HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUNRISE RIDGE FIRST FILING - Filed CS-COMMENT SHEETS - 2008-02-13�11 1 �a u I'
Selected Issues Repori
C,`.itV of Fortcollins
Department: Engineering Issue Contact: Marc Virata
Topic: Construction Drawings
Number:19 Created:1/24/2006 Resolved
[1/24/06] In general, please use a lighter lineweight for the existing contours/features in
order to more easily follow the proposed grade changes.
Number:21 Created:1/24/2006 Resolved
[1/24/06] The proposed contours relating to the detention pond enlargement southwest of
the site on Sheets G1 and G2 seem to show grading along and within existing roads and
existing private property.
Number:26 Created:1/31/2006 Pending
[7/18/06) Please extend the concrete limits west a few additional feet so that the access
ramp crossings do not have a concrete/asphalt seam in the middle of the travel path.
[6/28/061 The plans specify using concrete from the east side (not west side) of the future
street connection to the south, this does not address the inadequate cover concern at the
[5/24106] In looking at the current submittal and discussion with the Pavement Management
Engineer, we would allow the substandard cover condition to exist provided that a concrete
street was built for Rock Creek Drive from the west side of the intersection to the south
future street to the intersection with Strauss Cabin Road. Should an asphalt street section
be desired, then the current design will not be accepted.
[3/21/061 This appears to still be the case with A, Al, and A11-1. Couldn't regrading occur to
provide more fall on this storm line? If there is no alternative in meeting the standards a
variance request is needed and we would likely look to using a concrete section for Rock
Creek Drive from the future street heading south to Strauss Cabin Road.
[1/31/06] There appears to be several storm sewer lines that have inadequate cover
requirements over the proposed street grade.
Number:27 Created:1131/2006 Resolved
[1/31/06] Sheet U1 indicates proposed wood railroad ties on Lot 12 are these intended to
act as retaining walls?
Number:30 Created:1/31/2006 Resolved
[3/21/06] The diagonal tie in to the sewer line is problematic from a street cut repair
standpoint, can the sewer tie in be done perpendicular to the street further north to minimize
the impact to existing roads? If not, the diagonal patching does not meet street repair
criteria. The City's Pavement Management Engineer would require in this case that the
entire intersection be mill and inlaid. In doing so, street cut penalty fees (and the tripling og
Page 1
June 14, 2006
Ted Shepard
City of Fort Collins Planning
281 North College Avenue
Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
ADDRESS: PHONE:970.221.4158 TE:
200 S. College Ave. Suite 100 WEBSIWEBSIrthernengineering.com
Fort Collins, CO80524 FAX:970.221.4159
RE: Sunrise Ridge First Filing PDP- TYPE I
We have received your comments regarding our third PDP submittal of Sunrise Ridge
First Filing. We have revised our drawings based on the City's comments; we offer these
responses to your comments:
In looking at the current submittal and discussion with the Pavement Management
Engineer, we would allow the substandard cover condition to exist provided that a
concrete street was built for Rock Creek Drive...
The plans now indicate that Rock Creek Drive will consist of a concrete section
from the east PCR of future Sunglow Court to Strauss Cabin Road as requested.
The grades shown on Sheet G1 may be of concern with regards to the placement of the
• The three cross sections are attached to these comments, please reference for
further information.
Detailed grading is required showing a building envelope for each lot. Even though the
lots are larger than the typical...
A lot grading detail has been added to the plans along with several notes that
specify the requirements for a finished grading plan, such as getting approval by
the building department and stormwater utility prior to the issuance of a building
permit. The same detail and notes were used for Lemay Avenue Estates, another
large -lot development within the City of Fort Collins.
Please provide inlet and storm sewer calculations.
• Please reference the Drainage Report for the calculations.
Is the water quality outlet structure being modified offsite. if so, please provide a detail
in the plan set and discuss in the text of the report.
The water quality structure located offsite will not be modified; the water quality
pond size is being increased with the construction of the pond within Sunrise
Ridge. Please reference the drainage report for further information regarding
water quality.
Please provide spot elevations at all lot corners and label low points and high points. See
redlined plans.
• Spot elevations have been added and labeled as high or low points as necessary.
