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HomeMy WebLinkAbout038 - 04/04/2023 - AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT A GRANT AWARD AND COMPLY WITH THE TERMS OF THE GRANT AND MAKIORDINANCE NO.038,2023 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT A GRANT AWARD AND COMPLY WITH THE TERMS OF THE GRANT AND MAKING SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS AND AUTHORIZING TRANSFERS FOR THE XERISCAPE INCENTIVE PROGRAM WHEREAS,the City owns and operates Fort Collins Utilities (“Utilities”),which includes a water utility that provides water to customers in its service area;and WHEREAS,water conservation and efficiency is a tool Utilities uses,primarily through the Utilities Water Conservation Division,to manage and reduce the demand for water service by Utilities customers,which is beneficial to the City,the water utility,and its ratepayers by,among other reasons,reducing demand on water supplies and helping to ensure that the demand for water does not exceed supplies;and WHEREAS,Utilities has developed the Xeriscape Incentive Program (“Program”)to support customers seeking to transform their largescale landscapes to use less water from Utilities, such as those of homeowners’associations and commercial customers;and WHEREAS,the United States Department of the Interior,Bureau of Reclamation has a Water SMART (Sustain and Manage America’s Resources for Tomorrow)Program that provides grants to water conservation programs;and WHEREAS,such grants can provide significant funding for the Program,allowing it to expand beyond the scale that would otherwise be supported;and WHEREAS,the Bureau of Reclamation awarded Utilities such a grant for $75,000 for the Program,with said grant award,as amended,attached as Exhibit “A”;and WHEREAS,the grant award requires $75,000 in matching funds from the City,which have been appropriated and are available in the Water Fund for this purpose;and WHEREAS,the grant award does not require execution of a post-award agreement and City staff recommends that City Council authorize the City Manager or their designee to accept the grant and comply with the terms of the grant application and award;and WHEREAS,this appropriation benefits public health,safety and welfare of the citizens of Fort Collins and serves the public purpose of water conservation and efficiency,as discussed above;and WHEREAS,Article V,Section 9 of the City Charter permits the City Council,upon recommendation of the City Manager,to make a supplemental appropriation by ordinance at any time during the fiscal year,provided that the total amount of such supplemental appropriation,in combination with all previous appropriations for that fiscal year,do not exceed the current estimate of actual and anticipated revenues and all other funds to be received during the fiscal year and WHEREAS,the City Manager has recommended the appropriation described herein and determined that this appropriation is available and previously unappropriated from the Water Fund and will not cause the total amount appropriated in the Water Fund to exceed the current estimate of actual and anticipated revenues and all other funds to be received in this Fund during this fiscal year;and WHEREAS,Article V,Section 10 of the City Charter authorizes the City Council,upon recommendation by the City Manager,to transfer by ordinance any unexpended and unencumbered appropriated amount or portion thereof from one fund or capital project to another fund or capital project,provided that the purpose for which the transferred funds are to be expended remains unchanged,the purpose for which the funds were initially appropriated no longer exists, or the proposed transfer is from a fund or capital project in which the amount appropriated exceeds the amount needed to accomplish the purpose specified in the appropriation ordinance;and WHEREAS,the City Manager has recommended the transfer of $75,000 from the Water Conservation operating budget in the Water Fund to the Xeriscape Incentive Program in the Water Fund and determined that the purpose for which the transferred funds are to be expended remains unchanged;and WHEREAS,Article V,Section 11 of the City Charter authorizes the City Council to designate in the ordinance when appropriating funds for a federal,state or private grant,that such appropriation shall not lapse at the end of the fiscal year in which the appropriation is made,but continue until the earlier of the expiration of the federal,state or private grant or the City’s expenditure of all funds received from such grant;and WHEREAS,the City Council wishes to designate the appropriation herein from the Bureau of Reclamation grant as an appropriation that shall not lapse until the earlier of the expiration of the grant or the City’s expenditure of all funds received from such grant. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS as follows: Section 1.That the City Council hereby makes and adopts the determinations and findings contained in the recitals set forth above. Section 2.That there is hereby appropriated from new revenue or other funds in the Water Fund the sum of SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($75,000)to be expended in the Water Fund for the Xeriscape Incentive Program. Section 3.That the unexpended and unencumbered appropriated amount of SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($75,000)is authorized for transfer from the Water Conservation operating budget in the Water Fund to the Xeriscape Incentive Program in the Water Fund and appropriated therein to be expended for water conservation grants under the Xeriscape Incentive Program. Section 4.That the appropriation herein from the Bureau of Reclamation grant is hereby designated,as authorized in Article V,Section 11 of the City Charter,as an appropriation that shall not lapse at the end of this fiscal year but continue until the earlier of the expiration of the grant or the City’s expenditure of all funds received from such grant. Section 5.That the City Council authorizes the City Manager or their designee to accept the grant and comply with the terms of the grant application and award. Introduced,considered favorably on first reading,and ordered p •‘shed this 21st day of March,2023,and to be presented for final passage on th t day of •023. AflEST: City Clerk /C4~ec &çnoj Passed and adopted on final reading this 4th da of pril,2023. ayor AEFEST: ,aiz,/ City Clerk /0t4ie/’ EXHIBIT A 1.DATE ISSUED MMIDDFYYVV 1a.SUPERSEDES AWARD NOTICE dated except that any additions DI~restrictions previously imposed0310912022remainineffectunlessspecificallyrescinded 2.CFDA NO. 15.507.WatetSMART (Sustain and Manage Asnesica’s Resources for Tomorrow) 3.ASSISTANCE TYPE ProjeCt Grant 4.GRANT NO.R22AP00103.OO &TYPE OF AWARD Orlgmatlog MCA S Other 4s.FAIN R22AP00103 SE.ACTION TYPE New 6.PROJECT PERIOD MMIDDIYYYY MM/DD/YVYV Front 03109)2022 Through 0613012023 MttrDD.’YVVV MM&I2IYYYY 03/0912022 Through 06130/2023 7.BUDGET PERIOD From i.TITLE OF PROJECT (OR PROGRAM) Xenscape Incentive Program NOTICE OF AWARD £NT O~ Q$’. 4 tO 5 3 AUTHORIZATION (Legislation/Regulations) P.L.111-11 Section 9504(a)Water Management Improvement of the Omnibus Lands Management Act of 2009 St.GRANTEE NAME AND ADDRESS Sb.GRANTEE PROJECT DIRECTOR Fott Collins City Of Katie Collins 300 LA PORTE AVE 300 Laporte Ave FORT COLL NS CO 80521 Water Conservation Fort Collins,CO 80521-2719 Phone’[NO PHONE RECORD) 10.GRANTEE AISTNORtZING OFFICIAL lOb.FEDERAL PROJECT OFFICER Ms.Theresa Connor Nicote Mccann 300 Laporte Ave Bureau of Reclamation Main Intenor Building Water Conservation 1849 C Street NW Fort Collins,CO 80521-2719 Washington.DC 20240-1000 Phone 7196619412 ALL AMOUNTS ARE SHOWN tN USD 11.APPROVED BUDGET (Excludes Direct Assistance)12.AWARD COMPUTATION I Financial Assistance Iron,the Federal Awarding Agency Only a.Amount of Federal Finanoal Assistance (from item 1 let $75000.00 II Total project costs inchiding grant funds and all otherf’tnancial participation II b.Less Unobligated Balance From Prior Budget Periods $0.00 a.Salaries and Wages $29.580 00 C.Less Cumulative Prior Award(s This Budget Penod $0.00d.AMOUNT OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TIllS ACTION $7500000 I b.Fringe Benefits $0.00 13.Totat Federal Foods Awarded to Date for Project Period $75000,00 c.Total Personnel Costs $29,580.00 14.RECOMMENDED FUTURE SUPPORT .oo (Subject to the availability of funds and satisfactory progress of the project)d.Equtpment .,$ e.Supplies $0.00 YEAR TOTAL DIRECT COSTS YEAR TOTAL DIRECT COSTS a.2 $d.5 $ I.Trevel $0,00 b.3 $e 6 $ g Constniction $0.00 c.4 $f 7 $ h Other $140 000 00 16.PROGRAM iNcoME SHALL SE USED IN ACCORD WITh ONE OF ThE FOLLoWINGALISRNaTIvEE: I-Contractual $costs e C MATCHiNGj.TOTAL DIRECT COSTS I $169,580.00 it OTHER RE5EARCHIAddiDHfOCIOENOCIaOTHERlaceREl44RKs) k.INDIRECT COSTS $0.00 16,mis AWARD DI CASED ONAN APPUcATION sueMt’rrso To.AND AS APPROVED Cv ThE FEDERAL AWARDING AGENCY ON THE Asove TITLED PROJECT ANDISSUIJECT TO THE TErdHS ANOCONDITIONS INCORPORATID EiTHER DIRECTLY I.TOTAL APPROVED BUDGET $16958000 OR BY REFERENCE IN ThE FOLLOWND:.,.eOpI101elsteaeae510bTTewe015000.ameetutaOore. c This Eseed score ls~ate INFers sid sly nvsd below end.,REMARKS ~‘Federal Share $75,000.00 d Fsd.rN edm,eveun s.qefln,en~coatEonm eedaeet ,snsnnevs.cpUc.ble teas eNact In the event fleE arc contictn~a otheovse inconsistent pniidea the gent.the above coder ot precedence shea n.Non-Federal Share $94 560 00 prevail.Acreplance at the ~eent term,end csndtinns lb acimoveledged by the ~ranlee ‘stten hinds em ealisIl or ofierceseoblafriedfromthegoalpaymentsystem. REMARKS Other Terms and Conditions Attached •Yes No See nerd page GRANTS MANAGEMENT OFFICIAL: Beverty Nelson,Chief Grants Officer Denver Federal Center Sm &Kipling (84-271301 D.ov*slgeed bytllitR,Y Denver CO 80225 BEVERLY NELSON NELsON Phone 303.445.2762 Daie2tI2sLO9It~4tII-Ofte 17.VENDOR CODE 0071330135 ISa.UEI lab.DUNS 078362597 IS.CONG.DIST.02 LINES FINANCtALACCT AMTOFFINASST STARTDATE ENDDATE TASACCT POUNEDESCRIPT1ON 0051017650-00010 575 000.00 0310912022 06/30)2023 0680 R-DO.2021-000376 SWEP City of Ft.Collin EXHIBIT A NOTICE OF AWARD (Continuation Sheet) REMARKS PAGE 2of3 DATE ISSUED 03/09/2022 GRANT NO.R22AP00103-OO No program income authorized Recipients ale NOT requ red to sign the Notice of Award or any other award document,Recipients indicate their acceptance of an award including award terms and conditions by starting woik drawing down funds or accepting the award via electronic means,Recipient acceptance of an award carries with it the responsibility to be aware of and comply with all terms and conditions applicable to the award.Recipients are responsible for ensuring that their subrecipients and contractors are aware of and comply with applicable award statutes regulations and terms and conditions.Recipient failure to comply with award terms and conditions can result in Reclamation taking one or more of the remedies and actions described in 2 CFR 200 339343 2 EXHIBIT A NOTICE OF AWARD (Continuation Sheet) PAGE 3of3 DATE ISSUED 03/09/2 022 GRANT NO.R22AP00103-00 Federal Financial Report Cycle Reporting Period Start Date Reporting Period End Date Reporting Type Reporting Period Due Date 03/09/2022 09 30/2022 Annual 12/29/2022 10/01/2022 06/30/2023 Final 10/28/2023 Performance Progress Report Cycle Reporting Period Start Date Reporting Period End Date Reporting Type ]Reporting Period Due Dale 03/09/2022 09/30/2022 Annual ji 2/29/2022 tO/0l/2022 06/30/2023 Final Jl0/28/2023 3 EXHIBIT A AWARD ATTACHMENTS FORT COLLINS,CITY OF R22AP00103-OO 1 R22APOO1 03 Agreement EXHIBIT A Page I of5O UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT R22AP00103 Between Bureau of Reclamation And City of Fort Collins For Xeriscape Incentive Program EXHIBIT A Page 2 of 50 TABLE OF CONTENTS I.OVERVIEW AND SCHEDULE 4 1.AUTHORITY 4 2.PUBLIC PURPOSE OF SUPPORT OR STIMULATION 5 3.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES 5 4.PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE AND FUNDS AVAILABILITY 6 5.SCOPE OF WORK AND MILESTONES 6 6.RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PARTIES 7 7.BUDGET 8 8.KEY PERSONNEL 10 9.LIMITATION OF AUTHORITIES 10 10.REPORTING REQUIREMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION 11 II.REGULATORY COMPLIANCE 14 II.RECLAMATION STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS 15 1.REGULATIONS 15 2.PAYMENT 15 3.PROCUREMENT STANDARDS (2 CFR 200.3 17 through 200.327)19 4.EQUIPMENT (2 CFR 200.313)30 5.SUPPLIES (2 CFR 200.3 14)32 6.INSPECTION 32 7.AUDIT REQUIREMENTS (2 CFR 200.501)33 8.REMEDIES FOR NONCOMPLIANCE (2 CFR200.339)34 9.TERMINATION (2 CFR 200.340)34 10.DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION (2 CFR 1400)35 11.DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (2 CFR 182 and 1401)35 12.ASSURANCES AND CERTIFICATIONS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE 35 13.COVENANT AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES 36 14.TRAFFICKING VICTIMS PROTECTION ACT OF 2000(2 CFR 175.15)36 15.NEW RESTRICTIONS ON LOBBYING (43 CFR 18)38 16.UNIFORM RELOCATION ASSISTANCE AND REAL PROPERTY ACQUISITION POLICIES ACT OF 1970 (URA)(42 USC 4601 ea’seq.)39 Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (0!2021) EXHIBIT A Page 3 ofSO 17.SYSTEM FOR AWARD MANAGEMENT AND UNIVERSAL IDENTIFIER REQUIREMENTS (2 CFR 25,APPENDIX A)40 18.PROHIBITION ON TEXT MESSAGING AND USING ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED BY THE GOVERNMENT WHILE DRIVING 41 19.REPORTING SUBA WARDS AND EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION (2 CFR 170 APPENDIX A)41 20.RECIPIENT EMPLOYEE WHISTLEBLOWER RIGHTS AND REQUIREMENT TO INFORM EMPLOYEES OF WHISTLEBLOWER RIGHTS (SEP 2013)44 21.REPORTING OF MA17ERS RELATED TO RECIPIENT INTEGRITY AND PERFORMANCE (APPENDIX XII to 2 CFR Part 200)44 22.CONFLICTS OF INTEREST 46 23.DATA AVAILABILITY 47 24.PROHIBITION ON PROVIDING FUNDS TO THE ENEMY 48 25.ADDITIONAL ACCESS TO RECIPIENT RECORDS 48 26.PROHIBITION ON CERTAIN TELECOMMUNICATION AND VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SERVICES OR EQUIPMENT 49 III.DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STANDARD AWARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS 50 Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 4 of5O Financial Assistance Agreement Between Bureau of Reclamation And City of Fort Collins For Xeriscape Incentive Program I.OVERVIEW AND SCHEDULE 1.AUTHORITY This Financial Assistance Agreement (Agreement)is entered into between the United States of America,acting through the Department of the Interior,Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) and City of Fort Collins (Recipient),pursuant to Section 9504(a)of the SECURE WATER ACT, Subtitle F of Title IX of the OMNIBUS PUBLIC LAND MANAGEMENT ACT OF 2009, Public Law 111-11(42 U.S.C.10364)(the “Act”).The following section,provided in full text, authorizes Reclamation to award this financial assistance agreement: SEC 9504.WA TER MANA GEMENT IMPRO VEMENT. (a)Authorization of grants and cooperative agreements. (1)Authority of Secretary The Secretary may provide any grant to,or enter into an agreement with,any eligible applicant to assist the eligible applicant in planning, designing,or cons tructing any improvement or carrying out any activity— (A)to conserve water; (B)to increase water use efficiency; (C)to facilitate water markets; (D)to enhance water management,including increasing the use of renewable energy in the management and delivery of water; (E)to accelerate the adoption and use of advanced water treatment technologies to increase water supply; (F)to assist States and water users in complying with interstate compacts or reducing basin water supply-demand imbalances; (G)to achieve the prevention of the decline of species that the United States Fish and Wildflfè Service and National Marine Fisheries Service have proposedfor listing under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C 153]et seq.)(or candidate species that are being considered by those agencies for such listing but are not yet the subject ofa proposed rule); Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021 EXHIBIT A Page 5 ofSO (H)to achieve the acceleration of the recovery of threatened species, endangered species,and designated critical habitats that are adversely affected by Federal reclamation projects or are subject to a recovery plan or conservation plan under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 US C 1531 et seq.)under which the Commissioner of Reclamation has implementation responsibilities; (I)to improve the condition of a natural feature;or (J)to carry out any other activity— (i)to address any climate-related impact to the water supply of the United States that increases ecological resiliency to the impacts of climate change; (ii)to prevent any water-related crisis or conflict at any watershed that has a nexus to a Federal reclamation project located in a service area;or (iii)to plan for or address the impacts of drought. 