HomeMy WebLinkAboutWOODWARD TECHNOLOGY CENTER - Filed CS-COMMENT SHEETS - 2014-09-16August 21, 2012 Comments from Transportation Planning, Traffic Operations, and Engineering The following notes need to be placed on the Link N Greens ODP plan: The exact location and the type of the two access points (limited movement to full movement) on Lincoln Ave will be determined at the time of PDP submittals and shall be determined based on the alignment and/or off -set from other access points and the ultimate design of Lincoln Ave. It is anticipated that one access point will be full movement, but both access points may not be full movement access points. Any change in the location of access points with PDP submittals needs to comply with the City of Fort Collins Land Use Code and the Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards. Street Standards will be subject to the design standards in effect at the time of application for project development plans (PDPs). Common open space areas and streetscapes will be maintained by the owner/developer or a Homeowners' Association (HOA).The Developer/Owner or HOA will maintain all streetscapes, sidewalks, and bicycle/pedestrian trails including snow removal. The exception to this is the Poudre River Trail in the buffer area. Off -site improvements may be required at the time of PDP in order to meet level of service for all modes of transportation. Sight distance easements may be required along the public roadways at the time of PDP review. The exact location and type of the two access points on Lincoln Ave will be determined at the time of PDP submittals and shall be determined based on the alignment and/or off- set from other access points and the ultimate design of Lincoln Ave. Both access points may not be full movement access points. Response: Water quality treatment is being provided in a series of BMP's which include Rain Gardens, Grass Buffers and Sweles, Dry Wells and use of the existing Retention Pond. 20. The Stormwater Utility anticipates that City Council will be approving new Low Impact Development (LID) requirements in late December 2012 or early January 2013. Please contact Basil Harridan at 224-6035 or bhamdan@fcgov.com for more information. Response: The proposed BMP's described in number 19 above are anticipated to adequately address the desired LID goals by meeting an equal or better standard for the project 21. The city wide Stormwater development fee (PIF) is $6,390.00/acre ($0.1467/sq.ft.) for new impervious area over 350 sq.-ft., and there is a $1,045.00/acre ($0.024/sq.ft.) review fee. No fee is charged for existing impervious area. These fees are to be paid at the time each building permit is issued. Information on fees can be found on the City's web site at http://www.fcgov.com/ufilibes/business/builders-and-developers/plant-investment-development-fees or contact Jean Pakech at 221- 6375 for questions on fees. There is also an erosion control escrow required before the Development Construction permit is issued. The amount of the escrow is determined by the design engineer, and is based on the site disturbance area or a minimum amount in accordance with the Fort Collins Stormwater Design Criteria. Response: Acknowledged 22. The design of this site must conform to the drainage basin design of the Cache la Poudre River Master Drainageway Plan as well the City's Design Criteria and Construction standards. Response: Acknowledged Department: Historical Preservation Contact: Karen McWilliams, 970-224-6078, kmcwilliamsAfcgov.com 1. The project area contains the Coy Barn Complex, which is designated on the State Register of Historic Properties, and, although not official, is also very likely to be individually eligible for Fort Collins Landmark designation. The State Register designation would mean that LUC Section 3.4.7 would apply to this project. Response: We have met with the State Historic Preservation Office to confirm that the barn complex retains its eligibility for State Register listing with the proposed development plans. We are in the process of obtaining official determination of continued eligibility concurrent with the PDP. 2. The State and National Register coordinator at the Colorado Historical Society/History Colorado will need to define the boundaries of the designated area; and will need to comment upon the effects of the proposed development on the Coy Barn Complex's continued eligibility for State Register listing. In order to comply with LUC Section 3.4.7, the property will need to retain both its State Register listing and its eligibility for individual Fort Collins Landmark designation. If a property is found to be eligible/remains eligible for listing on the State Register of Historic Properties, it is also likely to to retain its local landmark eligibility and therefore comply with LUC Section 3.4.7. Response: See comment 1 response above. We will request determination of Local Landmark designation eligibility once the determination from the State of continued eligibility. 3. The State and National Register Coordinator for Northern Colorado is Heather Peterson. Her contact information is heather.peterson@state.co.us or 303-866-4684. Historic Preservation staff is working with Ms. Peteson to facilitate the State's review. Response: We have met with Heather— see comment 1 response above. Department: Fire Authority Contact: Jim Lynxwiler, 970.416-2869, olynxwiler&oudre-fire orq 1. FIRE LANES Fire Lanes shall be provided for every facility, building or portion of a building when any portion of the facility or any portion of an exterior wall of the first story of the building is located more than 150 feet from fire apparatus access, as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building or facility. The fire code official is authorized to increase the dimension of 150 feet if the building is equipped throughout with an approved, automatic fire -sprinkler system. 2006 International Fire Code 503.1.1 4 A fire access shall be provided to within 1504 of all portions of all buildings. This distance can be extended for sprinkled buildings as approved by the Fire Marshal. Response: Fire Lanes are depicted on the Master Utility Plan pursuant to prior discussions with the gre code official. All buildings will be equipped with an approved, automatic fire sprinkler system. 2. FIRE LANE SPECIFICATIONS A fire lane plan shall be submitted for approval prior to installation. In addition to the design criteria already contained in relevant standards and policies, any new fire lane must meet the following general requirements: 4 Shall be designated on the plat as an Emergency Access Easement. 6 Maintain the required 20 foot minimum unobstructed width & 14 foot minimum overhead clearance. NOTE: Required fire lanes for structures three stories or more in height require 30 foot wide minimum on at least one long side of the building. 6 Be designed as a fiat, hard, all-weather driving surface capable of supporting 40 tons. 4 Be visible by painting and signage, and maintained unobstructed at all times. 6 All surfaces shall be maintainable in all-weather conditions, including snow removal. 4 The required turning radii of a fire lane shall be a minimum of 25 feet inside and 50 feet outside. 4 Dead-end fire lanes cannot exceed 660 feet in length. Dead-end fire access roads in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with an approved area for turning around fire apparatus. 2006 International Fire Code 503.2.3, 503.2.4; 503.2.5; 503.3, 503.4; Appendix D; FCLUC 3.6.2(B) and Local Amendments Response: Acknowledged 3. TEMPORARY FIRE LANE The surface of all fire lanes, including temporary fire lanes, shall be of an approved hard surface or compacted road base capable of supporting 40 tons. Asphalt, concrete, or compacted road base is acceptable. Response: Acknowledged 4. FIRE LANE PROXIMITY Buildings or portions of buildings exceeding 30 foot in height above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access shall be provided with approved fire apparatus access roads capable of accommodating fire department aerial apparatus. Overhead utility and power lines shall not be located within the aerial fire apparatus access roadway. Fire lanes shall have a minimum unobstructed with of 30 feet and shall be positioned parallel to one entire side of the building. Fire lanes shall be located within a minimum of 15 feet and a maximum of 30 feet from the building. 2006 International Fire Code Appendix D Response: Acknowledged. The future Headquarters (HQ) Building is the only proposed structure exceeding 30 feet A 30 foot wide fire lane has been identified along the north side of HQ pursuant to discussions with the fire code official. Also see response number 7 below. 5. FIRE LANEs & FLOOD PLAINS Dedicated fire lanes shall be built above the flood plain. Response: Primary fire lanes are designed to be above the flood plain elevation. A secondaryfire lane is identified along the south side HQ which will be located slightly below the flood plain. 6. COMPLETION TIMELINES PFA does not require fire lane completion or fire hydrant operation until buildings go vertical. Response: Acknowledged 7. WATER SUPPLY Fire hydrants must be the type approved by the water district having jurisdiction and the Fire Department. Hydrant spacing and flow must meet minimum requirements based on type of occupancy. Commercial requirements: Hydrants to provide 1,500 gpm at 20 psi residual pressure, spaced not further than 300 feet to the building, on 600-foot centers thereafter. 2006 International Fire Code 508.1 and Appendix B � The number and placement of fire hydrants on the Woodward Campus remains a discussion point. This discussion should postpone until the parking plan and access issues have been resolved. Response: A fire hydrant location plan has been reviewed with the fire code official and is in general compliance with the required spacing. Due to conflicting goals and criteria associated with having a fire access road along the south edge of the ES and ITS buildings, an alternative design is proposed consisting of a fire suppression pump to be installed along with a series of perimeter stand pipes which will allow PFA to energize the sprinkler system for ES and ITS from various locations. 8. PREMISE IDENTIFICATION Address numbers shall be visible from the street fronting the property, plainly visible, and posted with a minimum of six-inch numerals on a contrasting background. 2006 International Fire Code 505.1 4 A comprehensive address plan for the Woodward Campus shall be submitted for fire department review and approval. Response: Response: Acknowledged, address/signage will comply with codes. 9. PROPERTY ACCESS Poudre Fire Authority requires at least one key box ("Knox Box") to be mounted in approved location(s) on every new building equipped with a required fire sprinkler or fire alarm system. The top shall not be higher than 6 feet above finished floor. The location(s) shall be approved by the fire department. 2006 International Fire Code 506.1 and Poudre Fire Authority Bureau Policy 88-20 Response: Acknowledged, One Knox Box to be located at each building. 10. PUBLIC -SAFETY RADIO AMPLIFICATION SYSTEM New buildings or building additions that cause the building to be greater than 50,000 square feet will require a fire department, emergency communication system evaluation after the core/shell but prior to final build out. Where adequate radio coverage cannot be established within a building, public -safety radio amplification systems shall be designed and installed in accordance with criteria established by the Poudre Fire Authority. For the purposes of this section, fire walls shall not be used to define separate buildings. Poudre Fire Authority Bureau Policy 07-01 Response: Acknowledged, radio amplification system to be provided in accordance with the Poudre Fire Authority. 11. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Managing the storage and use of Hazardous Materials on the Woodward Campus is still under review and requires further discussion with the fire department. A HMIA detailing compliance with FCLUC 3.4.5 shall be submitted for review. This study shall confirm that storage of such shall not take place within the flood zone. Response: Acknowledged, hazardous materials storage zone to be located adjacent to receiving dock, outside of flood zone. This area will be identified on our site plan as part of our PDP submittal package. Department: Environmental Planning Contact: Lindsay Ex, 970.224.6143, lex anfcaov.com 1. Section 3.4.1 of the Land Use Code applies at the time of PDP. An Ecological Characterization Study will need to be submitted at least 10 days prior to the PDP submittal. The ECS should address all of the required components in Section 3.4.1(D)(1) of the Land Use Code and the value of all of the site's natural habitats and features, as noted above. Response: Preliminary ECS report was submitted prior to PDP application. One of the most critical issues for the ECS to address is the performance standards outlined in Section 3.4.1(E)(1). The project is proposing to encroach into the 300' buffer established in the Code and thus must indicate how all of the performance standards are being met by varying the buffer standard of 300' on the site. The encroachment proposed includes the buildings and parking lot proposed on the SE corner of the site - the submittal should address why these buildings could not be moved further north and the parking lot further east to avoid encroaching into the buffer zone. Response: The ECS and additional narrative have been submitted with the PDP to describe the collaborative approach that has been undertaken to accomplish the buffer standard for the site. 2. Within the Poudre River buffer zone, according to Article 3.4.1(E)(1)(g), the City has the ability to determine if the existing landscaping within the buffer zone is incompatible with the purposes of the buffer zone. Please ensure that your ECS discusses the existing vegetation and identifies potential restoration options. Visual examples of the proposed improvements, e.g., the different riparian and wetland zones proposed, should be provided with the submittal or prior to hearing. Response: Proposed restoration and planting plans for the buffer zone are included in the ECS Report. City staff and the project development team have consulted extensively on habitat restoration of the buffer zone. It is City of Natural Resources staffs desire to use the buffer zone to achieve more natural topographic and river flow conditions within the buffer zone and to create and expand native wetlands, floodplain cottonwood woodlands, and upland shrublands and grasslands within the buffer zone and the extended riparian restoration area. Project and City planning staff used evaluations of historic aerial photos, river morphology, and existing topography to guide their development of a native riparian restoration plan for the proposed buffer zone between the river and commercial development in the project area. This plan will include allowing the Poudre River to overflow its banks during high flow periods into a designed overflow channel that would assist in creating adjacent wetlands and areas of upland floodplain forest. 3. With respect to lighting, the City of Fort Collins Land Use Code, in Article 3.2.4(D)(6) requires that "natural areas and natural features shall be protected from light spillage from off -site sources." Thus, lighting from the parking areas or other site amenities shall not spill over to the buffer areas. Response: Acknowledged, full -cutoff fixtures to be provided and included in the lighting design to eliminate light spillage to the buffer areas. 4. As discussed during prior meetings, staff will continue to work with the applicants on the proposed river grading in the buffer zone. Connecting the river to its floodplain, recreating diverse riparian habitat types, creating microtopography, and creating interesting experiences for those using the Poudre River trail will be critical. The landscaping plan, especially if the performance standards are sought to be applied, will be critical to ensuring the encroachments are sufficiently buffered and the river/floodplain connections are met. The driver of this landscape plan is the grading plan. Staff will work with the applicants through the iterative process of proposed grading, hydrological modeling, and landscape design. Response: Acknowledged 5. Transitions from the proposed development area to the buffer zone will also be critical. Response: Acknowledged 6. Please note the requirement in the Land Use Code for "Compatibility with Public Natural Areas of Conserved Lando (see Section 3.4.1(L)), which requires that tithe development plan shall be designed so that it will be compatible with the management of such natural area of conserved land.6 Please illustrate in your submittal documents (including the statement of objectives) how the site plan is compatible with the Williams, Springer and Udall Natural Areas management plan and objectives. (see the Poudre River Management Plan); the plan for this Natural Area is available at hfP://www.fcgov.com/naturalareas/i)df/Poudre-management-i)lan20l 1.0f. Response: The proposed enhancements, described in response to Environmental Planning comment #2, will greatly improve the Poudre River's ecology, biodiversity, habitat value, and create a healthier and sustainable river ecosystem. A description of the comprehensive approach to the river restoration area is include with the PDP submittal. Department: Engineering Development Review Contact: Sheri Langenberger, 970-221-6573, slangenberger(a)-fcgov.com 1. Larimer County Road Impact Fees and Street Oversizing Fees are due at the time of building permit. Please contact Matt Baker at 224-6108 if you have any questions. Response: Acknowledged 2. The City's Transportation Development Review Fee (TDRF) is due at the time of submittal. Because of this projects large size and the amount of the TDRF may exceed $65,000 we will want to use the submitted plans to calculate the PDP fee for the project and determine if the fee does exceed $65,000. If it does the fee is eligible to be reviewed and set by the City Manager based on an evaluation and estimation of the staff time needed to process the application and the appropriate fee amount needed to cover expenses occurred. For additional information on these fees, please see: http:/twww.fcgov.com/engineering/dev-review.php Response: Based on this comment and discussions with staff, we have not included TDR fee with our submittal. We will submit the required fee once the final fee determination is set by staff and City Manager. 3. Any damaged curb, gutter and sidewalk existing prior to construction, as well as streets, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, destroyed, damaged or removed due to construction of this project, shall be replaced or restored to City of Fort Collins standards at the Developer's expense prior to the acceptance of completed improvements and/or prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy. Response: Acknowledged. 4. A TIS for this project will be needed. It will need to evaluate the project based on the proposed project, the proposed phasing the anticipated build out of the project. Scoping meetings have occurred. Any questions regarding the content and requirements of this study should be directed to the City's Traffic Engineer, Joe Olson (224-6062). Response: Acknowledged. Delich Associates has been in contact with Joe Olson. 5. Any public improvements must be designed and built in accordance with the Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards (LCUASS). They are available online at: http://www.larimer.o[g/engineering/GMARdStds/UrbanSt.htm Response: Acknowledged. 6. This project is responsible for dedicating any right-of-way and easements that are necessary for this project. Right of way along Lemay and Lincoln will be needed. The row provided on both streets should be that needed to accommodate a 4 lane arterial. This allows for the 4 lane section on Lemay and the boulevard design on Lincoln. Additional row will be necessary for the right turns and if the 2nd left is needed at Mulberry along the Lemay frontage. Response: Additional right-of-way and easements are indicated on the plans and plat to accommodate a 4 lane arterial for both Lincoln and Lemay. 7. For Lincoln Ave frontage. Since there will be a study done this next year to determine if an alternative cross section for Lincoln Ave should be planed and built along this site it does not make sense for this project to build its frontage improvements at this time. In lieu of building the developments local street frontage obligation with this project at this time the project will need to construct interim improvements as needed to accommodate the traffic movements into and out of the site and any improvements needed to meet Level of Service requirements. In lieu of constructing the developers local street frontage improvement with this project a payment in lieu (cash) covering the cost of these improvements shall be provided to the City prior to the issuance of the first building permit for the site. Response: Lincoln will be designed to an interim condition with right-of-way dedicated to support the future design and construction of a boulevard design. Preliminary plans are included for a 2 Lane Arterial roadway section across the property frontage which will be the basis of developing a cash in lieu amount. 8. For Lemay Ave frontage. In addition to the dedication of row needed for the frontage improvements the site is responsible for the design and installation of the curb, gutter and sidewalk along the west side of the road adjacent to the site. When the roadway was built the median width narrows as it goes north from Magnolia and this was intended to be an interim solution due to limited row and it is expected that the median would be widened (to the west) with the improvements along the sites frontage. Additional median width maybe necessary to accommodate the median design for the % movement. Response: Construction plans will be prepared for the ultimate improvements along Lemay Including curb, gutter and sidewalk. Median improvements are proposed to accommodate turn Lanes at Magnolia and for the % movement to the north. The median is proposed to be widened to the ultimate 19 foot width to a point as far north as is practical with the right-of-way available. 9. Utility plans will be required and a Development Agreement will be recorded once the project is finalized. Response: Acknowledged. 10. This site is adjacent to CDOT roadway. Plans will be routed to CDOT for review. Response: Acknowledged. 11. A Development Construction Permit (DCP) will need to be obtained prior to starting any work on the site. Response: Acknowledged. 12. Will need to see how the row line and PRPA relocated lines will work. How it works with the right turn lanes, left turn lanes and widening needed to accommodate these. If the lines are overhead a shared easement for the PRPA line and the other utilities would most likely be acceptable to the utilities (it is up to them). If the lines are buried most likely separate easements would be needed for the PRPA lines and the other utilities. Response: A temporary realignment of the PRPA overhead line is shown on the Utility Plan and Site Plan. The future realignment of the remaining lines is currently under consideration between PRPA and the City of Fort Collins. Department: Electric Engineering Contact: Alan Rutz, 970.224.6153, arutz(a)_fcgov.com 1. Contact Light and Power to discuss development charges, rate schedule and load requirements. Contact Alan Rutz 970-224-6153 Response: Acknowledged Ghafari has had meetings with Alan Rutz and is scheduling follow-up meetings to identify the best program for rate charges. 