioning shall be the sum
of the following charges:
a. Fixed Charge Per account $5.79
b. Distribution facilities charge Per kWh $0.0256
c. Energy and demand charge
1. Summer. During the summer season billing months of June, July and August, with
the summer season billing month determined by the month the meter is read, and
provided that no customer shall be billed more than three (3) full billing cycles at
the summer rate.
a) Tier I - for the first five hundred (500) kilowatt hours Per kWh $0.0229
per month
Per kWh $0.0292
b) Tier 2 - for the next five hundred (500) kilowatt hours
per month
Per kWh $0.1150
c) Tier 3 - for all additional kilowatt hours per month
2. Non-summer. During the non-summer season billing months of January through
May and September through December.
a) Tier I -for the first five hundred (500) kilowatt hours
Per kWh $0.0318
per month, per kWh
b) Tier 2 - for the next five hundred (500)kilowatt hours Per kWh $0.0625
per month, per kWh
c) Tier 3 -for all additional kilowatt hours per month, per Per kWh $0.0719
d. Payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) and franchise.
A charge based on all monthly service charges billed pursuant to this Section
6 percent
e) Renewable resource. Renewable energy resources, including, but not limited to,
energy generated by the power of wind, may be offered on a voluntary basis to customers
at the premium per kilowatt hoar set forth in this Subsection (e). The utility may establish
and offer voluntary programs designed to increase and enhance the use of energy
generated by renewable energy resources in support of Council-adopted policy applicable
to the utility.
Per kWh 0.025
f) Excess capacity charge. The monthly capacity charge kilowatt set forth in this
Subsection (f) may be added to the above charges for service to intermittent loads in
accordance with the provisions of the Electric Service Standards.
Per kW
p) Net metering.
5) The customer-generator's consumption of energy from the utility and
production of energy that flows into the utility's distribution system shall be
measured on a monthly basis. The energy consumed from the utility by the
customer-generator shall be billed at the applicable seasonal tiered rate as outlined
in Subsection (c) of this Section. The energy produced by the customer-generator
shall be credited to the customer monthly as follows:
a. Distribution facilities credit Per kWh $0.0256
b. Energy and demand credit Per kWh $0.0634
r) Net metering—community solar projects.
3) Both the customer's consumption of energy from Fort Collins Utilities and
interest in the production of energy that flows into Fort Collins Utilities'
distribution system shall be measured on a monthly basis. The energy consumed
from Fort Collins Utilities by the customer shall be billed at the applicable
seasonal tiered rate as outlined in Subsections (c) and (d) of this Section. The
energy produced by the customer's portion of the qualifying facility shall be
credited to the customer monthly as follows:
1. Distribution facilities credit Per kWh $0.0128
2. Energy and demand credit Per kWh $0.0634
Section 3. That Sections 26-465 (c) through (f) and (q) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins are hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-465. Residential demand service,schedule RD.
c) Monthly rate. The monthly rates shall be the sum of the following charges:
1) Fixed Charge Per account $5.79
2) Demand charge Per kW $2.44
3) Distribution facilities charge Per kWh $0.0228
4) Energy charge
a. Summer season billing months of June, July and August Per kWh $0.0443
b. Non-summer season billing months of January through May per kWh $0.0425andSeptemberthroughDecember
c. The meter reading date shall generally determine the summer
season billing months; however, no customer shall be billed
more than three (3) full billing cycles at the summer rate.
5) Payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) and franchise.
A charge based on all monthly service charges billed pursuant to this Section
6 percent
d) Renewable resource. Renewable energy resources, including, but not limited to,
energy generated by the power of wind, may be offered on a voluntary basis to customers
at the premium per kilowatt hour set forth in this Subsection (d). The utility may establish
and offer voluntary programs designed to increase and enhance the use of energy
generated by renewable energy resources in support of Council-adopted policy applicable
to the utility.
Per kWh 0.025
e) E.vicess capacity charge. The monthly capacity charge kilowatt set forth in this
Subsection (e) may be added to, the above charges for service to intermittent loads in
accordance with the provisions of the Electric Service Standards.