2.PUBLIC PURPOSE OF SUPPORT OR STIMULATION The proposed Xeriscape Incentive Program (Project)will increase the reliability of water supplies,conserve water,and improve water management. 3.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES The U.S.Department of the Interior’s (Department)WaterSMART (Sustain and Manage America’s Resources for Tomorrow)Program provides a framework for Federal leadership and assistance to stretch and secure water supplies for future generations in support of the Department’s priorities.Through WaterSMART,the Reclamation leverages Federal and non-Federal funding to work cooperatively with States,Tribes,and local entities as they plan for and implement actions to increase water supply sustainability through investments in existing infrastructure and attention to local water conflicts.Small-Scale Water Efficiency Projects provide support for priorities identified in Presidential Executive Order (E.O.)14008:Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad (E.O.14008)and aligned with other priorities,such as those identified in Presidential Executive Order 13985: Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government (E.O.13985).Small-Scale Water Efficiency projects also support the goals of the Interagency Drought Relief Working Group established in March 2021 and the National Drought Resiliency Partnership. Drought conditions across the West impact a wide range of communities and sectors,including agriculture,cities,Tribes,the environment,recreation,hydropower producers,and others.The western United States is experiencing its worst drought this century historic in both duration and severity -threatening to kill crops,spark wildfires,and harm public health.As of July,the U.S.Drought Monitor indicates that more than 93°o of the land in nine of the Western states is in drought conditions,and nearly 60%of the area is experiencing extreme or exceptional drought. Through WaterSMART,Reclamation provides financial assistance to water managers for projects that seek to conserve and use water more efficiently and accomplish other benefits that contribute to sustainability in the Western United States. Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 6 ofSO Through Small-Scale Water Efficiency Projects,Reclamation provides assistance to States, Tribes,irrigation districts,water districts,and other entities with water or power delivery authority to undertake small-scale water efficiency projects that have been prioritized through planning efforts led by the applicant.These projects conserve and use water more efficiently; mitigate conflict risk in areas at a high risk of future water conflict;and accomplish other benefits that contribute to water supply reliability in the western United States. The City of Fort Collins,located in northern Colorado,will continue to offer their Xeriscape Incentive Program to commercial and homeowner association landscaping.This project will help the City reduce overall water demand through conversions to low water use landscaping and hardscaping.This project is supported by the City’s 2016 Water Efficiency Plan. 4.PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE AND FUNDS AVAILABILITY This Agreement becomes effective on the date shown in block I of the United States of America, Department of the Interior,Notice of Award (NOA).The Agreement shall remain in effect through the date shown in block 6 of the NOA.The project period for this Agreement may only be changed through written amendment of the Agreement by a Reclamation Grants Officer (GO). No legal liability on the part of the Government for any payment may arise until funds are made available,in writing,to the Recipient by a Reclamation GO.The total estimated project cost for this Agreement is $169,580.00 and the total estimated amount of federal funding is $75,000.00. The initial amount of federal funds available is limited to $75,000.00 as indicated by “Amount of Financial Assistance This Action”within block 12 of the NOA.Subject to the availability of Congressional appropriations,subsequent funds will be made available for payment through written amendments to this Agreement by a Reclamation GO. 5.SCOPE OF WORK AND MILESTONES Under this Agreement,the Recipient shall provide rebates in the amount of $1.50 per square foot of area converted from high-to low-water use landscape.Project management,completion and invoice payment will be completed by each rebate awardee.The rebate maximum per customer is $15,000.The Recipient shall provide approximately $70,000 in rebates under this Agreement, an amount that will be matched by rebate awardees. Landscape conversions will take place within the Fort Collins Utilities service area boundaries. The project latitude is 40 35’N and the longitude is 105 5’W.The Recipient shall include in its records the locations of the landscape conversions carried out under this Agreement,in particular to ensure that those locations are distinct from the locations of landscape conversions carried out with WaterSMART Small-Scale Water Efficiency Projects funding under Agreement RI9APOO 169. Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Temp/ale City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 7 of5O 6.RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PARTIES 6.1 Recipient Responsibilities 6.1.1 The Recipient shall carry out the Scope of Work (SOW)in accordance with the terms and conditions stated herein.The Recipient shall adhere to Federal,state,and local laws,regulations, and codes,as applicable,and shall obtain all required approvals and permits.If the SOW contains construction activities,the Recipient is responsible for construction inspection, oversight,and acceptance.If applicable,the Recipient shall also coordinate and obtain approvals from site owners and operators. 6.1.2 Interim Performance Reports.The Recipient shall prepare and submit to Reclamation interim Project performance reports (Interim Performance Reports)as required by Section 1.10 of this Agreement.Each Interim Performance Report will include (but is not limited to)the information identified in paragraph 1.10.3 and will discuss the following: •A comparison of actual accomplishments to the milestones established by the financial assistance agreement for the reporting period •The reasons why established milestones were not met,if applicable •The status of milestones from the previous reporting period that were not met,if applicable •Whether the Project is on schedule and within the original cost estimate •Any additional pertinent information or issues related to the status of the Project 6.1.3 Final Project Report.The Recipient shall prepare and submit to Reclamation a final Project performance report (Final Project Report)as required by Section 1.10 of this Agreement. The Final Project Report will include (but is not limited to)the information identified in paragraph 1.10.3 and will discuss the following: •Whether the Project objectives and goals were met •The benefits to the recipienf 5 water supply delivery system •Other benefits achieved through the project.Consider the following: Whether the project has or will complement work done in collaboration with NRCS The benefits to overall water supply reliability in the area Photographs documenting the project are also appreciated.Recipient understands that Reclamation may print photos with appropriate credit to Recipient.Recipient also understands that the Final Project Report is a public document and may be made available on Reclamation’s website, watersmartl. Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A PageS of 50 6.2 Reclamation Responsibilities 6.2.1 Reclamation will monitor and provide Federal oversight of activities performed under this Agreement.Monitoring and oversight includes review and approval of financial status and performance reports,payment requests,and any other deliverables identified as part of the SOW. Additional monitoring activities may include site visits,conference calls,and other on-site and off-site monitoring activities.At the Recipient’s request,Reclamation may also provide technical assistance to the Recipient in support of the SOW and objectives of this Agreement. 7.BUDGET 7.1 Budget Estimate.The following is the estimated budget for this Agreement.As Federal financial assistance agreements are cost-reimbursable,the budget provided is for estimation purposes only.Final costs incurred under the budget categories listed may be either higher or lower than the estimated costs.All costs incurred by the Recipient under this Agreement must be in accordance with any pre-award clarifications conducted between the Recipient and Reclamation,as well as with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.Final determination of the allowability,allocability,or reasonableness of costs incurred under this Agreement is the responsibility of the GO.Recipients are encouraged to direct any questions regarding allowability,allocability or reasonableness of costs to the GO for review prior to incurrence of the costs in question. BUDGET ITEM DESCRIPTION TOTAL COST SALARIES,WAGES,FRINGE BENEFITS All Salaries and Wages I $29,580 OTHER Rebates $140,000 TOTAL DIRECT COSTS $169,580 INDIRECT COSTS NA TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $169,580 7.2 Cost Sharing Requirement At least 50%non-Federal cost share is required for costs incurred under this Agreement.Based on the budget estimate reflected in Section 7.1 above,the estimated Federal share of allowable costs is 44%($75,000.00)and the Recipient’s estimated non-Federal cost share is 56%($94,580.00).The Federal share of allowable costs shall not be expended in advance of the Recipient’s non-Federal share.It is expected that expenditure of Federal and non-Federal funds based upon the cost share percentage above shall occur concurrently. If a bona fide need arises which requires the expenditure of Federal funds in advance of the Recipient share,then the Recipient must request written approval from the GO prior to the Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 9 of5O expenditure.Recipient’s may expend their agreed upon share of costs in advance of the expenditure of Federal funds without prior written approval. 7.3 Pre-Award Incurrence of Costs The Recipient is not authorized to incur costs prior to the award of this Agreement.Costs incurred prior to the award of this Agreement are not allowable. 7.4 Allowable Costs Costs incurred for the performance of this Agreement must be allowable,allocable to the project, and reasonable.The following regulations,codified within the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR),governs the allowability of costs for Federal financial assistance: 2 CFR 200 Subpart E,“Cost Principles” Expenditures for the performance of this Agreement must conform to the requirements within this CFR.The Recipient must maintain sufficient documentation to support these expenditures. Questions on the allowability of costs should be directed to the GO responsible for this Agreement. The Recipient shall not incur costs or obligate funds for any purpose pertaining to operation of the program or activities beyond the expiration date stated in the Agreement.The only costs which are authorized for a period of up to 120 days following the project period are those strictly associated with closeout activities for preparation of the final reports. 7.5 Revision of Budget and Program Plans In accordance with 2 CFR 200.308(h)the recipient must request prior written approval for any of the following changes: (a)A change in the approved scope of work or associated tasks,even if there is no associated budget revisions. (b)Revisions which require additional Federal funds to complete the project. (c)Revisions which involve specific costs for which prior written approval requirements may be imposed consistent with 0MB cost principles listed in 2 CFR 200 Subpart E “Cost Principles”. 7.6 Amendments Any changes to this Agreement shall be made by means of a written amendment.Reclamation may make changes to the Agreement by means of a unilateral amendment to address changes in address,no-cost time extensions,changes to Key Personnel,the addition of previously agreed upon funding,or administrative corrections which do not impact the terms and conditions of this agreement.Additionally,a unilateral amendment may be utilized by Reclamation if it should become necessary to suspend or terminate the Agreement in accordance with 2 CFR 200.340. Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021 EXHIBIT A Page 10 of5O All other changes shall be made by means of a bilateral amendment to the Agreement.No oral statement made by any person,or written statement by any person other than the GO,shall be allowed in any manner or degree to amend,modify or otherwise effect the terms of the Agreement. All requests for amendment of the Agreement shall be made in writing,provide a full description of the reason for the request,and be sent to the attention of the GO.Any request for project period extension shall be made at least 45 days prior to the end of the project period of the Agreement or the project period date of any extension that may have been previously granted. Any determination to extend the project period or to provide follow-on funding for continuation of a project is solely at the discretion of Reclamation. 8.KEY PERSONNEL The Recipient’s Project Manager for this Agreement shall be: Katie Collins Water Conservation Coordinator 300 Laporte Ave Fort Collins,CO 80521 970-416-4378 kcollins 9.LIMITATION OF AUTHORITIES 9.1 Grants Officer (GO). The Reclamation GO is the only official with legal delegated authority to represent Reclamation. The Reclamation GO’s responsibilities include,but are not limited to,the following: (a)Formally obligate Reclamation to expend funds or change the funding level of the Agreement; (b)Approve through formal amendment changes in the scope of work and or budget; (c)Approve through formal amendment any increase or decrease in the period of performance of the Agreement; (d)Approve through formal amendment changes in any of the expressed terms,conditions, or specifications of the Agreement; (e)Be responsible for the overall administration,management,and other non-programmatic aspects of the Agreement including,but not limited to,interpretation of financial assistance statutes,regulations,circulars,policies,and terms of the Agreement; Where applicable,ensures that Reclamation complies with the administrative requirements required by statutes,regulations,circulars,policies,and terms of the Agreement. Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City qf Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page II of5O 9.2 Grants Management Specialist (GMS). The Reclamation Grants Management Specialist (GMS)is the primary administrative point of contact for this agreement and should be contacted regarding issues related to the day-to-day management of the agreement.Requests for approval regarding the terms and conditions of the agreement,including but not limited to amendments and prior approval,may only be granted,in writing,by a Reclamation GO.Please note that for some agreements,the Reclamation GO and the Reclamation GMS may be the same individual. 10.REPORTING REQUIREMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION 10.1 Noncompliance.Failure to comply with the reporting requirements contained in this Agreement may be considered a material noncompliance with the terms and conditions of the award.Noncompliance may result in withholding of payments pending receipt of required reports,denying both the use of funds and matching credit for all or part of the cost of the activity or action not in compliance,whole or partial suspension or termination of the Agreement,recovery of funds paid under the Agreement,withholding of future awards,or other legal remedies in accordance with 2 CFR 200.340. 10.2 Financial Reports.Federal Financial Reports shall be submitted by means of the SF-425 and shall be submitted according to the Report Frequency and Distribution schedule below.All financial reports shall be signed by an Authorized Certifying Official for the Recipient’s organization. 