2. Contact PRPA to discuss cost and schedule to move or underground the existing transmission line. Response: Discussions with PRPA are ongoing with the intent to establish a new location for the transmission line. Current Planning Contact: Jason Holland, 970-224.6126, jholland �fcgov.com As the site plan is developed in more detail, a sidewalk connection needs to be added along the west project boundary that connects Lincoln Avenue to the Poudre River trail. A connection is also needed from Lemay Avenue. Please refer to Section 3.2.2(C)(6) which states: (6) Direct On -Site Access to Pedestrian and Bicycle Destinations. The on -site pedestrian and bicycle circulation system must be designed to provide, or allow for, direct connections to major pedestrian and bicycle destinations including, but not limited to, parks, schools, Neighborhood Centers, Neighborhood Commercial Districts and transit stops that are located either within the development or adjacent to the development as required, to the maximum extent feasible. The on -site pedestrian and bicycle circulation system must also provide, or allow for, on -site connections to existing or planned off -site pedestrian and bicycle facilities at points necessary to provide direct pedestrian and bicycle travel from the development to major pedestrian destinations located within the neighborhood. In order to provide direct pedestrian connections to these destinations, additional sidewalks or walkways not associated with a street, or the extension of a sidewalk from the end of a cul-de-sac to another street or walkway, may be required. Response: We have provided multiple connections for pedestrians into, through, and adjacent to the large industriaUoffice campus. A significant amount of walkways connect to and through the open space areas south of the collection of Woodward facilities and the realigned Poudre trail. Public connections to the Poudre Trail are indicated from the road intersections at Mulberry/Lemay and at Magnolia/Lemay. Public trail connections also exist to the west of the site at the Lincoln Avenue bridge. The client would prefer to limit public connections along the west edge of their industrial campus for safety and security reasons. 2. The two-story buildings that are shown in the southeast corner abutting and within the buffer will require a modificion request to Section 4.20(D)(3)(a)(1), which requires buildings to step down to one story when directly abutting the natural area protection buffer. Response: A modification of standards has been included for the mixed-use/commercial buildings on the east side of the site. All other buildings directly adjacent to the buffer are indicated as one-story. 3. The applicant is proposing to reduce the 300' buffer along the southeast and western portion and enlarge the buffer along the center of the project. An Ecological Characterization Study is required to further evaluate this proposal. For the two buildings that are proposed within the 300' area, please shift these buildings north to the extent feasible. Response: Please see response to Environmental Planning comment V. 4. A request for Modification of Standard to Section 4.20(D)(3)(a)(2) will be required for the parking areas that are behind the main office headquarters building (the curved building), as well as the parking area that is between the river buffer and the back side of the buildings on the west side of the development. A part of the justification for these parking areas could be to provide appropriate screening between the parking and the river, meeting the intent of Section 4.20(D)(4)(a) LandscapingNegetation Protection, which states: The natural qualities of the River landscape shall be maintained and enhanced using plants and landscape materials native to the River corridor in the design of site and landscape improvements. Response: Although all parking areas could be considered to be located in side yards as required by the LUC, we have included a request for Modification of Standards to better explain the justification. 5. A key consideration for this campus style development will be the requirement that parking areas adjacent to streets and abutting uses be screened per Section 3.2.1.(E)(4). Please also note the requirement for screening of potential low interest or visually intrusive site elements, as described in Section 2.3.1(E)(6). Response: Parking lot screening is provided. 6. A major amendment to the ODP is assumed to be required based on the likely increase in building square footage shown in the SE corner of the site. Response: Building square footage is in compliance with the approved ODP. 7. The proposed development project is subject to a Type 2 (Planning and Zoning Board) review and public hearing. The applicant for this development request is required to hold a neighborhood information meeting prior to formal submittal of the proposal. Neighborhood meetings offer an informal way to get feedback from your surrounding neighbors and discover any potential hiccups prior to the formal hearing. Please contact me, at 221-6750, to assist you in setting a date, time, and location. I and possibly other City staff, would be present to facilitate the meeting. Response: Neighborhood meeting has taken place, as required. No significant concerns were raised. 8. Please see the Development Review Guide at www.fcgov.com/drg. This online guide features a color coded flowchart with comprehensive, easy to read information on each step in the process. This guide includes links to just about every resource you need during development review. Response: Acknowledged 9. This development proposal will be subject to all applicable standards of the Fort Collins Land Use Code (LUC), including Article 3 General Development Standards. The entire LUC is available for your review on the web at httg://www.colocode.com/ftcollinsAanduse/begin.htm. Response: Acknowledged 10. If this proposal is unable to satisfy any of the requirements set forth in the LUC, a Modification of Standard Request will need to be submitted with your formal development proposal. Please see Section 2.8.2 of the LUC for more information on criteria to apply for a Modification of Standard. Response: Acknowledged 11. Please see the Submittal Requirements and Checklist at: http://www.fcgov.com/developmentreview/applications.phi). Response: Acknowledged. 12. The request will be subject to the Development Review Fee Schedule that is available in the Community Development and Neighborhood Services office. The fees are due at the time of submittal of the required documents for the appropriate development review process by City staff and affected outside reviewing agencies. Also, the required Transportation Development Review Fee must be paid at time of submittal. Response: Acknowledged 13. When you are ready to submit your formal plans, please make an appointment with Community Development and Neighborhood Services at (970)221-6750. Response: Acknowledged. Pre -Submittal Meetings for Building Permits Pre -Submittal meetings are offered to assist the designer/builder by assuring, early on in the design, that the new commercial or multi -family projects are on track to complying with all of the adopted City codes and Standards listed below. The proposed project should be in the early to mid -design stage for this meeting to be effective and is typically scheduled after the Current Planning conceptual review meeting. Applicants of new commercial or multi -family projects are advised to call 416-2341 to schedule a pre -submittal meeting. Applicants should be prepared to present site plans, floor plans, and elevations and be able to discuss code issues of occupancy, square footage and type of construction being proposed. Construction shall comply with the following adopted codes as amended: 2009 International Building Code (IBC) 2009 International Residential Code (IRC) 2009 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) 2009 International Mechanical Code (IMC) 2009 International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC) 2009 International Plumbing Code (IPC) as amended by the State of Colorado 2011 National Electrical Code (NEC) as amended by the State of Colorado Accessibility: State Law CRS 9-5 & ICC/ANSI A117.1-2003. Snow Load Live Load: 30 PSF / Ground Snow Load 30 PSF. Frost Depth: 30 inches. Wind Load: 100- MPH 3 Second Gust Exposure B. Seismic Design: Category B. Climate Zone: Zone 5 Energy Code Use 1. Single Family; Duplex; Townhomes: 2009 IRC Chapter 11 or 2009 IECC Chapter 4 2. Multi -family and Condominiums 3 stories max: 2009 IECC Chapter 4. 3. Commercial and Multi -family 4 stories and taller: 2009 IECC Chapter 5. Fort Collins Green Code Amendments effective starting 1-1-2012. A copy of these requirements can be obtained at the Building Office or contact the above phone number. City of Fort Collins DATE: TIME: PROJECT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: CONTACT INFO: ENGINEER: PLANNER: COMMENTS: November 19, 2012 11 am Woodward Governor at Link n Greens Link n Greens golf course at Lemay and Lincoln Sheri Langenberger Jason Holland Larimer County Road Impact Fees and Street Oversizing Fees are due at the time of building permit. Please contact Matt Baker at 224-6108 if you have any questions. The City's Transportation Development Review Fee (TDRF) is due at the time of submittal. Because of this projects large size and the amount of the TDRF may exceed $65,000 we will want to use the submitted plans to calculate the PDP fee for the project and determine if the fee does exceed $65,000. If it does the fee is eligible to be reviewed and set by the City Manager based on an evaluation and estimation of the staff time needed to process the application and the appropriate fee amount needed to cover expenses occurred. For additional information on these fees, please see: 1-ittp://www.fcaov.com/engineering/dev-review.phR Any damaged curb, gutter and sidewalk existing prior to construction, as well as streets, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, destroyed, damaged or removed due to construction of this project, shall be replaced or restored to City of Fort Collins standards at the Developer's expense prior to the acceptance of completed improvements and/or prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy. A TIS for this project will be needed. It will need to evaluate the project based on the proposed project, the proposed phasing the anticipated build out of the project. Scoping meetings have occurred. Any questions regarding the content and requirements of this study should be directed to the City's Traffic Engineer, Joe Olson (224-6062). Any public improvements must be designed and built in accordance with the Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards (LCUASS). They are available online at: http://www.larimer.org/en ing eering/GMARdStds/UrbanSt.htm This project is responsible for dedicating any right-of-way and easements that are necessary for this project. Right of way along Lemay and Lincoln will be needed. For Lincoln Ave frontage. Since there will be a study done this next year to determine if an alternative cross section for Lincoln Ave should be planed and built along this site it does not make sense for this project to build its frontage improvements at this time. In lieu of building the Link n Greens January 21, 2013 PDP round 1 comments (black) PDP round 2 comments (green) Comment #2 We are asking that a condition be placed on this project as it goes to hearing that the design for the double left turn lane for southbound Lemay Avenue to eastbound Mulberry Street be designed now and built with the 2nd Phase or whichever Phase of the project triggers it. The design should be included in the final utility plan set, the row needed to accommodate the turn lane be dedicated, and language regarding the timing of the improvement be included in the Development Agreement. The TIS indicates that with future phases that a southbound double left turn lane will be needed at Lemay and Mulberry. The design for this needs to be provided by this project. A condition will be placed on this project as it goes to hearing that the project will need to provide this design as a part of the final plans and provide the row needed as a part of this as well. It will work for engineering to delay the construction of this improvement until it is needed, but there may be other circumstances as well that might impact the timing of these improvements. It needs to be noted that this area of Lemay looks to be in the 100 year Floodplain and a portion potentially the Floodway as well. This means that FEMA will be involved and KLOMER and LOMERs may be needed as well. Comment #3 With each additional Phase/ minor amendment the project will need to submit a TIS for that phase. The TIS submitted for the site and Phase 1 indicates that with the development of additional phase there maybe LOS and/or APF issues or concerns, therefore language will be placed with the Development Agreement for the project that with each subsequent submittal be it minor amendment or otherwise that a TIS for the proposed Phase be provide for review and analysis. From this analysis we will be able to determine if there are any LOS or APF issues with the proposed Phase, and appropriate measures can be done to address the issues. whether that is the design and construction of additional infrastructure improvements by the Developer, waivers by City Council, or appropriate measures as allowed, identified or required by the City codes. AComment #14 The existing fire hydrant shown to be relocated (at the north west corner of the property) is this to be relocated with the first phase? If so it needs to be shown on the phase 1 utility sheets. The hydrant should be placed 8- 10 feet north of the property line so that it falls within the future parkway and will not need to be relocated again. A note should be provided indicating this location. Comment #15 The relocated sewer is no longer in phase 1, but still have some storm pipes that go outside the boundaries of the Phase 1 sheets. Phase 1 utility sheets. You need some additional sheets to show all the utility work that is a part of phase 1. The relocated sewer and several storm lines go off the sheets provided. Also per the street plans it appears that the water and sewer mains going into the retail area are to be stubbed in, but the phase 1 plans do not show that. Please clarify. Comment #18 Will need to show the boundaries of the off -site easements on the final plan set. Comment #19 Needed with final plans. The signal pole relocations and changes will need to be noted on the utility plan sheet. Comment #22 Need to provide off -site profile design at time of final. Comment #29 Some adjustment of the flowline profile grades is needed to meet minimum standards, but I think we can work through that. Comment #30 You will probably want to show and note the use of the existing building as a construction trailer on the site plan. Comment #31 Please provide the City with a copy of the new recorded easement for PRPA once this has been completed. Comment #33 The following are needed as part of the final plan set. - Design of all work to be in and approved by Phase 1. - Clear labeling of what work is Phase 1 work. - Signal design. - Signing and striping plans. - Traffic pole and ramp location information and detail for the Magnolia intersection (both sides). - Median profiles — or enough spot elevations to build and detennine what is going on. - Design of the double left turn. - Lincoln phase 1 condition profile and striping plan. - Additional details as per the check sheet. Comment #1 - resolved Received Revised drawings. Variance Request granted. Link N Greens Request for Variance #1 — Driveway Curb Return Radii We do not believe that the following two turning template drawings are realistic and need to be redone. 1. The right turn movement into the 3/ access point on Lemay Ave. It is not desirable nor is it safe for a vehicle to turn from the outside travel lane across the other travel lane, the bike lane and the right turn lane to enter into the site. It maybe that the driveway width needs to be widened and/or shown that the turn can be made by encroaching into the exit lane. 2. The right turn movement into the driveway off of Lincoln. It needs to be shown that the turn can be made from the travel lane, bike lane or left turn lane not the center turn lane since this will likely be a raised median in the future and not available for the truck to use for turning. As with the other intersection it maybe that the driveway will need to be widened out and/or the turning truck will need to encroach on a portion of the exit lane to be able to turn into the site. 3. Also missing a drawing for right out at the 3/ access. I will not provide a written response (other than this) to the variance request until we receive and review revised turning template drawings for these two movements. Comment #2 We are asking that a condition be placed on this project as it goes to hearing that the design for the double left turn lane for southbound Lemay Avenue to eastbound Mulberry Street be designed now and built with the 2nd Phase or whichever Phase of the project triggers it. The design should be included in the final utility plan set, the row needed to accommodate the turn lane be dedicated, and language regarding the timing of the improvement be included in the Development Agreement. The TIS indicates that with future phases that a southbound double left turn lane will be needed at Lemay and Mulberry. The design for this needs to be provided by this project. A condition will be placed on this project as it goes to hearing that the project will need to provide this design as a part of the final plans and provide the row needed as a part of this as well. It will work for engineering to delay the construction of this improvement until it is needed, but there may be other circumstances as well that might impact the timing of these improvements. It needs to be noted that this area of Lemay looks to be in the 100 year Floodplain and a portion potentially the Floodway as well. This means that FEMA will be involved and KLOMER and LOMERs may be needed as well. Comment #3 With each additional Phase/ minor amendment the project will need to submit a TIS for that phase. The TIS submitted for the site and Phase I indicates that with the development of additional phase there maybe LOS and/or APF issues or concerns, therefore language will be placed with the Development Agreement for the project that with each subsequent submittal be it minor amendment or otherwise that a TIS for the proposed Phase be provide for review and analysis. From this analysis we will be able to determine if there are any LOS or APF issues with the proposed Phase, and appropriate measures can be done to address the issues. whether that is the design and construction of additional infrastructure improvements by the Developer, waivers by City Council, or appropriate measures as allowed, identified or required by the City codes. Comment #4 - resolved The note was revised to add that a TIS will need to be provided. Note number 9 on the site plan also needs to indicate that a Traffic Impact Study shall be submitted with each Minor Amendment for future buildings. Comment #5 - resolved Information was passed along to Clark, Parks and Forestry regarding the need to review these. New standards for median landscaping are being adopted (the standards have had first reading with City Council). I don't know what the expectation for the landscaping of the modified medians is to be. I have talked briefly about this with Bruce Hendee and it seemed that landscaping to the new standards would be expected. This maybe what you are showing. The landscape plans for the medians need to be reviewed and coordinated with the Streetscape Team. Pete Wray or Clark Mapes can coordinate that. Comment #6 - resolved They are no longer including this relocation in Phase 1, so the easement is no longer being shown to be vacated. At such time as they propose the phase in which they will relocate the sewer line, they will need to design the new line and after it is constructed we can vacate the existing easement. The plans note that the existing sewer main easement will be vacated by the plat. The easement cannot be vacated until the easement is no longer needed and the line has been relocated, so the notes on the plans need to be changed to reflect this. Comment #7 - resolved Upon relocation and of the Sewer Main line the City can process a vacation of the existing easement area. This is an administrative process. At such time as this can be vacated the applicant will need to provide a legal description and sketch for the area to be vacated (prepared by licensed surveyor), the processing fee (currently $400), and the filing fess which will be calculated at the time of recording. Comment #8 - resolved You are showing the building envelope line crossing over the utility easement adjacent to Lincoln Ave. It would be better if this was not shown crossing over since it is unlikely that the easement would be vacated to accommodate this. Comment #9 — resolved They removed the note. Note number 4 on the utility plans and note number 1 on the grading plans indicate that the City shall inspect all storm sewers. We can do this (inspection fees will be charged), but we only require the City to inspect those lines to be owned and maintained by the City. Right now it is not noted on the plans which lines are private or public, but will assume that some of them will be private and we do not need to inspect these. Comment #10 —resolved This has been shown on the plans. On the interim cross section and as part of your design you need to show a 4 paved shoulder with a minimum of 2 foot gravel beyond adjacent to the right turn lanes. The bike lane serves as this where they are adjacent to the edge of roadway, so it is not needed there. Comment #11 — resolved Trees and shrubs were removed out of the row. North of the Phase 1 production support building there is some landscaping that is shown within the row. This landscaping will conflict with the future sidewalk, grading and improvements that will be installed with the Lincoln improvements. I suggest that this is not shown or installed. Comment #12 - resolved They indicated they do not plan on installing them now. Imagine the trees will be required by planning when the retail portion of the site is developed. Why are there no street trees shown in the Lemay Ave parkway adjacent to the retail portion of the property? Also a portion of this frontage doesn't show grass or any improvements within the parkway. Comment #13 - resolved Cover sheet — may want to provide more room for the index of sheets so that there is room to add the list of additional sheets that will be added with the future minor amendments (future phase sheets). Comment #14 The existing fire hydrant shown to be relocated (at the north west corner of the property) is this to be relocated with the first phase? If so it needs to be shown on the phase 1 utility sheets. The hydrant should be placed 8- 10 feet north of the property line so that it falls within the future parkway and will not need to be relocated again. A note should be provided indicating this location. Comment #15 The relocated sewer is no longer in phase 1, but still have some storm pipes that go outside the boundaries of the Phase 1 sheets. Phase 1 utility sheets. You need some additional sheets to show all the utility work that is a part of phase 1. The relocated sewer and several storm lines go off the sheets provided. Also per the street plans it appears that the water and sewer mains going into the retail area are to be stubbed in, but the phase 1 plans do not show that. Please clarify. Comment #16 - resolved Since the relocation is no longer ro addressed once the se p Need to sewer relocation posed t a part of this be re note what happens to the a part of the plan Seplan set, this will need to be moved? The portion existing to be left in l within the ro g sewer line once it is no longer so it pace the portions that n' will need to be re needed. Will be clear if unlit run under moved. if other Will it y digs them utility easements portions are UP that it is no longer an active linneed e be flow filled Comment #17 —resolved This has been shown on the p It appears that lat. an and ram will be needed at the p that is outside of the row.corner of the Magnolia entrance forth Comment #18 Will need to show the boundaries of the Off -site easements on the final plan set. Comment #19 Needed with final plans. The signal pole relocations and changes will need to be noted on the utility plan sheet. Comment #20 —resolved Additional note added regarding this. The phase 1 grading plans show that the exist' club house buildingmg driveway for the construction of Phse 1 °remain. For how lon golf course Once we g Is it just to be used for the and the When the access point needs c be closed. t The site intending time n, usage this can address Parking staying, plan doegn t show this building and Comment #21 —resolved The wall has been removed. The wall at the south end of the retail area needs to be labeled e on the site plan and height provided. g t Comment #22 Need to provide off -site profile design at time of final. Comment #23 — resolved This was shown on thissubmittal. Can we keep the interimpavement section being added to Lincoln to a minimum 2% cross slope? Comment #24 - resolied The plat needs some work. There are missing utility easements and drainage easements Comment #25 — resolved Have provided a signture line for the gas company. The plat is showing the vacation of a gas easement. The gas easement owner will need to sign the plat to show that they do agree to this. It should also be noted that only the portion of the easement within the boundaries of this plat is vacated by this plat. Comment #26 - resolved No longer proposing to vacate or dedicate a PRPA easement on the plat. Assume that this will all be done by separate document. PRPA will need to sign the plat accepting the new easement being dedicated to them and identifying they agree to the vacation of the existing easement. I would guess that they will not vacate the existing easement until the line has been relocated, but that decision is theirs. Comment #27 — resolved PRPA signature line is shown on the utility plans. Will need PRPA signature on the utility plans on the sheets where the line relocation is shown. This will indicate their approval of the infrastructure and improvements shown below the line. Comment #28 - resolved The extra row dedication shown on Lincoln Ave for the right turn lanes does not need to be dedicated. Based on preliminary cross section any right turn lanes needed for this site can be accommodated within the 57.5 feet of row being dedicated. Comment #29 Some adjustment of the flowline profile grades is needed to meet minimum standards, but I think we can work through that. Comment #30 You will probably want to show and note the use of the existing building as a construction trailer on the site plan. Comment #31 Please provide the City with a copy of the new recorded easement for PRPA once this has been completed. Comment #32 - resolved The two crest curves on the Lemay Ave flowline have been approved as shown (with grades less than .5%) since the series of grade breaks can be used in lieu of a crest vertical curve as long as the series of grade breaks meet the vertical curve criteria. I have checked and the series of grade breaks would meet this criteria. Section of LCUASS Comment #33 The following are needed as part of the final plan set. - Design of all work to be in and approved by Phase 1. - Clear labeling of what work is Phase 1 work. - Signal design. - Signing and striping plans. - Traffic pole and ramp location information and detail for the Magnolia intersection (both sides). - Median profiles — or enough spot elevations to build and determine what is going on. - Design of the double left turn. Lincoln phase 1 condition profile and striping plan. - Additional details as per the check sheet. Project: Link-n-Greens Project Description: This is a request for approval of a Project Development Plan for approximately 101.5 acres at the Link-n-Greens property, located at 777 East Lincoln Avenue. The Link-n-Greens P.D.P. is being proposed to accommodate a new campus for Woodward. As a large employer, Woodward intends to develop a campus of office, manufacturing, and testing facilities. The site is zoned C-C-R, Community Commercial 6 Poudre River District, and a P.D.P. is subject to a review and public hearing with the City of Fort Collins Planning and Zoning Board. Date: 01/23/2013 Issue ID: 1 Topic: General Round: 1 Status: Active Issue: 01/23/2013: Link N Greens Request for Variance #1 -Driveway Curb Return Radii We do not believe that the following two turning template drawings are realistic and need to be redone. 