WHEREAS, since 1924, the City has reviewed, amended and adopted the latest nationally
recognized building standards available for the times; and
WHEREAS, upon recommendation of City staff, the City Council has determined that it is
in the best interests of the City to align nine interconnected basic construction codes under one
publication year; and
WHEREAS, the nine interconnected basic construction codes are the International
Building Code, International Residential Code, International Mechanical Code, International
Fuel Gas Code, International Energy Conservation Code, International Property Maintenance
Code, International Swimming Pool and Spa Code, International Existing Building Code, and the
International Plumbing Code to the extent adopted by the Colorado Plumbing Code; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the 2021 publication year of the nine
interconnected basic construction codes should be adopted and that any counterpart International
codes previously adopted should be repealed, both in order to align the publication years of the
codes and because the 2021 publications contain improvements in construction code regulation;
WHEREAS, City staff has conducted a significant public outreach program, working with
the regulated construction industry and building professionals; and
WHEREAS, the adoption of the nine interconnected basic construction codes has been
presented to community groups and feedback has been received by the Water Commission, Energy
Board, Commission on Disability, Natural Resources Advisory Board, Poudre Fire Authority
Board, Building Review Commission, Affordable Housing Board, and Air Quality Advisory
Board; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is in the best interest of the health,
safety and welfare of the City and its residents that the 2021 International Fuel Gas Code be
adopted, with local amendments as set forth in this Ordinance; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the City Charter, Article II, Section 7, City Council may enact
any ordinance which adopts a code by reference in whole or in part provided that before adoption
of such ordinance the Council hold a public hearing thereon and that notice of the hearing shall be
published twice in a newspaper of general circulation published in the City, with one of such
publications occurring at least eight (8) days preceding the hearing and the other publication
occurring at least fifteen (15) days preceding the hearing; and
WHEREAS, in compliance with City Charter, Article II, Section 7, the City Clerk
published in the Fort Collins Coloradoan such notice of hearing concerning adoption of the 2021
International Codes on January 30, 2022, and February 6, 2022; and
WHEREAS, attached as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference is the Notice of
Public Hearing dated January 24, 2022, that was so published and which the Council hereby finds
meets the requirements of Article II, Section 7 of the City Charter.
COLLINS as follows:
Section 1. That the City Council hereby makes and adopts the determinations and
findings contained in the recitals set forth above.
Section 2. The City Council hereby repeals the 2018 International Fuel Gas Code
("IFGC") and hereby adopts the 2021 International Fuel Gas Code as amended by this Ordinance.
Section 3. That Section 5-1 l 1 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby
amended as follows:
Sec. 5-111. - Adoption of standards for fuel gas piping, equipment and accessories.
Pursuant to the power and authority conferred on the City Council by C.R.S. §31-16-202
and Article II, Section 7 of the Charter, has adopted the 2021 International Fuel Gas Code,
published by the International Code Council, which shall have the same force and effect as
though set forth in full herein except as amended pursuant to §5-112 of the City Code. The
subject matter of the 2021 International Facel Gas Code adopted herein includes
comprehensive regulations governing the design, installation, maintenance, alteration and
inspection of fuel gas piping systems, fuel gas utilization equipment and related accessories
for the purposes of protecting public health, safety and general welfare. None of the 2021
International Fuel Gas Code Appendices are hereby adopted.
Section 4. That Section 5-112 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby repealed
and re-enacted to read as follows:
Sec. 5-112. - Amendments and deletions to the 2021 International Fuel Gas Code.
The 2021 International Fuel Gas Code adopted in § 5-111 is hereby amended as follows:
Section 101.1 Title is hereby amended to read as follows:
101.1 Title. These regulations shall be known as the Fuel Gas Code of the City of Fort
Collins, hereinafter referred to as "this code."
2. Section 102.8 Referenced codes and standards is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 102.8 Referenced codes and standards. The codes and standards referenced
in this code shall be those that are listed in Section 101.4 of the adopted International
Building Code, entitled "Referenced codes," and such codes and standards shall be
considered as part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such
reference and as further regulated in Sections 102.8.1 and 102.8.2.