10.3 Monitoring and Reporting Program Performance. (a)Monitoring by the non-Federal entity.The non-Federal entity is responsible for oversight of the operations of the Federal award supported activities.The non-Federal entity must monitor its activities under Federal awards to assure compliance with applicable Federal requirements and performance expectations are being achieved.Monitoring by the non- Federal entity must cover each program,function or activity.See also 2 CFR 200.332 Requirements for pass-through entities. (b)Non-construction performance reports.The Federal awarding agency must use standard, 0MB-approved data elements for collection of performance information (including performance progress reports,Research Performance Progress Report,or such future collections as may be approved by 0MB and listed on the 0MB Web site). (I)The non-Federal entity must submit performance reports at the interval required by the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity to best inform improvements in program outcomes and productivity.Intervals must be no less frequent than annually nor more frequent than quarterly except in unusual circumstances,for example where more frequent reporting is necessary for the effective monitoring of the Federal award or could significantly affect program outcomes.Annual reports must be due 90 calendar days after the reporting period;quarterly or semiannual reports must be due 30 calendar days after the reporting period.Alternatively,the Federal awarding Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 12 of 50 agency or pass-through entity may require annual reports before the anniversary dates of multiple year Federal awards.The final performance report will be due 120 calendar days after the period of performance end date.Ifajustified request is submitted by a non-Federal entity,the Federal agency may extend the due date for any performance report. (2)The non-Federal entity must submit performance reports using 0MB-approved governmentwide standard information collections when providing performance information.As appropriate in accordance with above mentioned information collections,these reports will contain,for each Federal award,brief information on the following unless other collections are approved by 0MB: (i)A comparison of actual accomplishments to the objectives of the Federal award established for the period.Where the accomplishments of the Federal award can be quantified,a computation of the cost (for example,related to units of accomplishment)may be required if that information will be useful.Where performance trend data and analysis would be informative to the Federal awarding agency program,the Federal awarding agency should include this as a performance reporting requirement. (ii)The reasons why established goals were not met,if appropriate. (iii)Additional pertinent information including,when appropriate,analysis and explanation of cost overruns or high unit costs. (c)Construction performance reports.For the most part,onsite technical inspections and certified percentage of completion data are relied on heavily by Federal awarding agencies and pass-through entities to monitor progress under Federal awards and subawards for construction.The Federal awarding agency may require additional performance reports only when considered necessary. (d)Significant developments.Events may occur between the scheduled performance reporting dates that have significant impact upon the supported activity.In such cases,the non-Federal entity must inform the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity as soon as the following types of conditions become known: (1)Problems,delays,or adverse conditions which will materially impair the ability to meet the objective of the Federal award.This disclosure must include a statement of the action taken,or contemplated,and any assistance needed to resolve the situation. (2)Favorable developments which enable meeting time schedules and objectives sooner or at less cost than anticipated or producing more or different beneficial results than originally planned. Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 13 ofSO Reclamation requires Performance reporting for all financial assistance awards,both Construction and non-Construction.Performance reports for Construction agreements shall meet the same minimum requirements outlined in paragraph (b)(2)above. 10.4 Report Frequency and Distribution.The following table sets forth the reporting requirements for this Agreement.Please note the first report due date listed for each type of report. Required Reports I Interim Reports I Final Report Performance Report Format No specific format required.See Summary of activities completed during content requirements within Section the entire period of performance is 10.3 and any program specific reporting required.See content requirements requirements identified in Section 6.1 of within Section 10.3 and any program this Agreement.specific reporting requirements identified in Section 6.1 of this Agreement. Reporting Final Report due within 120 days after Frequency the end of the period of performance. Annual Reporting Period The Federal Fiscal Year,October 1 Entire period of performance through September 30. Due Date For Annual Reporting:Within 90 days Final Report due within 120 days after after the end of the Reporting Period,the end of the period of performance or completion of the proiect. First Report Due The first performance report is due for N/A Date reporting period ending September 30. 2022 Submit to:sha-dro-faoperations sha-dro-faoperations~i)usbr gov or or GrantSolutions GrantSolutions Federal Financial Report Format SF-425 (all sections must be completed)SF-425(all sections must be completed) Reporting Final Report due within 120 days after Frequency the end of the period of performance or completion of the project. Annual Reporting Period The Federal Fiscal Year,October 1 Entire period of performance through September 30. Due Date Final Report due within 120 days after For Annual Reporting:Within 90 days the end of the period of performance or after the end of the Reporting Period,completion of project. First Report Due The first Federal financial report is due N/A Date for reporting period ending September 30,2022 Submit or or GrantSolutions GrantSolutions Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 14 of 50 11.REGULATORY COMPLIANCE The Recipient agrees to comply or assist Reclamation with all regulatory compliance requirements and all applicable state,Federal,and local environmental and cultural and paleontological resource protection laws and regulations as applicable to this project.These may include,but are not limited to,the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA),including the Council on Environmental Quality and Department of the Interior regulations implementing NEPA,the Clean Water Act,the Endangered Species Act,consultation with potentially affected Tribes,and consultation with the State Historic Preservation Office.If the Recipient begins project activities that require environmental or other regulatory compliance approval prior to receipt of written notice from a Reclamation GO that all such clearances have been obtained, then Reclamation reserves the right to initiate remedies for non-compliance as defined by 2 CFR 200.340 up to and including unilateral termination of this agreement. Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 15 ofSO II.RECLAMATION STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1.REGULATIONS The regulations at 2 CFR Subtitle A Cha ter II Part 200 “Uniform Administrative Requirements,Cost Principles,and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards”,are hereby incorporated by reference as though set forth in full text.Failure of a Recipient to comply with any applicable regulation or circular may be the basis for withholding payments for proper charges made by the Recipient and or for termination of support. 2.PAYMENT 2.1 Payment (2 CFR 200.305). (a)For states,payments are governed by Treasury-State Cash Management Improvement Act (CMIA)agreements and default procedures codified at 31 CFR part 205 and Treasury Financial Manual (TFM)4A-2000,“Overall Disbursing Rules for All Federal Agencies”. (b)For non-Federal entities other than states,payments methods must minimize the time elapsing between the transfer of funds from the United States Treasury or the pass-through entity and the disbursement by the non-Federal entity whether the payment is made by electronic funds transfer,or issuance or redemption of checks,warrants,or payment by other means.See also §200.302(b)(6).Except as noted elsewhere in this part,Federal agencies must require recipients to use only 0MB-approved,governmentwide information collection requests to request payment. (1)The non-Federal entity must be paid in advance,provided it maintains or demonstrates the willingness to maintain both written procedures that minimize the time elapsing between the transfer of funds and disbursement by the non-Federal entity,and financial management systems that meet the standards for fund control and accountability as established in this part.Advance payments to a non-Federal entity must be limited to the minimum amounts needed and be timed to be in accordance with the actual,immediate cash requirements of the non-Federal entity in carrying out the purpose of the approved program or project.The timing and amount of advance payments must be as close as is administratively feasible to the actual disbursements by the non-Federal entity for direct program or project costs and the proportionate share of any allowable indirect costs.The non-Federal entity must make timely payment to contractors in accordance with the contract provisions. (2)Whenever possible,advance payments must be consolidated to cover anticipated cash needs for all Federal awards made by the Federal awarding agency to the recipient. (i)Advance payment mechanisms include,but are not limited to,Treasury check and electronic funds transfer and must comply with applicable guidance in 31 CFR part 208. (ii)Non-Federal entities must be authorized to submit requests for advance payments and reimbursements at least monthly when electronic fund transfers are not used, Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021 EXHIBIT A Page 16 ofSO and as often as they like when electronic transfers are used,in accordance with the provisions of the Electronic Fund Transfer Act (15 U.S.C.1693-1693r). (3)Reimbursement is the preferred method when the requirements in this paragraph (b) cannot be met,when the Federal awarding agency sets a specific condition per §200.208, or when the non-Federal entity requests payment by reimbursement.This method may be used on any Federal award for construction,or if the major portion of the construction project is accomplished through private market financing or Federal loans,and the Federal award constitutes a minor portion of the project.When the reimbursement method is used,the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity must make payment within 30 calendar days after receipt of the billing,unless the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity reasonably believes the request to be improper. (4)If the non-Federal entity cannot meet the criteria for advance payments and the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity has determined that reimbursement is not feasible because the non-Federal entity lacks sufficient working capital,the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity may provide cash on a working capital advance basis. Under this procedure,the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity must advance cash payments to the non-Federal entity to cover its estimated disbursement needs for an initial period generally geared to the non-Federal entity’s disbursing cycle.Thereafter,the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity must reimburse the non-Federal entity for its actual cash disbursements.Use of the working capital advance method of payment requires that the pass-through entity provide timely advance payments to any subrecipients in order to meet the subrecipient’s actual cash disbursements.The working capital advance method of payment must not be used by the pass-through entity if the reason for using this method is the unwillingness or inability of the pass-through entity to provide timely advance payments to the subrecipient to meet the subrecipient’s actual cash disbursements. (5)To the extent available,the non-Federal entity must disburse funds available from program income (including repayments to a revolving fund),rebates,refunds,contract settlements,audit recoveries,and interest earned on such funds before requesting additional cash payments. (6)Unless otherwise required by Federal statutes,payments for allowable costs by non- Federal entities must not be withheld at any time during the period of performance unless the conditions ofl200.208,subpart D of this part,including §200.339,or one or more of the following applies: (i)The non-Federal entity has failed to comply with the project objectives,Federal statutes,regulations,or the terms and conditions of the Federal award. (ii)The non-Federal entity is delinquent in a debt to the United States as defined in 0MB Circular A-129,“Policies for Federal Credit Programs and Non-Tax Receivables.”Under such conditions,the Federal awarding agency or pass- through entity may,upon reasonable notice,inform the non-Federal entity that payments must not be made for financial obligations incurred after a specified Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 17of50 date until the conditions are corrected or the indebtedness to the Federal Government is liquidated. (iii)A payment withheld for failure to comply with Federal award conditions,but without suspension of the Federal award,must be released to the non-Federal entity upon subsequent compliance.When a Federal award is suspended,payment adjustments will be made in accordance with §200.343. (iv)A payment must not be made to a non-Federal entity for amounts that are withheld by the non-Federal entity from payment to contractors to assure satisfactory completion of work.A payment must be made when the non-Federal entity actually disburses the withheld funds to the contractors or to escrow accounts established to assure satisfactory completion of work. (7)Standards governing the use of banks and other institutions as depositories of advance payments under Federal awards are as follows. (i)The Federal awarding agency and pass-through entity must not require separate depository accounts for funds provided to a non-Federal entity or establish any eligibility requirements for depositories for funds provided to the non-Federal entity.However,the non-Federal entity must be able to account for funds received,obligated,and expended. (ii)Advance payments of Federal funds must be deposited and maintained in insured accounts whenever possible. (8)The non-Federal entity must maintain advance payments of Federal awards in interest- bearing accounts,unless the following apply: (i)The non-Federal entity receives less than $250,000 in Federal awards per year. (ii)The best reasonably available interest-bearing account would not be expected to earn interest in excess of $500 per year on Federal cash balances. (iii)The depository would require an average or minimum balance so high that it would not be feasible within the expected Federal and non-Federal cash resources. (iv)A foreign government or banking system prohibits or precludes interest-bearing accounts. (9)Interest earned amounts up to $500 per year may be retained by the non-Federal entity for administrative expense.Any additional interest earned on Federal advance payments deposited in interest-bearing accounts must be remitted annually to the Department of Health and Human Services Payment Management System (PMS)through an electronic medium using either Automated Clearing House (ACH)network or a Fedwire Funds Service payment. (i)For returning interest on Federal awards paid through PMS,the refund should: (A)Provide an explanation stating that the refund is for interest; (B)List the PMS Payee Account Number(s)(PANs); Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 18of50 (C)List the Federal award number(s)for which the interest was earned;and (D)Make returns payable to:Department of Health and Human Services. (ii)For returning interest on Federal awards not paid through PMS,the refund should: (A)Provide an explanation stating that the refund is for interest; (B)Include the name of the awarding agency; (C)List the Federal award number(s)for which the interest was earned;and (D)Make returns payable to:Department of Health and Human Services. (10)Funds,principal,and excess cash returns must be directed to the original Federal agency payment system.The non-Federal entity should review instructions from the original Federal agency payment system.Returns should include the following information: (i)Payee Account Number (PAN),if the payment originated from PMS,or Agency information to indicate whom to credit the funding if the payment originated from ASAP,NSF,or another Federal agency payment system. (ii)PMS document number and subaccount(s),if the payment originated from PMS, or relevant account numbers if the payment originated from another Federal agency payment system. (iii)The reason for the return (e.g.,excess cash,funds not spent,interest,part interest part other,etc.) (11)When returning funds or interest to PMS you must include the following as applicable: (i)For ACH Returns: Routing Number:051036706 Account number:303000 Bank Name and Location:Credit Gateway ACH Receiver St.Paul,MN (ii)For Fedwire Returns’: Routing Number:021030004 Account number:75010501 Bank Name and Location:Federal Reserve Bank Treas NYC/Funds Transfer Division New York,NY ‘Please note that the organization initiating payment is likely to incur a charge from their Financial Institution for this type of payment. (iii)For International ACH Returns: Beneficiary Account:Federal Reserve Bank of New York/ITS (FRBNY ITS) Bank:Citibank N.A.