1. The right turn movement into the '/. access point on Lemay Ave. It is not desirable nor is it safe for a vehicle to turn from the outside travel lane across the other travel lane, the bike lane and the right turn lane to enter into the site. It maybe that the driveway width needs to be widened and/or shown that the turn can be made by encroaching into the exit lane. 2. The right turn movement into the driveway off of Lincoln. It needs to be shown that the turn can be made from the travel lane, bike lane or left turn lane not the center turn lane since this will likely be a raised median in the future and not available for the truck to use for turning. As with the other intersection it maybe that the driveway will need to be widened out and/or the turning truck will need to encroach on a portion of the exit lane to be able to turn into the site. 3. Also missing a drawing for right out at the'/. access. I will not provide a written response (other than this) to the variance request until we receive and review revised turning template drawings for these two movements. 01/23/2013 Issue ID: 2W Topic: General Round: 1 Status: Active Issue: 01/23/2013: We are asking that a condition be placed on this project as it goes to hearing that the design for the double left turn lane for southbound Lemay Avenue to eastbound Mulberry Street be designed now and built with the 2nd Phase or whichever Phase of the project triggers it. The design should be included in the final utility plan set, the row needed to accommodate the turn lane be dedicated, and language regarding the timing of the improvement be included in the Development Agreement. Date: 01/23/2013 Issue ID: 3 Topic: General Round: 1 Status: Active Issue: 01/23/2013: With each additional Phase/ minor amendment the project will need to submit a TIS for that phase. The TIS submitted for the site and Phase 1 indicates that with the development of additional phase there maybe LOS and/or APF issues or concerns, therefore language will be placed with the Development Agreement for the project that with each subsequent submittal be it minor amendment or otherwise that a TIS for the proposed Phase be provide for review and analysis. From this analysis we will be able to determine if there are any LOS or APF issues with the proposed Phase, and appropriate measures can be done to address the issues. ate: 01/23/2013 Issue ID: 4_ Topic: General Round: 1 Status: Active T-Issu�e: 01/23/2013: Note number 9 on the site plan also needs to indicate that a Traffic Impact Study shall be '---m-7-773 submitted with each Minor Amendment for future buildings. Date: 01/23/2013 Issue ID: 5 Topic: General Round: 1 Status: Active Issue: 01/23/2013: New standards for median landscaping are being adopted (the standards have had first reading with City Council). I don't know what the expectation for the landscaping of the modified medians is to be. I have talked briefly about this with Bruce Hendee and it seemed that landscaping to the new standards would be expected. This maybe what you are showing. The landscape plans for the medians need to be reviewed and coofginated with the Streetscape Team. Pete Wray or Clark Mapes can coordinate that. Date: 01/23/2013 Issue ID: 6 Topii;: ) General Round: 1 Status: Active Issue: 01/23/2013: The plans note that the existing sewer main easement will be vacated by the plat. The easement Page 1 of 4 Project: Link-n-Greens Project Description: This is a request for approval of a Project Development Plan for approximately 101.5 acres at the Link-n-Greens property, located at 777 East Lincoln Avenue. The Link-n-Greens P.D.P. is being proposed to accommodate a new campus for Woodward. As a large employer, Woodward intends to develop a campus of office, manufacturing, and testing facilities. The site is zoned C-C-R, Community Commercial L Poudre River District, and a P.D.P. is subject to a review and public hearing with the City of Fort Collins Planning and Zoning Board. cannot be vacated until the easement is no longer needed and the line has been relocated, so the notes on the plans need to be changed to reflect this. Date: 01/23/2013 Issue ID: 7 Topic: General Round: 1 Status: Active Issue: 01/23/2013: Upon relocation and of the Sewer Main line the City can process a vacation of the existing easement area. This is an administrative process. At such time as this can be vacated the applicant will need to provide a legal description and sketch for the area to be vacated (prepared by licensed surveyor), the processing fee (currently $400), and the filing fess which will be calculated at the time of recording. Date: 01/23/2013 Issue ID: 8 Topic: General Round: 1 Status: Active Issue: 01/2312013: You are showing the building envelope line crossing over the utility easement adjacent to Lincoln Ave. It would be better if this was not shown crossing over since it is unlikely that the easement would be vacated to accommodate this. Date: 01/23/2013 Issue ID: 9 Topic: General Round: 1 Status: Active Issue: 01/23/2013: Note number 4 on the utility plans and note number 1 on the grading plans indicate that the City shall inspect all storm sewers. We can do this (inspection fees will be charged), but we only require the City to inspect those lines to be owned and maintained by the City. Right now it is not noted on the plans which lines are private or public, but will assume that some of them will be private and we do not need to inspect these. Date: 01/23/2013 Issue ID: 10 Topic: General Round: 1 Status: Active Issue: 01/23/2013: On the interim cross section and as part of your design you need to show a 4 paved shoulder with a minimum of 2 foot gravel beyond adjacent to the right turn lanes. The bike lane serves as this where they are adjacent to the edge of roadway, so it is not needed there. Date: 01/23/2013 Issue ID: 11 Topic: General Round: 1 Status: Active Issue: 01/23/2013: North of the Phase 1 production support building there is some landscaping that is shown within the row. This landscaping will conflict with the future sidewalk, grading and improvements that will be installed with the Lincoln improvements. I suggest that this is not shown or installed. Date: 01/23/2013 Issue ID: 12 Topic: General Round: 1 Status: Active ' Issue: 01/23/2013: Why are there no street trees shown in the Lemay Ave parkway adjacent to the retail portion of the property? Also a portion of this frontage doesn't show grass or any improvements within the parkway. Date: 01/23/2013 Issue ID: 13 Topic: General Round: 1 Status: Active Issue: 01/23/2013: Cover sheet —may want to provide more room for the index of sheets so that there is room to add the list of additional sheets that will be added with the future minor amendments (future phase sheets). Date: 01/23/2013 Issue ID: 14 Topic: General Round: 1 Status: Active Issue: 01/23/2013: The existing fire hydrant shown to be relocated (at the north west corner of the property) is this to be relocated with the first phase? If so it needs to be shown on the phase 1 utility sheets. The hydrant should be placed 8- 10 feet north of the property line so that it falls within the future parkway and will not need to be relocated again. A note should be provided indicating this location. Date: 01/23/2013 Issue ID: 15 Topic: General Round: 1 Status: Active Page 1 of 4 developments local street frontage obligation with this project at this time the project will need to construct interim improvements as needed to accommodate the traffic movements into and out of the site and any improvements needed to meet Level of Service requirements. In lieu of constructing the developers local street frontage improvement with this project a payment in lieu (cash) covering the cost of these improvements shall be provided to the City prior to the issuance of the first building permit for the site. For Lemay Ave frontage. In addition to the dedication of row needed for the frontage improvements the site is responsible for the design and installation of the curb, gutter and sidewalk along the west side of the road adjacent to the site. When the roadway was built the median width narrows as it goes north from Magnolia and this was intended to be an interim solution due to limited row and it is expected that the median would be widened (to the west) with the improvements along the sites frontage. Additional median width maybe necessary to accommodate the median design for the 3/4 movement. Utility plans will be required and a Development Agreement will be recorded once the project is finalized. This site is adjacent to CDOT roadway. Plans will be routed to CDOT for review. A Development Construction Permit (DCP) will need to be obtained prior to starting any work on the site. �C -' ,, 6", A�-c Coca kA" � - Lne' 6U� Project: Link-n-Greens Project Description: This is a request for approval of a Project Development Plan for approximately 101.5 acres at the Link-n-Greens property, located at 777 East Lincoln Avenue. The Link-n-Greens P.D.P. is being proposed to accommodate a new campus for Woodward. As a large employer, Woodward intends to develop a campus of office, manufacturing, and testing facilities. The site is zoned C-C-R, Community Commercial 4 Poudre River District, and a P.D.P. is subject to a review and public hearing with the City of Fort Collins Planning and Zoning Board. Issue: 01/23/2013: Phase 1 utility sheets. You need some additional sheets to show all the utility work that is a part of phase 1. The relocated sewer and several storm lines go off the sheets provided. Also per the street plans it appears that the water and sewer mains going into the retail area are to be stubbed in, but the phase 1 plans do not show that. Please clarify. Date: 01/23/2013 Issue ID: 16 Topic: General Round: 1 Status: Active Issue: 01/23/2013: Need to note what happens to the existing sewer line once it is no longer needed. Will it be removed? The portion within the row will need to be removed. If other portions are to be left in place the portions that run under utility easements will need to be flow filled so it will be clear if a utility digs them up that it is no longer an active line. Date: 01/23/2013 Issue ID: 17 Topic: General Round: 1 Status: Active Issue: 01/23/2013: It appears that an access easement will be needed at the NW corner of the Magnolia entrance for the sidewalk and ramp that is outside of the row. Date: 01/23/2013 Issue ID: 18 Topic: General Round: 1 Status: Active Issue: 01/23/2013: Will need to show the boundaries of the off -site easements on the final plan set. Date: 01/23/2013 Issue ID: 19 Topic: General Round: 1 Status: Active Issue: 01/23/2013: The signal pole relocations and changes will need to be noted on the utility plan sheet. Date: 01/23/2013 Issue ID: 20 Topic: General Round: 1 Status: Active Issue: 01/23/2013: The phase 1 grading plans show that the existing driveway for the golf course and the club house building are to remain. For how long? Is it just to be used for the construction of Phase 1? Once we know the intending time of usage we can address when the access point needs to be closed. The site plan doesn't show this building and parking staying. Date: 01/23/2013 Issue ID: 21 Topic: General Round: 1 Status: Active Issue: 01/23/2013: The wall at the south end of the retail area needs to be labeled on the site plan and height provided. Date: 01/23/2013 Issue ID: 22 Topic: General Round: 1 Status: Active Issue: 01/23/2013: Need to provide off -site profile design at time of final. �.J Date: 01/23/2013 Issue ID: 23 Topic: General Round: 1 Status: Active Issue: 01/2312013: Can we keep the interim pavement section being added to Lincoln to a minimum 2% cross slope? Date: 01/23/2013 Issue ID: 24 Topic: General Round: 1 Status: Active Issue: 01/23/2013: The plat needs some work. There are missing utility easements and drainage easements Date: 01/23/2013 Issue ID: 25 Topic: General Round: 1 Status: Active Issue: 01/23/2013: The plat is showing the vacation of a gas easement. The gas easement owner will need to sign Page 1 of 4 Project: Link-n-Greens Project Description: This is a request for approval of a Project Development Plan for approximately 101.5 acres at the Link-n-Greens property, located at 777 East Lincoln Avenue. The Link-n-Greens P.D.P. is being proposed to accommodate a new campus for Woodward. As a large employer, Woodward intends to develop a campus of office, manufacturing, and testing facilities. The site is zoned C-C-R, Community Commercial 6 Poudre River District, and a P.D.P. is subject to a review and public hearing with the City of Fort Collins Planning and Zoning Board. the plat to show that they do agree to this. It should also be noted that only the portion of the easement within the boundaries of this plat is vacated by this plat. Date: 01/23/2013 Issue ID: 26 Topic: General Round: 1 Status: Active Issue: 01/23/2013: PRPA will need to sign the plat accepting the new easement being dedicated to them and identifying they agree to the vacation of the existing easement. I would guess that they will not vacate the existing easement until the line has been relocated, but that decision is theirs. Date: 01/23/2013 Issue ID: 27 Topic: General Round: 1 Status: Active Issue: 01/23/2013: Will need PRPA signature on the utility plans on the sheets where the line relocation is shown. This will indicate their approval of the infrastructure and improvements shown below the line. Date: 01/23/2013 Issue ID: 28 Topic: General Round: 1 Status: Active Issue: 01/23/2013: The extra row dedication shown on Lincoln Ave for the right turn lanes does not need to be dedicated. Based on preliminary cross section any right turn lanes needed for this site can be accommodated within the 57.5 feet of % row being dedicated. Date: 01/23/2013 Issue ID: 29 Topic: General Round: 1 Status: Active Issue: 01/23/2013: Some adjustment of the flowline profile grades is needed to meet minimum standards, but I think we can work through that. Page 1 of 4 Fort Collins Community Development and Neighborhood Services 281 North College Avenue PO Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 970.221.6750 970.224.6134 - fax fcgov. com/developmenaeview January 25, 2013 January 30, 2013 responses shown below in RED: Allen Ginsborg NewMark Merrill Mountain States, LLC 2720 Council Tree Ave., Suite 230 Fort Collins, CO 80525 RE: Link-n-Greens, PDP130001, Round Number 1 Please see the following summary of comments from City staff and outside reviewing agencies for your submittal of the above referenced project. If you have questions about any comments, you may contact the individual commenter or direct your questions through the Project Planner, Jason Holland, at 970-224-6126 or jholland@fcgov.com. Comment Summary: Department: Current Planning Contact: Jason Holland, 970.224.6126, iholland a(,.fcgov.com Topic: Building Elevations Comment Number: 1 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 Please provide color builiding elevations and a materials page that shows actual photographs of the proposed materials. Pages with 3D views of the buildings would also be helpful. For the Lot 3 architecture, please show footprints that are more detailed that illustrate the recesses and projections in the elevations. Woodward buildings: A color version of the building elevations have been included with the resubmittal, including 3D view. Commercial Buildings: Color building elevations are provided and a materials sheet illustrating the proposed materials to be utilized. Building outlines have also been added for each building on the corresponding elevation sheets. 3-D elevations will be provided over the next week. Comment Number: 2 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 The building elevations for Lot 3 may need more articulation in some areas in order to satisfy the Land Use Code standards in 3.5.3. We suggest a meeting to discuss this in more detail. A meeting was held on January 24, 2013 and commercial area building elevations have been revised to reflect the comments from this discussion. In addition, the architect for the commercial area has offered the following narrative to further describe the concept for this area: Architectural Concepts. As the proposed project will be a part of the overall campus it is our intent to create a compatible architecture to that of the corporate structures, yet somewhat understated, so as not to compete in any way with the major structures. This will be accomplished first from a mass and square footage standpoint. Given that all lot 3 buildings will be dramatically smaller than the corporate structures the major buildings will immediately be much more prominent to the passer by. Secondly the retail and mixed -use buildings will embrace the contemporary nature of the Ghafari design and be more simply stated than typical retail buildings. The major building materials shall be glass and corrugated metal matching that used in the corporate structure both by manufacturer and color. The restaurant building at the signalized intersection, coming in off Lemay, is planned to be predominantly of the buff cultured sandstone with a beige cast stone base and cornice, accented by projected silver metal canopies and "V" roof element. At the retail shop building along Lemay corrugated metal will wrap both ends of the building and be contrasted by an off—white stucco at the center bays. Splashes of more playful primary colors will be introduced in the projected steel and canvas awnings. The entire building will capped off by an articulated, clean, contemporary metal cornice. The bank building has been re -designed to add more interest in proposed facades. A central entry spine projects above the base building creating a south facing entry with an abundance of glass and featuring a projected steel canopy to welcome the customer. This feature is sheathed in corrugated metal and contrasts the beige cast stone of the base building, which features a series of vertical slit windows. The east and west facades of the building are enhanced by a splayed corrugated metal projection featuring four symmetrical punched windows. The drive through canopy is sheathed with corrugated metal which pierces a vertical cast stone wall at its northern edge. The restaurant building at the corner of Mulberry and Lemay is planned to be of two stories with a roof top deck taking advantage of views to the river and front range. It will be contemporary in appearance featuring corrugated metal siding playing off the buff cultured sandstone. It will be enhanced by projected metal canopies at the entry, as well as a metal trellis protecting the rooftop deck. The mixed -use building at the northwest corner of Lot 3 will be of two stories and is being planned for retail at the ground floor and office above. Combining what were two buildings, gives more leasing flexibility and the ability to attract larger tenants. The building will feature a two story lobby/atrium extending to the west facade to take advantage of views to the river. A riverside patio off this atrium is also envisioned. The building materials consist of glass and corrugated metal, again in keeping with that of the corporate structure, at the south and north ends of the building, with a composite off-white panel at the middle bays. The ground floor will feature colorful canvas awnings and the upper floor on the west elevation, will have projected metal sunscreens. Topic: General Comment Number: 1 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 Site and Landscape Plans need to clearly show a line that distinguishes Phase One from Future Phases. Please also use a finer CAD line type and/or LTSCALE for the topography to increase readability for all sheets. Done Comment Number: 2 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 Please adjust all sheets and provide a 1.5 inch margin on the left side of the paper. It would also be helpful to add the key map to S1 and L1. Done Comment Number: 3 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 Label proposed monument signs on all plans. Done Comment Number: 4 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 The key map and title for the plan on some of the pages is not referenced correctly. Corrected Topic: Landscape Plans Comment Number: 1 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 Please refer to landscape redlines for comments related to labeling and formatting of the plans as well as landscape buffer comments. See comment 2 below Comment Number: 2 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 Please provide a typical plan detail and section of the perimeter landscape buffer, showing quality and extent of the buffer provided, for both the buffers along streets and transition buffers adjacent to natural areas. Additional perimeter buffer areas have been indicated on the plans, and buffer symbols have been widened to a minimum of 20' in all areas. In addition, a note has been added to the Landscape Plans to describe the intent and minimum widths of the buffers. Fencing and walls are not identified as a required buffer element in these future areas as they in most cases may not be feasible due to drainage and floodplain requirements, and they may begin to reflect a perimeter fence character that has been discouraged by staff and the client. Instead, we would like to insure that the code requirements are met, but with landscaping and berming in a character that fits within the river context. Comment Number: 3 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 Please draw the future retail/commercial building envelopes as dashed lines, same as shown on S1. Done Comment Number: 4 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 