Please provide HGLs for all storm sewer profiles.
• Please reference the storm sewer plan and profile sheets for HGL profiles.
The swale just east of the drainage pond needs a drainage pan due to the slope being only
0.55%. Anything less than 2% requires a pan...
The swale is temporary for First Filing, once Second Filing commences the swale
will be filled in and the storm sewer extended to the south. This issue has been
discussed with Stormwater, they will not require the pan in this temporary Swale.
Please label side slopes of the detention pond as 4:1 minimum.
• The slopes have been labeled as 4:1 maximum slope.
Please add detention summary table on the drainage plan. See redlines.
• The table has been added, please reference drainage plan for further information.
Please show storm sewers on the landscape plan. 10 feet of separation is required
between any storm sewer and trees.
• The storm sewer layout has been included with the landscape plan, please
reference the landscape plan for further information.
Please discuss in the text of the report that the water quality structure does not need to be
modified. Please also discuss the actual amount of water quality volume being provided
without modifying the existing structure...
• Please reference the Drainage report for further information.
Please provide required calculations, surety, and project schedule
Please indicate with a title on the plan sheets which sheets are the erosion control sheets
(G1 & G2?), or provide separate sheets for this purpose.
You need to indicate on the plan that the pond will be utilized as a sediment trap.
The Rock Creek/Strauss Cabin Road connection is a point from which mucho sediment
from the main site could run up north Strauss Cabin straight into the ditch.
Is it your intention not to protect the house on Lot 6 from the construction? Is that okay
with them?
• In the order received:
Please reference the drainage report for calculations and the like;
The title of the grading plans has been changed to include erosion control;
The pond will function as a sediment trap during construction, and has been
labeled as such;
There should only be a small portion of the site draining to Strauss Cabin Road,
what drainage there is will have to transverse the vehicle tracking control pad
before entering the ditch, passing through a strawbale dike in the roadside channel
on the way;
The house on Lot 6 will be protected from the construction activities as the
contractor thinks most effective and safe. The house will remain functional
during the entire construction process.
Please also add 1607a in addition to 1606a to the detail sheets.
• Please reference the detail sheets for details
The pipe on the County property for the Ditch Company on the west side of Strauss
Cabin Road is A...
• Signature blocks for the County and NPIC have been added to the storm sheets
and cover sheet.
With ID 26 regarding the use of concrete for Rock Creek Drive, please then provide a
concrete joint pattern detail for the street section.
• The sheets instruct the contractor that the concrete section of Rock Creek Drive
must have aoint pattern that follows CDOT M-Standard Detail M-412-1
While cover over the storm pipes along Rock Creek Drive may be resolved with the use
of concrete, there are also a couple instances where lack of cover exists on Daylight
• The storm lines within the cul-de-sac that were low on cover have been lowered
to achieve required cover.
In addition to the County signing the plans, please provide an easement -type letter from
the County authorizing the grading and utility work being done on their property for our
• A letter from the County will be obtained providing these plans will not require
further revisions.
On sheet G 1 please reduce the lineweight for the storm line shown on the Brookfield
property as it implies that the work is to be done instead of being shown as existing.
• The pipe has been changed to be a shade of grey instead of black
Please call if you have any questions regarding anything in this submittal (970) 221-4158.
July 11, 2006
200 S. College Ave. Suite 100
Fort Collins, C080524 FAX:970.221.4159 www.northernengineering.com
Ted Sheppard, Chief Planner
City of Fort Collins Planning Department
281 North College Avenue
Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
Project: Sunrise Ridge First Filing
RE: Staff Comments for Final Compliance
Northern Engineering has received the staff comments for the Sunrise Ridge Residential Development
at Strauss Cabin Road, dated July 5, 2006. We have reviewed these comments and offer the following
responses, in order of the comments given:
Number: 26 Created: 1 /31 /2006
[6/28/061 The plans specify using concrete from the east side (not west side) of the future
street connection to the south, this does not address the inadequate cover concern at the
[5/24/06] In looking at the current submittal and discussion with the Pavement Management
Engineer, we would allow the substandard cover condition to exist provided that a concrete
street was built for Rock Creek Drive from the west side of the intersection to the south future
street to the intersection with Strauss Cabin Road. Should an asphalt street section be
desired, then the current design will not be accepted.