Per kW 2.09
f) Standby service charges. Standby service, if available, will be provided on an
annual contract basis at a level at least sufficient to meet probable service demand (in
kilowatts) as determined by the customer and approved by the utility according to the
1) Monthly standby distribution charge:
Contracted standby service, this charge shall be in lieu
per kW 2.11ofthedistributionfacilitiescharge.
For all metered kilowatts in excess of the contracted
per kW 6.33
q) Net metering.
5) The customer-generator's consumption of energy from the utility and
production of energy that flows into the utility's distribution system shall be
measured on a monthly basis. The energy consumed from the utility by the
customer-generator shall be billed at the applicable seasonal tiered rate as outlined
in Subsection (c) of this Section. The energy produced by the customer-generator
shall be credited to the customer monthly as follows:
a. Distribution facilities credit Per kWh $0.0256
b. Energy and demand credit Per kWh $0.0634
r) Net metering-comnumity solar projects.
3) Both the customer's consumption of energy from Fort Collins Utilities and
interest in the production of energy that flows into Fort Collins Utilities'
distribution system shall be measured on a monthly basis. The energy consumed
from Fort Collins Utilities by the customer shall be billed at the applicable
seasonal tiered rate as outlined in Subsection (c) of this Section. The energy
produced by the customer's portion of the qualifying facility shall be credited to
the customer monthly as follows:
1. Distribution facilities credit Per kWh $0.0128
2. Energy and demand credit Per kWh $0.0634
Section 4. That Sections 26-466 (c) through (e), (q), and (r) of the Code of the City
of Fort Collins are hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-466. General service,schedule GS.
c) Monthly rate. The monthly rates for this schedule shall be the sum of the
following charges:
1. Fixed Charge
a. Single-phase, two-hundred-ampere service Per account $3.60
b. Single-phase, above two-hundred-ampere service Per account $10.61
c. Three-phase, two-hundred-ampere service Per account $5.48
d. Three-phase, above two-hundred-ampere service Per account $12.98
2. Demand charge
a. Summer season billing months of June, July, and August Per kWh $0.0268
b. Non-summer season billing months of January through May Per kWh $0.0164
and September through December
c. The meter reading date shall generally determine the
summer season billing months; however, no customer shall
be billed more than three (3) full billing cycles at the
summer rate.
3. Distribution facilities charge Per kWh $0.0244
4. Energy charge
a. Summer season billing months of June,July, and August Per kWh $0.0443
b. Non-summer season billing months of January through May Per kWh $0.0425
and September through December
c. The meter reading date shall generally determine the
summer season billing months; however, no customer shall
be billed more than three (3) full billing cycles at the
summer rate.
5. Payment in lieu of taxes(PILOT) and franchise.
6 percent
A charge based on all monthly service charges billed pursuant to this
d) Renewable resource. Renewable energy resources, including, but not limited to,
energy.generated by the power of wind, may be offered on a voluntary basis to customers
at the premium per kilowatt hour set forth in this Subsection (d). The utility may establish
and offer voluntary programs designed to increase and enhance the use of energy
generated by renewable energy resources in support of Council-adopted policy applicable
to the utility.
Per kWh 0.025
e) Excess capacity charge. The monthly capacity charge per kilowatt set forth in
this Subsection (e) may be added to the above charges for service to intermittent loads in
accordance with the provisions of the Electric Service Standards.
Per kW
q) Net metering.
5) The customer-generator's consumption of energy from the utility and
production of energy that flows into the utility's distribution system shall be
measured on a monthly basis. The energy consumed from the utility by the
customer-generator shall be billed at the applicable rate as outlined in Subsection
c) of this Section. The energy produced by the customer-generator shall be
credited to the customer monthly as follows:
a. Summer season energy credit Per kWh 0.0443
r) Net metering-community solar projects.