Please add the following note to the landscape plan: Landscape buffer areas shown on the plan shall be used to screen all, service, loading and parking areas, including drive isles, from abutting uses, streets and natural areas. Screening shall consist of at least two of the following elements: masonry wall, plant material, earthen berm or fence, each of which shall have a minimum height of thirty (30) inches. Such screening shall extend one hundred (100) percent of the length of the area to be screened, and shall be a minimum of twenty feet (20) in width exclusive of right-of-way. See comment 2 above Topic: Site Plan Comment Number: 1 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 Please refer to redline of Sheet S1 for sidewalk comments. Most of these additional sidewalk connections have been added. The exception is through the service areas west of the Production Support Building and south of the future Energy Technology Center. These areas will be characterized by service needs, loading docks, and movements of large vehicles, so we would like to encourage pedestrian patterns around these areas rather than through them. Comment Number: 2 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 Please add Lot numbers with acreages to the site and landscape plan sheets. Done Comment Number: 3 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 Please add proposed parking quantities that correspond to the Lot 3 layout, based on square footage and uses. We are not indicating exact quantities for any of the future phase areas. Instead they will be based on the final building square footages and use. Parking quantities in the Lot 3 area are anticipated to meet, but not exceed, the Land Use Code allowances. Comment Number: 4 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 Please remove the word Standard from the site plan notes. Amend note 9 to read: Buildings, parking, landscaping and other site elements are not indicated in final detail with this Site Plan, Landscape Plan, and building elevations. Any application for Building Permit, therefore, shall require the approval of a Minor Amendment of these plans that demonstrates compliance with all applicable Land Use Code requirements and standards, provided that the Minor Amendment does not result in a change of character of this development. Done Topic: Site Plan Comment Number: 5 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 Please provide dimensions to building envelopes from property lines and dimensions showing the proposed size of the envelopes. Show the same for building footprints. Every dimension does not need to be shown, but rather overall dimensions sufficient to show the scope of the project and to provide general information. Distance numbers should be placed adjacent to each envelope face without dimensional arrows. Done Comment Number: 6 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 Add a note to the site plan S1 that building square footages shown on the plans represent the building footprint area, and not the area of the building envelopes. This seems to be the case for all of the building footprints except for the two future footprints to the west, where the 100,000 SF seems to represent to building envelope, not the footprint. Please expand the land use table to list the SF of each building footprint as well as each envelope, with the subtotals of each. Land Use table has been expanded to indicate approximate future building sf anticipated. We have indicated building area, not areas of building envelopes. Building envelopes are intended to indicate the area in which future buildings will be allowed, not to represent building sf. The building envelope to the west has been modified. Comment Number: 7 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 Please show future sidewalks that are on the 30 scale plans on the overall plan for reference. Done Comment Number: 8 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 SP S1: Lot 3 buildings, the use labels aren't consistent with the 30 scale sheets and aren't shown as future. For clarity and presentation purposes label the footprints A,B,C, etc. and provide a data table on Sheet S1. In the table show the uses as future. Done Comment Number: 9 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 SP S1: Please delineate the 500 year fioodplain,100 year floodplain with greater emphasis that is more readable and with a finer CAD line type. Done Comment Number: 10 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 SP S1: In addition to the 300' river buffer, show the proposed limits of the proposed river buffer, with a line that is bolder and different than the 300' river buffer. Please show this on all 30 scale site and landscape plan sheets. Done Comment Number: 11 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 SP S1: Please show the approximate edges of the Poudre River flow line with a bold triple dot line (or other line), for graphic informational purposes. Label the river. Done Comment Number: 12 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 SP S1: Label the existing trail more prominently. Done Comment Number: 13 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 SP S1: Label adjacent uses/businesses and adjacent zoning districts. Done Comment Number: 14 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 SP S2: The building SF shown appears to reflect the envelope space and not the footprints. Building footprints are representative, building envelope has been modified to allow flexibility for this future undetermined area of expansion. Comment Number: 15 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 SP SI The building envelope for the future ES needs to be pulled back from the private drive in order to accommodate future trees along the private drive in front of the future ES building. Done Comment Number: 16 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 SP S4: Show the future sidewalk along the private drive, south of the ETC. Please pull the building envelope back, ten feet behind the sidewalk, to accommodate a future foundation landscape edge of reasonable quality and depth along the ETC building envelope. Building envelope has been modified. Sidewalk is not indicated as the building design and programming does not anticipate employees walking between these uses in this service area — see comment #1 response above. Comment Number: 17 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 SP S4: The potential service area gate. Some discussion is needed as to whether these gates are needed in order to provide interim screening of the service areas. Staff is concerned that the proposed evergreen trees north of the service area will not provide sufficient screening of Phase One operations. We have indicated not only the evergreen trees but berming along the north edge of the service drive to help provide visual screening until the buildings along Lincoln are constructed. The combination of distance, overlot grading of the ETC pad site, and these additional berms with evergreen trees should provide visual screening in the initial phase. Comment Number: 18 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 SP S5: Please dimension the parking setback. Done Comment Number: 19 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 SP S13,14, and 15: Please pull the Building Envelope back off of the main entrance, at least ten feet from the back of sidewalk, in order to provide a reasonable amount of landscaping and spaciousness at the main entry into the campus. Show building footprint and envelope dimensions (without leader lines and arrows), and label the gross square footage of each footprint. Please refer to the redline of Sheet S1 for comments on the position and extent of the building envelopes and footprints shown. Done Comment Number: 20 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 Please make sure that the building footprint dimensions shown on the site plan match the elevations. The Lot 3 office/commercial buildings are shown as 70 feet wide on the elevations, with a patio as well. This needs to be reflected on the site plan. Building elevations and site plans have been revised. Comment Number: 21 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 We need a note on the site plan that addresses the need for the overall Lot 3 site plan layout to move east if the PRPA easement along Lemay is not needed. A note has been added to the plan. Department: Engineering Development Review Contact: Sheri Langenberger, 970.221-6573, slangenberger@fcgov.com Topic: General Comment Number: 1 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Link N Greens Request for Variance #1 — Driveway Curb Return Radii We do not believe that the following two turning template drawings are realistic and need to be redone. 1. The right turn movement into the % access point on Lemay Ave. It is not desirable nor is it safe for a vehicle to turn from the outside travel lane across the other travel lane, the bike lane and the right turn lane to enter into the site. It maybe that the driveway width needs to be widened and/or shown that the turn can be made by encroaching into the exit lane. 2. The right turn movement into the driveway off of Lincoln. It needs to be shown that the turn can be made from the travel lane, bike lane or left turn lane not the center turn lane since this will likely be a raised median in the future and not available for the truck to use for turning. As with the other intersection it maybe that the driveway will need to be widened out and/or the turning truck will need to encroach on a portion of the exit lane to be able to turn into the site. 3. Also missing a drawing for right out at the % access. I will not provide a written response (other than this) to the variance request until we receive and review revised turning template drawings for these two movements. Updated Turning Templates have been provided. Comment Number: 2 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: We are asking that a condition be placed on this project as it goes to hearing that the design for the double left turn lane for southbound Lemay Avenue to eastbound Mulberry Street be designed now and built with the 2nd Phase or whichever Phase of the project triggers it. The design should be included in the final utility plan set, the row needed to accommodate the turn lane be dedicated, and language regarding the timing of the improvement be included in the Development Agreement. A horizontal design of the southbound turn lanes will be provided with the Final Utility Plan set to verify the location of the proposed right-of-way. The final horizontal and vertical construction drawings areto be provided at such time as the turn lane construction is warranted. Comment Number: 3 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: With each additional Phase/ minor amendment the project will need to submit a TIS for that phase. The TIS submitted for the site and Phase 1 indicates that with the development of additional phase there maybe LOS and/or APF issues or concerns, therefore language will be placed with the Development Agreement for the project that with each subsequent submittal be it minor amendment or otherwise that a TIS for the proposed Phase be provide for review and analysis. From this analysis we will be able to determine if there are any LOS or APF issues with the proposed Phase, and appropriate measures can be done to address the issues. Comment Number: 4 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Note number 9 on the site plan also needs to indicate that a Traffic Impact Study shall be submitted with each Minor Amendment for future buildings. Done Comment Number: 5 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: New standards for median landscaping are being adopted (the standards have had first reading with City Council). I don't know what the expectation for the landscaping of the modified medians is to be. I have talked briefly about this with Bruce Hendee and it seemed that landscaping to the new standards would be expected. This maybe what you are showing. The landscape plans for the medians need Clark Maoesecanlewed and coordinated with the coord�ate thataMedian landscaping has been based Streetscape Team. Pete Wray or Cla p on the new standards. Comment Originated: 01123/2013 Comment Number: 6 01/23/2013: The plans note that the existing sewer main easement will be vacated by the plat. The easement cannot be vacated until the easement is no longer needed and the line has been relocated, so the notes on the plans need to be changed to reflect this. The relocation of the 27 inch sewer main is now shown as part of a future phase. Therefore, the easement vacation is no longer applicable at this time and has been removed from the plat. Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 Comment Number: 7 01/23/2013: Upon relocation and of the Sewer Mainline the City can process a vacation of the existing easement area. This is an administrative process. At such time as this can be vacated the applicant will need to provide a legal description and sketch for the area to be vacated (prepared by licensed surveyor), the processing fee (currently $400), and the filing fess which will be calculated at the time of recording. This will be applicable at such time as the sewer line is relocated. Comment Number: 8 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: You are showing the building envelope line crossing over the utility easement adjacent to Lincoln Ave. It would be better if this was not shown crossing over since it is unlikely that the easement would be vacated to accommodate this. Corrected Comment Number: 9 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Note number 4 on the utility plans and note number 1 on the grading plans indicate that the City shall inspect all storm sewers. We can do this (inspection fees will be charged), but we only require the City to inspect those lines to be owned and maintained by the City. Right now it is not noted on the plans which lines are private or public, but will assume that some of them will be private and we do not need to inspect these. The note has been removed. Comment Number: 10 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: On the interim cross section and as part of your design you need to show a 4 paved shoulder with a minimum of 2 foot gravel beyond adjacent to the right turn lanes. The bike lane serves as this where they are adjacent to the edge of roadway, so it is not needed there. The section has been updated as noted. Comment Originated: 01/2312013 Comment Number: 11 01/23/2013: North of the Phase 1 production support building there is some landscaping that is shown within the row. This landscaping will conflict with the future sidewalk, grading and improvements that will be installed with the Lincoln improvements. I suggest that this is not shown or installed. Trees and shrubs have been removed from ROW Comment Number: 12 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Why are there no street trees shown in the Lemay Ave parkway adjacent to the retail portion of the property? Also a portion of this frontage doesn't show grass or any improvements within the parkway. Trees are indicated south to the Magnolia intersection. It is possible that the flowline, sidewalk and ROW between Magnolia and Mulberry may be change to accommodate a future 1 SB left turn lane. So in the interim, we have indicated a turf parkway and sidewalk in this area to create a finished edge condition, but trees have not been included with this initial phase. Comment Number: 13 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Cover sheet— may want to provide more room for the index of sheets so that there is room to add the list of additional sheets that will be added with the future minor amendments (future phase sheets). More space has been provided for future Minor Amendments. Comment Number: 14 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: The existing fire hydrant shown to be relocated (at the northwest corner of the property) is this to be relocated with the first phase? If so it needs to be shown on the phase 1 utility sheets. The hydrant should be placed 8-10 feet north of the property line so that it falls within the future parkway and will not need to be relocated again. A note should be provided indicating this location. The fire hydrant is to be relocated with Phase 1 and has been so noted on MUP-1. The hydrant has been placed to be within the future parkway and will be further detailed with the Final Utility Plans. Comment Number: 15 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Phase 1 utility sheets. You need some additional sheets to show all the utility work that is a part of phase 1. The relocated sewer and several storm lines go off the sheets provided. Also per the street plans it appears that the water and sewer mains going into the retail area are to be stubbed in, but the phase 1 plans do not show that. Please clarify. The relocated sewer is no longer part of Phase 1 and additional views have been added for the storm lines as requested. Comment Number: 16 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Need to note what happens to the existing sewer line once it is no longer needed. Will it be removed? The portion within the row will need to be removed. If other portions are to be left in place the portions that run under utility easements will need to be flow filled so it will be clear if a utility digs them up that it is no longer an active line. Detailed notes regarding the existing sewer will be added to the Final Utility Plans. At this time the Master Utility Plan notes the existing sewer to be abandoned in place at such time as the sewer is relocated. We will work with Roger Buffington on the details as we move forward. Comment Number: 17 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: It appears that an access easement will be needed at the NW corner of the Magnolia entrance for the sidewalk and ramp that is outside of the row. An access easement has been added. Comment Number: 18 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Will need to show the boundaries of the off -site easements on the final plan set. Understood Comment Number: 19 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: The signal pole relocations and changes will need to be noted on the utility plan sheet. The signal poles have been shown. Detailed information will be provided with the Final Utility Plans. Comment Number: 20 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: The phase 1 grading plans show that the existing driveway for the golf course and the clubhouse building are to remain. For how long? Is it just to be used for the construction of Phase l? Once we know the intending time of usage we can address when the access point needs to be closed. The site plan doesn't show this building and parking staying. A noted has been added to state that the Clubhouse is to remain until such time as as the western entrance off of Lincoln Fort Collins Community Development and Neighborhood Services 281 North College Avenue PO Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 970.221.6750 970.224.6134 - fax fcgov.com January 14, 2012 Conceptual Review Comment responses below in RED: December 04, 2012 Allen Ginsborg New Mark Merrill 2720 Council Tree Ave, Suite 230 Fort Collins, CO 80525 Re: Link-n-Greens Conceptual Review Description of project: This is a request for a phased project to include office/commercial and industrial space for Woodward as well as retail spaces in a campus -like setting located at the former Link-n-Greens Golf Course site at the southwest corner of Lincoln Ave and Lemay Ave (Parcel #s 9712400062, 9712400071, 9712400006, 9712400017, 8707300096, 9712400005, 8707300099). The project will require Planning & Zoning Board (Type 2) review. Please see the following summary of comments regarding the project request referrenced above. The comments offered informally by staff during the Conceptual Review will assist you in preparing the detailed components of the project application. Modifications and additions to these comments may be made at the time of formal review of this project. If you have any questions regarding these comments or the next steps in the review process, you may contact the individual commenter or direct your questions through the Project Planner, Jason Holland, at 970-224-6126 or jholland@fcgov.com. Comment Summary: Department: Zoning Contact: Noah Beals, 970.416.2313, nbealsQ_fcaov.com 1. Land Use Code (LUC) 3.2.2(K)(a) This sections identifies the parking maximums for non-residential uses. These maximums can be adjusted by request of the applicant for alternative compliance please review this section for criteria for alternative compliance Parking spaces also require a minimum of them to be signed accessible spaces located near main entrances and at least one van accessible. LUC 3.2.2(C)(4) This section sets the minimum bicycle parking required please illustrate in the plans that Ave. is required. It is intended to be used as the construction trailer for subsequent phases as is feasible. Comment Number: 21 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: The wall at the south end of the retail area needs to be labeled on the site plan and height provided. The wall has been removed. Comment Number: 22 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Need to provide off -site profile design at time of final. This request needs further clarification as to the extent of work required. Comment Number: 23 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Can we keep the interim pavement section being added to Lincoln to a minimum 2% cross slope? Cross slopes have been revised to reflect a minimum of 2%. Comment Number: 24 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: The plat needs some work. There are missing utility easements and drainage easements Comment Number: 25 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: The plat is showing the vacation of a gas easement. The gas easement owner will need to sign the plat to show that they do agree to this. It should also be noted that only the portion of the easement within the boundaries of this plat is vacated by this plat. We have placed a Public Service Company signature block and statement on Sheet 1. Comment Number: 26 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: PRPA will need to sign the plat accepting the new easement being dedicated to them and identifying they agree to the vacation of the existing easement. I would guess that they will not vacate the existing easement until the line has been relocated, but that decision is theirs. At this time the PRPA easement will remain "as is" until the new alignment is determined. Any changes to the easement will be done by Separate Document. Comment Number: 27 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Will need PRPA signature on the utility plans on the sheets where the line relocation is shown. This will indicate their approval of the infrastructure and improvements shown below the line. A signature line for PRPA has been added to the utility plans. Comment Number: 28 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: The extra row dedication shown on Lincoln Ave for the right turn lanes does not need to be dedicated. Based on preliminary cross section any right turn lanes needed for this site can be accommodated within the 57.5 feet of % row being dedicated. The ROW along Lincoln Avenue has been revised to reflect 57.5 feet across the entire site frontage as requested. Comment Number: 29 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Some adjustment of the flowline profile grades is needed to meet minimum standards, but I think we can work through that. Understood Department: Environmental Planning Contact: Lindsay Ex, 970.224.6143, lex(c�fcaov.com Topic: General Comment Number: 1 Comment Originated: 01/24/2013 01/24/2013: The approximate 300' buffer line and proposed buffer line needs to be added to all plan sheets for ease of reference. These lines need to be labeled. Both buffer lines have been added to the Grading Plans for the river buffer and labeled. Comment Number: 2 Comment Originated: 01/24/2013 01/24/2013: A rendering for the river restoration area would be highly valuable to illustrate the different planting zones, as it is difficult to see these areas on the plans. These areas should be more clearly delineated as well. The most up-to-date river restoration plan is included as an attachment to the updated ECS Report. Comment Number: 3 Comment Originated: 01/24/2013 01/24/2013: The lighting plan, as currently submitted, does not address the Lot 3 area, as this is a future phase. A note will need to be added to the plans that