[3/21/06] This appears to still be the case with A, Al, and Al-1. Couldn't regrading occur to
provide more fall on this storm line? If there is no alternative in meeting the standards a
variance request is needed and we would likely took to using a concrete section for Rock
Creek Drive from the future street heading south to Strauss Cabin Road.
[1/31/06] There appears to be several storm sewer lines that have inadequate cover
requirements over the proposed street grade.
*The concrete section has been extended to include the entire intersection of Rock Creek Drive and
furure Sunglow Court to address the inadequate cover issue.
Number: 44 Created: 3/21 /2006
[6/28/06] The cross -sections provided in the response letter should be included in the plan
set. The cross sections shown should label cross slopes. In general the cross sections
demonstrate too steep of a grade. Behind the sidewalk 1' of of clearance (no slope) needs to
be maintained and between the sidewalk and Strauss Cabin Road, 4:1 lopes are the
maximum allowed. Grades between the sidewalk and street appear to be as steep as 2:1.
[5/24/06] The grades shown on Sheet G1 may be of concern with regards to the placement
of the sidewalk. Please provide three cross -sections of the area behind the sidewalk, the
sidewalk, the parkway and Strauss Cabin Road to ascertain if the sidewalk can be built along
this area of steep grades.
[3/21/06] The plans don't appear to clearly show the intent of providing sidewalk along
Strauss Cabin Road abutting Lot 12. In discussion with Transportation Planning, the
sidewalk should be provided at this time. In looking at the grading plan it is apparent that the
sidewalk cannot be provided with the grades proposed. Please address in the design how
the sidewalk can be provided meeting standards at this time. Please note that even if the
sidewalk were to be deferred at a later date the grading shown on the plans needs to be able
to accommodate the future sidewalk.
• The cross sections have been added to the Grading Plan, calling out the one -foot clearance on the
west side of the walk. Slopes have been labeled, and are 4:1 maximum slope.
Number: 50 Created: 5/24/2006
[6/28/061 Please also provide the North Poudre and Larimer County signature blocks on the
cover sheet.
[5/24/06] The pipe on the County property for the Ditch Company on the west side of Strauss
Cabin Road is okay to Engineering provided that the County and the Ditch Company sign off
on the construction drawings. (The County and the Ditch Company, as well as the District
will need to sign off on the plans before the City does).
• The signature blocks have been added to the cover.
Number: 51 Created: 5/24/2006
[6/28/061 The CDOT M-Standard reference is acceptable. When specifying CDOT criteria,
CDOT does require epoxy doweling. The City does not require the epoxy. It may be worth
noting if the contractor specs this out.
[5/24/06] With ID 26 regarding the use of concrete for Rock Creek Drive, please then provide
a concrete joint pattern detail for the street section.
• This comment has been noted, thank you for the information.
Number: 53
Created: 5/24/2006
[6/28/06] Carried over for reference.
[5/24/06] In addition to the County signing the plans, please provide an easement type letter
from the County authorizing the grading and utility work being done on their property for our
• This letter will be provided from the County once the plans are City -approved.
Number: 71 Created: 6/28/2006
[6/28/06] Please provide flowline profiles for Rock Creek Drive and Daylight Court in the plan
9 Flowline profiles have been added to the plan set.
Number: 72 Created: 6/28/2006
[6/28/06] Please revise the property boundary indication on the site, landscape, and
construction drawings to reflect the right-of-way dedication on Strauss Cabin Road.
• The property boundary has been revised on all sheets.
Number: 73 Created: 6/28/2006
[6/28/06] With the 2:1 slopes presently shown for the area between the sidewalk and Strauss
Cabin Road will a parkway strip with street trees be easily maintainable for the development?
• The slopes have been limited to a 4:1 maximum slope, which should be maintainable.
Number: 62 Created: 5/31/2006
[5/31/06] WATER SUPPLY FOR DUPLEXES: Minimum water flow and spacing for the
properties with duplex residences is 1,500 g.p.m. at 20 psi residual pressure, located not
farther than 300 feet to any building, on 600-foot centers
• This comment has been noted.