(New York) Swift Code:CITIUS33 Account Number:36838868 Bank Address:388 Greenwich Street,New York,NY 10013 USA Payment Details (Line 70):Agency Locator Code (ALC):75010501 Name (abbreviated when possible)and ALC Agency POC Agreement R22AP00l03 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 19of50 (iv)For recipients that do not have electronic remittance capability,please make check2 payable to:“The Department of Health and Human Services.” Mail Check to Treasury approved lockbox: HHS Program Support Center,P.O.Box 530231,Atlanta,GA 30353-0231 2Please allow 4-6 weeks for processing of a payment by check to be applied to the appropriate PMS account. (v)Questions can be directed to PMS at 877-614-5533 or PMSSupport 2.2 Payment Method. Recipients must utilize the Department of Treasury Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP)payment system to request advance or reimbursement payments.ASAP is a Recipient-initiated payment and information system designed to provide a single point of contact for the request and delivery of Federal funds.ASAP is the only allowable method for request and receipt of payment.Recipient procedures must minimize the time elapsing between the drawdown of Federal funds and the disbursement for agreement purposes. In accordance with 2 CFR 25.200(b)(2)the Recipient shall “Maintain an active SAM registration with current information,including information on a recipient’s immediate and highest level owner and subsidiaries,as well as on all predecessors that have been awarded a Federal contract or grant within the last three years,if applicable,at all times during which it has an active Federal award or an application or plan under consideration by a Federal awarding agency.If the Recipient allows their SAM registration to lapse,the Recipient’s accounts within ASAP will be automatically suspended by Reclamation until such time as the Recipient renews their SAM registration. 3.PROCUREMENT STANDARDS (2 CFR 200.317 through 200.327) §200.317 Procurements by States. When procuring property and services under a Federal award,a State must follow the same policies and procedures it uses for procurements from its non-Federal funds.The State will comply with §~200.32I,200.322,and 200.323 and ensure that every purchase order or other contract includes any clauses required by §200.327.All other non-Federal entities,including subrecipients of a State,must follow the procurement standards in §~200.3 I 8 through 200.327. §200.318 General procurement standards. (a)The non-Federal entity must use its own documented procurement procedures which reflect applicable State,local,and tribal laws and regulations,provided that the procurements conform to applicable Federal law and the standards identified in this part. (b)Non-Federal entities must maintain oversight to ensure that contractors perform in accordance with the terms,conditions,and specifications of their contracts or purchase orders. Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 20 of5O (c)(1)The non-Federal entity must maintain written standards of conduct covering conflicts of interest and governing the actions of its employees engaged in the selection,award and administration of contracts.No employee,officer,or agent may participate in the selection,award,or administration of a contract supported by a Federal award if he or she has a real or apparent conflict of interest.Such a conflict of interest would arise when the employee,officer,or agent,any member of his or her immediate family,his or her partner,or an organization which employs or is about to employ any of the parties indicated herein,has a financial or other interest in or a tangible personal benefit from a firm considered for a contract.The officers,employees,and agents of the non-Federal entity may neither solicit nor accept gratuities,favors,or anything of monetary value from contractors or parties to subcontracts.However,non-Federal entities may set standards for situations in which the financial interest is not substantial or the gift is an unsolicited item of nominal value.The standards of conduct must provide for disciplinary actions to be applied for violations of such standards by officers,employees,or agents of the non-Federal entity. (2)If the non-Federal entity has a parent,affiliate,or subsidiary organization that is not a state,local government,or Indian tribe,the non-Federal entity must also maintain written standards of conduct covering organizational conflicts of interest. Organizational conflicts of interest means that because of relationships with a parent company,affiliate,or subsidiary organization,the non-Federal entity is unable or appears to be unable to be impartial in conducting a procurement action involving a related organization. (d)The non-Federal entity’s procedures must avoid acquisition of unnecessary or duplicative items.Consideration should be given to consolidating or breaking out procurements to obtain a more economical purchase.Where appropriate,an analysis will be made of lease versus purchase alternatives,and any other appropriate analysis to determine the most economical approach. (e)To foster greater economy and efficiency,and in accordance with efforts to promote cost- effective use of shared services across the Federal Government,the non-Federal entity is encouraged to enter into state and local intergovernmental agreements or inter-entity agreements where appropriate for procurement or use of common or shared goods and services. (I)The non-Federal entity is encouraged to use Federal excess and surplus property in lieu of purchasing new equipment and property whenever such use is feasible and reduces project costs. (g)The non-Federal entity is encouraged to use value engineering clauses in contracts for construction projects of sufficient size to offer reasonable opportunities for cost reductions.Value engineering is a systematic and creative analysis of each contract item or task to ensure that its essential function is provided at the overall lower cost. Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (0!202!) EXHIBIT A Page 21 of5O (h)The non-Federal entity must award contracts only to responsible contractors possessing the ability to perform successfully under the terms and conditions of a proposed procurement.Consideration will be given to such matters as contractor integrity, compliance with public policy,record of past performance,and financial and technical resources.See also 200.212 Suspension and debarment. (i)The non-Federal entity must maintain records sufficient to detail the history of procurement.These records will include,but are not necessarily limited to the following: rationale for the method of procurement,selection of contract type,contractor selection or rejection,and the basis for the contract price. (I)(1)The non-Federal entity may use a time and materials type contract only after a determination that no other contract is suitable and if the contract includes a ceiling price that the contractor exceeds at its own risk.Time and materials type contract means a contract whose cost to a non-Federal entity is the sum of: (i)The actual cost of materials;and (ii)Direct labor hours charged at fixed hourly rates that reflect wages,general and administrative expenses,and profit. (2)Since this formula generates an open-ended contract price,a time-and-materials contract provides no positive profit incentive to the contractor for cost control or labor efficiency.Therefore,each contract must set a ceiling price that the contractor exceeds at its own risk.Further,the non-Federal entity awarding such a contract must assert a high degree of oversight in order to obtain reasonable assurance that the contractor is using efficient methods and effective cost controls. (k)The non-Federal entity alone must be responsible,in accordance with good administrative practice and sound business judgment,for the settlement of all contractual and administrative issues arising out of procurements.These issues include,but are not limited to,source evaluation,protests,disputes,and claims.These standards do not relieve the non-Federal entity of any contractual responsibilities under its contracts.The Federal awarding agency will not substitute its judgment for that of the non-Federal entity unless the matter is primarily a Federal concern.Violations of law will be referred to the local,state,or Federal authority having proper jurisdiction. §200.319 Competition. (a)All procurement transactions for the acquisition of property or services required under a Federal award must be conducted in a manner providing full and open competition consistent with the standards of this section and §200.320. (b)In order to ensure objective contractor performance and eliminate unfair competitive advantage,contractors that develop or draft specifications,requirements,statements of work,or invitations for bids or requests for proposals must be excluded from competing Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 22 of 50 for such procurements.Some of the situations considered to be restrictive of competition include but are not limited to: (1)Placing unreasonable requirements on firms in order for them to qualify to do business; (2)Requiring unnecessary experience and excessive bonding; (3)Noncompetitive pricing practices between firms or between affiliated companies; (4)Noncompetitive contracts to consultants that are on retainer contracts; (5)Organizational conflicts of interest; (6)Specifying only a “brand name”product instead of allowing “an equal”product to be offered and describing the performance or other relevant requirements of the procurement;and (7)Any arbitrary action in the procurement process. (c)The non-Federal entity must conduct procurements in a manner that prohibits the use of statutorily or administratively imposed state,local,or tribal geographical preferences in the evaluation of bids or proposals,except in those cases where applicable Federal statutes expressly mandate or encourage geographic preference.Nothing in this section preempts state licensing laws.When contracting for architectural and engineering (AlE) services,geographic location may be a selection criterion provided its application leaves an appropriate number of qualified firms,given the nature and size of the project,to compete for the contract. (d)The non-Federal entity must have written procedures for procurement transactions.These procedures must ensure that all solicitations: (1)Incorporate a clear and accurate description of the technical requirements for the material,product,or service to be procured.Such description must not,in competitive procurements,contain features which unduly restrict competition.The description may include a statement of the qualitative nature of the material,product or service to be procured and,when necessary,must set forth those minimum essential characteristics and standards to which it must conform if it is to satisfy its intended use.Detailed product specifications should be avoided if at all possible.When it is impractical or uneconomical to make a clear and accurate description of the technical requirements,a “brand name or equivalent”description may be used as a means to define the performance or other salient requirements of procurement.The specific features of the named brand which must be met by offers must be clearly stated;and (2)Identify all requirements which the offerors must fulfill and all other factors to be used in evaluating bids or proposals. (e)The non-Federal entity must ensure that all prequalified lists of persons,firms,or products which are used in acquiring goods and services are current and include enough qualified sources to ensure maximum open and free competition.Also,the non-Federal entity must not preclude potential bidders from qualifying during the solicitation period. Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021 EXHIBIT A Page 23 of5O (f)Noncompetitive procurements can only be awarded in accordance with §200.320(c). §200.320 Methods of procurement to be followed. The non-Federal entity must have and use documented procurement procedures,consistent with the standards of this section and §~200.3 17,200.318,and 200.319 for any of the following methods of procurement used for the acquisition of property or services required under a Federal award or sub-award. (a)Informal procurement methods.When the value of the procurement for property or services under a Federal award does not exceed the simplified acquisition threshold (SAT),as defined in §200.1,or a lower threshold established by a non-Federal entity, formal procurement methods are not required.The non-Federal entity may use informal procurement methods to expedite the completion of its transactions and minimize the associated administrative burden and cost.The informal methods used for procurement of property or services at or below the SAT include: (1)Micro-purchases (i)Distribution.The acquisition of supplies or services,the aggregate dollar amount of which does not exceed the micro-purchase threshold (See the definition of micro-purchase in §200.1).To the maximum extent practicable,the non-Federal entity should distribute micro-purchases equitably among qualified suppliers. (ii)Micro-purchase awards.Micro-purchases may be awarded without soliciting competitive price or rate quotations if the non-Federal entity considers the price to be reasonable based on research,experience,purchase history or other information and documents it files accordingly.Purchase cards can be used for micro-purchases if procedures are documented and approved by the non-Federal entity. (iii)Micro-purchase thresholds.The non-Federal entity is responsible for determining and documenting an appropriate micro-purchase threshold based on internal controls,an evaluation of risk,and its documented procurement procedures.The micro-purchase threshold used by the non-Federal entity must be authorized or not prohibited under State,local,or tribal laws or regulations. Non-Federal entities may establish a threshold higher than the Federal threshold established in the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR)in accordance with paragraphs (a)(1 )Ov)and (v)of this section. (iv)Non-Federal entity increase to the micro-purchase threshold up to $50,000.Non- Federal entities may establish a threshold higher than the micro-purchase threshold identified in the FAR in accordance with the requirements of this section.The non-Federal entity may self-certify a threshold up to $50,000 on an annual basis and must maintain documentation to be made available to the Federal awarding agency and auditors in accordance with §200.334.The self Agreement R22APOOIt33 Agreement Template City of Fort olhns (01 2021 EXHIBIT A Page 24 of 50 certification must include a justification,clear identification of the threshold,and supporting documentation of any of the following: (A)A qualification as a low-risk auditee,in accordance with the criteria in §200.520 for the most recent audit; (B)An annual internal institutional risk assessment to identify,mitigate,and manage financial risks;or, (C)For public institutions,a higher threshold consistent with State law. (v)Non-Federal entity increase to the micro-purchase threshold over $50,000. Micro-purchase thresholds higher than $50,000 must be approved by the cognizant agency for indirect costs.The non-federal entity must submit a request with the requirements included in paragraph (a)(I)(iv)of this section.The increased threshold is valid until there is a change in status in which the justification was approved. (2)Small purchases (i)Small purchase procedures.The acquisition of property or services,the aggregate dollar amount of which is higher than the micro-purchase threshold but does not exceed the simplified acquisition threshold.If small purchase procedures are used,price or rate quotations must be obtained from an adequate number of qualified sources as determined appropriate by the non-Federal entity. (ii)Simplified acquisition thresholds.The non-Federal entity is responsible for determining an appropriate simplified acquisition threshold based on internal controls,an evaluation of risk and its documented procurement procedures which must not exceed the threshold established in the FAR.When applicable,a lower simplified acquisition threshold used by the non-Federal entity must be authorized or not prohibited under State,local,or tribal laws or regulations. (b)Formal procurement methods.When the value of the procurement for property or services under a Federal financial assistance award exceeds the SAT,or a lower threshold established by a non-Federal entity,formal procurement methods are required.Formal procurement methods require following documented procedures.Formal procurement methods also require public advertising unless a non-competitive procurement can be used in accordance with §200.319 or paragraph (c)of this section.The following formal methods of procurement are used for procurement of property or services above the simplified acquisition threshold or a value below the simplified acquisition threshold the non-Federal