Exception: Where enforcement of a code provision would violate the conditions
of the listing of the equipment or appliance, the conditions of the listing and the
manufacturer's installation instructions shall apply.
3. SECTION 103 (IFGC) CODE COMPLIANCE AGENCY is hereby deleted in its
entirety and replaced with the following:
103.1 Entity charged with code administration. The entity charged with code
administration shall be as determined in accordance with Section 103 of the adopted
International Building Code, entitled "CODE ADMINISTRATION."
4. Section 106.1.1 Annual permit and Section 106.1.2 Annual permit records are
hereby deleted in their entirety.
5. SECTION 109 (IFGC) FEES is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the
109.1 Fees. All items relating to fees shall be as specified in Section 109 of the adopted
International Building Code, entitled "FEES."
6. SECTION 113 (IFGC) MEANS OF APPEAL is hereby deleted in its entirety and
replaced with the following:
113.1 General. Appeals of decisions, determinations and interpretations of this code
shall be made pursuant to the applicable provisions of Section 113 of the adopted
International Building Code, entitled "MEANS OF APPEALS."
7. SECTION 114 (IFGC) BOARD OF APPEALS is hereby deleted in its entirety.
8. Section 115.4 Violation penalties is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with
the following:
115.4 Violation penalties. All items related to violation penalties shall be made
pursuant to the applicable provisions of Section 114.4 of the adopted International
Building Code.
9. A new Section 115.4.1 Work commencing before permit issuance is hereby added
to read as follows:
115.4.1 Work commencing before permit issuance. All items related to work
commencing before permit issuance shall be made pursuant to the applicable
provisions of Section 109.2 of the adopted International Building Code.
10. Section 301.3 Listed and labeled is hereby amended to read as follows:
301.3 Listed and labeled. Appliances regulated by this code shall be listed and labeled
for the application in which they are used unless otherwise approved in accordance
with Section 105.
11. Section 303.3 Prohibited locations is hereby amended as follows:
303.3 Prohibited locations. Appliances shall not be located in sleeping rooms,
bathrooms, toilet rooms, storage closets or surgical rooms, or in a space that opens
only into such rooms or spaces, except where the installation complies with one of the
1. The appliance is a direct -vent appliance installed in accordance with the
conditions of the listing and the manufacturer's instructions.
2. Vented room heaters, wall furnaces, vented decorative appliances, vented gas
fireplaces, vented gas fireplace heaters and decorative appliances for
installation in vented solid fuel -burning fireplaces are installed in rooms that
meet the required volume criteria of Section 304.5.
3. The appliance is installed in a room or space that opens only into a bedroom or
bathroom, and such room or space is used for no other purpose and is provided
with a solid weather-stripped door equipped with an approved self -closing
device. Combustion air shall be taken directly from the outdoors in accordance
with Section 304.6.
4. A clothes dryer is installed in a residential bathroom or toilet room having a
permanent opening with an area of not less than 100 square inches (0.06 m2)
that communicates with a space outside of a sleeping room, bathroom, toilet
room or storage closet.
12. Section 304.11 Combustion air ducts is hereby amended to read as follows:
304.11 Combustion air ducts. Combustion air ducts shall comply with all of the
1. Ducts shall be constructed of galvanized steel complying with Chapter 6 of the
International Mechanical Code or of a material having equivalent corrosion
resistance, strength and rigidity.
Exception: Where the installation of galvanized steel ducts is not practical
due to existing finish materials within dwellings units that are undergoing
alteration or reconstruction, unobstructed stud and joist spaces shall not be
prohibited from conveying combustion air, provided that not more than one
required fireblock is removed.
2. Ducts shall terminate in an unobstructed space allowing free movement of
combustion air to the appliances.
3. Ducts shall serve a single enclosure.
4. Ducts shall not serve both upper and lower combustion air openings where both
such openings are used. The separation between ducts serving upper and lower
combustion air openings shall be maintained to the source of combustion air.
