HomeMy WebLinkAbout017 - 02/19/2019 - ADOPTING THE 2019 AMENDED CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES PAY PLAN TO UPDATE CLASSIFIED POSITIONS AS PROVIDED I 1 ORDINANCE NO. 017, 2019 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS ADOPTING THE 2019 AMENDED CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES PAY PLAN TO UPDATE CLASSIFIED POSITIONS AS PROVIDED IN THE'COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT WITH THE FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE WHEREAS, Section 2-566 of the City Code requires that the pay plan for all classified employees of the City shall'be established by ordinance of the City Council; and WHEREAS, on December 4, 2018, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 146, 2018, approving a pay plan for its classified employees for pay to go into effect the first pay period of January 2019 (the"Pay Plan"); and WHEREAS,on October 2,2018,the City Council adopted Resolution 2018-095 approving a collective bargaining agreement between the City and the Northern Colorado Lodge #3 of the Fraternal Order of Police ("CBA"); and WHEREAS,the CBA contains a provision giving the City until January 5, 2019, to collect market data from several identified benchmark municipalities for the classified positions in the collective bargaining unit;and WHEREAS, such Market data has been collected and analyzed and the recommended salary ranges for the bargaining unit classified employees are available to amend the Pay Plan; and WHEREAS, the amendments to the Pay Plan recommended by the City Manager are consistent with City Council objectives and the Council-approved CBA, including the philosophy of establishing pay ranges by using the average actual salaries for benchmark positions to set the mid-point of pay ranges for those positions; and WHEREAS, the City Council believes that the adoption of the recommended, amended pay plan is in the best interests of the City and further believes that the allocation of individual salaries within the Pay Plan should be related to employee performance. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS as follows: Section 1. That the City Council hereby makes and adopts the determinations and findings contained in the recitals set forth above. Section 2. That the City Council hereby adopts the 2019 Amended City of Fort Collins Classified Employees Pay Plan (the "Amended Plan"), a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit"A" and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 3. That the effective date:of the Amended Plan shall commence no later than the effective date of this Ordinance. -1- Section 4. That the City Manager shall fix the compensation levels of all classified ernployees within the pay levels established in the Amended Plan except to the extent that the City Manager determines, due to performance or other extraordinary circumstances, that the pay level of a particular employee should remain below the minimum or be fixed above the maximum for that employee's job title. Section. 5. That the City Manager shall fix the salary for newly-created positions or positions that are modified due to changes in job duties within the approved pay structure based on results of an objective job analysis. Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 5th day of February,A.D..2019,and to be presented for final passage on the 19t ,day of February,A.D. 2019. Mayor ATTEST: OF FORrCO A "= SEAL City CI Passed and adopted on final reading on the 19th day of February, A.D. 2019. C::�ayyoir ATTEST: O�FORr C, :. V•• N City c SEAL : �o�o�iA�o -2- EXHIBIT A City of CITY OF FORT COLLINS F6rt o i ns PAY PLAN INDEX JOB TITLE LEVEL JOB FUNCTION JOB FAMILY TABLE Accountant II P2 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING 4 Administrator I, Systems P1 TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS 3 Analyst I, Apps Software P1 TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS SOFTWARE 3 Analyst I, Apps Software Dev P1 TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS SOFTWARE 3 Analyst I, Benefits P1 HUMAN RESOURCES BENEFITS 4 Analyst I, Budget P1 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING BUDGET 4 Analyst I, Finance P1 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING FINANCIAL PLANNING & ANALYSIS 4 Analyst I, GIS P1 TECHNOLOGY GIS 3 Analyst I, HRIS P1 HUMAN RESOURCES HRIS 4 Analyst I, Transit Planning P1 PLANNING TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 1 Analyst II, Apps Software P2 TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS SOFTWARE 3 Analyst II, Compensation P2 HUMAN RESOURCES COMPENSATION 4 Analyst II, Finance P2 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING FINANCIAL PLANNING & ANALYSIS 4 Analyst II, GIS P2 TECHNOLOGY GIS 3 Architect, IT Security P4 TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION SECURITY 3 Architect, Landscape P2 PLANNING PARK PLANNING 1 Architect, Technology P4 TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY 3 Asst Superintendent, Parks OT6 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION OUTDOOR SERVICES 1 Auditor II, Sales Tax P2 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING REVENUE 4 Bailiff A2 LEGAL JUDICIAL 4 Business Support I A2 ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION 4 Business Support II A3 ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION 4 Business Support III A4 ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION 4 Buyer I P1 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING PURCHASING 4 Buyer II P2 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING PURCHASING 4 Chemist P1 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING SCIENCES 3 Chief Deputy City Clerk P2 ADMINISTRATION MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION 4 City Clerk M3 ADMINISTRATION MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION 4 City Clerk Administrator A4 ADMINISTRATION MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION 4 City Engineer M3 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 3 City Traffic Engineer M3 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 3 Civil Engineer I P1 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 3 Civil Engineer II P2 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 3 Civil Engineer III P3 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 3 Community Service Officer OT4 PROTECTIVE SERVICES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING UNIT 5B Coordinator, AR / Billing A4 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING 4 Coordinator, Accounting A4 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING 4 Coordinator, Accounts Payable A4 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING 4 Coordinator, Bldg & Dev Review A4 DEVELOPMENT & COMPLIANCE BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 1 Coordinator, Communications A4 MARKETING & CREATIVE SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS 4 Coordinator, Cultural Services A4 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION CULTURAL SERVICES 1 Coordinator, Customer Support A4 CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE 4 Coordinator, Finance A4 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING FINANCIAL PLANNING & ANALYSIS 4 Coordinator, HRIS A4 HUMAN RESOURCES HRIS 4 Coordinator, Outreach A4 PROTECTIVE SERVICES INVESTIGATION 5 