HomeMy WebLinkAboutSOUTH SHIELDS STREET CONSOLIDATED ANNEX ORDINANCE # 35 1958 - Filed A-ANNEXATIONS - 2002-11-22Page is too large to OCR. OW W. 35 . 19Si ACCSFTIMS AND APROYIM TSN FLAT OF WNAT IS R'M W AS WIRS'! SODTN SHIELDS STRRRT AN WATIN TO I= CITY OF FORT CDLLINS* CDUMM* AND AYTNDR1ZUW TNR AMMATION OF ALL TNS TRRRTDDRT aGUM IN SAID FLAT TO THR CM OF FIMT COLLIMS AND TO RR INCLOO WITHIN TNR LIMITS AND MUDICTIOM TMUWo PMUAMT TO TNR AOTRORITY OnUMRD IM AUUTA 11* CHAPTER 139* CDLORADO RRYISRD jMMS. 193I. van"* heretofore written petitions were presented to the Council of the City of Fort Collins is substantial compliance with the provisions of Article 11* Chapter 199* Coloreds Revised Statutes, 1959* by the sets owner* of the area of land *Wksood in what to know as the First South Shields Street Annenatios to the City of Fort C011184w whovels and whereby said petitioners petitioned the City of Fort Collins for the annexation of all the territory abreoad is what is knows as First Soutb ObLelds Strest Animation to the City of Fort Collins* Coloradoa eomprisisg the lamb sown An the plat thoreaf attembed to acid petition mad sore partivalarly de"ribod as hereinafter net tortbw and Wl8 ume said potations were asserted by the Commit of the City of Fort Collins by resolution passed sad adopted on the 25tb day of Soptarisr* 19SF* and WMUSw notice lot bearing on the llth day of November* A* D. 19SSw on as ordinance arr ovins the anaesation of said territory and Including the some within the Units sad ju iedieties of the Cite of Fort Colliae was duly published as prewidod by low* and WMM2g the Commit of the City of Wert Collins has found that the petitions and the dooumum" thereto ottanhod east the requirements of Article It* Chapter 1I9, Colorado Revised Statatos* 1952w and WNSRRASw an prossediwes for an election to determine the quostion of ameosetios have base initiated by written oouatarpatitioa as provided by law and we objection to annexation bowing been wads. RR IT ONDAUUM RY TU QDWCIL OF US OITY OF FORT COLLM Section 1. That attar due consideration of the ;petitions for assmxntlon* the petitions few the annexation of all the territory in spat to known and dsseribed as First South Shields Street Amnwationte the City of Wort Collins* Colorado* as shown by the plat thereof annexed to said patitioesand which to morn particularly described as follows to -wits Part of the lbrtbaast k Scotia* 130 3owaohip 7 North* Cunene 0 West of the bth P.N.s Lardasr Cousty, Colorado contained within bowedmty Bare which begin at a point own the Seat live of the Northeat k of said Scott= 150 which point is 1093 foot North of the Southeast corsor oil the Northeast k of acid Seattom 150 which point is also the Southeast screw of the Clair to wolfor Amwaetia to for Gityoof Port Collivo* Colorado, "card - ins to the Plat, dated December 120 19360 and rumniwg thaeoo Matti parallel to the North line of the Northeast k of said Sootias 130 1290 feet to a point 30 feet treat all the coastline of City Park Avenue exteddod South, thecae months parallel to the Seat liar of the Northeast k of said penes lie 160 foots Chance Seats parallel to the North lima *9 the Northeast k of'said Section 190 LOW foot to a point 270 foot mast of the Seat lima of the Northeast k of said Section, 13, theme South, parallel tee the Seat lime of the Northeast k of said Seatioo Us 6703 foots theme Scots parallel to the North line of tips Northeast k of said Seabee li, 100 foot to a point 170 feet moot of the Seat lima of the Northeast k of said section Us thane* Southp parallel to the Seat line of tlpe Northeast k d said Sachem Ifs 102* 3 facts tb mee neat, parallel to the North line of the Northeast k said Section. Us 30 foot to a point 200 test mast of too Scat lima of the Northeast k of said Seatioa us thumps South parallel with the Seat Liss of the Northeast k of said' Sorties Us 141 foots than" Seats parallel to the North Lice of the Northeast k said Sootism Us 300 toot to a point on, the Seat lime of the Northeast k of said Section ins tisane North. sloes the moot live of the NortheastllC raid Section Us 499A toot to the point of basimsisso mad aectatabo so area of 6*593 across sore or lossl be aoeopted and appiwrM mad that the esid territory be accused and mode a part of the City of tort Collins end be iaaluded within the limits and wriedietims tbaroof sod that the City Clerk be end be is hereby awthortsed end dirwated to prepare certified aopioo of this ordinweaaoo to cook of daub shall be attached a plat of said first Swarth ablelds Street Aeemvation to the City of Port Collins* Colerade, and shall file a copy thereof is the Office of the Clerk and taosrder of the County of Larimer ad another aapy thereof in the Office of the Clerk of tbo City of tort Column, together with a aestLfiod copy of cold potitioasmwd anther copy of acid petitions sad approving with the Secretary of Stato of the State 09 Colorado, Section 2. That in, soceptimg sod pprorvims the plat of the First South Shioldo Street Avooustiom to the City of Fort Collins* the City of Fort Collins does not names ohlisattevs respecting the construction of wrier csirs cower limo. MW msivso electric lisbt limos or other service* or utilities with respect to service of said additiono accept as may be roqrired m d *revUed by the owrs of prop*M sdtbis the MAU of said additlatt In comipliews with the term sad previotoss -09 Ordisaaea lie. 70 19210 relatdep to I"" asd ►ablio tapsove"stoo as wasdod. latsadea*4 boseiderad hworably es girst soothes and ordered p►lisbad thle lath day og levesboro 19Sso and to be presented gar ginel Pasew os tbeil�h dq •g Deeeabero loss* 19540 Passed osd odepted as tiaal reedy thle lab day of Ooseebero AT=t •, rr,' STATE OF COLORADO ) .e: COUNTr OF LARIMER ; I, Miles Fo Houses duly appointed and acting City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance is a true and correct copy of the ordinm oe accepting and approving the plat of the First South Shields Street Annexation to the City of Fort Collins, Colorado and authorising thetannexing of same, being Ordinance No, 35, 1958a IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set:my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Fort Collins, this 31st day of December, A. D. 1958. gity ®C