entity determines to be appropriate: (1)Sealed bids.A procurement method in which bids are publicly solicited and a firm fixed-price contract (lump sum or unit price)is awarded to the responsible bidder whose bid,conforming with all the material terms and conditions of the invitation for Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 25 ofSO bids,is the lowest in price.The sealed bids method is the preferred method for procuring construction,if the conditions. (i)Jn order for sealed bidding to be feasible,the following conditions should be present: (A)A complete,adequate,and realistic specification or purchase description is available; (B)Two or more responsible bidders are willing and able to compete effectively for the business;and (C)The procurement lends itself to a firm fixed price contract and the selection of the successful bidder can be made principally on the basis of price. (ii)If sealed bids are used,the following requirements apply: (A)Bids must be solicited from an adequate number of qualified sources, providing them sufficient response time prior to the date set for opening the bids,for local,and tribal governments,the invitation for bids must be publicly advertised; (B)The invitation for bids,which will include any specifications and pertinent attachments,must define the items or services in order for the bidder to properly respond; (C)All bids will be opened at the time and place prescribed in the invitation for bids,and for local and tribal governments,the bids must be opened publicly; (D)A firm fixed price contract award will be made in writing to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder.Where specified in bidding documents, factors such as discounts,transportation cost,and life cycle costs must be considered in determining which bid is lowest.Payment discounts will only be used to determine the low bid when prior experience indicates that such discounts are usually taken advantage of~and (E)Any or all bids may be rejected if there is a sound documented reason. (2)Proposals.A procurement method in which either a fixed price or cost-reimbursement type contract is awarded.Proposals are generally used when conditions are not appropriate for the use of sealed bids.They are awarded in accordance with the following requirements: (i)Requests for proposals must be publicized and identify all evaluation factors and their relative importance.Proposals must be solicited from an adequate number of qualified offerors.Any response to publicized requests for proposals must be considered to the maximum extent practical; (ii)The non-Federal entity must have a written method for conducting technical evaluations of the proposals received and making selections; Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 202!) EXHIBIT A Page 26 of 50 (iii)Contracts must be awarded to the responsible offeror whose proposal is most advantageous to the non-Federal entity,with price and other factors considered; and (iv)The non-Federal entity may use competitive proposal procedures for qualifications-based procurement of architectural/engineering (AlE)professional services whereby offeror’s qualifications are evaluated and the most qualified offeror is selected,subject to negotiation of fair and reasonable compensation. The method,where price is not used as a selection factor,can only be used in procurement of A/E professional services.It cannot be used to purchase other types of services though AlE firms that are a potential source to perform the proposed effort. (c)Noncompetitive procurement.There are specific circumstances in which noncompetitive procurement can be used.Noncompetitive procurement can only be awarded if one or more of the following circumstances apply: (I)The acquisition of property or services,the aggregate dollar amount of which does not exceed the micro-purchase threshold (see paragraph (a)(l)of this section); (2)The item is available only from a single source; (3)The public exigency or emergency for the requirement will not permit a delay resulting from publicizing a competitive solicitation; (4)The Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity expressly authorizes a noncompetitive procurement in response to a written request from the non-Federal entity;or (5)After solicitation of a number of sources,competition is determined inadequate. §200.321 Contracting with small and minority businesses,women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area firms. (a)The non-Federal entity must take all necessary affirmative steps to assure that minority businesses,women’s business enterprises,and labor surplus area firms are used when possible. (b)Affirmative steps must include: (1)Placing qualified small and minority businesses and women’s business enterprises on solicitation lists; (2)Assuring that small and minority businesses,and women’s business enterprises are solicited whenever they are potential sources; (3)Dividing total requirements,when economically feasible,into smaller tasks or quantities to permit maximum participation by small and minority businesses,and women’s business enterprises; Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 27 of 50 (4)Establishing delivery schedules,where the requirement permits,which encourage participation by small and minority businesses,and womens business enterprises; (5)Using the services and assistance,as appropriate,of such organizations as the Small Business Administration and the Minority Business Development Agency of the Department of Commerce;and (6)Requiring the prime contractor,if subcontracts are to be let,to take the affirmative steps listed in paragraphs (b)(1)through (5)of this section. §200.322 Domestic preferences for procurements. (a)As appropriate and to the extent consistent with law,the non-Federal entity should,to the greatest extent practicable under a Federal award,provide a preference for the purchase, acquisition,or use of goods,products,or materials produced in the United States (including but not limited to iron,aluminum,steel cement,and other manufactured products).The requirements of this section must be included in all subawards including all contracts and purchase orders for work or products under this award. (b)For purposes of this section: (1)“Produced in the United States”means,for iron and steel products,that all manufacturing processes,from the initial melting stage through the application of coatings,occurred in the United States. (2)“Manufactured products”means items and construction materials composed in whole or in part of non-ferrous metals such as aluminum;plastics and polymer-based products such as polyvinyl chloride pipe;aggregates such as concrete;glass,including optical fiber;and lumber. §200.323 Procurement of recovered materials. A non-Federal entity that is a state agency or agency of a political subdivision of a state and its contractors must comply with section 6002 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act,as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.The requirements of Section 6002 include procuring only items designated in guidelines of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)at 40 CFR part 247 that contain the highest percentage of recovered materials practicable,consistent with maintaining a satisfactory level of competition,where the purchase price of the item exceeds $10,000 or the value of the quantity acquired during the preceding fiscal year exceeded $10,000; procuring solid waste management services in a manner that maximizes energy and resource recovery;and establishing an affirmative procurement program for procurement of recovered materials identified in the EPA guidelines. §200.324 Contract cost and price. (a)The non-Federal entity must perform a cost or price analysis in connection with every procurement action in excess of the Simplified Acquisition Threshold including contract amendments.The method and degree of analysis is dependent on the facts surrounding Agreement R22.4P00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021 EXHIBIT A Page 28 of 50 the particular procurement situation,but as a starting point,the non-Federal entity must make independent estimates before receiving bids or proposals. (b)The non-Federal entity must negotiate profit as a separate element of the price for each contract in which there is no price competition and in all cases where cost analysis is performed.To establish a fair and reasonable profit,consideration must be given to the complexity of the work to be performed,the risk borne by the contractor,the contractor’s investment,the amount of subcontracting,the quality of its record of past performance, and industry profit rates in the surrounding geographical area for similar work. (c)Costs or prices based on estimated costs for contracts under the Federal award are allowable only to the extent that costs incurred or cost estimates included in negotiated prices would be allowable for the non-Federal entity under subpart E of this part.The non-Federal entity may reference its own cost principles that comply with the Federal cost principles. (d)The cost plus a percentage of cost and percentage of construction cost methods of contracting must not be used. §200.325 Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity review. (a)The non-Federal entity must make available,upon request of the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity,technical specifications on proposed procurements where the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity believes such review is needed to ensure that the item or service specified is the one being proposed for acquisition.This review generally will take place prior to the time the specification is incorporated into a solicitation document.However,if the non-Federal entity desires to have the review accomplished after a solicitation has been developed,the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity may still review the specifications,with such review usually limited to the technical aspects of the proposed purchase. (b)The non-Federal entity must make available upon request,for the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity pre-procurement review,procurement documents,such as requests for proposals or invitations for bids,or independent cost estimates,when: (1)The non-Federal entity’s procurement procedures or operation fails to comply with the procurement standards in this part; (2)The procurement is expected to exceed the Simplified Acquisition Threshold and is to be awarded without competition or only one bid or offer is received in response to a solicitation; (3)The procurement,which is expected to exceed the Simplified Acquisition Threshold, specifies a “brand name”product; (4)The proposed contract is more than the Simplified Acquisition Threshold and is to be awarded to other than the apparent low bidder under a sealed bid procurement;or Agreement k22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 29 of 50 (5)A proposed contract amendment changes the scope of a contract or increases the contract amount by more than the Simplified Acquisition Threshold. (c)The non-Federal entity is exempt from the pre-procurement review in paragraph (b)of this section if the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity determines that its procurement systems comply with the standards of this part. (I)The non-Federal entity may request that its procurement system be reviewed by the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity to determine whether its system meets these standards in order for its system to be certified.Generally,these reviews must occur where there is continuous high-dollar funding,and third-party contracts are awarded on a regular basis; (2)The non-Federal entity may self-certify its procurement system.Such self- certification must not limit the Federal awarding agency’s right to survey the system. Under a self-certification procedure,the Federal awarding agency may rely on written assurances from the non-Federal entity that it is complying with these standards.The non-Federal entity must cite specific policies,procedures,regulations,or standards as being in compliance with these requirements and have its system available for review. §200.326 Bonding requirements. For construction or facility improvement contracts or subcontracts exceeding the Simplified Acquisition Threshold,the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity may accept the bonding policy and requirements of the non-Federal entity provided that the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity has made a determination that the Federal interest is adequately protected.If such a determination has not been made,the minimum requirements must be as follows: (a)A bid guarantee from each bidder equivalent to five percent of the bid price.The “bid guarantee”must consist of a firm commitment such as a bid bond,certified check,or other negotiable instrument accompanying a bid as assurance that the bidder will,upon acceptance of the bid,execute such contractual documents as may be required within the time specified. (b)A performance bond on the part of the contractor for 100 percent of the contract price.A “performance bond”is one executed in connection with a contract to secure fulfillment of all the contractor’s requirements under such contract. (c)A payment bond on the part of the contractor for 100 percent of the contract price.A “payment bond”is one executed in connection with a contract to assure payment as required by law of all persons supplying labor and material in the execution of the work provided for in the contract. Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 202!) EXHIBIT A Page 30 of5O §200.327 Contract provisions. The non-Federal entity’s contracts must contain the applicable provisions described in appendix II to this part. [78 FR 78608,Dec.26,2013,as amended at 79 FR 75885,Dec.19,2014,and 85 FR 49506] 4.EQUIPMENT (2 CFR 200.313) See also 200.439 Equipment and other capital expenditures. (a)Title.Subject to the obligations and conditions set forth in this section,title to equipment acquired under a Federal award will vest upon acquisition in the non-Federal entity.Unless a statute specifically authorizes the Federal agency to vest title in the non-Federal entity without further obligation to the Federal Government,and the Federal agency elects to do so, the title must be a conditional title.Title must vest in the non-Federal entity subject to the following conditions: (1)Use the equipment for the authorized purposes of the project during the period of performance,or until the property is no longer needed for the purposes of the project. (2)Not encumber the property without approval of the Federal awarding agency or pass- through entity. (3)Use and dispose of the property in accordance with paragraphs (b),(c)and (e)of this section. (b)A state must use,manage and dispose of equipment acquired under a Federal award by the state in accordance with state laws and procedures.Other non-Federal entities must follow paragraphs (c)through (e)of this section. (c)Use. (1)Equipment must be used by the non-Federal entity in the program or project for which it was acquired as long as needed,whether or not the project or program continues to be supported by the Federal award,and the non-Federal entity must not encumber the property without prior approval of the Federal awarding agency.When no longer needed for the original program or project,the equipment may be used in other activities supported by the Federal awarding agency,in the following order of priority: (i)Activities under a Federal award from the Federal awarding agency which funded the original program or project,then (ii)Activities under Federal awards from other Federal awarding agencies.This includes consolidated equipment for information technology systems. (2)During the time that equipment is used on the project or program for which it was acquired,the non-Federal entity must also make equipment available for use on other projects or programs currently or previously supported by the Federal Government, provided that such use will not interfere with the work on the projects or program for which it was originally acquired.First preference for other use must be given to other Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 31 of5O programs or projects supported by Federal awarding agency that financed the equipment and second preference must be given to programs or projects under Federal awards from other Federal awarding agencies.Use for non-federally-funded programs or projects is also permissible.User fees should be considered if appropriate. (3)Notwithstanding the encouragement in 200.307 Program income to earn program income, the non-Federal entity must not use equipment acquired with the Federal award to provide services for a fee that is less than private companies charge for equivalent services unless specifically authorized by Federal statute for as long as the Federal Government retains an interest in the equipment. (4)When acquiring replacement equipment,the non-Federal entity may use the equipment to be replaced