Sheri Langenberger - RE: Cover over Gas by Overland Trail
From: "Jade Miller" <jade@dmwcivilengineers.com>
To: "'Hilderbrand, Len"'<Len.Hilderbrand@XCELENERGY.COM>
Date: Thursday, November 13, 2008 2:56 PM
Subject: RE: Cover over Gas by Overland Trail
CC: "'J Benham"' <J.Benham@fwagroup.com>, <Stephen.Keiss@ColoState.EDU>, "'Sheri
Langenberger"' <SLangenberger@fcgov.com>, "'Tracy Dyer"' <TDYER@fcgov.com>,
"'Rick Richter"' <RRICHTER@fcgov.com>, "'Erika Keeton"' <ekeeton@fcgov.com>
Thanks Len.
From: Hilderbrand, Len [mailto:Len.Hilderbrand@XCELENERGY.COM]
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2008 2:42 PM
To: Jade Miller
Subject: RE: Cover over Gas by Overland Trail
I checked with our Area Engineer (Randy Blank) to make sure we are ok with this situation. We
both feel there is enough cover to keep the line safe and protected. If everyone works in a safe
manor in the public right of ways,with locates, potholes, etc. there should be never be an issue
with this gas line. Thanks again Len Hilderbrand 970-225-7848
From: Jade Miller [mailto:jade@dmwcivilengineers.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2008 1:38 PM
To: Hilderbrand, Len
Subject: Cover over Gas by Overland Trail
The City has concerns that the proposed concrete cap would be too shallow and be less desirable than a gas line
that is a few inches shallower than their standard (see attached email). They would like a statement from you that
you are ok with the proposed cover over the gas line. Based on the shallow pothole result at the north end of the
project, the gas line would be approximately 2A0" from the proposed concrete pavement surface. The concrete
pavement is to be 8.5 inches thick with 8 inches of prepared subgrade.
Jade P. Miller, P.E.
DMW Civil Engineers, Inc.
(970) 378-6935
(970) 391-6563 Mobile
(970) 378-6997 Fax
3400 West 16th Street
Building 5, Suite Z
Greeley, CO 80634
,N f.iRS
file:HC:\Documents and Settings\Langenberger\Local S ettings\Temp\XPgrpwise\491 C40... 11/14/2008
Sheri Wamhoff - Re: Turn lane at OVerland and Rampart Page 1
From: Eric Bracke
To: Brian Chase; Cam McNair
Date: 9/21/04 3:54PM
Subject: Re: Turn lane at OVerland and Rampart
I have received the information and auxiliary lanes are required as part of the Biocontainment laboratory.
The requirements are as follows:
1.- A northbound left turn lane at a length of 540 feet ( 105 feet of storage and deceleration - 435 feet that
includes a bay taper of 200 feet.
2. a southbound right turn lane of 435 feet including a bay taper of 200 feet.
Eric L. Bracke, P.E., P.T.O.E.
City Traffic Engineer
>>> Cam McNair 09/20/04 02:43PM >>>
Eric says he has received nothing on this recently. My recollection was that Eric would determine taper
and storage lengths necessary based on traffic input that was to be provided to him, in addition to traffic
counts and other info that he has on hand.
I thought from the previous meetings on this (most recently June 14, 2004) that there was general
agreement on the need for the turn lanes at Rampart, and it was just a matter for the project's civil
engineer (S. A. Miro, Inc.) to survey and design the improvements. We discussed the possibility of
right-of-way needing to be dedicated by CSU, and of avoiding impacts to the homeowners on the east side
of Overland Trail.
I'm waiting on a return phone call from Will Welch. I will copy him and Eric on this message, in case my
memory is wrong (wouldn't be the first time).
>>> Brian Chase <bchaseO-)users.fm.colostate.edu> 09/20/04 11:58AM >>>
My understanding was we had supplied info to Eric so he could determine
if a turn lane was necessary. Based on the increased growth, which is
minimal, it appears it was not. However we did discuss concern about
all the construction traffic that will be more significant than the new
We currently have the CDC contractor parking his workers in the Equine
lot, which has a turn lane, which will greatly reduce the turn movements
into Rampart but I do worry about the impact of the construction
vehicles which was our topic of concern last Spring.
If you determine one isn't needed that is fine with me but I didn't want
to get into aposition where we had a problem before we addressed it.
Cam McNair wrote:
>1 thought Will Welch (Connell) was taking the lead on getting this
>designed and built. I'll give him a call.
E' n amhoff - Re Turn lane at OVerland and z Rampart Page 2
»»Brian Chase<bchase(a)-users.fm.colostate.edu> 09/20/04 10:28AM >>>
>1 am concerned that we may have dropped the ball on this one or not
>followed through.
>Did Eric get the info he needs?
>Are you waiting on any else?
>Am I waiting for you??
>Feel guilty that as the person who raised this issue that i don't know
>where it stands!
CC: Will Welch
Page 1 of 1
Sheri Langenberger - Re: Overland Trail at Rampart Plans
From: Doug Martine
To: Sheri Langenberger
Date: Monday, August 18, 2008 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: Overland Trail at Rampart Plans
As I am sure you know by now, I was on vacation all last week. I just got to your email (isn't it amazing how
many we can get in just a week?). I think all the L& P issues have been resolved. Thanks for asking.
Doug Martine
Electric Project Engineering Supervisor
>>> Sheri Langenberger 08/15/2008 10:21 AM >>>
Doug and Ward
I am going to be meeting with CSU today at 2:30 to discuss my remaining comments on the Overland Trail
widening plans that I had routed out for review. If you have any comments still remaining or would like
brought up at this meeting if you could get those into the DMS system or emailed to me before 2 pm I can pass
them along at this meeting.
file://C:\Documents and Settings\slangenberger\Local Settings\Temp\GW}00002.HTM 8/18/2008
City of. Fort Collins
Date: 6/9/2008
Staff has reviewed your submittal for OVERLAND TRAIL AND RAMPART
IMPROVEMENTS-CSU, and we offer the following comments:
Department: Engineering Issue Contact: Sheri Langenberger
Topic: General
Number: 6 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Need City signature block on these plans.
