HomeMy WebLinkAboutMAXWELLS ANNEX ORDINANCE # 11 1963 - Filed A-ANNEXATIONS - 2002-11-01Page is too large to OCR.
Ate' rrU G An Aiyl':!i'Y IN TO 1 ia Or MT 13 i";,M N A:, `a r
:4ADiWm,s FIST AmwAizox To Twx CITY ar ?.3 i
Co6.flts "s AM A4TP1#ifliUU THS Attt"U IGN W = Me.!
COMM AW To U IMAMW WI't'UN Tilt L Ma°t'S alias? ,$J4Mg-
DICTx6 Tale: PUFSW= TO Tam s`eSYCIi»YBMITn° CWZL1 -`) 1,;
WSUU.Ss buratofore a written petition was prosontt-?i W a:. ;.
of the City of 'Fort Collins is substantial eompliaauce With Clew
Articlo Its Cbaptw 139s Cslorad® Revised $t"Utea, by the OWLW :� 4,
fifty pas sent: (50%) of the woe rind who 0aa4+risa the ,sa,jotity �,
tast4isg in this srea of land "voted in what is knows as the vaaswe1.1: 1
Aewasntisa to tbo City of Fort Collides whareis +axd obareby Said pets .' !:
petitioned the City of Fort Collins ter asneexatias of all the tern, ro?: r:.;ts':41,:-
in what is baMews as the Hoxwell's First Annexation to the City c� V?A� oi
Colors4os Comprising the hods ahaua is the plat tbsreof attached to J7—'-:.
petition and more particularly deeeribod as hereisafter •at forte+,
wanes said petition was scented by the Council of t6L C= ',`;r ,:
Fort Collins by rwolutUe passed and adopted on Jawasy 17s 1963, zsn-
w1ZDtNWO notion* for bowing an the 2Stb day of February, =.. <<, I..- .,
am es or4isamo approving the asssgvatica of s414 territory and ist+el>ac!. >:,,;, ¢..:..• "s:n.
within tbs limits and juria4iction of the City of Fort Collins xsn ai+ul"i
M provided by two mod
4itl UMV the commit of tbo City of Port Collins has fouad "A,;":
petition and the docusssto tbaroto attsebsd moat the requiremoutss Ox _--sSel,.
114 Moister 1390 coloredo Sovised Statutes 19331, and
v=jtBAS* so prossedioge for on election to determine the q04 ,; z ;>t:, d
ammo* eeioa hew been initiated by written oonstor-petition as proviJa°=z 4 ,..
and sw ob,jsstion to Mies b"I" be" sates
lis 1T =aIRM " in CWXCIL OF TICS CITY (W Fes' cm is c
$oetioa I• Tbot after dw seaside w"D of tba petition fO v::al:sa::;°:`sr `:t: —
the petition for the agoomatiaea of all tba territory in what is ksnrr+ 0-;t
described " the Howell's First Annexation to the City of Fort COLD '!w ' ...
sa shwa by the plat thersof *=wand to said petition and vhich is u ml- ,IWT
4000sibod as follows to -wits
"Sinning at the Martb mt corner of the southeast qua rtw
of Section 9. vownsbip 7 Noorth, usage 69 Heat of the 66,
p.M.. them* South 89.39'15" rest 1305#80 feat to the
North"" career of the Northeast quarter of said
quarter, themo South 00005' last 264 feet, theme $ouc:a
89':19115" Zest 330 feet. theeee Month 00"03' Went 2&sk
tests thence south 69039115" Zest 322.78 fast to this
Nortb vest career of the East half of the NaortNaoaat rgv�or"'
of said southeast quarter, thonae South 350 foots cNaCi
Swath 89•39'15" Zest 202.78 feat. thsaacs North 350 la:aat,
theme South 89*39*15" Zaat 450 fort to the Hbvth"fic
career of said southeast quarter, thence aloes the
Use of said Southeast quarter south 00`00'15" VAst
foots theme North 89035'30" West 1303olS feet. theaae•e
Borth 00004'30" Hest 71.70 foot, thecae South 89'55'30"
Nut 1303#07 fosato to the Neat line of said Soutbcsat
quarters thsase alms the Nest line of said Southeast
quarter north 00'10'15" Hest 1721,12 test to the point 0
beSlusnia`i containing 101.2 &area, Mrs or lws3
be oseepted and approved and that said territory be sum easd and OkW o +raze:
of the City of Fort Collins and be inalwdad within the limits and , wcl.rjdtccl.> ;.
of the City of Fort Celliees as a part of "s" liseideaaa District, A" eE; L
tbo City Clark be and be is hereby sutborissd and directed to Nrpas& eorL1,
tied copies of this ordinance, to saah of which $bell be attachnd a Vlcc ..e;
said Mmuell's first Anesmotieen to the City of port Collies, Catorariv, -4x
file a eaapy thereof in the office of the Clark a" Recorder of the Cow& m—,
1wrlsseas. "d snothar so" thereof in the office of the Clark of the Gig.; o-
lost Callioal together with & certified copy of said petition and saaracku:x a ,,
of acid petition and approving ordinance with the Sacretecy of :strata 0 : r,:3,N•
State of Celserado.
Section 2. That in accepting and apprevtsit the plat of tea
Tirst Avowx tioo is the City of Fort Collima. the City of Tort Collies Ja+ ,:...
seems obligations respecting the construction of water maims. saw-9
rosinsa electric light lines or other services or utilities with raepect t caw.-.er
of said addit:iaes except se gey be required and provided by the ax:aaeberr; 0i
property within the limits of said addition in Compliance with the tem%u;. ;.
provision of Chapter 15. Cede of 0r4insne" of the City of port +Caxlia. ,
1958a as ammaded, relating to lo+eol end public ioproremouts.
Introduoed. ooaeiderad favwablya on first reading and
publiehed this 26th dsy of rebruary, A. D. 19630 and to bs preseaated "::r
final paasage on the list day of Mara6, A. D. 1963.
MrjRrl� m
reseed acid adopted of final rawdiaag this list day of ki1avchY
H .1
) as
I„ Miles F. House, City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado,
do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance is a true and correct copy of the
Ordinance No. 11, 1963 passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Fort
Collins on the 21st day of March, A. D. 1963 on final reading annexing what is
to be known as the Maxwell's First Annexation to the City of Fort Collins, Colorado.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal
of the City of Fort Collins, this 4th day of April, A. D. 1963.
Cify Clerk