Coordinator, Payroll A4 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING 4 Coordinator, Public Engagement A4 CUSTOMER SERVICE OUTREACH 4 Coordinator, Real Estate A4 OPERATIONS FACILITIES & FLEET 2 Court Security Officer OT4 PROTECTIVE SERVICES OPERATIONS 5 Crew Chief, Electric Dist S1 OPERATIONS ELECTRIC UTILITIES 2 Crew Chief, Electric Dist S1 OPERATIONS ELECTRIC UTILITIES 2 Crew Chief, Electric Dist S1 OPERATIONS ELECTRIC UTILITIES 2 Crew Chief, Facilities S1 OPERATIONS FACILITIES & FLEET 2 Crew Chief, Forestry S1 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION OUTDOOR SERVICES 1 Crew Chief, Natural Areas S1 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION OUTDOOR SERVICES 1 Crew Chief, Parks S1 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION OUTDOOR SERVICES 1 Crew Chief, Transportation Ops S1 OPERATIONS TRANSPORTATION 2 Crew Chief, Water Field Ops S1 OPERATIONS WATER UTILITIES 2 Crime Analyst A5 PROTECTIVE SERVICES PROCESSING SUPPORT 5 Criminalist A6 PROTECTIVE SERVICES INVESTIGATION 5 Curator P1 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION CULTURAL SERVICES 1 Deputy City Clerk A5 ADMINISTRATION MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION 4 Deputy Court Administrator S1 LEGAL JUDICIAL 4 Deputy Court Clerk I A3 LEGAL JUDICIAL 4 Deputy Court Clerk II A4 LEGAL JUDICIAL 4 Dir, Economic Sustainability M3 SUSTAINABILITY ECONOMIC SUSTAINABILITY 1 Dir, Electric Distribution M3 OPERATIONS ELECTRIC UTILITIES 2 Dir, Environ Sustainability M3 SUSTAINABILITY ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY 1 Dir, Social Sustainability M3 SUSTAINABILITY SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY 1 Dir, Transportation Operations M3 OPERATIONS TRANSPORTATION 2 Dir, Workforce Safety Security M3 HUMAN RESOURCES WORKFORCE SAFETY & SECURITY 4 Director, Accounting M3 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING 4 Director, Budget M3 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING BUDGET 4 Director, Civil Engineering M3 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 3 Director, Civil Engineering M3 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 3 Director, Communications M3 MARKETING & CREATIVE SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS 4 Director, Cultural Services M3 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION CULTURAL SERVICES 1 Director, FP&A M3 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING FINANCIAL PLANNING & ANALYSIS 4 Director, Facilities & Fleet M3 OPERATIONS FACILITIES & FLEET 2 Director, Human Resources M3 HUMAN RESOURCES TALENT MANAGEMENT 4 Director, Information Services M3 PROTECTIVE SERVICES TECHNOLOGY 5 Director, Park Planning M3 PLANNING PARK PLANNING 1 Director, Parks M3 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION OUTDOOR SERVICES 1 Director, Plant Operations M3 OPERATIONS PLANT OPERATIONS 2 Director, Purchasing M3 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING PURCHASING 4 Director, Recreation M3 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION RECREATION 1 Director, Sciences M3 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING SCIENCES 3 Director, Transit M3 OPERATIONS TRANSPORTATION 2 Director, Water Field Ops M3 OPERATIONS WATER UTILITIES 2 Electrical Engineer I P1 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 3 Electrical Engineer II P2 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 3 Electrical Engineer III P3 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 3 Electrician OT4 OPERATIONS FACILITIES & FLEET 2 Emergency Commun Dispatcher OT4 PROTECTIVE SERVICES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING UNIT 5A Engineer I, Fiber P1 TECHNOLOGY FIBER 3 Engineer I, Network P1 TECHNOLOGY NETWORK 3 Engineer II, Network P2 TECHNOLOGY NETWORK 3 Engineer II, Systems P2 TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS 3 Exec Assistant To The City Mgr P1 ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION 4 Executive Admin Assistant A5 ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION 4 Inspector, Code Compliance OT3 DEVELOPMENT & COMPLIANCE COMPLIANCE 1 Investigative Aide A5 PROTECTIVE SERVICES INVESTIGATION 5 Lab Assistant OT1 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING SCIENCES 3 Lead Analyst, Utility Rate P4 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING UTILITY 4 Lead Coord, Utility Rate/Fee A6 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING UTILITY 4 Lead Inspector, Construction OT6 DEVELOPMENT & COMPLIANCE COMPLIANCE 1 Lead Park Ranger S1 PROTECTIVE SERVICES OPERATIONS 5 Lead Rep, Customer Support A5 CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE 4 Lead Spc, Cultural Services P3 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION CULTURAL SERVICES 1 Lead Spc, Employee Relations P3 HUMAN RESOURCES TALENT MANAGEMENT 4 Lead Spc, Env Sustainability P3 SUSTAINABILITY ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY 1 Lead Spc, Process Improvement P3 ADMINISTRATION PROJECT MANAGEMENT 4 Lead Spc, Soc Sustainability P3 SUSTAINABILITY SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY 1 Lead Spc, Special Events P3 DEVELOPMENT & COMPLIANCE NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES 1 Lead Specialist, Compliance P3 DEVELOPMENT & COMPLIANCE COMPLIANCE 1 Lead Specialist, Forestry P3 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION OUTDOOR SERVICES 1 Lead Specialist, Marketing P3 MARKETING & CREATIVE SERVICES MARKETING 4 Lead Specialist, Natural Areas P3 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION OUTDOOR SERVICES 1 Lead Specialist, Occptnl Hlth P3 HUMAN RESOURCES WORKFORCE SAFETY & SECURITY 4 Lead Specialist, Safety P3 HUMAN RESOURCES WORKFORCE SAFETY & SECURITY 4 Lead Specialist, Sciences P3 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING SCIENCES 3 Lead Specialist, Security P3 HUMAN RESOURCES WORKFORCE SAFETY & SECURITY 4 Lead Tech, Graphic Design A6 MARKETING & CREATIVE SERVICES MEDIA 4 Lead Technician, Sciences A6 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING SCIENCES 3 Lead Technician, Video Prod A6 MARKETING & CREATIVE SERVICES MEDIA 4 Legal Assistant A3 LEGAL LEGAL 4 Locator, Elec Dist - Field Ops OT1 OPERATIONS ELECTRIC UTILITIES 2 Manager, Active Modes M1 PLANNING TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 1 Manager, Applications Software M1 TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS SOFTWARE 3 Manager, Apps Software Dev M1 TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS SOFTWARE 3 Manager, Broadband M1 OPERATIONS BROADBAND 2 Manager, City Planning M1 PLANNING CITY PLANNING 1 Manager, Civil Engineering M1 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 3 Manager, Civil Engineering M1 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 3 Manager, Client Services M1 TECHNOLOGY CLIENT SERVICES 3 Manager, Construction Inspect M1 DEVELOPMENT & COMPLIANCE COMPLIANCE 1 Manager, Cultural Services M1 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION CULTURAL SERVICES 1 Manager, Customer Support M1 CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE 4 Manager, Econ Sustainability M1 SUSTAINABILITY ECONOMIC SUSTAINABILITY 1 Manager, Elec Distr Hi Voltage M1 OPERATIONS ELECTRIC UTILITIES 2 Manager, Env Sustainability M1 SUSTAINABILITY ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING 1 Manager, Environ Planning M1 PLANNING ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING 1 Manager, FP&A M1 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING FINANCIAL PLANNING & ANALYSIS 4 Manager, GIS M1 TECHNOLOGY GIS 3 Manager, Graphic Design M1 MARKETING & CREATIVE SERVICES MEDIA 4 Manager, Historic Preservation M1 PLANNING CITY PLANNING 1 Manager, Marketing M1 MARKETING & CREATIVE SERVICES MARKETING 4 Manager, Network Engineering M1 TECHNOLOGY NETWORK 3 Manager, Payroll M1 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING 4 Manager, Plant Operations M1 OPERATIONS PLANT OPERATIONS 2 Manager, Public Engagement M1 CUSTOMER SERVICE OUTREACH 4 Manager, Real Estate M1 OPERATIONS FACILITIES & FLEET 2 Manager, Recreation M1 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION RECREATION 1 Manager, Sciences M1 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING SCIENCES 3 Manager, Systems Admin M1 TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS 3 Manager, Systems Engineering M1 TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS 3 Manager, Talent Acquisition M1 HUMAN RESOURCES TALENT MANAGEMENT 4 Manager, Talent Development M1 HUMAN RESOURCES TALENT MANAGEMENT 4 Manager, Technical Proj Mgmt M1 ADMINISTRATION PROJECT MANAGEMENT 4 Manager, Traffic Engineering M1 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 3 Manager, Transit M1 OPERATIONS TRANSPORTATION 2 Manager, Transit Planning M1 PLANNING TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 1 Manager, Transportation Ops M1 OPERATIONS TRANSPORTATION 2 Manager, Video Production M1 MARKETING & CREATIVE SERVICES MEDIA 4 Manager, Water Field Ops M1 OPERATIONS WATER UTILITIES 2 Manager, Wellness M1 HUMAN RESOURCES BENEFITS 4 Master Electrician OT6 OPERATIONS FACILITIES & FLEET 2 Mechanical Engineer I P1 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 3 Mechanical Engineer III P3 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 3 Municipal Court Administrator S2 LEGAL JUDICIAL 4 Municipal Court Case Worker A5 LEGAL JUDICIAL 4 Natural Areas Trail Ranger OT4 PROTECTIVE SERVICES OPERATIONS 5 Officer I, Enforcement OT2 PROTECTIVE SERVICES OPERATIONS 5 Officer I, Transportation Ops OT2 OPERATIONS TRANSPORTATION 2 Officer II, Enforcement OT3 PROTECTIVE SERVICES OPERATIONS 5 Operator I, Transit OT2 OPERATIONS TRANSPORTATION 2 Operator I, Transportation Ops OT2 OPERATIONS TRANSPORTATION 2 Operator ll, Transit OT3 OPERATIONS TRANSPORTATION 2 Operator II, Transportation Op OT3 OPERATIONS TRANSPORTATION 2 Paralegal A6 LEGAL LEGAL 4 Park Ranger OT4 PROTECTIVE SERVICES OPERATIONS 5 Partner, Human Resources P2 HUMAN RESOURCES TALENT MANAGEMENT 4 Planner, City P2 PLANNING CITY PLANNING 1 Planner, Environmental P2 PLANNING ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING 1 Planner, Transit P2 PLANNING TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 1 Planner, Transportation P2 PLANNING TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 1 Plans Examiner A6 DEVELOPMENT & COMPLIANCE BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 1 Police Assistant Chief M3 PROTECTIVE SERVICES POLICE ADMINISTRATION 5 Police Corporal S1 PROTECTIVE SERVICES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING UNIT 5C Police Lieutenant M2 PROTECTIVE SERVICES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING UNIT 5C Police Officer OT6 PROTECTIVE SERVICES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING UNIT 5C Police Psychologist P4 PROTECTIVE SERVICES INVESTIGATION 5 Police Sergeant S2 PROTECTIVE SERVICES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING UNIT 5C Project Analyst P1 ADMINISTRATION PROJECT MANAGEMENT 4 Project Manager P2 ADMINISTRATION PROJECT MANAGEMENT 4 Rep I, Customer Support A2 CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE 4 Rep I, Police Records A2 PROTECTIVE SERVICES PROCESSING SUPPORT 5 Rep II, Cultural Services A3 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION CULTURAL SERVICES 1 Rep II, Customer Support A3 CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE 4 Rep II, Police Records A3 PROTECTIVE SERVICES PROCESSING SUPPORT 5 Representative II, Recreation A3 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION RECREATION 1 Specialist, Active Modes P1 PLANNING TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 1 Specialist, Communications P1 MARKETING & CREATIVE SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS 4 Specialist, Customer Support P1 CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE 4 Specialist, Facilities P1 OPERATIONS FACILITIES & FLEET 2 Specialist, Outreach P1 PROTECTIVE SERVICES INVESTIGATION 5 Specialist, Public Engagement P1 CUSTOMER SERVICE OUTREACH 4 Specialist, Real Estate P1 OPERATIONS FACILITIES & FLEET 2 Specialist, Safety P1 HUMAN RESOURCES WORKFORCE SAFETY & SECURITY 4 Specialist, Sciences P1 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING SCIENCES 3 Specialist, Social Sustain P1 SUSTAINABILITY SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY 1 Specialist, Wellness P1 HUMAN RESOURCES BENEFITS 4 Sr Accountant P3 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING 4 Sr Administrator, Database P3 TECHNOLOGY DATABASE 3 Sr Administrator, Systems P3 TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS 3 Sr Analyst, Apps Software P3 TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS SOFTWARE 3 Sr Analyst, Apps Software Dev P3 TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS SOFTWARE 3 Sr Analyst, Budget P3 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING BUDGET 4 Sr Analyst, Compensation P3 HUMAN RESOURCES COMPENSATION 4 Sr Analyst, Finance P3 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING FINANCIAL PLANNING & ANALYSIS 4 Sr Analyst, HRIS P3 HUMAN RESOURCES HRIS 4 Sr Analyst, IT Security P3 TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION SECURITY 3 Sr Analyst, Systems P3 TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS 3 Sr Analyst, Treasury P3 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING TREASURY / INVESTMENT 4 Sr Architect, Landscape P3 PLANNING PARK PLANNING 1 Sr Buyer P3 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING PURCHASING 4 Sr Coord, Sales Tax Audit Rev A5 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING REVENUE 4 Sr Coordinator, AP A5 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING 4 Sr Coordinator, Active Modes A5 PLANNING TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 1 Sr Coordinator, Benefits A5 HUMAN RESOURCES BENEFITS 4 Sr Coordinator, City Planning A5 PLANNING CITY PLANNING 1 Sr Coordinator, Communications A5 MARKETING & CREATIVE SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS 4 Sr Coordinator, Cultural Svcs A5 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION CULTURAL SERVICES 1 Sr Coordinator, Env Sustain A5 SUSTAINABILITY ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY 1 Sr Coordinator, Forestry A5 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION OUTDOOR SERVICES 1 Sr Coordinator, HRIS A5 HUMAN RESOURCES HRIS 4 Sr Coordinator, Marketing A5 MARKETING & CREATIVE SERVICES MARKETING 4 Sr Coordinator, Payroll A5 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING 4 Sr Coordinator, Public Engage A5 CUSTOMER SERVICE OUTREACH 4 Sr Coordinator, Real Estate A5 OPERATIONS FACILITIES & FLEET 2 Sr Coordinator, Recreation A5 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION RECREATION 1 Sr Coordinator, Risk Mgmt A5 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING RISK MANAGEMENT 4 Sr Coordinator, Safety A5 HUMAN RESOURCES WORKFORCE SAFETY & SECURITY 4 Sr Coordinator, Talent Acq A5 HUMAN RESOURCES TALENT MANAGEMENT 4 Sr Coordinator, Talent Dev A5 HUMAN RESOURCES TALENT MANAGEMENT 4 Sr Coordinator, Wellness A5 HUMAN RESOURCES BENEFITS 4 Sr Engineer, Network P3 TECHNOLOGY NETWORK 3 Sr Engineer, Systems P3 TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS 3 Sr Facilities Project Manager P3 ADMINISTRATION PROJECT MANAGEMENT 4 Sr Inspector, Code Compliance OT5 DEVELOPMENT & COMPLIANCE COMPLIANCE 1 Sr Inspector, Compliance OT5 DEVELOPMENT & COMPLIANCE COMPLIANCE 1 Sr Inspector, Construction OT5 DEVELOPMENT & COMPLIANCE COMPLIANCE 1 Sr Inspector, Zoning OT5 DEVELOPMENT & COMPLIANCE COMPLIANCE 1 Sr Legal Assistant A4 LEGAL LEGAL 4 Sr Locator, Elec Dist Field Op OT2 OPERATIONS ELECTRIC UTILITIES 2 Sr Manager, Accounting M2 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING 4 Sr Manager, Apps Software M2 TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS SOFTWARE 3 Sr Manager, Benefits M2 HUMAN RESOURCES BENEFITS 4 Sr Manager, Bldg & Dev Review M2 DEVELOPMENT & COMPLIANCE BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 1 Sr Manager, Civil Engineering M2 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 3 Sr Manager, Compensation M2 HUMAN RESOURCES COMPENSATION 4 Sr Manager, Cultural Services M2 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION CULTURAL SERVICES 1 Sr Manager, Cultural Services M2 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION CULTURAL SERVICES 1 Sr Manager, Customer Support M2 CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE 4 Sr Manager, Elec Engineering M2 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 3 Sr Manager, Elec Engineering M2 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 3 Sr Manager, Emergency Comms M2 PROTECTIVE SERVICES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING UNIT 5A Sr Manager, Env Sustain M2 SUSTAINABILITY ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY 1 Sr Manager, Facilities & Fleet M2 OPERATIONS FACILITIES & FLEET 2 Sr Manager, Forestry M2 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION OUTDOOR SERVICES 1 Sr Manager, Information Svcs M2 PROTECTIVE SERVICES PROCESSING SUPPORT 5 Sr Manager, Mechanical Engr M2 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 3 Sr Manager, Natural Areas M2 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION OUTDOOR SERVICES 1 Sr Manager, Neighborhood Svcs M2 DEVELOPMENT & COMPLIANCE NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES 1 Sr Manager, Network Engineerng M2 TECHNOLOGY NETWORK 3 Sr Manager, OEM M2 ADMINISTRATION PROJECT MANAGEMENT 4 Sr Manager, Parks M2 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION OUTDOOR SERVICES 1 Sr Manager, Sales Tax/Revenue M2 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING REVENUE 4 Sr Manager, Sciences M2 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING SCIENCES 3 Sr Manager, Technology M2 TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY 3 Sr Manager, Traffic Engr M2 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 3 Sr Manager, Transit M2 OPERATIONS TRANSPORTATION 2 Sr Manager, Transportation Pln M2 PLANNING TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 1 Sr Manager, Water Engineering M2 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 3 Sr Planner, City P3 PLANNING CITY PLANNING 1 Sr Planner, Environmental P3 PLANNING ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING 1 Sr Planner, Transportation P3 PLANNING TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 1 Sr Project Manager P3 ADMINISTRATION PROJECT MANAGEMENT 4 Sr Rep, Cultural Svcs A4 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION CULTURAL SERVICES 1 Sr Spc, Employee Relations P2 HUMAN RESOURCES TALENT MANAGEMENT 4 Sr Spc, Neighborhood Svcs P2 DEVELOPMENT & COMPLIANCE NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES 1 Sr Spc, Process Improvement P2 ADMINISTRATION PROJECT MANAGEMENT 4 Sr Specialist, Communications P2 MARKETING & CREATIVE SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS 4 Sr Specialist, Cust Support P2 CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE 4 Sr Specialist, Econ Sustain P2 SUSTAINABILITY ECONOMIC SUSTAINABILITY 1 Sr Specialist, Enviro Sustain P2 SUSTAINABILITY ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING 1 Sr Specialist, Outreach P2 PROTECTIVE SERVICES INVESTIGATION 5 Sr Specialist, Parks P2 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION OUTDOOR SERVICES 1 Sr Specialist, Public Engage P2 CUSTOMER SERVICE OUTREACH 4 Sr Specialist, Real Estate P2 OPERATIONS FACILITIES & FLEET 2 Sr Specialist, Recreation P2 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION RECREATION 1 Sr Specialist, Sciences P2 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING SCIENCES 3 Sr Specialist, Social Sustain P2 SUSTAINABILITY SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY 1 Sr Supervisor, AR / Billing S2 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING 4 Sr Supervisor, Administration S2 ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION 4 Sr Supervisor, Bldg & Dev Rev S2 DEVELOPMENT & COMPLIANCE BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 1 Sr Supervisor, CSO S2 PROTECTIVE SERVICES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING UNIT 5B Sr Supervisor, Code Compliance S2 DEVELOPMENT & COMPLIANCE COMPLIANCE 1 Sr Supervisor, Cultural Svcs S2 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION CULTURAL SERVICES 1 Sr Supervisor, Cust Support S2 CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE 4 Sr Supervisor, Elec Dis Hi Vlt S2 OPERATIONS ELECTRIC UTILITIES 2 Sr Supervisor, Elec Dis Hi Vlt S2 OPERATIONS ELECTRIC UTILITIES 2 Sr Supervisor, Electric Dist S2 OPERATIONS ELECTRIC UTILITIES 2 Sr Supervisor, Emergency Comms S2 PROTECTIVE SERVICES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING UNIT SA Sr Supervisor, Facilities S2 OPERATIONS FACILITIES & FLEET 2 Sr Supervisor, Fleet S2 OPERATIONS FACILITIES & FLEET 2 Sr Supervisor, Forestry S2 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION OUTDOOR SERVICES 1 Sr Supervisor, HRIS S2 HUMAN RESOURCES HRIS 4 Sr Supervisor, Information Svc S2 PROTECTIVE SERVICES PROCESSING SUPPORT 5 Sr Supervisor, Maintenance S2 OPERATIONS PLANT OPERATIONS 2 Sr Supervisor, Marketing S2 MARKETING & CREATIVE SERVICES MARKETING 4 Sr Supervisor, Mechanical Engr S2 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 3 Sr Supervisor, Natural Areas S2 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION OUTDOOR SERVICES 1 Sr Supervisor, Neighbrhood Svc S2 DEVELOPMENT & COMPLIANCE NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES 1 Sr Supervisor, Parks S2 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION OUTDOOR SERVICES 1 Sr Supervisor, Parks S2 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION OUTDOOR SERVICES 1 Sr Supervisor, Plant Ops S2 OPERATIONS PLANT OPERATIONS 2 Sr Supervisor, Plant Ops S2 OPERATIONS PLANT OPERATIONS 2 Sr Supervisor, Process Support S2 PROTECTIVE SERVICES PROCESSING SUPPORT 5 Sr Supervisor, Project Mgmt S2 ADMINISTRATION PROJECT MANAGEMENT 4 Sr Supervisor, Public Engage S2 CUSTOMER SERVICE OUTREACH 4 Sr Supervisor, Recreation S2 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION RECREATION 1 Sr Supervisor, Sciences S2 