Number: 26 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] See plans for additional comments
Number: 28 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Has a preliminary soils report been done? The plans include a reference to a
soils report that was done in 2005. This report has not been submitted to the City for
Number: 42 Created: 6/9/2008
[6/9/08] Row needed at this time for ultimate improvements is 57 Y2 feet from Centerline.
This amount does not include a future right turn lane if that would be needed or desired by
CSU when the road would go to a 4 lane section. The TIS submitted doesn't identify if this
will be a future need. So if only 57.5 feet is dedicated then a future right turn lane will not be
Number: 43 Created: 6/9/2008
[6/9/08] See notes on the plans regarding the typical sections for Overland Trail. Two of the
sections have the same label, but show different sections. Show that the 4 foot gravel
shoulder is being provided where you are not installing curb and gutter. Need to show that
57.5 feet of row is being provided on the west side of the road. You indicate that there is 60
feet of existing row; I come up with closer to 70 feet when I measure it on the county site.
Number: 45 Created: 6/9/2008
[6/9/08] One the plan view and in one of the x-sections there is a 20inch ADS pipe
identified. ADS is not allowed within the row. This pipe if needed (I couldn't figure out what
it was for) will need to be replaced with a pipe type that is allowed within the row.
Number: 46 Created: 6/9/2008
[6/9/08] Add the following note to the plan and profile sheet - Limits of street cut are
approximate. Final limits are to be determined in the field by the City Engineering Inspector.
All repairs to be in accordance with City street repair standard.
Number: 47 Created: 6/9/2008
[6/9/08] Really need to pot hole and fine out the exact location and elevation of the electric
system before these plans are finalized and approved. The vault if correctly shown,
minimum cover requirements for the roadway can not be met. If minimum cover (minimum
of 2 feet from top of vault to bottom of scarified subgrade) then the lane(s) above the vault
Page 1
will need to be constructed in concrete. This needs to be shown and noted on the plans. If
the location and depth of the vault is not determined before the plans are approved, we will
need a set of as -built plans showing the vault location and elevations, cover amount and
what exactly is built to be provided before the improvements will be accepted by the city.
Topic: intersection
Number: 22 Created: 2/28/2005
[2128/05] Provide a transition elevation and distance (if to be built like a street intersection).
This needs to be clarified - where is the flowline of Overland cross this intersection.
Topic: Plan and Profile
Number: 8 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] What is the driveway at station 13+50 for? 14 feet probably doesn't met our
minimum driveway width requirements. This driveway will need to be built per standard
detail with concrete to Property line or beyond so that dragout of gravel and dirt does not
Number: 9 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Why are you putting in curb and gutter when this is an interim situation?
Number: 11 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] The x-hatching you are using does not allow us to see the roadway striping, lines
or text behind it.
Number: 12 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Need to make sure that the x-hatching, text and line work meets City scanning
criteria. Can not read most of the plan view due tot eh line weights and x-hatching.
Number: 13 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Remove the notes regarding full depth asphalt. The pavement design is not done
until a final soils report is done. The pavement design for Rampart can stay on the plans - it
will just be for the portion of Rampart that is behind the ROW line.
Number: 14 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] How is the intersection with Rampart to be built? This is not a public street. Need
to show how this is to be designed and built. If going to have a cross pan it needs to be
concrete. Need to either build this like a street intersection or as a driveway intersection.
Follow the appropriate design requirements and include the appropriate details.
Number: 15 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05]The radii at Rampart - the radii shown do not meet standards. The radii would be
20-25 feet per table 8-2 depending on whether this is considered a driveway or equivalent to
a street. If there is a reason for the greater radii, please submit a variance request with
information and turning templates showing the movements and why the greater radii is
needed for consideration.
Number: 16 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] For the dedication of new right-of-way. Please let me know if you need sample
documents for this dedication.
Page 2
Number: 17 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Are any of the utilities to be relocated or are they going under the pavement?
Number: 18 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] The existing entry sign and rocks, please try and get this located out of future row.
Row needed at this time for ultimate improvements is 57'h feet from Centerline. This
amount does not include a future right turn lane if that would be needed or desired by CSU
when the road would go to a 4 lane section.
Number: 20 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Make sure it is clear that this is an interim improvement (flowline profile, curb and
gutter, pavement edge). In addition to the labeling you have done, please make the label
changes as shown on the redlined plans including adding interim to the sheet titles for the
overland trail x-sections.
Number: 44 Created: 6/9/2008
[6/9/08] Although you are providing interim improvements these improvements still need to
meet standards. There is one section where the flowline grades do not meet minimum
grade requirements. Minimum grade of .5% needs to be maintained, the flowline in this
area will need to be adjusted. Also have a few locations where the maximum grade break is
being exceeded.
Topic: x-section
Number: 25 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Where you are not providing curb and gutter, you need to provide a paved
shoulder (2 foot min) and a gravel shoulder (4 foot min) beyond the travel edge.
Department: Light & Power Issue Contact: Doug Martine
Topic: electric utility
Number: 2 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] comment from Doug Martine - Light and power
There is a major, concrete encased, electrical substation tie circuit along the western side of
Overland Trail that is not shown on the drawings. In some areas they are changing the
grade which may leave less than the minimum cover over this line as required by the
National Electric Safety Code. The NESC prescribed minimum cover is 36 inches, but may
be reduced by providing "supplemental protection". This is defined as adding one inch of
concrete to replace 2 inches of soil over the top of the electric facilities. In other words, if
concrete is added from the top of the electric conduits all the way to the surface, the
minimum depth maybe reduced to 18".
Number: 32 Created: 5/22/2008
[5/22/08] Sheet C3.1 includes a note referencing backfilling above the electric duct bank
with flowable backfill. CSU needs to pothole the exact depth of the electric substation tie
circuit. This line must be a minimum of 36" below the final grade, or a minimum of 18" if the
entire area from the top of the duct bank to the final surface is backfilled with concrete (1000
psi minimum) - see comment #2 above. Backfilling with flow -fill is not adequate.
Department: Traffic Operations Issue Contact: Ward Stanford
Topic: Traffic
Number: 34 Created: 6/6/2008
[6/6/08] Signage and Pavement Marking notes: Add to end of note # 2, "or Epoxy paint".