3) Both the customer's consumption of energy from Fort Collins Utilities and
interest in the production of energy that flows into Fort Collins Utilities'
distribution system shall be measured on a monthly basis. The energy consumed
from Fort Collins Utilities by the customer shall be billed at the applicable
seasonal tiered rate as outlined in Subsection (c) of this Section. The energy
produced by the customer's portion of the qualifying facility shall be credited to
the customer monthly as follows:
1. Distribution facilities credit Per kWh $0.0122
2. Energy and demand credit Per kWh $0.0443
Section 5. That Sections 26-467 (c) through (f) and (r) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins are hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-467. General service 25, schedule GS25.
c) Monthly rate. The monthly rates, for this schedule shall be the sum of the
following charges:
1. Fixed Charge
a. Single-phase, two-hundred-ampere service Per account $3.60
b. Single-phase, above two-hundred-ampere service Per account $10.61
c. Three-phase, two-hundred-ampere service Per account $5.48
d. Three-phase, above two-hundred-ampere service Per account $12.98
2. Demand charge
a. Summer season billing months of June, July, and August Per kW 8.28
b. Non-summer season billing months of January through Per kW 4.74
May and September through December
c. The meter reading date shall generally determine the
summer season billing months; however, no customer
shall be billed more than three (3) full billing cycles at
the summer rate.
3. Distribution facilities charge Per kwh $0.0185
4. Energy charge
a. Summer season billing months of June,July, and August Per kWh $0.0443
b. Non-summer season billing months of January through Per kWh $0.0425
May and September through December
c. The meter reading date shall generally determine the
summer season billing months; however, no customer
shall be billed more than three (3) full billing cycles at
the summer rate.
5. Payment in lieu of taxes(PILOT) and franchise.
A charge based on all monthly service charges billed pursuant to this 6 percent
d) Renewable resource. Renewable energy resources, including, but not limited to,
energy generated by the power of wind, may be offered on a voluntary basis to customers
at the premium per kilowatt hour set forth in this Subsection (d). The utility may establish
and offer voluntary programs designed to increase and enhance the use of energy
generated by renewable energy resources in support of Council-adopted policy applicable
to the utility.
Per kWh 0.025
e) Excess capacity charge. The monthly capacity charge kilowatt set forth in this
Subsection (e) may be added to the above charges for service to intermittent loads in
accordance with the provisions of the Electric Service Standards.
Per kW 2.09
f) Standby service charges. Standby service, if available, will be provided on an
annual contract basis at a level at least sufficient to meet probable service demand (in
kilowatts) as determined'by the customer and approved by the utility according to the
1) Monthly standby distribution charge
Contracted standby service, this charge shall be in lieu of the distribution
per kW $3.83facilitiescharge.
For all metered kilowatts in excess of the contracted amount Per kW $1 1.50
r) Net metering.
5) The customer-generator's consumption of energy from the utility and
production of energy that flows into the utility's distribution system shall be
measured on a monthly basis. The energy consumed from the utility by the
customer-generator shall be billed at the applicable rate as outlined in Subsection
c) of this Section. The energy produced by the customer-generator shall be
credited to the customer monthly as follows:
a. Summer season energy credit Per kWh 0.0443
Section 6. That Sections 26-468 (c) through (g), and (u) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins are hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-468. General service 50, schedule GS50.
c) Monthly rate. The monthly rates for this schedule shall be the sum of the
following charges:
1) Fixed Charge Per account $9.08
An additional charge may be assessed if telephone communication
per account $40.00serviceisnotprovidedbythecustomer.
2) Coincident demand charge
a. summer season billing months of June,July and August Per kW 1 1.68
b. non-summer season billing months of January through
per kW 8.90
May and September through December
c. The meter reading date shall generally determine the
summer season billing months; however, no customer
shall be billed more than three (3) full billing cycles at
the summer rate.
3) Distribution facilities charge Per kW 6.25
4) Energy charge
a. Summer season billing months of June, July, and August Per kWh $0.0443
b. Non-summer season billing months of January through Per kWh $0.0425
May and September through December
c. The meter reading date shall generally determine the
summer season billing months; however, no customer
shall be billed more than three (3) full billing cycles at
the summer rate.
5) Payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) and franchise.