Number: 22 Created: 1 /27/2006
[6/30/06] Reminder Comment
[5/31/06] Offsite drainage agreement is needed before signing of mylars.
(3/17/06] This is needed before a hearing.
[1/27/06] Please provide a letter from the owners of the detention pond stating the
modification and expansion of the pond is acceptable and also a maintenance agreement will
be agreed upon in the future.
• The agreements are finalized and will be signed and submitted as soon as possible.
Number: 25 Created: 1 /27/2006
[6/30/061 Reminder Comment
(5/31/06] Repeat Comment.
[3/17/06] Repeat Comment.
[1/27/06] Off -site drainage easements on the lot to the south, as well as on the property to
the west are required. Letters of intent are required before a public hearing.
• The agreements are finalized and will be signed and submitted as soon as possible.
Number: 57 Created: 5/31/2006
[6/30/06] Repeat Comment.
[5/31/061 Detailed grading is required showing a building envelope for each lot. Even though
the lots are larger than the typical, the structures will most likely be large.
• A building envelope and detailed grading plan with top of foundation and finish grade elevations
labeled has been added for each lot. Please reference the grading plan.
Number: 60 Created: 5/31/2006
[6/30/06] Please revise the spot elevation on the northeast corner of lot 10.
(5/31/061 Please provide spot elevations at all lot corners and label low points and high
points. See redlined plans.
• The spot elevation has been revised.
Number: 74 Created: 6/30/2006
[6/30/061 Please have the 6-foot utility easement on Lot 10 also include a drainage easement
for the storm sewer that runs along the east side of Lot 10.
• The easement has been relabeled.
Number: 75 Created: 6/30/2006
[6/30/06] 1. Your construction sequence/BMP installation schedule indicates such things
such as:
Overlot grading will commence first, and continue throughout the project?
The construction of most other items (water/sewer/storm/concrete/etc.) will begin next and
continue throughout the rest of the project?
Please provide a more realistic schedule for the beginning/ending of various project items,
and time them appropriately with the BMP's being utilized.
• The timelines have been updated to be more definitive.
2. On my review set, sheets G1 & G2 still are not indicated as erosion control sheets. Neither
is this designation indicated on the cover sheet table of contents. None of the other
comments appear to be addressed on my review set, either. Please correct.
• The titles have been changed to reflect the contents of the sheets. All redlined comments are to be
addressed with this submittal.
1. Light and Power is concerned about the steep grades between the sidewalk and the
curb along Strauss Cabin Road. This location must accommodate underground electrical
facilities. Please contact Doug Martine at 221-6700 to discuss system design in this area.
• The grades have been revised to ensure no areas steeper than 4:1.
2. Light and Power may have a conflict with water and sewer services on Lots 7 and 12.
For example, on Lot 7, the water and sewer services may have to be moved from the corner
to the middle of the lot.
• The services can be moved to accommodate the dry utilities.
1. Current Planning is concerned about placing street trees within the parkway along
Strauss Cabin Road where the proposed slope is 2:1. Current Planning will check with the
City Forester regarding this planting condition within the public right-of-way.
• The grades have been revised to ensure no areas steeper than 4:1
Please review these comments with our submittal of Sunrise Ridge first Filing, and please also note that
time is of the essence; it is imperative for the drawings to be approved by August 1, 2006, we will do
everything we can to give the City and other involved entities our cooperation and diligence to help
achieve this goal.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
Kimberly J. Dall, EI
Project Engineer
the fee for the pavement being less than 5 years old) would not be assessed. Otherwise the
patching limits will need to be expanded from its current configuration and penalty fees
would be levied.
[1/31/061 With the offsite utility easement shown connecting to the Northern Lights Drive
and Big Dipper Drive intersection being apparently done with this project, please specify
patching limits for this work. An excavation permit along with street cut penalty fees would
be required for this work.
Number:34 Created:1/31/2006 Resolved
[1/31/06] Sheet DR1 doesnt indicate a scale.
Number:35 Created:1/31/2006 Resolved
[1/31/06] The series of grade breaks on Rock Creek Drive approaching Strauss Cabin Road
is substandard as the curve created is not long enough.