Page 3
Please insert "Traffic" between Entity and Engineer in Note #6, Note #11, and at 2 locations
in Note #14. Please insert "or their Designate" at the end of the first sentence of Note #11
(after Local (Traffic) Engineer) . Please insert "City of Fort Collins," after MUTCD, in Note
Number: 35 Created: 6/6/2008
[6/6/08] Please show width of existing/remaining lanes thru area of Overland Trail roadway
Number: 36 Created: 6/6/2008
[6/6/08] Please add a R1-1 Stop Sign on east bound Rampart at Overland.
Number: 37 Created: 6/6/2008
[6/6/08] Need to indicate the dbl yellow striped medians on Overland.
Number: 38 Created: 6/6/2008
[6/6/08] The Attachment A TIS Base Assumptions form does not indicate the approving
Local EntityEngineers name. Please provide.
Number: 39 Created: 6/6/2008
[6/6/08] Turn lane lengths are appropriate.
Number: 40 Created: 6/6/2008
[6/6/08] The TIS is acceptable to the City.
Number: 41 Created: 6/6/2008
[6/6/08] All landscaping at the Overland & Rampart needs to maintain sight distances as
per LCUASS standards. No ornamental trees within those sight distances should be
Department: Stormwater-Water-Wastewater Issue Contact: Wes Lamarque
Topic: stormwater
Number: 30 Created: 3/1/2005
[3/1/05] Comment from Wes Lamarque in Stormwater.
Does drainage go from the swale onto the curb and gutter? Erosion concerns? Sediment
on street concern.
Number: 33 Created: 6/4/2008
[6/4/08] Please provide a "drainage letter" discussing any changes in the drainage patterns
along the area proposed for improvements. Include the new curb -cut and discuss where
these flows, which have probably increased, go downstream.
Be sure and return all of your redlined plans when you re -submit. We will need 5 sets of
revised plans for routing and review.
If you have any questions regarding these issues or any other issues related to this project,
please feel free to call me at (970) 221-6605.
Sheri Langenberger, P.E.
Page 4
City of .Fort Collins
DMW Civil Engineers Date: 3/3/2005
c/o Jay Davis
1435 West 29" Street
Loveland, Co 80538
Staff has reviewed your submittal for OVERLAND TRAIL AND RAMPART
IMPROVEMENTS-CSU, and we offer the following comments:
Department: Engineering Issue Contact: Sheri Wamhoff
Topic; General
Number: 3 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/051 Provide City General Notes and Construction Notes. See Attached for a list of
what to include.
Number: 4 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] The title of the plans on the cover sheet needs to read: Utility Plans for Overland
Trail at Rampart.
Need to know what part of Overland Trail this plan set applies to.
Number: 5 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Add legal description below the title on the cover sheet (the township, section and
range that this is in)
Number: 6 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/051 Need City signature block on these plans.
Number: 7 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Provide the following details: 701, 706, 707 or 708, 710, and 2201.
Number: 26 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] See plans for additional comments
Number: 27 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] See check sheet for information and comments.
Number: 28 Created: 2/28/2005
(2/28/05] Has a preliminary soils report been done?
Number: 29 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Has a drainage report been submitted — This is needed unless waived by
Number: 31 Created: 3/3/2005
[3/3/05] Not sure that an adequate transition for the 12 foot shift in the south bound travel is
provided. This transition length is typically calculated based on the posted speed limit.
Page 1
Topic: intersection
Number: 22 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Provide a transition elevation and distance (if to be built like a street intersection)
Number: 23 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Minimum x-slope is 1.5% on reconstruction. Have a couple of locations on
Overland Trail as shown on the detail that are not meeting this criterion.
Topic: Plan and Profile
Number: 8 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] What is the driveway at station 13+50 for? 14 feet probably doesn't met our
minimum driveway width requirements. This driveway will need to be built per standard
detail with concrete to Property line or beyond so that dragout of gravel and dirt does not
Number: 9 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Why are you putting in curb and gutter when this is an interim situation?
Number: 10 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] What happens to the drainage at the end of the curb and gutter?
Number: 11 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] The x-hatching you are using does not allow us to see the roadway striping, lines
or text behind it.
Number: 12 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Need to make sure that the x-hatching, text and line work meets City scanning
Number: 13 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Remove the notes regarding full depth asphalt. The pavement design is not done
until a final soils report is done.
Number: 14 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] How is the intersection with Rampart to be built? This is not a public street. Need
to show how this is to be designed and built. If going to have a cross pan it needs to be
concrete. Need to either build this like a street intersection or as a driveway intersection.
Follow the appropriate design requirements and include the appropriate details.
Number: 15 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05]The radii at Rampart - the radii shown do not meet standards. The radii would be
20-25 feet per table 8-2 depending on whether this is considered a driveway or equivalent to
a street.
Number: 16 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] For the dedication of new right-of-way. Please let me know if you need sample
documents for this dedication.
Number: 17 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Are any of the utilities to be relocated or are they going under the pavement?
Page 2
Number: 18 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] The existing entry sign and rocks, please try and get this located out of future row.
Row needed at this time for ultimate improvements is 57'/Z feet from Centerline. This
amount does not include a future right turn lane if that would be needed or desired by CSU
when the road would go to a 4 lane section.
Number: 19 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Need a flowline profile. Need to identify the start and end of the new curb and
Number: 20 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Make sure it is clear that this is an interim improvement (flowline profile, curb and
gutter, pavement edge)
Number: 21 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Need slopes and grades on the centerline profile provided.
Topic: x-section
Number: 24 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Need to identify what the slope of the new section of roadway is.
Number: 25 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Where you are not providing curb and gutter, you need to provide a paved
shoulder (2 foot min) and a gravel shoulder (4 foot min) beyond the travel edge.
Department: Stormwater Issue Contact: Wes Lemarque
Topic: stormwater
Number: 30 Created: 3/1/2005
[3/1/05] Comment from Wes Lamarque in Stormwater.
Does drainage go from the swale onto the curb and gutter? Erosion concerns? Sediment
on street concern.