as a trade-in or sell the property and use the proceeds to offset the cost of the replacement property. (d)Management requirements.Procedures for managing equipment (including replacement equipment),whether acquired in whole or in part under a Federal award,until disposition takes place will,as a minimum,meet the following requirements: (I)Property records must be maintained that include a description of the property,a serial number or other identification number,the source of funding for the property (including the FAIN),who holds title,the acquisition date,and cost of the property,percentage of Federal participation in the project costs for the Federal award under which the property was acquired,the location,use and condition of the property,and any ultimate disposition data including the date of disposal and sale price of the property. (2)A physical inventory of the property must be taken and the results reconciled with the property records at least once every two years. (3)A control system must be developed to ensure adequate safeguards to prevent loss, damage,or theft of the property.Any loss,damage,or theft must be investigated. (4)Adequate maintenance procedures must be developed to keep the property in good condition. (5)If the non-Federal entity is authorized or required to sell the property,proper sales procedures must be established to ensure the highest possible return. (e)Disposition.When original or replacement equipment acquired under a Federal award is no longer needed for the original project or program or for other activities currently or previously supported by a Federal awarding agency,except as otherwise provided in Federal statutes,regulations,or Federal awarding agency disposition instructions,the non-Federal entity must request disposition instructions from the Federal awarding agency if required by the terms and conditions of the Federal award.Disposition of the equipment will be made as follows,in accordance with Federal awarding agency disposition instructions: (I)Items of equipment with a current per unit fair market value of $5,000 or less may be retained,sold or otherwise disposed of with no further obligation to the Federal awarding agency. (2)Except as provided in 200.3 12 Federally-owned and exempt property,paragraph (b),or if the Federal awarding agency fails to provide requested disposition instructions within Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021 EXHIBIT A Page 32 of 50 120 days,items of equipment with a current per-unit fair-market value in excess of $5,000 may be retained by the non-Federal entity or sold.The Federal awarding agency is entitled to an amount calculated by multiplying the current market value or proceeds from sale by the Federal awarding agency’s percentage of participation in the cost of the original purchase.If the equipment is sold,the Federal awarding agency may permit the non-Federal entity to deduct and retain from the Federal share $500 or ten percent of the proceeds,whichever is less,for its selling and handling expenses. (3)The non-Federal entity may transfer title to the property to the Federal Government or to an eligible third party provided that,in such cases,the non-Federal entity must be entitled to compensation for its attributable percentage of the current fair market value of the property. (4)In cases where a non-Federal entity fails to take appropriate disposition actions,the Federal awarding agency may direct the non-Federal entity to take disposition actions. [78 FR 78608,Dec.26,2013,as amended at 79 FR 75884,Dec.19,2014] 5.SUPPLIES (2 CFR 200.314) See also 200.453 Materials and supplies costs,including costs of computing devices. (a)Title to supplies will vest in the non-Federal entity upon acquisition.If there is a residual inventory of unused supplies exceeding $5,000 in total aggregate value upon termination or completion of the project or program and the supplies are not needed for any other Federal award,the non-Federal entity must retain the supplies for use on other activities or sell them, but must,in either case,compensate the Federal Government for its share.The amount of compensation must be computed in the same manner as for equipment.See 200.313 Equipment,paragraph (e)(2)for the calculation methodology. (b)As long as the Federal Government retains an interest in the supplies,the non-Federal entity must not use supplies acquired under a Federal award to provide services to other organizations for a fee that is less than private companies charge for equivalent services, unless specifically authorized by Federal statute. 6.INSPECTION Reclamation has the right to inspect and evaluate the work performed or being performed under this Agreement,and the premises where the work is being performed,at all reasonable times and in a manner that will not unduly delay the work.If Reclamation performs inspection or evaluation on the premises of the Recipient or a sub-Recipient,the Recipient shall furnish and shall require sub-recipients to furnish all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safe and convenient performance of these duties. Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 33 of5O 7.AUDIT REQUIREMENTS (2 CFR 200.501) (a)Audit required.A non-Federal entity that expends $750,000 or more during the non-Federal entity’s fiscal year in Federal awards must have a single or program-specific audit conducted for that year in accordance with the provisions of this part. (b)Single audit.A non-Federal entity that expends $750,000 or more during the non-Federal entity’s fiscal year in Federal awards must have a single audit conducted in accordance with 200.514 Scope of audit except when it elects to have a program-specific audit conducted in accordance with paragraph (c)of this section. (c)Program-specific audit election.When an auditee expends Federal awards under only one Federal program (excluding R&D)and the Federal program’s statutes,regulations,or the terms and conditions of the Federal award do not require a financial statement audit of the auditee,the auditee may elect to have a program-specific audit conducted in accordance with 200.507 Program-specific audits.A program-specific audit may not be elected for R&D unless all of the Federal awards expended were received from the same Federal agency,or the same Federal agency and the same pass-through entity,and that Federal agency,or pass- through entity in the case of a subrecipient,approves in advance a program-specific audit. (d)Exemption when Federal awards expended are less than $750,000.A non-Federal entity that expends less than $750,000 during the non-Federal entity’s fiscal year in Federal awards is exempt from Federal audit requirements for that year,except as noted in 200.503 Relation to other audit requirements,but records must be available for review or audit by appropriate officials of the Federal agency,pass-through entity,and Government Accountability Office (GAO). (e)Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDC).Management of an auditee that owns or operates a FFRDC may elect to treat the FFRDC as a separate entity for purposes of this part. (f)Subrecipients and Contractors.An auditee may simultaneously be a recipient,a subrecipient, and a contractor.Federal awards expended as a recipient or a subrecipient are subject to audit under this part.The payments received for goods or services provided as a contractor are not Federal awards.Section 200.331 Subrecipient and contractor determinations sets forth the considerations in determining whether payments constitute a Federal award or a payment for goods or services provided as a contractor. (g)Compliance responsibility for contractors.In most cases,the auditee’s compliance responsibility for contractors is only to ensure that the procurement,receipt,and payment for goods and services comply with Federal statutes,regulations,and the terms and conditions of Federal awards.Federal award compliance requirements normally do not pass through to contractors.However,the auditee is responsible for ensuring compliance for procurement transactions which are structured such that the contractor is responsible for program compliance or the contractor’s records must be reviewed to determine program compliance. Also,when these procurement transactions relate to a major program,the scope of the audit must include determining whether these transactions are in compliance with Federal statutes, regulations,and the terms and conditions of Federal awards. Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 34 ofSO (h)For-profit subrecipient.Since this part does not apply to for-profit subrecipients,the pass- through entity is responsible for establishing requirements,as necessary,to ensure compliance by for-profit subrecipients.The agreement with the for-profit subrecipient must describe applicable compliance requirements and the for-profit subrecipient’s compliance responsibility.Methods to ensure compliance for Federal awards made to for-profit subrecipients may include pre-award audits,monitoring during the agreement,and post- award audits.See also 200.332 Requirements for pass-through entities. [78 FR 78608,Dec.26,2013,as amended at 79 FR 75887,Dec.19,2014;85 FR 49571,Aug.13,2020 8.REMEDIES FOR NONCOMPLIANCE (2 CFR 200.339) 200.339 Remedies for noncompliance. If a non-Federal entity fails to comply with Federal statutes,regulations or the terms and conditions of a Federal award,the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity may impose additional conditions,as described in 200.207 Specific conditions.If the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity determines that noncompliance cannot be remedied by imposing additional conditions,the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity may take one or more of the following actions,as appropriate in the circumstances. (a)Temporarily withhold cash payments pending correction of the deficiency by the non-Federal entity or more severe enforcement action by the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity. (b)Disallow (that is,deny both use of funds and any applicable matching credit for)all or part of the cost of the activity or action not in compliance. (c)Wholly or partly suspend or terminate the Federal award. (d)Initiate suspension or debarment proceedings as authorized under 2 CFR part 1 80 and Federal awarding agency regulations (or in the case of a pass-through entity,recommend such a proceeding be initiated by a Federal awarding agency). (e)Withhold further Federal awards for the project or program. (f)Take other remedies that may be legally available. 9.TERMINATION (2 CFR 200.340) (a)The Federal award may be terminated in whole or in part as follows: (1)By the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity,if a non-Federal entity fails to comply with the terms and conditions of a Federal award; (2)By the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity,to the greatest extent authorized by law,if an award no longer effectuates the program goals or agency priorities; (3)By the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity with the consent of the non- Federal entity,in which case the two parties must agree upon the termination conditions, including the effective date and,in the case of partial termination,the portion to be terminated; Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 35 ofSO (4)By the non-Federal entity upon sending to the Federal awarding agency or pass- through entity written notification setting forth the reasons for such termination,the effective date,and,in the case of partial termination,the portion to be terminated. However,if the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity determines in the case of partial termination that the reduced or modified portion of the Federal award or subaward will not accomplish the purposes for which the Federal award was made, the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity may terminate the Federal award in its entirety;or (5)By the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity pursuant to termination provisions included in the Federal award. (b)When a Federal award is terminated or partially terminated,both the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity and the non-Federal entity remain responsible for compliance with the requirements in 200.344 Closeout and 200.345 Post-closeout adjustments and continuing responsibilities. 10.DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION (2 CFR 1400) The Department of the Interior regulations at 2 CFR 1400—Govemmentwide Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocurement),which adopt the common rule for the governmentwide system of debarment and suspension for nonprocurement activities,are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Agreement.By entering into this grant or cooperative Agreement with the Bureau of Reclamation,the Recipient agrees to comply with 2 CFR 1400,Subpart C,and agrees to include a similar term or condition in all lower-tier covered transactions.These regulations are available at ecfr 11.DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (2 CFR 182 and 1401) The Department of the Interior regulations at 2 CFR 1401 Governmentwide Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace (Financial Assistance),which adopt the portion of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (41 U.S.C.701 et seq,as amended)applicable to grants and cooperative agreements,are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this agreement.By entering into this grant or cooperative agreement with the Bureau of Reclamation,the Recipient agrees to comply with 2 CFR 182. 12.ASSURANCES AND CERTIFICATIONS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE The provisions of the Assurances,SF 424B or SF 424D as applicable,executed by the Recipient in connection with this Agreement shall apply with full force and effect to this Agreement.All anti-discrimination and equal opportunity statutes,regulations,and Executive Orders that apply to the expenditure of funds under Federal contracts,grants,and cooperative Agreements,loans and other forms of Federal assistance.The Recipient shall comply with Title VI or the Civil Rights Act of 1964,Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972,Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,the Age Discrimination Act of 1975,and any program-specific statutes with anti-discrimination requirements.The Recipient shall comply with civil rights laws Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 36 ofSO including,but not limited to,the Fair Housing Act,the Fair Credit Reporting Act,the Americans with Disabilities Act,Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,the Equal Educational Opportunities Act,the Age Discrimination in Employment Act,and the Uniform Relocation Act. Such Assurances also include,but are not limited to,the promise to comply with all applicable Federal statutes and orders relating to nondiscrimination in employment,assistance,and housing; the Hatch Act;Federal wage and hour laws and regulations and work place safety standards; Federal environmental laws and regulations and the Endangered Species Act;and Federal protection of rivers and waterways and historic and archeological preservation. 13.COVENANT AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES The Recipient warrants that no person or agency has been employed or retained to solicit or secure this Agreement upon an Agreement or understanding for a commission,percentage, brokerage,or contingent fee,excepting bona fide employees or bona fide offices established and maintained by the Recipient for the purpose of securing Agreements or business.For breach or violation of this warranty,the Government shall have the right to annul this Agreement without liability or,in its discretion,to deduct from the Agreement amount,or otherwise recover,the full amount of such commission,percentage,brokerage,or contingent fee. 14.TRAFFICKING VICTIMS PROTECTION ACT OF 2000 (2 CFR 175.15) Trafficking in persons. (a)Provisions applicable to a recipient that is a private entity.You as the recipient,your employees,subrecipients under this award,and subrecipients’employees may not (1)Engage in severe forms of trafficking in persons during the period of time that the award is in effect; (2)Procure a commercial sex act during the period of time that the award is in effect;or (3)Use forced labor in the performance of the award or subawards under the award. (b)We as the Federal awarding agency may unilaterally terminate this award,without penalty,if you or a subrecipient that is a private entity (1)Is determined to have violated a prohibition in paragraph a.1 of this award term;or (2)Has an employee who is determined by the agency official authorized to terminate the award to have violated a prohibition in paragraph a.1 of this award term through conduct that is either: (i)Associated with performance under this award;or (ii)Imputed to you or the subrecipient using the standards and due process for imputing the conduct of an individual to an organization that are provided in 2 CFR part 180,“0MB Guidelines to Agencies on Governmentwide Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocurement),”as implemented by our agency at 2 CFR part 1400. Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 37 of 50 (c)Provision applicable to a recipient other than a private entity.We as the Federal awarding agency may unilaterally terminate this award,without penalty,if a subrecipient that is a private entity— (1)Is determined to have violated an applicable prohibition in paragraph a.1 of this award term;or (2)Has an employee who is determined by the agency official authorized to terminate the award to have violated an applicable prohibition in paragraph a.1 of this award term through conduct that is either: (i)Associated with performance under this award;or (ii)Imputed to the subrecipient using the standards and due process for imputing the conduct of an individual to an organization that are provided in 2 CFR part 180, “0MB Guidelines to Agencies on Governmentwide Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocurement),”as implemented by our agency at 2 CFR part 1400. (d)Provisions applicable to any recipient. (I)You must inform us immediately of any information you receive from any source alleging a violation of a prohibition in paragraph a.1 of this award term. (2)Our right to terminate unilaterally that is described in paragraph a.2 orb of this section: (i)Implements section 106(g)of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA),as amended (22 U.S.C.7104(g)),and (ii)Is in addition to all other remedies for noncompliance that are available to us under this award. (3)You must include the requirements of paragraph a.1 of this award term in any subaward you make to a private entity. (e)Definitions.For purposes of this award term: (1)“Employee”means either: (i)An individual employed by you or a subrecipient who is engaged in the performance of the project or program under this award;or (ii)Another person engaged in the performance of the project or program under this award and not compensated by you including,but not limited to,a volunteer or individual whose services are contributed by a third party as an in-kind contribution toward cost sharing or matching requirements. (2)“Forced labor”means labor obtained by any of the following methods:the recruitment, harboring,transportation,provision,or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force,fraud,or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude,peonage,debt bondage,or slavery. Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 38 ofSO (3)“Private entity”: (i)Means any entity other than a state,local government,Indian tribe,o oreign public entity,as those terms are defined in 2 CFR 175.25. (ii)Includes: (A)A nonprofit organization,including any nonprofit institution of higher education,hospital,or tribal organization other than one included in the definition of Indian tribe at 2 CFR 175.25(b). (B)A for-profit organization. (4)“Severe forms of trafficking in persons,”“commercial sex act,”and “coercion”have the meanings given at section 103 of the TVPA,as amended (22 U.S.C.7102). 15.NEW RESTRICTIONS ON LOBBYING (43 CFR 18) The Recipient agrees to comply with 43 CFR 18,New Restrictions on Lobbying,including the following certification: (a)No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid,by or on behalf of the Recipient,to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of an agency,a Member of Congress,and officer or employee of Congress,or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract,the making of any Federal grant,the making of any Federal loan,the entering into of any cooperative agreement,and the extension,continuation,renewal,amendment,or amendment of any Federal contract,grant,loan,or cooperative agreement. (b)If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency,a Member of Congress,an officer or employee of Congress,or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract,grant,loan,or cooperative agreement,the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form-LLL,“Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying”in accordance with its instructions. (c)The Recipient shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers (including subcontracts,subgrants,and contracts under grants,loans,and cooperative agreements)and that all subrecipients shall certify accordingly.This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into.Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by Section 1352,title 31, U.S.Code.Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 39 of5O 16.UNIFORM RELOCATION ASSISTANCE AND REAL PROPERTY ACQUISITION POLICIES ACT OF 1970 (URA)(42 USC 4601 et seq.) (a)The Uniform Relocation Assistance Act (URA),42 U.S.C.4601 et seq.,as amended, requires certain assurances for Reclamation funded land acquisition projects conducted by a Recipient that cause the displacement of persons,businesses,or farm operations.Because Reclamation funds only support acquisition of property or interests in property from willing sellers,it is not anticipated that Reclamation funds will result in any “displaced persons,”as defined under the URA. (b)However,if Reclamation funds are used for the acquisition of real property that results in displacement,the URA requires Recipients to ensure that reasonable relocation payments and other remedies will be provided to any displaced person.Further,when acquiring real property,Recipients must be guided,to the greatest extent practicable,by the land acquisition policies in 42 U.S.C.4651. (c)Exemptions to the URA and 49 CFR Part 24 (1)The UR.A provides for an exemption to the appraisal,review and certification rules for those land acquisitions classified as “voluntary transactions.”Such “voluntary transactions”are classified as those that do not involve an exercise of eminent domain authority on behalf of a Recipient,and must meet the conditions specified at 49 CFR 24.101 (b)(1 )(i)-(iv). (2)For any land acquisition undertaken by a Recipient that receives Reclamation funds,but does not have authority to acquire the real property by eminent domain,to be exempt from the requirements of 49 CFR Part 24 the Recipient must: (i)provide written notification to the owner that it will not acquire the property in the event negotiations fail to result in an amicable agreement,and; (ii)inform the owner in writing of what it believes to be the market value of the property (d)Review of Land Acquisition Appraisals.Reclamation reserves the right to review any land appraisal whether or not such review is required under the URA or 49 CFR 24.104.Such reviews may be conducted by the Department of the Interior’s Appraisal Services Directorate or a Reclamation authorized designee.When Reclamation determines that a review of the original appraisal is necessary,Reclamation will notify the Recipient and provide an estimated completion date of the initial appraisal review. Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 40 of 50 17.SYSTEM FOR AWARD MANAGEMENT AND UNIVERSAL IDENTIFIER REQUIREMENTS (2 CFR 25,APPENDIX A) A.Requirement for System for Award Management Unless you are exempted from this requirement under 2 CFR 25.110,you as the recipient must maintain current information in the SAM.This includes information on your immediate and highest level owner and subsidiaries,as well as on all of your predecessors that have been awarded a Federal contract or Federal financial assistance within the last three years,if applicable,until you submit the final financial report required under this Federal award or receive the final payment,whichever is later.This requires that you review and update the information at least annually after the initial registration,and more frequently if required by changes in your information or another Federal award term. B.Requirement for unique entity identifier If you are authorized to make subawards under this award,you: I.Must notify potential subrecipients that no entity (see definition in paragraph C of this award term)may receive a subaward from you unless the entity has provided its unique entity identifier to you. 2.May not make a subaward to an entity unless the entity has provided its Unique Entity Identifier to you.Subrecipients are not required to obtain an active SAM registration,but must obtain a Unique Entity Identifier. C.Definitions For purposes of this award term: I.System for Award Management (SAM)means the Federal repository into which an entity must provide information required for the conduct of business as a recipient.Additional information about registration procedures may be found at the SAM Internet site (currently at 2.Unique entity identifier means the identifier required for SAM registration to uniquely identify business entities. 3.Entity,as it is used in this award term,means all of the following,as defined at 2 CFR part 25,subpart C: a.A Governmental organization,which is a State,local government,or Indian Tribe; b.A foreign public entity; c.A domestic or foreign nonprofit organization; d.A domestic or foreign for-profit organization;and e.A Federal agency,but only as a subrecipient under an award or subaward to a non-Federal entity. Agreement R22A P00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 41 of5O 4.Subaward has the meaning given in 2 CFR 200.1. 5.Subrecipient has the meaning given in 2 CFR 200.1. 18.PROHIBITION ON TEXT MESSAGING AND USING ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED BY THE GOVERNMENT WHILE DRIVING Executive Order 13513,Federal Leadership On Reducing Text Messaging While Driving,was signed by President Barack Obama on October 1,2009 (ref: 2009 pdf E9-24203.pdf).This Executive Order introduces a Federal Government-wide prohibition on the use of text messaging while driving on official business or while using Government-supplied equipment.Additional guidance enforcing the ban will be issued at a later date.In the meantime,please adopt and enforce policies that immediately ban text messaging while driving company-owned or rented vehicles,government- owned or leased vehicles,or while driving privately owned vehicles when on official government business or when performing any work for or on behalf of the government. 19.REPORTING SUBAWARDS AND EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION (2 CFR 170 APPENDIX A) I.Reporting Subawards and Executive Compensation. a.Reporting of first-tier subawards. 1.Applicability.Unless you are exempt as provided in paragraph d.of this award term, you must report each action that equals or exceeds $30,000 in Federal funds for a subaward to a non-Federal entity or Federal agency (see definitions in paragraph e.of this ai~ard term). 2.Where and when to report. I.The non-Federal entity or Federal agency must report each obligating action described in paragraph a.I.of this award term to ii.For subaward no later than the end of the month folIo~ing the month in which the obligation was made.(For example.if the obligation was made on November 7,2010.the obligation must be reported by no later than December 31.2010.) 3.What to report.You must report the information about each obligating action that the submission instructions posted at specify. b.Reporting total compensation of recipient executives for non-Federal entities. I.Applicability and what 10 report.You must report total compensation for each of your fi~e most highly compensated executives for the preceding completed fiscal year,if i.The total Federal funding authorized to date under this Federal award equals or exceeds $30,000 as defined in 2 CFR 170.320; Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (0!2021) EXHIBIT A Page 42 of5O the preceding fiscal year,you received (A)80 percent or more of your annual gross revenues from Federal procurement contracts (and subcontracts)and Federal financial assistance subject to the Transparency defined at 2 CFR 170.320 (and subawards).and (B)$25,000,000 or more in annual gross re~enues from Federal procurement contracts (and subcontracts)and Federal financial assistance subject to the Transparency Act,as defined at 2 CFR 170.320 (and suba~ards);and. iii.The public does not have access to information about the compensation of the executives through periodic reports filed under section 13(a)or 15(d)of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C.78m(a).78o(d))or section 6104 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.(To determine if the public has access to the compensation information.see the U.S.Security and Exchange Commission total compensation filings at answers/execomp.htm.) 2.Where and when to report.You must report e\ecutive total compensation described in paragraph b.l.of this award term: i.As part of your registration profile at ii.By the end of the month following the m nth in which this award is made.and annually thereafter. c.Reporting of Total Compensation of Subrecipient Executives. I.Applicability and what to report.Unless)ou are exempt as provided in paragraph d. of this award term,for each first-tier non-Federal entity subrecipient under this award. you shall report the names and total compensation of each of the subrecipients five most highly compensated executi~es for the subrecipientts preceding completed fiscal year.if the subrecipient’s preceding fiscal year,the subrecipient received (A)80 percent or more of its annual gross revenues from Federal procurement contracts (and subcontracts)and Federal financial assistance subiect to the Transparency defined at 2 CFR 170.320 (and subawards)and, (B)$25.000,000 or more in annual gross revenues from Federal procurement contracts (and subcontracts).and Federal financial assistance subject to the Transparency Act (and subawards);and ii.The public does not have access to information about the compensation of the executives through periodic reports filed under section 13(a)or 15(d)of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C.78m(a).78o(d))or section 6104 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.(To determine if the public has access to the compensation information,see the U.S.Security and Exchange Commission total compensation filings at answers execomp.htm.) Agreement R22APOOI 03 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 43 ofSO 2.Where and when to report.You must report subrecipient executive total compensation described in paragraph c.I.of this award term: i.To the recipient. ii.By the end of the month following the month during which you make the subaward.For example.if a subaward is obligated on any date during the month of October of a given ~ear (i.e.,between October 1 and 31).you must report any required compensation information of the subrecipient by November30 of that year. d.Exemptions. If in the previous tax year,you had gross income,from all sources,under $300, are exempt from the requirements to report: i.Subawards.and ii.The total compensation of the five most highly compensated executives of any subrecipient. e.Definitions.For purposes of this award term: 1.Federal Agency means a Federal agency as defined at 5 U.S.C.551(l)and further clarified by 5 U.S.C.552(f). 2.Non-Federal entity means all of the follo~ing,as defined in 2 CFR part 25: i.A Governmental organization,which is a State,local government,or Indian tribe; ii.A foreign public entity; iii.A domestic or foreign nonprofit organization:and, iv.A domestic or foreign for-profit organization 3.Executive means officers,managing partners.or any other employees in management positions. 4.Suhaward: i.This term means a legal instrument to provide support for the performance of any portion of the substantive project or program for which you received this a~ard and that you as the recipient award to an eligible subrecipient. ii.The term does not include your procurement of property and services needed to carry out the project or program (for further explanation,see 2 CFR 200.331). iii.A subaward may be provided through any legal agreement.including an agreement that you or a subrecipient considers a contract. 5.Subrecipient means a non-Federal entity or Federal agency that: i.Receives a subaward from you (the recipient)under this award;and ii.Is accountable to you for the use of the Federal funds pros ided by the subaward. Agreement #R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 44 of 50 6.Total compensation means the cash and noncash dollar ~alue earned by the executive during the recipients or subrecipient’s preceding fiscal year and includes the following (for more information see 17 CFR 229.402(c)(2)). [85 FR 49526.Aug.13,2020] 20.RECIPIENT EMPLOYEE WHISTLEBLOWER RIGHTS AND REQUIREMENT TO INFORM EMPLOYEES OF WHISTLEBLOWER RIGHTS (SEP 2013) (a)This award and employees working on this financial assistance agreement will be subject to the whistleblower rights and remedies in the pilot program on Award Recipient employee whistleblower protections established at 41 U.S.C.4712 by section 828 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 (Pub.L.112-239). (b)The Award Recipient shall inform its employees in writing,in the predominant language of the workforce,of employee whistleblower rights and protections under 41 U.S.C 4712. (c)The Award Recipient shall insert the substance of this clause,including this paragraph (c),in all subawards or subcontracts over the simplified acquisition threshold. 