5. Ducts shall not be screened where terminating in an attic space.
6. Horizontal upper combustion air ducts shall not slope downward toward the
source of combustion air.
7. The remaining space surrounding a chimney liner, gas vent, special gas vent or
plastic piping installed within a masonry, metal or factory -built chimney shall
not be used to supply combustion air.
Exception: Direct -vent gas -fired appliances designed for installation in a
solid fuel -burning fireplace where installed in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions.
8. Combustion air intake openings located on the exterior of a building shall have
the lowest side of such openings located not less than 12 inches (305 mm)
vertically from the adjoining finished ground level.
9. All combustion air openings or ducts shall be readily identifiable with an
approved label or by other means warning persons that obstruction of such
openings or ducts may cause fuel -burning equipment to release combustion
products and dangerous levels of carbon monoxide into the building.
13. Section 305.1 General is hereby amended to read as follows:
305.1 General. Equipment and appliances shall be installed as required by the terms
of their approval, in accordance with the conditions of listing, the manufacturer's
instructions and this code. Manufacturers' installation instructions shall be available
on the job site at the time of inspection. Where a code provision is less restrictive than
the conditions of the listing of the equipment or appliance or the manufacturer's
installation instructions, the conditions of the listing and the manufacturer's
installation instructions shall apply.
14. Section 404.12 Minimum burial depth is hereby amended to read as follows:
404.12 Minimum burial depth. Underground piping systems shall be installed a
minimum depth of 18 inches (457 mm) below grade.
15. Section 404.12.1 Individual outdoor appliances is hereby deleted in its entirety.
16. Section 406.4.1 Test pressure is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the
406.4.1 Test pressure. The test pressure to be used for non -welded pipe shall be 10 psi
17. Section 501.8 Appliances not required to be vented is hereby amended to read as
501.8 Appliances not required to be vented. The following appliances shall not be
required to be vented:
1. Electrical ranges.
2. Built-in domestic cooking units listed and marked for optional venting.
3. Hot plates and laundry stoves.
4. Type 1 clothes dryers (Type l clothes dryers shall be exhausted in accordance with
the requirements of Section 614).
5. A single booster -type automatic instantaneous water heater, where designed and
used solely for the sanitizing rinse requirements of a dishwashing machine,
provided that the heater is installed in a commercial kitchen having a mechanical
exhaust system. Where installed in this manner, the draft hood, if required, shall be
in place and unaltered and the draft hood outlet shall be not less than 36 inches
(914 mm) vertically and 6 inches (152 mm) horizontally from any surface other
than the heater.
6. Refrigerators.
7. Counter appliances.
8. Direct -fired makeup air heaters.
9. Specialized appliances of limited input such as laboratory burners and gas lights.
Where the appliances listed in Items 5 through 9 are installed so that the aggregate
input rating exceeds 20 British thermal units (Btu) per hour per cubic foot (207 watts
per m) of volume of the room or space in which such appliances are installed, one or
more shall be provided with venting systems or other approved means for conveying
the vent gases to the outdoor atmosphere so that the aggregate input rating of the
remaining unvented appliances does not exceed 20 Btu per hour per cubic foot (207
watts per m3). Where the room or space in which the appliance is installed is directly
connected to another room or space by a doorway, archway or other opening of
comparable size that cannot be closed, the volume of such adjacent room or space shall
be permitted to be included in the calculations.
18. Section 503.6.6 Minimum height is hereby amended to read as follows:
503.6.6 Minimum height. A Type B or L gas vent shall terminate not less than 5 feet
(1524 mm) in vertical height above the highest connected appliance draft hood or flue
collar. A Type B-W gas vent shall terminate not less than 12 feet (3658 mm) in vertical
height above the bottom of the wall furnace. All gas vents shall terminate a minimum
of 22 inches (559 mm) above the surface or grade directly below.
