HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-1152 - City v. Open International - 05 - Notice record due***NOTE TO PUBLIC ACCESS USERS*** Judicial Conference of the United States policy permits attorneys of record
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Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals
Notice of Docket Activity
The following transaction was entered on 08/19/2024 at 4:35:36 PM Mountain Daylight Time and filed on 08/19/2024
Case Name:City of Fort Collins v. Open International, et
Case Number: 24-1152
Docket Text:
[11113680] Minute order filed - Notice due that record is complete by 08/26/2024 for Jeffrey P. Colwell, Clerk of Court (oclk).
(Text Only - No Attachment) [24-1152]
Notice will be electronically mailed to:
Case Collard: collard.case@dorsey.com, starr.stacy@dorsey.com, case-collard-0964@ecf.pacerpro.com
Ms. Laurie Webb Daniel: laurie.daniel@hklaw.com
Mr. Jeffrey Keith Sandman: jeff.sandman@webbdaniel.law
Ms. Maral Shoaei: shoaei.maral@dorsey.com, maral-shoaei-7067@ecf.pacerpro.com, wynter-wells-
7545@ecf.pacerpro.com, wilker.madison@dorsey.com
Ms. Andrea Ahn Wechter: wechter.andrea@dorsey.com, wilker.madison@dorsey.com