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING SCIENCES 3 Sr Supervisor, Transit S2 OPERATIONS TRANSPORTATION 2 Sr Tech, Processing Support A5 PROTECTIVE SERVICES PROCESSING SUPPORT 5 Sr Tech, Transportation Ops OT5 OPERATIONS TRANSPORTATION 2 Sr Technical Project Manager P3 ADMINISTRATION PROJECT MANAGEMENT 4 Sr Technical Project Manager P3 PROTECTIVE SERVICES PROCESSING SUPPORT 5 Sr Technician, Client Services A5 TECHNOLOGY CLIENT SERVICES 3 Sr Technician, Facilities OT5 OPERATIONS FACILITIES & FLEET 2 Sr Technician, Fiber OT5 TECHNOLOGY FIBER 3 Sr Technician, Maintenance OT5 OPERATIONS PLANT OPERATIONS 2 Sr Technician, Network Engr A5 TECHNOLOGY NETWORK 3 Sr Technician, Traffic Engr OT5 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 3 Sr Technician, Water Field Ops OT5 OPERATIONS WATER UTILITIES 2 Supervisor, Administration S1 ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION 4 Supervisor, Bldg & Dev Rev S1 DEVELOPMENT & COMPLIANCE BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 1 Supervisor, Civil Engineering S1 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 3 Supervisor, Client Services S1 TECHNOLOGY CLIENT SERVICES 3 Supervisor, Customer Support S1 CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE 4 Supervisor, Energy Services S1 OPERATIONS FACILITIES & FLEET 2 Supervisor, Enforcement S1 PROTECTIVE SERVICES OPERATIONS 5 Supervisor, Facilities S1 OPERATIONS FACILITIES & FLEET 2 Supervisor, Fleet S1 OPERATIONS FACILITIES & FLEET 2 Supervisor, Plant Operations S1 OPERATIONS PLANT OPERATIONS 2 Supervisor, Plant Operations S1 OPERATIONS PLANT OPERATIONS 2 Supervisor, Transit S1 OPERATIONS TRANSPORTATION 2 Tech II, Processing Support A4 PROTECTIVE SERVICES PROCESSING SUPPORT 5 Tech II, Sales Tax Audit & Rev A4 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING REVENUE 4 Tech II, Transportation Ops OT4 OPERATIONS TRANSPORTATION 2 Technical Project Manager P2 ADMINISTRATION PROJECT MANAGEMENT 4 Technician I, Bldg Dev Review A3 DEVELOPMENT & COMPLIANCE BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 1 Technician I, Civil Engr OT3 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 3 Technician I, Customer Support OT3 CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE 4 Technician I, Facilities OT3 OPERATIONS FACILITIES & FLEET 2 Technician I, Fleet OT3 OPERATIONS FACILITIES & FLEET 2 Technician I, Forestry OT3 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION OUTDOOR SERVICES 1 Technician I, Natural Areas OT3 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION OUTDOOR SERVICES 1 Technician I, Parks OT3 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION OUTDOOR SERVICES 1 Technician I, Police Admin A3 PROTECTIVE SERVICES POLICE ADMINISTRATION 5 Technician I, Traffic Engr OT3 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 3 Technician I, Water Field Util OT3 OPERATIONS WATER UTILITIES 2 Technician II, Apps Software A4 TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS SOFTWARE 3 Technician II, Civil Engr OT4 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 3 Technician II, Client Services A4 TECHNOLOGY CLIENT SERVICES 3 Technician II, Electric Dist OT4 OPERATIONS ELECTRIC UTILITIES 2 Technician II, Energy Services OT4 OPERATIONS FACILITIES & FLEET 2 Technician II, Facilities OT4 OPERATIONS FACILITIES & FLEET 2 Technician II, Fiber OT4 TECHNOLOGY FIBER 3 Technician II, Fleet OT4 OPERATIONS FACILITIES & FLEET 2 Technician II, Forestry OT4 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION OUTDOOR SERVICES 1 Technician II, GIS A4 TECHNOLOGY GIS 3 Technician II, Maintenance OT4 OPERATIONS PLANT OPERATIONS 2 Technician II, Natural Areas OT4 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION OUTDOOR SERVICES 1 Technician II, Network Engr A4 TECHNOLOGY NETWORK 3 Technician II, Police Records A4 PROTECTIVE SERVICES PROCESSING SUPPORT 5 Technician II, Sciences A4 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING SCIENCES 3 Technician II, Traffic Engr OT4 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 3 Technician II, Video Prod A4 MARKETING & CREATIVE SERVICES MEDIA 4 Technician II, Water Engr OT4 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 3 Technician II, Wtr Field Util OT4 OPERATIONS WATER UTILITIES 2 Victim Advocate A4 PROTECTIVE SERVICES INVESTIGATION 5 Water Engineer II P2 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 3 Water Engineer III P3 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 3 Worker I, Facilities OT1 OPERATIONS FACILITIES & FLEET 2 Worker I, Parks OT1 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION OUTDOOR SERVICES 1 Worker I, Recreation OT1 CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION OUTDOOR SERVICES 1 Worker I, Transit OT1 OPERATIONS TRANSPORTATION 2 Worker I, Transportation Ops OT1 OPERATIONS TRANSPORTATION 2 Worker Il, Facilities OT2 OPERATIONS FACILITIES & FLEET 2 Worker Il, Fleet OT2 OPERATIONS FACILITIES & FLEET 2 City of CITY OF FORT COLLINS F6rt o i ns 2019 PAY PLAN RECREATION,TABLE: I SUSTAINABILITY, PLANNING, CULTURE, PARKS & • ' COMPLIANCE MANAGERIAL MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM M3 BIWEEKLY $3,294.23 $4,392.31 $5,490.38 MONTHLY $7,137.50 $9,516.67 $11 ,895.83 ANNUAL $85,650.00 $114,200.00 $142,750.00 M2 BIWEEKLY $3,008.65 $4,011 .54 $5,014.42 MONTHLY $6,518.75 $8,691 .67 $10,864.58 ANNUAL $78,225.00 $104,300.00 $130,375.00 M1 BIWEEKLY $2,723.08 $3,630.77 $4,538.46 MONTHLY $5,900.00 $7,866.67 $9,833.33 ANNUAL $70,800.00 $94,400.00 $118,000.00 S2 BIWEEKLY $2,235.58 $2,980.77 $3,725.96 MONTHLY $4,843.75 $6,458.33 $8,072.92 ANNUAL $58,125.00 $77,500.00 $96,875.00 S1 BIWEEKLY $1 ,967.31 $2,623.08 $3,278.85 MONTHLY $4,262.50 $5,683.33 $7,104.17 ANNUAL $51 ,150.00 $68,200.00 $85,250.00 PROFESSIONAL MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM P3 BIWEEKLY $2,151 .92 $2,869.23 $3,586.54 MONTHLY $4,662.50 $6,216.67 $7,770.83 ANNUAL $55,950.00 $74,600.00 $93,250.00 P2 BIWEEKLY $1 ,893.69 $2,524.92 $3,156.15 MONTHLY $4,103.00 $5,470.67 $6,838.33 ANNUAL $49,236.00 $65,648.00 $82,060.00 P1 BIWEEKLY $1 ,666.46 $2,221 .92 $2,777.42 MONTHLY $3,610.67 $4,814.17 $6,017.75 ANNUAL $43,328.00 $57,770.00 $72,213.00 Page 8 of 20 City of CITY OF FORT COLLINS F6rt o i ns 2019 PAY PLAN RECREATION,TABLE: I SUSTAINABILITY, PLANNING, CULTURE, PARKS & • ' COMPLIANCE ADMINISTRATIVE wow r MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM A6 BIWEEKLY $1 ,895.04 $2,368.81 $2,842.58 MONTHLY $4,105.92 $5,132.42 $6,158.92 ANNUAL $49,271 .00 $61 ,589.00 $73,907.00 A5 BIWEEKLY $1 ,722.77 $2,153.46 $2,584.15 MONTHLY $3,732.67 $4,665.83 $5,599.00 ANNUAL $44,792.00 $55,990.00 $67,188.00 A4 BIWEEKLY $1 ,566.15 $1 ,957.69 $2,349.23 MONTHLY $3,393.33 $4,241 .67 $5,090.00 ANNUAL $40,720.00 $50,900.00 $61 ,080.00 A3 BIWEEKLY $1 ,409.54 $1 ,761 .92 $2,114.31 MONTHLY $3,054.00 $3,817.50 $4,581 .00 ANNUAL $36,648.00 $45,810.00 $54,972.00 A2 BIWEEKLY $1 ,268.58 $1 ,585.73 $1 ,902.88 MONTHLY $2,748.58 $3,435.75 $4,122.92 ANNUAL $32,983.00 $41 ,229.00 $49,475.00 OPERATIONS & SKILLED TRADE MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM OT6 BIWEEKLY $2,156.92 $2,696.15 $3,235.38 MONTHLY $4,673.33 $5,841 .67 $7,010.00 ANNUAL $56,080.00 $70,100.00 $84,120.00 OT5 BIWEEKLY $1 ,941 .23 $2,426.54 $2,911 .85 MONTHLY $4,206.00 $5,257.50 $6,309.00 ANNUAL $50,472.00 $63,090.00 $75,708.00 OT4 BIWEEKLY $1 ,747.12 $2,183.88 $2,620.65 MONTHLY $3,785.42 $4,731 .75 $5,678.08 ANNUAL $45,425.00 $56,781 .00 $68,137.00 OT3 BIWEEKLY $1 ,572.38 $1 ,965.50 $2,358.58 MONTHLY $3,406.83 $4,258.58 $5,110.25 ANNUAL $40,882.00 $51 ,103.00 $61 ,323.00 OT2 BIWEEKLY $1 ,415.15 $1 ,768.96 $2,122.73 MONTHLY $3,066.17 $3,832.75 $4,599.25 ANNUAL $36,794.00 $45,993.00 $55,191 .00 OT1 BIWEEKLY $1 ,273.65 $1 ,592.04 $1 ,910.46 MONTHLY $2,759.58 $3,449.42 $4,139.33 ANNUAL $33,115.00 $41 ,393.00 $49,672.00 Page 9 of 20 City of CITY OF FORT COLLINS F6rt o i ns 2019 PAY PLAN MANAGERIAL MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM M3 BIWEEKLY $3,949.04 $5,265.38 $6,581 .73 MONTHLY $8,556.25 $11 ,408.33 $14,260.42 ANNUAL $102,675.00 $136,900.00 $171 ,125.00 M2 BIWEEKLY $3,356.69 $4,475.58 $5,594.46 MONTHLY $7,272.83 $9,697.08 $12,121 .33 ANNUAL $87,274.00 $116,365.00 $145,456.00 M1 BIWEEKLY $2,853.19 $3,804.23 $4,755.31 MONTHLY $6,181 .92 $8,242.50 $10,303.17 ANNUAL $74,183.00 $98,910.00 $123,638.00 S2 BIWEEKLY $2,275.96 $3,034.62 $3,793.27 MONTHLY $4,931 .25 $6,575.00 $8,218.75 ANNUAL $59,175.00 $78,900.00 $98,625.00 S1 BIWEEKLY $2,002.85 $2,670.46 $3,338.08 MONTHLY $4,339.50 $5,786.00 $7,232.50 ANNUAL $52,074.00 $69,432.00 $86,790.00 PROFESSIONAL MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM P2 BIWEEKLY $1 ,909.62 $2,546.15 $3,182.69 MONTHLY $4,137.50 $5,516.67 $6,895.83 ANNUAL $49,650.00 $66,200.00 $82,750.00 P1 BIWEEKLY $1 ,680.46 $2,240.62 $2,800.77 MONTHLY $3,641 .00 $4,854.67 $6,068.33 ANNUAL $43,692.00 $58,256.00 $72,820.00 ADMINISTRATIVE MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM A5 BIWEEKLY $1 ,544.62 $1 ,930.77 $2,316.92 MONTHLY $3,346.67 $4,183.33 $5,020.00 ANNUAL $40,160.00 $50,200.00 $60,240.00 A4 BIWEEKLY $1 ,390.15 $1 ,737.69 $2,085.23 MONTHLY $3,012.00 $3,765.00 $4,518.00 ANNUAL $36,144.00 $45,180.00 $54,216.00 Page 10 of 20 City of CITY OF FORT COLLINS F6rt o i ns 2019 PAY PLAN OPERATIONS & SKILLED TRADE db MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM OT6 BIWEEKLY $2,180.38 $2,725.46 $3,270.58 MONTHLY $4,724.17 $5,905.17 $7,086.25 ANNUAL $56,690.00 $70,862.00 $85,035.00 OT5 BIWEEKLY $1 ,982.15 $2,477.69 $2,973.23 MONTHLY $4,294.67 $5,368.33 $6,442.00 ANNUAL $51 ,536.00 $64,420.00 $77,304.00 OT4 BIWEEKLY $1 ,801 .96 $2,252.46 $2,702.96 MONTHLY $3,904.25 $4,880.33 $5,856.42 ANNUAL $46,851 .00 $58,564.00 $70,277.00 OT3 BIWEEKLY $1 ,638.15 $2,047.69 $2,457.23 MONTHLY $3,549.33 $4,436.67 $5,324.00 ANNUAL $42,592.00 $53,240.00 $63,888.00 OT2 BIWEEKLY $1 ,489.23 $1 ,861 .54 $2,233.85 MONTHLY $3,226.67 $4,033.33 $4,840.00 ANNUAL $38,720.00 $48,400.00 $58,080.00 OT1 BIWEEKLY $1 ,353.85 $1 ,692.31 $2,030.77 MONTHLY $2,933.33 $3,666.67 $4,400.00 ANNUAL $35,200.00 $44,000.00 $52,800.00 Page 11 of 20 City of CITY OF FORT COLLINS F6rt o i ns 2019 PAY PLAN TABLE: SCIENCES & ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY d MANAGERIAL MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM M3 BIWEEKLY $4,106.35 $5,475.15 $6,843.92 MONTHLY $8,897.08 $11 ,862.83 $14,828.50 ANNUAL $106,765.00 $142,354.00 $177,942.00 M2 BIWEEKLY $3,570.77 $4,761 .00 $5,951 .27 MONTHLY $7,736.67 $10,315.50 $12,894.42 ANNUAL $92,840.00 $123,786.00 $154,733.00 M1 BIWEEKLY $3,105.00 $4,140.00 $5,175.00 MONTHLY $6,727.50 $8,970.00 $11 ,212.50 ANNUAL $80,730.00 $107,640.00 $134,550.00 S2 BIWEEKLY $2,700.00 $3,600.00 $4,500.00 MONTHLY $5,850.00 $7,800.00 $9,750.00 ANNUAL $70,200.00 $93,600.00 $117,000.00 S1 BIWEEKLY $2,376.00 $3,168.00 $3,960.00 MONTHLY $5,148.00 $6,864.00 $8,580.00 ANNUAL $61 ,776.00 $82,368.00 $102,960.00 PROFESSIONAL MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM P4 BIWEEKLY $3,239.42 $4,319.23 $5,399.04 MONTHLY $7,018.75 $9,358.33 $11 ,697.92 ANNUAL $84,225.00 $112,300.00 $140,375.00 P3 BIWEEKLY $2,850.69 $3,800.92 $4,751 .15 MONTHLY $6,176.50 $8,235.33 $10,294.17 ANNUAL $74,118.00 $98,824.00 $123,530.00 P2 BIWEEKLY $2,508.62 $3,344.81 $4,181 .00 MONTHLY $5,435.33 $7,247.08 $9,058.83 ANNUAL $65,224.00 $86,965.00 $108,706.00 P1 BIWEEKLY $2,207.58 $2,943.42 $3,679.31 MONTHLY $4,783.08 $6,377.42 $7,971 .83 ANNUAL $57,397.00 $76,529.00 $95,662.00 Page 12 of 20 City of CITY OF FORT COLLINS F6rt o i ns 2019 PAY PLAN TABLE: 3 SCIENCES & ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY ADMINISTRATIVE i MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM A6 BIWEEKLY $2,077.46 $2,596.85 $3,116.23 MONTHLY $4,501 .17 $5,626.50 $6,751 .83 ANNUAL $54,014.00 $67,518.00 $81 ,022.00 A5 BIWEEKLY $1 ,888.62 $2,360.77 $2,832.92 MONTHLY $4,092.00 $5,115.00 $6,138.00 ANNUAL $49,104.00 $61 ,380.00 $73,656.00 A4 BIWEEKLY $1 ,716.92 $2,146.15 $2,575.38 MONTHLY $3,720.00 $4,650.00 $5,580.00 ANNUAL $44,640.00 $55,800.00 $66,960.00 OPERATIONS & SKILLED TRADE MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM OT5 BIWEEKLY $2,008.96 $2,511 .19 $3,013.42 MONTHLY $4,352.75 $5,440.92 $6,529.08 ANNUAL $52,233.00 $65,291 .00 $78,349.00 OT4 BIWEEKLY $1 ,843.08 $2,303.85 $2,764.62 MONTHLY $3,993.33 $4,991 .67 $5,990.00 ANNUAL $47,920.00 $59,900.00 $71 ,880.00 OT3 BIWEEKLY $1 ,658.77 $2,073.46 $2,488.15 MONTHLY $3,594.00 $4,492.50 $5,391 .00 ANNUAL $43,128.00 $53,910.00 $64,692.00 OT2 BIWEEKLY $1 ,492.88 $1 ,866.12 $2,239.35 MONTHLY $3,234.58 $4,043.25 $4,851 .92 ANNUAL $38,815.00 $48,519.00 $58,223.00 OT1 BIWEEKLY $1 ,343.62 $1 ,679.50 $2,015.42 MONTHLY $2,911 .17 $3,638.92 $4,366.75 ANNUAL $34,934.00 $43,667.00 $52,401 .00 Page 13 of 20 City of CITY OF FORT COLLINS F6rt o i ns 2019 PAY PLAN TABLE: RESOURCES, . ■ FINANCE 1 • ■ SERVICE, ADMINISTRATION, ■ 1 • MARKETING, LEGAL MANAGERIAL MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM M3 BIWEEKLY $3,730.96 $4,974.65 $6,218.31 MONTHLY $8,083.75 $10,778.42 $13,473.00 ANNUAL $97,005.00 $129,341 .00 $161 ,676.00 M2 BIWEEKLY $3,244.35 $4,325.77 $5,407.23 MONTHLY $7,029.42 $9,372.50 $11 ,715.67 ANNUAL $84,353.00 $112,470.00 $140,588.00 M1 BIWEEKLY $2,821 .15 $3,761 .54 $4,701 .92 MONTHLY $6,112.50 $8,150.00 $10,187.50 ANNUAL $73,350.00 $97,800.00 $122,250.00 S2 BIWEEKLY $1 ,950.00 $2,600.00 $3,250.00 MONTHLY $4,225.00 $5,633.33 $7,041 .67 ANNUAL $50,700.00 $67,600.00 $84,500.00 S1 BIWEEKLY $1 ,716.00 $2,288.00 $2,860.00 MONTHLY $3,718.00 $4,957.33 $6,196.67 ANNUAL $44,616.00 $59,488.00 $74,360.00 PROFESSIONAL MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM P4 BIWEEKLY $2,636.31 $3,515.08 $4,393.85 MONTHLY $5,712.00 $7,616.00 $9,520.00 ANNUAL $68,544.00 $91 ,392.00 $114,240.00 P3 BIWEEKLY $2,353.85 $3,138.46 $3,923.08 MONTHLY $5,100.00 $6,800.00 $8,500.00 ANNUAL $61 ,200.00 $81 ,600.00 $102,000.00 P2 BIWEEKLY $2,071 .38 $2,761 .85 $3,452.31 MONTHLY $4,488.00 $5,984.00 $7,480.00 ANNUAL $53,856.00 $71 ,808.00 $89,760.00 P1 BIWEEKLY $1 ,822.81 $2,430.42 $3,038.04 MONTHLY $3,949.42 $5,265.92 $6,582.42 ANNUAL $47,393.00 $63,191 .00 $78,989.00 Page 14 of 20 City of CITY OF FORT COLLINS F6rt o i ns 2019 PAY PLAN TABLE: RESOURCES, . ■ FINANCE 1 • ■ SERVICE, ADMINISTRATION, ■ 1 • MARKETING, LEGAL ADMINISTRATIVE MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM A6 BIWEEKLY $1 ,869.00 $2,336.23 $2,803.46 MONTHLY $4,049.50 $5,061 .83 $6,074.17 ANNUAL $48,594.00 $60,742.00 $72,890.00 A5 BIWEEKLY $1 ,699.08 $2,123.85 $2,548.62 MONTHLY $3,681 .33 $4,601 .67 $5,522.00 ANNUAL $44,176.00 $55,220.00 $66,264.00 A4 BIWEEKLY $1 ,544.62 $1 ,930.77 $2,316.92 MONTHLY $3,346.67 $4,183.33 $5,020.00 ANNUAL $40,160.00 $50,200.00 $60,240.00 A3 BIWEEKLY $1 ,390.15 $1 ,737.69 $2,085.23 MONTHLY $3,012.00 $3,765.00 $4,518.00 ANNUAL $36,144.00 $45,180.00 $54,216.00 A2 BIWEEKLY $1 ,251 .15 $1 ,563.92 $1 ,876.69 MONTHLY $2,710.83 $3,388.50 $4,066.17 ANNUAL $32,530.00 $40,662.00 $48,794.00 OPERATIONS & SKILLED TRADE MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM OT4 BIWEEKLY $1 ,609.23 $2,011 .54 $2,413.85 MONTHLY $3,486.67 $4,358.33 $5,230.00 ANNUAL $41 ,840.00 $52,300.00 $62,760.00 OT3 BIWEEKLY $1 ,448.31 $1 ,810.38 $2,172.46 MONTHLY $3,138.00 $3,922.50 $4,707.00 ANNUAL $37,656.00 $47,070.00 $56,484.00 Page 15 of 20 City of CITY OF FORT COLLINS F6rt o i ns 2019 PAY PLAN PROTECTIVE • C MANAGERIAL MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM M3 BIWEEKLY $3,547.35 $4,729.77 $5,912.23 MONTHLY $7,685.92 $10,247.83 $12,809.83 ANNUAL $92,231 .00 $122,974.00 $153,718.00 M2 BIWEEKLY $3,015.23 $4,020.31 $5,025.38 MONTHLY $6,533.00 $8,710.67 $10,888.33 ANNUAL $78,396.00 $104,528.00 $130,660.00 M1 BIWEEKLY $2,562.96 $3,417.27 $4,271 .58 MONTHLY $5,553.08 $7,404.08 $9,255.08 ANNUAL $66,637.00 $88,849.00 $111 ,061 .00 S2 BIWEEKLY $1 ,776.92 $2,369.23 $2,961 .54 MONTHLY $3,850.00 $5,133.33 $6,416.67 ANNUAL $46,200.00 $61 ,600.00 $77,000.00 S1 BIWEEKLY $1 ,563.69 $2,084.92 $2,606.15 MONTHLY $3,388.00 $4,517.33 $5,646.67 ANNUAL $40,656.00 $54,208.00 $67,760.00 PROFESSIONAL MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM P4 BIWEEKLY $2,494.62 $3,326.15 $4,157.69 MONTHLY $5,405.00 $7,206.67 $9,008.33 ANNUAL $64,860.00 $86,480.00 $108,100.00 P3 BIWEEKLY $2,169.23 $2,892.31 $3,615.38 MONTHLY $4,700.00 $6,266.67 $7,833.33 ANNUAL $56,400.00 $75,200.00 $94,000.00 P2 BIWEEKLY $1 ,908.92 $2,545.23 $3,181 .54 MONTHLY $4,136.00 $5,514.67 $6,893.33 ANNUAL $49,632.00 $66,176.00 $82,720.00 P1 BIWEEKLY $1 ,679.85 $2,239.81 $2,799.77 MONTHLY $3,639.67 $4,852.92 $6,066.17 ANNUAL $43,676.00 $58,235.00 $72,794.00 Page 16 of 20 City of CITY OF FORT COLLINS F6rt o i ns 2019 PAY PLAN PROTECTIVE • C ADMINISTRATIVE MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM A6 BIWEEKLY $2,196.92 $2,746.15 $3,295.38 MONTHLY $4,760.00 $5,950.00 $7,140.00 ANNUAL $57,120.00 $71 ,400.00 $85,680.00 A5 BIWEEKLY $1 ,997.19 $2,496.50 $2,995.81 MONTHLY $4,327.25 $5,409.08 $6,490.92 ANNUAL $51 ,927.00 $64,909.00 $77,891 .00 A4 BIWEEKLY $1 ,815.62 $2,269.54 $2,723.46 MONTHLY $3,933.83 $4,917.33 $5,900.83 ANNUAL $47,206.00 $59,008.00 $70,810.00 A3 BIWEEKLY $1 ,650.58 $2,063.23 $2,475.85 MONTHLY $3,576.25 $4,470.33 $5,364.33 ANNUAL $42,915.00 $53,644.00 $64,372.00 A2 BIWEEKLY $1 ,485.50 $1 ,856.88 $2,228.27 MONTHLY $3,218.58 $4,023.25 $4,827.92 ANNUAL $38,623.00 $48,279.00 $57,935.00 OPERATIONS & SKILLED TRADE MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM OT4 BIWEEKLY $1 ,634.12 $2,042.65 $2,451 .15 MONTHLY $3,540.58 $4,425.75 $5,310.83 ANNUAL $42,487.00 $53,109.00 $63,730.00 OT3 BIWEEKLY $1 ,470.69 $1 ,838.38 $2,206.04 MONTHLY $3,186.50 $3,983.17 $4,779.75 ANNUAL $38,238.00 $47,798.00 $57,357.00 OT2 BIWEEKLY $1 ,323.62 $1 ,654.54 $1 ,985.46 MONTHLY $2,867.83 $3,584.83 $4,301 .83 ANNUAL $34,414.00 $43,018.00 $51 ,622.00 Page 17 of 20 City of CITY OF FORT COLLINS F6rt o i ns 2019 PAY PLAN COLLECTIVE • • MANAGERIAL MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM M2 BIWEEKLY $4,419.38 $4,730.46 $5,041 .46 MONTHLY $9,575.33 $10,249.33 $10,923.17 ANNUAL $114,904.00 $122,992.00 $131 ,078.00 S2 BIWEEKLY $2,842.46 $3,094.00 $3,345.62 MONTHLY $6,158.67 $6,703.67 $7,248.83 ANNUAL $73,904.00 $80,444.00 $86,986.00 OPERATIONS & SKILLED TRADE MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM OT4 BIWEEKLY $1 ,922.35 $2,269.50 $2,616.69 MONTHLY $4,165.08 $4,917.25 $5,669.50 ANNUAL $49,981 .00 $59,007.00 $68,034.00 Page 18 of 20 City of CITY OF FORT COLLINS F6rt o i ns 2019 PAY PLAN COLLECTIVETABLE: 5B jmwm�- . - OPERATIONS MANAGERIAL MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM S2 BIWEEKLY $3,046.00 $3,088.65 $3,131 .38 MONTHLY $6,599.67 $6,692.08 $6,784.67 ANNUAL $79,196.00 $80,305.00 $81 ,416.00 OPERATIONS & SKILLED TRADE MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM OT4 BIWEEKLY $2,091 .58 $2,469.15 $2,846.73 MONTHLY $4,531 .75 $5,349.83 $6,167.92 ANNUAL $54,381 .00 $64,198.00 $74,015.00 Page 19 of 20 City of CITY OF FORT COLLINS F6rt o i ns 2019 PAY PLAN COLLECTIVE • - OPERATIONS MANAGERIAL MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM M2 BIWEEKLY $4,781 .88 $4,986.12 $5,190.35 MONTHLY $10,360.75 $10,803.25 $11 ,245.75 ANNUAL $124,329.00 $129,639.00 $134,949.00 S2 BIWEEKLY $3,882.88 $4,149.46 $4,416.08 MONTHLY $8,412.92 $8,990.50 $9,568.17 ANNUAL $100,955.00 $107,886.00 $114,818.00 S1 BIWEEKLY $3,723.62 $3,775.81 $3,827.96 MONTHLY $8,067.83 $8,180.92 $8,293.92 ANNUAL $96,814.00 $98,171 .00 $99,527.00 OPERATIONS & SKILLED TRADE MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM OT6 BIWEEKLY $2,556.92 $3,018.46 $3,480.00 MONTHLY $5,540.00 $6,540.00 $7,540.00 ANNUAL $66,480.00 $78,480.00 $90,480.00 Page 20 of 20 F6City of CITY OF FORT COLLINS rt CoLlins 2019 PAY PLAN Step Ladders LINE GROUNDWORKER $46,608 $48,845 $51,190 II $53,647 $56,222 $58,921 $61,808 L $64,889 ELECTRIC LINEWORKER $64,979 $68,649 $70,693 $72,803 $75,013 $77,255 $79,563 $82,432 $85,481 $90,659 ELECTRICAL SERVICES SUPERVISOR $64,979 $69,641 $72,763 $76,044 $79,453 $83,021 $86,748 $90,659 LINEWORKER EQUIPMENT SPEC $59,342 $63,655 $66,528 $69,478 $72,615 $75,879 $79,303 $82,793 LINE CREW CHIEF $72,931 $78,222 $81,754 $85,421 $89,257 $93,293 $97,499 JL $101,755 LINE EQUIPMENT CREW CHIEF $72,931 $78,222 $81,754 �I $85,421 $89,257 $93,293 $97,499 I� $101,755 SPECIAL SERVICES SUPERVISOR $72,931 $78,222 $81,754 $85,421 $89,257 $93,293 $97,499 $101,755 ELECTRIC METER TECH $55,515 $61,060 $65,209 $69,326 $73,410 $77,456 ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN II $64,979 $72,639 $78,673 $84,641 $90,659 SUBSTATION SPECIALIST $66,S64 $74,411 $80,S92 $86,705 $92,871 SUBSTATION ELEC/COMM SPEC $77,911 $85,901 $93,550 $100,876 $108,702 ELECTRIC SYSTEMS OPERATOR $59,342 $65,798 $71,047 $76,743 $82,793 PLANT OPERATOR $51,286 $55,768 $59,101 $62,656 $66,430 $71,554 LEAD PLANT OPERATOR $51,286 $55,768 $59,101 $62,656 $66,430 $71,554 $75,132 $78,710 WATER UTILITY MAINT OPERATOR $43,617 $47,420 $50,269 $53,279 $56,483 $60,854 WATER METER SYSTEMS OPERATOR $43,617 $47,420 $50,269 $53,279 $56,483 $60,854 WATER METER TECHNICIAN $43,617 $47,420 $50,269 $53,279 $56,483 $60,854 LEAD RANGER $73,545 $76,790 MECHANIC $46,622 $51,678 $53,722 $S5,892 $58,126 $60,453 $62,874 $65,049 BUILDING INSPECTOR $56,415 $61,933 $64,424 $67,295 $69,926 $72,727 $75,633 $78,710 LEAD BUILDING INSPECTOR $62,055 $68,141 $70,869 $74,039 $76,970 $80,038 $83,208 $86,581 Page 1 of 1 Account#: FTC-003160 ~e FORT-COLLINS CO � Invoice Text L )Mr-�DOA- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Fort Collins City Council,on 1 STAI'E OF COLORADO ) )ss: AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION COUNTY OF LARIMER ) CITY OF FC-CLERK-LEGALS 300 LAPORTE AVE FORT COLLINS CO 80521 I, being duly sworn. deposes and says that said is the legal clerk of the Fort Collins Coloradoan; that the same is a daily newspaper of general circulation and printed and published in the City of Fort Collins, in said county and state: that the notice or advertisement. of which the annexed is a true copy, has been published in said daily newspaper and that the notice was published in the regular and entire issue of every number of said newspaper during the period and time of publication of said notice, and in the newspaper proper and not in a supplement thereof, that the publication of said notice