City of Fort Collins
Planning and Zoning
215 N. College Ave
Fort Collins, CO 80524
RE: Major Modif canon and Re Plat Application
Project: Sunrise Ridge Estates, First Filing
Zoning: Urban Estate
Per the "Variance Request" narrative submitted to the City of Fort Collins by Kelly Smith, dated
11/11/11, this is a formal application of a Re -Plat and Major Modification for the placement of
attached patio homes ("The Ranches" as designed and built by Bogard Construction, Inc) at Sunrise
Ridge. As the original narrative outlined, there is a very active market for nicely appointed ranch
style patio homes in Fort Collins. Therefore, with the Duplex provision in the Urban Estate Land
Use code and the existing designation of 5 of the 121ots as duplexes, a Re -Plat and Major
Modification application is being submitted to allow for the building of "The Ranches" on all of the
lots at Sunrise Ridge. We have Pre -Sold, pending city approval, 7 of the 8 initial units marketed.
Furthermore, we anticipate, upon commencement of construction, the balance of the available units
will become spoken for.
For reference regarding "The Ranches", I've included a Boucher and scenario site plan showing full
build out at Sunrise Ridge, pictures of our model first attached patio home building on Lot # 1 of
SRR, and a list of our pre -sale customers from our first offering.
The transition from the original development plan to our proposed attached patio home plan on all
lots, require changes to the (E) Site Plan and (E) Plat as outlined below:
1. A Re -Plat is required to relocation (3) property lines from the original plat.
2. A Major Modification to U-E is required to allow
a. A density increase above 2.0 Units per acre
b. Less then '/Z acre area designation of Lots 1 and 5
c. Reduced side yard set backs on selected lots
Bogard ConstruWon, Inc. 1300 E. Horsetooth Rd., Suite 103 Fort Collins, CO 80525-31541 Ph (970) 682-7142 Fx (970) 682-7143
Submitted as part of our application is the following
1. Information outlining "The Ranches" as Sunrise Ridge, including a full architectural site
plan showing location of duplexes.
2. A revised Plat of Lots 1,2,3,4 and 5 showing the relocated lots lines pending city
3. A "Marked Up" (E) Site Plan illustrating the requested changes
ape Plan illustrating the resulting Site and Landscape Plans
4. A new Site Plan and Landsc
that are `Mylar Ready" pending city approval.
Please find below a detailed outlined for the requested Re -Plat and Major Modification.
Re Plat
A Re -Plat was required to relocate the lots lines between Lots 1 and 2, 4 and 5 and Lots 5
and 6. The Re -Plat document shows the affected lots and was prgovide d by King Surveyors. It was
submitted as an example of a "Mi the Urban EstaReady te LandUs eDesignation. review and approval.
Re -Plat is m full conformance fo
Major Modifications
1. Increase Residential Density
Approved Residential Density in Urban Estate — 2.0 Units per acre
Proposed Residential Density in Modification — 2.7 Units per acre
Rational —Sunrise Ridge was originally
annexed designed and developed to accommodate seven (7)
Estate Zone. The 12 lots of SRR
single family custom home sites and five (5) duplex sites resulting in a proposed density
of 1.97 units per acre. This Modification is requesting a "Builder's Choice" on all the lots
of Sunrise Ridge, First Filing, which would result in a density Range of 1.97 to 2.70 on
the 8.64 net acres of SRR. The designation would occur at the time of building permit
The stated purpose of the Urban Estate Zone in the City's Land Use Code is "(A)
Purpose. The urban Estate District is intended to be a setting for a predominance of low
density and large -lot housing. The main purposes of this district are to acknowledge the
presence of the many exiting subdivisions which have developed in these uses that
function as parts of the community and to provide additional locations for similar
developments, typically in the transitional location between urban development and rural
open lands. "
In considering the "Urban" density of immediately adjacent subdivisions Observatory
Village and Morning Star to Sunrise Ridge, we believe a modified SRR to allow for up to
2.70 units per acre would still comply with the intended purpose of U-E as stated above.
Other Density Concerns — Grading and Building Envelope
Overall site grading and building envelopes are in general conformance to the original
site plan as "The Ranches" still comply to the allowable not to exceed areas of 2500
home sgft per unit, 500 sgft of garage per unit and driveway/parking not exceeding 10%
of lot square footage.
Conclusion — After careful consideration of all the design parameters of U-E, it is our
conclusion that the requested Density Modification DOES NOT compromises the
intended Urban Estate Land Use Code and therefore should be considered Nominal In
2. Less Then %z area for Lots I and 5
Approved Minimum Lot Size in U-E -'/z Acre/21,730 sqft
Proposed for Lot 1 and 5 - 20,339/.47 acres and 19,965/.45 acres respectively
Rational - The proposed areas are only marginally smaller then the minimum "1/2 acre"
lot size designated in U-E. Additionally, the average lot size of all the lots at SRR at in
excess of the '/Z acre minimum.
Conclusion — The requested minimum lot size modification can not be considered
anything but Nominal in Inconsequential
3. Minimum Side Yard Set Backs for only selected lots.
U-E Minimum Side Yard Set Back — 20'
Proposed Minimum Side yard Set Back —10' on selected lots.
Rational — The market in 2005/2006 that existed when SRR was planned and developed
is much different now in 2012. We had a dormant subdivision as "the market" of estate
single family custom lots has all but vanished, especially with regards to SRR with its
proximity to Observatory Village and Morning Star. We are forced to consider
alternatives to the originally single family designated lots, thus the reallocation of our
attached patio homes to the already developed lots at SRR. Every attempt has been made
to accommodate the building envelope parameters of U-E when placement of the
proposed units. 10' Side yard set backs are required for lots 1,2,4,5 and 7 to
accommodate a natural and quality site layout of "The Ranches". The proposed 10'
setbacks are NOT proposed on any of the "public" property lines, but only internally
within SRR. Side yard setbacks on Lots 1,2 and 5 are on one side of the lot only and are
the only needed "full depth" 10' side yard setbacks required. 10' side yard setbacks at
Lots 4 and 7 are minimal to accommodate building comers. All utility easements
remained unchanged and unaffected. The proposed side yard set backs are only being
requested for "The Ranches" because we feel this Modification should only be
considered in context of "The Ranches" design and layout. If any other plan is presented
at the time of building permit, the standard U-E setbacks would apply.
yout of
Conclusion — When looking at the proposed ire d setback Modification, "The
Ranches" designated on all lots, we feel the s y
reviewed in context of "The Ranches" at SRR are igeneral conformancealf U-E
setbacks and therefore should be considered
If there are any further questions regarding the Re -Plat or Modifications being requested please
contact me.
David Houts
Director of Colorado Division
Bogard Construction, Inc.
300 E. Horsetooth Rd, # 103
Fort Collins, CO 80525