indicates no lighting will be allowed to spill over into the buffer zones in any future phases. A note has been added to the site plan Comment Number: 4 Comment Originated: 01/24/2013 01/24/2013: Are there opportunities to create more diverse experiences for trail users, e.g., on the west side of the plan? Also, as discussed, where can access to the river for trail users be had? One option could be in the power line easement, if that is relocated. The wetland area (lower elevations) cannot expand further north in this area due to the location of existing underground utilities. Instead we have aligned the trail further south closer to the wetland areas, and have added more trees/shrubs in other upland locations here to create more diversity of experience Comment Number: 5 Comment Originated: 01/24/2013 01/24/2013: Alternative compliance for the river restoration landscaping (Section 3.2.1(N)) of the Land Use Code will be necessary to use the alternative species sizes and for the species diversity requirements. We have included an alternative compliance request for your review with the resubmittal. Comment Number: 6 Comment Originated: 01/24/2013 01/24/2013: Please consider an interpretive area at the west side of Lot 3 at the end of the bank entrance. We have indicated three potential interpretive areas, one at the west side of Lot 3, one at the river access location, and one near the historic structures. Comment Number: 7 Comment Originated: 01/24/2013 01/24/2013: In the Lot 3 area, the transitions from the built to the natural environment will be critical. The following ideas were discussed: -to achieve compliance with Section 4.20(D)(3)(1), the formation of outdoor spaces, such as courtyards, plazas, etc. shall be applied and this will also help break up the massing of the two-story building. An outdoor patio area has been included along the west side of this building. -screening of the west side of the parking lot should include a wall (if it works from a floodplain perspective) and landscaping materials. Landscaping materials in this area must not all be native, though the transition back to native species should occur as quickly as possible. Rocky Mountain Junipers was one species discussed during the meeting for achieving this objective. Walls cannot be used in this location due to FEMA restrictions. We prefer the more natural approach of a dense landscape buffer near this river setting. We have indicated a significant landscape buffer in this location especially in areas adjacent to the proposed parking spaces. We have added a 6'-10' height Rocky Mountain Juniper to the plant list, and will continue to discuss further an in more detail during Final Plan stage when specific species are indicated for each plant symbol. Comment Number: 8 Comment Originated: 01/24/2013 01/24/2013: One concern with the building along the river buffer is the potential for bird collisions. Treatments for the glass are recommended. See a set of guidelines here: http://www.sf-planning.org/ftp/files/publicafions_reports/bird_safe_bldgs/Standards_for_Bird_Saf e_Buildings_7-5-11.pdf. Mike Phelan response: From a wildlife perspective, it is not anticipated that the buildings nearest the river corridor will represent a significant glass collision hazard for birds for the following reasons. Movement of birds using the river corridor will be contained primarily within the river corridor. Most of the buildings will beset back considerably from the restoration area except at the southeast corner of the project area and the separation between the buildings native habitat restoration areas will be planted with more formal landscaping that should not attract birds within the riparian corridor. Finally, I know of no situations in Fort Collins where buildings along the Poudre River or Spring Creek corridors where bird collisions with windows have been identified as a significant issue. Mike Mulhern (commercial area architect) response: In our meeting of January 24th, concern was expressed that the mixed -use building adjacency to the river may be potential for reflection on the open space and/or issues of bird's flying into the building. With respect to reflectance no more than 55% of the west fagade will be glass, and any glass, will be of low reflectance. Per the concerns of bird's flying into the building we did research the San Francisco code and other available information to gain an understanding of problematic design issues. We came to find that the buildings of greatest concern are those that are "see through" and those that are pristine glass boxes with little or no articulation and butt glazing. As you will see from our elevations, the proposed building is only 55% glass and is highly articulated where it is glass. All glass is set in mullions, is not envisioned to be "see through" as the west fagade will most likely be lined with offices and that the upper glazing portions are articulated by a projected sun screen. Comment Number: 9 Comment Originated: 01/24/2013 01/24/2013: In the long-term management plan for the site, beaver management, including the painting of trees, should be considered. With final plans, a wildlife management plan will be included to address the protection of woody species plantings through browse cages, spraying, and other appropriate measures. Comment Number: 10 Comment Originated: 01/24/2013 01/24/2013: In the landscape plans, wetland plantings are proposed to be broadcast seeded. As per discussions with the Natural Areas Department, wetland plugs are required. Though the initial cost will be more, the management costs associated with weed and cattail removal from broadcasting wetland seeding will quickly eliminate any of the upfront savings. Please revise the plan sets accordingly. Cedar Creek (Steve Long) has had good experience with establishing wetland areas from seed if 1) wetland soils can be stockpiled and replaced in establishment areas, and 2) adequate seasonal moisture is present during establishment period. We anticipate the ability to stockpile and replace the existing wetland soils on -site for use in wetland establishment, but we will be creating larger acreage of new wetlands than exist currently. Due to the size of the river restoration area, we would like to continue to allow a combination of seed and plugs for wetland establishment through the PDP. Final quantities of seed vs. plug areas will be adjusted with Final Design Plans based on available quantity of available wetland soils. Comment Number: 11 Comment Originated: 01/24/2013 01/24/2013: The project has submitted a proposal that utilizes the performance standards outlined in Section 3.4.1(E) of the Land Use Code instead of the quantitative standards of 300'. The project has proposed an overall buffer area of 29.4 acres instead of the 24.4 acres that would be required through the 300' standard. In addition, the project has proposed extensive grading to reconnect the Poudre River with its floodplain and extensive bank stabilization work is being proposed. If the above issues are addressed by the time of hearing, then staff will support the use of the performance standards on this site. Agreed, and we believe the performance standards are met. Revisions to the total acres of buffer zone with the current proposal are included and discussed in the revised ECS Report. Please let us know if we need to provide additional information prior to hearing. Comment Number: 12 Comment Originated: 01/24/2013 01/24/2013: The ECS will need to be updated to reflect the proposed reconfiguration of the buildings in Lot 3, as the plans have changed since the ECS was submitted in December of 2012. A Revised ECS Report will be submitted to address changes in Lot 3 and revisions to the habitat restoration plan. The revised ECS will also include the recently collected tree survey data for the Poudre River corridor. Comment Number: 13 Comment Originated: 01/24/2013 01/24/2013: Tree removal should be timed to avoid the nesting season in accordance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. A nest survey shall be conducted prior to any tree removal if tree removal is proposed during the nesting season (April -July). Tree removal will be in compliance with this recommendation. Comment Number: 14 Comment Originated: 01/24/2013 01/24/2013: A signature line for the Environmental Planner shall be added to all Utility Plans. A signature line for the Environmental Planner has been added to all sheets. Comment Number: 15 Comment Originated: 01/24/2013 01/24/2013: Staff has received a copy of the Jurisdictional Determination from the Army Corps of Engineers, which indicates that all of the site's wetlands and open ponds are non -jurisdictional, as they are covered as a preamble water of the US (waters created artificially, such as the golf ponds). However, City staff is continue to work with the applicants to ensure that the 0.1 acres of wetlands surrounding the golf ponds are mitigated during the project in the river restoration area. Restoration plans for the river corridor will include the development of well over 0.1 acre of wetlands to be lost with the filling of the golf course ponds. Comment Number: 16 Comment Originated: 01/24/2013 01/24/2013: Additional tree and shrub plantings should be provided along the western portion of the realigned Poudre River Trail for additional shading and cover. Additional tree and shrub plantings have been provided along the western portion of the realigned Poudre River Trail — see comment response #4 above. Comment Number: 17 Comment Originated: 01/24/2013 01/24/2013: How will users access the proposed amphitheater? Is thereto a crusher fines path or just social paths that arise? The amphitheater closest to the historic structures is slightly larger (two tiers of low walls) and includes flagstone paths. The smaller amphitheater in the natural area near the Poudre Trail is simply one small tier in the seeded area, no path. Let us know if you have any concerns with this approach. Department: Forestry Contact: Tim Buchanan, 970.221-6361, tuchanan(&-fcgov.com Topic: Landscape Plans Comment Number: 1 01/23/2013: Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 The note that discusses utility and tree separation should include 6 feet separation for water and sewer service lines. Please review tree locations to meet the tree utility separation standards in 3.2.1 K including the street light separation. Plans have been corrected. Comment Number: 2 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: A tree survey with the code required information has been submitted. Please submit the final version of the survey including the list of trees that have been numbered. Please delineate on that survey the trees to retain, remove or transplant. Unfortunately prior attempts to transplant on site have proved limiting with the rocky material in the soil. Done. Based on these soil conditions, no tree transplanting is anticipated. Comment Number: 3 01/23/2013: Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 Please add information on total tree planting on the project on sheet L19 Tree mitigation plan. Consider placing this information with the possible heading Total Tree Planting on Project above the tree mitigation table. Mitigation trees # Additional trees # Total tree planting on project # Also please add the number of trees retained on the project possibly by the symbol for existing trees to remain and be protected. Added. Comment Number: 4 01/23/2013: Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 The peach leaf willow is a very good selection to use along the River. Since availabilty of caliper material is sometimes challenging it might be worth checking with suppliers on their inventory of caliper material. We will consider this with Final Plans as we better understand timing of construction and needs for this material from suppliers. Comment Number: 5 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Some of the large trees near the barn and sillo may be in the location of the future head quarters. If that is their location is the project considering retaining any trees that might be suitable short term in this area until the construction of the building? Not sure if grading is a factor that could impact short term retention? The entire site will be overlot graded with the initial phase in order to complete the construction required to remap the floodplain through FEMA. So all planned tree removals will occur with the initial project phase construction. Comment Number: 6 01/23/2013: Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 Please review any cut or fill within the drip line of trees to retain with a qualified and certified arborist to confirm likelihood of survival. Agreed Comment Number: 7 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Consider using both Plains Cottonwood and Lanceleaf Cottonwood along the River. Agreed Please consider if the use of additioanl tree species or varieties is benifical in the the development area. City Forester is available for discussion. We are happy to discuss additional tree diversity for our proposed plant list either now in our representative plant list or in final design. Comment Number: 8 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 Department: Light And Power Contact: Alan Rutz, 970.224.6153, arutzbfcgov.com Topic: General Comment Number: 1 Comment Originated: 01/18/2013 01/18/2013: Light and Power development charges and system modification charges will apply Understood. Comment Number: 2 Comment Originated: 01/18/2013 01/18/2013: If trees are being planted in the medium in Lemay they need to be 40' from a streetlight. Ornamental trees need to be 15' from a streetlight. Agreed. Adequate spacing has been indicated. Comment Number: 3 Comment Originated: 01/18/2013 01/18/2013: Coordinate location of Light and Power switchgear and primary metering cabinets. we are working with the City of Fort Collins on the location of the primary power feed, substation duct, switchgear location, etc. These items will continue to be coordinated and included in final design utility plans. Comment Number: 4 Comment Originated: 01/18/2013 01/18/2013: Transformers should be located within 10 ft of a drivable surface and be accessible by a line truck. Understood. Transformers will be shown on the Final Utility Plans Department: PFA Contact: Jim Lynxwiler, 970-416-2869, ollynxwiler(a�poudre-fire.org Topic: General Comment Number: 01 Comment Originated: 01/21/2013 01/21/2013: FIRE LANES Fire lanes shall be designated on the plat as an Emergency Access Easement. Emergency Access Easements for Phase 1 are now shown on the plat. Comment Number: 02 01/21/2013: FIRE LANES Comment Originated: 01/21/2013 Currently, the proposed emergency access routes do not allow for sufficient access to the ITS Bldg. or the Production Support Bldg. (see plans page #OCP-1). The access routes graphic has been updated to reflect the areas requested. Comment Number: 03 01/21/2013: FIRE LANES Comment Originated: 01/21/2013 Provide a detail showing which fire lanes are "designed to be above the flood plain elevation" vs. those that "will be located slightly below the flood plain." All dedicated fire lanes are shown to be above the flood plain elevation with the exception of an area at the south end of the Commercial area. It should be noted that Lemay Avenue in this area is also currently below the floodplain elevation; therefore, the entrance to the Commercial area and a portion of the parking lot also will be slightly below as well. Comment Number: 04 Comment Originated: 01/21/2013 01/21/2013: SECURITY GATES The installation of security gates across a fire apparatus access road shall be approved by the fire chief. Where security gates are installed, they shall have an approved means of emergency operation. The security gates and the emergency operation shall be maintained operational at all times. 2006 International Fire Code 503.6 Comment Number: 05 Comment Originated: 01/21/2013 01/21/2013: WATER SUPPLY & FIRE ACCESS The project has yet to provide a proposed fire suppression plan for offsetting the need for fire access and water supply in the south side of the ITS facility. A memo from Ghafari has been provided outlining the proposed fire suppression plan Comment Number: 06 Comment Originated: 01/25/2013 01/25/2013: AERIAL FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROADS Buildings or portions of buildings or facilities exceeding 30 feet in height above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access shall be provided with approved fire lines capable of accommodating fire department aerial apparatus. Required fire lanes shall be 30 foot wide minimum on at least one long side of the building. At least one of the required access routes meeting this condition shall be located within a minimum of 15 feet and a maximum of 30 feet from the building, and shall be positioned parallel to on entire side of the building. 2006 International Fire Code Appendix D Per PDP130001 plan set, the height of the ITS building is 34 feet. As such, a fire lane shall be provided on the east flank of the building meeting the criteria specified in Appendix D of the 2006 IFC. The building elevation has been corrected to show a perimeter height of 30 feet. Department: Stormwater Engineering Contact: Wes Lamarque, 970.416.2418, wlamargueCcilfcgov.com Topic: Floodplain Comment Number: 1 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01 /23/2013: 1 Plat — The effective 100-year floodplain and floodway must be shown not the proposed floodplain. The effective 100-year floodplain and floodway are now shown on the plat. 2 Landscape plans — Please make sure the floodplain lines can be seen throughout and that the floodplain is labeled as "proposed." Floodplain lines are now indicated on the landscape plans. 3 Landscape Plan — Sheet L6 — An amphitheater is shown on this plan and is not included on the floodplain plans. Please discuss this with ACE for inclusion in the hydraulic model and the impact on the floodplain. This information has been coordinated with ACE for inclusion in the hydraulic model. 4 Site Plan — Please add the proposed floodway boundary and see edits to the notes. The final floodway line is still being developed by ACE, and will be indicated on the plans when available and prior to hearing. 5 On any plans where the floodplain variance is discussed, please revise to say the variance was approved and list the conditions of approval. Ex. Floodplain Plan, Note 9; Site Plan, Sheet 1. Wes — I apologize, but missed this note prior to printing of our site plan. We will revise the site plan note to note the variance approval and list the conditions. This will be added prior to hearing. The note and COA's were added to all other applicable sheets 6 Floodplain Plan — Please expand the floodplain table to include all of the buildings — including the retail and the future buildings. Please also list in separate columns: the effective 100-year flood elevation, the effective 500-year flood elevation, the regulatory flood protection elevation, the lowest HVAC, mechanical or electrical elevation. Please add a footnote of the conversion to the FEMA 1988 datum for use in filling out the elevation certificates. The floodplain table has been expanded as requested. 7 Floodplain Plan — Other plans show a retaining wall, entrance sign and amphitheater. Please show these items on the floodplain plan and provide a detail of the design. Staff is concerned that the retaining wall maybe considered a flood wall by FEMA. These items should be discussed with ACE for floodplain impact. The retaining wall has been removed from the plans. 8 Floodplain Plan and MUP-1— Please include FF for future buildings. Minimum finished floors have been added for design of future buildings. 9 Floodplain Plan- Please clarify Note 3 that a separate floodplain use permit and $25 permit fee is required for each structure built prior to the LOMR approval by FEMA. The permits can be obtained at time of building permit. All restoration and site grading can be done as one permit. Any future work not included on these plans will require a separate floodplain use permit. The note has been modified. 10 Floodplain Plan — Note 4 — Please clarify that no work, including excavation, shall be done in the floodway prior to approval of the CLOMR by FEMA. Include that the staging The note has been modified. 11 Floodplain Plan — Note 8 — Clarify that proposed flood elevations are subject to approval of the FEMA CLOMR and LOMR. The note has been modified. 12 Floodplain Plan — Please add a note that no work is planned for the historic barn or other structures at this time. Any future work is subject to the floodplain regulations in Chapter 10 of City Code. A note has been added. 13 Floodplain Plan and ECP-1— Include a note that all staging areas, including storage of equipment and materials, etc., must be located out of the 100-year floodplain. A note has been added. 14 Floodplain Plan — Include a note that all floatable materials (picnic tables, bike racks, trash dumpsters) located in the 100-year floodplain must be anchored to prevent floatation. Any fleet vehicles must be parked in areas outside the 100-year floodplain. A note has been added. 15 Floodplain Plan — Include a note that all buildings are designed as slab -on -grade. A note has been added. Comment Number: 2 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01 /23/2013: 16 Floodplain Plan — Include a note that any elevators will be designed in compliance with FEMA Technical Bulletin 4. A note has been added. 17 Floodplain Plan — Include a note that each structure must have a FEMA elevation certificate reviewed and approved prior to issuance of the CO. A note has been added. 18 Floodplain Plan and Site Plan — Include a note that life -safety and emergency response critical facilities are not allowed in the 100- or 500-year floodplain. A note has been added. 19 Floodplain Plan — Legend — F000dway needs to be mapped and shown on the plans. The floodplain lines are hard to distinguish and make it difficult to determine what is in and out of the floodplain — please review and revise if possible. Label the floodplain lines as "proposed". The effective floodway has been added and the line type changed for clarity.The proposed floodway is not yet completed and will be shown on the next PDP submittal or the Final Utility Plans. 20 A second floodplain plan is needed to show the effective floodplain and floodway, since the proposed floodplain and floodway are not yet approved and therefore are not regulatory. An effective floodplain plan has been added. 21 When including a note about floodplain being revised and that these are "proposed floodplain lines", please add a clarifyi8ng statement that these lines are subject to the FEMA LOMR. Ex. Sheet MGP-5, Site Plan — Sheet 1 A clarifying statement has been added to the notes. 22 As currently shown on the proposed floodplain mapping, the relocated Fisher Barn may be the only historic structure to ultimately be shown in the 100-year floodplain. Is it possible to have this relocated to an area out of the floodplain? See Site Plan Sheet S8. The Fisher Barn is no longer being relocated to this area. 23 More details are needed regarding the bank stabilization work. Please include details of the site specific grading, rip rap, any TRM, etc. There should be information on specific materials being used — i.e. rip rap size, color, locations, cover, etc.; type of TRM and anchoring of TRM with details for each location. Show areas where concrete and spur dike are being removed and details for bank restoration. Additional narrative has been added for the bank stabilization work. Detailed plans will be provided with the Final Utility Plans. 24 Drainage Report — Sect.1.2 and 3.6 — Please discuss the critical facility hazardous material floodplain variance. Include variance conditions. The variance approval and COA's have been added. 25 Drainage Report — Sect. 1.3 — Please discuss other floodplain criteria. See notes from the floodplain plan for items to be included. Requested notes have been added to the plans. 26 Drainage Report— Sect.1.3 -Discuss elevation of structures. Include table from floodplain plan. The floodplain table has been added. 27 Drainage Report — Sect. 2.1 Problem Areas and Bank Stabilization Approach — In discussing the stability plans, please reference the specific plan sheet for the location and the restoration details for these problem areas. Include descriptive details of the designs. More descriptive details of the design intent has been added and specific plan sheets cross referenced. 28 Drainage Report — Sect. 3.6 — Please state that the development is subject to the floodplain regulations in Chapter 10 of City Code. Discuss future development requirements from notes being added to the floodplain plan. Notes from the Floodplain Plan redlines have been incorporated into the Drainage Report. 