Department: Light and Power Issue Contact: Doug Martine
Topic: light and power
Number: 2 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] comment from Doug Martine - Light and power
There is a major, concrete encased, electrical substation tie circuit along the western side of
Overland Trail that is not shown on the drawings. In some areas they are changing the
grade which may leave less than the minimum cover over this line as required by the
National Electric Safety Code. The NESC prescribed minimum cover is 36 inches, but may
be reduced by providing "supplemental protection". This is defined as adding one inch of
concrete to replace 2 inches of soil over the top of the electric facilities. In other words, if
concrete is added from the top of the electric conduits all the way to the surface, the
minimum depth maybe reduced to 18".
Department: Transportation Planning Issue Contact: David Averill
Topic: General
Number: 1 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] The planset doesn't read very well. At this point I'm primarily concerned with
deciphering the proposed width of the bike lanes at this location. City standards call for 8'.
Please clarify. Thanks.
Page 3
Page 1
r Sheri Langenberger - Overland/Rampart warranty
From: Marc Virata
To: stephen.keiss@colostate.edu
Date: Monday, October 06, 2008 3:27:09 PM
Subject: Overland/Rampart warranty
Following up our conversation from earlier today, please allow this email to serve as the City's position that
condition number 9 on page 2 of the DCP (Development Construction Permit) for the work out on
Overland and Rampart, referencing a warranty of 5 years for the improvements, does not apply to the
project. The City agrees to the term of a two year warranty as specified in the security letter from Brian
Chase to the City and accepted by Sheri Langenberger. Condition 9 is our standard template and was not
tweaked to reflect the understanding set forth in the letter from Mr. Chase.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Marc P. Virata, P.E.
City of Fort Collins - Engineering Department
Phone: (970) 221-6605
Fax: (970) 221-6378
CC: Sheri Langenberger
Comments from Traffic Operations will be forthcoming (they are currently reviewing the
plans). All additional comments will be forwarded on as soon as they are received.
Be sure and return all of your redlined plans when you re -submit. Please resubmit 6 sets of
blueline plans for review.
If you have any questions regarding these issues or any other issues related to this project,
please feel free to call me at (970) 221-6750.
Yours Trujy,
Sheri V1/amhoff, PEA'
Development Review Manager
Page 4
Sheri Wamhoff - Overland Trail &Rampart Pale 1
From: Doug Martine
To: Sheri Wamhoff
Date: 2/9/2005 11:19:21 AM
Subject: Overland Trail & Rampart
I couldn't find this project in DMx, so I will just send you my comments via GroupWise.
There is a major, concrete encased, electrical substation tie circuit along the western side of Overland
Trail that is not shown on the drawings. In some areas they are changing the grade which may leave less
than the minimum cover over this line as required by the National Electric Safety Code. The NESC
prescribed minimum cover is 36", but may be reduced by providing "supplimental protection." This is
defined as adding one inch of concrete to replace 2 inches of soil over the top of the electric facilities. In
other words, if concrete is added from the top of the electric conduits all the way to the surface, the
minimum depth may be reduced to 18".
3400 WEST 1 6T" STREET
(970) 378-6935, FAX (970) 376-6997
To: Sheri Langenberger, P.E.
Engineering Development Review Manager
City of Fort Collins
PO Box 580
Pp0 RE is
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
From: Jade P. Miller, P.E.
DMW Civil Engineers, Inc.
Date: September 9, 2008
0101VALENG\�� �
Project: Utility Plans for Overland Trail at Rampart Road
Fort Collins, Colorado
Project No. 0801.00-RIC
On behalf of our client with the above referenced project, we are requesting variances
to the City's Standard Design Criteria. Per the Larimer County Urban Area Street
Standards, Sec. 8.2.8.A, corner radii shall meet the requirements of Table 8.2. For the
purposes of this design, the private Rampart Road is being treated as a Local street.
Table 8-2 indicates that a curb radius of 25 feet be used for an intersection of an Arterial
and a Local street. The proposed corner radii for this intersection are designed to be 30
The larger corner radius was requested by Colorado State University to accommodate
the anticipated truck traffic passing through the intersection. As shown on the attached
exhibit, a larger radius allows more room for trucks to maneuver. Even with the 30 foot
radius, larger trucks will still need to use caution, as with any city intersection. The
larger radius will facilitate smoother and safer truck movement through the intersection.
It is our opinion that the proposed design will adequately meet the intent of the
standards for the health, safety and welfare of the public.
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Overland Trail
City of Ft. Collins Staff Project Review:
3400 WEST 1 6'" STREET
(970) 378-6935, FAX (970) 378-6997
Topic: General:
Number:6 Need City Signature block on these plans
Signature is on the plans
Number:26 See plans for additional comments
Additional comments have been looked at.
Number:28 Has a preliminary soils report been done? The plans include a
reference to a soils report that was done in 2005. This report has not been submitted
to the city of Ft. Collins
Soils report has been done and was submitted with original plans in
2005. Additional copies have been provided.
Number:42 Row needed at this time for ultimate improvements is 57 '/ feet from
the centerline. This amount does not include a future right turn lane if that would be
needed or desired by CSU when the road would go to a 4 lane section. The TIS
submitted doesn't identify if this will be a future need. So if only 57.5 is dedicated
then a future right turn lane will not be provided.
Additional ROW is being dedicated for the planned improvements.
Number:43 See notes on the plans regarding the typical sections for Overland
Trail. Two of the sections have the same label, but show different sections. Show
that the 4 foot gravel shoulder is being provided where you are not installing curb
and gutter. You indicate that there is 60 feet of existing ROW, I come up with closer
to 70 feet when I measure it on the county site.
Typical sections have been added to street sheet. Labels now include
stationing for clarity. The duplicate label has been corrected. Has
additional ROW been dedicated here recently? All of the existing ROW
shown is based upon recorded plats.
Number:45 One the plan view and in one of the x-sections there is a 20 inch ADS
pipe identified. ADS is not allowed within the ROW. This pipe if needed (I couldn't
figure out what it was for) will need to be replaced with a pipe that is allowed within
the ROW.
The pipe has been removed from the design.