48 CFR 52.203-17 (as referenced in 48 CFR 3.908-9). 21.REPORTING OF MATTERS RELATED TO RECIPIENT INTEGRITY AND PERFORMANCE (APPENDIX XII to 2 CFR Part 200) 1.General Reporting Requirement If the total value of your currently active grants,cooperative agreements,and procurement contracts from all Federal awarding agencies exceeds $10,000,000 for any period of time during the period of performance of this Federal award,then you as the recipient during that period of time must maintain the currency of information reported to the System for Award Management (SAM)that is made available in the designated integrity and performance system (currently the Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System (FAPIIS))about civil,criminal, or administrative proceedings described in paragraph 2 of this award term and condition.This is a statutory requirement under section 872 of Public Law 110-417,as amended (41 U.S.C.2313). As required by section 3010 of Public Law 111-212,all information posted in the designated integrity and performance system on or after April 15,2011,except past performance reviews required for Federal procurement contracts,will be publicly available. 2.Proceedings About Which You Must Report Submit the information required about each proceeding that: a.Is in connection with the award or performance of a grant,cooperative agreement,or procurement contract from the Federal Government; b.Reached its final disposition during the most recent five-year period;and c.Is one of the following: Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 45 ofSO (I)A criminal proceeding that resulted in a conviction,as defined in paragraph 5 of this award term and condition; (2)A civil proceeding that resulted in a finding of fault and liability and payment of a monetary fine,penalty,reimbursement,restitution,or damages of $5,000 or more; (3)An administrative proceeding,as defined in paragraph 5.of this award term and condition,that resulted in a finding of fault and liability and your payment of either a monetary fine or penalty of $5,000 or more or reimbursement,restitution,or damages in excess of $100,000;or (4)Any other criminal,civil,or administrative proceeding if: (i)It could have led to an outcome described in paragraph 2.c.(1),(2),or (3)of this award term and condition; (ii)It had a different disposition arrived at by consent or compromise with an acknowledgment of fault on your part;and (iii)The requirement in this award term and condition to disclose information about the proceeding does not conflict with applicable laws and regulations. 3.Reporting Procedures Enter in the SAM Entity Management area the information that SAM requires about each proceeding described in paragraph 2 of this award term and condition.You do not need to submit the information a second time under assistance awards that you received if you already provided the information through SAM because you were required to do so under Federal procurement contracts that you were awarded. 4.Reporting Frequency During any period of time when you are subject to the requirement in paragraph I of this award term and condition,you must report proceedings information through SAM for the most recent five year period,either to report new information about any proceeding(s)that you have not reported previously or affirm that there is no new information to report.Recipients that have Federal contract,grant,and cooperative agreement awards with a cumulative total value greater than $10,000,000 must disclose semiannually any information about the criminal,civil,and administrative proceedings. 5.Definitions For purposes of this award term and condition: a.Administrative proceeding means a non-judicial process that is adjudicatory in nature in order to make a determination of fault or liability (e.g.,Securities and Exchange Commission Administrative proceedings,Civilian Board of Contract Appeals proceedings,and Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals proceedings).This includes proceedings at the Federal and State level but only in connection with performance of a Federal contract or grant.It does not include audits,site visits,corrective plans,or inspection of deliverables. Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (0?2021) EXHIBIT A Page 46 of5O b.Conviction,for purposes of this award term and condition,means a judgment or conviction of a criminal offense by any court of competent jurisdiction,whether entered upon a verdict or a plea,and includes a conviction entered upon a plea of nob contendere. c.Total value of currently active grants,cooperative agreements,and procurement contracts includes (1)Only the Federal share of the funding under any Federal award with a recipient cost share or match;and (2)The value of all expected funding increments under a Federal award and options, even if not yet exercised. [80 FR 43310,July 22,2015,as amended at 85 FR 49582,Aug.13,2020] 22.CONFLICTS OF INTEREST (a)Applicability. (1)This section intends to ensure that non-Federal entities and their employees take appropriate steps to avoid conflicts of interest in their responsibilities under or with respect to Federal financial assistance agreements. (2)In the procurement of supplies,equipment,construction,and services by recipients and by subrecipients,the conflict of interest provisions in 2 CFR 200.318 apply. (b)Requirements. (1)Non-Federal entities must avoid prohibited conflicts of interest,including any significant financial interests that could cause a reasonable person to question the recipient’s ability to provide impartial,technically sound,and objective performance under or with respect to a Federal financial assistance agreement. (2)In addition to any other prohibitions that may apply with respect to conflicts of interest, no key official of an actual or proposed recipient or subrecipient,who is substantially involved in the proposal or project,may have been a former Federal employee who, within the last one (1)year,participated personally and substantially in the evaluation, award,or administration of an award with respect to that recipient or subrecipient or in development of the requirement leading to the funding announcement. (3)No actual or prospective recipient or subrecipient may solicit,obtain,or use non-public information regarding the evaluation,award,or administration of an award to that recipient or subrecipient or the development of a Federal financial assistance opportunity that may be of competitive interest to that recipient or subrecipient. (c)Notification. (1)Non-Federal entities,including applicants for financial assistance awards,must disclose in writing any conflict of interest to the DOl awarding agency or pass-through entity in accordance with 2 CFR 200.112,Conflicts of Interest. Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021 EXH IS IT A Page 47 ofSO (2)Recipients must establish internal controls that include,at a minimum,procedures to identify,disclose,and mitigate or eliminate identified conflicts of interest.The recipient is responsible for notifying the Financial Assistance Officer in writing of any conflicts of interest that may arise during the life of the award,including those that have been reported by subrecipients. (d)Restrictions on Lobbying.Non-Federal entities are strictly prohibited from using funds under this grant or cooperative agreement for lobbying activities and must provide the required certifications and disclosures pursuant to 43 CFR Part 18 and 31 Usc 1352. (e)Review Procedures.The Financial Assistance Officer will examine each conflict-of-interest disclosure on the basis of its particular facts and the nature of the proposed grant or cooperative agreement,and will determine whether a significant potential conflict exists and, if it does,develop an appropriate means for resolving it. (1)Enforcement.Failure to resolve conflicts of interest in a manner that satisfies the Government may be cause for termination of the award.Failure to make required disclosures may result in any of the remedies described in 2 CFR 200.33 8,Remedies for Noncompliance,including suspension or debarment (see also 2 CFR Part 180). 23.DATA AVAILABILITY (a)Applicability.The Department of the Interior is committed to basing its decisions on the best available science and providing the American people with enough information to thoughtfully and substantively evaluate the data,methodology,and analysis used by the Department to inform its decisions. (b)Use of Data.The regulations at 2 CFR 200.315 apply to data produced under a Federal award,including the provision that the Federal Government has the right to obtain, reproduce,publish,or otherwise use the data produced under a Federal award as well as authorize others to receive,reproduce,publish,or otherwise use such data for Federal purposes. (c)Availability of Data.The recipient shall make the data produced under this award and any subaward(s)available to the Government for public release,consistent with applicable law, to allow meaningful third party evaluation and reproduction of the following: (i)The scientific data relied upon; (ii)The analysis relied upon;and (iii)The methodology,including models,used to gather and analyze data. Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 48 of 50 24.PROHIBITION ON PROVIDING FUNDS TO THE ENEMY (a)The recipient must— (1)Exercise due diligence to ensure that none of the funds,including supplies and services, received under this grant or cooperative agreement are provided directly or indirectly (including through subawards or contracts)to a person or entity who is actively opposing the United States or coalition forces involved in a contingency operation in which members of the Armed Forces are actively engaged in hostilities,which must be completed through 2 CFR I 80.300 prior to issuing a subaward or contract and; (2)Terminate or void in whole or in part any subaward or contract with a person or entity listed in SAM as a prohibited or restricted source pursuant to subtitle E of Title VIII of the NDAA for FY 2015,unless the Federal awarding agency provides written approval to continue the subaward or contract. (b)The recipient may include the substance of this clause,including paragraph (a)of this clause, in subawards under this grant or cooperative agreement that have an estimated value over $50,000 and will be performed outside the United States,including its outlying areas. (c)The Federal awarding agency has the authority to terminate or void this grant or cooperative agreement,in whole or in part,if the Federal awarding agency becomes aware that the recipient failed to exercise due diligence as required by paragraph (a)of this clause or if the Federal awarding agency becomes aware that any funds received under this grant or cooperative agreement have been provided directly or indirectly to a person or entity who is actively opposing coalition forces involved in a contingency operation in which members of the Armed Forces are actively engaged in hostilities. 25.ADDITIONAL ACCESS TO RECIPIENT RECORDS (a)In addition to any other existing examination-of-records authority,the Federal Government is authorized to examine any records of the recipient and its subawards or contracts to the extent necessary to ensure that funds,including supplies and services,available under this grant or cooperative agreement are not provided,directly or indirectly,to a person or entity that is actively opposing United States or coalition forces involved in a contingency operation in which members of the Armed Forces are actively engaged in hostilities,except for awards awarded by the Department of Defense on or before Dec 19,2017 that will be performed in the United States Central Command (USCENTCOM)theater of operations. (b)The substance of this clause,including this paragraph (b),is required to be included in subawards or contracts under this grant or cooperative agreement that have an estimated value over $50,000 and will be performed outside the United States,including its outlying areas. Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 49 of 50 26.PROHIBITION ON CERTAIN TELECOMMUNICATION AND VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SERVICES OR EQUIPMENT Federal award recipients are prohibited from using government funds to enter contracts (or extend or renew contracts)with entities that use covered telecommunications equipment or services as described in section 889 of the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act.This prohibition applies even if the contract is not intended to procure or obtain,any equipment, system,or service that uses covered telecommunications equipment or services. Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 50 of 50 III.DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STANDARD AWARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS The Department of the Interior (DO!)Standard Award Terms and Conditions found at sites/ files/uploads/doi-standard-award-terms-and-conditions effective-december-2-20 19-revised-june-I 9-2020.pdf are hereby incorporated by reference as though set forth in full text.These terms and conditions are in addition to the assurances and certifications made as part of the award and terms,conditions or restrictions reflected on this Agreement.Recipient acceptance of this Agreement carries with it the responsibility to be aware of and comply with all DOl terms and conditions applicable to this Agreement.The Recipient is responsible for ensuring their subrecipients and contractors are aware of and comply with applicable statutes,regulations,and agency requirements. Recipient and subrecipient failure to comply with the general terms and conditions outlined below and those directly reflected in this Agreement can result in the DOl taking one or more of remedies described in 2 Code of Federal Regulations parts 200.338 and 200.339.The DOI will notify the recipient whenever terms and conditions are updated to accommodate instances in the passage of a regulation or statute that requires compliance.Also,DOI will inform the Recipient of revised terms and conditions in the action of an Agreement amendment adding additional Federal funds.Reclamation will make such changes by issuing a Notice of Award amendment that describes the change and provides the effective date.Revised terms and conditions do not apply to the Recipient’s expenditures of funds or activities the Recipient carries out before the effective date of the revised DOI terms and conditions. Agreement R22AP00103 Agreement Template City of Fort Collins (01 2021) EXHIBIT A Page 1 of2 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF RECLAMATION AMENDMENT 01 TO ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT R22AP00103 A.PURPOSE OF THIS AMENDMENT: The purpose of this amendment is to remove personnel costs from the budget,and to add rebate dollars to the budget.The Recipient cost share changes.Additionally,this amendment changes the Grantee Authorizing Official. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. B.ADJUSTMENT OF AGREEMENT BUDGET AND COST SHARE: As a result of this amendment,section 7.1 Budget Estimate is revised as follows,and as shown in the budget table below.Salary and wages of $29,580 are removed.Rebates are increased from $140,000 to $150,000. BUDGET ITEM DESCRJPTION TOTAL COST SALARIES,WAGES,FRINGE BENEFITS All Salaries and Wages I $0.00 OTHER Rebates $150,000 TOTAL DIRECT COSTS $150,000 INDIRECT COSTS NA ISO TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $169,580 Amendment Template (01/2021) EXHIBIT A Page 2 of 2 As a result of this amendment,section 7.2 Cost Sharing Requirement is changed to the following. At least 50%non-Federal cost share is required for costs incurred under this Agreement. Based on the budget estimate reflected in Section 7.1 above,the estimated Federal share of allowable costs is 50%($75,000.00)and the Recipient’s estimated non-Federal cost share is 50%($75,000.00).The Federal share of allowable costs shall not be expended in advance of the Recipient’s non-Federal share.It is expected that expenditure of Federal and non-Federal finds based upon the cost share percentage above shall occur concurrently. If a bona fide need arises which requires the expenditure of Federal finds in advance of the Recipient share,then the Recipient must request written approval from the GO prior to the expenditure.Recipient’s may expend their agreed upon share of costs in advance of the expenditure of Federal finds without prior written approval. C.ADDITION OF KEY PERSONNEL: As a result of this amendment,the Recipient’s Grantee Authorizing Official is added as follows. The Recipient’s Authorizing Official for this Agreement shall be: Kelly DiMartino Interim City Manager 300 Laporte Ave Fort Collins,CO 80521 970-416-2028 kdimartino(ü Additionally,the Recipient’s Project Manager Katie Collins’phone number is corrected from 970-416-4378 to 970413-3775. Amendment Template (01/2021)