29 Please see the Floodplain Development Review Checklist marked up by Marsha Hilmes-Robinson. Items that are not checked off or marked NA still need to be included on the plans and in the drainage report. The checklist has been updated and resubmitted for further review. Topic: General Comment Number: 3 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01 /23/2013: There is a concern for the lack of design for the many areas areas proposing overland flow in a 100-year storm. How, these flows are directed to the river in the interim and ultimate conditions without causing erosion and in a safely manner in conjunction with the other site features is the focus. The report has been updated to reflect information regarding overland flow in both the interim and ultimate conditions and an exhibit has been added. Details regarding the design will be provided with the Final Drainage Report. Comment Number: 4 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: The text of the drainage report mentions taking the off -site flows of the Coy ditch but I could not see on the plans how this was happening. It looks like if enter a sump (pond) and then just spills and travel overland towards the south and maybe even onto the property to the west. The Master Grading Plan allows for residual nuisance flows from the old Coy Ditch to continue to enter the property at the northwest corner via the existing pipe under Lincoln Ave. The water will then be directed to an infiltration area. Should this area be overtopped, the grading plan now reflects the water being directed east into the outer loop drive aisle so water can be directed to the south and away from adjacent properties. Comment Number: 5 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: It was hard to determine if the storm sewer system was accepting the 10 or 100-year design flows or if the system was designed for these flows minus the calculated infiltration flows in the water quality mitigation areas. There was a lack of labeling that I could not correlate the inlet calculations with the utility plans. The City does not like the idea of reducing pipe sizes an not accommodating the full design flow. More detail has been added to denote areas of 10-year vs. 100-year design in the pipes. This submittal of the Preliminary Drainage Report continues to reflect taking advantage of reduced pipe sizes based on the anticipated infiltration of storm flows. An exhibit has been added for additional clarity of the proposed system. Comment Number: 6 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Just an FYI -The future development will need to meet the assumed impervious area calculation or revisions to the water quality ponds and conveyance system would be required in the future. Understood Comment Number: 7 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Many details will need to be worked out with this unique design during final compliance. The project is close to meeting the requirements for a public hearing. Comments 3 and 4 should be addressed before the hearing and any floodplain comments determined by that department. Understood Comment Number: 8 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: All water quality mitigation and conveyance infrastructure needs to be in a drainage i this requirement is being met. Response: Acknowledged 2. Standards LUC setions 4.20 and 3.5.3 do apply based on the uses of the buildings. LUC 4.20(D)(a)2. Parking lot shall be to the side or interior of building that face the street or the river. Any parking in between the buildings and the street or river will require a modification. Response: Although all parking areas could be considered to be located in side yards as required by the LUC, we have included a request for Modification of Standards to better explain the justification. 3. LUC 3.2.1 Requires a landscape plan (see section for details). Response: PDP application includes and landscape plan for Phase One areas, and key landscape buffering concepts for future areas. LUC 3.2.4 Requires a lighting plan (see section for details). Response: PDP application includes and lighting plans for Phase One areas. LUC 3.2.5 Requires enclosures that is adequate for both trash and recycling. Such enclosures shall be designed with walk-in access without having to open the main service gate and located on a concrete pad and at least 20ft away from a public sidewalk. Response: Trash and recycling enclosures to be located at receiving dock between ITS and ES on the interior of the building. 4. LUC 3.5.1(1) Mechanical/utility equipment shall be identified on site, landscape, and elevations plans with notes on how such items are to be screened/painted. Response: Acknowledged, all exterior mechanical and utility equipment are identified on the site plan. 5. LUC 3.8.11 Fences shall be 4ft in height in the front yard. Fences used for screening purposes shall not be chain link. Response: Acknowledged, currently there are no fences included on our master site plan, however if fences are to be incorporated, they shall comply with these guidelines. 6. LUC 4.20(D)(3)(a)l . Building that directly abut the natural area protection buffer shall step down to 1 story. Anything higher then 1 story in this location will need a modification. Response: A modification of standards has been included for the mixed-uselcommercial buildings on the east side of the site. All other buildings directly adjacent to the buffer are indicated as one-story. Department: Water -Wastewater Engineering Contact: Roger Buffington, 970.221.6854, rbuffington aMcgov.com 1. Information pertaining to existing water mains and sanitary sewers has been provided to the engineer. 2. No additional comments at this time. easement. Drainage easements have been added to the main conveyance infrastructure. Minor upstream water quality features have not been shown to be within the easement as we Have shown all required WQCV to be provided in the larger downstream facilities. Comment Number: 9 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: A separation distance of 10 feet is required between shade trees and any storm sewers. Seven feet separation for ornamental trees. Understood Comment Number: 10 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: During final compliance, the spill locations need to designed in detail with special attention to erosion and site conflicts. Understood Comment Number: 11 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: The maximum depth for ponding in a parking lot or private drive is 1 foot. Understood. There may be minor areas that slightly exceed 1 foot. Details to be provided with the Final Utility Plans. Department: Technical Services Contact: Jeff County, 970.221-6588, jcounty(a)-fcgov.com Topic: Building Elevations Comment Number: 30 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: There are line over text issues on several sheets. Corrected Comment Number: 31 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Please increase the text sizes of the stories & finish floor elevations on the last 3 sheets. Corrected Comment Number: 32 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Please remove Site from the title on the last 3 sheets. This is not consistent with the other plan sheets. Corrected Comment Number: 33 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Please add sheet numbering to the last 3 sheets. Corrected Topic: Construction Drawings Comment Number: 37 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Please correct the elevation of benchmark R402. If you need a current copy of the City of Fort Collins Vertical Control Network, please contact Jeff with Technical Services. Benchmark corrected. Comment Number: 38 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: There are descriptions in the index on sheet CV-1 that do not match the actual sheet title. Corrected Comment Number: 39 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: There are line over text issues on several sheets. Items have been corrected except in areas associated with standard line types or Symbols. Comment Number: 40 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Sheets MUP-1 - MUP-5 show sheet MUP-3 incorrectly labeled as MUP-5 in the key map. Corrected Comment Number: 41 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: There are match line references on sheets MUP-2 & MUP-3 that are incorrect. Corrected Comment Number: 42 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: There are several sheets that show "continuation" rather than "match". Are these correctly labeled? Correct. Where labeled as "Continuation" there is an overlap to the other sheet. Where labeled "Match" it is a true match line. Comment Number: 43 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Please add the missing match line reference to the top of sheet MGP-3. Corrected Comment Number: 44 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Please add a space between "Sheet" & UP-4 in the match line reference on sheet U P-3. Corrected Comment Number: 45 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Please swap the title around on sheets SPP-1 - SPP-9 to match the index on the cover sheet. For example, sheet SPP-1 would read "S. Lemay Ave - Plan & Profile West Flowline". Corrected Topic: Landscape Plans Comment Number: 26 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: There are line over text issues on several sheets. Jeff, in order to meet the aggressive resubmittal schedule required by Woodward, we have focused on the areas of plan change. We still see line over text issues on our sheets, and will continue to correct these over the next few days with the intent of having corrections prior to hearing and recordation. Comment Number: 27 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: There is a text over text issue on sheet 1-16. Corrected or will correct, see response #26 above. Comment Number: 28 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Please remove Woodward & Site from the title on sheets L17 & L18. This is not consistent with the other plan sheets. Corrected Comment Number: 29 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Please correct the sheet numbering on sheets L17 & 1-18. Corrected Topic: Lighting Plan Comment Number: 34 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Could the text be a little larger on sheet EL1-00-00? Corrected Comment Number: 35 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Please remove Woodward from the title on all sheets. This is not consistent with the other plan sheets. Corrected Comment Number: 36 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Please mask all text on sheets EL1-00-01, ELl-00-02 & EL1-00-04. Corrected Topic: Plat Comment Number: 1 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: The legal description closes. No changes made to description. Comment Number: 2 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/2312013: The legal description differs from the plat dimensions shown. Changed the distance along the west line of Back Porch Cafe property and added another bearing and distance to read with legal description. Comment Number: 3 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: The two distances shown (see redlines) near the end of the legal description, are not shown on the plat. Divided the 1799.73' into two separate distances to read with legal description Comment Number: 4 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Please correct the plat tite shown in the Statement Of Ownership And Subdivision. It does not match the title shown in other places on the Plat. Deleted the "PDP" in Statement. Comment Number: 5 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Are there any lienholders? If so, please add a Lienholders signature block. At this time, no Lienholder signature block is needed. Comment Number: 6 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Are there sight distance easements on this plat? If not, please remove the language from sheet 1. Sight distance language has been removed. Comment Number: 7 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Please add a space between Of & Link in the title block on all sheets. Done Comment Number: 8 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Please label all surrounding properties as unplatted or with the subdivision names. 4 areas on the plat have been label "Unplatted" Comment Number: 9 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Please label all monuments set or found. Done Comment Number: 10 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Please add bearings & distances as shown. See redlines. Done Comment Number: 11 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: There are several line over text issues. Done Comment Number: 12 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: There is cutoff text on sheet 2. Corrected Comment Number: 13 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: What do the "shaded" & "hatched" mean in the easement labels? Labeled the areas to clarify. Comment Number: 14 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Please make lot lines heavier. They are difficult to see with so many other easement lines. The lot lines have been darkened. Comment Number: 15 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: All easements(existing & proposed) must be shown with enough information(bearing/distance, curve data, etc.) to establish their positions. Please include detail drawings as necessary. Sheet 4 & 5 have been added to the plat to show the dimensions of the emergency access easement which was recently added to plat and the revised water and sewer easements. Comment Number: 16 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Please supply monument records for the public land comers shown. Enclosed with drawings. Comment Number: 17 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: For easements "to be vacated", please include a note, if applicable, explaining that easement will be vacated at a later date pending the completion of new utility/trail(etc.) improvements. Note 5 was added to the plat to cover the vacation of trail easement. The sewer line that was shown on the plat to be vacated is now remaining for this phase and "to be vacated" has been removed. Comment Number: 18 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Any vacations or dedications of easements to parties other than "the public" or the City of Fort Collins must either be 1) dedicated/vacated by seperate document, and the recording information must be shown on the plat, or 2) have acceptance language included on the plat which is signed by an appropriate repressentative of the easements owner(PRPA, Public Service, etc.). The PRPA easement will remain "as is" until the new alignment is determined. Any changes to the easement will be done by Separate Document. Please note on Sheet 1, a Public Service statement and signature area has been added. Please revise if needed. Comment Number: 19 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01123/2013: Are the "Set #4 Rebar w/ 1" Plastic Cap, LS14283", set with ALTA? Yes Comment Number: 20 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: The curve data table on sheet 3 differs from the legal description. See redlines. Curve data table has been corrected. Comment Number: 21 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Please show the bearings in the line table on sheet 3 to the nearest second. Done Comment Number: 22 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Please label the 100 year floodplain line. See redlines. Floodplain lines have been changed per Wes Lamarque comments under Item 1 of Floodplain. 100 year flood plain line is labeled. Comment Number: 23 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Please show all dedication information for all street rights of way. Highway 14 right-of-way has been labeled. Comment Number: 24 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Please show pins on line(> 1400') for the outer boundary. Done Topic: Site Plan Comment Number: 25 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: There are line over text issues on several sheets. Cleaned up lines over text, we will continue to make the plat more readable. Department: Traffic Operation Contact: Ward Stanford, 970.221.6820, wstanford(fcgov.com Topic: Traffic Impact Study Comment Number: 1 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 01 /22/2013: 1) The study shows that the initial phase of the project which includes Woodward office and manufacturing space can occur without any significant impacts to the transportation system with the following improvements installed: a. Left turn lanes at access points on Lincoln. b. A new west leg at the Lemay/Magnolia intersection with a left turn lane and combination through/right lane on the new eastbound approach and a northbound left turn lane on Lemay. c. A new 3/, movement access on Lemay north of Magnolia with a northbound left turn lane on Lemay. Comment Number: 2 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 01/22/2013: 2) The study shows that subsequent phases can occur provided the following additional improvements are installed: a. A second southbound left turn lane at Lemay/Mulberry b. A southbound right turn lane at Lemay/Magnolia c. A southbound right turn lane at the new % movement access on Lemay north of Magnolia d. Right turn lanes at the access points on Lincoln. Comment Number: 3 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 01/22/2013: 3) While the study does not show that items 2) b., c., and d. above are needed for the first phase, it indicates that they will be installed as part of the first phase. Comment Number: 4 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 01/22/2013: 4) The study indicates that the LemayNine intersection would operate at an unacceptable level of service (LOS F) with implementation of subsequent phases. However, further analysis by City Traffic Operations staff and the project traffic consultant show that acceptable level of service (LOS D) can be maintained at this intersection. An addendum to the traffic study should be provided noting this result change. A memo addressing this issue is included in the resubmiftal. Department: Transportation Planning Contact: Amy Lewin, 970-416.2040, alewinC&_fcgov.com Topic: General Comment Number: 2 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: Please provide a separate sheet showing the pedestrian framework (without contours, etc.), as required in Section 3.2.2. We have indicated both current and future walks on the overall site plan and on the 30' scale sheets. Comment Number: 3 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: On the Lincoln Typical Section —Interim: Please note the westbound shoulder as a bike lane. Amy, we just noticed this label was not corrected before printing. Will correct prior to hearing. Contact: Emma McArdle, 970.224-6197, emcardleO-fcgov.com Topic: General Comment Number: 1 Comment Originated: 01/18/2013 01/18/2013: Regarding the bus stop at Magnolia and Lemay, I seethe sidewalk extends to leave enough room for the the space needed for the bus stop (12' x 18'), but the square shown for the bus stop is only 10' x 18', can you please make the square the full size needed to clarify exactly where we can locate the bus stop? The bus stop pad is 12' x 18'. Let us know if we need to make changes to the standard arterial sidewalk width in this area to accommodate this differently. Department: Water -Wastewater Engineering Contact: Roger Buffington, 970.221.6854, rbuffington(Mcgov.com Topic: Construction Drawings Comment Number: 1 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 01/22/2013: At final, label all fittings, valves, hydrants, etc., etc. Understood Comment Number: 2 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 01/22/2013: At final, provide profile of the 12" water mains and all sanitary sewers. Understood Comment Number: 3 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 01/22/2013: Minimum easement widths are 20 feet for water and 30 feet for sanitary. In areas where water and sanitary are together and 10 feet apart, the minimum easement with is 35 feet. Response: The easement widths have been revised accordingly. Comment Number: 4 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 01/22/2013: All connections to existing water mains are to be made using wet taps and labeled as noted on the redlined utility plans. Response: Wet taps are now labeled Comment Number: 5 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 01/22/2013: Show all water meter pits/vaults. These are to be located in landscaped areas. Response: Meter pits/vaults are now shown and labeled. Comment Number: 6 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 01/22/2013: The connections for 3" water services are to be made using a 4" valve followed by a 4" x 3" reducer. Response: Understood. Comment Number: 7 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 01/22/2013: The Energy Technology Center, the Production Support building and the future Headquarters building are all shown with 3" water services which seem quite large for those facilities. Are those services labeled correctly? Response: The final sizing of these services is still under design. The plans have been updated to reflect a more accurate sizing; however, these size are still expected to be fine-tuned with the Final Utility Plans. Comment Number: 8 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 01/22/2013: The existing 27" sewer is a VCP sewer not steel. The re-routed 27" should be installed using PVC sewer pipe. Response: The pipe material label has been changed. Comment Number: 9 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 01/22/2013: Add valves where noted on the redlined plans. Valve locations will be reviewed again at final. Response: Valves will be added to the Final Utility Plans as noted. Comment Number: 10 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 01/22/2013: See redlined utility plans for other comments. Please return redlined plans with next submittal. Response: Additional redlines have been addressed and the previous redlines returned. Topic: Landscape Plans Comment Number: 13 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 01/22/2013: Adjust plantings to meet the required separation distances from water sewer lines. Corrected Topic: Plat Comment Number: 11 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 01/22/2013: Why are easements not shown for Phase 2 water/sewer lines? Future phase utilities will be designed and easements recorded with subsequent Minor Amendments. Comment Number: 12 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 01/22/2013: The easement for the existing 27" sewer cannot be vacated until the re-routed sewer is installed, accepted and in service. Understood Department: Zoning Contact: Noah Beals, 970.416.2313, nbeals(a-fcgov.com Topic: General Comment Number: 1 Comment Originated: 01/18/2013 01/18/2013: Land Use Code (LUC) 3.2.2(L) The standard stall dimensions is 19' x 9'. The length of the stall can be reduced with the adequate overhang area as illustrated in figure 5 in section 3.2.2(M). We are utilizing long-term parking stall sizes in most areas as they will be used for employee parking. Standard stall widths are indicated in lots near main entrances where visitor parking will likely occur. No compact stalls are proposed, but we are utilizing the reduced length in overhang areas. Also LUC 3.2.2.