Number:46 Add the following note to the plan and profile sheet- Limits of street cut
are approximate. Final limits are to be determined in the field by the City Engineering
Inspector. All repairs to be in accordance with the city street repair standard.
The note has been added
Number.47 Really need to pot hole and find out the exact location and elevation of
the electric system before these plans are finalized and approved. The vault if
correctly shown, minimum cover requirements for the roadway can not be met. If
minimum cover (minimum of 2 feet from top of vault to bottom of scarified subgrade)
then the lane(s) above the vault will need to be constructed in concrete. This needs
to be shown and noted on the plans. If the location and depth of the vault is not
determined before the plans are approved, we will need a set of as -built plans
showing the vault location and elevations, cover amount and what exactly is built to
be provided before the improvements will be accepted by the city
Potholes have been done for this area. DMW has coordinated the
design over the duct bank with Doug Martin.
Topic: Intersection:
Number:22 Provided a transition elevation and distance (if to be built like a street
intersection). This needs to be clarified- where is the flow line of Overland cross this
The cross sections needed to be revised and no longer indicate a flow
line across the intersection. There is only a slight warp to the pavement
to promote proper drainage.
Topic: Plan and Profile:
Number:8 What is the driveway at station 13+50 for? 14 feet probably doesn't meet
our minimum driveway width requirements. This driveway will need to be built per
standard detail with concrete to property line or beyond so that dragout of gravel and
dirt does not occur
The driveway was requested by utility companies to access equipment in
the right of way behind the new curb.
Number:9 Why are you putting in curb and gutter when this is an interim situation?
A roadside ditch along Overland Trail south of Rampart would have
possibly exposed the duct bank.
Number:11 The x-hatching you are using does not allow us to see the roadway
striping, lines or text behind it.
This has been cleaned up.
Number:12 Need to make sure that the x-hatching, text and line work meets City
scanning criteria. Can not read most of the plan view due to the line weights and x-
Another view for existing has been added for clarity.
Number:13 Remove the notes regarding full depth asphalt. The pavement design is
not done until a final soils report is done. The pavement design for Rampart can stay
on the plans- it will just be for the portion of Rampart that is behind the ROW line.
The note has been removed
Number:14 How is the intersection with Rampart to be built? This is not a public
street. Need to show how this is to be designed and built. If going to have a cross
pan it needs to be concrete. Need to either build this like a street intersection or as a
driveway intersection. Follow the appropriate design requirements and include the
appropriate details.
The intersection will be built like a street intersection with no pan.
Number.15 The radii at Rampart- The radii shown do not meet standards. The radii
would be 20-25 feet per table 8-2 depending on whether this is considered a
driveway or equivalent to a street. If there is a reason for the greater radii, please
submit a variance request with information and turning templates showing the
improvements and why the greater radii is needed for consideration.
The Radii meets the larger radii requirements for CSU.
Number:16 For the dedication of new right-of-way. Please let me know if you need
sample documents for this dedication.
435' of 20' of ROW is being dedicated.
Number:17 Are there any of the utilities to be relocated or are they going under
Several utilities are being relocated such as telephone and cable tv.
Other utilities, such as the electric duct bank will stay under the
Number:18 The existing entry sign and rocks, please try and get this located out of
the future ROW. ROW needed at this time for ultimate improvements is 57 % feet
from centerline. This amount does not include a future right turn lane if that would be
needed or desired by CSU when the road would go to a 4 lane section.
A note has been added to place landscaping out of future ROW and
sight triangle
Number:20 Make sure it is clear that this is an interim improvement (flow line
profile, curb and gutter, pavement edge). In addition to the labeling you have done,
please make the label changes as shown on the redlined plans including adding
interim to the sheet titles for the Overland Trail x-sections.
Additional labeling has been added.
Number:44 Although you are providing interim improvements these improvements
still need to meet standards. There is one section where the flow line grades do not
meet minimum grade requirements. Minimum grade of 0.5% needs to be
maintained, the flow line in this area will need to be adjusted. Also have a few
locations where the maximum grade break is being exceeded.
The plans have been modified to be in better conformance with the
standards. In order to match the existing street and have acceptable
cross slopes, there had to be a few exceptions to some of these criteria.
Topic: x-section:
Number:25 Where you are not providing curb and gutter, you need to provide a
paved shoulder (2 foot minimum) and a gravel shoulder (4 foot min) beyond the
travel edge.
If the 6 feet of shoulder were to be used, the roadside ditch would
interfere with additional utilities.
Department: light and Power
Topic: Light and Power:
Number.2 There is a major, concrete, encased, electrical substation tie circuit along
the western side of Overland Trail that is not shown on the drawings. In some areas
they are changing the grade which may leave less than the minimum cover over this
line as required by the National Electric Safety Code. The NESC prescribed
minimum cover is 36 inches, but may be reduced by providing "supplemental
protection". This is defined as adding one inch on concrete to replace 2 inches of soil
over the top of the electric facilities. In other words, if concrete is added from the top
of the electric conduits all the way to the surface, the minimum depth maybe
reduced to 18"
This has been worked out and approved by Doug Martine.
Number.32 Sheet C3.1 includes a note referencing backfilling above the electric
duct bank with flowable badcflll. CSU needs to pothole the exact depth of the electric
substation tie circuit. This line must be a minimum of 36" below the final grade, or a
minimum of 18" of the entire area from the top of the duct bank to the final surface is
backfilled with concrete (1000 psi minimum)- see comment #2 above. Backfiliing
with flow -fill is not adequate.
This has been worked out and approved by Doug Martine.
Department: Traffic Operations
Topic: Traffic:
Number:34 Signage and Pavement Marking notes: Add to end of note #2, "or
epoxy paint". Please insert "traffic" between entity and engineer in note #6, Note
#11, and at 2 locations in note #14. Please insert "or their Designate" at the end of
the first sentence of note#11 (after local (Traffic) Engineer). Please insert "City of
Fort Collins, "after MUTCD, in note #14.
The notes have been updated.
Number:35 Please shown width of existing/ remaining lanes thru area of Overland
Trail roadway improvements.
Dimensions have been added for clarity of existing lanes.