19. Section 621 (IFGC) UNVENTED ROOM HEATERS is hereby deleted in its
20. A new Section 623.3.1 Kitchens with gas cooking is hereby added to read as follows:
623.3.1 Kitchens with gas cooking. Gas cooking appliances in residential kitchens
shall be supplied with an exhaust system vented to the outside. Ducts serving kitchen
exhaust systems shall not terminate in an attic or crawl space or areas inside the
building and shall not induce or create a negative pressure in excess of negative 3 Pa
or adversely affect gravity -vented appliances.
21. Section 630.3 (IFGS) Combustion and ventilation air is hereby amended to read as
630.3 (IFGS) Combustion and ventilation air. Where infrared heaters are installed,
natural or mechanical means shall provide outdoor ventilation air at a rate of not less
than 4 cfm per 1,000 Btu/h (0.38 m3/min/kW) of the aggregate input rating of all such
heaters installed in the space. Exhaust openings for removing flue products shall be
above the level of the heaters.
Section 5. The City Attorney and the City Clerk are authorized to modify the formatting
and to make such other amendments to this Ordinance as necessary to facilitate publication in the
Fort Collins Municipal Code; provided, however, that such modifications and amendments shall
not change the substance of the Code provisions.
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 15th day of
February, A.D. 2022, and to be presented for final passage the 1 st day of rch, A.D. 2022.
City Clerk
- 7 -
Passed and adopted on final reading on this
ATTEST: ''••..,...••Go
City Clerk
NOTICE is hereby given of a public hearing to be held before the Council of the City of
Fort Collins, Colorado, on the 15th day of February, A.D., 2022 at 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter
as the matter may come on for hearing, in the Council Chambers at the City Hall, 300 LaPorte
Avenue, Fort Collins, Colorado for the purpose of considering the adoption of ordinances that adopt
by reference the 2021 International Building Code, 2021 International Residential Code, 2021
International Energy Conservation Code, 2021 International Mechanical Code, 1021
International Fuel Gas Code, 2021 International Existing Building Code, 2021 International
Swimming Pool and Spa Code, 2021 International Property Maintenance Code and the
International Plumbing Code, each promulgated by the International Code Council, and the
Colorado Plumbing Code, together with local amendments.
Not less than one (1) copy of said Codes has been, and now is on file in the Office of the
City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins and is available for public inspection.
The purpose of adopting the International Building Code, International Residential Code,
International Energy Conservation Code, International Mechanical Code, International Fuel Gas
Code, International Existing Building Code, International Swimming Pool and Spa Code, the
International Property Maintenance Code, and the Colorado Plumbing Code, with local
amendments by said ordinances is to provide for protection of public health, safety and welfare of
the City and its residents.
Individuals who wish to address Council via remote public participation can do so through
Zoom at https://zoom.us/i/982414I6497. (The link and instructions are also posted
at w"-w.fcgov.com/councilcomments.) Individuals participating in the Zoom session should watch
the meeting through that site, and not via FCTV, due to the streaming delay and possible audio
The City of Fort Collins will make reasonable accommodations for access to City services,
programs and activities, and will make special communication arrangements for persons with
disabilities. Please call (970) 221-6515 (V/TDD: Dial 711 for Relay Colorado) for assistance.
This notice is given and published by order of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado.
Dated this 24th day of January, A.D. 2022.
Upon request, the City of Fort Collins will provide language access services far individuals who have limited English
proficiency, or auxiliary aids and services for individuals with disabilities, to access City services, programs and
activities. Contact (970) 221-6515 (Y/TDD. Dial 711 for Relay Colorado) for assistance. Please provide 48 hours
advance notice when possible.
A pencl6n, la Ciudad de Fort Collins proporcionar6 servicios de acceso a idiomas para personas que no dominan et
idioma ingl0s, o ayudas y servicios auxiliares para personas con discapacidad, para que puedan acceder a los servicios,
programas y actividades de la Ciudad. Para asistencia, !lame al 970.221.6515 (Y/TDD. Marque 711 para Relay
Colorado). Por favor proporcione 48 horas de aviso previo cuando sea posible.