(L)(3) allows a reduction in stall length and width in a Long-term Parking area as long as there is no compact spaces. See above LUC 3.2.2(L)(2) Compact stalls are allowed only in long-term vehicle parking areas. See above There should be no compact stalls on LOT 3 Understood. On LOT 2 and on LOT 1 the parking areas can not mix the reduced stalls dimensions for standard parking and stall dimensions for compact spaces. Also when using compact stall dimensions, compact spaces can only be 40% of the long term vehicle parking area. Please identify the percentage of compact spaces. Future Parking areas should be labeled with stall dimensions. The future parking areas are shown for location only. Final quantities and stall dimensions will be indicated in Final Plan or with Minor Amendment to relate to the final building square footages, uses, and/or employee counts for each building phase. The intent is to continue with the allowance of long term parking for employee parking areas and standard stalls for visitor parking areas and in Lot 3 (commercial/mixed use areas) Comment Number: 2 Comment Originated: 01/18/2013 01/18/2013: LUC 3.2.2(C)(4) The bicycle parking requirements spaces should be located near all buildings' primary entrance. Understood. Final locations and quantities for bicycle parking will be indicated with final building design for future building areas, but is intended to meet or exceed the LUC requirements. Comment Number: 3 Comment Originated: 01/18/2013 01/18/2013: LUC 3.5.3 The uses of buildings along the ROW on LOT 3 are required to be built within 10-25ft of the ROW of an Arterial street. Please indicate exactly the required POWERLINE setback along each of these buildings. The setback for the anticipated PRPA easement and future widening of Lemay Avenue have been indicated on the plans. In addition, a note has been added to the site plan indicating that the building envelopes will move east if this anticipated easement alignment changes. Also parking spaces are required a landscape setback of at least 15ft from an Arterial ROW and 10ft from a Non -Arterial ROW please label the setback distance of the parking spaces from the ROW. Corrected Comment Number: 4 Comment Originated: 01/18/2013 01/18/2013: On Site Plan cover sheet under Standard Notes #8, please include that signs on plans are for reference only and will be permitted through separate sign permit. Corrected Comment Number: 5 Comment Originated: 01/18/2013 01/18/2013: LUC 3.2.5 Trash and Recycling enclosure locations need to be includes on LOT 3 Understood. Final location and configuration of enclosures for these future building areas will be indicated in detail with Final Plan or by Minor Amendment to reflect final design of these buildings with the intent to meet the Land Use Code requirements. Comment Number: 6 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 01/22/2013: LUC 3.5.1(G) Buildings and structures over 40ft in height require to provided additional information (shadow analysis and visual analysis). It appears the HQ, ES and Office/Courtyard buildings are over 40ft in height. The only building in the planned development over 40' height is the future headquarters office building. This building is internal to the site and will not cast shadow beyond the site boundary. Shadow and visual analysis has been included. Comment Number: 7 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 01/22/2013: Need to see Mechanical/utility equipment (vents, flues, conduit, meters, AC/RTU... ) locations on plans with notes on how these will be screen/painted. Mechanical / utility equipment will be screened by parapets of equal height or separate roof top screens should certain equipment exceed the height of the parapets. Materials of separate screens shall be in keeping with the building architecture. Comment Number: 8 Comment Originated: 01/22/2013 01/22/2013: LUC 3.5.3(D)(4) On Lot 3 the building entrances are required to be clearly defined and recessed by a sheltering element. On Lot 3, the Office building elevations, how is the patio that faces the river accessed from the building? In elevations provided for buildings on Lot 3 one will see noted various projected metal canopies and canvas awnings adding protection at anticipated entries. The mixed -use building patio deck facing west will be accessed from the central lobby of the building. A second emergency egress will be provided at the north end of the patio as the patio meets adjacent grade. Comment Number: 9 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: The lighting plan needs more information. Particularly more reference to the actual site plan. Included. Comment Number: 10 Comment Originated: 01/23/2013 01/23/2013: The landscaping plan needs to include the quantities. Final plant species assignments and quantities will be provided in Final Plan as per the code. We have indicated quantities for overall plant categories on the plant list. Also can the landscaping plan be simplified, by only showing the phase one condition. Only the phase one and river restoration area plantings are indicated on the plans, with dryland seed in future phase overlot grading areas Fort Collins Community Development and Neighborhood Services 281 North College Avenue PO Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 970.221.6750 970.224.6134 - fax fcgov. com/developmentreview 2/28/2014 RE: Woodward Technology Center FP#3 - Woodward Campus, FDP140005, Round Number 1 Please see the following summary of comments from City staff and outside reviewing agencies for your submittal of the above referenced project. If you have questions about any comments, you may contact the individual commenter or direct your questions through the Project Planner, Jason Holland, at 970-224-6126 or jholland@fcgov.com. Comment Summary: Department: Current Planning Contact: Jason Holland, 970-224-6126, jholland(a�fcgov.com Topic: General Comment Number: 1 Comment Originated: 02/26/2014 02/26/2014: Add all mylar sheets to the sheet index that will be included in the planning set. BHA — A sheet index has been added to the site plan cover sheet Comment Number: 2 Comment Originated: 02/26/2014 02/26/2014: Because subsequent phases will be approved as minor amendments to this final plan set, we would suggest adding to the notes: the modifications and alternative compliance that were approved with the PDP. Also as a supplement to the land use table, adding the total buildout and total parking data would be helpful so that these elements from the PDP will be part of the final approval. BHA — ODP and PDP modifications have been noted on the site plan, as well as the land use table for the future anticipated phases. Comment Number: 3 Comment Originated: 02/26/2014 02/26/2014: PRPA has the following comments:1. Corrections need to be made where PRPA easement width is mentioned. We have a 65 foot easement not 60 foot. Bothdrawing packages mention the easement width. BHA — PRPA easement labels changed to say 65' on all sheets. PRPA discussed that mature trees will not exceed the 15 foot maximum height within the easement and also discussed that trees outside the easement could be trimmed if they are in danger of falling or being blown into the power line. BHA — All trees in PRPA easement have a max height less than 15'. Comment Number: 4 Comment Originated: 02/26/2014 02/26/2014: Please add the basic "future" elements from the PDP to the site and landscape plans -- the future parking and future landscape buffer areas. BHA —'Future' elements from the PDP have been added to the Final Plans. Department: Transportation Planning Contact: Amy Lewin, 970.416.2040, alewinfifcgov.com 1. The two full movement accesses may make it difficult to achieve a boulevard design with a wide median. Does the traffic study confirm the need for two full movement accesses on Lincoln? Response: The client desires to have two full movement accesses on Lincoln Avenue. The TIS reflects only this access configuration. 2. Please show the proposed trail connections between the site and the Poudre Trail. Response: Trail connections are provided, as requested. Refer to PDP site plan. 3. Please indicate a trail connection on the west side of the project site between Lincoln and the Poudre Trail to comply with Land Use Code Section 3.2.2(B) and 3.2.2(C)(6). Response: Public connections to the Poudre Trail are indicated from the road intersections at Mulberry/Lemay and at Magnolia/Lemay. Public trail connections also exist to the west of the site at the Lincoln Avenue bridge. The client would prefer to limit public connections along the west edge of their industrial campus for safety and security reasons. 4. Please show pedestrian facilities and circulation on site, as required in Section 3.2.2. Response: On -site pedestrian facilities and circulation are provided for Phase One and conceptually for future phases. Refer to PDP site plan. 5. Please show bike facilities on the internal roads, as required in Section 3.2.2. Response: Internal automobile circulation is accommodated on private driveways 28' or more in width. Bicyclists will share the private driveways with automobiles. 6. Please show how bike parking is being accommodated, as required in Section 3.2.2(C)(4)(b). Response: Please refer to the PDP site plan for bike parking locations and quantities. Department: Transfort Contact: Emma McArdle, 970.224.6197, emcardleCcilfcgov.com 1. Per the email sent to Angie Milewski on November 8, 2012, Transfort has the following comments for the Link-n-Green's site: There are 2 phases of bus improvements you need to be aware of. First is stops to accommodate Transfort's current service in the area and second would be stops to accommodate future plans for a downtown circulator that would operate on Lincoln Avenue. A graphic was attached to the original email indicating the location of the two existing stops, one on Lincoln west of Lemay and one on Lemay south of Magnolia Street. These two stops will need to be upgraded to current standards which is a concrete bus pad of at least 12' by 18' attached to a sidewalk, typical location recommendation would be 50' - 80' from the intersection. The phase 2 improvements would include an upgraded "station like" stop to be located on the western part of the site on Lincoln Avenue. Exact location is negotiable as well as the design will need to be Comment Number: 5 Comment Originated: 02/26/2014 02/26/2014: Please add the following note for site lighting: All exterior lighting fixtures provided shall have a concealed, fully shielded light source and shall feature sharp cut-off capability so as to minimize up -light, spill -light, glare and unnecessary diffusion. BHA — Note added to Notes on Cover Sheet SO. Comment Number: 6 Comment Originated: 02/26/2014 02/26/2014: Please show further detail as to how the rooftop mechanical equipment shown on the building elevations will comply with LUC 3.5.1(1)(6) which states that "All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be screened from public view from both above and below by integrating it into building and roof design to the maximum extent feasible." Staff would suggest that this equipment be screened with architectural panels so that the architectural design is continuous and so the functional aspects of the mechanical equipment is not obvious. Ghafari — Mechanical areas on the large roof are located to generally be screened by raised daylighting/PV roof elements, or enclosed within mechanical penthouses. Remaining RTUs that are still visible will be clad with panels to match the building materials and colors. Additional 3D images have been included with the resubmittal to illustrate the views from several locations. Comment Number: 7 Comment Originated: 02/26/2014 02/26/2014: Please add a general note indicating the reflectivity of glazing. Staff would also suggest adding a general "or approved equal" note to the Product Matrix. Ghafari — added Comment Number: 8 Comment Originated: 02/28/2014 Comcast has indicated they currently have a line on the south side of East Lincoln in the right of way. Comcast would like to go in joint trench with City power if Woodward would like Comcast service. Interwest — this information has been passed on to Woodward Department: Engineering Development Review Contact: Sheri Langenberger, 970.221.6573, slangenberger -fcgov.com Topic: General Comment Number: 1 Comment Originated: 02/21/2014 02/21/2014: Street Maintenance Program has indicated that they have no comments at this time, but would like to receive a copy of the Plat and utility plans with any future routings. Interwest — Understood Comment Number: 2 Comment Originated: 02/21/2014 02/21/2014: Notes need to be added to the plans clarifying the extent of the improvements to be constructed as it relates to the property line and tying into the Lincoln and Lemay improvements that will be constructed by the City project. i.e. The stormdrain line shall be constructed to the Property line and capped. Driveway improvements to be installed to the property line. Interwest — Notes have been added to the storm system plan and improvements are shown to the property line where applicable. Driveway improvements along Lemay (North % entrance and Magnolia entrance) are shown to the R/W or edge of future handicap ramp. Coordination between the Woodward contractor and the yet to be determined contractor for Lincoln and Lemay construction will be required. Comment Number: 3 Comment Originated: 02/21/2014 02/21/2014: The utility plans are showing the Pro shop staying. The parking lot associated with this building extends into the right-of-way. The parking lot needs to be modified (a portion of the asphalt should be saw cut and removed) so that the parking lot is not within the right-of-way and the required parking lot buffer from the row line is provided. Interwest — Notes are to be added to the Development Agreement stating that Woodward is responsible for removing the portions of the existing parking lot from the right-of-way should the construction of the ultimate Lincoln Ave improvements occur prior to the removal of the Woodward construction offices. Specific notes and drawings are not shown on the plans per staff. Comment Number: 4 Comment Originated: 02/21/2014 02/21/2014: The site and landscape plans do not show the Pro Shop staying on the plans - if this is the case it also needs to be shown on these plans as well. BHA — Site and Landscape plans show Pro Shop to remain, as it is planned to serve as a construction trailer while construction on the site continues. Comment Number: 5 Comment Originated: 02/21/2014 02/21/2014: Which if any of the storm system is considered public? Just need to know so when we are working on a DCP we know which portions of the system are to be inspected. Interwest — All storm systems on site will be privately owned and maintained. This note has been added to the Overall Utility Plan and storm sewer plan and profile sheets. Comment Number: 6 Comment Originated: 02/21/2014 02/21/2014: In looking at the driveway out to Lincoln Ave and how it will work with the proposed future ultimate improvements along Lincoln Ave I would suggest that the driveway be widened out to 35 feet. I didn't have a WB-67 turning template, but this width worked for a WB-50 turning and a passenger car at that access. Just as was looked at for the access points previously. Interwest — The driveway access at Lincoln has been widened to 35 feet to accommodate this turning movement. Concrete shall be installed to the right of way in this location. Comment Number: 7 Comment Originated: 02/21/2014 02/21/2014: Easement Exhibits. Drainage Easement — The drainage easement needs to extend to the property line at the NE corner of the production support building. There is a flared end section being shown to be installed here and this pipe could be ettended to the street (inlet) in the future. Access Easement — Is this exhibit intended to be for what is to be dedicated as emergency access easement? If so an additional exhibit is needed for what is to be dedicated at an access easement (Magnolia extension as a minimum). And if this exhibit is intended to be the exhibit for the access easement then an exhibit for emergency access easement is needed. Interwest— The drainage easement has been extended to the property line. A separate public access easement (in addition to the emergency access easement) has been prepared that includes the Magnolia extension Comment Number: 8 Comment Originated: 02/21/2014 02/21/2014: 1 intend to add a paragraph to the development agreement identifying that the Developer gives permission to the City to access the property adjacent to Lincoln Ave to extend storm pipes, do grading work, landscaping work along Lincoln Ave in order to complete the interim and future street improvements. This comment has been shared with Woodward, and they will coordinate with the city during the development agreement process. Comment Number: 9 Comment Originated: 02/21/2014 02/21/2014: 1 have a concern regarding the locations shown on the site plan that indicate the locations of future security gate locations. I see 3 options right now regarding this item. 1) Provide more information at this time to show what will be installed, where the items would be installed and how they will be utilized. 2) Make it clear that before the security gates are approved and installed, that a minor amendment would need to be submitted, reviewed, and approved to determine the details of this system. 3) Remove the notes regarding the security gates. If the details are shown now, my concerns are: When will the gates be closed and how will they be used. The security gates would need to be located far enough back from the right-of-way that there is room for the largest vehicle to be able to stop at the gate and not block the sidewalk or impact the traffic movement on the street. And enough distance to accommodate the anticipated number of vehicles that could be entering at any given time. There also needs to be the ability for a vehicle that enters the driveway and is not allowed access to be able to turn around and get off of the site. BHA - Security gates are not anticipated with Phase One. Woodward intends to run electrical conduit to these general areas in case they are required in the future. We have indicated the gate locations as 'potential future security gate locations', and that final review with additional details would be required by Minor Amendment before they are approved and installed. Department: Forestry Contact: Tim Buchanan, 970-221.6361, tbuchanan0fcgov.com Topic: Landscape Plans Comment Number: 1 02/27/2014: Comment Originated: 02/27/2014 Consider identifying the species of street trees by others along Lemay so the design of these trees can be coordinated with the phase one Woodward design. BHA — Species selection has not yet been made for the Lemay & Lincoln Streetscapes. We will review the street tree species with Forestry as the plans are finalized. Comment Number: 2 02/27/2014: Suggested tree type changes: Swamp White Oak — sensitive to high pH soils Autumn Purple Ash- problems with Emerald Ash Borer Comment Originated: 02/27/2014 Princess Kay Plum — poorer long term survival BHA — Swamp White Oak has been replaced with Texas Red Oak and Crimson Spire Oak Ash has been replaced with Pinnacle Birch (only 2) Plum — replaced with hardier varieties, Moongold Apricot & Purple Leaf Mayday Tree Comment Number: 3 Comment Originated: 02/27/2014 02/27/2014: Suggested that additional reviews of these trees occur with local nursery or horticultural professionals to evaluate adaptability in the Fort Collins area: Dakota Pinnacle Birch — not a lot of planting of this tree in the area has occurred so far; review for borer and heat tolerance; good survival in mass planting is important Douglas fir Birch masses replace with hardier Sensation Boxelder & remaining used as specimen trees. Fir is used sparingly and in wetter areas. Comment Number: 4 Comment Originated: 02/27/2014 02/27/2014: Tree location consideration: Greenspire Linden when planted in parking lot islands can develop summer heat scorch. Particularly with the hotter summer temperatures the area has recently been experiencing. Linden replaced with Kentucky Coffeetree in islands Comment Number: 5 Comment Originated: 02/27/2014 02/27/2014: Place an M for mitigation by all the upsized trees in the plant list. Check to see if 175 are provided in the plant list as it may be one short. Also please place an M that could be shaded by the direct label of mitigation trees to help identify where the mitigation trees are going on the project. BHA— M has been placed by all upsized trees in plans and plant list. 174 (75% of 232) trees have been upsized for phase 1. Comment Number: 6 02/27/2014: Comment Originated: 02/27/2014 Please place the full tree mitigation table found on the previous approved Minor Amendment Final Plan/Tree Mitigation Plan 9-27-13. This information provides a valuable overall summary for a big picture reference with information from Lots 1-3 and Lot 4. BHA — Full tree mitigation table has been placed on sheet L9 Comment Number: 7 02/27/2014: Comment Originated: 02/27/2014 Add the table that is referenced in tree protection note number 6 to the tree protection notes. This table can be found in LUC 3.2.1 G 7 BHA — Table LUC 3.2.1 G7 has been placed next to note 6 on Sheet L9. Comment Number: 8 Comment Originated: 02/27/2014 02/27/2014: Will the existing trees along Lincoln be removed in phase one? They are shown to be retained on the Minor Amendment Final Plan/Tree Mitigation Plan but not on Phase one landscape plan. BHA — Existing trees along Lincoln to be removed with interim road improvements as noted in PDP. These trees were accounted for in tree mitigation counts. Comment Number: 9 02/2712014: Comment Originated: 02/27/2014 Plant note number 7: The separation standard for water and sewer service lines of 6 feet should be added. BHA — Note added to sheet L1. Comment Number: 10 02/27/2014: Comment Originated: 02/27/2014 Plant note number 11: Add information that says in effect that cultivation for soil improvement shall not occur within in the drip line of any exiting tree. BHA — Information added to Note 11 on sheet L1. Department: Internal Services Contact: Russell Hovland, 970.416.2341, rhovland D—fcgov.com Topic: Building Insp Plan Review Comment Number: 1 Comment Originated: 02/25/2014 02/25/2014: Building Permit Pre -Submittal Meeting Pre -Submittal meetings are offered to assist the designer/builder by assuring, early on in the design, that the new commercial or multi -family projects are on track to complying with all of the adopted City codes and Standards listed below. The proposed project should be in the early to mid -design stage for this meeting to be effective and is typically scheduled after the Current Planning conceptual review meeting. Applicants of new commercial or multi -family projects are advised to call 416-2341 to schedule a pre -submittal meeting. Applicants should be prepared to present site plans, floor plans, and elevations and be able to discuss code issues of occupancy, square footage and type of construction being proposed. Construction shall comply with the following adopted codes as amended: 2012 International Building Code (IBC) 2012 International Residential Code (IRC) 2012 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) 2012 International Mechanical Code (IMC) 2012 International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC) 2009 International Plumbing Code (IPC) as amended by the State of Colorado 2011 National Electrical Code (NEC) as amended by the State of Colorado Accessibility: State Law CRS 9-5 & ICC/ANSI Al17.1-2009. Snow Load Live Load: 30 PSF / Ground Snow Load 30 PSF. Frost Depth: 30 inches. Wind Load: 100- MPH 3 Second Gust Exposure B. Seismic Design: Category B. Climate Zone: Zone 5 Energy Code Use 1. Single Family; Duplex; Townhomes: 2009 IRC Chapter 11 or 2009 IECC Chap 4. 2. Multi -family and Condominiums 3 stories max: 2009 IECC Chapter 4. 