238 Walnut Street ■ Suite 200 ■ Fort Collins, Colorado 80524 ■ 970.797.2906
December 23, 2009
Ms. Susan Joy
City of Fort Collins, Engineering Department
281 N. College Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80524
RE: Variance Request for Lots 13 and 14, Riverside 7th Subdivision
Dear Ms. Joy,
The purpose of this letter to request an engineering variance for the project referenced
above, in accordance with section 1.9.4 of the Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards
(LCUASS). The variance request is as follows:
LCUASS Chapter 19 Figure 19-6 Minimum Off Street Parking Setback Distance
The minimum required setback for private off street parking off an arterial (assuming
100-750 ADT) is 75'. The proposed distance is 38.9' from the ultimate flowline along
Riverside. This requirement is unnecessarily restrictive for this site plan for several
■ The proposed plan only has parking along one side of the drive aisle. This will
reduce the number of backing/turning movements in this area.
■ It is relatively unlikely that vehicles backing out of the parking spaces in question
will back towards Riverside. It is much more likely that these vehicles will back
away from Riverside as they exit the site. This .should reduce the likelihood of
conflict between a backing vehicle and a vehicle entering the site.
The proposed requirement impacts the number of parking spaces available for
the project site. A reduced number of spaces would likely result in more parking
movements and queuing as frustrated drivers jockey for limited parking spaces.
The proposed plan includes two access driveways off Riverside. One of these is
an exit only, which will further reduce traffic movements at the primary driveway
where the parking spaces are located.
Based on these factors, we believe this variance is reasonable and appr . this case.
Please let me know if you need any additional information. � ADO SIC
Sincerely, ;o.:F4
Bob Gowing, P.E. John Gooch, P.E. /pNe1 Eta