Number:36 Created:1/31/2006 Resolved
[1/31/06] Rock Creek is required to have a street grade profile of no more than 4% for a
distance of 200 feet from the intersection, which isn't being met with the series if grade
breaks shown.
Number:37 Created:1/31/2006 Resolved
[1/31/06] Vertical curve lengths for Rock Creek Drive and Daylight Court do not meet
minimum sag and crest curve length requirements for their respective street classifications
per 7-17 and 7-18.
Number:38 Created:1/31/2006 Resolved
[3/21106] The variance requests submitted were approved as of this date.
[1/31/06] Items 35-37 indicating where design requirements are not being met was
discussed internally and variance requests to these designs were viewed favorably upon
should a redesign not be pursued. Any such variance requests should be throughly
prepared in accordance with our variance request submittal process rather than operating
under an assumption that the requests will be automatically granted.
Number:39 Created:1/31/2006 Resolved
[1/31/06] The variance request concept to create a crosspan across Rock Creek Drive at
the Strauss Cabin intersection was discussed internally and viewed favorably upon. Please
resubmit the variance request also with the PE stamp in accordance with variance request
Number:40 Created:1/31/2006 Resolved
13/21/06] Please overlay existing striping on the interim design plans to show how the
patching proposed matches the striping.
[1/311061 There needs to be an "interim" design for Strauss Cabin Road to specify how the
Rock Creek Drive improvements will tie into the existing road, how are the grades and spot
elevations shown in this condition, how do flows end up being conveyed to the ditch, etc.
Number:41 Created:1/31/2006 Resolved
[3/21/06] The striping plan should be revised to reflect a left turn lane being provided and
parking eliminated along Rock Creek Drive approaching the Strauss Cabin Road
[1/31/06] Provide a striping plan.
Page 2
Number:44 Created:3/21/2006 Resolved
[6/28/06] The cross sections provided in the response letter should be included in the plan
set. The cross sections shown should label cross slopes. In general the cross sections
demonstrate too steep of a grade. Behind the sidewalk 1' of of clearance (no slope) needs
to be maintained and between the sidewalk and Strauss Cabin Road, 4:1 lopes are the
maximum allowed. Grades between the sidewalk and street appear to be as steep as 2:1.
[5/24/06] The grades shown on Sheet G1 may be of concern with regards to the placement
of the sidewalk. Please provide three cross -sections of the area behind the sidewalk, the
sidewalk, the parkway and Strauss Cabin Road to ascertain if the sidewalk can be built
along this area of steep grades.
[3/21/061 The plans don't appear to clearly show the intent of providing sidewalk along
Strauss Cabin Road abutting Lot 12. In discussion with Transportation Planning, the
sidewalk should be provided at this time. In looking at the grading plan it is apparent that
the sidewalk cannot be provided with the grades proposed. Please address in the design
how the sidewalk can be provided meeting standards at this time. Please note that even if
the sidewalk were to be deferred at a later date the grading shown on the plans needs to be
able to accommodate the future sidewalk.
Number:45 Created:3/21/2006 Resolved
[5/24/06] Please also add 1607(a) in addition to 1606(a) to the details sheet.
[3121/06] Provided truncated dome details for the access ramps in accordamce with
LCUASS standards (can be done at time of final submittal).
Number:50 Created:5/2412006 Resolved
[6/28/06] Please also provide the North Poudre and Larimer County signature blocks on the
cover sheet.
[5/24/06] The pipe on the County property for the Ditch Company on the west side of
Strauss Cabin Road is okay to Engineering provided that the County and the Ditch
Company sign off on the construction drawings. (The County and the Ditch Company, as
well as the District will need to sign off on the plans before the City does).
Number:51 Created:5124/2006 Resolved
[6/28/06] The CDOT M-Standard reference is acceptable. When specifying CDOT criteria,
CDOT does require epoxy doweling. The City does not require the epoxy. It may be worth
noting if the contractor specs this out.
15/24/06] With ID 26 regarding the use of concrete for Rock Creek Drive, please then
provide a concrete joint pattern detail for the street section.