3. Commercial and Multi -family 4 stories and taller: 2009 IECC Chapter 5. Fort Collins Green Code Amendments effective starting 1-1-2012. A copy of these requirements can be obtained at the Building Office or contact the above phone number. City of Fort Collins Building Services Plan Review 416-2341 Department: Light And Power Contact: Doug Martine, 970-224.6152, dmartine(a)fcuov.com Topic: General Comment Number: 1 02/14/2014: No comments. Comment Originated: 02/14/2014 Department: PFA Contact: Jim Lynxwiler, 970-416.2869, lllynxwiler -,poudre-fire.org Topic: General Comment Number: 1 Comment Originated: 02/20/2014 02/20/2014: Provide an updated plat showing recent changes to the Emergency Access Greenspire Linden when planted in parking lot islands can develop summer heat scorch. Particularly with the hotter summer temperatures the area has recently been experiencing. Linden replaced with Kentucky Coffeetree in islands Comment Number: 5 Comment Originated: 02/27/2014 02/27/2014: Place an M for mitigation by all the upsized trees in the plant list. Check to see if 175 are provided in the plant list as it may be one short. Also please place an M that could be shaded by the direct label of mitigation trees to help identify where the mitigation trees are going on the project. BHA — M has been placed by all upsized trees in plans and plant list. 174 (75% of 232) trees have been upsized for phase 1. Comment Number: 6 02/27/2014: Comment Originated: 02/27/2014 Please place the full tree mitigation table found on the previous approved Minor Amendment Final Plan/Tree Mitigation Plan 9-27-13. This information provides a valuable overall summary for a big picture reference with information from Lots 1-3 and Lot4. BHA — Full tree mitigation table has been placed on sheet L9 Comment Number: 7 02/27/2014: Comment Originated: 02/27/2014 Add the table that is referenced in tree protection note number 6 to the tree protection notes. This table can be found in LUC 3.2.1 G 7 BHA — Table LUC 3.2.1 G7 has been placed next to note 6 on Sheet 1-9. Comment Number: 8 Comment Originated: 02/27/2014 02/27/2014: Will the existing trees along Lincoln be removed in phase one? They are shown to be retained on the Minor Amendment Final Plan/Tree Mitigation Plan but not on Phase one landscape plan. BHA — Existing trees along Lincoln to be removed with interim road improvements as noted in PDP. These trees were accounted for in tree mitigation counts. Comment Number: 9 02/27/2014: Comment Originated: 02/27/2014 Plant note number 7: The separation standard for water and sewer service lines of 6 feet should be added. BHA — Note added to sheet L1. Comment Number: 10 02/27/2014: Comment Originated: 02/27/2014 Plant note number 11: Add information that says in effect that cultivation for soil improvement shall not occur within in the drip line of any exiting tree. BHA — Information added to Note 11 on sheet L1. Department: Internal Services Contact: Russell Hovland, 970.416-2341, rhovland anfcgov.com Topic: Building Insp Plan Review Comment Number: 1 Comment Originated: 02/25/2014 02/25/2014: Building Permit Pre -Submittal Meeting Easement. BHA — There is no change to the plat anticipated. Easements are being reviewed and recorded by separate document, and the Access Easement for emergency vehicles is included for review with the resubmittal. Department: Stormwater Engineering Contact: Jesse Schlam, 970-218-2932, Ischiam(a.fcgov.com Topic: Erosion Control Comment Number: 12 Comment Originated: 03/05/2014 03/05/2014: Redlines in both the plan and report need to be corrected. Please add a sequence chart to the erosion control plan. If you need clarification concerning this, or if there are any questions please contact Jesse Schlam 970-218-2932 or email @ jschlam(c0cgov.com Interwest - The sequence chart has been added to details sheet DT-11 and redline comments from both the Plans and Report have been addressed unless otherwise noted on the redlines. Contact: Wes Lamarque, 970.416-2418, wlamarque(�ilfcgov.com Topic: Floodplain Comment Number: 3 02/28/2014: Comment Originated: 02/28/2014 1.Sheet OGP-1 and EC-1, please include the floodway line on the plans. Interwest - The floodway line has been added 2.GP-9, The trash dumpsters must be anchored to prevent floatation (until LOMR approved). Please show a detail for how these will be anchored. Interwest - An anchor detail has been added to Sheet GP-9 3.EC-1, Please modify Note 4 to state that these must be outside the effective 100-year floodplain. Note 4 and 7 have been updated as requested Please modify note 7 to specify that a floodplain use permit is needed for each structure built in the 100-year floodplain. 4. Please provide a list of elevator, HVAC, mechanical, electrical equipment or openings that are planned below the regulatory flood protection elevation so that we can discuss requirements for flood protection. Please set up a meeting to discuss. Per our meeting March 6, 2014, the project architect is preparing a Memorandum describing the items noted to be below the proposed building finished floor along with notes regarding their use or how they might be flood proofed in accordance with FEMA regulations. This Memo will be provided prior to final plan and report approval. 5.FP,2 Because of the multiple floodplain analyses, please add a note to the legend referencing the ACE report and date for the floodplain information shown on this plan. Interwest - A note referencing the date of the updated floodplain by ACE has been added. This date is not specifically associated with the CLOMR addendum report as this work is still ongoing. UP-1, FP-2, Drainage Report, Please replace the table with the updated version and check this table with the most updated ACE report. The regulatory flood protection elevation needs to be referenced to the existing condition not the effective condition, per the variance. Let's review and discuss. Interwest - The updated table has been added to the plans and report. Note that the proposed FP elevations on the table are based on recent modeling but does not reflect the anticipated CLOMR addendum elevations with the downstream bridge improvements. A final version of the table will be provided prior to approval. 7.Drainage Report, p.3., Please provide the FEMA CLOMR Case # and date. Also discuss CLOMR addendums by ACE upon which the building data in the table is based. Interwest- The Case # has been added to the report. A final discussion of the CLOMR addendum will be provided by ACE and included in the report prior to approval. 8.Drainage Report, P.3, last paragraph. Need to clarify the requirements related to the effective, existing and proposed conditions. Let's discuss. Interwest - The expanded floodplain table footnotes clarify the requirements related to each condition and which elevation controls in regard to establishing the minimum finished floor elevations for each building. 9.Drainage Report, P. 9, These are not the conditions for the variance; these are the justifications for the variance. Please replace with the conditions of the variance. Interwest - Conditions have been updated per the approved variance letter Topic: General Comment Number: 1 Comment Originated: 02/28/2014 02/28/2014: To prevent clogging and to ensure longevity of the infiltration of the detention ponds, please design forebays at the entrance points to collect debris and sediment. Interwest - Forebays have been added where practical based on pond geometry and flow entry locations Comment Number: 2 Comment Originated: 02/28/2014 02/28/2014: Please ensure that all the overflow paths of the detention ponds will function and be safe with other aspects of the site plan. Interwest - The overflow paths have been evaluated including the overflow at the ITS main entrance. The channel and bridge crossings proposed at this plaza entry can adequately convey the overflow and it is not intended for this flow to sheet across the plaza itself. Comment Number: 4 Comment Originated: 02/28/2014 02/28/2014: Most of the drainage swales are have cobble at the bottom of the swales. The City does not recommend this design. Long term maintenance has shown to be a problem with sediment build-up and weed control. BHA — While we agree that the use of cobble swales at the bottom of grassy, mowed detention areas can result in weed control issues, the cobble swales here are used as drainage areas as well as landscape features in high -visibility areas near the building and parking lots. They are contained within mulch beds with shrubs, trees, and perennials, so will receive a higher level of weed control similar to the adjacent mulch beds. Lowflow areas within mowed grassy areas are instead treated with a soft pan instead of cobble to aid maintenance. Comment Number: 5 Comment Originated: 02/28/2014 Please add a note stating that all storm sewers are private. Interwest - This note has been added to the Overall Utility Plan and the storm sewer plans. Comment Number: 6 Comment Originated: 02/28/2014 02/28/2014: Please specify the gravel to be used for the gravel trenches in the infiltration ponds and swales. Interwest - A note has been added to the typical detail on SHT DRN-2 Comment Number: 7 Comment Originated: 02/28/2014 02/28/2014: Please specify that the close mesh grate is to be used for all area inlet C and Ds. Interwest - This note has been added to the storm plan and profile sheets Comment Number: 8 Comment Originated: 02/28/2014 02/28/2014: Please specify type of "storage rock" to be used for the dry wells. Interwest - A note has been added to the detail on SHT DT-8 Comment Number: 9 Comment Originated: 02/28/2014 02/28/2014: Please add and show the 6 inches of topsoil and temporary erosion control blanket on the riprap detail. Interwest - This information has been added to the riprap detail. Comment Number: 10 Comment Originated: 02/28/2014 02/28/2014: Please add a legend for the hatching in the infiltration ponds and swales. Interwest - A legend for the cobble swales has been added to the grading plans. Comment Number: 11 Comment Originated: 02/28/2014 02/28/2014: The swales that have a slope under 2% need either a soft pan or concrete pan. Concrete pan would not be consistent with the design, so a soft pan is needed. Interwest - A typical detail for a soft pan has been added to the grading plans for swales that are under 2%. Department: Technical Services Contact: Jeff County, 970.221.6588, jcounty(cDfcgov.com Topic: Building Elevations Comment Number: 1 Comment Originated: 02/26/2014 02/26/2014: There are line over text issues on sheet AE2-00-1. See redlines. Ghafari — line over text issues have been corrected. Topic: Construction Drawings Comment Number: 2 Comment Originated: 02/26/2014 02/26/2014: Please correct the sanitary sewer sheet numbering. the sheet index shows different numbering from the actual sewer sheets. Interwest - Sanitary sewer sheet numbering has been corrected. Comment Number: 3 Comment Originated: 02/26/2014 02/26/2014: Please correct the elevation for benchmark R402 on sheet GN-1. The elevation on sheet CV-1 is correct. Interwest - The benchmark elevation on GN-1 has been corrected. Comment Number: 4 Comment Originated: 02/26/2014 02/26/2014: Please relate the coordinates shown on the horizontal control plans to the property boundary. Interwest - Northing and Easting building coordinates have been related to the property boundary. Comment Number: 5 Comment Originated: 02/26/2014 02/26/2014: Please change the matchline reference along the east side of sheet GP-7 to GP-1 & GP-3. Please change the matchline reference along the east side of sheet GP-8 to GP-3 & GP-5. Interwest - The matchline references have been adjusted. Comment Number: 6 Comment Originated: 02/26/2014 02/26/2014: Please rotate the matchline references 180 degrees on the profiles on sheets STM-1 & STM-2. Interwest - The matchline references have been rotated Comment Number: 7 Comment Originated: 02/26/2014 02/26/2014: Please change the stationing of 9+00 to 16+00 in the matchline reference on the profile on sheet STM-3. Interwest - The stationing has been corrected. Topic: Landscape Plans Comment Number: 8 Comment Originated: 02/26/2014 02/26/2014: There are line over text issues on sheets L3, L4 & L6. See redlines. BHA — Line over text corrected. Comment Number: 9 Comment Originated: 02/26/2014 02/26/2014: There are text over text issues on sheet L4. See redlines. BHA — Line over text corrected. Topic: Site Plan Comment Number: 10 02/26/2014: No comments. Comment Originated: 02/26/2014 Department: Water -Wastewater Engineering Contact: Roger Buffington, 970-221.6854, rbuffington bfc oc ov.com Topic: Construction Drawings Comment Number: 1 Comment Originated: 02/20/2014 02/20/2014: Provide water usage data for the ITS Bldg (8" water service). Include the average and peak flowrates in gpm, average and peak day water use in gpd and annual water usage volume in gallons/year. Interwest - This data has been provided by Ghafari via an email dated 3/4/14. Comment Number: 2 Comment Originated: 02/20/2014 02/20/2014: Provide water usage data for the PSB Bldg (4" water service). Include the average and peak flowrates in gpm, average and peak day water use in gpd and annual water usage volume in gallons/year. Interwest - This data has been provided by Ghafari via an email dated 3/4/14. Comment Number: 3 Comment Originated: 02/20/2014 02/20/2014: At the existing sanitary MH in Lemay, include the elevation of the lower part of the drop connection. It does not have to match the invert of the existing 15" sewer. Interwest - The elevation of the lower part of the drop connection has been added. Comment Number: 4 Comment Originated: 02/20/2014 02/20/2014: Add steel casings at all locations where water or sanitary sewer mains are passing below storm drains 24" and larger. Interwest - Steel casings have been added to these crossing locations. Comment Number: 5 Comment Originated: 02/20/2014 02/20/2014: Which sanitary sewer service connections will contain process wastes. Provide information on flow metering and sampling facilities that are planned. Interwest - Only the sewer service that exits on the east face of the ITS will contain process wastes. A sampling facility will be located inside the building. Comment Number: 6 Comment Originated: 02/20/2014 02/20/2014: Label tees for F Hydr's as swivel tees. Interwest - All fire hydrant tees have been labeled as swivel tees. Comment Number: 7 Comment Originated: 02/20/2014 02/20/2014: Two of the 12" water main lowerings are showing a 4 degree deflection at a pipe joint. That exceeds the allowable joint deflection for PVC pipe. Options would be to use fittings or to start the deflection farther back from the low point. Interwest - Maximum allowable joint deflection for PVC is 1 degree, a note has been added to the plans and the lowerings reflect a 1 degree deflection. thought through and designed with the overall road design. If this station is not built with the project then a transit easement will need to be provided. Response: Transit stops have been indicated on site plans. The future `station like'stop will be accommodated when the enhanced section for Lincoln Avenue is designed by the city. ROW has been dedicated for this anticipated enhance section. 2. All bus stops will need to be either in the public right of way or within a Transit Easement. Response: All bus stops are located within the public right of way. Future stop locations have not yet been identified in detail nor has the need for a Transit Easement been established. Department: Stormwater Engineering Contact: Glen Schlueter, 970.224.6065, gschlueterCcD-fcgov.com 1. Floodplain Comments: This site is in the FEMA-designated Poudre River 100-year floodplain and floodway and 500-year floodplain and subject to all requirements in Chapter 10 of City Code. Response: All requirements identified in Chapter 10 of the City Code have been met. A floodplain variance for critical facilities has been requested in order to construct buildings that may contain hazardous materials in the currently effective 100-year floodplain. However, all structures will be elevated 2-feet above the existing 100-year flood levels or the existing 500-year flood levels, whichever is greater. 2. Residential and Mixed -Use Development is prohibited in the 100-year floodplain and floodway. Response: All structures will be elevated 2-feet above the existing 100-year flood levels or the existing 500-year flood levels, whichever is greater. Also, all 100-year post -project condition water surface elevations through the entire project reach will be at or below that of the pre -project conditions as to not adversely impact any insurable structures. A CLOMR is being prepared to verify the design intent and a LOMR will be completed at the completion of the project based on as -built survey. In addition, a floodplain use permit and no -rise certification will be completed and submitted as part of the CLOMR submittal package. 3. New structures are not allowed in the floodway. Response: Please see the response to Comment No. 2. 4. Any new, non-residential structures in the 100-year floodplain must have their lowest floor, HVAC, electrical and mechanical elevated or floodproofed 2 feet above the 100-year flood elevation. Response: All proposed lowest floors, HVAC, electrical and mechanical systems shall be elevated a minimum of 2 feet above the 100-year flood elevation. 5. Life -safety, Emergency Response and Hazardous Material Critical Facilities are prohibited in the 100-year floodplain and floodway. Life Safety and Emergency Response Critical facilities are prohibited in the 500-year floodplain. Please seethe definition of "critical facilities" in Chapter 10 of City Code. The specific uses, in particular the industrial uses, will need to be reviewed for conformance with this definition. Response: Please see the response to Comments No.1 and 2. Comment Number: 8 Comment Originated: 02/20/2014 02/20/2014: Show the air release valve locations on the plans. A meeting is suggested to review this to minimize the number and air release valves as practical. Interwest - Air release valves have been added to the water line at STA 10+50 and STA 14+85. Comment Number: 9 Comment Originated: 02/20/2014 02/20/2014: Will there be any irrigation taps? Interwest — A 2" irrigation tap and meter has been added at STA 13+80.to serve Phase One. Comment Number: 10 Comment Originated: 02/20/2014 02/20/2014: Water service sizes will be reviewed once the water usage information requested in Comments 1 and 2 is received. If the 8" meter is warranted, an 8" meter detail will be provided to include on the plans. Interwest — A 6-inch tap and 6-inch meter is proposed for the ITS building. A 1.5-inch tap and 1.5-inch meter is proposed for the PSB. Comment Number: 11 Comment Originated: 02/21/2014 02/21/2014: See redlined utility plans for other comments. Interwest — Redline comments have been addressed Department: Zoning Contact: Noah Beals, 970-416-2313, nbeals(a.fcgov.com Topic: General Comment Number: 1 Comment Originated: 02/26/2014 02/26/2014: Need to clarify what the word "Future" means. BHA — The Woodward Campus will be developed and constructed in phases over time. Final plans indicate in detail the planned improvements for Phase One, and general information from the PDP for future phases. We have added information from the PDP regarding future anticipated phases to the site plan, and specified that review of future design elements will be required by a Minor Amendment process prior to approval or construction of those phases. Comment Number: 2 Comment Originated: 02/26/2014 02/26/2014: Existing building (clubhouse) on the civil plan but not the planning set. When will this building and associated parking lot be removed? BHA - Site and Landscape plans have been revised to show Pro Shop to remain, as it is planned to serve as a construction trailer while construction on the site continues. Based on our discussions with city staff, the development agreement will clarify the need to remove the pro shop if the Lincoln Corridor improvements move ahead. Comment Number: 3 Comment Originated: 02/26/2014 02/26/2014: Please design the EAE on the west side of the Production Support Building to a large sidewalk not another asphalt vehicle use area. BHA — Acknowledged 6. Remodeling of any existing structures is allowed subject to the substantial improvement requirements, including elevating or Foodproof ng to 2 feet above the 100-year flood elevation. Designated historic structures may apply for a variance to the substantial improvement requirements. Response: A variance shall be requested should substantial improvements be made to the designated historic structures. 7. Storage of floatable materials including overnight parking of fleet vehicles is prohibited in the 100-year floodplain. All floatable materials must be secured in a structure or anchored to resist floatation. Response: Please see the response to Comment No. 2. 8. Floodway Modification, including filling, grading, detention ponds, trails, planting of vegetation, etc., is subject to the requirements of Section 10-45 of City Code and will either be required to show no -rise in 100-year flood elevations and no change in floodplain or floodway boundaries or the floodplain map must be changed via the FEMA Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) and Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) process. Response: Please see the response to Comment No. 2. 9. Property maybe removed from the 100-year floodplain by preparing a hydraulic model and changing the floodplain map using the FEMA CLOMR/LOMR process (City Code Section 10-80(a)(1)). Response: Please see the response to Comment No. 2. 10. The Poudre River Master Drainageway Plan identifies three erosion sites on the left bank of the Poudre River. Mitigation of these sites will need to be incorporated into the work on proposed in the buffer and floodway. Please be aware that CDOT is planning to replace the Mulberry Bridge over the Poudre River in the next few years and will be going through a FEMA map revision process. Coordination with CDOT on their hydraulic modeling will be necessary. Response: The Applicant is working with the Natural Areas Department to develop a joint river buffer design and mitigation plan that will incorporate the three erosion sites identified. 11. The City is in the process of reviewing and possibly changing the floodplain regulations for the Poudre River. There may be a future requirement for an emergency response and preparedness plan. Response: Please see the response to Comment No. 2. 12. Any work in the floodplain requires approval of a floodplain use permit and $25 permit fee. Each structure will require a separate floodplain use permit. For each new structure, addition or substantial improvement constructed in the floodplain, approval of a FEMA Elevation or Floodproofing Certificate will be required for release of the Certificate of Occupancy. Work in the floodway may require approval of a pre- and post -construction No -Rise Certification. The review fee for hydraulic modeling is $325. Response: Please see the response to Comment No. 2. All applicable fees will be covered by the Woodward representatives. 13. Variances are allowed. All variance requests are heard by the City's Water Board. Please see Section 10-28 and Section 10-29 of City Code for more information on variance requirements. The cost for each variance request is $300. Response: Please see the response to Comment No.1. 14. Please see the Floodplain Forms Website for the floodplain use permit, no -rise certification forms, elevation certificate, and variance forms. This site also contains the 50% and 100% floodplain development review checklists. http:/twww fcgov com/utilities/what-we-do/Stormwater/flooding/forms-documents Response: Please see the response to Comment No. 2. All submittal package material will satisfy the requirements identified in the development review checklists. 15. The Floodplain Administration contact for this project is Marsha Hilmes-Robinson, mhilmesrobinson@fcgov.com or (970) 224-6036. Response: Acknowledged 16. Stormwater Development Review Comments: A drainage and erosion control report and construction plans are required and they must be prepared by a Professional Engineer registered in Colorado. The drainage report must address the four -step process for selecting structural BMPs. Standard operating procedures (SOPs) for all onsite drainage facilities need to be prepared by the drainage engineer and there is a final site inspection required when the project is complete. The erosion control requirements are in the Stormwater Design Criteria Section 1.3.3. If you need clarification concerning this section, please contact the Erosion Control Inspector, Jesse Schlam at 224-6015 or jschlam fcgov.com. Response: A Preliminary Drainage and Erosion Control Report has been prepared for the PDP submittal in accordance with City Stormwater Design Criteria. 17. The Stormwater system maps show two outfalls into the river from ponds on the golf course. It is usually preferred that those be used as the outfalls for the proposed development so as not to cause any new protrusions into the river. The existing outfall points need to be evaluated as to their condition and effects on the river. There may need to be some mitigation done on them. Response: The two existing outfalls into the river have been determined to be inadequate for the proposed development. The development team is working in conjunction with the city Natural Areas Department to redefine the river buffer area. New storm drain outfalls will be required and mitigation of the entire reach will be provided as part of the bank stabilization efforts. 18. Generally onsite water quantity detention is not required when discharging into the river as long as the outfall system can convey the developed 100 year flow to the river. Response: Onsite water quantity detention is not provided, however, a series of Dry Wells and similar Systems are proposed which will allow runoff to re-enter the groundwater system via percolation. The soils in the area are highly permeable and the design will take advantage of these soils to reduce the quantity of water which needs to be conveyed directly to the river. The outfall system to the river is a combination of overland flow and pipe network capable of conveying the 100 year flows. 19. Water quality treatment of the runoff is required for 100% of the site. Water quality treatment methods are described in the City's Stormwater Criteria Manual and Volume III of the Urban Drainage manual Extended detention is the usual method selected for water quality treatment; however the use of any of the BMPs is encouraged. (hftp:/twww.udfcd.org/downloads/down critmanual vollll.htm)