Number:36 Please add a R1-1 Stop sign on east bound Rampart at Overland.
There is an existing stop sign at that location. Its placement will be
updated per intersection improvements.
Number:37 Need to indicate the dbl yellow striped medians on Overland.
Double yellow is indicated as symbol 7" on striping plan. Median striping
has been added and labeled with symbol "10".
Number:38 The attached A TIS Base Assumptions form does not indicate the
approving Local Entity Engineers name. Please provide.
I have asked the Traffic Engineer to provide this information and will
forward it on to you.
Number:39 Turn lane lengths are appropriate
Number:40 The TIS is acceptable to the city.
Number:41 All landscaping at the Overland and Rampart need to maintain sight
distances as per LCUASS standards. No ornamental trees within those sight
distances should be allowed.
A note has been added to place landscaping out of future ROW and
sight triangle
Department: Stormwater-Water-Wastewater
Topic: Stormwater:
Number:30 Does drainage go from the swale onto the curb and gutter? Erosion
concerns? Sediment on the street concern?
Drainage goes from street to a culvert under Overland Trail.
Number:33 Please provide a "drainage letter" discussing any changes in the
drainage patterns along the area proposed for improvements. Include the new curb -
cut and discuss where these flows, which have probably increased, go down stream.
A drainage letter was provided with the original submittal in 2005. An
additional copy is provided.
city of
F6rt Collins
July 23, 2009
Brian Chase
Colorado State University
Facilities Management
Facilities Services Center North
Fort Collins, CO 80523-6030
Re: Rampart Road & Overland Trail Intersection Improvements
Mr. Brian Chase:
Planning, Development & Transportation
Engineering Department
281 North College Avenue
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
970.221.6378 - fax
This letter is to formally inform you that the development project, Rampart Road & Overland
Trail Intersection Improvements, has been initially accepted by the City of Fort Collins —
Engineering, per the date of this letter. This includes, but is not limited to, all infrastructure in the
public right of way and public utility easements.
Per your development agreement, you have agreed to provide to the City of Fort Collins a two-
year (2) warranty for all constructed infrastructure as shown in the approved plans and sheet
revisions for this project.
Please be aware that this letter does not relieve the developer, contractors, lot owners or their
subcontractors of their responsibility for the repair of any damage that may occur as a result of
the building construction.
If you have any additional questions you may reach me at 970.217.4089.
Rhonda Henson
C.O.F.C. Construction Inspector
Pat Hyland
Helen Matson
Project File
Letter of Credit File
3400 WEST 1 6T" STREET
(970) 37B-6935, FAX (970) 37EI-6997
Overland Trail
City of Ft. Collins Staff Proiect Review:
Topic: General:
Number:6 Need City Signature block on these plans
Number:26 See plans for additional comments
Additional comments have been looked at.
Number:28 Has a preliminary soils report been done? The plans include a
reference to a soils report that was done in 2005. This report has not been submitted
to the city of Ft. Collins
Soils report has been done and was submitted with original plans in
2005. Additional copies have been provided.
Number:42 Row needed at this time for ultimate improvements is 57 Y2 feet from
the centerline. This amount does not include a future right turn lane if that would be
needed or desired by CSU when the road would go to a 4 lane section. The TIS
submitted doesn't identify if this will be a future need. So if only 57.5 is dedicated
then a future right turn lane will not be provided.
Additional ROW is being dedicated for the planned improvements.
Number:43 See notes on the plans regarding the typical sections for Overland
Trail. Two of the sections have the same label, but show different sections. Show
that the 4 foot gravel shoulder is being provided where you are not installing curb
and gutter. You indicate that there is 60 feet of existing ROW, I come up with closer
to 70 feet when I measure it on the county site.
Typical sections have been added to street sheet. Labels now include
stationing for clarity. The duplicate label has been corrected. Has additional
ROW been dedicated here recently? All of the existing ROW shown is based
upon recorded plats.
Number:45 One the plan view and in one of the x-sections there is a 20 inch ADS
pipe identified. ADS is not allowed within the ROW. This pipe if needed (I couldn't
figure out what it was for) will need to be replaced with a pipe that is allowed within
the ROW.
The pipe has been removed from the design.
Number:46 Add the following note to the plan and profile sheet- Limits of street cut
are approximate. Final limits are to be determined in the field by the City Engineering
Inspector. All repairs to be in accordance with the city street repair standard.
The note has been added
Number:47 Really need to pot hole and find out the exact location and elevation of
the electric system before these plans are finalized and approved. The vault if
correctly shown, minimum cover requirements for the roadway can not be met. If
minimum cover (minimum of 2 feet from top of vault to bottom of scarified subgrade)
then the lane(s) above the vault will need to be constructed in concrete. This needs
to be shown and noted on the plans. If the location and depth of the vault is not
determined before the plans are approved, we will need a set of as -built plans
showing the vault location and elevations, cover amount and what exactly is built to
be provided before the improvements will be accepted by the city
Potholes have been done for this area. DMW has coordinated the
design over the duct bank with Doug Martin.
Topic: Intersection:
Number:22 Provided a transition elevation and distance (if to be built like a street
intersection). This needs to be clarified- where is the flow line of Overland cross this
The cross sections needed to be revised and no longer indicate a flow
line across the intersection. There is only a slight warp to the pavement to
promote proper drainage.
Topic: Plan and Profile:
Number:8 What is the driveway at station 13+50 for? 14 feet probably doesn't meet
our minimum driveway width requirements. This driveway will need to be built per
standard detail with concrete to property line or beyond so that dragout of gravel and
dirt does not occur
The driveway was requested by utility companies to access equipment in
the right of way behind the new curb.
Number:9 Why are you putting in curb and gutter when this is an interim situation?
A roadside ditch along Overland Trail south of Rampart would have
possibly exposed the duct bank.
Number:11 The x-hatching you are using does not allow us to see the roadway
striping, lines or text behind it.
This has been cleaned up.
Number:12 Need to make sure that the x-hatching, text and line work meets City
scanning criteria. Can not read most of the plan view due to the line weights and x-
Another view for existing has been added for clarity.