Number:52 Created:5/24/2006 Resolved
[5/24/06] While cover over the storm pipes along Rock Creek may be resolved with the use
of concrete, there are also a couple instances where lack of cover exists on Daylight Court
for the inlets just south of the cul-de-sac bulb. Why can't the storm line connecting to the
inlets be lowered to meet cover requirements?
Number:53 Created:5/24/2006 Pending
[7/18/06] Carried over for reference.
[6/28/06] Carried over for reference.
[5/24/06] In addition to the County signing the plans, please provide an easement type letter
from the County authorizing the grading and utility work being done on their property for our
Page 3
Number:54 Created:5/24/2006 Resolved
[5/24/06] On Sheet G 1 please reduce the lineweight for the stormline shown on the
Brookfield property as it implies that the work is to be done instead of being shown as
Number:71 Created:6/28/2006 Resolved
[6/28/06] Please provide flowline profiles for Rock Creek Drive and Daylight Court in the
plan set.
Topic: General
Number:20 Created:1124/2006 Resolved
[3/21/06] The construction drawings don't really appear to be showing these correctly as
they are at a slight angle. The site and landscape plans still show ramps that lead to the
corner of the intersection.
[1/24/06] Access ramps are required to be "directional" and not lead to the middle of the
intersection. The two intersection with Rock Creek Drive being T-intersections should each
provide for a third acces ramp across the street. At the intersection of Strauss Cabin Road,
one access ramp will be theoretically needed on the east side of the street which requires
one access ramp on the west side to split in two directions.
Number:28 Created:1/31/2006 Resolved
[1/31/06] With the project discharging onto the drainage pond for Willow Brook that is being
enlarged with this project and the project not proposing an HOA, how is maintenance
responsibilities being worked out with Willow Brook? Some sort of maintenance agreement
with Willow Brook should be worked out.
Number:31 Created:1/31/2006 Resolved
(1/31/06] Clarify the information regarding the existing residence on Lot 6. Please indicate
if this is to remain. If so, the existing driveway access to Strauss Cabin Road must be
eliminated and indicated as such.
Number:32 Created:1/31/2006 Resolved
[1/31/061 Are subdrains proposed on the development?
Number:33 Created:1/31/2006 Resolved
[3/211061 Letters of intent were received from all previously mentioned parties except the
property owner to the south. As I believe the property owner to the south is the developer,
please just provide a letter indicating this for the record prior to hearing.
[1/31/06] Letters of intent are required from the Fossil Creek Inlet Ditch Company, the
property owner to the south, and the Observatory Village (Willow Brook) development.
Number:42 Created:1/31/2006 Resolved
[3/21/061 Carried over for reference.
[1/31106] Carrying over a comment from conceptual, we'll need to discuss in the future the
providing of funds in lieu of construction for Strauss Cabin Road along the +/- 580 feet of
Number:43 Created:1/31/2006 Resolved
[3/21/06] Carried over for reference and future discussion.
Page 4
[1/31/06] The construction of the sidewalk along the south side of Rock Creek Drive may be
better to defer until the second filing to prevent possible issues with the second filing utility
connections requiring work along Rock Creek Drive that would cause the sidewalk to be
damaged. I am following up with internal City utilities to discuss this further. Should it be
deemed appropriate to delay the construction of the sidewalk, the developer will still be
obligated for the sidewalk adjacent to Tract A as the tract of land is undergoing development
under 24-95 of the City Code. We would need to look at providing for funds in lieu of
constructing the sidewalk in this location.
Number:72 Created:6/28/2006 Resolved
[6/28/06] Please revise the property boundary indication on the site, landscape, and
construction drawings to reflect the right-of-way dedication on Strauss Cabin Road.
Topic: Landscape plan
Number:73 Created:6/28/2006 Resolved
[6/28/06] With the 2:1 slopes presently shown for the area between the sidewalk and
Strauss Cabin Road will a parkway strip with street trees be easily maintainable for the
Topic: Plat
Number:16 Created:1/24/2006 Resolved
[1/24/06] Tract B needs to be a utility easement in conjunction with the required 9' of utility
easement behind the right-of-way.
Number:17 Created: 112412006 Resolved
[1/24/06] Please provide a note on the plat indicating that Lot 12 shall not be allowed
vehicular (driveway) access onto Strauss Cabin Road.