was contained in the issue of said newspaper on 02/24/19 that said Fort Collins Coloradoan has been published continuously and uninterruptedly during the period of at least six months next prior to the first publication of said notice or advertisement above referred to; that said newspaper has been admitted to the United States mails as second-class matter under the provisions of the Act of March 3, 1879, or any amendments thereof; and that said newspaper is a daily newspaper duly qualified for publishing legal notices and advertisements within the meaning of the laws of the State of Colorado. G Legal Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me,within the County of Brown. State of Wisconsin this 25th of February 2019. Notary Public \\\\\\VI It I tt t tt Nolan•Expires °JNG�Y F E4 y =i4 - Legal No.0003402354 in Ad#:0003402354 A 9T•., AftidavitPrepared P O:SR 2/19 �ii �C '' ••••• Monday Fcbivarv'5•'-019 9.32 ant #of Affidavits:1 i���i,,//0 Ft tW`SG NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Fort Collins City Council, on Tuesday, February 19, 2019, passed and adopted the following ordinances on second reading: RDINANCE OF THOE COUNCIL OFF THE C11TY OF FORT AMENDING SECT OLN 2 606 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF FORT AND SETTING TOHE COMPENSATION OF THE CHIEF JUDGE ORDINANCE NO.014,2019 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS AMENDING SECTION 2581 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF FORT AND SETTING TOHE COMPENSATION OF THE CITY ATTORNEY 015,2019 OF THE ORDINANCE OFO THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS AMENDING SECTION 2 596 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF FORT AND SETTING TOHE COMPENSATION OF THE CITY MANAGER ORDINANCE NO.016,2019 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS APPROPRIATING UNANTICIPATED GRANT REVENUE IN THE GENERAL FUND FOR THE ENVI- RONMENTAL SERVICES RADON PROGRAM AND AUTHORIZING THE __ TRANSFER OF MATCHING FUNDS PREVIOUSLY APPROPRIAT- ED IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT OPERAT- ING BUDGET ORDINANCE NO.017,2019 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS ADOPTING THE 2019 AMENDED CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES PAY TO UPDAPLAN TE CLASSIFIED POSITIONS AS PROVIDED IN THE COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT WITH THE FRATERNAL ORDER OF PO- LICE ORDINANCE NO.018,2019 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT APPROPRIATING PR ORSYEAR RE- SERVES IN THE GENERAL FUND FOR THE COST OF POLICE SERV- ICES SALARY AND BENEFIT INCREASES AS PROVIDED IN THE COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT WITH THE FRATER. NAL ORDER OF POLICE 019 OF THOE RDINANCE COUNCIL OFOTHE CI1TY OF FORT COLLINS MAKING VARIOUS AMENDMENTS THE CITY OF FORT COLOLINS LAND USE CODE ORDINANCE NO.020,2019 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS AUTHORIZING THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE LONG VIEW FARM OPEN SPACE COVENANTS,CONDI. TIONS AND RESTRICTIONS ORDINANCE NO.021 OF THE COUNCIL OFF THE C11TY OF FORT COLLINS AUTHORIZING THE LEASING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY AND THECITY EXECUTION AND DELIVERY BY THE CITY OF A SITE LEASE,A LEASE AGREEMENT,AND OTHER DOCUMENTS AND MATTERS IN WITH THE FINANCING OFICOERTAIN PROJ- ECTS FOR THE CITY The full text of these ordinances can be found at httP://fcgov.cam/Publicnotices or by calling the City Clerk's Office at 970-221-6515. 3402354 Coloradoon Feb 24,2019 Account N: FTC-003160 FORT•COLLINS r � I( / Invoice Text NOTICE IS HERFBY GIVEN that the Fort Collins City Council,on l S'I'AI'E 01:COLORADO ) ss: AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION COUNTY OF LARIMER ) CITY OF FC-CLERK-LEGALS 300 LAPORTE AVE FORT COLLINS CO 80521 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Fort Collins City council, on Tuesday, I. being duly sworn, deposes and says that said is the legal clerk of the Fort Collins Coloradoan;_ that February 5 2019, passed and adopted the follawing ordinances on first the same is a daily newspaper of general circulation and printed and published in the City of Fort reading. These ordinances will be Pre- sented for final Passage on February 19, Collins, in said county and state: that the notice or advertisement, of which the annexed is a true 2019: copy, has been published in said daily newspaper and that the notice was published in the regular ORDINANCE NO.016,2019 and entire issue of eve number of said newspaper durin the period and time of publication of said OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF n' g P' FORT COLLINS NANT notice, and in the newspaper rO proper and not in a supplement thereof, that the publication of said APPROPRIATING UNANTICIPATED P P' PP GRANT REVENUE THE T GENERAL FUND FOR THE ENVI- notice was contained in the issue of said newspaper on RONMENTAL SERVICES RADON PROGRAM AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF MARCHING 02/10/19 FUNDS PREVIOUSLY APPROPRIAT- ED IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT OPERAT- ING BUDGET that said Fort Collins Coloradoan has been published continuously and uninterruptedly during the ORDINANCE NO.017,2019 period of at least six months next prior to the first publication of said notice or advertisement above OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS referred to; that said newspaper has been admitted to the United States mails as second-class matter ADOPTING THE 2019 AMENDED CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES PAY under the provisions of the Act of March 3, 1879, or any amendments thereof-, and that said PLAN newspaper is a dail newspaper dui qualified (or publishing legal notices and advertisements within TO I:PDATE CLASSIFIED POSITIONSYy 4 P �'• g' AS PROVIDED IN-THE COLLECTIVE BARGWNING AGREEMENT WITH the meaning of the laws of the State of Colorado. THE FRATERNAL ORD`.:R OF PO- LICE ORDINANCE NO.018,2019 OF THE COUNC,'.OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS APPROPRIATING PRIOR YEAR RE- SERVES IN THE GENERAL FUND FOR THE COST OF POLICE SERV- ICES SALARY AND BENEFIT INCREASES AS PROVIDED IN THE COLLECTIVE BARGAINING I Subscribed and sworn to before file,within the County ol'Brown.Slate o iseonsln this AGREEMENT WITH THE FRATER- i NAL ORDER OF POLICE I Ith of February 2019. ORDINANCE NO.019,2019 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS - -- MAKING VARIOUS AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS LAND USE CODE ORDINANCE NO.020,2019 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS Notary Public AUTHORIZING THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE LONG VIEW FARM OPEN SPACE COVENANTS,CONDI. TIONS AND RESTRICTIONS /7 _ ORDINANCE NO.021,2019 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS Nolan•Expires AUTHORIZING THE LEASING OF CERTAIN CITY ���Itlllllllfl/�7j/ PROPERTY AND THE EXECUTION �� 0UA AND DELIVERY BY THE CITY OF A SITE LEASE,A �� P •y �i LEASE AGREEMENT,AND ��� •' G' ��� OTHER DOCUMENTS AND MATTERS Legal No.0003377915 IN CONNECTION WITH NpTQRy THE FINANCING OF CERTAIN PROJ. ECTS FOR THE CITY — ®' The full text of these ordinances can be Ln•'• "U C found at http://fcgov.com/pubiicnotices % •. B L, ;• _ Affidavit Prepared i Manday.February 11.2019 9:36 am or by calling the City Clerk's Office at 1Cf3 i�-9�•, co \`� 970-221-6515. �i � The Coloradoan , /�OlF tl�l I I ts1�O\`\\\\ Feb 10,2019