A charge based on all monthly service charges billed pursuant to this 6 percent
d) Renewable resource. Renewable energy resources, including, but not limited to,
energy generated by the power of wind, may be offered on a voluntary basis to customers
at the premium per kilowatt hour set forth in this Subsection (d). The utility may establish
and offer voluntary programs designed to increase and enhance the use of energy
generated by renewable energy resources in support of Council-adopted policy applicable
to the utility.
Per kWh 0.025
e) Excess capacity charge. The monthly capacity charge per kilowatt set forth in this
Subsection (e) may be added to the above charges for service to intermittent loads in
accordance with the provisions of the Electric Service Standards.
Per kW
f) Standby service charges. Standby service, if available, will be provided on an
annual contract basis at a level at least sufficient to meet probable service demand (in
kilowatts) as determined by the customer and approved by the utility according to the
1) Standby distribution charge.
a.Monthly standby distribution charge shall be the sum of the
following charges:
Contracted standby service, this charge shall be in lieu of the distribution
per kW r$4.92facilitiescharge.
For all metered kilowatts in excess of the contracted amount Per kW $14.77
g) Excess circuit charge. In the event a utility customer in this rate class desires
excess circuit capacity for the purpose of controlling the available electric capacity of a
backup circuit connection, this service, if available, will be provided on an annual
contract basis at a level at least sufficient to meet probable backup demand (in kilowatts)
as determined by the customer and approved by the utility according to the following:
1) Monthly charge shall be the sum of the following charges:
Contracted backup capacity per month Per kW $1.01
Metered kilowatts in excess of the contracted amount Per kW $3.03
2) In the event the contractual kilowatt limit is exceeded, a new annual
contract period will automatically begin as of the month the limit is exceeded. The
metered demand in the month of exceedance shall become the minimum
contracted demand level for the excess circuit charge.
u) Net metering.
5) The customer-generator's consumption of energy from the utility and
production of energy that flows into the utility's distribution system shall be
measured on a monthly basis. The energy consumed from the utility by the
customer-generator shall be billed at the applicable rate as outlined in Subsection
c) of this Section. The energy produced by the customer-generator shall be
credited to the customer monthly as follows:
a. Summer season energy credit Per kWh 0.0443
Section 7. That Sections 26-469 (c) through (g) and (v) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins are hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-469. General service 750, schedule GS750.
c) Monthly rate. The monthly rates for this schedule shall be the sum of the
following charges:
1) Fixed Charge Per account $15.56
a. Additional charge for each additional metering point Per account $9.50
b. An additional charge may be assessed if telephone
Per account $40.00
communication service is not provided by the customer.
2) Coincident demand charge
a. summer season billing months of June,July and August Per kW 11.51
b. non-summer season billing months of January through
Per kW 8.77
May and September through December
c. The meter reading date shall generally determine the
summer season billing months; however, no customer
shall be billed more than three (3) full billing cycles at
the summer rate.
3) Distribution facilities charge
a. First seven hundred fifty (750) kilowatts Per kW 6.00
b. All additional kilowatts Per kW 3.55
4) Energy charge
a. Summer season billing months of June,July, and August Per kWh $0.0436
b. Non-summer season billing months of January through Per kWh $0.0419
May and September through December
c. The meter reading date shall generally determine the
summer season billing months; however, no customer
shall be billed more than three (3) full billing cycles at
the summer rate.
5) Payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) and franchise.
A charge based on all monthly service charges billed pursuant to this 6 percent
d) Renewable resource. Renewable energy resources, including, but not limited to,
energy generated by the power of wind, may be offered on a voluntary basis to customers
at the premium per kilowatt hour set forth in this Subsection (d). The utility may establish
and offer voluntary programs designed to increase and enhance the use of energy
generated by renewable energy resources in support of Council-adopted policy applicable
to the utility.
Per kWh 0.025
e) Excess capacity charge. The monthly capacity charge per kilowatt set forth in this
Subsection (e) may be added to the above charges for service to intermittent loads in
accordance with the provisions of the Electric Service Standards.
