City of Fort Collins
Current Planning
DATE: /1 DEPT: Engineering
❑ No Problems
�i Problems or Concerns (see below or attached)
• Construct sidewalk along Buckingham Street now to provide pedestrian access
for the future and a finished edge to the development in the interim.
Development agreement will require developer to escrow funds for the remaining
local street improvements including utility relocations, manhole adjustments, fire
hydrant relocation, etc. (As has been agreed, Buckingham Street improvements
cannot be constructed now since the entire roadway needs to be reconstructed
to meet minimum flowline grades.)
• Parking lots are shown as gravel on landscape plan. Per phone conversation
with the applicant all driveways and parking areas shown are being paved at this
time. If not.. driveways must be paved to prevent tracking of dirt and debris out
onto Buckingham Street.
li 1 1-
Date: Signature:
City of Fort Collins
Current Planning
DATE: September 23, 1996 DEPT: Engineering
PROJECT: #28-9313 VANWORKS - Amended I-L Site Plan
PLANNER: Mike Ludwig
All comments must be received by: Friday, October 4, 1996
Amended IL Site Plan Review
Engineering Department Comments
October 18, 1996
1/8 Title Sheet:
• Please make sure the date shown on the plans is current at the time the mylars
are submitted for final approval
• Please see the attached copy of Ordinance No.108, 1993. The Ordinance
specifically states that the Logan Court r.o.w. vacated is that r.o.w. shown on the
plat entitled "Replat of North Lernay Subdivision." Therefore, the entire r.o.w. for
Logan Court has already been vacated and an easement was retained to
continue the existing 20' wide utility easement. The minor subdivision for
Phelps-Tointon only replatted a portion of the previous plat, but the entire r.o.w.
for Logan Court was vacated, including the r.o.w. outside the replat area to the
west. Please modify the notes on the plat to reflect the previous r.o.w. vacation.
Date: %i, , Signature
• It is not clear from cross referencing our plats and quarter section maps with this
plat as to what the actual existing dedicated r.o.w. along Buckingham Street is.
Our maps show a total of 57' of r.o.w- width in this area. Phelps Tointon did
dedicate an additional 7'. Please verify what the existing r.o.w width is to the
north of the center of the existing r.o.w.
• Please provide a 9' wide utility easement along Buckingham Street
2/8 Site Plan
�k There will only be one access point allowed along the common property line
between Phelps-Tointon and this site. The proposed access is too close to the
existing westerly Phelps-Tointon access too function safely along a collector
street. There are a number of allowable options to accomplish this.
Either. 1) Phelps Tointon keeps their existing westerly access and Vanworks
gets one new access which is sufficiently separated to the west from the Phelps-
Tointon access (a second access ends up too close to any other along the
Vanworks property): 2) Vanworks shares the existing westerly access on the
Phelps-Tointon property and gets one access sufficiently separated to the west:
3) Phelps-Tointon loses their existing westerly access and shares the new
easterly access on the Vanworks property: or 4) Phelps-Tointon relocates their
existing westerly access and shares it as a joint access withe Vanworks centered
on the property line (and Vanworks gets one access at the west edge of the
property as proposed). Physically and operationally, the option #4 seems to
work the best for both properties. Phelps-Tointon also uses the existing gravel
access road installed by Vanworks for their trucks exiting the site. Under the
layout submitted, Phelps-Tointon's trucks would be cut off from this use. A good
solution would be to use option #4 and allow that access to continue in exchange
for a cross access agreement and easement to construct a joint access on the
property line. Any cross access or joint access will require that na easement
and/or easement agreement be submitted prior to final approval of the plans and
recording of the plat.
• The improvements along Phelps-Tointon apparently were constructed in the
wrong location. Per their approved plans, the back of sidewalk was supposed to
be along the new r.o.w. line, as dedicated with the Phelps-Tointon replat, with a
4 1/2' parkway strip to the back of curb. What seems to have been constructed
and is shown on the Vanworks plans is that the back of sidewalk was placed
along the old r.o.w. line which is 7 feet inside the new r.o.w. line.
The City wanted Phelps-Tointon to escrow money with the City for the
developer's portion of the improvements, rather than construct the improvements
since some significant design for the reconstruction of Buckingham Street needs
to be done to meet minimum flowline grades. In addition, the City would prefer
to construct the improvements as a larger project instead of piecemeal with each
development. However, for some reason Phelps-Tointon forged ahead and built
the improvements per the old plans approved for Buckingham with the previous
North Lemay Subdivision.
The City does not want to perpetuate the construction of improvements which
are in the wrong place and at substandard flowline grade. Therefore, please
design the frontage of Buckingham Street to be an interim design with driveways
out to the existing edge of asphalt and a borrow ditch in addition to providing a
design (flowline profiles, centerline profile, cross -sections) for the ultimate curb
location. The City will collect cash for the Developer's portion of the ultimate
improvements to be utilized in a future project to improve Buckingham Street to
collector street standards, This will be part of the development agreement for
this project.
It is desirable to put in the sidewalk to "finish" the edge of the site and to provide
for pedestrian needs. However, the sidewalk must be located at the back of the
r.o.w. per the old 50' flowline to flowline 68' r.o.w. collector street standard. The
sidewalk will have to transition to the existing Phelps-Tointon sidewalk location.
If the option described above is chosen to share an access on the common
property line, that would be a good location to transition the sidewalk separation.
3/8 Master Improvements and Utility Plan
• Same comments as above regarding driveway locations, interim/ultimate
improvements along Buckingham Street.
4/8 Buckingham Street Plan and Profile
• Same comments as above regarding driveway locations, interim and ultimate
improvements for Buckingham Street.
• Collector street design includes flowline profiles of both sides of the street and
centerline profile(s) (existing and/or proposed and/or future - whichever apply).
Want design for proper collector street width (50' flowline to flowline on 68'
r.o.w.), minty:mum 0.40% flowline grades, etc.
As noted previously - please make sure the existing dedicated r.o.w. on
Buckingham Street is accurately reflected (particularly on the north half)
5/8 Cross -Sections for Buckingham Street
• Cross -sections need to be re -designed for interim/ultimate cross -sections, proper
collector street widths, collector standards, etc. (Phelps Tointon's improvements
were built wrong, so do not extend off their design. Their sidewalk, curb, and
gutter will have to be removed and reconstructed with a future widening project.)
Show future curb line on north side, future crown if different than existing, want
2.00% cross slope on both sides of the road. etc, for standard collector street
6/8 Grading Plan &
7/8 Drainage Plan
• Provide an interim grading plan for Buckingham Street frontage.
• See previous comments regarding Buckingham Street improvements and access
8/8 Detail Sheet
• Remove curb and gutter details since none is being built in the r.o.w. or note
where the detail applies on site.