Number:13 Remove the notes regarding full depth asphalt. The pavement design is
not done until a final soils report is done. The pavement design for Rampart can stay
on the plans- it will just be for the portion of Rampart that is behind the ROW line.
The note has been removed
Number:14 How is the intersection with Rampart to be built? This is not a public
street. Need to show how this is to be designed and built. If going to have a cross
pan it needs to be concrete. Need to either build this like a street intersection or as a
driveway intersection. Follow the appropriate design requirements and include the
appropriate details.
The intersection will be built like a street intersection with no pan.
Number:15 The radii at Rampart- The radii shown do not meet standards. The radii
would be 20-25 feet per table 8-2 depending on whether this is considered a
driveway or equivalent to a street. If there is a reason for the greater radii, please
submit a variance request with information and turning templates showing the
improvements and why the greater radii is needed for consideration.
The Radii meets the larger radii requirements for CSU.
Number:16 For the dedication of new right-of-way. Please let me know if you need
sample documents for this dedication.
435' of 20' of ROW is being dedicated.
Number:17 Are there any of the utilities to be relocated or are they going under
Several utilities are being relocated such as telephone and cable tv.
Other utilities, such as the electric duct bank will stay under the pavement.
Number:18 The existing entry sign and rocks, please try and get this located out of
the future ROW. ROW needed at this time for ultimate improvements is 57 'h feet
from centerline. This amount does not include a future right turn lane if that would be
needed or desired by CSU when the road would go to a 4 lane section.
A note has been added to place landscaping out of future ROW and
sight triangle
Number:20 Make sure it is clear that this is an interim improvement (flow line
profile, curb and gutter, pavement edge). In addition to the labeling you have done,
please make the label changes as shown on the redlined plans including adding
interim to the sheet titles for the Overland Trail x-sections.
Additional labeling has been added.
Number:44 Although you are providing interim improvements these improvements
still need to meet standards. There is one section where the flow line grades do not
meet minimum grade requirements. Minimum grade of 0.5% needs to be
maintained, the flow line in this area will need to be adjusted. Also have a few
locations where the maximum grade break is being exceeded.
The plans have been modified to be in better conformance with the
standards. In order to match the existing street and have acceptable cross
slopes, there had to be a few exceptions to some of these criteria.
Topic: x-section:
Number:25 Where you are not providing curb and gutter, you need to provide a
paved shoulder (2 foot minimum) and a gravel shoulder (4 foot min) beyond the
travel edge.
If the 6 feet of shoulder were to be used, the roadside ditch would
interfere with additional utilities.
Department: light and Power
Topic: Light and Power:
Number:2 There is a major, concrete, encased, electrical substation tie circuit along
the western side of Overland Trail that is not shown on the drawings. In some areas
they are changing the grade which may leave less than the minimum cover over this
line as required by the National Electric Safety Code. The NESC prescribed
minimum cover is 36 inches, but may be reduced by providing "supplemental
protection". This is defined as adding one inch on concrete to replace 2 inches of soil
over the top of the electric facilities. In other words, if concrete is added from the top
of the electric conduits all the way to the surface, the minimum depth maybe
reduced to 18"
This has been worked out and approved by Doug Martine.
Number:32 Sheet C3.1 includes a note referencing backfilling above the electric
duct bank with flowable backfill. CSU needs to pothole the exact depth of the electric
substation tie circuit. This line must be a minimum of 36" below the final grade, or a
minimum of 18" of the entire area from the top of the duct bank to the final surface is
backfilled with concrete (1000 psi minimum)- see comment #2 above. Backfilling
with flow -fill is not adequate.
This has been worked out and approved by Doug Martine.
Department: Traffic Operations
Topic: Traffic:
Number:34 Signage and Pavement Marking notes: Add to end of note #2, `or
epoxy paint'. Please insert "traffic" between entity and engineer in note #6, Note
#11, and at 2 locations in note #14. Please insert "or their Designate" at the end of
the first sentence of note#11 (after local (Traffic) Engineer). Please insert "City of
Fort Collins, "after MUTCD, in note #14.
The notes have been updated.
Number:35 Please shown width of existing/ remaining lanes thru area of Overland
Trail roadway improvements.
Dimensions have been added for clarity of existing lanes.
Number:36 Please add a R1-1 Stop sign on east bound Rampart at Overland.
There is an existing stop sign at that location. Its placement will be
updated per intersection improvements.
Number:37 Need to indicate the dbl yellow striped medians on Overland.
Double yellow is indicated as symbol "7" on striping plan
Number:38 The attached A TIS Base Assumptions form does not indicate the
approving Local Entity Engineers name. Please provide.
1 have asked the Traffic Engineer to provide this information and will
forward it on to you.
Number:39 Turn lane lengths are appropriate
Number:40 The TIS is acceptable to the city.
Number:41 All landscaping at the Overland and Rampart need to maintain sight
distances as per LCUASS standards. No ornamental trees within those sight
distances should be allowed.
A note has been added to place landscaping out of future ROW and
sight triangle
Department: Stormwater-Water-Wastewater
Topic: Stormwater:
Number:30 Does drainage go from the swale onto the curb and gutter? Erosion
concerns? Sediment on the street concern?
Drainage goes from street to a culvert under Overland Trail.
Number:33 Please provide a "drainage letter" discussing any changes in the
drainage patterns along the area proposed for improvements. Include the new curb -
cut and discuss where these flows, which have probably increased, go down stream.
A drainage letter was provided with the original submittal in 2005. An
additional copy is provided.
Sheri Wamhoff - Overland Trail im rovements at Rampart Comments Page 1
From: Sheri Wamhoff
To: jade@dmwcivilengineers.com; skeiss@users.fm.colostate.edu
Date: 3/10/2005 9:23:51 AM
Subject: Overland Trail improvements at Rampart Comments
Jay and Steve
I received comments back from Eric Bracke in Traffic Operations. His basic comment is they need to see
the proposed signing and striping for the improvements. The plans as received - this was not visible.
Sheri Wamhoff
Development Review Manager
City of Fort Collins, Engineering Dept
�. _. --z--gym.