Per kW 2.09
f) Standby service charges. Standby service, if available, will be provided on an
annual contract basis at a level at least sufficient to meet probable service demand (in
kilowatts) as determined by the customer and approved by the utility according to the
1) Standby distribution charge.
a.Monthly standby distribution charges shall be paid in the following
Contracted standby service, this charge shall be in lieu of the distribution Per kW $3.41
facilities charge.
For all metered kilowatts in excess of the contracted amount Per kW $10.24
g) Excess circuit charge. In the event a utility customer in this rate class desires
excess circuit capacity for the purpose of controlling the available electric capacity of a
backup circuit connection, this service, if available, will be provided on an annual
contract basis at a level at least sufficient to meet probable backup demand (in kilowatts)
as determined by the customer and approved by the utility at the following:
1) Monthly charge.
Contracted backu capacity er month Per kW $0.70
Metered kilowatts in excess of the contracted amount Per kW $2.10
v) Net metering:
5) The customer-generator's consumption of energy from the utility and
production of energy that flows into the utility's distribution system shall be
measured on a monthly basis. The energy consumed from the utility by the
customer-generator shall be billed at the applicable rate as outlined in Subsection
c) of this Section. The energy produced by the customer-generator shall be
credited to the customer monthly as follows:
a. Summer season energy credit Per kWh 0.0436
Section 8. That Sections 26-470 (c) through (e), and (s) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins are hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-470. Substation service, schedule SS.
c) Monthly rate. The monthly rates for this schedule shall be the sum of the
following charges
1) Fixed Charge Per account $35.38
2) Coincident demand charge
a. summer season billing months of June,July and August Per kW 1 1.33
b. non-summer season billing months of January through
May and September through December
Per kW 8.64
c. The meter reading date shall generally determine the
summer season billing months; however, no customer
shall be billed more than three (3) full billing cycles at
the summer rate.
3) Distribution facilities charge Per kW 2.87
4) Energy charge
a. Summer season billing months of June,July, and August Per kWh $0.0430
b. Non-summer season billing months of January through Per kWh $0.0412
May and September through December
c. The meter reading date shall generally determine the
summer season billing months; however, no customer
shall be billed more than three (3) full billing cycles at
the summer rate.
5) Payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) and franchise.
A charge based on all monthly service charges billed pursuant to this 6 percent
d) Renewable resource. Renewable energy resources, including, but not limited to,
energy generated by the power of wind, may be offered on a voluntary basis to customers
at a premium per kilowatt hour. The utility may establish and offer voluntary programs
designed to increase and enhance the use of energy generated by renewable energy
resources in support of Council-adopted policy applicable to the utility.
Per kWh 0.025
e) Standby service charges. Standby service, if available, will be provided on an
annual contract basis at a level at least sufficient to meet probable service demand (in
kilowatts) as determined by the customer and approved by the utility at the following
1) Standby distribution charge.
a.Monthly standby distribution charge:
Contracted standby service, this charge shall be in lieu of the distribution
per kW $2.55facilitiescharge.
For all metered kilowatts in excess of the contracted amount Per kW $7.65
s) Net metering.
5) The customer-generator's consumption of energy from the utility and
production of energy that flows into the utility's distribution system shall be
measured on a monthly basis. The energy consumed from the utility by the
customer-generator shall be billed at the applicable rate as outlined in Subsection
c) of this Section. The energy produced by the customer-generator shall be
credited to the customer monthly as follows:
a. Summer season energy credit Per kWh 0.0430
Section 9. That the amendments herein are effective and shall go into effect as
a. - Amended GS50 & GS750 schedule rates shall apply to all electricity used
on or after January 1, 2017;
b.All other amended schedule rates shall apply to all bills issued on the basis
of meter readings on or after January 1, 2017.
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 1st day of
November, A.D. 2016, and to be presented for final passage on the 15th day of November, A.D.
4x 1'*4-1
City Clerk/Gl j/ cp••....•LORA
Passed and adopted on final reading on the 15th day of November, A.D. 2016.
Chief Deputy City Clerk