Number:18 Created:1/24/2006 Resolved
[1/24/06] Tract A should probably be called out as a drainage easement as it lies within the
pond expansion.
Number:46 Created:3/21/2006 Resolved
[3/21/06] Technical Services provided the following comments:)
1. Boundary and legal close.
2. Bearing/distance on Lot 12 appears to be in the the wrong place.
3. Plat needs a note vacating the eisting easements on Tract "F" of the previous plat.
4. Control comer and outer boundary monuments are not described.
5. A curve table was not provided.
6. How were existing roads dedicated?
7. How wide is the additional right-of-way for Strauss Cabin Road?
Number:79 Created:7/18/2006 Pending
[7/18/06] Technical Services has the following comments:
1. Please remove color from the plat.
2. Please clarify the usage of Tract A, the note on Sheet 1 specifies it as a Drainage and
Utility Easement while Sheet 2 seems to label only a portion of the Tract as a Drainage
3. How was Strauss Cabin Road dedicated? (Please have the consultant surveyor contact
the City Surveryor, Wally Muscott).
Page 5
Department: Transportation Planning Issue Contact: David Averill
Topic: Construction Drawings
Number:56 Created:5/30/2006 Unresolved
[5/30/06] No further comments.
Topic: General
Number:6 Created:1/18/2006 Resolved
[3/14/06] Your showing directional ramps, but they still do not create a crossing that is 90
degrees to the roadway. Refer to redlined utility plans (Sheet S1) for clarification. Add ramp
locations to site and utility plans as well. Thanks.
[1/18/06) Directional ramps need to be shown on site/utility plans at the crossings of
Daylight Ct. and of Rock Creek Dr. at Strauss Cabin Rd. Also, if your going to show the as
yet un-named street to Sunrise Ridge 2nd, there should be directional ramps indicated on
that crossing (Sheet U1 of utility plans shows a portion of this extension).
Number:7 Created:1/18/2006 Resolved
[3/14/06] Your response indicates that "we'd like to install improvements on our clients
property only." and I think that is possible. Build the walk to the property line, then "straddle"
the walk with the barricade on your property. Place the barricade a foot inside of the
property line so that it remains on your parcel. It needs to be shown on the utility and site
[1/18/06] Please show a Type III baricade at the northern terminus of the sidewalk on
Zeigler Rd.
Number:8 Created:1/18/2006 Resolved
[1/18/06] Please show Bicycle Lane signing/striping on one of the less cluttered utility plan
sheets or on a stand-alone signing/striping plan. Thanks.
Number:9 Created:1118/2006 Resolved
[1/18106] The Transportation Memorandum is acceptable. Thanks.
Page 6
Current Planning
DATE: May 3, 2006
TO: Technical Services � i
#13-05C Sunrise Ridge, First Filing — Final Plans
Please return all comments to the project planner no later than the staff
review meeting:
May 31, 2006
Note --Please identify your redlines for future reference
❑ No Problems
❑ Problems or Concerns (see below, attached, or DMS)
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Name (please print)
Plat _Site _Drainage Report _Other
_Utility _Redline Utility _Landscape
Gri of & Conine
City of Fort Collins
Current Planning
DATE: December 30, 2005
TO: Technical Services
#13-05A Sunrise Ridge, First Filing, PDP — Type I
Please return all comments to the project planner no later than the staff
review meeting:
January 25, 2006
Note --Please identify your redlines for future reference
❑ No Problems
[j] Problems or Concerns (see below or attached)
f, a",vr2pey � LFGRL CLosE
d F % lz,+ .-rs
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Name (please print)
,DC ,5C a,'/-) 7 !s
i" Plat _Site _Drainage Report _Other
_Utility _Redline Utility _Landscape
Citvof Fort Collins
DATE: December 30, 2005
TO: Engineering Pavement
#13-05A Sunrise Ridge, First Filing, PDP — Type I
Please return all comments to the project planner no later than the staff
review meeting:
January 25, 2006
Note - Please identify your redlines for future reference
9—No Problems
❑ Problems or Concerns (see below or attached)
Name (pihase print)
_Plat _Site _Drainage Report _Other
_Utility _Redline Utility _Landscape
City of Fort Collins