S* Wamhoff OverlrandFTrail, im rovemerits at Ram art Comments » Page 1
From: Sheri Wamhoff
To: jade@dmwcivilengineers.com; skeiss@users.fm.colostate.edu
Date: 3/3/2005 4:24:12 PM
Subject: Overland Trail improvements at Rampart Comments
Jay and Steve
Attached is a copy of the comments on the utility plan review for the Overland Trail at Rampart plans.
They do not include Traffic Operations Comments. I spoke with Eric Bracke this afternoon and he will try
to review tomorrow and pass his comments onto me. At such time that I receive them I will forward them
Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the comments.
Jay as we spoke about it on the plans the redlined plans are available to be picked up when ever you have
a chance.
Sheri Wamhoff
Development Review Manager
City of Fort Collins, Engineering Dept
City of Port Collins
DMW Civil Engineers Date: 3/3/2005
c/o Jay Davis
1435 West 29th Street
Loveland, Co 80538
Staff has reviewed your submittal for OVERLAND TRAIL AND RAMPART
IMPROVEMENTS-CSU, and we offer the following comments:
Department: Engineering Issue Contact: Sheri Wamhoff
Topic: General
Number: 3 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Provide City General Notes and Construction Notes. See Attached for a list of
what to include.
Number: 4 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] The title of the plans on the cover sheet needs to read: Utility Plans for Overland
Trail at Rampart.
Need to know what part of Overland Trail this plan set applies to.
Number: 5 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Add legal description below the title on the cover sheet (the township, section and
range that this is in)
Number: 6 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Need City signature block on these plans.
Number: 7 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Provide the following details: 701, 706, 707 or 708, 710, and 2201.
Number: 26 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] See plans for additional comments
Number: 27 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] See check sheet for information and comments.
Number: 28 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Has a preliminary soils report been done?
Number: 29 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Has a drainage report been submitted — This is needed unless waived by
Number: 31 Created: 3/3/2005
[3/3/05] Not sure that an adequate transition for the 12 foot shift in the south bound travel is
provided. This transition length is typically calculated based on the posted speed limit.
Page 1
Topic: intersection
Number: 22 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Provide a transition elevation and distance (if to be built like a street intersection)
Number: 23 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Minimum x-slope is 1.5% on reconstruction. Have a couple of locations on
Overland Trail as shown on the detail that are not meeting this criterion.
Topic: Plan and Profrle
Number: 8 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] What is the driveway at station 13+50 for? 14 feet probably doesn't met our
minimum driveway width requirements. This driveway will need to be built per standard
detail with concrete to Property line or beyond so that dragout of gravel and dirt does not
Number: 9 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Why are you putting in curb and gutter when this is an interim situation?
Number: 10 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] What happens to the drainage at the end of the curb and gutter?
Number: 11 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] The x-hatching you are using does not allow us to see the roadway striping, lines
or text behind it.
Number: 12 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Need to make sure that the x-hatching, text and line work meets City scanning
Number: 13 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Remove the notes regarding full depth asphalt. The pavement design is not done
until a final soils report is done.
Number: 14 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] How is the intersection with Rampart to be built? This is not a public street. Need
to show how this is to be designed and built. If going to have a cross pan it needs to be
concrete. Need to either build this like a street intersection or as a driveway intersection.
Follow the appropriate design requirements and include the appropriate details.
Number: 15 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05]The radii at Rampart - the radii shown do not meet standards. The radii would be
20-25 feet per table 8-2 depending on whether this is considered a driveway or equivalent to
a street.
Number: 16 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] For the dedication of new right-of-way. Please let me know if you need sample
documents for this dedication.
Number: 17 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Are any of the utilities to be relocated or are they going under the pavement?
Page 2
Number: 18 Created: 2/28/2005
(2/28/05] The existing entry sign and rocks, please try and get this located out of future row.
Row needed at this time for ultimate improvements is 57'/ feet from Centerline. This
amount does not include a future right turn lane if that would be needed or desired by CSU
when the road would go to a 4 lane section.
Number: 19 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Need a flowline profile. Need to identify the start and end of the new curb and
Number: 20 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Make sure it is clear that this is an interim improvement (flowline profile, curb and
gutter, pavement edge)
Number: 21 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Need slopes and grades on the centerline profile provided.
Topic: x-section
Number: 24 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Need to identify what the slope of the new section of roadway is.
Number: 25 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] Where you are not providing curb and gutter, you need to provide a paved
shoulder (2 foot min) and a gravel shoulder (4 foot min) beyond the travel edge.
Department: Stormwater Issue Contact: Wes Lemarque
Topic: stormwater
Number: 30 Created: 3/1 /2005
[3/1/05] Comment from Wes Lamarque in Stormwater.
Does drainage go from the swale onto the curb and gutter? Erosion concerns? Sediment
on street concern.
Department: Light and Power Issue Contact: Doug Martine
Topic: light and power
Number: 2 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] comment from Doug Martine - Light and power
There is a major, concrete encased, electrical substation tie circuit along the western side of
Overland Trail that is not shown on the drawings. In some areas they are changing the
grade which may leave less than the minimum cover over this line as required by the
National Electric Safety Code. The NESC prescribed minimum cover is 36 inches, but may
be reduced by providing "supplemental protection". This is defined as adding one inch of
concrete to replace 2 inches of soil over the top of the electric facilities. In other words, if
concrete is added from the top of the electric conduits all the way to the surface, the
minimum depth maybe reduced to 18".
Department: Transportation Planning Issue Contact: David Averill
Topic: General
Number: 1 Created: 2/28/2005
[2/28/05] The planset doesn't read very well. At this point I'm primarily concerned with
deciphering the proposed width of the bike lanes at this location. City standards call for 8'.
Please clarify. Thanks.
Page 3
Comments from Traffic Operations will be forthcoming (they are currently reviewing the
plans). All additional comments will be forwarded on as soon as they are received.
Be sure and return all of your redlined plans when you re -submit. Please resubmit 6 sets of
blueline plans for review.
If you have any questions regarding these issues or any other issues related to this project,
please feel free to call me at (970) 221-6750.
Yours Truly,
Sheri Wamhoff, PE
Development Review Manager
Page 4